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His Mansion Newsletter

January 2014

In this edition, I would like to

share with you Katelyn’s story - a

story of redemption and change. I

met Katelyn when Chris and I first

came to "the Hill". She has an

infectious and joyous spirit, which

can only be attributed to her

relationship with the Lord.

This change came about, not

because she was on "the Hill”, but

because the Lord is present here.

God has been working through

your prayers and gifts. These gifts

and prayers for hurting young men

and women allow them to find

new life and strength in the Lord.

Please join me in beginning the

New Year by asking the Lord for His

protection and for His Spirit to lead

many to our Lord. Also, please

thank God for His financial provision

and His blessings in the New Year.

Ed Perrine, CEO

Residents, Mentors and Staff

come to His Mansion from all

over the United States and

even other countries. In the

last three years, our graduates

came from 28 states and two

foreign countries. The top five

states in order are:

Connecticut, New Hampshire,

Florida, New York, with North

Carolina and Michigan tied

for fifth. The two countries are

the Bahamas and Canada.

One last bit of trivia — we

have one resident who hails

all the way from Alaska.

On the Hi l l

My name is Katelyn Kleptach. I’m 22-

years-old and part of a family of four with

one fraternal twin sister. I have lived in

Tampa, FL for the last 12 years of my life,

and my father was physically absent for

10 of these years. Due to the

circumstances of his employment, he

worked away from home during the

week and came home on most

weekends. One outcome of this

absence, was that I became very

A Word From Ed Perrine

Katelyn’s Story --- God’s Story.

Katelyn at her graduation

last September

1 HisMansion.com • 603.464.5555

January 2014 Graduates

Did You Know?

independent; I was unwilling to rely on anyone

besides myself, and I didn’t trust that anyone could

care for me better than I.

I had high expectations for myself, driven by a

desire for status and a feeling of responsibility for those

around me. I became involved in a lifestyle that was

focused on drugs and money. From a worldly view,

my life seemed completely together. But for the last

two years leading up to my time at His Mansion, I was

living a hidden life of addiction and was involved in a

controlling and abusive relationship. I felt lonely and

ashamed of the state of my life, and trusted no one.

In July of 2012, I applied to His Mansion just wanting

to get away from a lifestyle that had complete

control over me.

I tried numerous times to come out of my

addiction, and I truly believe that it wasn’t until I let

the LORD enter into my life that there was victory.

He sought me out when I was beyond lost and

drew me to Him. On January 15, 2013, I committed my

life to the LORD and began a personal relationship

with Him. His Mansion is where I came to believe that

Jesus Christ is my savior, and that through my faith and

salvation I am a beloved daughter of God.

My time at His Mansion helped me to realize that

my identity is found in Christ and not my past. I know

and believe today that Christ loves me and died for

me and my sins. The Gospel story is alive in my life only

by the power of God’s grace, mercy and love. I now

know that I am not responsible for fixing others

problems; instead my responsibility is to lift those up in

prayer who are struggling and trust that the LORD will

do the rest. This is where I have witnessed the power of

prayer and GOD’S faithfulness.

After graduating the program, the LORD has been

faithful in showing me that He is present wherever I

may be. My biggest prayer for my family as a resident

was that the LORD would protect and draw my sisters

to Him, using me as a walking testimony of His

transforming power to minister to them.

On October 28th, while attending an evangelistic

event, my twin Kayla and sister Kristi made the

decision to ask the LORD into their hearts. With tears of

joy running down my face, I gave all praise to my

GOD and thanked Him for the life I have. He proved

to me His faithfulness in the power of prayer!

Along with much joy, there has also been great

sorrow. On November 4th, my grandfather, who

played a major role in my life, passed away. It was a

lot to handle as I was just getting back home and his

death caused division within the family. I found myself

once again feeling the desire to ease the tension in

my family. Thankfully, I know that the LORD is a

sovereign GOD. I was able to find peace knowing

that GOD was in ultimate control over the situation

and all I could do was continue to lift them up in


God is a God who provides. He has provided me

with a job and blessed me with trustworthy people

who always point me back to Him. He has provided

me with a glimpse of what the Body of Christ looks like,

and how each and every one of us is a part of that. I

thank Him for everything I have been through knowing

that He turned it around and is using it for His glory.

My LOVE and gratitude goes to my His Mansion

family. The verses from Joshua 24:14-15(ESV) helped

me in my time away from the Hill: Now therefore fear

the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness.

Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond

the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. And if it is

evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day

whom you will serve, … But as for me and my house,

we will serve the LORD.

“My identity is found in Christ

and no longer in the person I was.”

2 HisMansion.com • 603.464.5555

Katelyn, her twin Kayla, and their father Kenny

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