heredity reflection

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Heredity Reflection By: Sara


Heredity is the genes and traits you may get from your parents. You have little things inside your cells called chromosomes. You get half of your chromosomes from your Mom, and half of your chromosomes from your Dad. That way if your mom is left handed, there is a chance that you can be left handed. There is a chart called the pundentt square. This chart helps your parents figure out what genes you might have.

Traits and genes

You get traits from your parents. These traits are called inherited traits. Inherited traits are traits that you inherited from your Mom or Dad. If both of your parents have brown hair, (dominant gene) you will have brown hair too. A dominant gene is a gene that you can have 1 or 2 factors for this gene. But a recessive gene has to have 2 factors for it to show up.

Learned behaviors

A learned behavior is a behavior that you learn yourself. Like riding a like or reading a book, you learned how to do them, you didn’t inherit them!

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