here at hickmott rd, as is frequently the case elsewhere, the porter brook has been heavily...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Here at Hickmott Rd, as is frequently the case elsewhere, the Porter Brook has been heavily engineered with the river lying in a straight hard edged channel . Photo credit Tom Wild

By Wards Brewery the Porter is open before it enters a culvert passing underneath urban Sheffield . Photo credit Tom Wild

Behind BBC Radio Sheffield the Porter Brook contains unsightly girders and dumped rubbish. Photo credit Tom Wild

The URSULA researchers peer over a wall to see a stretch of the Porter Brook hidden away in the centre of Sheffield. Most passersby are oblivious there is a river just a few metres away from where they are walking. Photo credit Tom Wild

The River Porter emerges from under urban Sheffield for a short stretch as it flows towards the railway station. Photo credit Tom Wild

Looking the other way from the last photo, this is the last view of the Porter Brook before it disappears under a culvert where it joins the River Sheaf. Photo credit Tom Wild

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