high, clif - alta report vol. 26 - 3 - part three (2009.01.24) (eng) (pdf) [alta1109pdf partthree]

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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This report prepared from the continuous data stream initially started for 709 and kept running across the building tension to release language shift on October 7th employing

86.16 million reads. The recent processing included 33.0303 million reads from the 1109 data gathering.

Posted January 24, 2009

Link to print version

Meta Arts - New electrics, A disturbance in the Force

New electrics, the examples just keep coming. The article details a single form of 'energy harvesters', but more on on their way. Even here at HPH we are working on our 'wands' which will theoretically harvest energies up to the level of multiple amps from a variety of naturally occurring sources.

There is a meditation context in which the meditator reaches beyond consciousness and reaches a state that is known to Pantanjali, the various Taoist masters, and others at this level of experiential understanding. This state is known within the meditation community as 'stream-entering'. At that point the meditator's consciousness hovers just at the near edge of continuous creation, and is 'bathed' in the 'stream' of creation itself. While specifically *not* nirvana, this experience is/has been available for humans throughout all time....just because they are human. Oh, and because they had done the required work. Now it seems that a machine has been created which is actually detecting, and reacting to, the 'stream'. Curiously there have been 'discussions' among 'stream-enterers' over these last 5/five years wondering just *what*

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was that 'presence' they detect as a 'pebble' or 'swirling pool' at the very near edge of the 'bank' of the 'stream'. Well, mystery solved, it is the GEO600 experiment. This German experiment in hunting for gravity waves has inadvertently intruded into stream-entering and is betraying its adventure at the edge of creation of universe by malfunctioning.

Meta Data - interlinked contexts

The SpaceGoatFarts context of [officially denied] stuff provides a very interesting, and very complex mind-map. A condensed (by over 98/ninety-eight percent reduction of terms) Freemind version of this map is available at this link as an illustration of the interlinked complexity of what is [hidden] in the [shadow world] of the [officially denied contexts]. A partial listing of the selected sub contexts follows:

Officially Denied Contexts extracted from SpaceGoatFarts entity:

UFO Space Aliens/Not From Here Beings Consciousness external to humans Chemtrails Morgellons HAARP (Actual purpose/military use) Catastrophism Personal Enlightenment siddhis/shamanistic (earned) abilities Psychic abilities Ancient Human history Life on other planets non (modern) human archeology on earth human ruins/structures on other planets hyperdimensional nature of reality invisible hand (global power elite ruling conspiracy) intelligent life other than humans on this planet unknown energies from space 2012 solar system impacts interplanetary 'global warming'

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Markets - Debt Drowned

There is, and always has been, a difference between the [global economy] of human to human activities, and the [financial markets]. These last have been the mainstay of this entity, though with 1109 data processing there are new trends indicating that the [duality] meta data layer is now, and will continue to [separate] the [paper/fiscal markets] from what we have labeled as the [calorie economy]. In the case of the [calorie economy] this is the base, underlying [human to human trading of surplus calories] which is the formation of any, and all [economic activity]. The newly processed shorter term value sets are indicating that the [duality] meta data layer will continue to spread its influence over the Markets entity for all of 2009, but with a rising [visibility] from about mid May onwards. This rising [visibility] summation goes to the idea that the [calorie economy] *will* be reporting some levels of [success] this year as a [counter trend] to the [paper debt based, bank/government controlled] systems. The data sets are also showing that the expression of [duality] that most people will notice will be the continuing [fractures] appearing which will [separate] them from their [currency] based [wealth].

The [destruction of currency based wealth] is indicated to [flare up/heat up/rise (on hot air)] over the rest of [winter], but to really get its growth during [spring]. The data sets show that in late [winter], just before the [equinox] a series of [secrets revealed] influenced [leaks] will begin a [chain of confusion] as the realization of the [collapsing (of the) retirement systems] spreads [globally]. The data sets are very clear that the [spreading awareness] of the [failure of retirements] itself will contribute to the increasing [pressures] on the [retirement systems]. This is indicated to be a [global phenomena], but the data sets are indicating that the [peak pressures] and the [runs/panic draws against the system] will be most acute here in the USofA with secondary peaks in [greater britain], and [europe] in general. There will also be similar problems in both [australia] and [japan], but in both the complications will make those situations unique, though both will be triggered by the general [confidence collapse] pending for late [spring]. As an instance, the data sets suggest that the [japan postal service] will face a [review] which will [precipitate] a [general governmental crisis]. In [australia], there are some [land] connections to [retirement systems] will will act as an [early catalyst] to [repudiation], though without local knowledge, the linguistics are a bit confusing around the [titled/deeded land] issues

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associated with [retirement accounts].

The ripples of [ruin] from the [credit system] collapse of last year are still generating new data points through our current processing. The previously discussed ripples include the pending [collapse] of the [university/higher education system] {ed note: more local to the USofA where nearly 95/ninety five percent of all 'educations' are financed on debt}. The recent aspect/attribute accretion patterns to the Markets entity are providing some details about other ripples including the [failure] of the [debt based health care system]. This is a broad context, though again, primarily affects the [usofa] and the [anglo/american empire]. This [failure] of the [health care system] is pointing toward a [near shut down] or [drastically reduced] level of [activity] within the [health care system] by late [summer] with the onset of the more [visible] symptoms occurring in March, near the equinox.

After the equinox, things get decidedly ugly. The data has been clear since 2002 that the [dollar] was in the process of [dying]. The supporting concepts include a necessary movement through [repudiation] which is dominated by [duality]. Not only will the [usofa government] be [forced/compelled] to [default] on its [debt], but also the [usofa government] will face a situation in which the same forces which drove the [repudiation of debt] will also produce an external [repudiation of the dollar/usofa] by other countries globally. By the end of [summer/2009] the data sets indicate that the [dollar/usofa] will be [rejected] by all.

Of course, in the process of being [rejected by all], there will be an overwhelming [change] in the [dollar valuation] of all manner of [things]. These will not *all* be up relative to the dollar, as many [things/objects/products] are indicate to become [worthless] or [not worth purchase/having], while others such as [gold/silver] and a number of other [commodities] and [items] are showing as being [hyperinflationary bound] in to [stratospheric heights]....however, please be advised that the data sets indicate that it would be most unwise to [sell gold/silver] during the period of [hyperinflation of the dollar]. So what if an ounce of [gold] goes to [4/four thousand dollars]? It will soon be at [10/ten thousand], then perhaps [300/three hundred thousand] relative to the [dollar]. The data sets are also quite clear that in 2010, the value of [gold/silver] will [not be measurable] in [dollars], and instead will need a whole new metric for value.

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Populace/USofA - Decay

The data processing of the recently acquired immediacy values and shorter term value sets have yielded an accretion pattern which begins on January 26th and continues in a very active manner through the 14th of February and is headed by the simple, but revealing descriptor of [decay]. The [decay] is supported at the primary level by [acute/sharp/cutting/bleeding] and other aspects of a similar nature. The [decay] is further supported by continued, and robust growth of supporting aspect/attributes through February 14th.

The dominating supporting layer is easily interpreted as [evil/risky/damned situation] that [has exceeded balance completely]. Yet other words within the same secondary layer of descriptor support can include [blood draining], and [life's blood sucked away], and [parasitic processes/systems/beings], and [continuous drains], and [removing vitality], and [confidence sucked away (like) blood (from a) dead pig], and others of similar ilk. The data sets at the secondary and tertiary support levels indicate that [3/three blood-sucking/vitality-draining] [events] will [occur/happen/manifest] within a very short time of each other, likely across the day of the 26th of January, and that these combined will act as [parasites] which will [so deplete/decay] the [complex lies] that the [confidence] once associated with the [usofa dollar] will be sucked away like the first, second and third victims in a grade B. vampire movie.

Again, it is worth noting that [echoes] of the [financial/fiscal crisis] of October, 2008 were forecast for this same period then, and now we are finding the continuation of that idea, just from the other perspective of soon-to-be-passed-point-in-time, or [nearly soon hind sight]. The concept is of a [soul/intrinsic nature return/echo_from_past] series of [events/occupancies]. These temporal echoes are surprisingly frequent and definitively point to Terrance McKenna having been *absolutely* correct about the 'fractal nature of time'. The [echo] in this instance will be yet another [reverberation] within the [global vox/voice/linguistics] which will focus on [credit/debt] and the [viability of american empire].

The [death of empire], or [loss of confidence] within the

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[government/officialdom] of the [USofA] is indicated to be *the* big theme for the rest of [winter], and most of [spring], arising as a [glowing ember] from the January 26 crisis set, or temporal echo of the previous October [confidence in global economy/gov't/markets crisis]. The [death of dollar/american empire] meme will remain the dominant global discussion relative to the Markets entity, albeit only slowly gaining [visibility] and then only after the shift on February 15th into the brief building tension period that persists until the vernal equinox.

There are a number of detail layers in the supporting structure which echo the main themes of the sub sets by replicating aspects and providing deeper layers of supporting aspect/attributes which in turn contain some emotional flavoring of the higher level supporting structures. To a certain extent this sort of 'support replication' is expected within our work, but in the past has *not* shown to near these current levels within the Markets entity. It is almost as though modelspace is trying to beat the concept into our minds *just* to be sure we get the point. In the deeper supporting layers we find descriptors which go to the idea of an [internal timeline] to the [financial crisis] about to unfold. The data sets are hinting that [3/three days] will be [used up/required/taken up] following the [3/three (nominally) causative events], and then there will be a [reverberation], or [action response] which will be followed by yet another [3/three days] before the [next unfolding]. There after the [reactions] will start arriving faster, and the [media/press/mainstream media] will be [hard pressed] to [censor] the [news] as [fast as it develops].

Returning to the top most descriptor set, the [decay] aspect/attribute group and its secondary supporting layers, the next highest level of emotionally charged language after [death of (confidence) in american empire] goes to the idea of [fatal illness] and is directly focused on the [systems] and [government] behind the [dollar]. All of the supporting sets within the [decay] and [government] unions of aspects include [failure] at a [system wide] level. Much of the supporting sets terminate in [discontinuity] or [break-up following systemic failures]. In most cases, both [duality], and [revolution] meta data layers are being supported at the detail aspect/attribute levels.

While there are encouraging sets of languages indicating that such concepts as [correcting the neglect(s) of previous generations/past time] are indicated as being [necessary] and timely, there are more

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[disruptive] supporting sets which go to the idea that the [power elite] and their [minion class] the [politicians] will *not* have the [courage] to address what is necessary. Most of these sets indicate 'half-hearted' attempts which are [doomed/predisposed] to [failure], and which themselves are indicated to [worsen conditions]. Further sets in these aspects/attributes explicitly contain supporting aspects of [danger], and [dangerous path/ground].

While the data obligingly provides ample aspect/attribute sets for [regenerating high ideals] as a manifest example of the impact that the [obama administration] is having, at least at the emotional level, there are very few sets that indicate any form of success. Rather the emotional tone derived from the total of the [obama administration] is positive, and in support of [uplifting], though not [effective] against the pending problems. The data sets indicate that the [uplifting] emotional sum *does* support the larger theme of [transformation], but not in the sense of [success] of [initiatives/policies]. The data sets do provide support for [positive accomplishments], but again, these are both isolated, and overwhelmed in 2009/2010 by the manifesting [global depression], and the pending [collapse] of both the [american dollar] and the [empire] it supports.

The aspect/attribute accretion patterns form a very sharp picture of a [too persistent] effort to [set right/repair] those things which had been [spoilt] by the Bushistas. The idea coming across is that the [transformation] will be at such [deep] and [core] levels of the [social contract] as to [make trivial] any efforts not also at this level. The idea of [reforming] the [banking system] as it is collapsing is demonstration of very poor vision of what is important within the current times. Note that this is true of [reforming] and any [system] within the control of the [political elite] here in [usofa], not withstanding the nature of the problems of the moment facing that system. The data sets *do* show that the [obama administration] and the [petty-people/political class] *will* attempt just such [reformation] of the various systems such as [retirement], and [justice], and [currency] *as* they are all demonstrably [failing] over these next 4/four months. However we note that the [transformation] meta data layer does not really gets its main growth for the year until mid [summer] just as these various [repair existing systems] efforts [crumble] under the [weight] of the [debts] and then the [repudiation] of those debts.

Other data accretion patterns in support of the [decay] sub set go to

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the idea of a [political decay] as bespoke [bad emotions] begin to rise to the [surface] of the [populace/usofa] over late Spring and into Summer. At this point several [mob actions] will have occurred with [former government or republican/neocon officials] as the [victims/targets]. This will be an excellent temporal marker for the [wave] of [guilt seeking/blaming] that will follow, *in spite* of the efforts at [suppression] by the [obama admin/officialdom]. The [wave] is indicated to [get out of control] of the [politico's] in spite of some rather [extreme (for politicians)] examples of [truth telling]. There will be a [recrimination/blame] wave within the larger wave of the emotional flow of the [populace]. This smaller wave is actually representing the [officialdom] attempt to [wrest control] of the [process/phenomena] away from the [mob leaders] by [official prosecutions]. The supporting aspects point to [failure] of these efforts at levels both large and small. This [failure] to [contain] the [anger wave] within the [populace] results from the [horrific levels] of [instant poverty], and subsequent [suffering], and the very real [need] on the part of the [populace] to [affix guilt] *just* to remove their [own responsibility] for [participation] with the now [bankrupt systems] for all of their [life]. In late [summer] the rise of [visibility] of some of the SOCs (self organizing collectives) provides a [stark] and [bitter] contrast to the [failure] of [officialdom supported paradigm (i.e. cradle to grave gov't control)]. This does NOT help the [obama officials] and the [publicity] of the [success] of these [communities] will cause yet more problems within the already [boiling mess] that is the [summer of hell] here in the USofA.

GlobalPop - Euroquake

The accretion patterns from the shorter term and longer term value sets are indicating that the [european land mass], which includes a descriptor set that takes it over to the [russian border] to the east, will be very hard hit by [weather pulsations] over [summer/2009] and into [fall/2009]. The patterns of aspect/attribute set accrual come under large scale issues such as [floods], but also under smaller sets headed by descriptors toward a more mild form of [climate/weather problems], and these include [thunderstorms], and [vortexes (tornadoes/waterspouts)]. In both of these aspect/attribute sets, the core area of the linguistic structures are cross linked back over to the Terra entity as well as the SpaceGoatFarts entity. The combination of data structures, and cross links points to the [social

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order impacts] of the [climate changes] as being the prime driver for the emotional sums and so these will be discussed within the GlobalPop entity, rather than the Terra entity.

A singular part of the [climate change/weather challenges] for the [european land mass] over 2009 will be the [rainwater] issues which will also cause problems for other parts of the [northern hemisphere], however, due to the background of [social order transitional chaos] and [riots/social chaos/change (induced by) global economic chaos], the [climate] story in [europe] will, when [visible] almost always include [human impacts] as viewed from the perspective of [on going social changes]. Make sense? Clear as group tour french roast coffee? The central core of the lexical sets are describing a situation in which [climate change] becomes a [continuous weather] reporting issue to the point that it fades into the [background] of the [developing social tension expressions]. This will have a certain [masking] effect at the emotional and cognitive level such that the data indicates by late [fall/2009] a large part of the [european populace] will be [surprised/shocked] to become aware of *just* how much [climate change] has [taken hold] and [altered (local) landscapes].

There are some indications for [fires], especially in [former marsh areas] as being part of the [late summer/2009] problems. There are aspect/attribute sets indicating that [breathing] problems will arise due to [smoke], and that actual [terrain] will be [altered] by [fires] such that [habitation] is at risk. This will be apparently in areas which will be in [rain shadows] due to [abrupt alterations] in [wind patterns]. The [wind pattern] changes are also showing as a proximate cause to several instances of [flooding] in locales previously immune to such problems.

There are a few exceptions to the [fade into background] tendencies of the [climate change] across Europe, and these include references to [pulsing thunderstorms] and [floods] which will derive from [exceptional amounts] of [rainwater]. This is a directly held value set within the GlobalPop entity, sub set [european populace], and though it is similar to a directly held set within the Terra entity, the [rainwater] sub set within the GlobalPop entity is both deeper and of broader influence. There are indications for a [european] version of [diaspora] as some localities experience what is described by the data sets as bespoke [fears] of [planetary uncontrollable violence]. Several of the supporting sets here indicate that [visible] instances of [reckless behavior] will be seen within the global mediastream,

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and further that some of the [reckless behavior/risky actions] will prove [worthwhile], but that several glaring instances will be [visible] [failures] with very [dire results].

The data sets are pointing to a [social debate] within the larger [european land mass] over late [summer/2009] and into [fall/2009] about the [allocation of resources], and the [distribution of forces] relative to the [climate changes] and [destructive weather patterns]. There are a number of cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity where the most common terminating aspect/attribute set is [manipulation], with primary support by [seizure of power]. This sub set in its turn cross links back over to the GlobalPop entity where it terminates in a sub set of [social disorder]. The imagery coming across from the totality of the linguistic structure is that TPTB will attempt to use the upcoming temporal juxtaposition of [social unrest] due to spreading/deepening [economic chaos] *and* the [climate change] to [force polarization] within the [populace]. The data is explicitly referencing a [divide and conquer] approach with the idea being that a [planetary climate catastrophe] will [trump/overcome/weigh_more] than 'mere' fiscal disintegration.

However, the 'mere' fiscal disintegration is also symptomatic of the [decay/coagulation] of the [american empire], and the social consequences of this meme will be emerging as dominant themes over [summer/2009] and beyond. The [power vacuum] created by the [dollar demise] and [usofa gov't/officialdom defaults] over [summer/2009] and *through* [fall] is indicated to cause a series of [visible] forms of [power shifts] within TPTB across the [european], and [russian] social landscapes. The cross links from the [summer/2009] newly accrued aspect/attribute sets in the GlobalPop entity, sub set [european social order], over to the ThePowersThatBe entity are predominantly terminating in bespoke [fear], or bespoke [desperation].

The [social order changes] sub set within the GlobalPop points to an increasing [base/support] of [global economic disintegration] which will put huge [pressures] on [social stability] around the [planet] over the course of late [spring/2009] and into [summer/2009]. The indications are that these pressures will propel the [planetary populace movement] over the next year such that by late [summer/2010] the meme of [class warfare] is [global] and [pervasive]. The data sets are indicating that the [easily irritated frenchmen] forecast to [shape] the [contextual core] of the [planetary populace movement] will be [emergent] in [visibility] in

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late [summer/2009] along with [many/dozens] of other of the [new personalities] of this particular [sociopolitical movement]. The issues for us relative to interpretations of the [planetary populace movement] include the problem of the sheer breadth of contexts included. The lexical contexts range from descriptors for [back to the land/isolationists] all the way out to [planetary political movements] and [global revolutionary fervor]. The spread is further complicated by various depth levels indicating that persons in SOC's who are [off grid] and [detached] will *still* be participating in the [planetary populace movement] through various expressions including [life choices]. The [duality] meta data layer, and the [revolution] meta data layer are heavily participatory within this sub set of [planetary populace movement], and both have large supporting sub sets going toward an [active insurrection/slave revolt] against the [power elite] over the course of these next 2/two years. Both of these entities have sub sets indicating that the [repressions] and [suppressions] of [summer/2009], *as well as* the [outpouring] of [secrets revealed] from the [crumbling american empire] will provide the [catalyst] for the appearance of the [active] linguistics in support of [revolution] that appear in November 2009.

A few of the more troubling aspect/attributes which accrue for the GlobalPop entity are specifically focused on an [earthquake] causing [damages] in the [european landmass] over the [summer/2009]. This data set first makes its appearance in mid Summer, and the [damages] sub sets continue to grow through [fall/2009] in sub set areas indicating that a [loss of slope stability] will create [housing destruction] due to the [follow on effects] of the [summer earthquake]. The only specific sub sets that we have in support of the [european earthquake] for location are based on [geologic strata] descriptors for a [white], and [limestone], and [compressed alluvial] type of soils. There are some indications that this [earthquake] is more likely to hit in [southern regions] than northern. Again, the linguistic accretion patterns suggest that the [problems] of [damage], and [isolation] caused by the [earthquake] will be subsumed in a larger problems involving [violence] relating to [economic/financial] concerns.

TPTB - Sweaty Palms

The accretion patterns for ThePowersThatBe entity suggest that *THE* underlying obsession with *every* political/economic

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move over these next 2/two years will be bespoke [fear] that the [smallest] of [failures] will lead to [devastation], and [calamity]. This [sense] of [impending doom] within the TPTB entity is dominant in all 3/three data types and continues to accrue values in negative emotional ranges as modelspace is progressed through 2009. In other words, the [view of 2009] from the perspective of TPTB is of a [rough/dangerous/risky time] which gets [more dangerous] as the year matures.

The perspective of [doom and gloom] starts off with the aspect/attribute of [decrease] being dominant over [winter] and [spring], and then by the time that modelspace reaches into mid [summer], the dominant aspect/attribute set at that point is [restrictions on movement/isolation/containment/restraints]. At the beginning of the year the [decrease] aspect/attribute set starts out with [currency/wealth] as being the primary support, but as [winter] wears thin, and [spring] appears just ahead, the [decrease] aspect/attribute gains primary support from [power/prestige]. The shift from [losing currency/wealth] into [losing power/prestige] then moves through all of [spring] with increasing levels of support from [restraints] until just after the [summer] solstice (June 21/23) when the primary supporting aspect/attribute set takes over the entity in terms of dominant emotional state.

The TPTB entity has bespoke [fear] aspect/attribute support at higher levels of emotional sums than we have seen in this entity prior to this time. The [fear] levels are variously focused by supporting sets on first [currency/wealth] and then shading through [power] to [freedom] and [fear of personal safety] late in [summer]. In the case of the [currency/wealth] period of bespoke [worries] from now through May, the TPTB entity has the secondary levels of support dominated by [expectations] which [end in failure]. This last causes an emotional shift within the entity over the course of late Winter, specifically into late March, near the equinox, when the [minion class] or the [civil servants/officialdom] will come to realize that the [expectations *WILL* never be met] and then [shift happens].

The [duality] meta data layer is participatory in the mood shifts of the [minion classes] of TPTB over [winter] and [spring], and brings out explicit [worries/fears/concerns] held by the [minion classes/officialdom] about the [willingness] or [ability] of the [populace] to [accept] the [sacrifices] and [restrictions] that will be [required]. Further aspect/attributes in support of [duality] within

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the situation point to the problems that the [minion classes/officialdom] will have when faced with their own [inability/failure] to [dodge/get_away_from] the [impositions of restrictions] in their own lives. This last is indicated to come as something of a [shock] to the [political officialdom system] that has some very [visible] peaks in late May, and then in early September.

Conclusion: ALTA 1109 - Part Three:- Catharsis

Our data sets are derived from a view of language as expression of archetypes. This necessarily presents a certain template over the data sets in that the top level descriptors rise first, and then, over time and processing, supporting levels of aspect/attributes are added below. As we build our linguistic pyramids from the top down, the height of the pyramid, and the breadth of its base are unknowable as process continues. Over this past year we have watched the data sets build a very large pyramid under the concept of [flooding] with the point of expression being 2009. Now, along with the [flooding] language set, we have a [volcano] set forming that is progressing at nearly the same rate as had [flooding] last year. The execration is that [volcano] in the sense of [mountain blowing itself into the sky] will be a very good temporal marker at some point in the near future. Now the problem becomes when to place the manifestation of the [volcano problems] induced by [mountain of ash in sky]. Our first indicators for this language relative to minimum levels of [visibility] begin to show up for late in Summer. As the [visibility] sums rise, it becomes apparent that the impacts on the [global populace] will be significant, though no details are available at this point. It may also be that the beginning of an [explosive eruption] process starts in late [summer] as we would expect *some* level of warning in the form of small earthquakes, and perhaps stream releases. Without regard to the when of the [mountain blowing itself into the sky], the data sets are clearly indicating a large emotional reaction from the [global populace].

An even more worrisome trend is that [explosive] and [eruption] are growing as supporting aspects in other entities for very late in 2009. It is *just* this same pattern that emerged with [flooding]. In explanation, the [flooding] language is so ubiquitous now as to suggest that all of the developments over 2009 will begin to take on a [flood] component. In the sense that we can expect a [flood] of foreclosures, and a [flood] of defaults within the economic problems, as well as a [flood] of currency producing a [tidal wave] or [flood] of hyperinflation, the data sets *would* seem to be

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indicating that 2010 will produce an [explosive eruption] within each of the manifesting circumstances of that year.

However, before the global populace goes 'volcano' in 2010, we must first collectively experience the [flood] of 2009. This [flood] aspect is a supporting layer for the [transformation] which dominates all levels of the [global populace] with special emphasis being placed on the [populace/usofa]. As the [flood] of *all the bad news* continues, and the [financial abstraction layers of the global economy] continue in [global meltdown] and pending [hyperinflation], the [transformation] of the [populace/usofa] has begun (in just a few days) with a [catharsis] or purging of pent up building tension emotions. The [catharsis experience] will finish on February 14th, and building tension emotions will once again dominate briefly, but even then, we will have begun [transformation].

Tighten seat belts, and scarf down pies now, the temporal flow is about to get a bit bumpy during the rapids just over there...


Part Four is expected to be posted late on Saturday, January 31, 2009.

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