hicksville public schools… building on tradition and ensuring the future. education can move...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Hicksville Public Schools…building on tradition and

ensuring the future.

Education can move mountains at any age…

Patrick Schwarz

Commitment to Endless Possibilities

unwavering focus,giving of all one has to offer, anddedication to and faith in a desired course of events.See the inevitable changes not as threats but as opportunities that can deepen our understanding and bring us wisdom and growth.

Commitment to Ability

Commitment to Capability

Focus on…ABILITY in disability more than the dis.

If we can do that, then we are more apt to succeed.

Plan for success by using more of the cans than the cant’s.

Commitment to Reaching Beyond Feasibility

Clearly disabilities can be obstacles.

However, they ought to be focused on as obstacles which problem solving can surmount.

Sometimes trade-offs do exist.

Most obstacles can be overcome by abilities.

Commitment to Accessibility

I am open to this experience.

Wait a minute, let me change!

I am a student of life!

Commitment to Accountability

When you make a decision and a commitment to do something…it is like dropping a pebble in a pond.

It has a rippling effect.

Energy vibrations are sent out into the universe that touch people and places you may not see.

The firmer the decision the wider the frequency and wider the range of things that will need to be reached.

Commitment to Sustainability

The question is, what are you willing to do to get what you say what you want?

Are you willing to discipline your mind and your mouth?

Are you willing to get up early, stay up late and work hard all the hours in between?

Are you willing to do it with excellence?

Commitment to Responsibility

There’s an old saying: only little children and old folks tell the truth. When you get real old, you just lay it on the table.Life is depending on you to shine.Life is waiting for you to bloom.It may be more challenging to move beyond expectations…but remember, a good challenge strengthens your muscles.

Commitment to Adaptability

When resistance comes up in your body, you may want to shut down or run away. It may feel like you just don’t want to be bothered.Cooperation means you do not try to block the energy, within you or the environment.Make a decision.Take a risk.

Commitment to Flexibility

The old Spiritual reminds us, “Nobody told me that the road would be easy…” and it’s not!

It is not easy to shift out of what we do and how we do it.

Yet it is a necessary labor we must undertake in order to embrace the unknown.

Commitment to Workability

Our children…must learn their lessons and have the experiences they need in order to find their true identity. Our job is to guide, support, nurture, teach and lay the foundation for them to stand on.All children have a right to the same experiences.

Commitment to Insurability

Diversity is good.

No double standards.

A general education shouldn’t need to be earned.

The dignity of risk applies to all people.

Get rid of labels.

Make education real.

Commitment to Survivability

The aim is clear. Each child--each of the young, should be able to advance to full capacity in accordance with general and special ability and aptitude…Paul Brandwein

Credits To: Iyanla Vanzant

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