hieroglyphs signs list_ appearance verified from different sources

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Hieroglyphs Signs ListAppearance Verified From Different Sources


Sign list

The descriptions of the signs mostly follow Gardiner's publications. However, an attempt was made to achieve a greaterconsistency.

The sources include the following publications:

J.P. Allen (2000), Middle Egyptian: An introduction to the language and culture of hieroglyphs. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.A.M. Blackman and H.W. Fairman (1943), "The myth of Horus at Edfu -- II", in The Journal of EgyptianArchaeology 29, pp. 2-36.A.M. Calverley (1935), The temple of king Sethos I at Abydos. Volume II: The Chapels of Amen-Re, Re-Harakhti,Ptah, and King Sethos. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.S. Cauville (2001), Dendara: Le fonds hiéroglyphique au temps de Cléopâtre. Paris: Cybèle.A. Erman and H. Grapow (1961), Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.H.W. Fairman (1943), "Notes on the alphabetic signs employed in the hieroglyphic inscriptions of the temple of Edfu",in Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 43, pp. 191-318.R.O. Faulkner (1962), A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Oxford: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum.A.H. Gardiner (1957), Egyptian grammar: being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs. 3rd edition. Oxford:Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum.A.H. Gardiner (1928), Catalogue of the Egyptian hieroglyphic printing type, from matrices owned and controlled byDr. Alan H. Gardiner. Oxford: University Press.A.H. Gardiner (1929), "Additions to the new hieroglyphic fount (1928)", in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 15,p. 95. London: The Egypt Exploration Society.A.H. Gardiner (1931), "Additions to the new hieroglyphic fount (1931)", in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 17,pp. 245-247. London: The Egypt Exploration Society.A.H. Gardiner (1953), Supplement to the catalogue of the Egyptian hieroglyphic printing type, showingacquisitions to December 1953. Oxford: University Press.GITB, Griffith Insititute Topographical BibliographyR. Hannig (1995), Grosses Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch-Deutsch: die Sprache der Pharaonen (2800-950 v.Chr.).Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.G. Möller (1927a), Hieratische Paläographie. Erster Band: Bis zum Beginn der achtzehnten Dynastie. Neudruck derzweiten verbesserten Auflage. Osnabrück: Otto Zeller.G. Möller (1927b), Hieratische Paläographie. Zweiter Band: Von der Zeit Thutmosis’ III bis zum Ende dereinundzwanzigsten Dynastie. Neudruck der zweiten verbesserten Auflage. Osnabrück: Otto Zeller.

Sign Description Source Comments

A1 seated man A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A2 seated man with hand tomouth

A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A3 man sitting on heel A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A4 seated man with handsraised

A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A5 crouching man hidingbehind wall

A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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A5a seated man hiding behindwall

A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

A6 seated man under vasefrom which water flows

A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A6aseated man reaching forlibation stone, under vasefrom which water flows

A.H. Gardiner (1953):2, R. Hannig (1995):663

A6bseated man reachingdown, under vase fromwhich water flows

GITB:804-005-650, R.O. Faulkner (1962):211

A7 fatigued man A.H. Gardiner (1957):442

A8man performing

-riteA.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A9 seated man with W10

on head

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A10 seated man holding oar A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A11 seated man holding S42

and S39

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A12 soldier with bow andquiver

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A13 man with arms tied behindhis back

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A14 falling man with bloodstreaming from his head

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A14a man whose head is hitwith an axe

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A15 man falling A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A16 man bowing down A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A17 child sitting with hand tomouth

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A17a child sitting with armshanging down

A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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A18 child wearing S3 A.H. Gardiner (1957):443

A19 bent man leaning on staff A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A20 man leaning on forkedstaff

A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A21 man holding staff withhandkerchief

A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A22statue of man with staff

and S42 A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A23 king with staff and T3 A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A24 man striking with bothhands

A.H. Gardiner (1957):444

A25 man striking, with leftarm hanging behind back

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A26 man with one armpointing forward

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A27 hastening man A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A28 man with hands raised oneither side

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A29 man upside down A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A30 man with hands raised infront

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A31 man with hands raisedbehind him

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A32 man dancing with arms tothe back

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A32a man dancing with arms tothe front

A.H. Gardiner (1928):17, R.O. Faulkner(1962):187

A33 man with stick and bundleon shoulder

A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A34 man pounding in a mortar A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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A35 man building wall A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A36 man kneading into vessel A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A37 man in vessel A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A38man holding necks of twoemblematic animals withpanther heads

A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A39 man on two giraffes A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A40 seated god A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A40a seated god with S40 A.H. Gardiner (1953):2 (under the name C22)

A41 king with uraeus A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A42 king with uraeus and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A42a king with uraeus and


A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

A43 king wearing S1 A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A43a king wearing S1 with


A.H. Gardiner (1953):2 (under the name C21)

A44 king wearing S1 with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A45 king wearing S3 A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A45a king wearing S3 with


S. Cauville (2001):16 (under the name A45B)

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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A46 king wearing S3 with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):446

A47shepherd seated andwrapped in mantle,holding stick

A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A48 beardless man seated andholding knife

A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A49 seated Syrian holdingstick

A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A50 noble on chair A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A51 noble on chair with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A52 noble squatting with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A53 standing mummy A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A54 lying mummy A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A55 mummy on bed A.H. Gardiner (1957):447

A56 seated man holding stickA.H. Gardiner (1928):18, A. Erman and H.Grapow (1961):I:429

A57 man holding R4 A.H. Gardiner (1928):18, R.O. Faulkner(1962):179

A58 man applying hoe toground

A.H. Gardiner (1928):18, R.O. Faulkner(1962):262

A59 man threatening with stick A.H. Gardiner (1957):445

A60 man sowing seeds A.H. Gardiner (1929):95

A61 man looking over hisshoulder

A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

A62 Asiatic A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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A63 king on throne holdingstaff

A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

A64man sitting on heels

holding forward W10 A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

A65 A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

A66 man holding Y8 A.H. Gardiner (1953):2, R. Hannig (1995):96-97

A67 dwarfA.H. Gardiner (1953):2, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):II:266, R. Hannig (1995):413

A68man holding up knife

A.H. Gardiner (1953):2, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:87, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):II:486, A.M. Blackman and H.W. Fairman(1943):21-22

A69seated man with raisedright arm and left armhanging down


A70 seated man with raisedarms

GITB:801-626-810, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:152, S. Cauville (2001):18 (under thename A73)

B1 seated woman A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B2 pregnant woman A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B3 woman giving birth A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B4 combination of B3

and F31

A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B5 woman suckling child A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B5a woman suckling child(simplified)


B6 woman on chair withchild on lap

A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B7 queen wearing diadem andholding flower

A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

B8 woman holding M9 A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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B9 woman holding Y8 GITB:801-690-370, R. Hannig (1995):96

C1 god with N6 A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

C2god with head of falconwith sun on head and

holding S34A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

C2a god with head of falconwith sun on head

A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

C2b C2a reversed A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

C2c C2 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1953):2

C3 god with head of ibis A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

C4 god with head of ram A.H. Gardiner (1957):448

C5god with head of ram

holding S34 A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C6 god with head of jackal A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C7 god with head ofSeth-animal

A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C8 ithyphallic god with

S9, uplifted arm and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C9 goddess with sun andhorns

A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C10 goddess with feather onhead

A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

C10agoddess with feather on

head holding S34 A.H. Gardiner (1928):19, J.P. Allen (2000):426

C11god with arms supporting

(the sky) and M4 on


A.H. Gardiner (1957):449

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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C12 god with S9 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):449, A.H. Gardiner(1931):245

C13 C12 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

C14 god with S9 and


A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

C15 C14 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

C16 god wearing S3 with


A.H. Gardiner (1931):245

C17god with head of falcon

and S9A.H. Gardiner (1957):449, A.H. Gardiner(1931):245

C18 squatting godA.H. Gardiner (1957):449, A.H. Gardiner(1931):246

C19 mummy-shaped godA.H. Gardiner (1957):449, A.H. Gardiner(1931):246

C20 mummy-shaped god inshrine

A.H. Gardiner (1957):449, A.H. Gardiner(1931):246

C21 Bes GITB:801-751-278

C22 god with head of falconand moon disk


C23goddess with head of

feline and N6 GITB:802-096-740

C24 god wearing S3 with


GITB:801-753-130, GITB:802-065-930

D1 head in profile A.H. Gardiner (1957):449-450

D2 face A.H. Gardiner (1957):450

D3 hair A.H. Gardiner (1957):450

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D4 eye A.H. Gardiner (1957):450

D5 eye touched up with paint A.H. Gardiner (1957):450

D6 eye with painted upper lid A.H. Gardiner (1957):450

D7 eye with painted lower lid A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D8 eye enclosed in N18 A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D8aeye with painted lower lid

enclosed in N18 A.H. Gardiner (1928):20

D9 eye with flowing tears A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D10 -eye A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D11 left part of white of


A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D12 pupil of eye A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D13 eye-brow A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D14right part of white of

D10 A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D15 diagonal marking of


A.H. Gardiner (1957):451

D16 vertical marking of


A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D17 combination of D16

and D15

A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D18 ear A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D19 nose, eye and cheek A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D20 nose, eye and cheek insemi-cursive form

A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D21 mouth A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D22 mouth with two strokes A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D23 mouth with three strokes A.H. Gardiner (1957):452

D24 upper lip with teeth A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D25 lips with teeth A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D26 liquid issuing from lips A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D27 small breast A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D27a large breast A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D28 arms in -posture A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D29 combination of D28

and R12

A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D30 D28 with tail A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D31 combination of D32

and U36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D31a combination of D28

and U36

A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, R.O. Faulkner(1962):169

D32 arms embracing A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D33 arms rowing A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D34 arms holding shield andbattle-axe

A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D34a arms holding shield andmace

A.H. Gardiner (1957):453

D35 arms in gesture ofnegation

A.H. Gardiner (1957):454

D36 forearm A.H. Gardiner (1957):454

D37 forearm with X8 A.H. Gardiner (1957):454

D38 forearm with rounded loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):454

D39 forearm with W24 A.H. Gardiner (1957):454

D40 forearm with stick A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D41 forearm with palm downand bent upper arm

A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D42 forearm with palm downand straight upper arm

A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D43 forearm with S45 A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D44 forearm with S42 A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D45 arm with -wand A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D46 hand A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D46a liquid falling from hand A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D47 hand with palm up A.H. Gardiner (1957):455

D48 hand without thumb A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D48a hand holding an eggA.H. Gardiner (1953):3, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:104-105

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D49 fist A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D50 finger vertically A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D50a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):199

D50b ... G. Möller (1927b):652

D50c ... G. Möller (1927b):653

D50d ...

D50e ... G. Möller (1927b):653C

D50f ... G. Möller (1927b):653D

D50g ... G. Möller (1927b):653E

D50h ... G. Möller (1927b):653F

D50i ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

D51 finger horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D52 phallus A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D52a combination of D52

and S29

A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

D53 liquid issuing fromphallus

A.H. Gardiner (1957):456

D54 legs walking A.H. Gardiner (1957):457

D54a hieratic legs walkingA.H. Gardiner (1929):95 (under the name Ff3), G.Möller (1927b):120

D55 legs walking backwards A.H. Gardiner (1957):457

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D56 leg A.H. Gardiner (1957):457

D57 combination of D56

and T30

A.H. Gardiner (1957):457

D58 foot A.H. Gardiner (1957):457

D59 combination of D58

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

On the right in A.H. Gardiner(1957):458, the arm is above,but on the left it is behind theleg. Unicode assumes the latter.

D60 D58 under vase from

which water flows

A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

D61 three toes orientedleftward

A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

D62 three toes orientedrightward

A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

D63 two toes oriented leftward A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

D64 hand with palm down A.H. Gardiner (1953):3

D65 lock of hairA.H. Gardiner (1953):3, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:120, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:526-527

D66 arm with reed penA.H. Gardiner (1953):3, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:389, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:106

D67 dot A.H. Gardiner (1957):199

D67a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):199

D67b ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):199

D67c ...

D67d ... G. Möller (1927a):699

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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D67e ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):193

D67f ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):198

D67g ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):198

D67h ...

E1 bull A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

E2 bull charging A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

E3 calf A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

E4 sacred -cow A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

E5 cow suckling calf A.H. Gardiner (1957):458

E6 horse A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E7 donkey A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E8 kid A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E8a kid jumpingA.H. Gardiner (1957):459 (see under E8), A.H.Gardiner (1931):246

E9 newborn bubalis orhartebeest

A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E9a mature bovine lying down A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, R. Hannig (1995):703

E10 ram A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E11 ram A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E12 pig A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E13 cat A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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E14 dog (saluki) A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E15 lying canine A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E16 lying canine on shrine A.H. Gardiner (1957):459

E16alying canine on shrine

with S45 A.H. Gardiner (1953):3

E17 jackal A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E17a jackal looking backGITB:802-134-610, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:351,355,356

E18 wolf on R12 withA.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E19 combination of E19

and T3

A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E20 Seth-animal A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E20a combination of

E20 and V30

A.H. Gardiner (1928):22, A.H. Gardiner(1957):573 (second column, line 6)

E21 lying Seth-animal A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E22 lion A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E23 lying lion A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E24 panther A.H. Gardiner (1957):460

E25 hippopotamus A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E26 elephant A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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E27 giraffe A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E28 oryx A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E28a combination of

E28, N24 and

some type of jar

A.H. Gardiner (1928):22

E29 gazelle A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E30 ibex A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E31 goat with collar A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E32 baboon A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E33 monkey A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E34 hare A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

E34a hare (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):22


A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):II:253, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):V:606, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):V:618, R. Hannig (1995):812

E37 combination of E36,

V36 and V30

A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:438

E38 A.H. Gardiner (1953):3

F1 head of ox A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

F1a head of bovine A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

F2 head of charging ox A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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F3 head of hippopotamus A.H. Gardiner (1957):461

F4 forepart of lion A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F5 head of bubalis orhartebeest

A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F6 forepart of bubalis orhartebeest

A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F7 head of ram A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F8 forepart of ram A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F9 head of leopard A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F10 head and neck of animal A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F11 head and neck of animal A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F12 head and neck of canine A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F13 horns A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F13a horns (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):23

F14 combination of F13

and M4

A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F15 combination of F14

and N5

A.H. Gardiner (1957):462

F16 horn A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

F17 combination of F16

with vase from whichwater flows

A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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F18 tusk A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

F19 lower jaw-bone of ox A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

F20 tongue A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

F21 ear of bovine A.H. Gardiner (1957):463

F21a hieratic ear of bovineA.H. Gardiner (1929):95 (under the name Ff4), G.Möller (1927b):159

F22 hind-quarters of lion A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F23 foreleg of ox A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F24 F23 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F25 leg of ox A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F26 skin of goat A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F27 skin of cow with bent tail A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F28 skin of cow with straighttail

A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F29 cow's skin pierced byarrow

A.H. Gardiner (1957):464

F30 water-skin A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F31 three skins tied together A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F31a three skins tied together(simplified)

A.H. Gardiner (1953):3

F32 animal's belly A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F33 tail A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F34 heart A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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F35 heart and windpipe A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F36 lung and windpipe A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F37 backbone and ribs andspinal cord

A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F37a backbone and ribs A.H. Gardiner (1953):6 (under the name Ff9)

F38 backbone and ribs A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F38a backbone and ribs andspinal cord

A.H. Gardiner (1928):23

F39 backbone and spinal cord A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F40 backbone and spinal cords A.H. Gardiner (1957):465

F41 vertebrae A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F42 rib A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F43 ribs A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F44 leg-bone with meat A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F45 uterus A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F45a uterus (simplified)A.H. Gardiner (1928):38, R.O. Faulkner(1962):35

F46 intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F46a intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F47 intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F47a intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F48 intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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F49 intestine A.H. Gardiner (1957):466

F50 combination of F46

and S29

A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

F51 piece of flesh A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

F51a three pieces of fleshhorizontally

A.H. Gardiner (1928):24

F51b three pieces of fleshvertically

A.H. Gardiner (1928):24

F51c F51 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1957):467 (see under F51)

F52 excrement A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

F53 divine rod with F7 GITB:801-797-520, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):II:178

G1 Egyptian vulture A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

G2 two Egyptian vultures A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

G3 combination of G1

and U1

A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

G4 buzzard A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

G5 falcon A.H. Gardiner (1957):467

G6 combination of G5

and S45

A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G6a falcon on V30 A.H. Gardiner (1928):25, A.H. Gardiner(1957):573 (second column, line 6)

G7 falcon on R12 A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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G7a falcon in boatA.H. Gardiner (1957):468, A.H. Gardiner(1931):246, R. Hannig (1995):1049

G7b falcon in boatA.H. Gardiner (1957):468, A.H. Gardiner(1931):246, R. Hannig (1995):1049

G8 falcon on S12 A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G9 falcon with N5 on


A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G10 falcon in Sokar barque A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G11 image of falcon A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G11a image of falcon on


A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

G12 combination of G11

and S45

A.H. Gardiner (1957):468

G13 image of falcon with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G14 vulture A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G15 combination of G14

and S45

A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G16vulture and cobra each on

V30 A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G17 owl A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G18 two owls A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G19 combination of G17

and D37

A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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G20 combination of G17

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G20a combination of G17

and D21

A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, F. Daumas(1988-1995):157:227

G21 guinea-fowl A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G22 hoopoe A.H. Gardiner (1957):469

G23 lawping A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G24 lawping with twistedwings

A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G25 northern bald ibis A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G26 sacred ibis on R12 A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G26a sacred ibisA.H. Gardiner (1957):470, A.H. Gardiner(1953):3

G27 flamingo A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G28 glossy ibis A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G29 saddle-billed stork A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G30 three saddle-billed storks A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G31 heron A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G32 heron on perch A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G33 cattle egret A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

G34 ostrich A.H. Gardiner (1957):470

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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G35 cormorant A.H. Gardiner (1957):471

G36 swallow A.H. Gardiner (1957):471

G36a swallow (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):25

G37 sparrow A.H. Gardiner (1957):471

G37a sparrow (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):25

G38 white-fronted goose A.H. Gardiner (1957):471

G39 pintail A.H. Gardiner (1957):471

G40 pintail flying A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G41 pintail alighting A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G42 widgeon A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G43 quail chick A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G43a combination of G43

and X1

A.H. Gardiner (1928):26, A.H. Gardiner(1957):51 (section 56)

G44 two quail chicks A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G45 combination of G43

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

G45a combination of G43

and D37

A.H. Gardiner (1953):3, F. Daumas(1988-1995):184:757

G46 combination of G43A.H. Gardiner (1957):472

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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and U1

G47 duckling A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G48 three ducklings in nest A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G49 three ducklings in pool A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G50 two plovers A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G51 bird pecking at fish A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G52 goose picking up grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G53human-headed bird with

R7 A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

G54 plucked bird A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

H1 head of pintail A.H. Gardiner (1957):473

H2 head of crested bird A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H3 head of spoonbill A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H4 head of vulture A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H5 wing A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H6 feather A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H6a hieratic feather A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H7 claw A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

H8 egg A.H. Gardiner (1957):474

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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I1 gecko A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I2 turtle A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I3 crocodile A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I4 crocodile on shrine A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I5 crocodile with curved tail A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I5a image of crocodile A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I6 crocodile scales A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I7 frog A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I8 tadpole A.H. Gardiner (1957):475

I9 horned viper A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

I9a horned viper crawling outof enclosure

A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, R.O. Faulkner(1962):91, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:527

I10 cobra A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

I10a cobra with featherA.H. Gardiner (1953):4, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:269

I11 two cobras A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

I11a combination of I10,

X1 and N18

A.H. Gardiner (1928):27, A.H. Gardiner(1957):603 (first column, line -6)

I12 erect cobra A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

I13 erect cobra on V30 A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

I14 snake A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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I15 snake A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

K1 tilapia A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

K2 barbel A.H. Gardiner (1957):476

K3 mullet A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

K4 elephant-snout fish A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

K5 Petrocephalus bane A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

K6 fish scale A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

K7 puffer A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

K8 catfish A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, R. Hannig (1995):395

L1 dung beetle A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

L2 bee A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

L2a combination of M23,

L2 and two X1

A.H. Gardiner (1928):28, A.H. Gardiner(1957):51 (section 55)

L3 fly A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

L4 locust A.H. Gardiner (1957):477

L5 centipede A.H. Gardiner (1957):478

L6 shell A.H. Gardiner (1957):478

L6a L6 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1928):28

L7 scorpion A.H. Gardiner (1957):478

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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L8 GITB:801-221-400

M1 tree A.H. Gardiner (1957):478

M1a combination of M1 and


A.H. Gardiner (1928):29, R. Hannig (1995):418

M1b combination of M1 and


A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, S. Cauville (2001):144(under the name M48)

M2 plant A.H. Gardiner (1957):478

M3 branch A.H. Gardiner (1957):479

M3a combination of G17

and M3

A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:345

M4 palm branch A.H. Gardiner (1957):479

M5 combination of M4 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):479

M6 combination of M4 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):479

M7 combination of M4 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M8 pool with lotus flowers A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M9 lotus flower A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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M10 lotus bud with straightstem

A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M10a lotus bud with windingstem

A.H. Gardiner (1928):29

M11 flower on long twistedstalk

A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M12 lotus plant A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M12a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

M12b ... G. Möller (1927b):643

M12c ... G. Möller (1927b):644

M12d ... G. Möller (1927b):645

M12e ... G. Möller (1927b):646

M12f ... G. Möller (1927b):647

M12g ... G. Möller (1927b):648

M12h ... G. Möller (1927b):649

M13 papyrus A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M14 combination of M13

and I10

A.H. Gardiner (1957):480

M15 clump of papyrus withbuds

A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

M15a combination of M15

and O49


M16 clump of papyrus A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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M16a combination of M16

and O49

A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

M17 reed A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

M17a two reeds A.H. Gardiner (1957):481 (see under M17)

M18 combination of M17

and D54

A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

M19heaped conical cakes

between M17 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

M20 field of reeds A.H. Gardiner (1957):481

M21 reeds with root A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M22 rush A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M22a two rushes A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M23 sedge A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M24 combination of M23

and D21

A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M24a lily A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

M25 combination of M26

and D21

A.H. Gardiner (1957):482

M26 flowering sedge A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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M27 combination of M26

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M28 combination of M26

and V20

A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M28a three lilies on O49 A.H. Gardiner (1931):246, A. Erman and H.Grapow (1961):IV:474

M29 pod A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M30 root A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M31 rhizome A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M31a A.H. Gardiner (1931):246, A.M. Calverley(1935):18

M32 rhizome A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M33 3 grains horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M33a 3 grains verticallyA.H. Gardiner (1928):29, A.H. Gardiner(1957):483 (see under M33)

M33b 3 grains in triangulararrangement

A.H. Gardiner (1957):483 (see under M33)

M34 ear of emmer A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M35 heap of grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):483

M36 bundle of flax showingbolls

A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M37 bundle of flax A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M38 wide bundle of flax A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M39 basket of fruit or grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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M40 bundle of reeds A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M40a bundle of reeds A.H. Gardiner (1928):30

M41 piece of wood A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M42 flower A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M43 vine on trellis A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

M44 thorn A.H. Gardiner (1957):484

N1 sky A.H. Gardiner (1957):485

N2 sky with sceptre A.H. Gardiner (1957):485

N3 sky with sceptre A.H. Gardiner (1957):485

N4 sky with rain A.H. Gardiner (1957):485

N5 sun A.H. Gardiner (1957):485

N6 sun with uraeus A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N7 combination of N5 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N8 sunshine A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N9 moon with lower halfobscured

A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N10 moon with lower sectionobscured

A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N11 crescent moon A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N12 crescent moon A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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N13 combination of N11

and N14

A.H. Gardiner (1957):486

N14 star A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N15 star in circle A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N16 land with grains A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N17 land A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N18 sandy tract A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N18a combination of N18

and N35

A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, F. Daumas(1988-1995):470:641, H.W. Fairman(1943):235:235

N18b combination of N18

and O34

A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, F. Daumas(1988-1995):470:645

N19 two sandy tracts A.H. Gardiner (1957):487

N20 tongue of land A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N21 short tongue of land A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N22 broad tongue of land A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N23 irrigation canal A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N24 irrigation canal system A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N25 three hills A.H. Gardiner (1957):488

N25a three hills (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):31

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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N26 two hills A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N27 sun over mountain A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N28 rays of sun over hill A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N29 slope of hill A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N30 mound of earth A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N31 road with shrubs A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N32 lump of clay A.H. Gardiner (1957):489

N33 grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):490

N33a three grainsA.H. Gardiner (1928):31, A.H. Gardiner(1957):490 (see under N33)

N34 ingot of metal A.H. Gardiner (1957):490

N34a ingot of metal A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

N35 ripple of water A.H. Gardiner (1957):490

N35a three ripples of water A.H. Gardiner (1957):490

N36 canal A.H. Gardiner (1957):491

N37 pool A.H. Gardiner (1957):491

N37a poolA.H. Gardiner (1953):4, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:397

N38 deep pool A.H. Gardiner (1957):491

N39 pool with water A.H. Gardiner (1957):491

N40 combination of N37 A.H. Gardiner (1957):492

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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and D54

N41 well with ripple of water A.H. Gardiner (1957):492

N42 well with line of water A.H. Gardiner (1957):492

NL1 sign of first nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL2 sign of second nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):102(under the name F158)

NL3 sign of third nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):120(under the name G264)

NL4 sign of fourth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):214(under the name T116)

NL5 sign of fifth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):211(under the name T64A)

NL5a sign of fifth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL6 sign of sixth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):84(under the name E207)

NL7 sign of seventh nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL8 sign of eighth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):215(under the name T128)

NL9 sign of ninth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL10 sign of tenth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):84(under the name E199)

NL11 sign of eleventh nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):84(under the name E201A)

NL12 sign of twelfth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):87(under the name E254A)

NL13 sign of thirteenth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL14 sign of fourteenth nomeof Lower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):160(under the name N119)

NL15 sign of fifteenth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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NL16 sign of sixteenth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):135(under the name K17)

NL17 sign of seventeenth nomeof Lower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL17a sign of seventeenth nomeof Lower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL18 sign of eighteenth nomeof Lower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):26(under the name A337)

NL19 sign of nineteenth nomeof Lower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NL20 sign of twentieth nome ofLower Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU1 sign of first nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):26(under the name N120)

NU2 sign of second nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):114(under the name G127C)

NU3 sign of third nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU4 sign of fourth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU5 sign of fifth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):120(under the name G266)

NU6 sign of sixth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):133(under the name I106)

NU7 sign of seventh nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU8 sign of eighth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU9 sign of ninth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU10 sign of tenth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):129(under the name I31B)

NU10a sign of tenth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU11 sign of eleventh nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

NU11a sign of eleventh nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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NU12 sign of twelfth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):160(under the name N118)

NU13 sign of thirteenth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):160(under the name N112)

NU14 sign of fourteenth nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):160(under the name N113C)

NU15 sign of fifteenth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7, S. Cauville (2001):74(under the name E34B)

NU16 sign of sixteenth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):7Unlike Unicode, the sign onA.H. Gardiner (1953):7 has ajar in front of the oryx.

NU17 sign of seventeenth nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8, S. Cauville (2001):81(under the name E143A)

NU18 sign of eighteenth nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8, S. Cauville (2001):115(under the name G148A)

NU18a sign of eighteenth nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

NU19 sign of nineteenth nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

NU20 sign of twentieth nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

NU21 sign of twenty-first nomeof Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

NU22 sign of twenty-secondnome of Upper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

NU22a sign of second nome ofUpper Egypt

A.H. Gardiner (1953):8

O1 house A.H. Gardiner (1957):492

O1a combination of O1

and S34

A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, R.O. Faulkner (1962):89

O2 combination of O1

and T3

A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O3 combination of O1, A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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P8, X3, and W22

O4 shelter A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O5 winding wall fromupper-left corner

A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O5a winding wall fromlower-left corner

A.H. Gardiner (1928):32

O6 enclosure A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O6aopening of


O6bopening of


O6copening of


O6dclosing of


O6eclosing of


O6fclosing of


O7 combination of O6 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O8 combination of O7 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O9 combination of O7 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):493

O10 combination of O6 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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O10a combination of O6 and


A.H. Gardiner (1953):4, R.O. Faulkner(1962):165

O10b combination of O6 and


GITB:801-755-460, R. Hannig (1995):516

O10c combination of O18

and D2

GITB:802-051-300The GITB entry does not depictthe sign. Enquiry pending withWellcome museum.

O11 palace A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O12 combination of O11

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O13 battlemented enclosure A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O14 part of battlementedenclosure

A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O15 enclosure with W10

and X1

A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O16 gateway with serpents A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O17 open gateway withserpents

A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O18 shrine in profile A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O19 shrine with fence A.H. Gardiner (1957):494

O19a shrine A.H. Gardiner (1953):4

O20 shrine A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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O20a shrine A.H. Gardiner (1928):32

O21 façade of shrine A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O22 booth with pole A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O23 double platform A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O24 pyramid A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O24a pedestal of sun temple A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

O25 obelisk A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O25a obelisk and pedestal ofsun temple

A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

O26 stela A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O27 hall of columns A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O28 column A.H. Gardiner (1957):495

O29 horizontal woodencolumn

A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O29a vertical wooden columnA.H. Gardiner (1928):32, A.H. Gardiner(1957):496 (see under O29)

O30 support A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O30a four supportsA.H. Gardiner (1928):32, R.O. Faulkner(1962):241

O31 door A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O32 gateway A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O33 façade of palace A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O33a closing of -enclosure A.H. Gardiner (1957):72

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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O34 bolt A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O35 combination of O34

and D54

A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O36 wall A.H. Gardiner (1957):496

O36a opening of oval fortifiedwall enclosure

O36b closing of oval fortifiedwall enclosure

O36c opening of squarefortified wall enclosure

O36d closure of square fortifiedwall enclosure

O37 falling wall A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O38 corner of wall A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O39 stone A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O40 stairway A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O41 double stairway A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O42 fence A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O43 low fence A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O44 emblem of Min A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O45 domed building A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O46 domed building A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

O47 enclosed mound A.H. Gardiner (1957):497

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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O48 enclosed mound A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

O49 village A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

O50 threshing floor A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

O50a hieratic threshing floor A.H. Gardiner (1953):6 (under the name Ff8)

O50b O50a reversed A.H. Gardiner (1953):6 (under the name Ff8*)

O51 pile of grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

P1 boat A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

P1a boat upside down A.H. Gardiner (1957):498

P2 ship under sail A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P3 sacred barque A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P3a sacred barque withoutsteering oar

A.H. Gardiner (1928):34, J.P. Allen (2000):439(see under P3)

P4 boat with net A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P5 sail A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P6 mast A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P7 combination of P6 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P8 oar A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P9 combination of P8 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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P10 steering oar A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

P11 mooring post A.H. Gardiner (1957):499

Q1 seat A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q2 portable seat A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q3 stool A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q4 head-rest A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q5 chest A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q6 coffin A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

Q7 brazier A.H. Gardiner (1957):500

R1 high table with offerings A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R2 table with slices of bread A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R2a high table with offerings A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

R3 low table with offerings A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R3a low table A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

R3b low table with offerings(simplified)

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

R4 loaf on mat A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R5 narrow censer A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R6 broad censer A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

R7 bowl with smoke A.H. Gardiner (1957):501

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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R8 cloth on pole A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R9 combination of R8 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R10 combination of R8,

T28 and N29

A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R10a combination of R8 and


A.H. Gardiner (1928):35, R.O. Faulkner(1962):204

R11 reed column A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R12 standard A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R13 falcon and feather onstandard

A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R14 feather on standard A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R15 spear emblem A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R16 sceptre with feathers andstring

A.H. Gardiner (1957):502

R16a sceptre with feathers A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

R17 wig on pole A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R18 combination of R17

and N24

A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R19 S40 with feather A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R20 flower with horns A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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R21 flower with horns A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R22 two narrow belemnites A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R23 two broad belemnites A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R24 two bows tiedhorizontally

A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R25 two bows tied vertically A.H. Gardiner (1957):503

R26 combination of

N17, F36, M24a

and M13

A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

R27 two arrows crossed over ashield

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

R28 Bat A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, R. Hannig (1995):239

R29 niche with serpentA.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:147

S1 white crown A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S2 combination of S1

and V30

A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S2a combination of S1

and O49

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):IV:476

S3 red crown A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S4 combination of S3

and V30

A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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S5 double crown A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S6 combination of S5

and V30

A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S6a combination of S3

and O49

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):II:124

S7 blue crown A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S8 -crown A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S9 two plumes A.H. Gardiner (1957):504

S10 headband A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S11 broad collar A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S12 collar of beads A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S13 combination of S12

and D58

A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S14 combination of S12

and T3

A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S14a combination of S12

and S40

A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S14b combination of S12

and S40

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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S15 pectoral A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S16 pectoral A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S17 pectoral A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S17a girdle A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S18 necklace withcounterpoise

A.H. Gardiner (1957):505

S19 necklace with seal fromside

A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S20 necklace with seal fromfront

A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S21 ring A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S22 shoulder-knot A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S23 knotted cloth A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S24 girdle knot A.H. Gardiner (1957):506

S25 garment with tiesA.H. Gardiner (1957):506, A. Erman and H.Grapow (1961):I:159, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:422

S26 apron A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S26a apronA.H. Gardiner (1957):507 (under the name'(N18)')

S26b apron A.H. Gardiner (1957):507 (see under N18)

S27 cloth with two strands A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S28cloth with fringe on top

and S29 A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S29 folded cloth A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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S30 combination of S29 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S31 combination of S29 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S32 cloth with fringe on theside

A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S33 sandle A.H. Gardiner (1957):507

S34 sandle-strap A.H. Gardiner (1957):508

S35 sunshade A.H. Gardiner (1957):508

S35a sunshade A.H. Gardiner (1928):36

S36 sunshade A.H. Gardiner (1957):508

S37 fan A.H. Gardiner (1957):508

S38 crook A.H. Gardiner (1957):508

S39 shepherd's crook A.H. Gardiner (1957):509

S40 sceptre A.H. Gardiner (1957):509

S41 sceptre with spiral shaft A.H. Gardiner (1957):509

S42 sceptre of authority A.H. Gardiner (1957):509

S43 walking stick A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

S44 walking stick with


A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

S45 flagellum A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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S46 covering for head andneck

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A.M. Calverley(1935):26, R.O. Faulkner (1962):42, H.W.Fairman (1943):241:272

T1 mace with flat head A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T2 mace with round headdiagonally

A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T3 mace with round headvertically

A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T3a combination of T3 and


A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:213

T4 mace with strap A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T5 combination of T3 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T6 combination of T3 and

two I10

A.H. Gardiner (1957):510

T7 axe A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T7a axe A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T8 dagger A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T8a dagger A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T9 bow A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T9a bow A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T10 composite bow A.H. Gardiner (1957):511

T11 arrow A.H. Gardiner (1957):512

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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T11a two crossed arrows GITB:802-065-700

T12 bow-string A.H. Gardiner (1957):512

T13 joined pieces of wood A.H. Gardiner (1957):512

T14 throw stick vertically A.H. Gardiner (1957):513

T15 throw stick slanted A.H. Gardiner (1957):513

T16 scimitar A.H. Gardiner (1957):513

T16a scimitar A.H. Gardiner (1931):246

T17 chariot A.H. Gardiner (1957):513

T18 crook with packageattached

A.H. Gardiner (1957):513

T19 harpoon head A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T20 harpoon head A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T21 harpoon A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T22 arrowhead A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T23 arrowhead A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T24 fishing-net A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T25 floats A.H. Gardiner (1957):514

T26 bird-trap A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T27 bird-trap A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T28 butcher's block A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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T29 combination of T30

and T28

A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T30 knife A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T31 knife-sharpener A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T32 combination of T31

and D54

A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T32a combination of T31

and S29

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5, R.O. Faulkner(1962):247

T33 knife-sharpener of butcher A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T33a combination of T33

and S29

A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

T34 butcher's knife A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T35 butcher's knife A.H. Gardiner (1957):515

T36 shield A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

U1 sickle A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U2 sickle (low) A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U3 combination of U1

and D4

A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U4 combination of U1A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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and Aa11

U5 combination of U2

and Aa11

A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U6 diagonal hoe A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U6a vertical hoe A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

U6b U6a reversed A.H. Gardiner (1953):5

U7 horizontal hoe A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U8 hoe without connectingrope

A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U9 grain-measure with grain A.H. Gardiner (1957):516

U10 U9 beneath


A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U11 combination of S38 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U12 combination of D50 and


A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U13 plough A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U14 two joined branches A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U15 sledge A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U16 sledge with head of jackal A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

U17 pick in ground A.H. Gardiner (1957):517

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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U18 pick in basin A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U19 adze A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U20 adze A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U21 adze on wood A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U22 chisel A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U23 chisel A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U23a chisel A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

U24 drill for stone A.H. Gardiner (1957):518

U25 drill for stone A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U26 drill for beads A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U27 drill for beads A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U28 fire-drill A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U29 fire-drill A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U29a fire-drill with stringA.H. Gardiner (1953):5, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):V:517

U30 kiln A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U31 baker's rake A.H. Gardiner (1957):519

U32 pestle and mortar A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

U32a hieratic pestle and mortar A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

U33 pestle A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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U34 spindle A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

U35 combination of U34

and I9

A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

U36 club A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

U37 razor A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

U38 balance A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

U39 post of balance A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

U40 hieratic post of balance A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

U41 plummet A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

U42 pitchforkA.H. Gardiner (1957):517 (under the name'(O30)')

V1 coil of rope A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

V1a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):199

V1b ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):194

V1c ... G. Möller (1927b):635

V1d ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):201

V1e ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

V1f ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):200

V1g ... G. Möller (1927b):639

V1h ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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V1i ... G. Möller (1927a):636

V2 combination of O34

and V1

A.H. Gardiner (1957):521

V2a hieratic form of V2 A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

V3 combination of O34

and three V1

A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V4 lasso A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V5 looped rope A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V6 cord with ends upward A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V7 cord with ends downward A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V7a cord with ends downward A.H. Gardiner (1953):6

V7b hieratic cord with endsdownward

A.H. Gardiner (1929):95 (under the name Ff2), G.Möller (1927b):521

V8 cord downward A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V9 round cartouche A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V10 oval cartouche A.H. Gardiner (1957):522

V11 end of cartouche A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V11a opening of cartouche A.H. Gardiner (1928):39, G. Möller (1927b):532

V11b closing of cartouche A.H. Gardiner (1928):39, G. Möller (1927b):532

V11c closing of knotlesscartouche

G. Möller (1927b):532

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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V12 string A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V12a stringA.H. Gardiner (1953):6, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:213

V12b string A.H. Gardiner (1953):6

V13 rope A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V14 rope with tick A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V15 combination of V13

and D54

A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V16 looped cord A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V17 shelter of papyrus A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V18 shelter of papyrus A.H. Gardiner (1957):523

V19 hobble with cross-bar A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V20 hobble A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V20a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

V20b ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):201

V20c ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):198

V20d ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):197

V20e ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):194

V20f ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

V20g ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):196

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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V20h ... G. Möller (1927b):631

V20i ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

V20j ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):194

V20k ... G. Möller (1927b):626

V20l ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

V21 combination of V20

and I10

A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V22 whip A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V23 whip A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V23a whip A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

V24 cord on stick A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V25 cord on stick with tick A.H. Gardiner (1957):524

V26 netting needle A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V27 netting needle A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V28 wick A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V28a combination of V28

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1953):6, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):III:37

V29 swab A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V29a combination of V29 A.H. Gardiner (1931):247, A. Erman and H.Grapow (1961):IV:314-315

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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and V31

V30 basket A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V30a basket (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):39

V31 basket with right handle A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V31a basket with left handle A.H. Gardiner (1957):525

V32 frail A.H. Gardiner (1957):526

V33 bag A.H. Gardiner (1957):526

V33a bundle GITB:804-010-299

V34 bag A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

V35 bag A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

V36 receptacle A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

V37 bandage A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

V37a bandageA.H. Gardiner (1953):6, A. Erman and H. Grapow(1961):I:154

V38 bandage A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

V39 knot-amuletA.H. Gardiner (1957):508, A.H. Gardiner(1931):247

V40 hobble on its side A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

V40a two hobbles on their side A.H. Gardiner (1957):201

W1 oil jar with ties A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

W2 oil jar A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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W3 alabaster basin A.H. Gardiner (1957):527

W3a alabaster basin (low) A.H. Gardiner (1928):40

W4 combination of O22

and W3

A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W5 combination of T28

and W3

A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W6 metal vessel A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W7 granite bowl A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W8 deformed granite bowl A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W9 jug with left handle A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W9a jug with right handle A.H. Gardiner (1953):6

W10 cup A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W10a pot with tick A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

W11 round ring stand A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W12 square ring stand A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W13 earthenware pot A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W14 water jar A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W14a combination of V28,

W14 and O34

A.H. Gardiner (1928):40, A.H. Gardiner(1957):529 (see under W14)

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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W15 water jar with water A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W16 water jar with water inring stand

A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W17 three water jars in rack A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W17a three water jars in rack(simplified)

A.H. Gardiner (1953):6 (under the name W18*)

W18 four water jars in rack A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W18a four water jars in rack(simplified)

W19 milk jug in net A.H. Gardiner (1957):529

W20 milk jug with leaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):530

W21 twin wine jars A.H. Gardiner (1957):530

W22 beer jug A.H. Gardiner (1957):530

W23 jar with handles A.H. Gardiner (1957):530

W24 bowl A.H. Gardiner (1957):530-531

W24a three bowlsA.H. Gardiner (1928):40, A.H. Gardiner(1957):530 (see under W24)

W25 combination of W24

and D54

A.H. Gardiner (1957):531

X1 flat loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):531

X2 tall loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):531

X3 tall loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):532

X4 roll of bread A.H. Gardiner (1957):532

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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X4a roll of bread A.H. Gardiner (1928):41

X4b roll of breadA.H. Gardiner (1957):532 (under the name'(N18)')

X5 hieratic roll of bread A.H. Gardiner (1957):532

X6 round loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):532

X6a round loaf A.H. Gardiner (1928):41

X7 half-loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):532

X8 conical loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):533

X8a hieratic conical loaf A.H. Gardiner (1957):533 (see under X8)

Y1 scroll with ties A.H. Gardiner (1957):533

Y1a vertical scroll with tiesA.H. Gardiner (1928):41, A.H. Gardiner(1957):533 (see under Y1)

Y2 scroll A.H. Gardiner (1957):533

Y3 scribe's outfit with paletteon left

A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Y4 scribe's outfit with paletteon right

A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Y5 game board A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Y6 game piece A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Y7 harp A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Y8 sistrum A.H. Gardiner (1957):534

Z1 stroke A.H. Gardiner (1957):534-535

Z2 three Z1 horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):535-536

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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Z2a three Z1 horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):536 (see under Z2)

Z2b three D67 horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):535 (see under Z2)

Z2c three Z1 in triangular


A.H. Gardiner (1957):535 (see under Z2)

Z2d three Z1 in triangular


Z3 three Z1 vertically A.H. Gardiner (1957):536

Z3a three lying Z1 vertically A.H. Gardiner (1928):42, A.H. Gardiner(1957):536 (see under Z3)

Z3b three D67 vertically A.H. Gardiner (1957):535 (see under Z2)

Z4 two diagonal strokes A.H. Gardiner (1957):536-537

Z4a two Z1 horizontally A.H. Gardiner (1957):536 (see under Z4)

Z5 curved diagonal stroke A.H. Gardiner (1957):537

Z5a diagonal strokeA.H. Gardiner (1928):42, A.H. Gardiner(1957):537 (see under Z5)

Z6 hieratic substitute for

A13 or A14

A.H. Gardiner (1957):537

Z7 hieratic quail chick A.H. Gardiner (1957):537

Z8 oval A.H. Gardiner (1957):538

Z9 diagonal cross A.H. Gardiner (1957):538

Z10 wide diagonal cross A.H. Gardiner (1957):539

Z11 cross A.H. Gardiner (1957):539

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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Z12 hieratic striking manA.H. Gardiner (1929):95, R.O. Faulkner(1962):165

Z13 circleA.H. Gardiner (1957):538 (under the name'(N33)'), A.H. Gardiner (1953):6

Z14 indeterminable hieratictick

A.H. Gardiner (1929):95 (under the name Ff1)

Z15 long vertical stroke A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

Z15a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

Z15b ...A.H. Gardiner (1928):42, A.H. Gardiner(1957):193

Z15c ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z15d ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):192

Z15e ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):193

Z15f ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z15g ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z15h ... G. Möller (1927b):622

Z15i ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16 long horizontal stroke A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16a ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16b ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16c ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16d ... G. Möller (1927b):660

Z16e ... G. Möller (1927b):661

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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Z16f ... G. Möller (1927b):662

Z16g ... A.H. Gardiner (1957):191

Z16h ... G. Möller (1927b):664

Aa1 basket from above A.H. Gardiner (1957):539

Aa2 pustule A.H. Gardiner (1957):539

Aa3 pustule with liquid A.H. Gardiner (1957):540

Aa4 pot with two ticks A.H. Gardiner (1957):528

Aa5 navigation instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):540

Aa6 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):540

Aa7 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):540

Aa7a Aa7 reversed A.H. Gardiner (1928):43, A.H. Gardiner(1957):540 (see under Aa7)

Aa7b later equivalent of


A.H. Gardiner (1931):247

Aa8 irrigation canal A.H. Gardiner (1957):540-541

Aa9 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):541

Aa10 unknown A.H. Gardiner (1957):541

Aa11 platform A.H. Gardiner (1957):541

Aa12 platform A.H. Gardiner (1957):541

Aa13 sharp half A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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Aa14 bent half A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa15 blunt half A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa16 short half A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa17 lid A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa18 square lid A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa19 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa20 bag A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa21 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):542

Aa22 combination of Aa21

and D36

A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa23 high warp between stakes A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

Aa24 low warp between stakes A.H. Gardiner (1957):520

Aa25 unknown A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa26 unknown A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa27 spindle A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa28 level A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa29 instrument A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa30 frieze A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Aa31 frieze A.H. Gardiner (1957):543

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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Aa32 archaic bow A.H. Gardiner (1957):512

Last update: 2014-02-09T18:47:44Z

Sign list: appearance and sources http://mjn.host.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/egyptian/unicode/tablemain.html

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