hepar sulph homoeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by dr. hansaraj salve

Post on 05-Apr-2017



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HEPAR SULPH Learn Homoeopathic Materia

Medica In New Style With Dr.Hansraj Salve

HEPAR SULPHURCommon name – Sulphurate of lime

Chemical formulae – Ca STemperament – Irritable temperament Relation with heat and cold – Chilly

Miasm – Psoric Diathesis – Lymphatic and scrofulous diathesis

Persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act

Muscles are soft and flabby

The slightest injury causes supuression 

Diseases where the system has been injured by the abuse of Mercury.

In diseases where suppuration seems


Hepar may open the abscess and hasten the cure

Oversensitive, physically and mentally

The slightest cause irritates her

Quick, hasty speech and hasty drinking

Patient is peevish, angry at the least trifle

Unreasonably anxious Hypochondriacal

Extremely sensitive to cold air, imagines he can feel the air if a door is open in the next room

Take cold from slightest exposure to fresh air (Tub.).

Must be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather (Psor.)

Cannot bear to be uncovered

Sensation of a splinter, fish bone or plug in the throat

Quinsy means inflammation of the throat, especially an abscess in the region of the tonsils.

Quinsy, when suppuration threatens

Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils with hardness of hearing

The skin is very sensitive to touch, cannot bear even clothes to touch affected parts.

Pain in Skin affections is intolerable and often causes fainting.

Ulcers herpes surrounded by little pimples or pustules and spread by coalescing

Middle of lower lip cracked

General characteristic features of Eye:

Eyeballs: sore to touch

Pain as if they would be pulled back into head (Olean., Paris).

General characteristic features of sweat:

Sweats: profusely day and night without relief

Perspiration sour, offensive

Easily, on every mental or physical exertion (Psor., Sep.).

General characteristic features of diarrhoea:

Diarrhoea: of children with sour smell

Clay colored stool

Urine: flow impeded

Bladder weak, is unable to finish, seems as if some urine always remains (Alum., Sil.).

Is obliged to wait a while before it passes

Voided slowly, without force, drops vertically

General characteristic features of urine

General modalities

Lying on painful side

(Kali c., Iod.);

Cold air Uncovering

Eating or drinking cold


Touching affected parts

Abuse of mercury

- Warmth in general (Ars.)

Wrapping up warmly,

especially the head (Psor., Sil

In damp, wet weather (Caust., Nux - rev of,

Nat. s.).

Aggravation. - Amelioration.

Headache Causation:

Exposure to cold



HeadacheLocation: One side of head and temple

Headachecharacter Pain in head when shaking the head or riding Boring pain every morning Constant pressive pain on one side as from plug

or nail Scalp is very sore and sensitive to touch

HeadacheConcomitant :

Vertigo with headache

Boils on the head and


Humid eruptions, feel very sore and

foetid odour

Itching and burning and

sore on scratching

Respiratory disorders Causation: From cold air and when any part of body is uncovered

Respiratory disordersCharacter and sensation:

Splinter like sensation in throat as if fish bone or plug is sticking in the throat

The throat is very much sensitive to touch

Respiratory disordersCharacter of cough: Dry coughDeep, rough, barking, dry, croupy cough with chocking, gagging and with great soreness of chest

Character and sensation During cough: The patient goes on coughing and sweating There is excessive sweating without relief

Asthma Causation: After suppressed skin eruption

Asthma Character and sensation:Difficult breathing with rattling and wheezing

sound in the chest Patient has to take deep breath with threatened


Respiratory disorders and asthma Modalities:

Aggravation : Amelioration:

Morning From exposure to

dry west wind

Cold air

Cold drinks Before mid night and towards evening

The patient must bend head

backward and sit up


Damp wet weather

Skin disorders in hepar sulph: Hepar sulph is excellent remedy for all kinds of skin disorders; whatever may be the name of the disease

Skin disorders Look:Hepar sulph has unhealthy suppurating skin

Every little injury suppurates

Character and sensation:The skin eruptions are so sensitive and sore to touch

Patient can not bear even to touch of cloths

Character and sensation:

Eczema spreads by means of new

pimples appearing just above old ones

Boils, abscesses, and papules are

prone to suppuration

Ulcers are very sensitive to

contact; easily bleeding,

burning and stinging.

Can not bear to be uncovered

wants to wrapped up


Things to remember about hepar sulph Skin disorders

Hepar sulph is mainly indicated in where abscesses and boils are suppurating and sensitive

If given in high potency – abort the abscesses

If given in low potency it hastens the suppuration and heals quickly

Skin disordersModalities:

Aggravation : Amelioration:

Morning From exposure to

dry west wind

Cold air

Cold drinks Before mid night and towards evening

The patient must bend head

backward and sit up


Damp wet weather

Comparative study

Hepar sulph v/s sulphurHepar sulph is prepared by mixing calcaria carb and


Its symptoms, how ever, show wide range of variations, in contrast to sulphur.

Both of this are very good remedies for skin affections

Both will have unhealthy skin and eruption suppurates, but more suppuration found in

hepar sulph while the severe scratching followed by burning is found in sulphur

Hepar sulph skin is sore and highly sensitive to touch, even of cloths but it is not so in


Hepar is aggravated by covering whereas sulphur is relived by it.

Sulphur is aggravated by heat of bed and washing but hepar is relived by hot

application and such wants covering always Discharges of hepar are corroding and smell

like old cheese, which is not so in sulphur Hepar skin sweats profusely without any

relief but sulphur skin does not do so Hepar has splinter like pain while sulphur

has burning everywhere in its stead's

Remedy relationship Complementary: to, Calendula in injuries of soft


Hepar antidotes: bad effects of mercury and other metals, iodine, iodide of potash, cod-liver oil;

renders patient less susceptable to atmospheric changes and cold air. Compare: The psoric skin affections of Sulphur

are dry, itching, > by scratching, and not sensitive to touch; while in Hepar the skin is

unhealthy, suppurating, moist, and extremely sensitive to touch.

Get full set of group study of homoeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by

Dr. hansaraj salve + free homoeopathic repertory software supported with Dr.Kent,

Dr.Borick and Dr.Allens materia medica

Continue reading to know more about group study material…….

Learn 120+ homoeopathic remedies in just 1


Continue reading to know more …….

For simple understanding we categorized these

remedies in to 15 groups.

We broadly divide all these remedies in following groups

1. Acid group 2. Ammonium group

3. Baryta group

4. Calcaria group

5. Carbon gropup

6. Ferrum group (iron)

7. Fish group

8. Halogen group

9. Magnesium group

10. Mercury group

11. Metal group

12. Ophidia group

13. Potassium group (Kali)

14. Sodium group (Natrum)

15. Spider group

There are more than 120+ drugs in homoeopathy are of common origin or common sources with common important and main ingredients of those particular substances with partially similar source of reconstructive energy.

E.g.Calcium group1. Calcaria carb 2. Calcaria phos 3. Calcaria ars etc.

Ophidia group 1. Lachesis 2. Naja tripudians 3. Bothrops lanceolatus


All these group remedies will have possess some common peculiar personality profile and portrait of diseases derived from human interactions and behavior during normal health and sickness.

Plan and topics covered in homoeopathic materia medica Group study slide show presentation



Important drugs

Sphere of action


Mental generals

General features

Particular complaints

Clinical application

Remedy relationship

Summery and revision

Physical makeup Relation with heat and cold (thermal) Related Miasm General characteristic features

Characteristics of discharges

Characteristics of pains



General modalities

Like above description we have tried to make materia medica easy and simple to learn

You will find much more in our dedicated slide show work from group remedies, sphere of action to remedy relationship all important topics are covered in our group study of materia medica slide show presentation.

This is the basic pattern of study of homoeopathic materia medica

By using our study you can easily remember the basic principle of homoeopathy and therapeutic aspects of human energy field.

Why every homeopath must learn homoeopathic materia medica

group study?

Continue reading…

Group study is one of the important and simplest way of study homoeopathic materia medica.

By group study certain unknown aspects of remedies can be known to us or some known character tics can be explained and cleared in its details

Group study is first step to understand each remedy in its entity

The common traits and characteristics are studied together and can be applied as the group characteristics which are also found in the particular or one remedy from that group.

Save lot of time and energy to remember and learn materia medica.

It is always advantageous to learn particular group characteristics and structural elements of the group first and then study group members which can make learning procedure easy and fun and this will help you in easy understanding of similarities and differences between group members and other remedies(comparative study of materia medica).

Various remedies from one group having common and similar characters and are studied together as one group.

In group analysis we study basic constitution (mental and physical make up ) of remedies from that group as well as common tendencies and features of remedies of that group.

Through group study its very easy to deduct the theme of the combination remedy which helps in prescription and finding of simmilimum and evaluation of drug.

Personality profile is most important feature of group study and is derived from human interactions and behavior during normal health and sickness

Group study is to get extract of all common characteristics of the remedies included under that group with common elements

Materia medica is made or based on common origin or common sources and common important and main ingredients of those particular substances.

Simple tips and tricks to learn and remember homoeopathic materia

medica By Dr. hansraj salve (Part 1 – Complete Materia medica

Group study slide show presentation )



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Thank you for watching

Thank you for watching

Dr.Hansraj salve (BHMS, MDPGD IN X-RAY AND USG TECHNIQUE). Contact no. +91 9404559535

+ 91 9404559597

+ 91 9404559508

Website – http://hmmslideshow.esy.es

Email – salvehansraj09@gmail.com Homoeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by Dr.Hansraj salve

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