higher education gazette 12

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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The rapid transformation of China, Koreaand Brazil into robust economies throughinvestments in science, technology and innova-tion illustrate the new role that universities areplaying today as engines for socio-economicdevelopment. Pakistan has undergone a dra-

matic positive change in the higher education sector in the lastdecade. This is illustrated by an increase in university enrol-ment from 276,000 in the year 2002 to 803,000 in 2011,increase in universities/degree awarding institution from 71 in2003 to 137 in 2011, increase in local and foreign scholarshipsfrom only 342 during previous 40 years by UGC to about13,000 scholarships by HEC during 2003-2011, increase ininternational research publications from about 600 annuallyin year 2,000 to 6,200 in year 2011. This has been termed as asilent revolution by neutral international authorities. TheChairman of Pakistan’s Senate Committee on HigherEducation, Science & Technology declared it as “Pakistan’sgolden period in higher education” Pakistan must continue onthis path of change to develop a strong knowledge economyand rid itself from poverty, hunger and deprivation. ■

Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS

Universities are the most important produc-ers of knowledge, which is the driving force ofprosperity and contributes to upward econom-ic mobility and increasing the standard of liv-ing. The modern university, with its mix ofteaching, innovation and research, is different

from the universities of the yesteryears, which only served asteaching grounds.

By introducing innovation, creativity and interdiscipli-nary research as a vital component of learning, and withknowledge exchange programs, the university contributesmore directly to the economy and society than any otherinstitution.

With half of our population below the age of 18, and twothirds below the age of 30, it is important to capitalize on ourdemographic dividend and build up a knowledge economythrough education, research, technology and entrepreneur-ship. All developed countries and emerging economies havedone so. Pakistan must learn its lessons and invest in its youththrough facilitating education otherwise risk being leftbehind. ■

Javaid R. Laghari, Chairperson, HEC

Failure is not the falling down, but stayingdown. Time and again, nations have turnedtheir fortunes around by investing in theirfuture, by providing higher education to theiryouth. And now, more than ever, we find our-selves at a unique juncture.

The Information Age is giving way to the Knowledge Era.With the world shrinking to a global village, and with thecloud democratizing computing resources, success is nolonger determined by access to specialized equipment butby the strength and utility of ideas.

Young countries have gotten on the road to progress byestablishing themselves as knowledge economies.

We in Pakistan were late to exploit the Information Age.But now, let us also not let the Knowledge Era go by. Let usprepare our citizens of tomorrow to be active contributorsin the coming marketplace of ideas that the global societyis poised to become. ■

Seema Mughal, VC, Greenwhich University

On the august event of publication of DawnHigher Education Gazette, it gives me pleasureto recall Founder Chancellor HamdardUniversity, Shaheed Hakim Mohammed Said’sfollowing golden words: “It has been myendeavor to prepare Pakistani youth for the

Challenges of tomorrow. I would like to see the youth study-ing at our campuses to develop the qualities of devotion, love,determination and service to mankind.” Higher education inPakistan, should, therefore, be able to address the burningsocio-economic problems being faced by the country today bycreating much needed trends in education. Hence, there is adire need to carve suitable research areas which can assistthe country coming out of quagmire.

Our Ph.D. and M.Phil students should undertake topicswhich may assist in resolution of Pakistan’s issues particular-ly in socio-economic sector. The Higher Education, inPakistan, should also diversify its role by creation of research,innovation and commercialization centers to undertakeresearch, innovation and commercialization activities befit-ting national needs as well as international demands. ■

Dr Naseem Khan, VC, Hamdard University

“Technology has revolutionized today’s high-er education. Soon we will be finding each uni-versity having global presence without brickand mortar.

Marketing focus will shift to Faculty Brandsrather than Institutions.

There will be visiting students shopping for Faculty Brandsto come on their CV’s and transcripts.

Fee will be for the faculty brands rather than Institutions.Industry will look for specialist graduates trained by special-ist Faculty Brands.

Faculty Brands ownership will not be confined to individ-ual institutions but to a pool of Institutions.

Survival in that era will be for those who are embracing thetechnology by foreseeing the changing dynamics of highereducation.” ■

Dr Akif Hasan, VP, Iqra University

There has been an incredible pace of changein the provision and delivery of higher educa-tion both within countries and in the field ofinternational education.

The key changes have been the increase inprovision at a national and provincial level to

meet the HRD demands of society, business, national infra-structure and development. Pakistan is a clear case of thiswith new Universities and colleges coming on stream and theincreased understanding and will to have collaboration withinternational organization and institutions.

Increased emphasis on high quality teaching and learningas the crucial area of importance for the core task of manyuniversities - undergraduate teaching. In combination withthis there has been a noticeable increase in the output ofresearch both within Pakistan and internationally as univer-sities strive to push the boundaries of knowledge forward. Tomeet the latent demand for accessible and affordable HEanother changing dynamic has been the increased involve-ment of the private sector in HE provision and a noticeableincrease in on line or distance learning provision. ■

Chris Price, CMO, PFL Group International

We want to help Pakistani students, scholars,teachers, and professionals avail a variety ofhigher education opportunities in the U.S. Weare currently administering 13 academicexchange programs, including the world'slargest Fulbright program. The Fulbright

Scholarship Program, named for its founder the late SenatorJ. William Fulbright, is the flagship academic exchange pro-gram of the U.S. Department of State. With generous fundingfrom USAID, we are sending nearly 200 students on Mastersand PhD programs to many of the best universities in the U.S.this academic year. In addition, we are sending about 200undergraduate students for a semester of study in the U.S. onthe Global UGRAD Program. We are proud that all of ourprograms are merit-based and our selection processes fairand transparent.

For students seeking advice and assistance in applying tocolleges and universities in the U.S., USEFP offers free edu-cational advising services in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi.You will find all sorts of useful information on the USEFPand EducationUSA websites. ■

Rita Akhtar, Executive Director, USEFP

Emergence of ‘Knowledge Society’ is per-haps the most significant development of thetwenty first century. All levels of education,whether global or local are bound to respond tothis change, with Higher Education sectorbeing no exception. It rather has additional

responsibility of a catalyst for such changing dynamics thatresult in social transformation through knowledge. Since uni-versities are entrusted with management of social transfor-mation, they must respond through all three of their corefunctions; teaching, research and community engagement.The challenge for higher education in Pakistan is criticalengagement of policy, infrastructure, human capacity devel-opment and investment. Perpetuating this cycle of challengesis the concurrent emergence of ‘Knowledge Economy’.

Universities will have to appreciate and responded timely,which is now, to this challenge by expanding knowledge basein varying disciplines. A challenge still greater would be tri-angulating teaching, research and community involvement.The aim of this triangulation must remain to produce humancapital for greater and integrated national development. ■

Pirzada Qasim, VC, Ziauddin University


T he Shaheed Zulfikar Ali BhuttoInstitute of Science and Technology(SZABIST) is a fully Chartered

Institute established through a LegislativeAct of the Sindh Assembly (Sindh Act No.XI of 1995) and is approved and recognizedby the Higher Education Commission(HEC), Pakistan, as a degree granting insti-tution.

SZABIST has campuses in Karachi,Islamabad, Larkana, Dubai and nowHyderabad to meet the growing educa-tional needs. SZABIST is a registeredmember of the International Associationof Universities (IAU), Paris; Associationof Commonwealth Universities (ACU),London; Federation of the Universities ofIslamic World (FUIW) Rabat; AsiaUniversity Federation (AUF), Seoul; andthe Association of SAARC Universities(ASU). SZABIST has the unparalleledhonor of being the only PakistaniInstitute to be recognized internationallyby Business Week, Asia week, Asia Inc.

and CNN.SZABIST today is identified as a major

university comprising of five campuses(including one foreign campus) three diplo-ma centers, three intermediate colleges andone research center. Over 3000 degreeshave been awarded by SZABIST to date.

SZABIST has a diverse range of academ-ic programs to offer to its students at allcampuses that includes degrees in Facultyof Management Sciences, Computing, Socialand Media Sciences, MechatronicsEngineering, Biosciences and InternationalPrograms ‘LLB’ with University of London,UK and ‘BA(Hons) in Business Studies -BABS’ in collaboration with University ofWales, Newport, UK.

SZABIST also provides Merit & NeedBased Scholarships to students. Other schol-arships available are HEC USAID NeedBased; HEC Japanese Need Based; Govt. ofSindh Endowment and Community/Sponsored Scholarships.

SZABIST comprises a host of research

centers that provide practical andsustainable solutions to the issues of adeveloping country such as Pakistan.SZABIST has established Stem CellResearch Centre (SCRC). Stem Cells andrelated fields are said to become a force toreckon in the future especially as far asbio-medicine and technology are con-cerned. This kind of research will enable

the programming of cells towards specificorgans that can breathe new life into dam-aged tissues of the body. Thus, SCRChopes to establish laboratories that focuson the tissue culture of humantissues/cells, with particular focus on can-cer. Another Research Centre of SZABISTis Centre for Renewable Energy Research

(CRER). In a country likePakistan, where the energycrisis remains unabated, arenewable energy sourcewould prove to be highlybeneficial. Therefore, theCRER is geared towardscreating energy from nat-ural sources such as sun,wind, water, geothermal,and biomass resources.Most importantlyS u s t a i n a b l eDevelopment ResearchCentre (SDRC) has

been developed for researchon a variety of policy initiatives for thepromotion of renewable energy in thecountry along with generating awarenessabout the same.

Balancing academic pressures withhealthy colors of life, students at SZABISTare continuously encouraged and are veryproactive in a number of extra-curricularactivities. Seminars, workshops, projects,off and on-campus luncheons and dinnersare a regular part of life at SZABIST. Infact, it is the SZABIST Student Council(SSC) that oversees the functioning of all

societies and clubs. Not only this, but alsostudents come together in times of nation-al crises and disasters and are activelyinvolved with raising funds for variouscauses (for example, flood relief drives).Furthermore, the Institute also publishesnewsletters that detail activities andevents taking place from its various cam-puses.

Furthermore, Executive DevelopmentCenter (EDC) at SZABIST, facilitates stu-dents in the completion of their degreerequirements, personal grooming, jobplacements and keeping in touch with theAlumni for relation building, corporate net-working & profile update. In collaborationwith the industry, EDC arranges on-campusrecruitment drives and managementtrainee programs at reputable local andmultinational companies. Annual job fair isalso held at campus where leading compa-nies are invited to discuss their recruitmentpolicies and criteria, current and futurevacancies, exploiting the opportunities tointeract directly with the students. Tobridge the gap between classroom and worksituation, SZABIST has instituted a manda-tory internship program.

SZABIST’s vision is to be a competitiveinstitution meeting the intellectual and pro-fessional demands of the future. The plan isto consolidate our success and build on it bydiversifying curriculum, strengthening fac-ulty, indigenizing the generation of knowl-edge, intensifying our research agenda anddistinguishing SZABIST as a symbol ofexcellence and professionalism. ■

SZABIST is a fully chartered instituteDynamics of Higher Education

Better educated and skilled human capital is an essentialprecursor for the country's economic growth and povertyreduction. Access to education offers the single mostimportant opportunity of upward mobility to the country'syouth. It is thus the most reliable means to achieving socialintegration, ethnic harmony, and political stability as fac-tors that enable evolution of a prosperous, peaceful, andprogressive society. It needs no emphasis that with educa-tion the locus of power shifts from the entrenched vestedinterests to the enlightened individuals which allows theeconomy, society, and the polity to modernize.

Middle-and low-income countries urgently need to build their own knowl-edge bases. The challenge is greatest for the poorest states, which are striv-ing to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the context ofPakistan, it further means that the dynamics of higher education should besuch that they should lead to a peaceful, prosperous, and progressive coun-try while providing context-relevant education with marketable skills.

To achieve these objectives, universities should pursue an anticipatoryapproach towards trends in global academic and research developments witha focus on the creation of knowledge leaders enabling them to fit seamlesslyinto the business and industry once they graduate.

Education is a strategic priority to power economic progress and engineera forward-looking tolerant and inclusive society. Education is an "expecta-tion builder" and a "force multiplier." Promoting the youth in higher educa-tion means their capacity building to meet the present and future exigenciesof the society more skillfully having multiple choices to solve emergent aswell as unforeseen challenges being faced by the society. ■

Dr. Saqib Rizavi,President, SZABIST

B ay View College University of London degree programmewas launched in 2007 and we have now completed 5years. We are a Registered Centre and our constant focus

is to provide high standards of teaching and learning. We have had organic growth and continue to attract high

quality students, not only from Bay View High but also fromother institutions in Karachi offering A-levels. We stand byour commitment to provide the best quality teachers who areexperienced and qualified to teach the demanding UoL cur-riculum. Student encouragement, support and guidance areparamount through maximum interaction with teachers espe-cially outside the classroom and on-going feedback on studentprogress.

Frequent academic counseling sessions provide students con-tinuous guidance throughout. This ensures that students arewell prepared before the UoL exams without any external help.Our results have been outstanding and our students continue toachieve distinctions and merits. We are proud of our students’achievements, and for example, in 2010 one of our studentsearned a world distinction in Economics of Development.

We are very pleased to announce the opening of our dedicat-ed UoL campus in the heart of old Clifton effective August 2012.We offer the following courses:

☛ LLB☛ BSc Economics and Management☛ BSc Development and Economics☛ BSc Business☛ BSc Management ☛ BSc Accounting and Finance☛ BSc Economics and Finance

These courses receive academic direction from London schoolof economics (LSE). The University of London InternationalProgramme is becoming very popular globally. A Bachelor’sdegree from University of London is extremely competitive andit guarantees direct entry into post graduate programmes any-where in the world. Furthermore, students also benefit fromearning a foreign qualification, which increases their employ-ment, both locally and internationally.

The programme is extremely cost-effective and it is a greatopportunity for capable students with limited financialresources. Students can rely on the Bay View College - UoL pro-gramme to provide them with a superior qualification prized andpreferred by employers, coupled with the opportunity to pro-ceed abroad upon graduation to pursue post-graduate studies.

Bay View College Degree programme also offers partial meritscholarships to capable students. Our effort and commitmenthave been well received and we not only wish to sustain our cur-rent success but it is our goal to continuously develop andstrengthen the breadth and quality of the services we provide. ■

We are proud of our students’ achievements,and for example, in 2010 one of our studentsearned a world distinction in Economics of Development. We are very pleased toannounce the opening of our dedicated UoL campus in the heart of old Clifton effective August 2012.

Bay View College

International degree programmes


Q: First tell us what is CIEC and how does it work?

CIEC is the charter Inspection andEvaluation Committee of theGovernment of Sindh and works underthe Governor of Sindh. It is responsiblefor evaluation of the performance of pri-vate sector universities. It comprises ofmembers from Education Dept, HEC,Vice Chancellors of many public sectoruniversities and subject experts fromthe public sector universities. ThisCommittee, comprising of 12 - 17 mem-bers, visits the private sector universi-ties and evaluates them on variousdimensions such as Faculty, Curriculum,Infrastructure, Research andDevelopment, Teaching and LearningResources, Extra and Co-curricularactivities, Student quality and satisfac-tion, Job placement of graduates,Employers feedback, etc. and then itprepares its ranking.

Q: How does Iqra University performed in these areas?

To shed light on these areas we needto take them one at a time so let’s firststart with faculty:

a) Faculty of Iqra University

Iqra University today has the finestfaculty. At its Karachi campus alone ithas 45 permanent PhD faculty memberswho are mostly foreign qualified and arerelevant to its teaching domains. Thereare More than 20 HEC approved PhDsupervisors teaching at Iqra Universitywhich might be the highest numberamong all universities in the private sec-

tor or Public sector in Sindh. Facultydevelopment is also an integral part ofIqra University Philosophy and almostall non-PhD faculty members are regis-tered in the PhD programme. Hopefullyin next few years Iqra University isgoing to have only PhD Degree holdersin its faculty. Iqra University takes pridein its faculty Retention. The faculty isoffered not only salaries better than cor-porate sector but are also offered bene-fits like: Comprehensive MedicalInsurance for self and family, OPDallowance, Life Insurance, ContributoryProvident Fund, 48 days Earned Leaves,Leaves Encashment, Flexible WorkingHours, Support in ResearchPublications, etc.

b) Research and Development

One of the prime roles of any educa-tional institution is to create new knowl-edge and Iqra University has shown out-standing performance in this area. Asper the HEC ranking of Research outputin the field of social sciences publishedin 2011, The Iqra University was rankedNo. 1 i.e. Iqra University produced high-est number of research papers among allpublic and private sector universities inPakistan in the field of social sciencesincluding Business Administration. IqraUniversity has an outstanding researchcenter called the IURC. This centerhelps students and faculty in their publi-cations. In the year 2011 Iqra Universityhas doubled its research output using itsstudents. Its students are not only pub-lishing papers in internationally indexedjournals but are also presenting theirpapers in international conferences ofrepute. They have presented their

papers at Harvard and Cambridge uni-versities. This reflects the high educa-tional standards being followed at IqraUniversity.

c) Teaching and Learning Resources

Teaching and Learning resources atIqra University are at its best. The com-puterized library called as IRC not onlyoffers more than 50,000 latest books butalso offers wide range of internationaljournals and periodicals. The Universitythrough its own resources providesaccess to several thousand online jour-nals to its students for research purpose.The University has subscribed to thedatabases like Emerald, JSTORE, etc.There are more than 2000 latest com-puters just in the Karachi campus alonebesides having a WIFI based campus.

d) Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricularactivities

Iqra University strongly believes thata healthy mind comes from a healthybody and hence it strongly supports Coand Extra Curricular activities among its

students. There are more than 20 stu-dent societies which are activelyinvolved in organizing co and extra-cur-ricular activities on the campus. Theseactivities ranging from Internationalconferences, Seminars to Talent fiesta,Fashion show, Picnics, Dramas andDebates. Iqra University has speciallyfocused on the outdoor sports and hasmade teams for Cricket, Swimming,Volley ball, Basket Ball, table Tennis,Squash, Badminton, Athletics etc. TheUniversity has acquired services of pro-fessional coaches to train its students.Iqra University has achieved the highestnumber of sports titles at national levelamong all private sector Universities inPakistan. Some of its students are evennational Champions. The University stu-dents have won International awards inFilm Making. The University has Fitnesscenter (Gym), Snooker, Table Tennis,Volley Ball, Badminton, Swimming, andmany other facilities for its students.

e) Students’ Satisfaction

The University strongly believes inopen and direct communicationbetween the students, faculty and man-agement. The entire student body has adirect access to the top managementincluding registrar, vice chancellor etc.through an open door policy. They arealso connected directly through social

media with the top University hierarchyand can directly share with them anyissue of concern. They have counselorson campus to address their psychologi-cal needs and medical doctor to addresstheir health needs. They attend theirclasses in air-condition classrooms andare provided with mineral water todrink. They have door to door transportfacility at a very affordable rate whichshuttles four times a day. The campusenvironment is completely politics freeand there are no fights on campus.

f) Technology at Iqra University

Technology at Iqra University is com-parable to any leading international uni-versity. Parents or sponsors can trackthe student’s performance from any-where in the world. Student’s classattendance, time table, applications, reg-istration, transcripts, faculty lectures,Digital library access, etc. is all availableonline. Course standardization is donethrough software. Plagiarism check is anintegral part of assignment submission.The entire management operations arealso online. The entire system is devel-oped by the University itself to cater itsspecific needs.

g) Market Placement of Graduates

Iqra University has been very suc-

cessful in placing it graduates on jobmuch prior to their graduation. TheUniversity keeps all the courses oftheir final year in the evening so thatthey can start working and hence bythe time they graduate they alreadyhave a years working experience. Topleading organizations of Pakistan andorganizations from abroad also comesto the campus for recruitment. Theserecruitment sessions are daily phe-nomena. We are proud to have 100 per-cent placement of our graduates inleading organizations prior to theirgraduation.

h) Financial Support to Students

Iqra University despite of not havingany financial support from the govern-ment takes good care of its studentfinancial needs. The University hasmerit based scholarship policy withunlimited seats. The University alsooffers qarz-e-hasna to needy students.The University has not increased its feefrom the last seven years.

These findings of CIEC have been val-idated by the HEC in their latest rankingin which Iqra University was rankedamong the top three Business Schools inPakistan and the Best Private SectorUniversity (Business School) in Sindh.These rankings can be viewed from HECwebsite and CIEC website. ■

What made Iqra University ranked no. 1The best private sector university in Sindh as per CIEC ranking

An exclusive interview with Dr. Akif Hasan,Vice President of Iqra University

PROFILE1. Attained Doctor in BusinessAdministration (DBA) Degree at the age of 24 years

2. Over 50 International Publications in ISIlisted journals of Impact factor

3. Received Best Case Study Writer Awardin India

4. Received Best paper Awards inConferences in USA

5. Served over 40 national and multinational organizations for their research needs

6. Worked as Marketing and Management consultant for various organizations

7. Author of book in Marketing

Iqra University NewEducational Tower


• There are More than 20 HECapproved PhD supervisors teaching atIqra University

• Iqra University produced highestnumber of research papers among allpublic and private sector universitiesin Pakistan in the field of social sci-ences including BusinessAdministration.

• The University has not increased itsfee from the last seven years.

• The entire student body has a directaccess to the top management includ-ing registrar, vice chancellor etc. through an open door policy.

• We are proud to have 100 percentplacement of our graduates in leadingorganizations prior to their gradua-tion.

• The computerized library called asIRC not only offers more than 50,000latest books. The University has sub-scribed to the databases like Emerald,JSTORE, etc.

• There are more than 2000 latestcomputers just in the Karachi campusalone besides having a WIFI basedcampus.


U NSW has launched a new diplo-ma that equips students withthe practical knowledge and

skills to pursue professional careers.“UNSW is the first Australian univer-

sity to offer a Diploma of ProfessionalPractice that is open to all students andcan be studied concurrently with anundergraduate degree,” said Vice-Chancellor Professor Fred Hilmer.

“We’re proud of UNSW’s record ingraduate employment and startingsalaries but in an increasingly competi-tive job market it’s dangerous to be com-placent. This diploma will boost the job-ready skills of our graduates and givethem the competitive edge they need.”

The diploma (DPP) is open to stu-dents from all disciplines who have com-pleted at least one semester of study.The part-time program will be offeredoutside normal teaching times.

The DPP was developed in responseto feedback from students requestingthe inclusion of work placements as partof their studies and from employer con-cerns that university graduates needmore opportunities to integrate theiracademic knowledge and skills with realworkplace experience.

Students can choose from a wide-range of DPP courses covering topicssuch as global citizenship, as well asleadership and professional practice.The diploma also offers opportunities togain real-world experience through twostructured work placements.

The DPP will be available to local

undergraduate students from semestertwo and to international students fromsemester one in 2013.

The University of New South Wales isone of Australia’s leading research andteaching universities, ranked in the top50 universities worldwide (2011 QSWorld University Rankings) andrenowned for the quality of its gradu-ates.

As a founding member of the presti-gious Group of Eight - a coalition ofAustralia’s leading research intensiveuniversities, UNSW is recognised as oneof the heavyweights of Australian high-er education, and consistently scoreshighly in a range of national and inter-national rankings.UNSW: At a glance

• The University is ranked 49thworldwide on the 2011 QS WorldUniversity Rankings, one of fiveAustralian institutions to make the top50. The annual rankings are based on sixfactors: academic and employer sur-veys, staff-student ratios, research cita-tions and the proportion of internation-al staff and students.

• In 2011, UNSW was the firstAustralian university to be awarded fivestars in the new QS Stars rating system,which measures performance againstinternational benchmarks.

• UNSW is the state’s top ranked uni-versity based on the 2010 Excellence inResearch for Australia report, whichevaluated research activity and qualityin the country’s 41 higher education

institutions. Nationally, UNSW wasrated as “at, above or well above” worldstandard in all broad fields of research.

• The Australian Graduate Survey2010 shows that UNSW graduates havethe highest median starting salaries andemployment rate in the Group of Eight,for both undergraduate and postgradu-ate students.

• The AGSM MBA Program, deliv-ered by the Australian School ofBusiness, was ranked as the leading full-time MBA in Australia and 31st in theworld in the Financial Times (UK) 2012ranking of the top 100 global MBA pro-grams. This is the 13th consecutive yearthe AGSM MBA Program has ranked inthe top 100 MBA programs worldwide.

• UNSW is recognised as theAustralian university with the strongestlinks to industry, reflecting its focus onreal-world research and innovativeresearch partnerships. In 2010 UNSWagain received the highest level of fund-ing of any Australian university inLinkage grants from the AustralianResearch Council.

• UNSW has scored the maximum five-star rating for eight key performanceindicators in the 2012 Good UniversitiesGuide. For graduate employment - get-ting a job, starting salaries and positivegraduate outcomes - UNSW rated in thetop group for all three measures. UNSWalso achieved five-star results in studentdemand, research grants, research inten-sivity, staff qualifications and culturaldiversity. ■

Australian-first diploma developsworkplace skills

A spire Educational Consulting iscompleting 11 years of dedi-cated professional service to

the students desirous of seeking Educ-ational qualifications abroad. Initially,Aspire Educational Consulting repre-sented the Manchester Consortium ofUniversities comprising of: VictoriaUniversity of Manchester, Universityof Manchester Institute of Science &Technology (UMIST), ManchesterMetropolitan University, SalfordUniversity, City College, Manchester.

In 2004, an agreement was signedwith the University of Nottingham,adding it to the panel of universities.With increasing number of Enquiriesbeing received from students forLondon based Universities, QueenMary, and University of Londonbecame a partner in 2004 as well.

The overseas campus of TheUniversity of Nottingham in Malaysia

Campus followed in 2005.

Today Aspire Educational Consultingrepresents the following universities ofUK:

The University of Manchester, Univ-ersity of Nottingham, UK & Malaysia,King’s College London, School ofOriental and African Studies (SOAS),City University, Manchester Metro-politan University, Brunel University,University of Bolton, Queen Mary, Univ-ersity of London, Middlesex University,University of West Scotland, GlasgowCaledonian University, University ofEast London, Study Group, INTO Unive-rsity Partnerships, Navitas, UK, USA,Canada and Australian Universities,Middle East Technical University,Multimedia University, Malaysia

The organization has branched out toother cities. Islamabad and Lahore

offices were established in 2003.Realizing the need to deliver the serv-ice in interior Sindh, the Hyderabadoffice was set up in 2008.

Over the years, AEC has counseledthousands of students for higher educa-tion. The number of applicationsprocesses has been over a few hundredand increasing annually.

The key service AEC provides isguidance to the students in courseselection, university selection, andassistance in application procedures,updates and feed back from universi-ties, conversion of conditional offers tounconditional offers, visa applicationfiling assistance and pre-departurebriefing on behalf of the university.

The senior counselors of the compa-ny are fully trained in counseling bythe British Council and through theFamiliarization visits to the UK partneruniversities. ■

S heffield Hallam University has35,000 students, includingaround 4,200 international stu-

dents from more than 120 countries.

It was recently voted us numberone in the world for our virtual learn-ing environment, quality of lecturetheatres/classrooms, explanation ofmarking/assessment criteria and ourIT and system support in the mostrecent International StudentBarometer (a survey of internationalstudents).

The University has a wide range ofundergraduate, postgraduate and PhDoptions with a strong focus on employ-ability.

Their courses are designed and deliv-ered in close partnership with employ-ers, professional associations and prac-tice specialists to ensure that studentsdevelop skills which are relevant totheir future career path.

Popular courses choices forPakistani students are: business andmanagement, computing, engineering,law and public health. ■

Aspire educational consulting



The organization has branched out to other cities. Islamabad and Lahore offices were established in 2003.Realizing the need to deliver the service in interior Sindh, the Hyderabad office was set up in 2008


T here is hardly any phenome-non in Pakistan that needsmore emphasis than educa-

tion today without which all efforts tobuild the nation will collapse.Fortunately, Pakistan is rich in younghuman resource that has the potentialto lead Pakistan out of the shadows ofpessimism and status quo to the lightof optimism, change and progress. Toenable them to do so we need a coher-ent education system from primary,secondary, higher secondary to high-est level developed on the basis ofrational analysis of our needs of today

and tomorrow.Education at home in the form of

environment, behavior and practicesleaves an everlasting impression onchild’s mind. In fact a child’s characterto a great extent forms even before hestarts going to school.

Home is child’s first nursery andmother is the first teacher who has alion’s share in molding a child as hespends his formative years in her lap.An educated mother at home makes adifference as she caters to her child’smental growth and realizes her respon-sibility towards her child beyond hisphysical needs. To educate a girl is toeducate a mother of future.

Thankfully, the social stigma of girls’education is fading at least in urbanareas where girls are encouraged to goto schools, colleges and universities.However, girls’ education in rural areasis still labeled as taboo. Sincere effortsneed to be made to fill the void of rural-urban divide in every sphere of life spe-cially in education.

Let’s not make it an undoable task byasking for billions of rupees for sucheducational projects. We can talk of itspractical aspect by activating existingschools, opening vocational training

centers and encouraging women tostart small scale business at home. Theactivation of existing resources in ruralareas not only is cost-effective, but alsocan pave the way for bigger projects.Women who make more than 50% ofour population must be facilitated toget education for today and tomorrow’sgeneration.

Primary education has been badlyneglected that leads to unfruitfulresults at secondary and higher second-ary levels. Unless a concrete founda-tion at primary level is laid, no desiredresults can be produced since there is a

disconnect at a higher level. It is high time we stopped working at

different levels in isolation. Instead acoherent and cogent strategy is to beadopted that fills the void in betweenthem that connects primary educationto secondary, to higher secondary andfinally to higher education like links ina chain. I believe primary education isa broken link which is repaired everynow and then separately resulting infailures and loss of funds.

Furthermore, there should be onesyllabi for all schools and collegeswhether government or private. Thedisparity between government and pri-vate institutes has done more harmthan good. We must have uniformity insyllabi and testing that will createequal opportunities for all the youngpeople of Pakistan to compete in anopen environment locally and globally.

Despite difficulties our studentsfrom both government and privateschools have done exceptionally welland achieved laudable landmarks. It istheir combined strength I would like tosuggest which can be attained with onesystem of education that will be usefulfor their individual growth and nation’scollective progress.

With the grace of Allah our childrenhave potential to achieve greater land-marks. They need to be given rightdirection to move and spend their ener-gy, only then we can remedy the chron-ic problem of neglect and graduallyadopt and develop a healthy system ofeducation.

To improve the situation we canmake use of wide network of schoolssprawling across the country by provid-ing them with basic facilities and infra-structure. By the grace of Allah ourchildren are so motivated to learn thatif a closed school reopens they throng

the school. Take the example of Swat, a strife-

ridden area, where law and order wasat its worst, attracted many childrenspecially girls who came pouring out oftheir homes once law and order wasrestored. Malala Yousafzai a student ofgrade 8 is known for her motivation foreducation that led her to write for thechildren’s right to education. NationalPeace Award, which she won, is anaward for all young girls in Pakistanand Malala stands for their nobility,courage and determination.

We hope that her message spreads toeach home across Pakistan and encour-ages parents to send their children spe-cially girls to schools.

The existing infrastructure of col-leges is also wide and huge. In factmany government colleges in variouscities reflect aesthetic architecture butpoorly maintained.

None in private sector matches itsarchitectural magnificence that accom-modates spacious libraries, labs, audi-toriums, classes etc. What they need ismaintenance and due importance itdeserves to provide cost-effective edu-cation to the youth of Pakistan.

Parents complain that environment

at colleges is not conducive to learningand that classes are not held regularlydue to which they have to send theirchildren to tuition centers. Parents’concerns are justified as the interfer-ence of political organizations has dis-turbed the academic atmosphere at col-leges that should be free from any polit-ical activity.

As a result the classes are eitherhampered or parents become reluctantto send their children to colleges. Thishas the domino effect and encouragesthe mushroom growth of tuition centreswhere teachers from various collegescome and teach.

Although experienced teachers areable to cover syllabi at these tuitioncentres, it further deserts the colleges.Education at college level too lackseffective management that otherwisecould be productive in linking the high-er secondary education to Universityeducation.

Private sector has played a positiverole in providing higher education tomaximum number of people in thecountry. Under the aegis of HigherEducation Commission, private univer-sities have developed themselves into alifestyle that encourages and facilitates

research and development in the areaswhere we as a nation need to build our-selves.

The HEC has also played a pivotalrole in that by chalking out a check andbalance system for the private sector,introducing evaluation methods thatthey carry out on regular basis. Thefunds for scholarship programs allocat-ed by the HEC for the needy anddeserving students have enabled thou-sands of Pakistani graduates to pursueM.Phil and Ph.D in various fields.

The centralized body of HighEducation Commission has helped theprivate sector to provide support to thegovernment universities by providingspace to more and younger people indiverse fields.

Today our young generations havemore options, diversity and opportuni-ties than yesterday without compromis-ing on quality.

Pakistan is endowed with innumer-able resources including human capitalwhich is stronger today than anytime inthe history. Education for them is tooimportant as they will become tomor-row what they learn today.

We must trust our capabilities andtake measures immediately which are

practicable and within our reach. Theconcept of education for the sake of adegree should be discouraged as Ibelieve that in the final analysis theessence of education is to become aman of value rather than a valuablemachine.

We must encourage an educationsystem that stimulates independentthought, critical thinking and instills inyoung minds empathy for mankind. AsAristotle says, ‘the ultimate value oflife depends upon awareness and thepower of contemplation rather thanmere survival’.

Universities are the highest seat oflearning in the education system wherestudents obtain their last degree beforethey step into practical life. Not allPakistanis reach this top level of aca-demic journey and most of them starttheir professional life without a univer-sity degree.

Nevertheless, a large number of stu-dents in Pakistan are attending univer-sity despite shortage of resources andfacilities. This is a source of relief andencouragement that in spite of difficul-ties a lot of young people realize theimportance of university education andinvest time and money in it.

Knitting the fabric of education

The existing infrastructure of colleges is also wide and huge. In fact many government colleges in various cities reflect aesthetic architecture but poorly maintained. None in private sector matches its architectural magnificence that accommodates spacious libraries, labs, auditoriums, classes etc. What they need is maintenance and due importance it deserves to provide cost-effective education to the youth of Pakistan

By Seema Mughal, Vice Chancellor, Greenwich University


Isra Medical College and Isra Dental College are constitute college of Isra University, located in Isra University Campus, atHala Road, Hyderabad. The first batch was admitted in MBBS program in 1997. The college was fully recognized by PM&DCin 2001, ninth MBBS batch has passed out this year. The buildings belonging to Isra Medical College on the Campus are: theAcademic Block of Isra Medical College, Isra Dental College, the 300-bed Isra University Hospital and 300-bed Isra UniversityWelfare Hospital. The beautiful building of the Jamia Masjid, is on the fore front of the campus. It also has Nursing Collegeapproved by Pakistan Nursing Council, offering BS in Nursing. Four batches of BS Nursing have passed out. It also caters forDoctor of physical therapy (DPT) Five years program.

FACULTY OF MEDICINE & ALLIED MEDICAL SCIENCESThe purpose-built college building fulfills all the specifications of Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC). It com-

prises of lecture halls, demonstration rooms, tutorial rooms, laboratories, museums, library, auditorium and staff offices. It isequipped with modern and state of the art teaching aids and laboratory equipment to impart quality education in a clean andserene environment. The Isra Medical College is committed to academic excellence in medical education. It caters for theurgent need for community oriented, competent, dedicated and above all caring medical doctors, paramedics and nurses whothrough their comprehensive understanding and acquisition of relevant Skills can deal with the health problems of the peo-ple. For ongoing research projects and practicals, the college has a animal house.

FACULTY OF DENTISTRY & ALLIED SCIENCESEstablished and recognized by PM&DC in 2009. First batch will pass out this year in 2012. Isra Dental College (IDC) pro-

vides education in Dental Surgery at under- and post-graduate levels. The College is housed in purpose-built building andsupported by high- tech laboratories and clinical equipment. The IDC Hospital is manned and equipped to provide tertiarylevel dental care.

ISRA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (IUH) This 300-bed unit integrates the most modern facilities at general and sub-specialty levels under one roof. It has well-

equipped clinics in medicine, surgery, ENT, Eye, Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cardiology, and Dentistry. These clin-ics are well supported by diagnostic equipment, pathology laboratory, pharmacy, private, semi-private and general wards, andprovides for day-care surgery. The Hospital has four operation theaters equipped with state-of-the-art surgical and monitor-ing facilities.

ISRA UNIVERSITY WELFARE HOSPITAL (IUWH)The Isra University Welfare Hospital (IUWH) provides quality healthcare to the needy people on non-profit basis in all

fields of medicine and surgery. A patient pays a very nominal fee in the outpatient department (OPD) for the registration,screening and examination, and 3 days off- the-counter free medication. Deserving poor patients are provided partial finan-cial relief through Zakat fund while very poor ones are provided absolutely free treatment from admission to discharge.

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYThe Faculty of Engineering, Science & Technology aims to foster an academic environment of learning and research that

can inspire the next generation of creators and innovators in the fields of electrical engineering & computer science. Its pro-grams are designed to enrich students with basic knowledge of their respective fields and accommodate the rapid changes ofthe modern world. Of greater importance is the reality that these changes have created enormous opportunities for engi-neering and computer related expertise in the world. The students are equipped with the necessary background and skills toexcel in the job market in spite of the growing competition.

FACULTY OF COMMERCE, ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT SCIENCESThe Faculty of Commerce, Economics & Management Sciences aims to inspire its students with an aptitude for busi-

ness entrepreneurship and leadership to help drive the economic development of the society. Its programs are designedto enrich students with basic knowledge of their respective fields, the current business trends and managerial practicesin the industry. The faculty maintains active liaison with business enterprises to offer greater career opportunities for itsgraduates. Students are groomed to acquire the interpersonal skills and work with ethics required to meet the dynamicneeds of the job market.

Al-Tibri Medical College (TMC) is owned by Isra Islamic Foundation and is affili-ated with Isra University. It is strategically located at 5 kms from Malir No. 15, MainShahrah-e-Faisal. The beautiful and lush green campus houses, Al-Tibri MedicalCollege & its Hospital, Isra Postgraduate institute of ophthalmology, Ibrahim Eyespecialist hospital and Isra school of optometry.

The project of (TMC) was launched in the year 2009. The College was inspected& approved by PMDC. The college commenced its academic activities in Nov 2010after the approval by PM&DC. The first batch was admitted in Jan 2011, and secondbatch was admitted in Jan 2012. The purpose-built college building has beendesigned in accordance with the specifications of Pakistan Medical & Dental Council(PM&DC). It comprises lecture halls, demonstration rooms, tutorial rooms, laborato-ries, museums, library, auditorium and staff offices. It is equipped with modern andstate of the art teaching aids and laboratory equipment to impart quality educationin a clean and serene environment.

Al-Tibri Medical College has its own teaching hospital, which has all the essential

clinical departments including Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics andGynecology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Radiology, Clinical Laboratory and Operation Theatres. All clinical depart-ments are furnished with modern equipment to provide high quality medical care. The faculty members in both basic med-ical sciences and clinical sciences are highly qualified and experienced professionals, as per guidelines of PM&DC.

Al-Ibrahim Eye specialist hospital is also seated in the campus. It is one of the best equipped and staffed eye hospital inPakistan; recognized by CPSP for Training of MCPS, FCPS and FCPS in subspecialties of vitreo Ratina and pediatric oph-thalmology. 40 Students who were trained here, have passed FCPS/MCPS examination in last 7 years.

Isra College of optometry offering BS (4 years) program is also located in its purpose built building. Two batches havealready graduated.

About Isra University

The Al Nafees Medical College (ANMC) and Hospital is owned by IsraIslamic Foundation. It is affiliated to Isra University. It is strategicallylocated in zone IV of the capital city of Islamabad just behind FarashTown on Lethrar Road. The city campus is located in I-10 Markaz andhouses School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (SEAS) and IsraSchool of Rehabilitation Sciences (ISRS).

Al Nafees Medical College and Hospital, is newly built state of the artmedical institute. Not only is the college esteemed by the presence ofrenowned subject specialists and faculty members but also its purposebuilt building gives it a clear edge over other medical college in thearea. The laboratories and museums are well equipped. Whereas thetutorial rooms, lecture halls and auditorium not only meet the educa-tional needs but also have the capacity of hosting seminars and confer-ences. An operative skill lab, one of the unique teaching modality nowa-days, is also present in this college.

The college has well-established library consisting of three portions,i.e., a lending part for students, a reference part for teachers and a part containing periodicals. The Digital library is also wellfurnished, and offers large collection of e-books and e-journals to meet the teachers and students requirements. An operativeanimal house within the premises and other available research facilities reflects the academic environment and the researchgoals of the college.

The college enjoys the facility of Al Nafees Medical College Hospital, an allied teaching hospital having all the clinicaldepartments including Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology,Otolaryngology, Urology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Clinical Laboratory, and Operation theatres. This Hospital unit supervisedby highly qualified and experienced professionals helps in integring the most modern facilities at general and sub-specialtylevels under one roof. All the clinical departments are furnished with modern equipment and are capable of providing highquality medical care.

Community Oriented Medical Education is also one of the hallmarks of ANMC to uplift the health status of communitythrough educating nearby community about health issues and arranging free medical campus for common health problems.




Isra University, Its Constitute College & Hospital is owned by Isra Islamic FoundationIsra Medical & Dental College are members of Association for Excellence in Medical Eduation. (AEME)

Al-Tibri Medical College & Hospital is owned by Isra Islamic Foundation & affiliated with Isra University

TMC is member of Association for Excellence in Medical Education (AEME)

ANMC is member of Association for Excellence in Medical Educatiobn (AEME)

Al-Nafees Medical College & Hospital is owned by Isra Islamic Foundation & affiliated with Isra University


H ong Kong is one of the world’s safest,friendliest and most vibrant big cities.It is a global financial capital and,

thanks to its political and geographical position,it also plays a unique and important role as agateway to China.

You can imagine in a metropolitan city wherehuman is the most precious resources, educationmust be highly valued. Eight public institutionsof higher learning, including City University ofHong Kong (CityU), are generously fundedthrough its University Grants Committee.

In QS rankings in May 2012, three Hong Konguniversities were among the world’s 10 best uni-versities founded in the past 50 years, and fourHong Kong universities were among the top 20in Asia. Housing a wrath of multi-national com-panies who chooses Hong Kong as their Asianheadquarter, graduating in Hong Kong opens upplenty of working opportunities among the elitecompanies in the world. The HKSAR govern-ment also supports the retaining of talents bygranting graduates to stay in Hong Kong for oneyear, visa free.

The cost of studying in Hong Kong is modestcompared with many places that offer qualityeducation. It is generally estimated to be half toone third of the price compared to studying inthe United Kingdom or United States ofAmerica, while the quality of education is nodoubt comparable to the best in the world.

Fees are generally estimated (at CityU) to beat around US$19,000 a year, including tuition

fee, double-occupancy residential accommoda-tion on campus, and daily living expenses.International students are eligible to apply formany generous scholarships.

Although it has not been the most popularchoice in many parts of the world as universitiesin Hong Kong focus only on recruiting the elites,this lovely city stands to be one of the most high-ly rated study destinations by most educationpundits around the world.

PAKISTANBANGASH ASHTAR ALIBachelor of Business Administration(Accountancy)

Hong Kong is a fast-moving city but peopleare very welcoming and warm, and I haven’tseen any racism in my two years in Hong Kong.

When I got to CityUniversity of HongKong (CityU), theyarranged halal foodboxes for me, and youcan find halal food allover Hong Kong.

Adjusting to HongKong took maybe aweek. The city is verysystematic and it’s easyto get around. CityUgives you a buddybefore you come and

arranges a lot of activities for international stu-dents. So you can meet other international stu-dents and you also get to meet local friends, whoare very helpful.

I like CityU’s curriculum - it’s very well struc-tured. There are a lot of opportunities to devel-op yourself professionally. In my department,they mentor you and arrange activities where Iget to meet partners of big accounting firms.

People in the banks say all the action is inHong Kong because it’s a gateway to China.There are lots of opportunities in the financesector. A Hong Kong accountancy qualificationis recognised everywhere. But after I qualify, Iwould like to stay longer because Hong Kong isthe best city I’ve seen till now.

INDONESIAJESSICA KURNIABachelor of Business Administration(Accountancy)

Hong Kong is a very good city. It’s lively and Ilike the atmosphere. It offers more opportuni-ties for Indonesians than, say, Singapore orAustralia, because those places are alreadypacked with other Indonesians.

I think we have a chance in Hong Kong for afuture career and personal growth.

The main challenges for me were the lan-guage barrier and the weather. It’s hard when

you don’t speak Cantonese at all but if you’refriendly you can make local friends. You can askthem to help you with Cantonese and you canhelp them with English.

As for the weather, you melt when it’s hotbecause it’s so humid and it’s hard when thetemperature drops below 10C because inIndonesia we don’t have winter.

In my classes, they use real life examples andthey teach us how to apply what we learn. Ithink classes in Indonesia are more theoretical.We can take courses outside our major. I took avisual literacy course offered by the School ofCreative Media. It was lot of work but it wasreally fun.

Come to Hong Kong,where you can reallygrow and to experience many different things. ■

Ranked 110th in the world (QS 2011), 12th in Asia (QS 2012), and recently 9th world’syoung university (QS 2012), City University of Hong Kong (CityU) offers professional educa-tion that prepares its students for the challenges and exciting opportunities opening up inHong Kong, the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world in business, science and engi-neering, energy and environment, law, creative media and social sciences.

Actively promoting internationalisation in campus, CityU not only offers generous scholar-ships to qualified candidates, but also offer rich international exposures including overseasstudent exchange and internship programmes.

CityU also attracts leading academics from around the world, with over half of academicstaff members from abroad.

About City University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong-the exciting study destination

The cost of studying inHong Kong is modestcompared with manyplaces that offer qualityeducation. It is generallyestimated to be half to one third of the price compared to studying inthe United Kingdom orUnited States ofAmerica, while the quality of education is no doubt comparable tothe best in the world


T he Goethe-Institut Pakistan is the cultural institute ofthe Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach.The main task of the Goethe-Institut is to promote

knowledge of the German language and foster internationalcultural cooperation as well as to convey a comprehensive pic-ture of Germany by providing information on Germany’s cul-tural, social and political life. The Goethe-Institut Pakistanmonitors trends in Germany and encourages cultural collabo-ration in Pakistan by organising programmes of events andmaking contributions to various festivals and exhibition in thefields of film, theatre, music, literature and translation. In thiscontext, the Goethe-Institut in Karachi organizes and supportsa broad spectrum of cultural events for the presentation ofGerman art and culture with its partnership-based projectscenters on intercultural exchange. Here the Goethe-Institut inKarachi closely cooperates with its Pakistani partners as itdoes with the Annemarie-Schimmel-Haus, the Goethe-Zentrum, in Lahore, and in a European framework with theAlliance Française and the British Council. The LanguageDepartment offers classes for German as a foreign languagefor beginners and advanced learners as well as courses forcompanies in modern amenities, including an internet classroom, and takes central examinations which are recognizedworldwide. In addition to language skills social and culturalaspects are being taught as well.

The Partner SchoolsThe Goethe-Institut supports the Partner schools, at pres-

ent seven in Pakistan, and looks after in introducing ordeveloping German as a school subject. It offers teachingstaff, advanced methodological and didactic training and

language courses, and equips school with modern teaching,learning and cultural materials that are multimedia- com-patible . Furthermore the Goethe-Institut sends teachingexperts to supervise partner schools throughout the world inthe capacity of the initiative. Youth courses in Germany forstudents at participating schools will improve languageskills, strengthen cultural competence and bring the localculture to life.

Advantages for School students The “Schools: Partners for the Future “Initiative is an

attractive opportunity for students at partner schools tolearn the German language at an early age and becomefamiliar with the culture of German-speaking countries. Thefact is, learning German means learning a foreign languagewith a clear perspective: any one who can speak Germancannot only communicate with 119 million people world-wide in their native language, but is also laying the founda-tions for university studies in Germany and a subsequentinternational career. Particularly committed students arehelped even more - by being invited to regional workshopsor three- week youth courses in Germany.

Library and Information CentreThe Information Centre of the Goethe-Institut Pakistan

provides information about current aspects of cultural,social and political life in Germany. The Library offers abroad spectrum of German literature and philosophy. Mostof the books are in English language. Up-to-date newspapersand magazines, German television and a selection ofGerman films (with English subtitles) cater for the informa-tion needs of the visitors. The Information Centre assistswith questions concerning studying in Germany. For a smallfee only one can also use the Internet Café.

E ducation over the centuries has been alever of human progress and key tonational development. Education is an

empowerment which means an ability ofmaking right decisions of own; which may beeconomic, social or entrepreneurial.Education equipped with modern knowledgeleads towards the social wellbeing and eco-nomic development of societies.

Sukkur IBA Contributing in EconomicDevelopment of Pakistan

The role of a university as a leader forsocial change is being increasingly focusedall over the world. In our country, the accessof students, belonging to poor families, toquality education is quite small and scanty.Sukkur IBA is successfully addressing thisproblem and reducing the discriminationbetween rich and poor. Different measureshave been taken to ensure that no one isdenied access to the quality educationbecause of his/her financial position. Thepoor have two barriers to cross for access toquality education, the first is academic andother is financial poverty. Sukkur IBA byintroducing foundation program has success-fully addressed this dilemma.

•To render its true services to the stu-dents of local and poor communities thefoundation semester system was startedin 2007. Sukkur IBA is the only pioneerand initiator of this program among allthe public sector institutes. This programaims at supporting and preparing the stu-dents with poor academic background,providing them a chance of getting admis-sion at Sukkur IBA and to compete withother students with sound schooling.Through this semester, students from farflung areas are selected and passedthrough a comprehensive teachingprocess for more than 4 months in basicsubjects which cover the entry level cur-riculum. This program builds the capacityof those students which may not beaccepted in any university due to theiracademic deficiencies. After passing thissemester they are in better position tocompete on merit and secure admissionsfor higher education which ultimatelycontributes towards the economic wellbeing of the country.

•Lack of jobs in the market and econom-ic hardships in the society made entre-preneurship the need of the time. This isone avenue of growth where there is

great potential for development. Sadly,it is an area which is very much neglect-ed. To address this challenge SukkurIBA has established a Center forEntrepreneurial leadership andIncubation center to educate, train andassists the people of this community tostart thinking of innovative ideas and

introduce new businesses. This will trulyhelp the local communities, students andother male and female members of soci-ety which are eager to initiate the busi-ness but have no skills or experience todo so. It will increase the employment

and local resources utilization which willadd value in local trade and industry.

•Sukkur IBA is a centre of excellence forless privileged and financially poor com-munities. Students with financial hard-ships are supported through award of dif-ferent scholarships. Majority of the stu-

dents are pursuing their degree programson financial assistance/scholarships fromdifferent funding bodies. This gives a fairchance to the people of all income groupsto achieve quality education on afford-able cost.

An Initiative of Emerging Fields of StudiesTo cater to the market needs and remain

abreast of fast changing environment, thefoundation stone of three new programs hasbeen led. It includes Department ofEducation Management, Department ofAgri-Business and Department ofEntrepreneurship. The department of educa-tion offers degree program to produce pro-fessionally skilled and competent teacherswhich is a need of time. Degree programoffered in department of AgricultureBusiness is MBA - (Agri- Business); it is anindustry requirement and is initiated afterdemand from different organizations.Entrepreneurship itself is a very growingfield of study and Sukkur IBA has initiated adegree program in it. Being surrounded byeducationally poor areas, this program willsupport students and help local communityin establishment of their own businesses.Creation of new business supports the eco-nomic engine of the country by creatingmore employment, training and increasingproduction.

Network of Community CollegesAs it is identified that students suffer

from the academic poverty as well, there-fore to address the challenge Sukkur IBAdecided to start working through the net-work of community colleges which strength-ens foundation of students on competitivebasis at very affordable cost. Communitycolleges in Khairpur Mirs, Naushehro Ferozand Dadu are operating and rendering theirservices, whereas IBA Community CollegeJacobabad is in pipeline. These colleges areaffiliated with Agha Khan Education Boardand have linkages with international aca-demic bodies.

Development Works at Sukkur IBASince past decade, Sukkur IBA kept

growing continuously without any pause. Itstarted journey from two classrooms ofPublic School Sukkur to the state of the artbuilding of international stature. Currentlya number of development projects are alsoin pipeline. Construction of a modernAcademic Block II has been completed in2011, construction work of two floor admin-istration block, two floor boys hostel, twofloor executive girls hostel and two floorcentral library are in progress and will becomplete very soon. The PC-I of a new aca-demic block is also approved and the workwill start soon. In simple words, ‘SukkurIBA is for the students of small purse butbig purpose’.


Sukkur IBA isno more an

institute, but aphenomenon


F ounded by Shaheed HakimMohammed Said in 1992, HamdardUniversity has completed twenty

years of its inception. As the FounderChancellor, he dedicated this seat oflearning to the nation for the cause ofeducation that would inculcate qualitiesof devotion, love, determination and serv-ice to mankind amongst the youth study-ing at its campuses.

The Main Campus of HamdardUniversity at Madinat al-Hikmah, spreadover 350 acres of plain land with pictur-esque greener landscape is located in thevicinity of Sindh Baluchistan boarder 28km from the commercial centre ofKarachi on the main highway leading toMurad Khan Dam.

In 1996, the first City Campus of theUniversity was established at AdamjeeNagar. Later another Campus was openedat P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.

Hamdard University - IslamabadCampus is dedicated to provide excellenteducation opportunities to the studentsfrom Punjab, Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah,Azad Kashmir and the Northern Areas ofPakistan.

Mission and GoalsIn line with its Mission, the University

strives hard to achieve a level of excel-lence comparable with international stan-dards in all spheres of its operations viz.education, learning, research and develop-ment of professional skill through train-ing. As the touchstone of its success, theUniversity endeavors to emphasize overcharacter building and integrity aware-ness in students, so that they learn to liveby their own efforts in a spirit of self-reliance and enterprise. HamdardUniversity is honor-bound to providevalue-based education to students of everycaste, colour, creed and religion within itsbounds to fulfill the vision of its FounderShaheed Hakim Mohammed Said.

The following main goals serve as itsguiding principles

• To provide state-of-the-art education-al and laboratory facilities, and a con-ducive environment to students and stafffor their professional and personalitydevelopment.

• To employ and retain capable, com-petent and renowned teaching andresearch staff.

• To help building good moral charac-ter and self-reliance in our studentsthrough the process of formal and infor-mal interactions and counseling.

• To promote Islamic concept of anenlightenment through firm efforts tomake our students and faculties compati-ble with the material and spiritualprogress of mankind.

• To foster the promotion of freedom ofthought with accent on the holistic atti-tude towards plurality of views. The onlyprovision to keep a watch on this unhin-dered march towards self development isthat it carries with the right to free devel-opment of personality within the thresh-old of tolerance.

• To produce knowledgeable, profes-

sionally sound and enlightened individu-als able to contribute their share to thenational and global development and wel-fare. It seeks to make them live up to thevision of a well-integrated material andspiritual world to have the courage tocombat the divisive and mutually exclu-sive tendencies rampant in the presentday society.

Governed by the principles of totalquality management, the University ismaintaining an internal mechanism ofquality evaluation and is continuouslystriving to enhance the standard of edu-cation imparted at various levels. Themost significant evidence of HamdardUniversity’s success as an authentic, high-quality educational institution is its alum-

ni, holding responsible positions in nation-al and international organizations.

Hamdard University comprises ofseven faculties with distinct fields of stud-ies providing cutting edge knowledge tothe students in an environment that pro-motes a blend of traditional and newlyemerging global virtues. FacultyMembers are the heart and soul of theUniversity and Hamdard Universityproudly claims to have 354 faculty mem-bers with 35 highly experienced PhDs, 36Masters of Philosophy, 65 Engineers, 103highly skilled MBBS/FRCS Doctors, 73Scientists and Pharmacists, 30 MBAs andmore than 22 leading Lawyers as FacultyMembers teaching in seven faculties andinstitutions that include:

• Faculty of Engineering Sciences andTechnology comprising of:o Hamdard Institute of InformationTechnology (HIIT)o Usman Institute of Technology (UIT)that was established by Usman MemorialFoundation operates as constituent insti-tute of the Universityo Plastic Technology Institute (PTI)o Synthetic Fiber Design and ApplicationCenter (SFDAC)o Hamdard Institute of InformationTechnology (HIIT) - Islamabad Campus• Faculty of Eastern Medicine compris-ing of:o Hamdard Al-Majeed College of EasternMedicine (HACEM)o Hamdard Research Institute of UnaniMedicine (HRIUM)o Shifa-ul-Mulk Memorial Hospital• Faculty of Health and MedicalSciences comprising of:o Hamdard College of Medicine andDentistry (HCM&D)o Hamdard University Dental Hospitalo Hamdard University Hospital - TajMedical Complexo Naimat Begum Mother and Child Care

Center• Faculty of Humanities and SocialSciences comprising of:o Hamdard Institute of Education andSocial Sciences (HIESS)• Faculty of Legal Studies comprising of:o Hamdard School of Law (HSL)• Faculty of Management Sciences com-prising of:o Hamdard Institute of ManagementSciences (HIMS)o HIMS City Campuso HIMS Islamabad Campus• Faculty of Pharmacy comprising of:o Hafiz Mohammed Ilyas Institute ofPharmacology and Herbal Medicines(HMIIPHM)o Hamdard Institute of Pharmaceutical

Sciences (HIPS) - Islamabad CampusFaculty development environments are

very conducive in Hamdard University ascurrently 16% i.e. 59 faculty members areundergoing various stages of training oreducation either M.Phil. or Ph.D.

All programs of Hamdard Universityare formally recognized by relevant regu-lating bodies that include PakistanMedical and Dental Council (PM&DC),Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC),National Council for Tibb (NCT), PakistanBar Council (PBC), Pharmacy Council ofPakistan (PCP) and above all HigherEducation Commission (HEC).

Recent AchievementsThe first and most significant develop-

ment is that with persistent and coherentwork of the present team, the Universityhas surpassed all previous records of newadmissions in a year in the Universitysince its inception.

Teams of Higher EducationCommission, Chartered Inspection andEvaluation Committee, PakistanEngineering Council, Pakistan BarCouncil, Pakistan Medical & DentalCouncil and Pharmacy Council ofPakistan visited the University andaccredited relevant programs.

A delegation of experts nominated bythe Ministry of Higher Education,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and SaudiCultural Mission Islamabad visited differ-ent universities of Pakistan and by thegrace of Allah, Hamdard University wasselected as one of very few universities ofPakistan, to train Saudi students. TheUniversity already has 55 Saudi studentsthat is the largest number of Saudi stu-dents in any university of the country.

In the field of research HamdardUniversity has made decent contribution.The university has produced 87 PhDsResearch Thesis, 31 originally authoredBooks in different fields, 75 M.Phils. and

published 299 papers in journals of inter-national repute since its inception.

Hamdard University has also chosen tofocus on one of key areas of economicdevelopment of the country i.e. Energy.The University has thus established aDepartment of Energy Engineering withstate-of-the-art Engineering Laboratoriesand projects. This Department is develop-ing a very unique Open Pit Thar CoalMining Model for indigenous mining andexploration of coal that would assist train-ing of local artisans in open pit miningtechnology indirectly assisting theGovernment of Sindh in developing coal.

An equally unique “Sooraj Ki Dunya”has been created at the University whereall products operating on solar energyhave been fabricated that can be scaled upfor large scale manufacture by entrepre-neurs that includes Solar Industrial WaterHeating Systems, Solar Steam Generation,Solar Cookers, Solar ThermalDesalination, Solar Sterling Engines. Acomplete street in the University is lit withSolar Energy named as “Shamsi Sarak”.

An Alternative Energy ResidenceComplex has been established and ispowered with solar and wind energy and16 students are residing in this experi-mental facility.

The University has a Center ofExcellence to eradicate hepatitis in thecountry under the able leadership ofDean Faculty of Easter Medicine Dr.Hakim Abdul Hannan. A Ph.D. is beingawarded on this subject this year. Thecenter has already undertaken survey ofGadap Town and identified patientsaffected by hepatitis.

Honors and awards won by HamdardUniversity students and faculty, in theyear 2011:• Mursaleen Ali of MBBS won silver medalin calligraphy in whole Sindh underMinistry of Youth Affairs• 63 students are studying under fully fund-ed merit scholarship with an agreementwith National ICT R&D funded scholarshipprogram• Usman Institute of Technology securedfirst while Hamdard University second posi-tion in Electro Fair 2011 competition ofuniversities organized by IEEE Pakistan.• Ahmad Hasan participated and presentedtechnical paper in Malaysia• Vice Chancellor Hamdard Universityreceived Life Time Achievement Award byInstitution of Engineers.• Mr. John Furze Director RenewableEnergy Hamdard University was awardedGold Medal in Energy.• Hamdard University won first prize inASHRAE “Energetica” Conference - 2011• ASHRAE established its HamdardUniversity Student Chapter at HamdardUniversity• Faculty of Health and Medical Scienceswon First prize in Research Paper on OralCancer organized by Bahrain University• The Vice Chancellor Hamdard Universityreceived Best Book Publication Award byHEC in 2011 on Book “Energy Resourcesand Utilization in Pakistan” published byHamdard University. ■

W ith over 40,000 studentsfrom more than 150countries, award-win-

ning campuses in the UnitedKingdom, China and Malaysia andstrong links with universitiesaround the world, The University ofNottingham has a diverse communi-ty creating an inspiring place tostudy and work.

The University of Nottingham is afounder member of the RussellGroup, the UK equivalent to the USIvy League, which represents 20leading UK universities committedto maintaining world class research,an outstanding teaching and learn-ing experience and unrivalled linkswith business and the public sector.Overall, Nottingham is ranked inthe UK’s Top 10 and the World’sTop 75 universities by the ShanghaiJiao Tong (SJTU) and the QS World

University Rankings. In 27 sub-ject areas, the University fea-tures in the UK Top Ten, with14 in the Top Five. We have fivefaculties and a wide range ofdepartments offering over 350undergraduate courses and 300postgraduate taught courseswith MRes and PhD opportuni-ties across a constantly evolvingrange of disciplines. Our inno-vative and top quality teachingis informed by the latest researchand delivered by hundreds of spe-cialist, cross-faculty researchgroups. We have been awarded twoNobel Prizes in Medicine andEconomics. On a measurement of“research power”, which takes intoaccount both quality of research andthe number of research-active staff,Nottingham is 7th in the UK accord-ing to independent analysis byResearch Fortnight. CAREER DEVELOPMENT

As one of the first universities toestablish branch campuses in Chinaand Malaysia, Nottingham’s studentexperience is a truly internationalone - offering life-changing opportu-nities to study abroad, links toemployers across the world and aglobally-recognised qualification.With its international campuses andlinks to more than 320 partner uni-versities in over 40 countries,Nottingham offers hundreds ofexciting opportunities.

According to independentresearch, the University is a WorldTop 15 choice for employers (QSWorld University Rankings) and isone of the top 10 universities most

often targeted by Britain’s leadinggraduate employers (The GraduateMarket in 2010, High Fliers). Over2,000 employers approach theUniversity every year with a view torecruiting our students. The popu-lar Nottingham Advantage Awardoffers a range of extracurricularmodules to boost employability, aswell as providing scores of intern-ships for graduates, who enjoy life-time access to the Careers andEmployability Service.

The Careers and EmployabilityService can help students enhancetheir career development andemployability by providing the fol-lowing practical support:

• Finding and applying for workin the UK whilst studying (inter-national students can work forup to 20 hours per week on astudent visa)

• Planning your career post-stud-ies through training workshops,skills building and informationprovision on employers andcareer paths

For further details please visit ourwebsite.

Nottingham University BusinessSchool also has a specialist in-housePostgraduate Careers Service tosupport Masters level students with-in the school to develop their careermanagement skills and explorecareer options. The service hasbeen ranked “Number 2” in the UKfor careers placement success by theFinancial Times.SCHOLARSHIPS

The University of Nottingham hasan extensive scholarship pro-gramme offering full and part schol-arships. Students should also con-tact the individual academic schoolswhere they wish to undertake study,as there may be further sources offunding available. In addition to thesubject specific and country scholar-ships, the University also has auto-matic alumni, spouses and siblingsscholarships. Further information isavailable on our website. ■

Nottingham:a world-classuniversity

Hamdard University: in pursuit of excellence

The Main Campus of Hamdard University at Madinat al-Hikmah, spread over 350 acres of plain land with picturesquegreener landscape is located in the vicinity of Sindh Baluchistanboarder 28 km from the commercial centre of Karachi on themain highway leading to Murad Khan Dam


I ndus University was establishedwith an aim of providing instruc-tions and training in such branches

of learning as it may deem fit and tomake provisions for research, demon-stration and for advancement of knowl-edge as it may determine. The details ofthe University can be seen on the website of Higher Education Commission ofPakistan- www.hec.gov.pk. TheUniversity can also be visited at its ownweb site address of www.indus.edu.pk.

Along with recognition by the Higher

Education Commission of Pakistan,Indus University has been approved byPakistan Engineering Council for vari-ous Engineering Degree Programs.Government of Sindh has also upgrad-ed Indus Institute to Indus Universityrecently keeping in view the extensiveresearch work and academic growththat Indus University has gone throughin a short span of 10 years.

Based on the academic activities, roleand achievements of Indus University,many organizations, institutions andacademic bodies of national and inter-national repute have entered into col-laboration with Indus University fortheir academic partnership and jointoffer of providing education and train-ing in various fields of Art and Design,Business, Engineering, Education,Science and Technology.

Corporate Linkage for StudentPlacement in Jobs and Internships:

Indus University has excellent con-nections in the corporate sector whichis maintained with the sole objective ofproviding jobs and internships to Indusstudents. Constant interaction withindustry and corporate sector experts

exposes the student to the real worldscenario. Be it management, textile sci-ence, education, engineering, technolo-gy, textile and fashion designing- stu-dents get the best tools to enhance theirlearning.

Indus University guarantees 100%job placement to graduates in Textile &Fashion sector and floats resumes to allpublic and private companies ofBusiness, Engineering and Educationstudents. For this purpose, IndusUniversity has a separate department-Career Placement Department wherestudents avail the support and help ofIndus University’s official CareerCounselor, who is readily available forcurrent students as well as prospectivestudents and admissions.

Extracurricular Activities and StudentSociety at Indus University

Apart from excellent academicfacilities, Indus University studentsget plenty of opportunities to partici-pate in a variety of co curricular activ-

ities. These activities are aimed at pol-ishing the leadership and managerialtalent of the students. IndusUniversity has a society namedSOC360, which is managed by the stu-dent body. SOC360 is responsible forall event management and in houseseminars necessary for students’knowledge and experience enhance-ment. IUBS- Indus University BusinessSociety is also an emerging studentbody with event management andentertainment activities lined up. Ourstudent societies are well managedand groom students to build contacts,manage events and handle finances.

Indus University also has a SportsDepartment with trained staff. InterUniversity Sports participation is high-ly encouraged and followed by the stu-dents of Indus.

Campus Facilities at Indus University

Indus University has two campusesin Karachi. Main Campus is locatedadjacent to National Stadium and thesecond campus is at SITE area. IndusUniversity has purpose built campuses;a brief insight of Main Campus facilitiesis as follows:

Library- Indus University has sub-scribed to national and internationaljournals for academic outreach andresearch requirements of students. Itcontains over 10,000 reading materialfrom Govt publications to archives ofnewspapers. The libraries are comput-erized and can create access to world-wide libraries.

Computer Labs- At Indus Universityspecial emphasis is laid on practicalaspects of education and hand on train-ing. There are ten computer labs,including a general computer lab andhardware lab, which are fully equippedand functional with the latest and mostmodern system, equipment and facili-ties available.

Laboratories- Indus University hasFive Textile Labs having modernmachines and tools of Spinning,Weaving and Wet Processing.Additionally, nine labs are forElectronics and Telecommunicationequipped with most modern and sophis-

ticated equipment.

Apart from these essentials, IndusUniversity gives special considerationto student comfort and feasibility whileat campus. Indus University has spa-cious and hygienic canteens, securedcar parking for students and faculty andpower plant sufficient to create back upfor electricity constraints.

Fee Packages and Scholarships at Indus University

Indus University’s slogan is LearnWell to Live Well; this is the most basicyet important element in life that turnsthe table for many. To promote literacyand keep education a commodity thateven financially constrained studentscan avail; Indus University offers spe-cial fee packages on need cum meritbasis.

Management Committee of IndusUniversity decides to the best of theireffort to keep students motivated tocontinue their education, this involvesscholarships and installment fee plansin return of excellent academic recordand it’s maintenance throughout theperiod studied at Indus. ■

E ducation is imperative for thesocial, cultural and economicgrowth of a country and pro-

vides brighter prospects of realizationof cherished dreams on the part of theyouth. True education means completedevelopment of each individual’s phys-ical, intellectual and moral capacities.It is the responsibility of the educa-tional institutions to ensure intellectu-al ascendance and molding of the stu-dents’ personalities into visionaryleaders, competent professionals, inno-vative entrepreneurs and compassion-ate citizens.

With such ideas in view, when thepast performance of BUITEMS is real-istically examined, it transpires thatthe university has made appreciableheadway towards the achievement ofher cherished objectives. Our quest forquality and excellence in all fields hasremained ever unquenched and hasstimulated the administrative machin-ery to persist on continuous refine-ment, consolidation and expansion ofour goals.

The year 2012 brought with it recog-nition of the quality of education facil-ities and services provided atBUITEMS, in the form of ISOCertification for the institution. Thiscertification upholds BUITEMS claimto renown as a torch-bearer in thesocio-economic uplift of the countrythrough provision of world class edu-cation and meticulous appraisal of stu-dents for the award of the degrees.

According to the latest ranking ofuniversities by the HEC, BUITEMShas been ranked 4th among the topuniversities in Pakistan in the categoryof Computer Science and InformationTechnology.

Being among the top 5 universitiesof Pakistan is the result of BUITEMS’sustained efforts encompassing allaspects of educational excellence,including leadership, strategic plan-ning, operational and administrativeefficiency and maintenance of peacewith contemporary requirements. Ourinsistence on the harmonic develop-ment of the intellectual and moral fac-ulties of the youth has borne fruit inthe form of recognition of the merits ofBUITEMS from various quarters ofrepute. Such recognition would defi-nitely go a long way in spurring ustowards conquest of greater heights infuture.

BUITEMS marched into the 10thyear of her history with the assurancethat the well-oiled wheels of thismachinery will keep on rolling on todistinctive achievements and enviableaccomplishments in future, too.Viewed in the light of our accomplish-ments, this does not appear to be a tallclaim at all. There is a sound base for

coming to such an ambitious conclu-sion.

With the establishment ofBUITEMS, modern educational facili-ties were made available to the youthof Balochistan, at their own door-steps.They were provided opportunities toequip themselves with knowledge andwith confidence of facing and handlingthe challenges of practical / profession-al life.

Since BUITEMS establishment in2002, the University has maintainedsteady growth in all components i.e.growth in physical facilities, growth incapable human resources, growth innature and number of laboratories andequipment installed therein, growth inthe number of programs of study and,consequently, growth in the number ofstudents enrolled.

From a modest start in a single-building, the university has now

assumed the features of a sprawlingconglomeration of three campuses ,accommodating five faculties, adminis-trative machinery, hostels, play-grounds, expo-center, model researchfarms, conference halls, electronic sys-tems, lavish lawns and facilities. Thefaculty strength has crossed the 350mark, while the students’ strength hasgone beyond 5500. The university hasproduced in the past more than 2500graduates and post graduates, who arecontributing to the national uplift ofthe nation.

The university has been continuous-ly focusing on quality research; bothon the part of our faculty and on thepart of our students; and the resultshave been highly gratifying. The size-able number of research articles and

books published in reputed nationaland international journals speaks ofthe intellectual prowess and industryof our faculty. More than a dozen ofour young faculty members wonFulbright scholarships by dint of theirremarkable performance in the testsheld for selection of budding and tal-ented scholars.

Our students, too, frequently provedtheir mettle in academic, co-curricularand extra- curricular contests. Almostall of them are now engaged in nationbuilding activities. Winning trophiesand notching up top prizes in debatesand declamation contests, project com-petitions and sports events is acknowl-edged to be a common trait of our stu-dents.

This institution has played a vitalrole in grooming the overall personali-ties of the students in order to makethem productive and useful members

of the community. BUITEMS’Quarterly Newsletter and AnnualReports signify the outstanding accom-plishments of the faculty and the stu-dents in every sphere of the campuslife. The sprawling campuses of theuniversity are alive with impressivedisplay of youthful vigor and promis-ing talents through-out the day andlong after sunset.

BUITEMS has been contributing tothe nation through grooming the youthinto culturally enlightened, academi-cally sound, technologically advanced,professionally competent manpowerwhich is moderate in her outlook butintensely research oriented, ever pre-pared to lead and inspire their co-workers and to preserve and build thetraditions of our great civilization. ■

Indus University: fastest growing researchand learning University in Pakistan

Indus University celebrating 10 years of on-going achievements, collaborations and up gradation!

Indus University, Karachi,Pakistan, is Chartered by the Government of Sindh and duly recognizedby Higher EducationCommission of Pakistan.

Engr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai,

Vice Chancellor,BUITEMS

Saga of gloriousachievements

G ulf Medical Univ-ersity, Ajman -United Arab Emira-

tes is in the 14th year of itsexistence. Since its inceptionGulf Medical University hasexcelled in leaps and boundsin the field of MedicalEducation, Research andHealthcare. Gulf MedicalUniversity promoted byThumbay Group and headedby its Founder President Mr.Thumbay Moideen is fullyrecognized as an institutionof excellence impartingHigher Education by theMinistry of Higher Edu-cation, U.A.E. offering highquality healthcare and train-ing - Bachelor’s, Master’s andResidency Programs in thefields of Medicine, Dentistry,Pharmaceutical Sciences,Physical Therapy etc.

This is the only universityin the region which offersadmissions to both genders ofall nationalities. The Uni-versity has infrastructure andfacilities which are on parwith some of the establishedmedical schools in the world.

Gulf Medical University isamong the few universities inthe world to have successful-ly implemented the organsystem based curriculum forits medicine program, andhas started a successful andunique Summer TrainingProgram which places seniorclinical students into institu-tions around the globe, con-ducts an Annual ScientificResearch Meet where stu-dents and faculty present sci-entific papers and are award-ed prizes by a jury, Pharm Dand DMD Programs offeredby the university for the firsttime in the region are some ofthe many features that sets itapart from other institutions.

It has established a newCenter for Continuing Educ-ation and Community Out-reach under which 70 non-degree programs having parttime, full time and a fewonline, all of which are lessthan one year duration beingoffered. 25 new short termcourses such as Dental Assis-tant Course, Physical Ther-apy, Medical Assistant-Clinical, Medical Assistant-Laboratory, Medical Assis-

tant-Administration, ECG &Rhythm Interpretation,Medical Insurance Billing,Pharmaceutical Sales & Mar-keting, Clinical Nutrition,Nutrition for Sports &Human Performance, BasicSurgical Skills, NursingAssistant, Basic Arabic forHealth Professionals arebeing offered at Gulf MedicalUniversity.

Gulf Medical University isproud of its unique SummerTraining Programs which

enables the students to getinternational clinical expo-sure and internship.

Each year the students par-ticipate in clinical training inleading universities and hospi-tals in several countriesincluding USA, UK, Germany,Hungary, Malaysia, Thailand,India, Pakistan, Iran, SaudiArabia and Jordan.

Gulf Medical Universityhas a student cohort from 63nationalities, majority ofthem are locals and Arabs

from the GCC, medical pro-fessionals and staff from 22countries. Patients from over145 nationalities receivetreatment at GMC Hospitals& Research Centre, a con-stituent private teaching uni-versity hospital with a capac-ity of 250 beds housed withultra modern facilities.Needless to say the GMCHospital & Research Center,Ajman, the first privateteaching hospital in theregion is now one of the

largest healthcare providersin the private sector in theU.A.E. and the first in theMiddle East to be accreditedby QHA Trent, UnitedKingdom.

The Gulf Medical Univ-ersity and GMC Hospitals isnow on a massive expan-sion phase and plans toopen branches of GulfMedical University are nowon verge of finalization inMalaysia, South Africa andMauritius.

The Gulf MedicalUniversity and Hospital isalso looking to further estab-lish branches in Nigeria,Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Indiaamong the other countries.

The Gulf Medical Univ-ersity’s brand statement,‘Learn from the World’,depicts learning as a processthat cannot be limited to theprecincts of the books or theinstitution alone.

T he Dow University of HealthSciences since its inception has beenfocusing to excel in academics, both

at undergraduate & postgraduate levels to beat par with international standards, besidesfocusing on human resource developmentand community health care services.

Dow University succeeded in achieving itsaims and objectives through more than 50new setups which include; separately builtmodern infrastructures for various institutes,complete renovations, refurbishments andinstallations, fully equipped with most mod-ern equipments, having highly trained andmotivated faculty along with supporting staff.

In addition to MBBS and BDS degrees theDow University is now awarding degrees anddiplomas in more than thir-ty (30) disciplines of healthprofession mainly for grad-uations and post gradua-tions.

Presently about 130 stu-dents are undertakingcourses in; Dow DiagnosticResearch and ReferenceLaboratory, Dow RadiologyComplex, National Instituteof Liver & GI Diseases (NIL-GID), National Institute ofDiabetes & Endocrinologyand Ojha Institute of ChestDiseases (OICD).

Other facets of DowUniversity include, DowUniversity Hospital,Vocational Technical and Training Centre,Pharmaceutical and EnvironmentalResearch Laboratory (PERL) and LearningResource Centre (Public Library).

Most of the above mentioned projects havebeen established at Ojha campus of DUHS,which has been named as ‘Dow Health andResearch City’.

The Dow University also boasts of DowUniversity Artificial Limb Center, Institute ofNursing (ION), and Institute of HealthManagement (IHM).

The Institute of Basic Medical Sciences(IBMS) has MPhil and PhD courses in BasicSciences. Our Central Animal House hasbeen established for researchers with a vari-ety of animals accompanying a veterinarydoctor along with helping staff.

Institute of Medical Technology (IMT)offers a four years degree program in fourspecialties: Clinical Pathology, Critical Care,Operation Theatre and Ophthalmology,besides various short courses for technicians& doctors.

Our Institute of Physical Medicine &

Rehabilitation (IPM&R) is the first ever insti-tute of Pakistan. The institute has multi-disci-plinary rehabilitation teams which include;Physiatrists, Physical Therapists,Occupational Therapists, Vocational T2hera-pists, Orthotists and Prosthetists, Languageand Swallowing Pathologist, ClinicalNutritionist, a Clinical Neurophysiologist,Speech therapist and Special Educationist. Italso provides outpatient and community-based rehabilitation services.

The Medical Education Department fos-ters professional development with systemicand coherent development of clinical andcommunication skills. Our academic innova-tions also include: Structured teaching &Mandatory Research, for undergraduate stu-dents.

Professional Development Centre is a cen-tre of excellence for training and education.It has state of the art equipments, anatomymodels, electronic simulators, laparoscopictrainer manikins, simulated ICU and opera-tion theatre besides several tutorial rooms. Ithas conducted more than 500, hands-on-work-shops at national and international levels and

more than 600 lectures,besides regular workshops onvarious life saving skills.

What’s more is that wehave a well establishedClinical Trial Unit (CTU) andare the proud initiators of Dr.Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Instituteof Oral Health Sciences(DIKIOHS) (established since150 years), School of DentalAuxillary Sciences, DowInternational Medical College(established five years agoand recognized international-ly/included in InternationalMedical Education Directory(IMED)) and Dow College ofPharmacy.

Internet and Intranet Digital Library,Information Technology (IT) Department,Campus Management Solution (CMS) andour Research Department provide studentswith a vast collection of data that enablesthem to enrich their learning experience.

Furthermore, our accomplishmentsinclude; Foreign Scholarship Program fundedby HEC has enabled us to send 19 scholars forPhD at high ranking overseas universities.Additionally, Journal of Dow University ofHealth Sciences (JDUHS) is approved byPM&DC and Indexed in IMEMR, PakMediNet and CABI as well as, currently, theQuality Assurance Agency (QAA) of HEC,conducted ranking of all Pakistan QECs func-tioning in both public and private sector uni-versities and we are proud to state that QEC-DUHS has secured 94% marks and stood incategory.

Having acquired great achievements in thepast, we promise great success in our futuremissions owing to the untiring efforts of ourdedicated team working for the developmentof Dow University.


Gulf Medical UniversityA global leader in the field of medical education, research andhealthcare

Prof. Dr. Masood Hameed KhanTamgah-e-Imtiaz (TI),

Vice Chancellor, DUHS

DOW University

Accomplishments during eight years

In addition to MBBSand BDS degrees theDow University isnow awarding degreesand diplomas in more than thirty (30)disciplines of healthprofession mainly for graduations andpost graduations




Canada is rapidly becoming one ofthe hottest destinations for interna-tional students. This is not onlybecause of its high quality educationbut also because of the excellent cours-es its colleges have to offer.

When you study in Canada you’llearn academic qualifications that arerecognized and respected world over,making you a part of a diverse, wel-coming and vibrant society thatoffers you a unique cultural experi-ence in a safe and beautiful environ-ment.

Key features of the Canadian Universitysystem are:

❏ More than 10,000 undergrad-uate and graduate degree pro-grams at 95 public and privatenot-for-profit universities anduniversity-degree level col-leges.❏ Degrees follow the bache-lor/master/doctorate systemand are equivalent to those inthe USA and Commonwealthcountries.❏ Vast choice of undergradu-ate and post-graduate pro-grams, as well as professionaldesignations, certificate anddiploma courses, and shortcareer-focused programs.❏ Opportunities for coopera-tive education and intern-ships, and international stu-dents can often work whilethey study.❏ Tuition fees range fromC$8,000 to C$26,000 per yeardepending on the program

Key features of the Canadian college system are:

❏ Over 8,000 programs at 150 pub-lic institutions offering creden-tials that are sanctioned byprovincial and territorial govern-ments.❏ Programs with varying lengthsof study from a few months to fouryears.❏ Practical programs designedwith potential employers that alsooffer work placements.❏ Tuition fees range from C$5,500

to C$15,000 per year dependingon the program.❏ Boarding or homestay and liv-ing costs are estimated at C$7,000to C$13,000 per year.

The Canadian government ‘Imagine’Studying in Canada Campaign givesthe following excellent reasons tochoose Canada as a study destination:

*Qualifications valued around theworld *Affordable education*Multicultural society *Healthy andsafe communities *World-class lan-guage education *Exciting campuslifestyle (Wired Libraries/ArtGalleries/Public Concert Halls)*Innovative and abundant researchopportunities *Land of possibilities*Possibility of immigration(International students may apply forpermanenet residency)

The College System in Canada Pathwaysto academic success

Many colleges in Canada, both pri-vate and public, offer university path-ways that allow students, upon com-pletion of a certain programme, totransfer and study at the universitylevel through partnership arrange-ments called ‘University transfer pro-grammes’.

PFL North America (Canada and the USA)

PFL North America is a part of PFLGroup International Ltd, a Britishowned company, supporting studentsfor obtaining admissions in higher

Continued on Page II

Canada: hottest destination for international education

When you study inCanada you’ll earn academic qualificationsthat are recognized and respected worldover, making you a partof a diverse, welcomingand vibrant society thatoffers you a unique cultural experience in a safe and beautiful environment

Christopher PriceRegional Director,

PFL North America

T exila American University (TAU), one of the bestCaribbean Medical School, is located in Guyana,the only English-speaking country in South

America. TAU offers Health Science programs with a highlevel of professionalism, exactness and problem solvingskills, the curriculum at the TAU is structured after thebest US and Caribbean medical schools.

The academic program is both accelerated and rigorous,with a focus of preparing students for licensure in theUnited States, Caribbean and Asia.

The Program curriculums are designed to reinforce theenduring tenets of the practice of medicine and ensure theability of understanding and handling the changingdemands of heath service in the various fields of societyStudents at TAU are presented with, and challenged toadopt, the ethics and values that apply to all health profes-sions.

In clerkships students acquire in-depth clinical experi-ences to sharpen their communication and healthcare prob-lem-solving abilities. Among the medical programs offeredby the Caribbean medical schools, TAU has its unique

Doctor of Medicine Program with exposure to clinical facil-ities right from the first year of medical education.

TAU offers full-time programs in Medicine, Dentistry,Nursing and other Allied Health Science programs operateson a two semester system with classes beginning in Marchand September.

Our Vision is to build a team of qualified and dedicatedhealth science professionals with the mind set to serve withlove the rich and the poor alike.

Our Mission is to break down educational barriersbetween nations, serve the national & international com-munity and solidarity, and lead highly qualified applicantsto study health science programs.

• To establish state of the art facilities for education and

create higher level of educational systems in healthcare, technology and management.• To provide the highest standard of medical training,using an innovative program that utilizes the knowledgefrom highly qualified teaching professionals andresources available across the globe• To inspire within every graduate of the university thehumanity and desire to provide the highest quality ofmedical care to their patients

Accreditations and Listings

1. Our Texila American University is listed with WHO-AVICENNA Directories and has its registration and mem-berships with various educational bodies and associationswhich adds value to its programs.

2. TAU is recognized by the Department of Education Viaregistration with the National Accreditation Council ofGuyana.

3. The International Association for Dental Research(IADR), headquartered in Alexandria, Va., is a Non-profit

organization with more than 11,000 members worldwide. Itsmission is

✶ To advance research and increase knowledge for theimprovement of oral health worldwide

✶ To support and represent the oral health research com-munity and

✶ To facilitate the communication and application ofresearch findings.

4. Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) is ded-icated to the advancement of innovation in medical educa-tion throughout the world.

5. Texila American University has been added to regis-ter participants in United Nations Global Compact pro-gram.

6. TAU is listed in the International Medical Education

Continued on Page II

Texila AmericanUniversity

TAU offers full-time programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursingand other Allied Health Science programs operates on a twosemester system with classesbeginning in March andSeptember


Continued from Page I

Directory (IMED). This is an accurate and up-to-date compi-lation of international medical schools recognized by theappropriate government agency in the medical school’srespective country. Recognition by the ECFMG dependsdirectly on whether or not the school is listed in this directo-ry.

7. AMEE is an International Association for MedicalEducation. It delivers courses on teaching, assessment andresearch skills for teachers in medicine and healthcare pro-fessions.

8. Our Clinical Research program has received accredita-tion from Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals.

TAU is offering on-campus, off-campus and Distance learn-ing programs in health science and allied health science field.

On-Campus Programs

1. College of Medicine: Bachelor of Science and Doctor ofMedicine (BS-MD -5.5 yrs), Doctor of Medicine (MD- 4 yrs),Master of Medicine (MMed. - 3 yrs)

2. College of Dentistry: Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS- 4yrs)

3. College of Nursing: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN- 4 yrs) and RN-BSN (2 yrs)

4. College of Premedical Education: PremedicalFoundation and Premedical Diploma

Distance Learning ProgramsSchool of Clinical Research, School of Public Health and

Management, School of Behavioral Science

Advantages of students being in Texila American University,Guyana

•Tropical weather and they will find homely atmosphere inGuyana

•Fifty percent of population in Guyana is of Asian Origin•Being English as local language, student can communicate

to faculties and patients easily during their Clinical Rotation•Curriculum is based on US system and we train student

for USMLE and other assessment examinations worldwide •Cost of living is affordable as being in South America ■

Why choose a university in the UnitedStates for your future studies?

If you want the very best education avail-able, or if you want to further your career byworking with top professionals in your field,the United States is the place for you. Aneducation in the States is the best preparationfor achieving your professional goals.America has a lot to offer to international stu-dents: the highest-ranked education in theworld, renowned universities, natural parks,vibrant cities, a multicultural population,artistic and athletic events… the UnitedStates has it all!

On the whole, the United States is a dynam-ic and exciting place. Academic freedom is ahallmark of American universities. Flexiblecourse schedules and the freedom to selecttheir own course loads allow students to struc-ture their studies to best fit their needs.There are many opportunities for participat-ing in activities with other students, for exam-ple excursions to new cities, museum visits,ski trips, hiking, and others. American edu-cators want to help students become open,knowledgeable, and well-rounded individualswho fulfill their potential and make positivecontributions in their communities and pro-fessions.

We believe America offers internationalstudents the most rewarding and comprehen-sive array of study options- anything fromastronomy to zoology, engineering to Africandance. Institutions in America offer some-thing for everyone. An education in theUnited States will provide the skills to deliv-er quality services and be an asset in any partof the world. Students return home confident,well-informed, and articulate global citizenswith invaluable skills that are marketable inthe real world.

Beyond the Ivy LeagueMany Pakistani students are in awe of the

Ivy League. Most of them, however, are noteven sure of what the Ivy League is all aboutor why they should think beyond it.

Comprised of just 8 institutions, the termIvy League was made official based on theformation of a NCAA athletic conference inthe United States back in 1954. Since then,the term has evolved beyond just athleticsto represent eight of the oldest schools inthe country.

Today, many believe that the term IvyLeague represents educational excellence,prestige, and substantial funding. It isimportant to keep in mind though, thatthese institutions represent only 8 of theclose to 4,000 accredited colleges and uni-versities in the United States. Institutionssuch as Stanford, MIT, and Berkeley are nota part of the Ivy League. Surprised?

Though the 8 Ivy League institutions areoften ranked in the top 10-16 of all popularU.S. institutional rankings, these numberswould vary drastically if students were tosearch for top schools by field of study andother specific search criteria.

Undergrad applicants should speciallynote that graduate programs give no realpreference to students that have completedtheir bachelor’s from one of these eightinstitutions. Like employers, admissionscommittee’s focus on academic andextracurricular performance above brandname hype.

One of the most common mistakes thatinternational applicants make is to blindlyapply to “top ranked” institutions without

conducting enough research, leading tounsuccessful attempts at admission.

College search: How to select the right match?

When you are looking for the right univer-sity, you should start by first looking within todetermine your unique goals, interests, andabilities. Then start compiling a list of col-leges based on their curricula, eligibility cri-teria, costs, availability of financial aid, col-lege type, location, size, and environment.

You will want to consider applying to avariety of different schools, including “safetyschools,” which are colleges that are verylikely to accept you and that you’ll be happyto attend; “match schools,” where your pro-file matches the profile of the college’s aver-age student; and “dream schools,” where theprocess of selection is extremely competitive.But we do not advise students to apply to toomany schools, because that can get too time-

consuming and expensive.Years ago, collecting all this information

was a big challenge, but now you can find allof this information online. Resources like col-lege search engines, college web sites, virtualcampus tours, and online college catalogs andguide books are great sources of information.There also are college profiles on onlinesocial networks.

How much does it cost to study in the United States?

The cost of tuition can range from as littleas $7,000 a year to $40,000 or more a year.Don’t let the cost prevent you from exploringyour options-where there is the will, there isoften a way. State (public) universities aregenerally, but not always, less expensive thanprivate institutions. Community colleges areusually less expensive than colleges and uni-versities.

How do financial aid and scholarships factor in?

The terms “scholarships” and “financialaid” are sometimes used interchangeably,but are different. A scholarship is a financialaward based on merit, including outstandingacademic performance, special talent insports or performing arts, or perhaps commu-nity service or leadership. Financial aid is a“needs-based” grant based on the student’s

financial need. There is financial aid avail-able to international students at both thegraduate and undergraduate level.

Graduate students can get financial aid inthe form of research and teaching assistant-ships. Fellowships are offered to studentswith proven academic records, regardless oftheir citizenship.

How can the cost of education be reduced? Look for colleges that offer the highest

quality education at the lowest cost.Becoming a resident assistant in a dormitorymeans substantial savings in living costs.Working in the dining hall offers a modestsalary plus “all you can eat” meals! Living offcampus with a relative or friend saves moneyif suitable accommodation is available andpublic transport is efficient. Students cansave thousands of dollars in tuition by attend-ing community colleges for the first two yearsand transferring to four-year institutions to

complete their degrees. Based on the first-year grades, some colleges award partialtuition waivers. A superior academic recordcan be the ticket to savings.

Which standardized tests are required for admission?

TOEFL (Test of English as a ForeignLanguage) is required by most colleges anduniversities for admission of internationalstudents whose native language is notEnglish. Many academic institutions havestarted accepting IELTS in lieu of TOEFL.The admissions offices of individual universi-ties will know if they will accept IELTS. Goodscores on standardized tests may help stu-dents get financial aid such as teaching orresearch assistantships.

The SAT Reasoning Test (ScholasticAptitude Test and Scholastic AssessmentTest) is a standardized test for college admis-sions in the United States at the undergradu-ate level. The test is intended to assess a stu-dent’s readiness for college. Possible scoresrange from 600 to 2400, combining test resultsfrom three 800-point sections (Mathematics,Critical Reading and Writing).

The ACT (American College Testing) iscurriculum-based, while the SAT is aimedmore at general reasoning and problem-solv-ing skills. U.S. colleges and universitiesimpartially accept either test for undergradu-

ate admissions. As an admissions strategy,students may consider taking the test theyfeel most comfortable with or taking bothtests and highlighting their best score.

GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is astandardized test which measures the think-ing and reasoning skills of students in Mathand English. Most of the universities in theUnited States require GRE scores for admis-sion to Master’s or Doctoral study programs.Higher GRE scores also may give an edge tostudents seeking financial assistance. TheGMAT (Graduate Management AdmissionTest) is for measuring aptitude to succeedacademically in graduate business studies.Business schools commonly use the test asselection criteria for admission into graduatebusiness administration programs. InPakistan, GRE/GMAT is administered as aCBT (Computer-based test), so basic comput-er skills are needed. To register for these testsor any other tests that USEFP administersthrough its certified Prometric test centers,please contact us. Please note: you don’t needa credit card to register through our USEFPtest centers.

What is an F-1 student visa?The F-1 student visa is one of the most flex-

ible Non-Immigrant Visas (NIV). It is a multi-ple entry visa. The F-1 student visa is forthose who want to study or conduct researchat an accredited American college or univer-sity. An F-1 visa gives students the freedomto work in order to finance their studies. F-1students are allowed to work on campus for asmany as 20 hours a week during fall andspring semesters and as many as 40 hours aweek during summer semesters. F-1 visa stu-dents have to attend university full time dur-ing fall and spring semesters, but are notrequired to take any classes during summer.

Students who have been accepted at aUnited States school and are able to pay thefull costs of their study are eligible to applyfor a student visa. To qualify for a studentvisa, a student needs to demonstrate his/herqualifications as a student and should be pre-pared to discuss the reasons for studying inthe United States and the details of theintended studies. Just as applicants forVisitor Visas, students also must establishthat they are not intending immigrants to theUnited States. Students can find all the infor-mation they need to apply for a United Statesvisa on the American Embassy Web site athttp://islamabad.usembassy.gov/pakistan/niv_student_visas.html

We encourage students to begin the stu-dent visa process as soon as they are acceptedin order to ensure sufficient time for visaapplication and processing.

Misconceptions about United States College AdmissionsMany students express concerns about

admission to American colleges and universi-ties. Some think they need to have perfectstandardized test scores and GPAs to even beconsidered by a United States institution.This is most definitely not the case!International students are admitted with awide range of SAT, GRE, and other standard-ized test scores. Others think that only stu-dents with abundant financial resourcescould make it through. Again, this is not true!Financial aid is available for many students.It is often a question of finding the right pro-gram at the right community college, college,or university in the United States. ■

Texila AmericanUniversity

Continued from Page I

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Study in the UnitedStates-FAQs

An education in the United States will provide theskills to deliver quality services and be an asset in anypart of the world. Students return home confident,well-informed, and articulate global citizens withinvaluable skills that are marketable in the real world

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