hippie movement (1)

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Hippie Movement

By: Tabby ,Rikki, and Katelyn

The start of the Movement The term hippy comes from being “hip”. Hippies rejected middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War.One of the key reasons that drew them away from civilization was the fact they opposed political/social violence and wanted to promoted a gentle belief that focused on peace and loveThe hippies were focused on creating a Utopian Society.

Hippie Entertainment

• Hippies took part in alternative arts and street theater and listened to folk music and psychedelic rock as part of their anti establishment lifestyle.


• Peace symbols are one of the most recognized symbols of the hippy time. They were even warn on their clothing.

• The “VW” van was a symbol that is looked at as a major symbol. They would buy them because how slow and cheap they are but they’d decorate them up and add their own style to it.

Fashion • Men embraced the style of long hair, afros,

and beards.• Men wore baggy clothes• Women also wore their hair long!• Women wore long dresses and bell bottom


Drugs Marijuana, LSD, and Acid were just some of the few that they would take to just to get their mind of what was going on in the world. • By taking these drugs it allows more of an

opportunity for them to have a trip and feel like they don’t have to have any worries or responsibilities.

Social Status

• They stayed together in small communities.• They concluded that staying separated was

the best option for them because of how they felt about the war

Their Impact Today• Hippies today are mainly the same as back then.

But rather than beings looked at as not normal, they are just the same as everyone else.

• It has let society come to the realization that they should take other races and cultures more seriously by accepting people as they are.

• Birth control was invented because of “free love”

The Sexual Revolution

• Beginning in San Francisco in the mid-1960s, the “free love“ culture was spread by thousands of "hippies," who preached the power of love and the beauty of sex.

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