#herbinderproject november 2015 she was made ......us access to god, our creator, who loved us...

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SHE WAS MADE WITH A PURPOSEa 30 day devotional and calendar

# H E R B I N D E R P R O J E C T

B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y H E R B I N D E R P R O J E C T . C O M A N D T H E C E N T R E C C . O R G

November 2015



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Psalm 37:5-6 Take a moment and think about what worries you the most. Write down this verse, and replace “your way” in the first line with “my worries/thoughts/plans about _____________.”



Psalm 138:8 Write this verse somewhere where you will see it this week.

Romans 8:28 Memorize this verse

John 15:9-12 Send someone you know an encouraging message that reflects this passage!

Colossians 1:16 How can you remind yourself that your purpose is found in Him?

Psalm 139:23 Write our your prayer requests when it comes to what’s on your heart. Write this verse above it.

Galatians 5:14 Make time to love your neighbor today!

Romans 12:2 How can you remind yourself that your purpose is found in Him?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Share this verse on social media or with a friend.

Ephesians 5:15 Pray about how you can make the most out of every opportunity today.

Jeremiah 29:11 Journal your thoughts on today’s passage

Proverbs 19:21 Listen to Not Alone by Kari Jobe

Ecclesiastes 3:1 Make a list of what you were thankful for in a challenging season in your life

Matthew 14:28-29 How do think you would’ve reacted if you were Peter? What do you think you would’ve learned?

1 John 1:5-7 Write down the part of today’s passage that resonates with you the most.





Job 42:1-2 Memorize this verse

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Write down this verse in your own words

Matthew 11:28 Share this verse on social media or with a friend

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Make this passage a reminder on your phone to appear one week from today

Isaiah 41:10 Listen to Good Good Father by Kalley Heiligenthal (Bethel Church)

Colossians 3:2 As you focus on what’s above, what things in your life do you need to stop letting consume your mind?

James 1:2-4 Rewrite today’s passage in your own words.

Colossians 3:15 Pray about what you’re thankful for today

Hebrews 12:28-29 Write this verse somewhere you’ll see for the rest of the week

Psalm 103:2 Find an encouraging way to share what God is showing you in your life right now with a friend or on social media

Philippians 4:11-12 Listen to Grateful by Morgan Harper Nichols

Psalm 7:17 Make an effort to practice one of these five things today (even if you’re not in the USA)

Galatians 6:9 How can you continue to focus on doing good even though you might be weary?

Psalm 57:2 How can you remind those around you that God has a purpose for their lives, too?

Psalm 138:8 Go back and read what you wrote on Day 7. Write this verse beneath it.



And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 (NIV)

God is orchestrating everything in your life according to HIS purpose. So if you're searching for that feeling of comfort as you get ready to declare a major in school, or you're looking for that affirmation that you've made the right choice to apply for that job, or to stay where you are, remember that because God is good. He works everything out for the good. God is not too busy to guide you in decision making, no matter how big or small. He is not tired of you asking Him questions and He doesn't abandon you when you're confused or uncertain. So when you find yourself stressing out because:

1. You have no idea what you've been "called to do" 2. You're worried that you’ve made the wrong choice about college 3. You don't know what you want to major in or study 4. You're not sure if you should stay at your job, or leave and pursue the things you're passionate about 5. You enjoy what you do and you're grateful for where you are in life, but you wonder if there's something more for you,

Remember that because God is good, He is not only going to guide you through these situations, but He is going to guide you toward where HE wants you to be! In other words, no matter how uncertain your life or situation may feel at times, there is absolutely no reason to let your mind become filled with stress to the point that you're relying solely on your own mental ability to try and figure where you need to be. Spend time talking with the Lord daily. Cling to the relationships in your life that provide wisdom and encourage you with biblical truth. Don't let yourself get so worked up over what kind of career you need to have, or if you're single, what kind of godly man God is going to send into your life. Everything will work out according to His purpose, and you can find peace in knowing that as a follower of Christ, your purpose is to live a life in pursuit of God. Let HIS Word be your guide!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Romans 8:18-30

DAILY CHALLENGE: Memorize this verse



As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. - John 15:9-12 (NIV)

In today's verse we are reminded of the beautiful truth that comes from Jesus: we are to remain in His love. This is how our joy in this life will be complete. This is the only way we will experience what it means to be fulfilled: to remain in His love. His love is what completes us. Not our jobs, not our successes, not even the approval we get from the people we love and care about. Yes, those things are special and dear to us, but it is HIS love that COMPLETES us.

His love is what pulls us out of the ruins of our own doubts and fears about the days to come. His love is what sustains us when we feel overlooked or under-appreciated. So knowing how great His love us, how can we not make our lives about sharing life-changing eternal love with all we come in contact with?

Jesus is beckoning us to live this way. And it isn't His suggestion. It's His command.

Make this time of your life where you no longer live for what other people or what material things can do for you to make you feel complete. Spend your time instead remaining in His love that has been so freely given to you. Turn your questions of "how am I going find a job that makes good money?" or "how am I going to meet the godly man that God wants me to marry?" into "how can I go help my family member or church member who is need this week?" and "how can I impart in my little sister's life and remind her of what she's worth?" and "how can I share something on social media to encourage my hurting friends?" You will find so much fulfillment in a life where you are focusing on following Jesus' command of love. He WILL bless you and He WILL take care of you as you do this. So let the love He's given you complete you as you give it to others!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: John 15:1-17

DAILY CHALLENGE: Send someone you know an encouraging message that reflects this passage!


The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. - Psalm 138:8 (ESV)

What is your purpose in life? For most of us (if not all of us) that's a pretty big question. According to the dictionary, the definition of purpose is: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

When you think about your purpose, you might think about all of the things in life that you want to accomplish in order to do what you feel you have been called to do. Or maybe you have no idea what “your purpose” is and you find yourself wondering if you’re studying the right thing in school or working at the right job. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, know that your purpose as a woman who follows Christ is not about finding the right job or vocation. Your purpose is found in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Our relationship with Jesus is what gives us access to God, Our Creator, who loved us enough to give us purpose! As we see today's passage, it is God who fulfills His purpose for us. Not our occupations, not who we marry, or what we study in college. Yes, these things are all apart of our lives and God can use these things to bless us and teach us and God has given each of gifts that we can use on this earth to bring Him glory, but ultimately, He is the one ordering our steps day by day, leading us right where we need to be. By knowing this, we have no reason to get anxious or constantly worry when it comes to fulfilling our purpose on this earth because we know that God is the one who is fulfilling our purpose day by day! Even in the seemingly little moments when we feel like we're not where we're supposed to be or we've become uninterested or bored at work or in school. God is STILL fulfilling His purpose for us, allowing us to be steadfast in His love. So the next time you find yourself worrying and questioning what your purpose is, remember that it starts with knowing who you belong to, knowing that through your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have access to the most purpose-filled life!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 138, Philippians 1:6, Psalm 100:3

DAILY CHALLENGE: Write this verse somewhere where you will see it throughout the week.


For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. - Colossians 1:16 (MSG)

You discover your purpose when you discover the importance of keeping Jesus at the center of your life. Your relationship with Jesus is where it all starts. The reason why this is important is because so often times when we think of discovering our purpose, we think of it the other way around. Since it's OUR purpose, we think of OURselves. However, our relationship with Jesus beckons us to dig deeper. Our relationship with Jesus calls us to see that the meaning of this life isn't found when we start searching our hearts for answers, but when we allow Jesus to come into our hearts!

We learn the importance of this in the well-known Gospel message outlined in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." There's a reason why this verse is so popular! It's not just a fun verse to memorize. It is the beautiful truth that shows us that God, Our Creator, loved us and gave us purpose and meaning and a chance to belong through His Son Jesus Christ.

So if you truly want to discover what your purpose is in the day to day, in the years to come, and even beyond that, know that He is the beginning and the end. It starts with The One who IS the beginning and the end, and the relationship you have with Him through Jesus Christ. So focus on falling more and more in love with Jesus everyday. Spend less time worrying about the future and spend more time in worship. Do it out of love and not out of duty. Do it because you want to deepen your relationship with Him and grow in your faith daily! Do this because you know your purpose is found in your relationship with Him!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Colossians 1:15-23

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you remind yourself that your purpose is found in Him?


Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. - Psalm 139:23 (NIV)

Even though you don't know everything there is know about God, He knows everything there is to know about you. He knows about the things you think about when you're going to work in the morning or when you're trying to fall asleep at night. He knows the desires of your heart and the things you're passionate about. He even knows the things about you and your future that you don't know about! So allow Him to search you. Spend time everyday asking Him to come into you heart and fill those gaps in your life. As a woman who follows Christ, never let the busyness of your life or the uncertainty in your mind cause you to forget about how intimately God wants to enter your heart everyday! There are sometimes days (maybe even weeks, months, or entire seasons) of our lives when it seems like God either isn't there, or He's just really far away, doing more important things. But that's not the case. Through Jesus He shows us that we ARE important to Him. He DOES want a relationship with us, and He DOES want to change our lives from the inside out.Today, don't let yourself get so caught up in everything that's going on outwardly that you forget about what God wants to do in your life inwardly. Even when it comes to Trying to prepare yourself for the holidays emotionally, and thinking about all that you want to accomplish, or dealing with frustrations from not being able to accomplish your goals by the end of the year. Whatever it is, God is NOT far away from you. Let Him reign in your heart. Let Him carry you. He has more planned. Things that you don't even know about. Keep trusting Him and let Him lead you!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 139

DAILY CHALLENGE: Write our your prayer requests when it comes to what’s on your heart. Write this verse above it.


For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14 (NIV)

Love is a very important part of fulfilling our purpose. After all, it is God's love through Jesus Christ that GIVES us purpose. Love has to be our priority. We have to take the time to focus our attention on what it means to love those around us on a daily basis. If we're truly honest, this can be easier said than done. So often times, we don't even realize that we've put our schedules or our priorities before others. Sometimes, we even put our own pain and hurt before others. If you've ever had your heart broken or you've ever been taken advantage of, it can become hard to open up your heart. Instead of freely loving others, you put up walls just so you can try to avoid being hurt or getting taken advantage of again. As a result, you can end up becoming so focused on protecting yourself from getting hurt that you overlook those around you. But that's not how we are to live as followers of Christ. We are not live in that kind of fear. Through Him, there is freedom to live a life where you are free to "love your neighbor as yourself." And the beautiful thing about it is that you are not meant to do it alone. As we see in today's passage in Galatians 5, now that we have a relationship with Christ, we are to walk in the Spirit. He is the one who strengthens us and guides us when we feel like we're too broken to love others or too busy or too tired. This is what God wants you to know! You are not meant to do this alone.

In the Old Testament, this Word of God comes as beautiful, comforting truth to the prophet Zechariah in regards to Zerubbabel rebuilding the temple: "Your strength and prowess will not be enough to finish My temple, but My Spirit will be." (Zechariah 4:6). So no matter how weak or tired you feel at times, don't give up on loving others. Through His spirit, God will work through you so that you can love like Jesus. So make the time to love others because even when you don't feel like you can do it, God is the One who will make it possible for you to do so!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Galatians 5:13-26

DAILY CHALLENGE: Make time to love your neighbor today!




Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2 (NIV)

On this journey to discover what your purpose is as God intended for you, it is important to never get caught up in the world's definition of purpose. We live in a broken world and even the most well-intentioned people get their priorities mixed up and let earthly things take precedent over what's eternal.

As followers of Christ, we have a different worldview. We know that salvation is what matters. We know that Jesus is the One who satisfies and our purpose is found in Him, not in this world!

So as you start setting new goals for yourself or looking for that business relationship or that romantic relationship that's going to make you feel a little bit more financially or emotionally secure, remember where your priorities are. Remember that there's no one in this world that can transform you like Jesus can. There's no one else that can search your heart and comfort you like He can. There is no one else that gives purpose to your life.

You were made with a purpose and as exciting as it may be to enter a new relationship or move to a new neighborhood or start a new job, Jesus is the one who is making you new. Let this be the reason you're excited about life. Let this be the reason you find peace to sleep at night and not worry about the future! You don't need this world and its pleasures to fulfill your purpose here on this earth. Only in Him!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Romans 12:1-8

DAILY CHALLENGE: Journal this: How can you remind yourself that your purpose is found in Him?


















Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

When it comes to life decisions, we all want to make sure we're on the right track. Whether it's to make sure your marriage is to the right person or the college of your choice was the best decision, making choices and decisions is an important part of our lives.

However, as important as it is to "make good choices" our first and most important choice should always be to trust God with every step, knowing that HE is the One who will lead us right where we need to be. The reason why this is so important is because we can try our best to do all of the right things and make the best choices, but if what we’re doing isn’t centered on trusting and submitting to God, we will only be disappointed in the end.

Have you ever set out to do something and after you started, things took a completely different turn? Maybe you majored in something in college, but never found work in that field or you invested a lot of money in a project only to never see the results.

In one way or another, we have all experienced this: thinking we have a pretty good idea of what we’re getting into and why we're doing it, only to be humbly reminded that despite our best attempts, mistakes and failures are bound to happen. But the good news is this: God is gracious enough to still provide a way for us in spite of our imperfections. Even in those moments when we lean on our own understanding, trying to make our way through our careers, our relationships, and our emotions on our own, He still provided The Way through Jesus Christ! And because of this unmerited favor He poured out on us, we can trust and submit to Him on every step of this path called life, knowing that He will lead us right where we need to be.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Proverbs 3:1-10

DAILY CHALLENGE: Share this verse on social media or with a friend.


Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15 (NIV)

In Christ, you find your purpose, and now that you know you have purpose in Him it should effect the way that you live. Make the most of every opportunity for Christ. Even when it comes to your work. Whether you absolutely love what you do when you get out of bed in the morning or it's quite the opposite, keep in mind that your purpose isn't fulfilled when you finally become a supervisor or when you finally make it to graduation. Because of Jesus, your purpose is so much greater! So keep your head up as you walk into work or into class knowing that you're not just there to clock in and get worked done. You're there to make the most of every opportunity, as a wise woman who is diligently seeking God in everything she does!

Even when it comes to relationships. Whether you’re a mom, a wife, a daughter, or a sister, even when you’re not having the best day, make the most of your relationships at all times! It may seem like you have all of the time in the world, but in this life, we honestly cannot afford to take any moment for granted.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Proverbs 19:20-23, Proverbs 16:9, Psalm 33:11

DAILY CHALLENGE: Pray about how you can make the most out of every opportunity today.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

This Word from the Lord is a reminder to the children of Israel that even though they were in Babylonian captivity (and would be for seventy years), God still had a plan for them. Even though they were in a place where their hands were tied and hope of freedom was far away, God's plan for them still remained. Sometimes it's hard to imagine that God has a plans to "prosper" and "not to harm" when we feel as if we are living in captivity.

In these moments, it can be easy to start to only think of where you are instead of where God wants you to be. He wants you to be in a place where you are trusting Him, even when you feel like your hands are tied. Even when you feel stuck and you're not moving forward at work, at school, or any place in your personal life. Yes, there will be times where it seems like God's plan for you is seventy years away and you can't wait any longer, but what you have to remember is that God's plan is so much more than just waiting around for exciting things to happen in your life, or waiting for your issues to sort themselves out. His plan for you was that you would be saved from your captivity through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8). So even when you feel like your hands are tied and you're not walking in your purpose, remember that in Christ, you are! Learn to find the joy and learn the lessons in where God has you today. Yes, He has more in store for your future, but learn to find peace and joy in your relationship with Christ today.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Jeremiah 29:1-23

DAILY CHALLENGE: Journal your thoughts on today’s passage



Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. - Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

When it comes to the moments in your life when you're uncertain of how you're ever going to accomplish your goals, continue to remind yourself that no matter how things play out over the next few weeks, months, or years, the Lord's purpose is far greater than anything you could ever imagine. Take a moment and think about a time in your life when your plans fell through. Maybe it was you and your husband’s plan to have a child by a certain time or you planned on taking a new job only not to get it. Whatever it was, here you are today. Of course your life isn't perfect, and you might even be dealing with some of those same things right now, but you made it to this point. And not only did you make it to this point, but God brought you here. Even though things didn't go according to your plan, His plan still prevailed! The reason why it's so important to remember the Lord's prevailing purpose in your life is because it's so easy to get discouraged. When things start going wrong again and you feel like you're watching your dreams fall apart before your eyes, you might be tempted to stop trusting God and try to do things your own way. Maybe you find yourself being angry with God and you stop praying and seeking Him daily. But as tempting as it may be, you don't have to walk down that path. Choose instead to walk down the path that leads to Him. The path where you can lift your hands and say, "Lord, I place my plans in your hands. I am ready to do whatever it is that You want me to do!" Let this be the path you take. It's far more rewarding than trying to do it on your own.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Proverbs 19:20-23, Proverbs 16:9

DAILY CHALLENGE: Listen to Not Alone by Kari Jobe


To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven - Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV)

As you walk through life, you walk through many seasons. From fall to winter, to spring and summer, each season has its purpose. So wake up every morning and go to sleep every night knowing that there is a purpose for the season that you're in. Whether the leaves are starting to crumble and fall from the trees, or flowers are blooming in the garden, there's a purpose. There is a plan. And you, yes you, are apart of it. So don't be discouraged when you're not in your preferred season. Don't let yourself get bent out of shape when the leaves are on the ground instead of on the trees. Don't let the difficult moments in the season that you're in cause you to forget to walk in your purpose. Your purpose in this life is centered on Jesus, not what you do or don't accomplish in this life. So as you walk through life's many challenges, whether it be disappointment or doubt, or insecurity or frustration, remember that this is not just apart of your journey, but also your destination. In every season, Jesus is there, giving you the strength and the peace to know that you need. Even when you find yourself comparing where you are to where you wish you were on your journey, or to where other people are on their journey, remember that there is a season for everything, even the challenging times. So keep walking with your head high, knowing that even when it's cold and the branches crack on the barren trees God is still with you, and Jesus is still at the center of it all, guiding you through every season.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

DAILY CHALLENGE: Make a list of what you were thankful for in a challenging season in your life



“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. - Matthew 14:28-29 (NIV)

If Jesus asked you to walk on water, would you go? A life in Jesus Christ is not about standing still, but about walking by faith. Even when what you're faced with is uncertain and unpredictable, know that you were not made to just stand around. Walking in your purpose requires walking by faith. It requires stepping out of your comfort zone and cutting away at the safety net that holds you in. It's about walking out to meet Jesus on the water, and to rely on His strength instead of your own. It's about entering a place where trust is required and where purpose is filled in Jesus saving you from yourself. In today's passage we see that this is what Peter had to learn. Even after he stepped out on the water, he became afraid and started to sink (v. 30), and even though in that moment he allowed his own doubts and fears to take over, Jesus still came to his rescue (v. 31). Jesus wants to do the same in your life. When you find yourself worrying about what you've been called to or why the people in your life don't see your worth, Jesus doesn't want you to just stay in boat completely paralyzed by fear. He is beckoning you to come to Him--the One who gives you purpose. So even though you might be much more comfortable standing in the boat, completely safe in your comfort zone, know that Jesus is inviting you to step out of that and come to Him. Whether you find yourself wanting to stay in your comfort zone for fear of the unknown or fear of being hurt or disappointed, know that when you step out of that comfort zone toward Jesus, you will experience true comfort and peace. And yes, it takes faith to get there. It takes faith to learn how to trust and rely on Him for everything, but it's worth it! Spend time with the Lord daily asking Him to show you how to have that kind of faith that enables you to step out of where want to be in your flesh, and into where HE wants you to be. You will be amazed with what He begins to show you.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Matthew 24:22-36

DAILY CHALLENGE: How do think you would’ve reacted if you were Peter? What do you think you would’ve learned?



This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. - 1 John 1:5-7 (NIV)

If you want to truly walk in the purpose that God has for you, you have to abandon the darkness and the things that keep you away from Him. Whether it's fear or doubt or insecurity that drives you to that dark place, make the decision to walk in the light. Even if it means:

1. You no longer hang out with the people who are a bad influence on you 2. Making a decision to look at the kind of music you listen to or TV shows you watch that cause you to have unrealistic or unholy expectations when it comes to love and romance 3. Letting go of an unintentional dating situation that isn't leading anywhere 4. Giving up those bad habits that you know aren't good for your heart and your relationship with Jesus 5. Eliminating distractions that keep you from spending time with the Lord

If you desire to walk in the purpose that God has for you, it is important to walk away from the things that keep you away from Him. Sometimes when we make the choice to walk in His light instead of walking in the darkness of this world, it might seem like we're missing out. However, it is important to know that the affections of this world are temporary no matter how good they look and no matter how good they make us feel. What God provides through Jesus is forever. So let go of those things that keep you from Him. There is a far better life ahead of you when you make that choice!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: 1 John 1:5-10

DAILY CHALLENGE: Write down the part of today’s passage that resonates with you the most. part of today’s passage that resonates with you the most.



















Then Job replied to the Lord: “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted." - Job 42:1-2 (NIV)

Job was a wealthy man who was stripped of everything he had, including his family. But even in the face of great affliction, he still had to learn how to trust and depend on the Lord and in this verse, we see that even in his difficult times, he knew that nothing could change God's plan. He learned to trust God even when his situation seemed unrepairable.

When you're going through difficult times, it can be difficult to hold onto the truth that God is not out to harm you. When you're trying to do the right thing and make the best decisions and bad things still continue to happen, it can start to feel like you've been abandoned or forgotten. But just know this: God has NOT abandoned you, no matter how difficult things get. He is with you even in the moments where the bank account isn't where it should be or when your health isn't where it needs to be. You can trust that God can do ALL things, even when the odds are stacked up against you.

This is important to remember because difficult times often happen unexpectedly. Even if there were hints or patterns that eventually led to disaster, there is no way to predict what happens in your life or how it will affect you. We wake up each day never knowing what we're going to face. Perhaps if you could think back to the morning before you received bad news from a family member or the hours leading up to a car accident you were involved in, you will find that there was no possible way you could have foreseen what was ahead.

But knowing this, we can't live in fear because we don't know what difficult times might lie ahead. Instead, we must continue to trust that no matter what happens later in the day, the week, or the year, we can rely completely on God, knowing that He can do all things and His purpose for us is not ruined just because the day/week/year seems to be ruined. Through Jesus Christ, He has already pulled us out of the ruins and out of the disaster and into marvelous light. This is where we find our purpose. Even in difficult times.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Job 42:1-6

DAILY CHALLENGE: Memorize this verse


Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)

As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in this passage, we must remember that what we are faced with externally is only temporary, and it does not compare to what God has given us eternally; eternal life through Jesus Christ. Remember this today when you're feeling like you're having to work so hard at work to prove yourself only to find that the hard work you're putting in is going unnoticed. Remember this at night when you find yourself just wanting to be loved and appreciated by the people you care about. Remember this when your physical body is tired and you're falling behind in your to-do list. God is renewing you day by day. Everyday is an opportunity to trust Him more and more. Let those nights where you're just too tired to think become moments where you praise Him for providing you with eternal life through Christ. Let those moments where you are frustrated with the roommate or the person you're dating become moments where you stop fretting and turn to the Word of God instead. God loves you so much, and through Jesus, He has provided a way for you to see that there is so much more to life than just waiting around for everything in this temporary world to finally be right. Because this world is temporary, our lives will never be perfect. But the good news is, eternal glory far outweighs it all and our lives CAN be filled with perfect peace. This week, make the choice to wrap yourself in the arms of Jesus and His eternal love for you. Let Jesus be the One who will carry you through your job, your financial situation, your relationship situation, and anything else in your life. Remember that your purpose is fulfilled in Him.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 4, Ecclesiastes 3:11

DAILY CHALLENGE: Write down this verse in your own words


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

It is in Jesus that you will find your purpose and it is in His arms that you are given rest. So when it comes to all of those heavy things you're carrying around in your heart, it's time to let them go. It's time to lay them down at the feet of Jesus and remember that you are not defined by the weight of your burden. You are defined by the purpose God has for you through Jesus Christ.

It is so important to hold onto this only a daily basis because if you're not careful, you can get to a place where you’re telling yourself that what you're going through isn't that big of deal, and maybe, just maybe, you can deal with it on your own. Perhaps you’re starting to feel like you're only the one in your inner circle who is going through what you're going through, and there's no one around you that you can trust talking to.

If you've ever found yourself in any of these places, know that it's not too late to give it over to Jesus. It's not too late to completely change your perspective on where you are and what you're going through.

So the next time you're worried, the next time you feel like your emotions are going all over the place, remember that Jesus has breathed purpose into your life and there is no need to keep carrying those heavy things around. It's time to move forward, so let those burdens down at His feet, and walk freely in the purpose God has for you.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Matthew 11:25-30, 1 Peter 5:7

DAILY CHALLENGE: Share this verse on social media or with a friend


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)

Your weaknesses do not prevent you from fulfilling the purpose God has for you. In fact, it's the opposite. Christ came to die for the imperfect and He is not asking you to get it all right before you come to Him. So instead of being your harshest critic when it comes to your weaknesses, let your weaknesses remind you of just how much you need Jesus in order to fulfill your purpose!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do better in life. But whether it's in regard to your state of mind, your emotions, your finances, your relationships, as followers of Christ, even though we might want to improve, we can't let that desire cause us to forget that we DO have weaknesses, and without Christ, we will not be able to overcome them.

At times it might be difficult to embrace our weaknesses because we live in a world where weakness is frowned upon. Not only that, people prey on one another's weaknesses by taking advantage of them when they are vulnerable or at their lowest points. As a result, it can become difficult to feel comfortable opening up and admitting that yes, you do have weaknesses and even more so, that because of Christ, you don't have to carry around shame because of them.

But as the Apostle Paul demonstrates to the Corinthian church in this passage, we have to take delight in "weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties." We can't let ourselves be driven by fear that we won't be able to fulfill our purpose because of where we are weak or where things went wrong in our lives. The strength that we need to press on and do what we've been called as followers of Christ will come from Him. So don't get so distracted by your own weaknesses. HE is the one who makes you stronger.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

DAILY CHALLENGE: Make this passage a reminder on your phone to appear one week from today


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

This Old Testament word from the Lord is a reminder to modern day believers as well. For so many of us, there are days where we wonder if we are doing enough with our lives or if we're where supposed to be. We start to wonder if we're living in the right city or dating the right person or going to the right school.

But as your mind starts to wonder, don't stop knowing in your heart that God will strengthen and help you in your everyday living and decision making. If there is anything in your life that makes you wonder if you're headed in the right direction, know that you don't have to rely on advice from others or your own intellect to try and figure out what you should do. Yes, God can place wonderful, wisdom-filled people in your life who will give you biblically sound encouragement and advice, but ultimately, you have to know that God is the One who will give you strength and help you in making decisions and getting where you need to be.

The next time you find yourself asking questions like, "Why am I working this job?" or "Am I wasting my time?" remember that God has those answers. Through your relationship with Christ, you have direct access to Him and you can ask Him. Talk to God about your relationships. Talk to Him about the things you're struggling with—even if those things involving having a hard time trusting Him or being patient. God is gracious enough to listen and the more you spend time with Him, the more you will begin to know His presence in your daily life.

Don't let yourself fall into a pattern where you're trying to think your way through everything without going to God and His Word. It's okay to admit that you need help before the throne of God. It's okay to repent and tell Him about what you've done wrong and what you're struggling with. Don't let the difficulty you're faced with become a distraction so much to the point that you start to forget you serve a mighty, strong God who has a purpose and plan for you life.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Isaiah 41:1-10

DAILY CHALLENGE: Listen to Good Good Father by Kalley Heiligenthal (Bethel Church)


Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. - Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

If you truly want to remember that you were made with a purpose in your daily life, you can never allow yourself to become absorbed with the things that are right in front of you.

In today's passage, we see that the Apostle Paul wanted the people in Colossae to know this. They lived in a time where they were faced with many religious options and none of them led to the truth that Jesus is Lord. Paul wanted to emphasize that it's not about sprinkling a little Jesus into your daily routine. It's not about adding Jesus to your existing schedule when it's convenient. It's about keeping Christ at the center of everything. It's about keeping your mind fixed on what's above and not what's around you.

So when your mind starts wondering, and it seems like the work day is going on too long, or, the things you desire are taking forever to happen, remember that even though you might live and breathe these scenarios everyday, God is breathing life into everything single day!

You have an opportunity in Christ to remember the good news in it all. You have the opportunity to stop letting these things consume you and focus on what's above, knowing that God has a purpose for you and when you keep Christ at the center, you will constantly be reminded of this. Even in difficult times.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Colossians 3:1-17

DAILY CHALLENGE: As you focus on what’s above, what things in your life do you need to stop letting consume your mind?



Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. - James 1:2-4 (NIV)

When faced with difficult things, you may feel like you're being emptied out day by day. You may feel like things are always going to be this way, and no matter how many times you try, things are not going to get better. Perhaps you've found yourself becoming more and more exhausted and less and less motivated to move on.

But in these moments, know that God is doing a mighty work in your life and in this process, through Him, you are lacking nothing. It doesn't matter who abandoned you. It doesn't matter what situation just fell through. Even when you've been thrown the most challenging, heartbreaking battles of your life, consider it joy. Consider that no matter how bad it gets, God is going to bring you through this, and most importantly, remember that you are not missing out on your purpose because things seem to be going wrong right now.

It might not seem like it now, but there will be a day when what you're going through will hardly even cross your mind. You will look back on this time of your life as a time when you were growing in your faith and getting stronger than you've ever been. You will look back and remember the moments that you continued to find joy in the fact that God has promised not to harm you, but to take care of you, even though you were in the middle of the storm and couldn't see it.

Consider it pure joy because you know that your Heavenly Father is taking care of you and in His timing, it will all make sense! Biblical Context + Further Reading: James 1:1-18

DAILY CHALLENGE: Rewrite today’s passage in your own words.



















Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. - Colossians 3:15 (NIV)

Be thankful for where God has you!

It can be very tempting to think your purpose in life isn't being fulfilled because you’re not meeting the expectations that others have set for you (or that you’ve set for yourself), or you’re not confident or content in where God has you right now.

Know that even when the day comes that the things you're praying for finally sort themselves out according to His will, satisfaction still comes from Jesus. Yes, it can rewarding to experience the day that things finally start to come together, but the ultimate reward is in heaven.

Knowing that, spend this week being thankful and finding peace in your relationship with Christ where you are today. Even if you're unemployed. Even if you're recently single. Even if you're just totally not where you want to be right now. Because if you're not able to learn how to be thankful today, it will be even harder tomorrow. There is no amount of earthly success or human-made list of accomplishments that will put peace in your heart the way Jesus will.

Learn to keep Him first and find peace in your current situation. Then, when those other opportunities do come and when you do get to that place you're desiring to be, you're not dependent on it for your joy or your happiness, because you know that the peace that you find in your relationship with Christ is what truly satisfies!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Colossians 3:1-17

DAILY CHALLENGE: Pray about what you’re thankful for today


Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” - Hebrews 12:28-29 (NIV)

As a follower of Christ, you belong to the Kingdom of God, and there is nothing on this earth that can take away from that, and the fact that you belong to God's unshakable kingdom is far more valuable than belonging to anything or anyone else.

If you want to live a life where you are comforted daily by the beautiful truth that you were made with a purpose, hold onto this! Especially when you find yourself desiring to belong somewhere or you're tempted to start looking to other people or other things to belong to. Maybe you find yourself desiring to:

1. Find a group of friends who are on the same page spiritually 2. Fit in with the people of influence in your church or at your job 3. Receive approval from your parents or the people in your life that you look up to 4. Be accepted and respected for you who are by the people that you love and care about

Wherever it is that you desire to belong, remember that you first belong to the Kingdom of God. Let yourself be more excited about that more than you're excited about anything else. Remind yourself daily that no matter what happens when it comes to your friend groups, your relationship, your family, your job or your education, your purpose is fulfilled by Jesus.

You are apart of the Kingdom of God and there is nothing that can shake that. This is where you belong. This is where you find your purpose.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Hebrews 12:18-29

DAILY CHALLENGE: Write this verse somewhere you’ll see for the rest of the week


Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits - Psalm 103:2 (NIV)

Never forget all of the benefits of the Lord. Remember this when it seems like you're not moving forward and you're not where you're supposed to be. Remember this when you feel like you are not fulfilling your purpose. God is still good, and He is still working in you and strengthening you day by day. So remember this when you're at:

1. Work Maybe you thought you'd be working somewhere else by now. Maybe the way you're treated at work is almost too much to handle, but you can't quit because there are bills to pay or there aren't any other opportunities for you right now. Or maybe, work is just fine, but you're wondering if there's something more that you should be doing. You're asking God, "is this it? Lord, Is THIS what you've called me to do?" Know that you don't fulfill your purpose by working a certain job or moving to a certain area or marrying a certain person. Your purpose is fulfilled when you know what great benefit God has provided for you through Jesus Christ! So even on the not-so good days at work and the days where you're questioning everything, don't forget all that you receive in Him, no matter where you are/aren't working.

2. Home Maybe you're unemployed right now, or you had to take a semester off. Maybe you’re a stay at home mom or work from home and when the house is quiet and the day is slow, you just start to think about where you wish you were. Maybe you stumble across a photo on someone's page and think, "wow their ____ is so much better than mine." Understand that what makes life better is knowing that purpose is not fulfilled in physical things, but in what the Lord has provided for you. Cling to that today!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 103:1-6

DAILY CHALLENGE: Find an encouraging way to share what God is showing you in your life right now with a friend or on social media


I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. - Philippians 4:11-12 (NIV)

Be thankful for where God has you right now. Recognize that God is already meeting your needs and even though your heart may desire to have other needs met, know that the most important need was met when you came to know Jesus. In Him, your purpose in this life is fulfilled. So when you find yourself ready to compare or complain or be discontent, remember the opportunity you have in Christ to be thankful for what you have today!

The more content and grateful you are, the more you have. Perhaps this seems like an oxymoron, but when you make a choice to be content in the things of the Lord, you will begin to see your life differently. You will begin to see that even though your work situation may not be ideal, or even though the godly relationship you're craving for isn't happening, you will see that you are NOT on punishment from God just because you don't have these things. You will begin to see that Jesus Christ wants to come into your life and meet your needs even when things aren't right at home, at work, in your body, or in your love life. You gain so much more when you find contentment in Him. You will find that you are far less worried about if you're going to make it where you want to be a year from now when your focus is in Christ.

Being thankful for where God has you means that you are satisfied. Are you in peaceful happiness today, or is your mind clogged with worry, fear, and insecurity? These things keep you away from the contentment you find in Christ. These things distract you from the wonderful things God is already doing. No matter what it is in your life that is just not happening today, know that it's time to be content in the things of the Lord! Your purpose is fulfilled in Christ and that is worth being excited about.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Philippians 4:10-15

DAILY CHALLENGE: Listen to Grateful by Morgan Harper Nichols


I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. - Psalm 7:17 (NIV)

Today is a day celebrated as a time of Thanksgiving in the USA, and all across social media, television, and many other avenues, there are reminders to be thankful.

Here are five ways we as women who follow Christ can actively be thankful today, as you remember that you were made with a purpose:

1. Let us not send those “Happy Thanksgiving!” texts only to people we wish were in our lives, but instead, let us be thankful and focus on the people who already in our lives. 2. Let us not allow what other relatives and friends are doing have us feeling inadequate or insecure, instead let us be thankful for what God is doing in our lives. 3. Let us not spend one moment on social media comparing ourselves and our celebrations to others, instead being thankful for what we are doing, and happy for what God is doing in our lives 4. Let us not forget about those who don't have families or don't get to see their families or those of us who have lost loved ones, instead let us be thankful for those loved ones in our lives and make an effort to find at least one person to love on that doesn't have that, or just might be missing someone in their life right now. 5. Let us not dwell on the text or call we're waiting on, the relationship we're waiting on, the job, the transcript results, or the financial breakthrough we're waiting on, but instead let us be thankful for this present day we have been given, even if it doesn't seem like much. No matter where we are in the world, let's find the time to be thankful today.

Let's all make a point to be thankful today. For some of us, the holiday season isn't easy. There are those of us who have lost loved ones during the holiday season, and we can't get through the day without remembering those we love who are no longer with us. Let us all remember that amidst these memories and reflections, God is still with us, and He has still given each of us another day to live and breathe and to be thankful.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 7:12-17

DAILY CHALLENGE: Make an effort to practice one of these five things today (even if you’re not in the USA/celebrating in a traditional way)


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

In this part of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church of Galatia, he is encouraging them to stay focused on what is right in a time where they were falling away and beginning to stray away from the Gospel. Paul is reminding them that they have the opportunity to do better (verse 10). He is reminding them that by faith, they have the opportunity to keep pursuing what is right, despite the temptation and pressure to turn away. When it comes to that goal to start that new career, move to that new city, or to start your business, recognize that you have the opportunity right now to keep on doing good and not grow weary. You have the opportunity to stay focused on the things of God, plant seeds, and watch them grow.They may not grow at the pace you want them to grow, but be thankful for the seeds that God has given you, because they WILL grow. The harvest will come in the proper time that is according to His purpose. So don't stop making the Lord your top priority, talking to Him and reading His word daily. Don’t stop making improvements and refining the skills God has given you, not to get attention of others but to bring glory to Him. God WILL honor your faithfulness. Keep on sowing seeds and do not give up because things seem to be slowing down for you. Do not slack off. God has more in store and it is important that you live your daily life with this kind of mindset. Be thankful for where God has you and what He's showing you, knowing that everything will grow in due season, according to HIS plan!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Galatians 6:1-10

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you continue to focus on doing good even though you might be weary?



Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. - Psalm 37:5-6 (NIV)

God has a path for your life but it's up to you to make the choice to follow it. He has a plan and there is a purpose for everything He sets in place.

And sometimes, it's easier said than done. Right now, you might be looking down at the path and there may seem to be some missing bricks. Maybe you're wondering why the path is winding or narrow at some points.

If that's you, be encouraged that where God has you right now is not a punishment. The way He is setting things up for you on this path is by no mistake. As God reminded his children in Jeremiah 29:11, He is not out to harm us. So understand that you don't have to walk around wondering what's ahead when you know that whatever God has up ahead is far better than anything you could ever imagine

Where God has you today is not a mistake or punishment. Take a moment to thank God for this very day He has given you, asking Him to give you the joy to embrace whatever He is doing on this path!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 37:1-9

DAILY CHALLENGE: Take a moment and think about what worries you the most. Write down this verse, and replace “your way” with “my worries/thoughts/plans about _____________.”


















I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. - Psalm 57:2 (NIV)

Oh, to know that our purpose is fulfilled by the Lord!

How beautiful it is to know that we do not need human approval or earthly accolades to know that we matter in His eyes. As we come to the end of 'She Was Made With A Purpose' series, continue to hold onto this beautiful truth that you were made with a purpose and there is nothing that anyone can do to take that away! Even when it comes to others around you.

Sometimes, it may seem like our boss's purpose is to make our workday more challenge, or our parents' purpose is to make us feel like we never meet their expectations. Or maybe, our significant other's purpose seems like it's to make us feel like the relationship is nothing but arguing and disagreeing.

But in the same way God is patient with us in understanding our purpose, we must be patient with others. It's so easy to look at that disagreement we're having with our spouse and say "they just don't get it" or get frustrated when coworkers or customers seem to push our buttons. But what we have to remember is that God wants to fulfill that person's purpose, too.

Imagine a world where we all looked at each other knowing that despite our flaws and shortcomings, we each had a purpose that was so much greater than ourselves. The world would be a much better place! But the good news is, that's how God sees us. He looks at each of us with love and a desire for us to be with Him eternally through Jesus Christ. Remember this when you're looking around and it seems like the only purpose in life is to just survive and barely make it through. Through Jesus Christ, there is so much more to life! In Him, you will find your purpose! So the next time you find yourself worrying and questioning what your purpose is, remember that it starts with knowing who you belong to, knowing that through your relationship with Jesus Christ, you have access to the most purpose-filled life!

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 57

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you remind those around you that God has a purpose for their lives, too?


The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. - Psalm 138:8 (ESV)

As a reminder of Day 1 of this devotional, God who fulfills His purpose for us. Not our occupations, not who we marry, or what we study in college. Yes, these things are all apart of our lives and God can use these things to bless us and teach us and God has given each of gifts that we can use on this earth to bring Him glory, but ultimately, He is the one ordering our steps day by day, leading us right where we need to be.

By knowing this, we have no reason to get anxious or constantly worry when it comes to fulfilling our purpose on this earth because we know that God is the one who is fulfilling our purpose day by day! Even in the seemingly little moments when we feel like we're not where we're supposed to be or we've become uninterested or bored at work or in school. God is STILL fulfilling His purpose for us, allowing us to be steadfast in His love.

Biblical Context + Further Reading: Psalm 138, Philippians 1:6, Psalm 100:3

DAILY CHALLENGE: Go back and read what you wrote on Day 7. Write this verse beneath it.


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