high school survival guide assignment

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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High School Survival Guide Assignment:

You will be creating a survival guide which would be useful for a freshman student (a student starting

grade 9).

Your survival guide must include:

At least 10 tips on different topics for high school

At least 5 of the tips should be illustrated in some way

The good copy must be presented in a creative way in you booklet

Each tip will be on its own page

Make your survival guide colourful, eye catching and attractive

You are going to be marked on:

Grammar and spelling


Having at least 10 tips

At least 5 tips are illustrated

The creativeness and organization of your guide book

Feel free to add little random drawings on the sides of your guide pages making it look as much of a

survival guide with a diary type feel as possible.

Your rough draft of the survival tips is due at the end of class for me to check your grammar and

spelling. You will have next class to work on the good copy of your survival guide and you are to have

your survival guide handed in by the end of class or it is homework for Monday November 15, 2010 no


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