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HERD/Agriculture Project Application Form

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Programme in Higher Education, Research and Development in the Western Balkans 2010-2014. The Agriculture Sector (HERD/Agriculture) Project Application Form (Download from: http://www.umb.no/

(For internal use) HERD/Agriculture ID.: Received:

Cover page

1. Project title

Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing

2. Application documents (See ”Guidelines for Applicants” when filling out the project application form) This application form Project description CV for project leaders Other documents Please send application on paper to: the HERD/ Agriculture Secretariat at UMB/ Noragric, Postboks 5003, 1432 Aas, att. Thor S. Larsen. Please also send the application and other documents electronically by e-mail to: thor.s.larsen@umb.no

3. Signatures from institutions in Western Balkans countries (For more information see attached Appendix 5)

4. Signatures from lead institution in Norway (attach extra forms if more than one institution)

Endorsement of 3 and 4 confirms institutional relevance of the proposed cooperation, acceptance of, and commitment to the project activities

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PART A: PROJECT INFORMATION, SYNOPSIS AND PROPOSAL 5. Proposing departmens/institutions/centers (on alphabetical order according to name of towns)

In Norway

Address: Department of International Environment and Development Studies/Noragric Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) P.O. Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, Norway

Phone: +47 64 96 52 00 Telefax: +47 64 96 52 01

Institutions’s Web page: http://www.umb.no/noragric/ E-mail: noragric@umb.no

In Western Balkans

Address: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary

Bul.”Bill Clinton” NN., 10000 Prishitna, UNMIK Kosovo (according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) Phone: +381 38 60 38 46 Telefax: +381 38 60 31 02

Institutions’s Web page:,102 E-mail: skender_musa@hotmail.com

Address: University of Pristina (replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica), Faculty of Agriculture - Lesak

Jelene Anzujske bb, 38228 Zubin Potok, UNMIK Kosovo (according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) Phone: +381 28 46 11 08 Telefax: +381 28 46 11 08

Institutions’s Web page: www.pr.ac.rs Email milinko.milenkovic@pr.ac.rs

Address: University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture

Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Phone: +387 51 312 390 Telefax: 00 387 51 312 580

Institutions’s Web page: http://www.agrofabl.org/ E-mail: agrobl@blic.net

Address: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture

Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

Phone: +381 11 26 15 315 Telefax: +381 11 21 93 659

Institutions’s Web page: http://www.agrif.bg.ac.rs/ E-mail: office@agrif.bg.ac.rs

Address: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Bulevar Oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Phone: +381 11 36 15 436 Telefax: +381 11 26 85 936

Institutions’s Web page: http://www.vet.bg.ac.rs/ E-mail: stojicv@vet.bg.ac.rs

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6. Departmens/institutions/centers with administration responsibilities

In Norway Address: Department of International Environment and Development Studies,NORAGRIC, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), PO Box 5003, N-1432 Ås (Aas), Norway Responsible for project adm.: Dr Mensur Vegara Position: Associete Professor

Phone: +47 906 38 884 Telefax: +47 64 96 52 01 E-mail: mensur.vegara@umb.no

In Western Balkans Address: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture& Veterinary, Bul. Bill Clinton N.N., 10000 Pristina, UNMIK Kosovo (according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) Responsible for project adm.: Dr Shukri Fetahu Position: Ass. Prof.

Phone: +38138603846 Telefax: +38138603103 E-mail: shfetahu@hotmail.com

Address: University of Pristina (replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica), Faculty of Agriculture - Lesak, UNMIK Kosovo (according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) Responsible for project adm.: Dr Desimir Knezevic Position: Full professor

Phone: +381 64 61 48 882 Telefax: E-mail: deskoa@ptt.rs

Address: Institute for Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina Responsible for project adm.: Dr Djordje Gataric Position: Full professor

Phone: +387 65 53 96 54 Telefax: + 387 51 312 580 E-mail: djordje.gataric@agrofabl.org

Address: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

Responsible for project adm.: Dr Slaven Prodanovic Position: Full Professor

Phone: + 381 64 345 04 70 Telefax: +381 11 31 61 987 E-mail: slavenp@agrif.bg.ac.rs

Address: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bulevar Oslobodjenja 18, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Responsible for project adm.: Dr Mila Savic Position: Full Professor

Phone: +381 64 534 38 07 Telefax: +381 11 26 85 936 E-mail: milas@vet.bg.ac.rs

7. Project leaders/ coordinators

In Norway

Name Dr Mensur Vegara Position: Associate Professor

Address: Department of International Environment and Development Studies,NORAGRIC, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), PO Box 5003, N-1432 Ås (Aas), Norway Phone: +47 906 38 884 Telefax: +47 64 96 52 01 E-mail: mensur.vegara@umb.no

In Western Balkans

Name: Dr Savo Vuckovic Position: Full Professor

Address: University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

Phone: +381 64 20 30 746 Telefax: +381 11 61 987 E-mail: savovuck@agrif.bg.ac.rs

8. Other cooperating partners

(Provide names of universities, institutes, companies, programmes, etc)

In Norway:

In Western Balkans:

In other countries:

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9. Synopsis and the objectives of the project

(Not more than 200 words. See HERD Programme Document and Guidelines for Applicants.)

The project represents joint effort of leading WB Universities / Faculties of agriculture/veterinary medicine and the NORAGRIC Department at Norwegian UMB to contribute in research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of grasslands. Within the project are linked the most relevant WB scientists in this field of pastureland / grazing. The overall goal of the project is to teach students how to sustanable manage with grasslands and livestock production in environmental conditions of Western Balkans. We plan to improve life of population in rural areas of WB. This will be made through the establishment of ourself field experiments and the transfer of knowledge towards extention services and farmers. With respect of local specifics, many activities will be conducted, as the follow: establishment / improvement of course curricula related to grasslands, livestock production, plant and animal breeding, genetic resources, and interdisciplinary. We plan to perform researches related to improving of sustanable management of grasslands and livestock productiom, evaluation of biodiversity of autochthonous populations, and protection of natural resources. We plan to support young people, MSc/PhD students to finish their dissertations. We expect these new masters / doctors of agricultural sciences will take a leader's role in WB rural communities. Additional effort will be given to popularization and transfer of knowledge promoting local heritage, protection of autochtonous plant and animal landraces, technologies, cultures, and products. 10. Project components and disciplines

Please select relevant category /ies (See the HERD Programme Document)

HERD Programme 2: Agriculture Sector


Sub-discipline area: 910: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Soil and Water, Resource Management, Nutrition, Food Science Sub-discipline area: 280: Education, Special Education, Educational Science, Didactics

11. History of co-operation Will this be a newly established co-operation? Yes No This is a continuation of previous co-operation. Former project-id and other financial contributor are listed bellow: 2006 - 2010 Norwegian SIU Project number WB 06/06: "Education, Research and Training for Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Western Balkans". 2002 - 2004 Norwegian SEE Programme in Agriculture No. 2020096 - 6 projects: - Coordination and institutional development - Unification and improving of selection of domestic animals in South Eastern Europe - Identification and conservation of animal genetic resources in South Eastern Europe - Selenium, heavy metals and radionucleids in soil – plants – animals continuum - Improving forage quality and preserving biodiversity on permanent grasslands - (GIS based) Decision support techniques for advanced monitoring and management in agriculture and forestry 2001 - 2005 Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs - MPA: "Competence transfer and institutional contact and co-opeartion between faculties of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in SEE." 1999 Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UD: TEMPUS Project in Bosnia & Herzegovina, No. BHXY9322, "Re-orientation of Academic Education in Agriculture in B&H". 1997 - 1998 Norwegian Development Aid - NORAD: "Agricultural extension service and training programme for commercial agri-culture production in Sarajevo".

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12. Elements in the proposed project (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 6.1. This list does not claim to be exhaustive)

Institutional development Please specify: Institutional development of 5 WB Institutions (University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary, Universitiy of Pristina replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculties of Agriculture, Lesak - Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99); University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture - Bosnia and Herzegovina; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, and University of Belgrade Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Serbia), described in the Project description.

Curriculum development (Bachelor, Master and Ph.D.) Please specify: 5 course curricula - one at each educational institutiuon, on different level of postgraduate studies, MSc or PhD)

Study modules Please specify: Planed courses will be realized within the module: "Crops and vegetable Sciences" - at the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary, Universitiy of Pristina replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculties of Agriculture, Lesak - Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99); University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture - Bosnia and Herzegovina; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, , and modul "Animal husbandry" - at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Serbia.

Study visits Please specify: 4 students on short-time study visits in Norway, i.e. one WB student per year will visit UMB, Noragric

Student/entrepreneur scholarships Please specify: 20 scholarships for postgraduated students (MSc and PhD together)

Staff exchange Please specify: 20 visits (2 WB professors / researchers to Norway, per year with stayment about one week per visit i.e. 2x4=8) + 3 professors from Norway to WB, per year (3x4=12)

Seminars/workshops Please specify: 6 (4 Workshop, i.e. one per year + 1 Joint study training for all WB students + 1 Seminar for all project participants)

Equipment Please specify: 11 units of field equipment (GPS, field, laboratory and office equipment)

Development of teaching methodology Please specify: 10 research papers, 4 books, 1 CD, 1 web site, 2 groups on Social network, distance learning capacity building

Staff development at the higher education partner institution in the Western Balkans Please specify: Participation of 5 faculty techicians at different workshops/congresses/symposiums, short-time course for 1 web-site manager, development of 5 extencion services employers, field training for 20 farmers

Scholarships for PhD study may be granted if deemed necessary for the sustainability of the partner institution Please specify: 10 (5 times 2 scholarships for PhD students)

Joint study/research Please specify: 4 joint researches: 2 in Grasslands, 1 in Animal breeding and 1 in Genetic resources and biodiversity. 10 published joint papers as results.

Other collaborative activities Please specify: Cooperation with extention services, NGOs, research institutes, National Government and Ministries of Agriculture

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13. Academic staff and researchers involved in project (other partners, see page 2) ((Master's and Ph.D. students, Post-doc.'s and others to be included in the Project Description)

Norway Name: Dr Mensur Vegara Degree: PhD Position: Associ. Prof.

Name: Dr Lars Olav Eik Degree: PhD Position: Professor

Western Balkans

Name: Dr Shukri Fetahu Prishtina Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Dr Syle Sylanaj Prishtina Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Dr Skender Kaciu Prishtina Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Dr Sali Aliu Prishtina Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Dr Imer Rusinovci Prishtina Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Dr Desimir Knezevic Lesak Degree: PhD Position: Full Prof.

Name: Mrs Jasmina Knezevic Lesak Degree: PhD Position: Teach Ass.

Name: Djordje Gataric Banja Luka Degree: PhD Position: Full Prof.

Name: Mrs Milanka Drinic Banja Luka Degree: PhD Position: Ass. Prof.

Name: Branko Djuric Banja Luka Degree: PhD Position: Teach Ass.

Name: Vojo Radic Banja Luka Degree: PhD Position: Teach Ass.

Name: Savo Vuckovic Beograd Agr. Degree: PhD Position: Full Prof.

Name: Slaven Prodanovic Beograd Agr. Degree: PhD Position: Full Prof.

Name: Mrs Mila Savic Beograd Vet. M. Degree: PhD Position: Full Prof.

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PART B: APPLICATION BUDGET 14. HERD/Agriculture budget proposal ( figures in NOK 1000)

Item Category Budget 2012

Budget 2013

Budget 2014

Budget 2015

Total budget

Fellowships: 1 Fellowship grants to Master students 0 10 20 25 55 2 Fellowship grants to Ph.D. students 0 60 70 80 210 Salaries researchers/techn./adm.


3 Salaries In Western Balkans 260 267 280 295 1102 4 Salaries In Norway 324 343 361 382 1410 Infrastructure/investments:

5 Scientific instruments/ equipment 24 56 72 32 184 6 Office infrastructure/ software/

netware 42 42 42 42 168

Running costs/general admin. costs: 7 Books/ periodicals/ publication costs/

dissertation 9 10 10 10 39

8 Networking/ conferences/ seminars/ workshops/ research

7 12 14 19 52

9 Travel expenditure, In Western Balkans

146 145 143 134 568

10 Travel expenditure, In Norway 112 115 118 108 453 11 Other operating costs/ Running costs 0 0 0 0 0 12 Sub-total costs 924 1060 1130 1127 4241 13 Overhead 7,5%. Please specify and

justify: 69.3 79.5 84.7 84.5 318


993.3 1139.5 1214.7 1211.5 4559

I Own funding, including in-kind contributions. Please specify:

0 0 0 0 0

II Application to others. Please specify: 0 0 0 0 0 III TOTAL COST OF PROJECT 993.3 1139.5 1214.7 1211.5 4559

* Please, see detailed breakdown and explanation of the budget in Appendix 1.

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PART C: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 15. Project description (should not exceed 10 pages) Applications must address the Programme Document’s overall objectives, and the Strategic Directions outlined in the Document’s section 4. Applicants must set specific goals relating to each of the elements under the Strategic Directions. Project description 1. Aim and Objectives – Give a detailed aims and objectives of the proposed project (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 1.)

1.1. Project synopsis (500 words): Title of the project: “Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing” The project aims to improve knowledge and conduct scientific research, on higher education level, in the sustainable use of meadows and pastures and to transfer this knowledge to farmers and users who will be able through its application to increase their profits and improve their life in the rural areas of the Western Balkans. In this sense, the project will give broad palette of results in the sustainable management of grasslands. On the one hand, we will offer the production technologies of forage in meadows and pastures adjusted to local conditions. On the other hand, we will find appropriate technologies of sustainable livestock production in these areas, including technologies for processing animal products such as meat, milk, cheese, cream (“kajmak”) and more. As we develop low-input and sustainable production, through this project we will encourage the conservation of biodiversity in the local environment, as native plant populations and autochthonous landraces of domestic animals. This project will not introduce new, intensive and aggressive technologies in rural areas, but it will insist on improved traditional technologies, and therefore it will be environmental friendly project, which protect nature, including existing air conditions, water, land and other resources. Our concrete contribution will be first done through the development of new MSc/PhD curse curricula in management of grasslands. Project participants /professors in relevant areas will develop such curricula and teach PhD students interesting in sustainable use of rangeland. Professors will also write and promote the books in this their scientific area as the follows: Grassland technology, Animal production, From grass to food utilization, Biotechnology methods in agriculture, Processing of animal products, and/or Organic production on pastureland. Professors will organize the field experiments in Balkans’ rural areas with aim to investigate pastureland management. These experiments will be the base for obtaining new scientific results. From the students’ side, they will make original experiments in aim to produce their PhD dissertation which will bring new ideas in grazing/use of pastureland, and promoting entrepreneurship. We expect that about 10 MSc theses and more than 5 dissertations will be finish within this project (i.e. at least 2 MSc students and 1 PhD student supported, per institution). All our results, with lot of other information about different potentials and products of local areas, will be available on internet by the project site – organized as the meeting point or network of persons interesting in sustainable use of rangeland, not only from Western Balkans but also from the rest of the World. We believe some products and technologies will be interesting for investors and great interest in such products and technologies will appear during the project development. Our results in improved technologies, new approaches and potentials, and also information about interest of investors in products and technologies, will be published for local experts and population in popular booklets and pamphlets. We will distribute such pamphlets during the visits of rural regions. We plan to organize the series of direct contacts and public presentations. These meetings will be an opportunity to transfer our knowledge to the extension services and rural population. Receiving new knowledge should be helpful for them to improve their existing productions, technologies and products related to pastures and grazing. In a social context, increased interest of farmers to improve their work on pasture is a very good base to keep on the place the population in these highly migration areas.

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1.2. Project aim This is the project in high education and research in the Western Balkans.

The project aims will be implemented at Western Balkans Universities (University of Belgrade, University of Prishtina and University of Prishtina replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica, and University of Banja Luka). The consortium will greatly benefit from the experience and knowledge in the field of utilization of Nor-way rangeland of the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric, Nor-wegian University of Life Sciences in Aas.

Participation of professors and students from different universities and from different countries on this joint project will stimulates co-operation in higher education and research in the Western Balkans by joint project aims and project activities like workshops, exchange of experiences through the visits, lessons given at guest institutions, mail communications, participation in steering committee, writing of joint papers, books and project reports. Our overall joint aim is to stimulate entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing by the tools which we have in higher education. These tools are teaching courses, field experiments, local missions, study visits, public presentations, publishing, networking and other means of knowledge transfer. By this project we will contribute to economic growth and social development by stimulation of sustainable development of rural areas in the Western Balkans, and by education of young people how to manage pastureland and how to use advantages of local tradition, agricultural technologies and products in the best interest of their societies. Results of the project should drive to increase of income per capita and additionally to employ people on their living places. We believe this project is a good sign for labor/workers temporary abroad about perspectives in rural area of Western Balkans. 1.3. Programme objectives: Please specify how submitted project will support HERD Programme objectives. 1.3.1. Objective 1 (Institutional Development) By this project we would like to contribute to educational efforts directed to the agricultural sectors in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. In this term, project could introduce the most actual methods of teaching, information and communication technologies for education, training and sharing of information related to grasslands at two universities in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. These two Universities are University of Banja Luka (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and University of Pristina (Kosovo). Two mentioned universities have not enough capacity in education related to management of pastureland/grazing, and therefore another more developed universities (University of Belgrade) from Western Balkan and University from Norway (UMB, Noragric) will help them to achieve their aims. In the longer term perspective, project could help to build sustainable capacity of higher education institutions in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. We plan to raise our care about sustainable use of pastureland and grazing on the level of master/doctoral studies. We will focus our teaching activities in improvement of agricultural sector, pasture production, animal production, processing, and conservation of natural resources. Additionally, we will use the newest methods and ways for knowledge transfer, like specific software/programs and distance learning. Educational MSc/PhD courses with improved curricula and lectures will be created within this project and also applied in aim to satisfy these requests. We expect as the results of this project to get new doctors of sciences in Western Balkan, and especially in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo, capable to lead agricultural productions based on the local natural and human resources. We want to educate new PhD students who will be capable to organize people from local communities to work on the most effective and sustainable way. 1.3.2. Objective 2 (Applied Research and Development) This project is directed to stimulate innovation, product and process development in the agricultural

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sector, because start point of this project is a diversity of products and technologies which are already on place. Through the master/doctoral thesis we will tend to identify these products and technologies, and afterwards to improve existing ways of use of grasslands, including choice of plant species, methods of fertilization and sowing, stimulation of animal husbandry, and related processing and hand made products. MSc/PhD thesis of our students will help to solve questions related to biological, economical and social dimension of the local communities in the background of mentioned technologies and products. Our efforts will be realised through the applied research and they will give a support to development in the Western Balkans. We will realize the project aims through: - Development of new (improved) course curricula in grassland science on the PhD studies - New field experiments established for studying agricultural praxes and measures for improvement of existing technologies in Western Balkans rangeland - Writing of research papers and books for students in: use of rangeland, livestock production, biotechnological methods in agriculture, by teaching staff - New theses and dissertations related to pastureland/grazing - New web site grouping stakeholders interesting in sustainable use of pastureland and grassland related entrepreneurship - More developed knowledge transfer by exchange study visits among stuff, workshops, seminars, published pamphlets, local missions, presentations, new contacts with GO/ NGO /scientific institutes and investors - Internalization of education, scientific research and local products and processes 2. Co-operation, committment and responsibility (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 3.) 2.1. Basic principles of co-operation Collaboration within the project will be based on equality between the partners. This means all partners involved in the project will contribute equally to the project activities according to their capabilities and they will share the responsibilities. Partners will jointly prepare each year “The work plan”, they will meet during the year on workshops, and they keep the permanent contacts and dialog, and also they will jointly report about realization of planed activities on the end of each year. Cooperation will be characterised by transparency at all levels. Transparency will be unsure on internal level by formation of an operative project body (core-group) authorized to analyze the project flow and to suggest project plan for each year. On external level, transparency will be unsure via steering committee and the project web-site. 2.2. Institutional and organisational commitment and responsibility: The leadership of the project will be decentralized between partner institutions. The project leadership will be shared between Norwegian partner Noragric UMB and Belgrade University Faculty of Agriculture. These two institutions have long tradition in high education (please, see Appendix 1), qualified staff in grassland and animal sciences, and interest to improve and enlarge their research in these fields. They are interesting to help younger universities and they are very committed to the realization of the project. All 5 partner institutions in the Western Balkans have been actively involved in the planning and preparation of activities and budgets. We agreed that the project coordination will be divided in four directions for: 1) educational and academic questions; 2) research and publishing; 3) internet and networking, and 4) acting at local level including cooperation with local external services and farmers. Because 4 universities (5 faculties) participate in the project, we planed that each university take the coordination and the leading role in implementation in one of the mentioned direction. This will put all project participants in position to be highly responsible for the realization of this project. Of course, all participating universities will be involved in realization of activities related to the mentioned topics. There will be joint internal and external monitoring of the project flow, as described before.

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3. Strategic direction of HERD - Give a detailed strategic direction of the proposed project (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 4.) 3.1. Relevance: Research, education and knowledge transfer in sustainable use of pastureland / grazing can be very beneficial for Western Balkan countries and the scientific and educational institutions in sectors crucial for state development such as agriculture and rural development. In Western Balkans, biotechnical, agricultural and veterinary faculties are increasingly counting on improvement of high education, technology and life quality in the rural areas. Yet the lack of highly qualified professionals in the field of sustainable use of pastureland/grazing is visible in many rural areas where they are needed and their experience could be operational and beneficial. This project aims to increase the number of skilled agricultural professionals in WB counties by improving the quality of postgraduate education in field related to pastureland/grazing at the four universities. The project “Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing” will enhance the competence in management, academic, and technological capacity building of the WB universities (Prishtina, Pristina replaced in Kosovska MItrovica, Banja Luka, and Belgrade) by developing curricula and training local teachers in state-of-the-art resources and technologies for advanced education in pastureland / grazing. WB universities expect to develop such competence on UMB / Noragric’s experience in the postgraduate programme “Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture (MNRSA)” and to build research collaboration in this area between WBC and Norwegian institutions. Objective 1 (Institutional Development) Universities need to construct curricula that meet the needs of stakeholders in grasslands in new conditions and world’s tendencies related to nature protection, global climate changes, organic production and improvement of traditional knowledge which can promote entrepreneurship. The existing lessons about the standard technologies and the means of production in pastureland / grazing need to be reduced to make room for lessons that emphasize a holistic view of agriculture. Our existing university courses have to be changed. Thst we will do within this project. Grassland science is in permanent progress. However, new books about this progress could not be found in Balkans’ languages at the Universities. New MSc/PhD curricula which teach about ecological sustainability and profitability in biotechnology, grassland science, and animal production on a micro and macro scale are not in place. Because new time brings new ideas about sustainable use of pastureland / grazing, about animal production and entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland, there are institutional needs to improve courses in this field, by changing curricula. New / improved curricula should provide a scientific base for large scale of possibilities for farmers with widely different views on pastureland use. The improved courses should stimulate research by young people, professional training, multidisciplinary approach, participatory learning and protection of environment and biodiversity. Five active educational institutions, faculties related to agricultural sector, from four WB universities with accredited postgraduate programs will benefit from this project. Planed institutional development of WB universities in the field of sustainable use of pastureland/grazing will be also one small contribution to global initiatives regarding “UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development' (2005 – 2015)”. Objective 2 (Applied Research and Development) The project “Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing” targets several development challenges faced by agriculture. First of all are the challenges about extensive use of grasslands and protection of biodiversity. Grasslands/pasturelands are important biological resources due to the biodiversity and the biomass produced. Irregular cultural practices are one of the great problems of the grasslands in many European countries. This phenomenon is determined mostly by abandonment and reduced management caused by the depopulation of the areas where the main agricultural land is represented by grasslands and meadows (sub-mountain and mountain areas) used in an extensive system. The immediate result of this phenomenon is the decrease of the grassland capacity and biodiversity. In this term, application of improved traditional knowledge and development of entrepreneurship in pastureland management could be helpful. Thus, the

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challenge of the research within this project will be to identify sustainable management solutions for grasslands having in view optimal cultural practices in relationship with an increase of biodiversity and a sustainable forage production. Another project challenge will be to establish the program of sustainable sheep breeding on Western Balkans grassland. Project activities will be directed towards the research about organization of sustainable lamb breeding which will be applied in order to enable protection and rational utilization of natural resources and biodiversity in West Balkan mountain eco-regions (concerning the FAO Program). The estimation of health status and special biological characteristics will be performed in populations of autochthonous “Southeast European Zackel” breed (“Pramenka”). The various types of Zackel breed are traditionally reared in mountain regions of Balkan Peninsula under very modest conditions. This race presents a common point and joint value of all Westen Balkans coutries, and all of these countries have the same problem: all types of Zackel breed are endangered. The technology of lamb production in sustainable organic conditions will be introduced by the project, also. In order to get lamb meat of high quality, the lamb oxidative stress parameters status of importance for meat quality will be investigated. During the realization of the Project, the special attention will lay on animal parasitic infection monitoring and pasture management, in organic, sustainable production conditions. For the purpose of development of sustainable lamb production, it is necessary to apply criteria of selection and breeding. Production of meat and milk in certain population can be increased year by year, if selection is carried out systematically through planned improvement in breeding. Majority of local populations has very solid genetic potential for gain in lambs and milk yield of sheep, but in order for this genetic potential to be exhibited, it is necessary to apply higher criteria of selection and breeding, which mainly isn't the case. A part of the project activities will target relevant challenges in agriculture as the follow: to develop suitable methods for measuring biodiversity, to applied suitable pant breeding and animal breeding methods in sustainable and organic production, and to find appropriate technologies of forage and animal production, including technologies for processing animal products. 3.2. Long term commitment and partnership This project open the way for a trans-national and interdisciplinary research network on the proposed topic. Project partners are willing to establish the long term cooperation within the frame of the project. Project partners plan to build the capacity of facilities such as bibliographic materials for libraries and the web-site in grassland management which will be jointly used for a long term period. They plan to help each other by open their laboratories for biotechnology, soil science and livestock for use for all project participants and by exchange their experiences in relevant researches what will also lead to long term co-operation. Partners build long time partnership in MSc/PhD student mobility between institutions participating within this project by developing several curricula related to different questions in management of grasslands. Our aim to train students in management of pastureland / grazing will be absolutely helpful for future development of West Balkan rural areas and agricultural sector. Such training will provide transitional employment opportunities, increase current skills, provide opportunities for advancement and increase job opportunities within the agricultural and rural development sector by improving efficiency and enhancing production. 3.3. Academic quality In this project will be involved 2 state universities from Prishtina and Pristina replased in Kosovska Mitrovica (Kosovo UNSCR 1244/99), Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Beograd (Serbia). The Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade is leading the project from the WBC side. The Faculty of Agriculture was founded in 1919. It is one of the leading higher educational institutions of its kind in the WBC, training experts in all branches of agriculture. Since its foundation 17,000 students have gained BS degrees, 1,000 MSc degrees and 750 PhD degrees. The present enrolment is about 1,000 students per annum, of which 370 students graduate, 30 receive MS degrees and 20 PhD degrees. The Faculty is a teaching and research institution whose activities cover the following fields: crop science, animal science, soil management, plant and food protection, agricultural engineering, fruit science and viticulture, food

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technology and agricultural economics. Educational activities involve teaching (lectures, seminars, professional practice etc.) as anticipated by curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, knowledge check-up (exams, colloquia), advanced training, organisation of state finals for teachers of agricultural secondary schools. The faculty is either independent or co-operative with other organisations in research and professional activity though basic, applied and developmental investigations, studies and projects, engineering, expertise, consulting, attesting, granting licenses, certificates in all spheres of agricultural production and food technology. The Faculty of Agriculture annually contributes about 300 scientific papers in referent journals. Academic quality of the other participating WB institution is presented in Appendix 2, named “West Balkans participating institution description”. Proposed institutions from the West Balkans are registered and specialised for education and scientific work in areas of ecology, biology, agronomy, animal husbandry, forestry, biotechnology and related fields. From the Norwegian side, the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC) at the University of Life Sciences (UMB) is leading the project. NORAGRIC was established at the UMB in 1986. It brings together research, education and development-related assignments with a focus on developing countries, Eastern Europe and countries with economies in transition. Besides its role as the international gateway for UMB, NORAGRIC also acts on behalf of the Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine (NVH) and Norwegian Agricultural Research International (NARI), which form alliances with UMB. NORAGRIC plays a central role in realising the UMB/NVH/NARI strategic objective of international collaboration though education, research and international co-operation programmes. This includes making the competence of UMB and NVH and NARI available for Norwegian development co-operation and international institutions. With more than 40 years of collaboration between UMB and academic and professional institutions in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, NORAGRIC has established a broad network of worldwide contacts. Professors and researchers which participate in the project have experience in education and scientific areas related with the ecology, grasslands, pasturelands, biodiversity and genetics, grazing, animal nutrition, animal husbandry, management, and knowledge transfer. 3.4. Description and time schedule of project activities The project will commence in 2012 and will finish by the end of December 2015. The proposed work plan has been shown in 2 tables (see Appendix 2). 3.5. Synergies Project like this must be based on synergy with many other institutions and individuals, from Balkan and aboad. We plan to facilitate the connection between local communities and international donors via web site, to develop some pamphlets, and to send messages to excite and engage investors. According to the project plan, in years 2 and 3, our programme will focus on encouraging the contribution of different partners, and especially diasporas to the socio-economic development of their countries of origin. We are sure that many of WB people working now in EU and USA will be interesting for entrepreneurship in products related to pasturelands / grazins. From the other side, we plan to offer and facilitate different types of partnerships in area of higher education. We will inform and contact relevant Norwegian funded initiatives, and education / research institutes working in environmental protection, animal husbandry, processing, and knowledge transfer. We have already (in previous projects, as mentioned in the section 11 of this Application form) established the cooperation with several relevant Norwegian partners, as Norwegian embassies in Belgrade and Sarajevo, UNEP / Grid - Arendal, and this cooperation will be continued. This project is in synergy with three projects within HERD agriculture programmes. The tittles of these three projects are:

1. “Providing genetic diversity and healthy plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina” 2. “Comparison of lamb Carcass and meat quality of Breeds in Western Balkan and

Norway achieving improved palatability, sale and sustainability”

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3. “Grassland management for high forage yield and quality in the Western Balkans” With the first of these projects we share the similar aim, to develop an efficient programme and to build contemporary and efficient methods for conservation of field crop and forest genetic resources. In both projects we tend to help farmers to unsure their existence by sustainable use of these resources. However, the first project is focused only on Bosnia and Herzegovina, while we are focused on different Western Balkan countries. With the second project we are in synergy because both projects try to improve animal production and technology. In our project, we try to find appropriate technologies of sustainable livestock production in West Balkan areas, including local technologies for processing different animal products such as meat and milk. However, we are not focused only on one species and one race, as lamb “Carcass”, in the mentioned second project. We can collaborate with this HERD project in term to share knowledge about development of products and technologies which could be interesting for investors. Synergy with the third mention project is the strongest. Both projects work on grassland management. We can participate in the same courses, use much similar equipment, perform joint field experiments, share our methods and results; even we can organize group meetings. Difference between two projects is that our aim is not to get high yield by use of intensive and expensive technologies, but we would like to obtain sustainable forage yield by improvement of existing traditional technologies. Additionally, we would like to establish the program of sustainable animal breeding on Western Balkans grassland, while the other project deals just with forage. 3.6. Gender The gender equality will be respected in all segments of the project. Each partner institution will be represented by at least one woman: University of Pristina by Mrs. Teach. Ass. Jasmina Knezevic, University of Banja Luka by Mrs Ass. prof. Milanka Drinic, and University of Belgrade by Mrs Ass. prof. Mila Savic. We expect equal number of female and male students which will work on their MSc / PhD thesis within the project. We expect that participation of women will be predominant on our local trainings and workshops. Hand made products will be mostly based on women’s activities. All research, administrative and technical jobs within the project will be done with respect of women’s equal participation. 3.7. Ethnicity We believe it would be a pitty for the project, if Government of Norway will not support it, because it brings into cooperation in higher education and science partners like Croats, Serbs, Kosovars, Bosniaks end even other minorities like Slovenians (Dr. Slaven Prodanovic). Some of participants are Croats in Serbia (Savo Vuckovic), or Serbs in Croatia etc. In this moment, there are no projects with joint participation of institutions from Pristina (in central Kosovo) and Kosovska Mitrovica (on the Nord of Kosovo under UNSCR 1244). Partners from Nord of Kosovo represent the minority of population in Kosovo, while they also represent the majority of population of Republic of Serbia. By supporting this project, HERD could demonstrate its role in crossing borders at the Western Balkan. 3.8. Sustainability Institutions will strength different type of educational and research links through this project. Participating WB institutions will use results of this project as a base for continuation of the institutional development. The base of the sustainability of the project is in joint interest of the WB partner universities to enhance post-graduate capacity, including curricula, and to strengthen administrative and technical capacities to effectively implement an MSc and Phd programmes in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing. 3.9. Regional co-operation All WB partners are interesting to apply Norwegian experience in development studies for building new type of educational courses which will be more attractive for students. Therefore, they need help from Norwegian partner through advice, joint classes, exchange experts visits, student’s mobility, laboratory building, and short courses for farmers. WB universities need sustainable education.

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Project stimulate regional co-operation in the Western Balkans. 3.10. Joint ventures / Investment /Business The results of this project are helth secure products, which are required at the World market of developed countries. This project is especially interesting for educated part of developed societies, because such people understand what the rael quality of the food is, and they are capable to pay for this expencive food. Their interest to buy products of high quality produced organic or with controlled geographical origin, open the possibilities for ventures / investment / business within this project. 3.11. Environmental benefit By use of sustainable technology in production of fooder crops and grasslands, we protect water and soil resources and we also protect the plant genetic resources at natural grasslands, because the intensity of applied agro-technical measures is very low, and products obtained are natural and helth valid. Additionaly, sustanable use of grasslands requires breeding of autoctonous race of animals, what is also benefit for environment. 3.12. Recruiting younger academics / researchers / administrative staff Young academics will be included in all project parts: research, writing of books and paper, presentation of our results, knowledge transfer, and teaching. We expect in total over 15 young scientists to be involved within this project. 4. Application and selection procedures – Institutional assessment and ranking (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 7.) 4.1. Relevance in relation to strategies and priorities in their respective institutions. National Education Councils of Higher Education in countries of the project partner institutions adopted different strategies related to higher education: Strategy for Development of Higher Education in Kosovo (2005-2015), Strategies and Guidelines to implement the Bologna Process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Higher Education Strategy for Serbia 2010-202, and The Croatian education strategy. In all these strategies, the follow determinants were emphasized: Social inclusion and equal opportunities, Lifelong learning, Regional development and Student and teacher mobility. We hope that by this project we will be relevant to these strategies. We tend to include in the project social elements, then we stimulate even older farmers to learn; project will be realized in both, university centers and rural regions, and it will stimulate professors and student on travel/mobility. Important element of the project plan is very intensive mobility of academics. This fact could be seen from the planed budget of the project. As a long period of crisis had been over, the international grant and cooperation programs, like it is the HERD program, give a chance to intensify mobility schemes at WB Universities. Mobility is needed to harmonize concepts, standards and quality with European higher education systems. The project is also relevant for priorities mentioned in individual statutes of the project partner institutions (universities and faculties): Statute low of the University in Prishtina, Statute low of the University in Banja Luka, http://www.agfbl.org/sajt/doc/file/so/1/02/00011_20070704_statut_univerziteta.pdf, and Statute low of Belgrade University http://www.uf.bg.ac.rs/dld/Statut_BU.pdhttp://www.uf.bg.ac.rs/dld/Statut_BU.pdf. All these acts are written in accordance to Bologna Declaration and other multilateral initiatives that were focused on creating common European area of higher education. By this project we support horizontal cooperation among universities of one part of Europe and we establish possibilities for exchange experiences in high education with Norwegian universities and institutes. In mentioned highest low acts of WB universities it was underlined the need to make transition from the remnants of former industrial economy toward services that educate profiles for new market. By this project we introduce new possibilities for education of agronomists and we contribute to the development of agriculture, veterinary medicine, ecology, economics and rural development through research and education. Another need was strongly felt and that is the shift from more or less mono-disciplinary towards multidisciplinary study

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programs. This need is recognized in the proposed project: its realization is based on the collaboration between specialists from different fields. As set out in our statutes, the improvement of existing curricula of MSc/PhD courses is one of the permanent missions at WB universities, and that is what we plan to do in the project. A number of other project activities are compatible with the statutes and the development plans of our institutions. Environmental awareness and sustainable management of natural resources (grasslands, livestock) is one of the most important priorities at the WB Universities. 4.2. Relevance related to defined needs in the work force as well as in national strategies and priori-

ties in the Western Balkans. The project aims are in accordance with Regional Strategy for Western Balkans of International Organization for Migration (IOM) for 2011 - 2013. In this period, efforts are focused on emergency assistance to displaced persons and post-conflict stabilization efforts. The aim at the beginning of the 21st century became to increase economic stability and growth in Western Balkans, through social, political, and economical development in the region. Although each country in the region has its unique migration challenges and responses, the Western Balkans still enjoys a level of homogeneity and coherence that lends itself to a regional approach. Therefore, the three-year strategy 2011-2013 targets the region as a whole, taking an integrated, holistic approach to enhance a coordinated response to the migration issues found within the Western Balkans. The strategy document aims to promote international cooperation, and practical solutions to managing migration problems and needs of the work force in the region.

The project contributes to economic stability and growth. It will significantly improve employment of work force in rural areas. The project would enable the transfer of knowledge to the final consumers of knowledge, farmers. Project activities will be implemented through education in extension services and on the farmer fields. Farmers will receive new information on production technologies and they will more successfully produce and sell their products on the market. Project activities will result in greater employ-ment of workforce and more active role of agricultural production in Western Balkans.

Such approach in the project is in accordance to the Kosovo (UNDER UNSCR 1244/99) Government Employment Strategy 2010-12; Draft of the employment strategy for BiH, FB&H, RS and BD according to the acquis communautaire of the European Union; National Employment Strategy 2005-2010 for Serbia (adopted with the assistance of the European Agency for Reconstruction); and in regard to the European Employment Strategy (EES). The focus of all these strategies is on specific initiatives emerging from current developments in education and training, as well as employment and active labor market policy. 4.3. Relevance to the countries’ ability to meet the demands set in their association process to EU

and NATO. In June 2000, in Ferrera, the European Council set down the goals of the full political and economic integration of Western Balkan countries, thus recognizing them as potential and serious candidates for European Union membership. In Copenhagen in 2002, the European Council reaffirmed this approach and stressed the determination of the European Union to support the region in its efforts toward full accession to the Union. During the years that followed, the Council in Brussels announced on several occasions that the future of the Western Balkans lay in the Union. By this project we contribute to our countries’ ability to meet the demands set in their association process. This project is on the line of harmonization with the European higher education system and it promotes academic mobility of teaching staff and students, quality assurance and efficiency of studies and unity of teaching and scientific research work. One of the main goals of the EU is to make WB country economies more competitive in the process of association. By this project we stimulate development of one important sector of economy, agriculture. The EU goal set by the Lisbon strategy is to increase investments in research and development. This project invests in science and education which will have positive implications development of high education and on the overall society. At this moment only about 5% of WB population has higher education, which is very low percentage when compared with the EU countries. This project will offer both, formal and participatory education, and will be very help to citizens of villages. After WB countries

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become EU member states they will experience all advantages of joining the globally competitive European market, which also represents an opportunity for making improvements in the area of education. In the process of EU accession, WB countries has already benefited by participating in the Framework Programmes for research and technological development, Tempus project, EUREKA Programme, ERASMUS MUNDUS etc. HERD programme is one of our new chances to bring even more funding to science, research and innovation, and WB scientist and researchers will be able to benefit from it, thus contributing to the technological and economic development of their countries. Participation in HERD programme represents a great benefit for WB science and educational system. It also serves as preparation for participation within future projects. 4.4. Project quality and feasibility in an institutional context. Proposed institutions and professors are capable to perform successfully all activities listed in the project. Participants working in this project are recognized at the national and international level. Up to now, project participants achieved remarkable results in international projects and studies. More details about their quality are given in appendixes bellow. 4.5. Expected output in relation to the priorities of the institutions. All expect outputs of the project are in accordance with priority of the scientific and educational work at our institutions. The results of the project will encourage the higher education in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing at universities of the Western Balkans. Additionaly, our output will provide new technological solutions to sustainable managed grassland and livestock production. We planed to achive the follow outputs:

• Co-operation between WB countries in education • Improved curricula: at least one MSc or PhD course per WB institution for the classes concerning

pastureland/grazing, animal production, and genetic resources and biodiversity • Feedback about courses from students • 10 MSc and 5 PhD thesis • Developed student mobility and/or participation of students on workshops/trainings in other coun-

tries • Several field experiments with plant and animals set up for purpose of joint research • New research results and transferred / implemented new knowledge • 10 joint original research papers in national and international journals or meetings • New paragraphs / chapters/ books about sustainable use of pastureland/grazing • Established international research groups within project • Jointly organized local study visits • Joint web site concerning project • 2 new groups on social networks concerning natural/human resources at Western Balkan • Review of traditional products/knowledge and local handworks • Action plan for rural development for one local community • Pamphlets about the project results • New contacts with NGO and extension services leading to development at the local level • Joint workshops, with participation of different stakeholders and technicians • Organized social events (demonstration of local resources, technologies, and handworks) • Raised public awareness • Application of non-formal education (trainings, courses, seminars) for farmers and technicians or

administrative staff • Exchange visits between professors/scientists from WB and Norway • Understanding between WB institutions and Norwegian partner • Trained teaching staff and local experts for sustainable management of natural/human resources in

WBC via external study visits and participation on international conferences • Investments in new equipment, tools and software • Library and laboratory capacity developed • e-learning capacity developed at least for some courses • Future work plan

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4.6. If more than one proposal is applied for, the applicant will have to rank the proposals according to the points above (5.1. – 5.5)

We apply for only one project. 5. Indicators of success (See the HERD Programme Document pt. 8.) Objective 1 (Institutional Development: 5.1.1. The number of sustainable structures established at institutions in the Western Balkans of di-

rect relevance to the workforce. 5 improved MSc/PhD courses 10 MSc and 5 PhD thesis 20 Exchange – stady visits 4 field experiments 10 joint original research papers 4 books 6 Meetings (4 joint workshops, 1 seminar and 1 study workshop) 2 paragraphs / chapters/ in books about sustainable use of pastureland/grazing 4 research groups within project 2 groups on social networks 2 meetings with farmers 3 participations of trained technicians at workshops or conferences 1 Future work plan 5.1.2. The number of candidates educated through HERD and employed in institutions in the Western Balkans. 10 MSc students 5 PhD students 5-10 External services (1-2 per participant) 20-30 farmers Objective 2 (Applied Research and Development): 5.1.3. The number of concrete results of research and development of direct relevance for the work-

force 1 web site 1 Action plan 2 Pamphlets 11 pieces of laboratory equipment 1 shared program (Moodle) 16. List of enclosures

Appendix 1 - Explanation and detailed breakdown of the budget Appendix 2 - Description and time schedule of project activities Appendix 3 - CV of project leaders from Norway and West Balkans Appendix 4 - West Balkans participating institution description Appendix 5 - Memorandum of Intent between partner institutions Appendix 6 - Extra form for signatures from institutions in Western Balkan countries Appendix 7 – General Agreements of Co-operation between UMB and institutions in Western Balkans

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1. Explanations of the budget We expect higer costs for PhD studies than for MSc studies. That is why the amont of support for PhD students is higher then amount for MSc students. The amont of support for research work of students increased each project year. According to our experiances, students will need the highest support close to the end of the project in aim to finish their thesis. We expect the growth of salaries in Norway and WB during the project period. Activities related to research including needs for instruments / equipment will be accelerated from the begining to the middle of the projest, and then will be present a trand of slow decreasing. This is because scientists will be more focus on calculating the experimental results and on writing scientific papers and reports, in the later project period. We expect professors and students will have constant interess in office infrastructure/ software and new books for improvement of education. Participation to conferences will be possible when partners obtain joint scientific results. Therefore, the budget for this item is predicted in later phases of the project. However, there will be constant needs for seminars and workshops during the project. The amont of the travel for WB participants is higher then for N participants. This is due to lot of local travels, among universities, on the fields, for excahnge of reasearch knowledges among WB participants, and for study visits to Norway. At least one partner from each WB institution will have a chance to make a study visit to Norway during the project. Norwagian partners have less but more expensive travels. Detailed budget for 2012 – 2015 is presented bellow 2. Detailed breakdown of the budget (in 000 NOK) Item Category Budget

2012 Budget 2013

Budget 2014

Budget 2015

Total budget


1 Fellowship grants to Master students 0 10 20 25 55

2 Fellowship grants to Ph.D. students 0 60 70 80 210

Salaries researchers/techn./adm. staff:

Salaries for leading and coordinating project activities 52 53.4 56 59 220.4

Salaries for researching and other activities 208 213.6 224 236 881.6

3 Salaries In Western Balkans 260 267 280 295 1102 4 Salaries In Norway 324 343 361 382 1410 Infrastructure/investments:

5 Scientific instruments/ equipment 24 56 72 32 184 6 Office infrastructure/ software/ netware 42 42 42 42 168 Running costs/general admin. costs:

7 Books/ periodicals/ publication costs/ dissertation 9 10 10 10 39 8 Networking/ conferences/ seminars/workshops/ research 7 12 14 19 52 Travels x costs for leading and coordinating project

activities 30 30 30 30

Travels x costs for research, education, training, workshop, conferences

116 86 93 104

Number of travel from WB to Norway x Travel costs from WB to Norway

0 30 20 0

9 Travel expenditure, In Western Balkans 146 145 143 134 568 Number of travel from Norway to WB x Travel costs

from Norway to WB 50 50 50 50

Local transportation costs 12 15 18 8

Per Diem (total) 50 50 50 50

10 Travel expenditure, In Norway 112 115 118 108 453 11 Other operating costs/ Running costs 0 0 0 0 0

Appendix 1: Explanation and detailed breakdown of the budget

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12 Sub-total costs 924 1060 1130 1127 4241 13 Overhead 7,5%. Please specify and justify: 69.3 79.5 84.7 84.5 318 14 PROJECT APPLICATION TO

HERD/AGRICULTURE 993.3 1139.5 1214.7 1211.5 4559

I Own funding, including in-kind contributions. Please specify: 0 0 0 0 0

II Application to others. Please specify: 0 0 0 0 0

III TOTAL COST OF PROJECT 993.3 1139.5 1214.7 1211.5 4559

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Table 1. Description of the project activities

No Description Time period

1. Preparation and organization of the First kick-off workshop 2012s 2. Writing of detailed work program including selected educational programs, courses, sites

for visits and field experiments 2012s

3. Modification and improvement of teaching courses in classes related to pastureland/livestock production and plant genetic resources


4. Selection of research subjects for new MSc and PhD theses relevant to the project 2012a 5 Open call for student applicants 2012a 6. Start of the first year PhD and MSc studies with laboratory and field work 2012a 7 Web site design and its activation on-line 2012a 8. Writing of Annual report 2012 and Working plan for 2013 2012w 9. Preparation and organization of the Second workshop 2013w 10. Discussion about results obtained in the first project year and detailed working plan for the

second year 2013sp

11. Visits to rural areas for presenting project aims, discussing and learning participatory 2013sp 12. In situ work, registration and photo shooting of accessions, natural and human resources 2013s 13. Establishment of field experiments related to pastureland/livestock production and plant

genetic resources 2013s

14. Visit of student’s field experiments and practical work 2013s 15. Staff exchange visits 2013a 16. Examination of students and beginning of submission of their MSc theses 2013a 17. Collecting data from village visits and field experiments 2013a 18. Maintaining and upgrading of web-site 2013a 19. Writing of Annual report 2013 and Working plan for 2014 20. Preparation and organization of the third workshop 2014w 21. Discussion about results obtained in the second project year and detailed working plan for

the third year 2014w

22. Starting cooperation with extension services (local experts in agriculture) 2014sp 23. Examination of students and submission of new MSc thesis 2014sp 24. Joint study meeting with professors, local experts and students 2014s 25. Writing and publishing books about pastureland/livestock production and plant genetic

resources 2014s

26. Staff exchange visits 2014s 27. Promotion and popularization of autochthonous resources and products by pamphlets 2014a 28. Dissemination of results to experts and farmers 2014a 29. Development of courses related to pastureland/livestock production and plant genetic

resources on-line 2014a

30. Maintaining and upgrading of web-site 2014a 31. Writing of Annual report 2014 and Working plan for 2015 32. Preparation and organization of the fourth workshop with discussion about results obtained

in the third project year and detailed working plan for the last year 2015w

33. Publishing research results in scientific journals 2015sp 34. Submission of the last MSc and first PhD theses relevant to the project 2015sp 35. Concluding seminar in a Balkan country to sum up all results 2015s 36. Writing of Final report 2012-2015 and Plan for the future work 2015a W - Dec, Jan, Feb; Sp – Mar, Apr, May; S – Jun, Jul, Aug; A - Sep, Oct, Nov

Appendix 2 - Description and time schedule of project activities (Table 1 & Table 2)

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Table 2. Time schedule for the project activities and participants in realization of activities Activity Month Participants*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year 2012 1. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 2. N,B, 3. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 4. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 5. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 6. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 7. N,B, 8. N,B, Year 2013 9. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 10. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 11. B,BV,P,L,BL 12. B,BV,P,L,BL 13. B,BV,P,L,BL 14. B,BV,P,L,BL 15. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 16. B,BV,P,L,BL 17. B,BV,P,L,BL 18. B, 19. N,B, Year 2014 20. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 21. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 22. B,BV,P,L,BL 23. B,BV,P,L,BL 24. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 25. N,B,BV, 26. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 27. B,BV,P,L,BL 28. B,BV,P,L,BL 29. B,BV, 30. B 31. N,B, Year 2015 32. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 33. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 34. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 35. N,B,BV,P,L,BL 36. N,B,BV,P,L,BL

* B – University Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, BV – University Belgrade Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, P – University Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, L – University of Pristina (replaced in Banja Luka) Faculty of Agriculture Lesak, BL – University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, N - Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

For each year, the project partners will make detailed programme of activities during the meetings and workshops.

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Name: Mensur VEGARA Date of birth: March 31, 1955 Civil status: Married, 2 children Citizenship: Bosnian & Norwegian Office address: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International

Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Norway, P.O.Box: 5003, N-1432, Ås, Norway, Address: Universitetstunet 1, Tivoli.

Phone: +47 64 96 53 16, Fax: +47 64 96 52 01; E-mail: mensur.vegara@umb.no; URL: http://www.umb.no/noragric

Correspondence address: Office address FILDS OF COMPETANCE: Animal breeding, animal production, farming systems; Development Studies, Programme and project co-ordination and management; Institutional cooperation; Agricultural engineering and consulting. EMPLOYMENT: 1997 - present Associate Professor / Programme coordinator /Project leader, Norwegian University of Life

Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Norway

2001 - Visiting professor in animal breeding and animal husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

1998 - Visiting professor in animal breeding and animal husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

1994 - 1997 Senior Research Scientist/Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås, Norway.

1993 - 1994 Refugee in Bergen, Norway. (January) (May)

1992 - 1993 Project coordinator at UPI Invest and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of (Aug.) (Janu.) Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H.

1991 - 1992 Project coordinator at UPI Invest and research scientist at the Faculty of (July) (Aug.) Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H.

1983 - 1991 Project leader and project coordinator at UPI Invest and research fellow at (July) (July) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H.

1979 -1983 Senior assistant on scientific and development projects and production (July) (July) manager at UPI Institute for Research and Development in Sarajevo, Department for Cattle Breeding, Butmir - Ilidza, B&H.

1978 - 1979 Trainee at UPI Institute for Research and Development in Sarajevo, B&H (June) (July) Department for Cattle Breeding, Butmir - Ilidza, B&H.

1976 -1978 Scholarship holder of UPI Institute for Research and Development in Sarajevo, B&H (Sept.) (June) Department for Cattle Breeding, Butmir - Ilidza, B&H.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Undergraduate, MSc and PhD courses: general animal breeding and animal husbandry for farm animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pig, horses, poultry and rabbits), domestic animal genetic resources, economical and biological effects of farm animals selection (animal breeding plans). EDUCATION: 1991 Doctor Scientiarum (Dr. Sci.), Department of Animal Sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of

Sarajevo, (B&H). 1985 Postgraduate study, Master of Science in Agriculture at Faculty ofAgriculture, University of Sarajevo,

(B&H). 1978 B.Sc. (Animal Husbandry), Department of Animal Sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of

Sarajevo, (B&H).

Appendix 3: CV of project leaders from, UMB, Noragric, Norway (Mensur Vegara and Lars Olav Eik)

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1973 High school in Sarajevo, (B&H). 1969 Primary school in Sarajevo, (B&H).

OTHER TRAINING: 2004 Training course on GIS – Geographical Information System, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås, Norway. 2001/02 Training course on ICT –Information and Communication Technology, Web Side Production and using

ICT in distance education, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås, Norway. 2000 Training course on ICT –Information and Comunication Tehnology, Web Side Production and using ICT

in education, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås, Norway. 2000/01 Training course on university science of education (pedagogy), Agricultural University of Norway, Ås,

Norway. 1996 Training course on hair and skin technology, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark. 1995 Training course on cashmere fibre and wool quality, MLURI, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1989 Training course in cattle husbandry, “17thInternational Course on Dairy Farming in Rural Development”,

Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1982 Training course in goat breeding (de l’elevage caprin), ACTIM, Agence pour la coopération technique

industrielle et économique, Paris, France. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: Developed/coordinated several ongoing interdisciplinary research projects in South East Europe/West Balkan (SEE/WB) educational research and training in SEE/WB, 17 academically institutions in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Azerbaijan and 15 academically institutions in Norway. THESES: 1. Vegara Mensur (1991) “Development of wool follicles of the Pramenka sheep breed in the age range six to 24

months”, Doctor Scientiarum Thesis No.: 1599/91, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Her-zegovina.

2. Vegara Mensur (1985) “Profitability of intensive lamb fattening in relation between the way of selling and the market”, M.Sc Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

PUBLICATIONS of Mensur Vegara: TEACHING BOOKS: 1. Velija Katica, Amela Katica, Vedad Sakic, Nadzida Mlaco, Mensur Vegara, Nazif Varatanovica and Edin

Hamzić. (2010): Felinology, (Orig. Titel: “Osnove Felinologije”). 150 p.p., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uni-versity of Sarajevo, Nacionalna i universutetska biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, ISBN 9789958789069, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

2. Muhamed Brka, Mensur Vegara, Enisa Brka, Gunnar Klemetsdal, Janne Karin Brodin and Samir Muhamedagić. (2008): Introduction to SAS Windows for agronomists, (Orig. Titel: “Uvod u SAS Windows za agronome”). 164 p.p., Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies and Department of Animal and Aquaculural Sciences, Ås, Norway, ISBN 9789958597053, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

3. Velija Katica, Vedad Sakic, Azmir Omerovic, Mensur Vegara and Almira Softić. (2008): Dog breeding, (Orig. Titel: “Uzgoj pasa”). 173 p.p., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Nor-way, Promocult, ISBN 9789958789021, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

4. Mila Savić, Slobodan Jovanović, and Mensur Vegara. (2007): Animal Breeding - Farm animals, (Orig. Titel: “Stocarstvo - Farmske zivotinje”). 306 p.p., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade and Norwe-gian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Norway, ISBN 978-86-81043-30-1, Belgrade, Serbia

5. Koco Porcu, Božidarka Marković, Mensur Vegara and Dragoslav Kocevski (2006): Catalogue of West Balkan pramenka sheep breed types, 90 p.p., Faculty of Agriculture and Food, University St's. "Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, University of Montenegro and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Norway, ISBN 9989845239, Skopje, FYR Macedonia.

6. Slobodan Jovanović, Savić Mila and Mensur Vegara. (2005): Animal Breeding, (Orig. Titel: “Stočarstvo”). 231 p.p., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies, Ås, Norway, ISBN 86-81043-24-2, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

7. Milan Krajinović, Refik Šahinović, Mensur Vegara, and Husein Vilić. (2004): Animal Breeding, (Orig. Titel: “Osnove Opšteg Stočarstva”). Bihać, Bosnia-Hercegovina; Novi Sad, Serbia og Montenegro & Ås, Norge, 288 p.p., Faculty of Biotehnic, University of Bihać, ISBN 9958-9237-8-5, COBISS.BH-ID 13290758, Bihać, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

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PUBLICATIONS of Mensur Vegara: http://www.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wa/fres?sort=ar&pnr=317963&la=no&action=sok 1. Antunovic, Zvonko; Maric, Ivica; Steiner, Zdenko; Vegara, Mensur; Novoselec, Josip. (2011): BLOOD META-

BOLIC PROFILE OF THE DUBROVNIK SHEEP – CROATIAN ENDANGERED BREED. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science 2011; Volum 1. (1) s. 35-38. Macedonia.

2. Antunovic, Zvonko; Novoselec, Josip; Sauerwein, Helga; Speranda, Marcela; Vegara, Mensur; Pavic, Vatroslav. (2011): Blood metabolic profile and some of hormones concentration in ewes during different physiological status. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 2011; Volum 17. (5) s. 687-695. Bulgaria.

3. Antunovic, Zvonko; Novoselec, Josip; Speranda, Marcela; Vegara, Mensur; Pavic, Valentina; Mioc, Boro; Djidara, Mislav. (2011): Changes in biochemical and hematological parameters and metabolic hormones in Tsigai ewes blood in the first third of lactation. Archiv für Tierzucht / Archives of Animal Breeding 2011 ;Volum 54.(5) s. 535-545. Germany.

4. Antunovic, Zvonko; Speranda, Marcela; Liker, Branko; Vegara, Mensur; Mioc, Boro; Seric, Vatroslav. (2011): Effect of probiotic supplementation before and after weaning on fattening performance, biochemical parameters, and acid-base balance of lambs. Tierärztliche Umschau 2011 ;Volum 66.(3) s. 106-111, Germany.

5. Hrkovic, Amina; Hodzic, Aida; Saric, Zlatan; Hamamdzic, Muhidin; Vegara, Mensur; Saljic, Ermin; Juhas-Pasic, Eva. (2011): Utjecaj kemijskog sastava ovcijeg mlijeka na kemijski sastav Livanjskog i Travnickog sira. Mlje-karstvo 2011 ;Volum 61.(2) s. 175-181. Croatia.

6. Satrović, Edin; Rešidbegović, Emina; HadŃiomerović, Zijo; Krkalić, Lejla; Goletić, Tarik; Kavazović, Aida; DŃaja, Petar; Vegara, Mensur. (2011): Avian Chlamydiosis in wild ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) in Bosnia and Herze-govina. Veterinaria 2011 ;Volum 59.(1-4) s. 21-28. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

7. Satrović, Edin; Rešidbegović, Emina; HadŃiomerović, Zijo; Krkalić, Lejla; Goletić, Teufik; Kavazović, Aida; DŃaja, Petar; Vegara, Mensur. (2011): Avian Chlamydiosis in Pheasants (Phasinus colchicus) in Bosnia and Her-zegovina. Veterinaria 2011 ;Volum 59.(1-4) s. 29-36. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

8. Satrovic, Edin; Goletic, Tarik; Residbegovic, Emina; Hadziomerovic, Zijo; Dzaja, Petar; Krkalic, Lejla; Vegara, Mensur; Cutuk, Amel. (2011): Epizootiological chart of avian chlamydiosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Veterinaria 2011 ;Volum 60.(1-2/11) s. 51-68. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

9. Brka Muhamed, Hodzic Aida, Reinshc Norbert, Zecevic Ervin, Dokso Admir, Djedovic Radica, Rukavina Dunja, Kapur Lejla, Vegara M., Šabanovic Mustafa and Ravic Ivica. (2010): Polymorphism of the kappa-casein gene in two Bosnian autochthonous cattle breeds. Archiv für Tierzucht/Archives of Animal Breeding, Vol. 53, No. 3. p.p. 277-282, ISSN 0003-9438. Germany.

10. Antunović Zvonko, Novoselec, J., Sauerwein Helga, Vegara M., and Šperanda Marcela, (2010): Blood metabolic hormones and leptin in growing lambs. Poljopriverda/Agriculture (2010), Vol. 16, No. 2. p.p. 29-34, ISSN 1330-7142. http://www.pfos.hr/~poljo/sites/default/data/2010_2/06_ANTUNOVIC.pdf Croatia.

11. Antunović Zvonko, Steiner Zdenko, Vegara M., Šperanda Marcela, Steiner Zvonimir, and Novoselec, J. (2010): Concentration of selenium in soil, pasture, blood and wool of sheep. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), Vol. 60, No. 2-3. p.p. 263-271, ISSN 0567-8315. Serbia.

12. Hoda Anila, Vegara M. and Bozgo V. (2010): Biochemical parameters of blood and quality of sheep milk in the production of autochthonous cheese - Livno and Travnik. Second Balkan Conference on Biology, 50 years Univer-sity of Plovdiv, Biotechnical & Biotechnology EQ. 24/2010/SE, Plovdiv 21-23.05.2010, Bulgaria.

13. Hrkovic Amina, Hodžić A., Saric Z., Hamamdzic M., Vegara M., Pasic-Juhas E. and Saljic E. (2010): Characteris-tics of blood biochemical parameters on Bosnia and Herzegovina's Pramenka breed sheep. XXIst Scientific-Professional Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. Book of Abstracts (2010). p.p. 44-45,29.09 – 02.10.2010., Neum, Faculty of agriculture and food sciences, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

14. Jovanović Slobodan, Savić Mila, Katić R., and Vegara M., (2010): Health control programme in local Lipe sheep. EAAP – 61st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts, No. 16 (2010). p.p. 200, 23 – 27.08.2010. Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece

15. Johansen B. Ida, Muhamedagic S., Lunde G. Ida, Habibovć E., Vegara M., Gjøen H.M., and Øverli Øyvind, (2010): Experiments in sustainable aquaculture and conservation biology at the Center for Fisheries Neretva - Konjic on Boracko Lake, 1st International symposium of fisheries and fishing tourism. Book of Proceedings, No. 1 (2010). p.p. 39-48., Center for Fisheries Neretva - Konjic on Boracko Lake, 23-24.06.2010, Bosnia and Herze-govina

16. Hamzic Adem, Muhamedagic S., Drašković N., Kanlic Vera. and Vegara M., (2010): Water Management in Bos-nia and Herzegovina Fisheries - Business Basics, 1st International symposium of fisheries and fishing tourism. Book of Proceedings, No. 1 (2010). p.p. 123-135., Center for Fisheries Neretva - Konjic on Boracko Lake, 23-24.06.2010, Bosnia and Herzegovina

17. Muhamedagic Samir, Hamzic A., Vegara M., Pavličević J., and Cindrak M. (2010): Improvement of the cultiva-tion of commercial and autochthonous fish species in salmonid aquaculture of Federation of B&H, 1st International symposium of fisheries and fishing tourism. Book of Proceedings, No. 1 (2010). p.p. 77-86., Center for Fisheries Neretva - Konjic on Boracko Lake, 23-24.06.2010, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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18. Jovanović Slobodan, Vranješ A., Vegara M. and Savić M. (2009): The effects of sustainable dairy farming system on milk composition and quality. EAAP - 60th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts, Barcelona, No. 15. p.p. 235, 23 – 28.08.2009. Barcelona, Spain.

19. Savić Mila, Jovanović S., Vegara M. and Vranješ A. (2009): Sustainable livestock production in Serbia mountain regions. EAAP - 60th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Book of Abstracts, Barcelo-na, No. 15. p.p. 502, 23 – 28.08.2009. Barcelona, Spain.

20. Muhamedagic Samir, Hamzic A., Vegara M., Lelo S., Djug S., Dreskovic N., Omanovic-Miklicanin E., Pavlicevic J. and Sljuka Senad (2009): Composition of the Fish Population in the Water Basin of the Kupres Municipality. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, XX Naucno-Strucna Konferencija Poljopriverede i Preharambene Industrije, Neum, 29.09-03.10.2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

21. Vegara Mensur, Muhamedagic S., Hamzic A., Lelo S., Djug S., Dreskovic N., Omanovic-Miklicanin E., Pavlicevic J. and Sljuka Senad (2009): Qualitative-Quantitative Composition og Fish Population of the Kalinovik Municipality. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, XX Naucno-Strucna Konferencija Poljopriverede i Preharambene Industrije, Neum, 29.09-03.10.2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

22. Hamzic Adem, Skaramuca B., Muhamedagic S. and Vegara M. (2009): Inpact of Hydroelectric System Trebisnjica on Agriculture and Ichthyofauna Trebisnjica River Basin. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, XX Naucno-Strucna Konferencija Poljopriverede i Preharambene Industrije, Neum, 29.09-03.10.2009, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

23. Hrkovic Amina, Hodžić A., Hamamdzic M., Vegara M., Saric Z., Zahirovic A., Pasic-Juhas E. and Krnic J. (2009): Characteristics of blood biochemical parameters on Bosnia and Herzegovina's Pramenka breed sheep. Krmiva, Vol. 51, No. 2. p.p. 117-126, ISSN 0023-4850.

24. Klemetsdal, Gunnar, Andonov S., Boman I. A., Holme I. J., Vukovic V., Vegara M., Svendsen M.. and Ådnøy T., (2009): Validering av geiteavlsmodellar, Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2009, Thon Hotel Arena, Lillestrøm, 11-12. February 2009. p.p. 95-97, ISBN 978-82-7479-020-9

25. Hodžić, Aida, Hamamdzic M., Gagic A., Mihaljevic M., Vegara M., Krnic J. and Pasic-Juhas E., (2008): The in-fluence of dietary palm olein, fish oil and lard on the egg yolk and plasma lipid composition, and performances of laying hens. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1. p.p. 1-7, ISSN 1505-1773

26. Ćinkulov, Mirjana, Z. Popovski, K. Porco, B. Tanaskovska, A. Hodžić, H. Bytyqi, H. Mehmeti, V. Margeta, R. Djedović, A. Hoda, R. Trailović, M. Brka, B. Marković, B. Važić, M. Vegara, I. Olsaker and J. Kantanen, (2008): Genetic diversity and structure of the West Balkan Pramenka sheep types as revealed by microsatellite and mito-chondrial DNA analysis. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Vol. 125, No. 6. p.p. 417-426, ISSN 0931-2668.

27. Bytyqi Hysen, M. Vegara, Gjonbalaj M., Mehmeti H., Gjergjizi H., Miftari I. and Bytyqi N. (2007): Analysis of consumer behavior in regard to dairy products in Kosovo. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 46, No. 3. p.p. 311-320, ISSN 0368-1157.

28. Hasanbasić D., Rukavina D., Hodzic A., Brka M., Vegara M. and Hamamdzic M. (2007): Research on spontane-ously emerged chromosomal aberrations in the periphery blood lymphocytes in cattle ('busa' breed). Bosnian Jour-nal of Basic Medical Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 4, 301-306, Sarajevo, Bosnia &Herzegovina

29. Savić Mila, Jovanović S., Vranješ A. and Vegara M. (2007): The utilization of autochthonous Zackel sheep in sus-tainable farming in Serbia, EEAP - 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Book of abstracts No. 13, p.p. 44, 26 – 29.08.2007. Dublin, Ireland.

30. Bytyqi H., J. Ødegård, M. Vegara, H. Mehmeti, and G. Klemetsdal (2006): Lactation curves and estimated feed conversion ratios for Simmental, Brown Swiss and Tyrol Grey in Kosovo. Acta agriculturae Scandinavica. Section A, Animal science. Vol. 56, No. 3, 161-164,

31. Bytyqi H., M. Vegara, H. Mehmeti, M. Kamberi, A. Kryeziu and S. Muji (2006): Comparison of the calf mortality for Simmental, Brown Swiss and Tyrol Grey breeds in small-scale farming in Kosovo. Works of the Faculty of Ag-riculture, University of Sarajevo. Vol. LI, No. 57/3., (UDK 63/66 (058)0808.1/2), 73-82. Sarajevo, Bosnia & Her-zegovina.

32. Brka M., Vegara M., Muhamedagić S, Konyali A. and Savas T. (2006): Free type of breeding beef cattle Works of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Vol. LI, No. 57/3., (UDK 63/66 (058)0808.1/2), 53-57. Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

33. Bytyqi H., G. Klemetsdal., J. Ødegård., H. Mehmeti, and M. Vegara (2005): A comparison of the productive, re-productive and body condition score traits of the Simmental, Brown Swiss and Tyrol Grey breeds in smallholder herds in Kosovo. FAO Animal Genetic Resources Information. Vol. 37, No. 1, 9-20, 2005. http://dad.fao.org/en/Home.htm

34. Hodžić, Aida, Hamamdžić M., Gagić A., Mihajlović Milena, Krnjić J., Vegara M., Baltić M., Trajkoić Svetlana, Kadrić M. and Pašić Juhas Eva. (2005): Egg yolk lipid modifications by fat supplemented diets of laying hens. Acta Veterinaria, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Vol.55, No. 1, 41-51, 2005. Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.

35. Brka M., Vegara M. and Muhamedagić S. (2004): Applying SAS in animal breeding. II. Simpozij Poljoprivrede, Veterinarstva, Sumarstva i Biotehnologije sa medunarodnim ucescem, Strategija Razvoja Domace Proizvodnje, 28-30 septembar/rujan 2004, Bihac, Bosina i Hercegovina.

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36. Brka M., and Vegara M. (2004): Possibility of DNA analysis in animal breeding. II. Simpozij Poljoprivrede, Veterinarstva, Sumarstva i Biotehnologije sa medunarodnim ucescem, Strategija Razvoja Domace Proizvodnje, 28-30 septembar/rujan 2004, Bihac, Bosina i Hercegovina.

37. Saracevc Lejla, Gradascevic N., Mihalj A., Vegara V., Steiner Z., Muratović S. and Drinić Milanka. (2004): Radionuklidi u lancu tlo-trava-vuna u BiH i istocnoj Slavoniji. II. Simpozij Poljoprivrede, Veterinarstva, Sumarstva i Biotehnologije sa medunarodnim ucescem, Strategija Razvoja Domace Proizvodnje, 28-30 septembar/rujan 2004, Bihac, Bosina i Hercegovina.

38. Steiner Zdenko., Muratović S., Antunović Z., Džomba E., Domaćinović M., Čengić Senada, Vegara M., Steiner Zvonimir, Šperanda Marcela, Saračević Leila, and Drinić Milanka. (2004): Selenium concentration in soil, plant, blood and wool of the sheep in Eastern Slavonia and upland area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 11th International Conference “Krmiva 2004” – Opatia, 2004. Croatia, 16 -18. 06. 2004, Krmiva, Zagreb, Croatia.

39. Šakić V., Vegara M., Katica V. and Softić Almira. (2004): Body dimensions of kids of crosses F1 generation do-mestic white and Saanen goat. 12th Congress of Mediterranean Federation for Health and production of Ruminants. Fe.Me.S.P.Rum, 2004. Istambul, Turkey, 16 - 19. September 2004. Turkey.

40. Šakić V., Brka M., Fejzic N., Vegara M., Katica V. and Softić Almira. (2004): The estimation of lameness dairy cows by locomotion scoring. Veterinaria, Veterinaria, Periodical on the Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Vol.53, No. 1, 45-52, 2004. Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herze-govina.

41. Savić Mila, Jovanović S., Tralović Ružica and Vegara M. (2004): The rational utilisations of autochthonous breed in organic farming in Serbia. 1st International Congress on Organic Animal Production and Food Safety, 2004. Kusadasi, Turkey, 28 April – 1 May 2004. Izmir Regional Chamber of Veterinary Medicine, p.p. 248 -256, Turkey.

42. Muratović S., Steiner Zdenko, Antunović Z., Čengić Senada, Vegara M., Domaćinović M., Saračević Leila, Stei-ner Zvonimir, Šperanda Marcela and Drinić Milanka. (2003): Selenium utilization by sheep in soil – plant – animal – continuum in mountain region of Bosnia & Herzegovina and Eastern Slavonia in Republic Croatia. 10th Interna-tional Conference “Krmiva 2003” – Opatia, 2003. Croatia, 20 -23. 06. 2003, Krmiva, Zagreb, Croatia.

43. Šakić V., Ferizbegović J., Vegara V., Katica V. and Softić Almira. (2003): A dairy cow body condition scoring system. The First Symposium in Agriculture, Vererinary Medicine and Forestry of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, 2003. Neum, 14 -17. 05. 2003. The Proceedings of First Symposium, p.p.13, Neum, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

44. Muhamedagić S., Brka M., Vegara M., and Dizdarević F. (2003): Beef cattle breeds as a base to incense of beef production in Bosnia & Herzegovina. The First Symposium in Agriculture, Vererinary Medicine and Forestry of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo, 2003. Neum, 14 -17. 05. 2003. The Proceedings of First Symposium, p.p.55, Neum, Bosnia & Herze-govina.

45. Savić Mila, Vegara M., Tralović Ružica and Jovanović S., (2002): Criteria for milk production under conditions of organic agriculture. The Fourth Symposium in Animal Clinical Pathology and Therapy. Clinica Veterinaria 2002, Budva, 10 -14. 06. 2002. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgarade, p.p. 68-71, Budva, Yugoslavia.

46. Vegara, M., Važić, B, Dizdarević, F., Muratović, S., Hasković, E., Durmić, Adaleta, and Muhamedagić S., 2001. Genetic polymorphism of hemoglobin of the Bosnian native Pramenka sheep (Dubska). Contemporary Agriculture (Savremena poljoprivreda). Herceg Novi, 11-15. 06. 2001. Vol. 50, 3-4 (2001) p.p. 59-62, YU ISSN 0350-1205, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

47. Dizdarević, F., Muratović, S., Važić, B., Vegara, M., Muhamedagić, S. and Biber Almira, 2001. Horse breeding and perspectives for its development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.. Contemporary Agriculture (Savremena poljoprivreda). ). Herceg Novi, 11-15. 06. 2001. Vol. 50, 3-4 (2001) p.p. 305-307, YU ISSN 0350-1205, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

48. Dizdarević, F., Vegara, M., Hamamdžić, M., Važić, B. and Adiloviić S., 2001. External and typological caracteristics of horses from Cazin region. Contemporary Agriculture (Savremena poljoprivreda). ). Herceg Novi, 11-15. 06. 2001. Vol. 50, 3-4 (2001) p.p. 309-313, YU ISSN 0350-1205, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.

49. Muhamedagic, S., Salkic, A., Dizdarevic, F. & Vegara, M. (1999). External and Typological characteristics of Bosnian sheperd dog Tornjak. Works of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Vol. XLIV, No. 48/1999., 113-121.

50. Vegara, M., T. Ådnøy, L.O.Eik & N. Standal, (1999). Down production of Norwegian dairy goats. Small Rumi-nant Research, Volume 33:293-297.

51. Vegara, M. (1993) Postnatal development of wool follicles in pramenka breed. International Proceedings of the Joint EAAP-CIHEAM-EU-CUZF-MAFRA Symposium on Production of Hides, Skins, Wool and Hair, Adana, Turkey. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, EAAP Publication No. 56:236-238.

52. Markotic, B., Causevic, Z., Vegara, M., Smajic, A. & Omanovic, H. (1993) The comparative study of wool folli-cles of pramenka, merinolandschaf and romanov sheep breeds and their crosses. International Proceedings of the Joint EAAP-CIHEAM-EU-CUZF-MAFRA Symposium on Production of Hides, Skins, Wool and Hair, Adana, Turkey. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, EAAP Publication No. 56:241-244.

53. Causevic, Z., Markotic, B., Vegara, M., Smajic, A. & Omanovic, H. (1993) Heredity of wool fineness in different sheep breeds and their crosses. International Proceedings of the Joint EAAP-CIHEAM-EU-CUZF-MAFRA Sym-

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posium on Production of Hides, Skins, Wool and Hair, Adana, Turkey. Pudoc Scientific Publishers, Wageningen, EAAP Publication No. 56:239-241.

54. Tahirovic, N., Causevic, Z., Vegara, M. & Smajic, A. (1989) Past experience in lamb fattening in Bosnia & Her-zegovina. Collection of works of the XIIIth scientific meeting on sheep nutrition. Palic-Subotica, Yugoslavia.

55. Causevic, Z., Smajic, A., Vegara, M. & Cordas, D. (1989) Inadequate storage of meat and meat products. Agricul-tural review, year XXXI, No. 1, 2, 3, Sarajevo, B&H.

56. Causevic, Z., Smajic, A., Omanovic, H. & Vegara, M. (1988) The results of multi-year research on the possibili-ties of increasing lamb meat production. Agricultural review, year XXX, No. 4, 5, 6, Sarajevo, B&H.

57. Vegara, M. (1988) Contribution to the knowledge of the wool fineness in pramenka sheep and F1 crosses gained by mating of pramenka sheep with Würtenberg rams. XI conference: Current situation of wool production in Yugo-slavia, Salas, Yugoslavia.

58. Vegara, M. (1987) Contribution to the knowledge of the economics of fattening repurchased lambs with concen-trates. Agriculture review, year XXIX Nr. 1, 2, 3, Sarajevo, B&H.

59. Vegara, M. (1987) Possibilities for the rise of meat production through intensive fattening of repurchased lambs. Scientific papers of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. Year XXXV, Nr. 39 Sarajevo, B&H.

60. Jelec, S., Salahovic, K. & Vegara, M. (1982) Fertility of the Swedish landrace sows and the effects of their cross-ing with Yorkshire boars on a pig farm in Visoko. Collection of scientific papers, VIIth Meeting of Yugoslavia’s pig breeders. Pristina, Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

61. Causevic, Z., Vegara, M., Simic, I., & Travar, M. (1982) Possibilities for the production and amelioration of the lamb meat quality in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Agricultural review, year XXIV No. 5-6, Sarajevo, B&H.

62. Causevic, Z., Milosevic, A., Antunovic, I., Slijepcevic, B., Tahirovic, N., Jovanovic, D.& Vegara, M. (1980) Re-search on the development of sheep breeding in the highland-mountainous region of Bosnia & Herzegovina. Interrepublic and provincial conference on sheep breeding in SFR Yugoslavia, Oherid, Yugoslavia.


63. Vegara, M., T. Ådnøy, L.O.Eik and N. Standal, 1996. Cashmere fibre from Norwegian dairy goats. EAAP - 47th Annual Meeting, August, Lillehammer, Norway, Book of Abstracts No. 2: 329 pp..

64. Vegara, M., T. Ådnøy, L.O.Eik og N. Standal, (1996). Kasjmirull på norske geiter. (Possibilities of cashmere pro-duction in Norway). Husdyrforsøksmøtet, Ås, Norge, s. 88-92.

65. Smajic, A. & Vegara, M. (1992) Preparing of bowels (sausage casings) for households. Agricultural calendar, NIP “Zadrugar”, Sarajevo, B&H.

66. Vegara, M. (1992) Nipple drinkers for the watering of ruminants. Agricultural calendar, NIP “Zadrugar”, Sarajevo, B&H.

67. Vegara, M. & Smajic, A. (1992) Machine-milking of sheep. Agricultural calendar, NIP “Zadrugar”, Sarajevo, B&H.

68. Causevic, Z. & Vegara, M. (1992) Elements for the building of goat sheds on private estates. NIP “Zadrugar”, Sarajevo, B&H.

69. Vegara, M. (1989) Basic Features of Cattle and Milk Production in Yugoslavia. 17th International Course on Dairy Farming in Rural Development, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

70. Vegara, M. (1984) Profits from goats. Agricultural calendar, NIRO “Zadrugar”, Sarajevo, B&H. 71. Vegara, M. (1982) Revival of goat rearing. NIRO “Zadrugar”, No. 1762, Sarajevo, B&H.

SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS: 1999. Quality of Norwegian wool - variation of white fibre colour. Department of Animal Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, Ås. 1986 - 1991. DC-X -Topic: NP 6.2. Study of the technology and the quality of meat products of the highland-mountainous regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a basis for industrial manufacture. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1985 - 1990. DC-X - Forming and production of one’s own biologic reproduction materials, conquest of new technologies and products, insurance of socio-economical and other assumptions for the development of a modern agriculture and food industry. Topic: 3.U.3. Breeding of domestic fattened sheep. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1984 - 1990. Biotechnical methods in the intensification of sheep production, subproject A. - Forming of a meaty sheep type favourable for the highland-mountainous region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project of the Yugoslav-American Committee for scientific and technical cooperation (JF-685-11-USDA). Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H.

STUDIES, PROGRAMMES &OTHER RESEARCH PROJECTS – Programme coordinator /project leader and as a researcher: 2006 - 2009. Norwegian Co-operation Programme on Research and Higher Education with the countries of the Western Balkans (CPWB, Project: “Education, Research and Training for Global Environmental Change and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in the Western Balkans" (UMB, SIU Project no. 332 015).

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2006 - 2009. UD Norwegian South Eastern Europe (SEE) Programme in Agriculture (2006- 2009: Implementing Programme: “Institutional collaboration between academic institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro", (UMB, Project no. 332953 for 2006, Project no. 332015 for 2007, Project no. 332048 for 2008 & Project no. 332087 for 2009) a. Partner institutions in the programme (9 partners in the SEE region and 8 partners in Norway (Implementing period of 4 years 2006-2009) : Bosnia & Herzegovina (B & H): Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mostar Faculty of Agriculture, University "Dzemal Bijedic" of Mostar Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo

Croatia: Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Serbia and Montenegro: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad

Norway: Norwegian University of Live Sciences/UMB, Ås through Noragric (coordination, administration), Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Department of Economics and Resource Management, Noragric, Department for International Environment and Development Studies; Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS), Ås; and Norwegian Crop Research Institute (Planteforsk), Ås Accepted programme for “Institutional Collaboration between Academic Institutions in Norway and Selected Countries in South Eastern Europe/ West Balkan: Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine” 2006 – 2009 After repeated consultations and preparations during the Pilot period, the original 77 draft project proposals have been reduced to 9. Main programme for the 4 years activities (2006 – 2009) with a total of 9 sub-projects and with a total budget of NOK 18.430.000, in average NOK 4.607.000 per year was accepted by UD 04.10.05!

Table 1. Project Proposals by Institutions The projects are showed in alphabetical order of departments/institutions name! Institutt for husdyr- og akvakulturvitenskap (IHA) - Responsbile, Prof. Hans-Magnus Gjøen (Dept. of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, University of Live Sciences, Ås)e-mail: hans.magnus.gjoen@umb.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK) 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost

1 Sustainable selection program for salmonid strains of the river Neretva 520 431 670 670 2 291

2 Novel and local feed components for rainbow trout 345 286 495 495 1 621

Institutt for kjemi, biot. og matvitenskap (IKBM) - Responsbile, Prof. Roger Abrahamsen (Dept. of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, University of Live Sciences, Ås) e-mail:roger.abrahamsen@umb.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 3 Standardization of Technology and Chemical, Physical and Microbiological

Quality Characteristics of Autochthonous White Pickled (Travnički) and Hard (Livanjski) Cheese in B & H





1 682 Institutt for naturforvaltning (INA) - Responsible, Prof. Hans Fredrik Hoen (Dept. of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, University of Live Sciences, Ås) e-mail: hans.hoen@umb.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 4 Teaching process improvement at faculties of forestry in Bosnia and Herze-

govina – Alignment of syllabus and curriculum with faculties of forestry which signed Bologna's declaration





1 896

Institutt for plante- og miljøvitenskap (IPM) - Responsbile, Prof. Bal Ram Singh (Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Live Sciences, Ås) e-mail: balram.singh@umb.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 5 Improving nutritional quality and safety of food and fodder crops in South

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Eastern Europe (SEE) countries 690 538 690 690 2 608 Institutt for økonomi og ressursforvaltning (IØR) - Responsbile, Prof. Roberto Garcia (Dept. of Economics and Resource Management, University of Live Sciences, Ås) e-mail: roberto.garcia@umb.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 6 Developing a Joint-MS Program in Agribusiness Economics and Marketing





1 131 Noragric - Responsible, Prof. Mensur Vegara e-mail: mensur.vegara@umb.no (Department for International Environment and Development Studies, University of Live Sciences, Ås)

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 7 Reorientation of Academic Education in Agriculture in SE Europe -

Curriculum Development in Animal Breeding and Animal Husbandry

470 505



2 390

NIJOS - Responsible, Prof. Geir-Harald Strand (Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory, Ås) e-mail: geir.harald.strand@nijos.no

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 8 GIS and Remote sensing for mapping and monitoring in forestry and

agriculture 370 306 470 470 1 616

Planteforsk - Responsbile, PhD. Dag-Ragnar Blystad (Norwegian Crop Research Institute, Ås) e-mail: dag-ragnar.blystad@PLANTEFORSK.NO

Project No.

Project title Duration and budget (1000 NOK)

2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Cost 9 Plant Health And Genetic Resources in South East Europe 642 556 592 562 2 352

Financing: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2006 - Serbia & Kosovo - Scholarship to 3 students for Master’s degree Programme in Applied Aquaculture, Feed Manufacturing Technology and Food Safety - Project number 2060321. (UMB, Project no. 332 968). 2005 - Serbia - Scholarship: Master's degree Programme in Applied Aquaculture - Project number 2050305. (UMB, Project no. 332 945) 2004 – 2005. UD (New) Norwegian South Eastern Europe (SEE) Programme in Agriculture: Pilot Project: “Institutional collaboration between academic institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro", (UMB/NLH, Project no. 332921) a. Financing: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs b. Costs/budget for projects and activities:

� The budget for the pilot phase is NOK 535 200, 00 (June 2004 – March 2005)

2002 – 2004. UD Norwegian South Eastern Europe (SEE) Programme in Agriculture (2002 – 2004): "Competence transfer, institutional contact and cooperation between university faculties of Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in South Eastern Europe", (NLH, Project no. 332347) a. Partner institutions in the programme (16 partners in the SEE region and several partners in Norway and Nordic countries): Albania: Agricultural University of Tirana Bosnia & Herzegovina (B & H): Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mostar Faculty of Agriculture, University "Dzemal Bijedic" of Mostar Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo Croatia: Faculty of Agriculture, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Kosovo: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Prishtina Macedonia: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius of Skopje

Serbia and Montenegro: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad Institute of Biotechnology, University of Montenegro

Norway: Agricultural University of Norway through Noragric (coordination, administration) and Dep. of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences; Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory; Norwegian School of Veterinary Science; TINE Norwegian Dairies BA; Norsvin International AS; Nordic Gene Bank Farm Animals, Ås;

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Finland: MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen Iceland: Agricultural Research Institute, Reykjavik b. Main objectives and intensions To improve organising, content and quality of academic education and research in agriculture, veterinary medicine and forestry to meet the needs of qualified people in post-war rebuilding and to reach the general European level and stand-ards. Create functional and sustainable networks of regional institutions and professionals to support each other and cooperate for optimal use of limited available resources in the SEE region in a difficult rebuilding situation. As pro-gramme intensions are to facilitate collegial cooperation and reconstitute academic networks between the partners in the SEE area, a broad approach has been chosen with a large number of partners (16) from most SEE geographical areas and representing most of the different ethnical groups.

c. Main activities in the programme

• Research, education and development projects in the areas of animal sciences, crop and feed production. • Use of GIS-methods in forestry and agriculture; basis for teaching, research and practical application. • Support to development of staff and institutions in form of study stays, study material, participation in interna-

tional meetings, covering of costs for laboratory analysis etc. related to M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis work, guest lec-turing and some equipment purchase.

• Web based teaching/training, information and communication; own web site for the programme. • Support to regional networks, professional meetings and professional/institutional cooperation on utilising la-

boratories and other joint methods and facilities. • Workshop and courses for advisers, administrators and others dealing with practical agriculture.

d. Financing: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs e. Costs/budget for projects and activities included in the SEE Program (in 000 NOK)

No. Title of project Budget 2002

Granted 2003

Granted 2004

TOTAL 2002-2004

Project 1. Coordination and institutional development 900 640 900 2 440 Project 2. Unification and improving of selection of domestic animals in South Eastern Europe

927 550 927 2 404

Project 3. Identification and conservation of animal genetic resources in South Eastern Europe

740 657 740 2 137

Project 4. Selenium, heavy metals and radionucleids in soil – plants – animals continuum

397 357 397 1 151

Project 5. Improving forage quality and preserving biodiversity on permanent grasslands

448 355 448 1 251

Project 6. (GIS based) Decision support techniques for advanced monitoring and management in agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine

560 671 560 1 791

Initiating costs for including Albania in SEE Programme Administration at Noragric (5%)

200 170 53 200

53 570

TOTAL COSTS OF SEE PROGRAMME 4 172 3 400 4 225 11 797

1999. UD (Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs), UD - TEMPUS Project in Bosnia & Herzegovina; BHXY9322, Reorientation of Academic Education in Agriculture in B&H, Vegara, M.& Sjøflot, L.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1997-1998. NORAD (Norwegian Development Aid), “Assistance for restoring-reconstructing of on agricultural extension service and training program for commercial agriculture production in Sarajevo” B&H, (Vegara, M.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1997-1998. NORAD (Norwegian Development Aid), “Training program for commercial forestry in Sarajevo canton”, B&H, (Vegara, M.& Strømstad, T.B.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1997-1999. The World Bank “Bosnia and Herzegovina - Emergency Wood supply and Forest Management Project”, B&H, Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1996. Gjenoppbygging av landbruk i Trnovo kommune - Rebuilding of agricultural production in Trnovo township, B&H, (Vegara, M.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1996. Gjenoppbygging av fjørfeproduksjon i Sarajevo - Rebuilding of poultry production in Sarajevo, B&H, (Vegara, M.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1996. Gjenoppbygging og reorganisering av melkeproduksjonsbruk i Sarajevo - Rebuilding and reorganisation milk production in Sarajevo, B&H, (Vegara, M.). Ås, NLH, Noragric. 1996. Gjenoppbygging av avlsorganisering og bevaring av genetiske resursser for husdyr i Bosnia-Herzegovina - Rebuilding the agricultural extension service and conservation of genetic resources of farm animals in Bosnia & Herzegovina. (Vegara, M.). ÅS, NLH, Noragric. 1996. Gjenoppbygging av Jordbruksfakultetet ved Universitetet i Sarajevo - Rebuilding the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo. (Vegara, M.). Ås. NLH, Noragric.

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1995. Landbruks- og distriksutvikling i Bosnia-Herzegovina - Agriculture and rural development in Bosnia & Herzegovina. (Sjøflot, L., Valen, S.Y.J. og Vegara, M.). Agricultural University of Norway, Noragric, Centre for International Environment and Development Studies), Ås, Norway. (Ås, NLH, Noragric). 1995. Gjenoppbygging av ull-laboratoriet ved Institutt for husdyrfag. (Rebuilding the Wool Quality Laboratory at the Department of Animal Sciences), Agricultural University of Norway. Ås, Norway. 1995-1998. Norwegian Cashmere Fibre Goat Project. Department of Animal Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway. Ås, Norway. 1995-1996. The Nordic Gene Bank for Farm Animals. Department of Animal Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway. Ås, Norway. 1991. Possibilities for the development of sheep and goat breeding in the area of the commune Trnovo township. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1991. Investment programme for the acquisition of a basic flock for the DP Brown coal mine, Tito Banovici. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1990. Investment programme for strengthening the Pale farm co-operative. Pale, B&H. especially within the private sector. 1990. Investment programme for the cultivation of agricultural land with production projections for SP UPI DP “Ergela” Borike, Rogatica. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1990. Investment programme for the building of broiler farms within the private sector of the Pale farm co-operative. Pale, B&H. 1990. Investment programme for the cultivation of agricultural land with production projections for SIP “Planinsko” Han Pijesak. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1990. Investment programme for the cultivation of agricultural land and the enlargement of the Kalinovik sheep farm. UPI “Invest”, Sarajevo, B&H. 1989. Organisation and technology of sheep production on the Kozlovac farm of the District Prison, Tuzla, business unit “Preporod”. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1989. Organisation and technology of sheep production on the Datelji farm of the district Prison Sarajevo, business unit “Miljacka”. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1988. Engineering for sheep production project for the Middle East, North Africa and subtropical regions. UPI “Invest”, Sarajevo, B&H. 1986. Improvement of sheep production in the Vlasic region. Faculty of Agriculture,University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1986. Organisation and technology of sheep production on the Vlahovici farm, RO “Rudar”, OOK Kakanj. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo, B&H. 1985. Production of fattened lambs in Yugoslavia intended for export. UPI “Invest”, Sarajevo, B&H. 1985 Industrial production of fattened lambs in Kenya intended for export. UPI “Invest”, Sarajevo, B&H. 1984. Production technology for the model of the UPI sheep farm capacity 5000 fertile sheep. UPI “Invest”, Sarajevo, B&H. CONFERENCE/SEMINARS ATTENDED: 2009. 60th Annual Meeting of the EAAP- European Association for Animal Production in Barcelona, from the 23th to the 28th August 2009. Sustainable livestock production in Serbia moountain regions. & The effects of sustainable dairy farming system on milk somposistion and quality. 2009. SIU, Bergen, Konferanser/seminarer : Samarbeid innen høgre utdanning mellom Norge og Russland. 16. feb - 19. feb. 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2009. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 14-15. Thon Hotel Arena, Lillestrøm, Norway. 2008. SIU, Bergen, Konferanser/seminarer : “Building Bridges – Making Partnerships between Iceland, Norway and Poland”. 01 - 04. October. 2008, Gdansk, Poland. 2007. 58th Annual Meeting of the EAAP- European Association for Animal Production in Dublin from the 26th to the 29th August 2007. The utilization of autochthonous Zackel sheep in sustainable farming in Serbia. 2007. NJF's 23rd Congress, Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, 26-29 June 2007., The Royal Agricultural and Veterinary University, KVL, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2007. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 14-15. Thon Hotel Arena, Norway. 2006. Preparation and carried out workshop in Sarajevo, 20 - 22 January 2006. Workshop for preparation of final project activities, budgets and activity plans for 2006, within the Norwegian - South Eastern Europe (SEE) Programme: “Institutional Collaboration Between Academic Institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine In Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro” - 9 projects for 2006. 2005. Preparation and carried out workshop in Sarajevo, 09-10.11.05. Bologna Declaration – Quality Reform of Higher Education. The Norwegian approach to Bologna implementation: The quality reform and Institutional collaboration between academic institution in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and B&H, S&M and Croatia, 2006-2009.

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2005. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 7-8. Quality Hotel, Sarpsborg , Norway. 2004. 1st International Congress on Organic Animal Production and Food Safety, Kusadasi, Turkey, 18.04.2004. The rational utilisations of autochthonous breed in organic farming in Serbia. 2003. NJF's 22nd Congress, Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective, 1-4 July 2003. Turku, Finland. 2002. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 13-14. NLH, Ås, Norway. 2001. Norwegian-Balkan Project – Pilot Project “Updating academic education and research in agriculture in South-Eastern Europe” Workshop, Mostar - Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 31.08-05.09. 2001. 2001. Norwegian-Balkan Project – Pilot Project “Updating academic education and research in agriculture in South-Eastern Europe” Workshop, Teslic - Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 10. - 15.03. 2001. 2000. National Conference “Meeting Place Oslo”. The role of universities in regional stabilization and democratization. Oslo, Norway, 6-7 November 2000. 2000. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 15-16. NLH, Ås, Norway. 1999. Seminar; Verdiskapende geitehold / the value added in the goat husbandry, Aurland, Norway, 7.09.1999. 1999. XXI Kongres, Nordisk Jordbruk og Samfunn / Nordic Agriculture and Society, Ås,Norway, 28.06.- 01.07.1999. 1998. The Association of European Universities (CRE) / Academic Task Force (ATF) Sarajevo. “Contributions to the Sustainable Development of Higher Education in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo - Curriculum Development in Agriculture”, (B&H). June 25.-27. 1998. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 10-11. NLH, Ås, Norway. 1998. Conference of the International Supporting Group for rebuilding the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sarajevo (B&H), Sarajevo. Feb. 26 - March 1. 1997. RRR Seminar: Jobbskaping og gjenoppygging i Bosnia-Hercegovina (Employment Creations and Rebuilding of Bosnia & Herzegovina), Kristiansand, Norway. October 10. 1997. The Association of European Universities (CRE) / Academic Task Force (ATF) Sarajevo. “Academic and Institutional Restoration of Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, Sarajevo - Curriculum Development in Agriculture”, B&H. April 30.-May 3. 1996. The 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Lillehammer, Norway. August 25.-29. 1996. Husdyrforsøksmøtet (The large biannual meeting for animal husbandry advisers and teachers of Norway), February 14-15. NLH, Ås, Norway. 1991. International Proceedings of the Joint EAAP-CIHEAM-EU-CUZF-MAFRA Symposium on Production Hides, Skins, Wool and Hair, Adana, Turkey. November 2.-6. 1989. The 13th Scientific Proceedings of Sheep Nutrition, Palic-Subotica, Vojvodina, Yugoslavia. April 27.-29. 1988. The 11th Proceedings of the “Current situation of wool production in Yugoslavia”, Salas, Serbia, Yugoslavia. September 21.-23. 1982. The 7th Meeting of Yugoslavia’s pig breeders, Pristina, Kosovo, Yugoslavia. May 09.11. 1980. Interrepublic and provincial conference on sheep breeding in SFR Yugoslavia, Ohrid, Macedonia, Yugoslavia. May 11. -15.

REPORTS RELATED TO PROJECTS: Larsen, T. S., Vegara, M., Tronsmo, Anne-Marte, Thuen, E., UMB, Noragric, November 2010. Final Report: Identification and development of academic partnerships between Azerbaijan and Norway in agriculture and related sciences, 2009-2010. MFA Project AZE-09/026, (UMB, UD Project no. 332 102) Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S., Gjøen, H-M., Abrahamsen, R., Hofstad, O., Frivold, L. H., Singh, B.R., Klemetsdal, G., Strand, G-H., Blystad, D-R. & Asdal, Å., UMB, Noragric, February 2010. Report for Institutional Collaboration between Academic Institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia from 2006 to 2009. Programme Activities in 2009. MFA Project RER-08/007, 05/00396-24, (UMB, UD Project no. 332 087; 09/616-55). Vegara, M., Tronsmo, Anne-Marte, Thuen, E., UMB, Noragric, November 2009. Report from a fact finding mission to Azerbaijan, from 06 to 14 November 2009. Identification and development of academic partnerships between Azerbaijan and Norway in agriculture and related sciences. Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S., Gjøen, H-M., Kiessling, A., Abrahamsen, R., Hofstad, O., Frivold, L. H., Singh, B.R., Klemetsdal, G., Strand, G-H., Blystad, D-R. & Asdal, Å., UMB, Noragric, February 2009. Report for Institutional Collaboration between Academic Institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia from 2006 to 2009. Programme Activities in 2008. MFA Project RER-08/07, 05/00396-24, (UMB, UD Project no. 332 048). Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S., Gjøen, H-M., Kiessling, A., Abrahamsen, R., Hofstad, O., Frivold, L. H., Singh, B.R., Garcia, R., Klemetsdal, G., Strand, G-H., Blystad, D-R. & Asdal, Å., UMB, Noragric, December 2007. Report for

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Institutional collaboration between academic institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia 2006 2009 Second Year of Programme Activities 2007, MFA Projekt nr. 2070061; (UMB, UD Project no. 332 015). Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S., Gjøen, H-M., Kiessling, A., Abrahamsen, R., Hofstad, O., Frivold, L. H., Singh, B.R., Garcia, R., Klemetsdal, G., Strand, G-H., Blystad, D-R. & Asdal, Å., UMB, Noragric, December 2006. Report for Institutional collaboration between academic institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia 2006 - 2009 First Year of Programme Activities - 2005/2006, MFA Projekt nr. 2050303; (UMB, UD Project no. 332 953). Holm-Hansen, J., Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S., Andonov, S., Bošev, D. & Selimi, F., UMB, Noragric, Noragric Report No. 34. September 2006. Review of Norges Vel's Agricultural Projects in Kosovo and Macedonia during the period 2002-2006. Vegara, M., Larsen, T. S. & Jørgensen, I. UMB, Noragric, February 2005. Report for Norwegian South Eastern Europe (SEE) Programme in Agriculture 2005- 2010, Pilot Project: "Institutional collaboration between academic institutions in Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine in Norway and Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia & Montenegro", (NLH, Project no. 332921) Sjøflot, L., Valen, S.Y.J., Vegara, M. mai 1996. Etterutdanningskurs i landbruk for bosniere i Norge. ( Up-grading course in agriculture for Bosnian refugees in Norway - Course at NLH). Kurs ved NLH, 15-26 april 1996. Øst-Europa rapport nr. 49, 29 s., Ås, NLH, Noragric. Sjøflot, L., Valen, S.Y.J., Vegara, M. Oktober 1996. Grunnlag for etablering av tilbakevendingsprojsjekter i Bosnia-Herzegovina. (Basics for establishing the repatriation projects in Bosnia & Herzegovina). Rapport fra besøk i Bosnia-Herzegovina 02.06.-17.06.1996. Øst-Europa rapport nr. 52, 60 s., Ås, NLH, Noragric. Vegara, M. og Sjøflot, L. June 1997. Visit and work in Bosnia & Herzegovina 29 April - 12 May 1997. Report 16 pp. 5 appendices. Ås, NLH, Noragric. Vegara, M. og Sjøflot, L. (By Supporting Group), June 1997. Rebuilding and restarting of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Sarajevo 1997. Report 12 pp. Ås, NLH, Noragric. Vegara, M., Sjøflot, L. & Strømstad, T.B. December 1997. Visit and work in Bosnia & Herzegovina, 06-16.12.1997. Report 11 pp. Ås, NLH, Noragric. Sjøflot, L. & Vegara, M. February 1996. Slutterapport fase 1-3 av prosjektet: “Landbruk og distriktsutvikling i Bosnia-Herzegovina”. (Finally report of 1-3 phases of the project: “ Agriculture and rural development in Bosnia & Herzegovina”. Rapport 16 s., Ås, NLH, Noragric. LANGUAGES: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian (mother tongue) Norwegian (speaking = excellent; reading = excellent; writing = excellent) English (speaking = good; reading = good; writing = good)

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Curriculum Vitae: Lars Olav Eik Current Positions Professor, Small Ruminant Nutrition & Production Systems / Tropical

Animal Husbandry, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric (80% position) and Department for Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, IHA (20% position), Univer-sity of Life Sciences (UMB)

Personal details Name: Eik, Lars Olav Date of Birth: March 27th 1955 Place & Country of Birth: Kvinnherad, Norway Marital Status: Married Number of children: Three (two daughters and a son)

Institutional address: Noragric, UMB, P. O. Box 5003, NO 1432, Aas, Norway Tel: +4764965200 Mobile: +47 48222005 E-mail: lars.eik@umb.no

Educational Background: PhD in Animal Science, UMB, 1991, professor UMB, 2011 Employment and Academic Ranks:

January 2011-: Programme Coordinator at Noragric for I. “The CCIAM-Programme”, which is a joint research programme on climate changes issues) between UMB, Sokoine University of Agricul-ture (SUA) and other collaborating universities in Tanzania and II. “The EPINAV-Programme” which is a corresponding programme between SUA in Tanzania and UMB/ NVH/Bioforsk dealing with enhancing pro-poor innovations in natural resources and agricultural value-chains. January 2005-: Programme Coordinator (50% position) at Noragric – UMB for the “PANTIL-Programme” (a joint research programme) between UMB and Sokoine University of Ag-riculture (SUA), Tanzania.

November 1990-: Associate Professor at IHA-UMB in Small Ruminant nutrition & Production Systems / Tropical Animal Husbandry. Supervisor for UMB-registered PhD-students:

Berhane, G., Mekelle University, Ethiopia: 2001-2005; Tesfay; Y., Mekelle University, Ethiopia: 2004-2008; Nurfeta, A., Hawassa University, Ethiopia: 2004-2008; Mushi, D. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania: 2006-2009; Woldemariam, A.A., Hawassa University, Ethiopia: 2006-; Safa-ri, J., Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania: 2007- ; Chilera, F.C., Bunda University of Ma-lawi, Malawi: 2007-; Gebremikael, M.B., Mekelle University, Ethiopia: 2009-; Selemany, I., Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania: 2009- ; Etana D., Hawassa University, Ethiopia: 2005-2009; Lind, V., Bioforsk-Tjøtta: 2004-; Mwaseba, D.: 2009-

Out-reach activities: Entrepreneurship and collaboration with farmers and industry is a main focus for my work. The most important project-involvements are as follows: 1983-: Introducing Norwegian Dairy Goats in Tanzania (References: Fred Johnsen, UMB; Prof. J.A. Matovelo, Sokoine University of Agriculture). 1985-: Production Systems for meat production on goats in Norway and marketing of goats meat (Reference: Torleif Bjella, Leader Nortura Niche Markets). 1995-: Using goats for landscaping purposes (Reference: Morten Clemetsen, Aurland Nat.verk,). 1995-2005: Work on improving the annual distribution of goat’s milk in Norway, introducing the new “Snøfrisk-Cheese” (Reference: Ingrid Haug, TINE). 1994 - Work on introducing cashmere goats and marketing of products (References: Ola Rygg, Gol, Norsk Kasjmirlag and Signe Aarhus, Oleana Textile Designer Company). 2002 -: Marketing small ruminant’s meat to the Muslim community in Norway (Reference: Torleif Bjella, Leader Nortura Niche Markets, Alfathi Brand). 2002-: Improving quality of lamb’s meat in Norway, introducing the concept of “mountain flavour” on meat (Reference: Torleif Bjella, Leader Nortura Niche Markets). Peer-reviewed articles, 2005-2009 Ådnøy T., A. Haug O. Sørheim, M. S. Thomassen, Z. Varszeg and L. O. Eik, 2005.

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Grazing on mountain pastures - does it affect meat quality in lambs? Livestock Producion Sciences, vol. 94, Issues 1-2: 25-31.

Berhane,G., L. O. Eik, 2006a. Effect of vetch (Vicia sativa) hay supplementation on performance of Begait and Abergelle goats in northern Ethiopia. Milk yield and composition. Small Ruminant Research, vol. 64: 225-232.

Berhane,G., L. O. Eik, 2006b. Effect of vetch (Vicia sativa) hay supplementation to Begait and Abergelle goats in northern Ethiopia. II. Reproduction and growth rate. Small Ruminant Research, vol. 64: 233-240.

Berhane,G., L. O. Eik, 2006c. Effect of vetch (Vicia sativa) hay supplementation to Begait and Abergelle goats in northern Ethiopia III. Forage selection and behaviour. Small Ruminant Research, vol. 64: 241-246.

Berhane, G., L.O. Eik and. A. Tolera, 2006. Chemical composition and in vitro gas production of vetch (Vicia sativa) and some browse and grass species in northern Ethiopia. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 23 (1): 69-75.

Safari, J.; D.E. Mushi, L. A. Mtenga; L.O. Eik; G.C. Kifaro; V.R. M. Muhikambele; E.E. Ndemanisho; A.D. Maeda Machang’u; A.A. Kassuku; E.N. Kimbita and M. Ulvund, 2005. A note on growth rates of local goats and their crosses with Norwegian goats at village level in Tanzania. Livestock Research for Rural Development (LRRD).

Vol. 17, Art. 47. Retrieved April 12, from http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd/lrrd17/4/safa17047.httm Kifaro, G.C., L.O. Eik, L.A. Mtenga, D.E. Mushi, J. Safari, A. A. Kassuku, E.N. Kimbita, A. D. Maeda- Machang’u,

N.L. Kanuya, V.R.M. Muhikambele, E. Ndemanisho and M.J. Ulvund, 2007. The Potential use Artificial Insemination in Sustainable Breeding of Dairy Goats in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Norwegian Dairy Goats in Tanzania. Tanzania J. of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 8 (1): 19 - 24.

Tibezinda M. and L.O. Eik, 2007. Meat goats and their utilization of browse forage. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 8 (2): 203 - 220.

Safari, J.; L. A. Mtenga; L.O. Eik; G.C. Kifaro; F. Sundstøl and F.H. Johnsen, 2008. Analysis of three goat production systems and their contribution to food security in semiarid areas of Morogoro, Tanzania. Live-stock Research for Rural Development 20 (5) http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd/lrrd20/5/safa17074.httm6

Eik, L.O., G.C. Kifaro, S.M. Mushi, D.E., L.O. Eik, J.E. Haugen, O. Sørheim T. Ådnøy and J.E. Haugen, 2008. Effect of animal sex and time of slaughter on sensory quality of meat from Norwegian lamb. Acta Agriculturae Scand. Section A, 58: 31-36.

Mushi, D.E., L.O. Eik, O. Sørheim and T. Ådnøy, 2008. Effect of concentrate feeding systems, genotype and sex on productive performance and meat quality of Norwegian lambs. Acta Agriculturae Scand. Section A, 58: 23-30.

Mushi, D. E., Mtenga, L.A., Eik, L.O., 2007. Some factors affecting the quality of meat from ruminants and their relevance to the Tanzanian meat industry – review. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 8 (2):173-192.

Eik, L.O., Kiango,Ø. M. Nordhagen, J. Safari and L.A. Mtenga, 2008. Productivity of goats and their contribution to household food security in high potential areas of East Africa: A case of Mgeta, Tanzania. African Journal of Food Agriculture and Development (AJFAND), vol.8 (3): 278-290.

Mushi, D.E., L.O. Eik, O. Sørheim, T. Ådnøy, 2008. Suitability of Norwegian short-tail lambs, Norwegian dairy and Cashmere goats for meat production – carcass, meat chemical and sensory characteristics. Meat Science, Vol. 80 (3): 842-85.

Debela, E., R. Salte and L.O.Eik. Effect of supplementing tanniniferous forages to a basal diet of grass hay on feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen metabolism and live weight change of

Haemonchus contortus infected goats. Being reviewed in Journal of Livestock Sciences, 14.09.09. Debela, E., R. Salte and L.O.Eik. Nutritive value of morphological fractions of Sesbania sesban and Desmodium

intortum. Being reviewed in Animal Feed Science and Technology, 14.09.09. Asheim L.J., L.O. Eik and M.E. Sabrie, 2010. Production of goat Meat for the Halal Market.

Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, In Press. Weiby, K. V. , M. Mo, E. J. Mtengeti, N. A. Urio, L. O. Eik and J. Safari, 2009.A combination of urea and lime as agent for straw treatment in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, In

Press. Safari, J., D.E. Mushi, L.A. Mtenga, G.C. Kifaro and L.O. Eik, 2009. Effects of

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concentrate supplementation on carcass and meat quality attributes of feedlot finished Small East African goats. Livestock Science. 125:266-274.

Mo, M., K. V. Weiby, N. A. Urio, E. J. Mtengeti, L. O. Eik, F. Sundstøl and J. Safari, 2009. Trends in upgrading crop residues for ruminant feeding. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, In Press. Safari, J., D.E. Mushi, L.A Mtenga, G.C. Kifaro and L.O. Eik, 2009. Growth, carcass and non carcass yields of Small East African goats and Red Maasai sheep fed wheat straw –based diets. Being reviewed in Journal of Livestock Sciences,14.09.09. Safari, J., D.E. Mushi, L.A Mtenga, G.C. Kifaro and L.O. Eik, 2009. Carcass composition and meat quality attributes of Small East African goats and Red Maasai sheep fed wheat straw-based diets. Being reviewed in Journal of Livestock Sciences, 14.09.09. Lind, B., J. Berg, L.O. Eik, J.M. Mølmann, E. Haugland, M. Jørgensen and M. Hersleth, 2009. Meat quality of lamb: Pre-slaughter fattening on cultivated or mountain range pastures. Meat Science 83 (4),

p. 706. Mushi, D.E., J. Safari, L.A. Mtenga, G.C. Kifaro, L.O. Eik, 2009. Growth and distribution of non-carcass

components of Small East African and F1 Norwegian crossbred goats under concentrate diets. Livestock Sci-ence, 126:80-86.

Mushi, D.E., J. Safari, L.A. Mtenga, G.C. Kifaro, L.O. Eik, 2009. Effects of concentrate levels on fattening performance, carcass and meat quality attributes of Small East African x Norwegian crossbred goats fed low quality grass hay. Livestock Science, 124:148-155.

Mushi, D.E., M.S. Thomassen and G.C. Kifaro and L.O. Eik, 2010. Fatty acids composition of minced meat, longissimus muscle and omental fat from Small East African goats finished on different levels of concentrate supplementation. Meat Science, 86:337-342.

Haug, A., Christophersen, O.A., Kinabo, J., Kaunda, W. and L.O. Eik, 2010. Use of dried Kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae) and other products based on whole fish for complementing maize-based diets. African Journal of food agriculture, nutrition and development, vol. 10, no5, May 2010, ISSN 16845374, online-23pp.

Safari, J., Mushi, D.E., Mtenga, L.A., Kifaro, G.C., Eik, L.O. (2011). Growth, carcass and meat quality parameters of Red Maasai sheep fed wheat straw- based diets. Tropical Animal Production and Health, 43 (1): 87-89.

Safari, J., Mushi, D.E., Mtenga, L.A., Kifaro, G.C., Eik, L.O. (2011). Growth, carcass and meat quality parameters of Small East African goats fed wheat straw- based diets. Livestock Science, 135 (2): 168 - 176.

Safari, J., Mushi, D.E., Kifaro, G.C., Mtenga, L.A., Eik, L.O. , 2011. Seasonal variation in chemical composition of native forages, grazing behaviour and some blood metabolites of Small East African goats in a semi-arid area of Tanzania. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 164 (1-2), p. 62

Lind, B., J. Berg, Eilertsen, S.V., Hersleth and L.O. Eik, 2011. Effect of gender on meat quality in lamb from extensive and intensive grazing systems when slaughtered at the end of growing season. Meat Science (2), p. 305.

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Institution from WB: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, CV of Project leader (Savo Vuckovic)

Curriculum vitae Familly and First name Vuckovic Savo Present residence Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 123, 11000 Belgrade,Serbia Telephone +381 64 20 30 746 E-mail savovuck@agrif.bg.ac.rs Date/place of birth 21. 08. 1964 / Silas (Croatia) Education 1988. Osijek University / BSc. in Agriculture

1993. Belgrade University/ MSc. in Agriculture 1995. Belgrade University / PhD in Agriculture

Present employment Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade Position Full Professor in Grasslands and Forage crops Training and experiance

Short study visits (Hungary, India) 1996, Timirjazev academy, Moscow International scientific meetings (Hungary, Bulgaria) and Short study visits (Norway)

List membership in professional societies

- Serbian society for forage crops and grasslands - Forage legumes special interest group - British grassland society

Area of scientific interest Forage crops, Grasslands, Turfgrass References total 5 Books, over 150 scientific papers, About 100 national and 50 international papers,

2 cultivars of Alfalfa, 1 cultivar of Birdsfoot trefoil, 1 cultivar of Sainfoin and 1 cultivar of Red Clover

3-10 most important recent references

1. Simic, A., Vuckovic, S., Maletic Radojka, Sokolovic, D., DJordjevic, N. (2009): Impact of Seeding rate and Interrow Spacing on Italian Ryegrass for Seed in the First Harvest Year. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol.33, No. 5, 425-433 2. Vuckovic, S., Stojanovic, Ivana, Prodanovic, S., Cupina, B., Zivanovic, T., Vojin, S. and Jelacic Slavica: Morphological and nutritional properties of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) autochthonous populations in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Volume 54, page 421-428, Number 2 / March, 2007. 3. Vuckovic, S. Stojanovic, I. Prodanovic, S. Cupina, B. Zivanovic, T. Vojin, S. Jelacic, S.: Nutritional properties of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) autochthonous populations in Serbia and B&H. Cereal Research Communications. (2006) Vol. 34, No 1, page 829-832.

References – Dr Savo Vuckovic (Project leader) Scientific papers: 1. Simic, A., Vuckovic, S., Nedic, M., Vuckovic M.: Influence of Post-harvest Burning Date and Term of N Apllication on Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed yield. Grassland Scince in Europe, 7, 354-356. 2002. 2. Vuckovic M., Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Petrovic, R., Mladenovic, G.: Influence of row spacing and sowing rate on meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) seed yield and germination in Western Srem. Grassland Scince in Europe 7, 488-489. 2002. 3. Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Jakovljevic, M., Petrovic, R., Mladenovic, G. and Marina Vuckovic: Forage yield and quality of perennial ryegrass as affected by different rates of nitrogen fertilizer under calcareous soils in north-western Yugoslavia Grassland Scince in Europe, Volume 7, 2002, page 486-487. 4. Simic, A., Vuckovic, S., Cupina, B., and Jordanovic, O.: The influence of inter-row spacing on seed yield and seed quality of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and red top (Agrostis alba L.) Grassland Scince in Europe, Volume 8, 2003, page 122-125. 5. Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Eric, P., Cupina, B., Petrovic, R., Stojanovic, I., Stanisavljevic, R. and Vuckovic Marina: Relationship between forage yield and quality of perennial ryegrass and different rates of nitrogen fertilizer. Grassland Scince in Europe, 8, 198-199. 2003. 6. Mihajlovic, I., Stojanovic, I., Vuckovic, S.: Changes of composition of dry matter of pea during growing season. Grassland Scince in Europe 8, 415-418. 2003. 7. Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Cupina, B., Stojanovic, I. and Stanisavljevic, R.: The Effect of Vegetation area size on grass seed Yield. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 48, 125-134. 2003. 8. Eric, P., Cupina, B., Marinkovic, L. and Vuckovic, S: Forage yield and quality of perennial legumes grown for different purposes. Grassland Scince in Europe 9, 936-938. 2004. 9. Djordjevic, N., Dinic, B., Grubic, G., Vuckovic, S., and Simic, A. The quality and chemical composition of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. and lucerne silages. Grassland Scince in Europe, 10, 294-297. 2005. 10. Cupina, B., Eric, P., Krstic, Dj. And Vuckovic, S. Effect of nitrogen fertilzation on permanent grasslands productivity in the Vojvodina Province. Grassland Scince in Europe, 10, 485-488. 2005.

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11. Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Djordjevic, N., Zivanovic, T., Stojanovic, I. And Stanisavljevic, R.: Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and underseeding on the productivity and chemical composition of Cynosuretum cristati type meadows on hilly-mountainous grasslands in Serbia. Grassland Scince in Europe, 10, 489-492. 2005. 12. Cupina B., Eric P., Krstic Dj., Mihailovic V., Mikic A., Vuckovic S. (2006): Feed peas: a cover crop in establishing red clover. Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica. European Society for Agronomy, Polish Society for Agronomy, Part 2, Vol. 11, 521-522. 13. Cupina B., Eric P., Vuckovic S. (2004): Effect of sowing date and species on grain amaranth productivity. Proceedinngs, VIII ESA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 835-836. 14. Vuckovic, S., Cupina, B., Simic, A., Prodanovic, S., Zivanovic, T.: Effect of nitrogen fertilization and undersowing on yield and quality of Cynosuretum cristati-type meadows in hilly-mountainous grasslands in Serbia. Journal of Central European Agriculture. Volume 6 (2005) Number 4. page 515-520. 15. Vuckovic, S., Pavesic-Popovic, Jasna, Nedic, M., Zaric, D., and Radovic Jasmina.: Influence of Row Spacing and Sowing Rates on Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Seed Yield and Quality, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej We Wroclawiu, Rolnictwo LXX, Nr 316, page 243-249., Wroclawiu, 1997. 16. Zorica Nesic, Zorica Tomic, Savo Vuckovic, Dragana Ruzic-Muslic, Miroslav Zujovic Share of alfalfa leafe in grass-legume mixtures in dependence on the type of mixture and N fertilization. Zbornik radova 42. Hrvatskog i 2. Medjunarodnog simpozijuma agronoma, 13-16. februar, 2007., Opatija, Hrvatska, str. 434-436. 17. Cupina B., Eric P., Krstic Dj., Mihailovic V., Mikic A. and Vuckovic S. (2007): Feed peas: a cover crop in establishing alfalfa. Books of abstracts, Permanent and temporary grassland plant, environment and economy. EGF symposium, 27. 18. Sitaula, B., Prodanovic, S., Vuckovic, S.: Global Environmental Change: Need for Higher Education and Research. International Conference: Quality of Life and Environment in the Frame of E. U. Sustainability. Book of Abstract. Page 25. 19. Surlan-Momirovic Gordana, S. Prodanovic and S. Vuckovic: Global Climate Changes - Field Crop and Graslend Genetic Resources. The Fulbright Association 30th Anniversary: People & the Planet. 1-4 November 2007, Washington, USA. 20. Nesic, Z., Tomic, Z., Ruzic-Muslic, D., Vuckovic, S.: Effect of seed mixture and N fertilization on nitrate content of grass-legume swards. Grassland Scince in Europe, Volume 13, 2008,, page 429-431 21. Bozic Dragana, Simic Aleksandar, Kresovic Mirjana, VrbniCanin Sava, Vuckovic Savo. Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research, vol. 69, br. 1, str. 31-39, 2008. 22. Simic, A, Vuckovic, S., Maletic, R., Sokolovic, D., Djordjevic, N., Impact of Seeding Rate and Interrow Spacing on Italian Ryegrass for Seed in the First Harvest Year Turk. J. Agric. For., 33, (2009), 425-433. 23. Zivanovic Т, Vuckovic, S., Prodanovic, S. and G. Todorovic: Еvaluation of inbred lines as sources of new alleles for improving elite maize hybrid. Cereal Research Communications. (2006) Vol. 34, Nos, 2-3, page 941-948). Scientific meetings: 24. Stanisavljevic, R., Milenkovic J., Stojanovic, I., Vuckovic, S., Aleksic, O.: Effect of fertilization on yield and quality of alfalfa on hard soil. EUCARPIA Meeting, page 114. Brno 2003. 25. Stanisavljevic, R., Stojanovic, I., Milenkovic, J., Vuckovic, S., Aleksic, O.: Effect of Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Alfalfa Growing on Smonitza Soil. Czecz Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Volume 39, page 367-369, 2003. 26. Vuckovic, S., Simic, A., Djordjevic, N.: Relationship between forage yield and quality of Cynosuretum cristati type meadows and different rates of nitrogen fertilizer. 8 International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestok Production Belgrade. Zemun, Serbia and Montenegro. 5-8. 10. 2005. Biotehnology in Animal Husbandry. 21 (5-6), p 293-296, 2005. 27. Moravcevic, D., Bjelic, V., Vuckovic, S.: Effect of Crop Density on Fodder Yield in Cabbage Production. 8 International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestok Production Belgrade. Zemun, Serbia and Montenegro. 5-8. 10. 2005. Biotehnology in Animal Husbandry. 21 (5-6), p 159-162, 2005. 28. Bjelic, V., Vuckovic, S., Moravcevic, D.: Effects of Nitrogen Rates on Fodder Yields in Cauliflower Production. 8 International Symposium Modern Trends in Livestok Production Belgrade. Zemun, Serbia and Montenegro. 5-8. 10. 2005. Biotehnology in Animal Husbandry. 21 (5-6), p 193-196, 2005. Books: 1. Pavesic-Popovic J., Vuckovic S.: Njivske i livadsko pasnjacke krmne biljke. Prakticum - udzbenik, Ed. “Nauka”, Beograd, 1997. 2. Vuckovic, S.: Krmno bilje - monografija (Naucna knjiga - 560 pages) Ed. Institut "Srbija", "Bonart" 1999. 3. Vuckovic, S.: Proizvodnja semena znacajnijih krmnih biljaka - monografija (Naucna knjiga - 153 pages). Ed. Poljoprivredni fakultet Beograd, "Bonart" 2003. 4. Vuckovic, S.: "TRAVNJACI" (naucna knjiga - 550 strana) Izdavac Poljoprivredni fakulteta Zemun-Beograd 2004.

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Appendix 4: West Balkans participating institution description

University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary The Faculty of Agriculture was established in 1973, and initially consisted of two departments – Vegetative Production Section and Farming. In 1981, the Faculty of Agriculture incorporated the Biotechnical Institute of Peja, the Farming and Veterinary Institute located in Prishtina, the Institute of Economy and Development located in Prishtina, the Agronomy Nursery Garden located in Peja, and the Common Services Working Community located in Prishtina. The Faculty is situated in Fushë Kosovë and offers studies in the following departments: 1. Agro-Economy, 2. Farming, 3. Protection of Plants, and 4. Arboriculture – Viniculture. The Faculty engages 30 full-time teachers and assistants and 69 part-time teachers and assistants. The web site of the faculty is,102 University of Pristina (replaced in Kosovska Mitrovica), Faculty of Agriculture, Lesak Faculty was founded in 1974. Education activity is realized through regular studies that last four years. There are three departments within the Faculty: Animal Husbandry, Fruit Science and Viticulture, and Field and Vegetable Crops. Faculty performed its activities in Pristina, but it was moved in Zubin Potok at the north of Kosovo after the war. Faculty has necessary resources, as well as good-quality and known academic staff, modernized laboratories and space for practical education, which guarantee a knowledge of good-quality achieved at the studies. In accordance with reforms within the higher education in Serbia, process of implementing Bologna principles has begun, which means consolidation of study plans and programs, as well as the study methods that define it. Apart from scholarships for the most of the students, faculty provides accomodation and food, as well as the internet access. The web site of the faculty is www.pr.ac.rs University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agriculture Faculty was founded in 1992. And it becomes leading institution in the area of education and researches in agriculture. At the moment the Faculty of Agriculture counts over 100 employed persons. The Faculty is organized in 5 depart-ments, 21 sections and 6 major institutes: Institute for Fruit Growing, Viticulture and Horticulture, Institute for Crop Farming and Vegetables, Institute for Agro-ecology and Soil, Institute for Animal Sciences and Institute for Agricultur-al Economy. The main fields of activities are education – undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies, and re-searches in the area of plant and animal sciences. The beginning of international cooperation was the participation with-in the TEMPUS project. The web site of the faculty is http://www.agric.rs.sr/ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture The Faculty was founded in 1919. It is one of the leading higher educational institutions of its kind in the WB, training experts in all branches of agriculture. Since its foundation 17,000 students have gained BS degrees, 1,000 MSc degrees and 750 PhD degrees. The present enrolment is about 1,000 students per annum, of which 370 students graduate, 30 receive MS degrees and 20 PhD degrees. The Faculty is a teaching and research institution whose activities cover the following fields: crop science, animal science, soil management, plant and food protection, agricultural engineering, fruit science and viticulture, food technology and agricultural economics. Educational activities involve teaching (lectures, seminars, professional practice etc.) as anticipated by curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, knowledge check-up (exams, colloquia), advanced training, organisation of state finals for teachers of agricultural secondary schools. The faculty is either independent or co-operative with other organisations in research and professional activity though basic, applied and developmental investigations, studies and projects, engineering, expertise, consulting, attesting, granting licenses, certificates in all spheres of agricultural production and food technology. The Faculty of Agriculture annually contributes about 200 scientific papers in referent journals. The web site of the faculty is http://www.agrif.bg.ac.rs/. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The Faculty was founded in 1936. The Faculty has developed into a huge educational and research institution with 300 employees, 70 professors and assistant professors, 30 assistant lecturers, and 200 technical staff. Presently there are 1400 students enrolled in undergraduate courses and 92 postgraduate students. Most of the teaching is done at the Faculty, while practical work is organised on farms. The status of the Clinical Base was granted to the PKB cattle and pig farms and the Institute for Immunology and Virusology “Torlak” the largest institution including laboratory animal farms and serum producing animal farms in the country. There have been 742 publicly defended PhD theses. Many practicing veterinarians have had different forms of individual tuition and/or short courses for continuing education. Five professors of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine have been chosen members of the Serbian Academy of Science. The web site of the faculty is http://www.vet.bg.ac.rs/

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Appendix 5 - Memorandum of Intent between partner institutions

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Programme in Higher Education, Research and Development in the Western Balkans 2010-2014. The Agriculture Sector (HERD/Agriculture)

(Extra form for signatures from institutions in Western Balkan countries)

Project title: “Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing”

CONFIRMATION: We confirm our active participation in and commitment to the project based on the previous agreements and decision of the Board of HERD, Agriculture, Letter, ref 09/1548 on date 14.5.2012.

Signatures from institutions in Western Balkans countries: Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Pristina, Kosovo

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pristina, Lisak, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Appendix 6 - Extra form for signatures from institutions in Western Balkan countries

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Appendix 7 – General Agreements of Co-operation between UMB and institutions in Western Balkans

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