help us pass the able act this year! - act_advocacy week of... · help us pass the able...

Post on 27-Aug-2018






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Help Us Pass the ABLE Act this Year! ABLE Act Overview: During the week of October 7th, disability organizations and advocates will team up to advocate for the passage of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313/HR. 647). This important legislation would utilize the 529 college education saving account program to establish a savings tool for individuals with disabilities. The bill currently has 268 cosponsors in the House and 46 cosponsors in the Senate. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation is being led by Reps. Van Hollen, Crenshaw, Sessions, and McMorris Rodgers and Sens. Casey and Burr. You can find out if your two senators and representative are cosponsoring the ABLE Act of 2013 by clicking the links below: Senate ABLE Act Cosponsors House ABLE Act Cosponsors The ABLE Act will utilize the 529 college education saving account program, and give individuals with disabilities and their families the ability to save for the future just like every other American family. The ABLE Act will help people with disabilities live full, productive lives in their communities without losing benefits provided through private insurances, the Medicaid program, the supplemental security income program, the beneficiary’s employment, and other sources. How to Advocate:

1) Issue an ABLE Act action alert to your grassroots network a. Email/Letter template b. Call-in template

2) Utilize Social Media to advocate for the ABLE Act

a. Facebook sample posts b. Twitter sample tweets

For more information or questions, feel free to contact NDSS VP of Advocacy & Affiliate Relations Sara Weir at or 202-465-3222.

Email Template to Request Cosponsorship Senator/Representative: My name is (insert your name) from (city, state). I would like to ask you to cosponsor an important bill, the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act (S. 313/H.R. 647). This bipartisan, bicameral legislation was introduced Sens. Robert Casey, Jr., (D-PA) and Richard Burr (R-NC), and Reps. Ander Crenshaw

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(R-FL), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), and Pete Sessions (R-TX). Currently, the ABLE Act has 268 cosponsors in the House and 46 cosponsors in the Senate. The ABLE Act will utilize the 529 college education saving account program, in which thousands of Americans are already familiar. As with existing 529 accounts, contributions to ABLE accounts would grow tax free and would be easy and inexpensive to create. The ABLE Act provides individuals with disabilities the same types of flexible savings tools that all other Americans have through college savings accounts, health savings accounts, and individual retirement accounts. The legislation also contains Medicaid fraud protection against abuse and a Medicaid pay-back provision when the beneficiary passes away. It will eliminate barriers to work and saving by preventing dollars saved through ABLE accounts from counting against an individual’s eligibility for any federal benefits program. This legislation allows for the establishment of tax-exempt financial security accounts for individuals with disabilities to pay certain expenses, including: medical and dental care, education, community based supports, employment training, housing and transportation. We would like your boss to cosponsor this important legislation for the disability community. Sincerely,

Call-in Template (below is a sample call-in template for advocates) Once you have the staffer on the line, open and introduce yourself with:

“Hello, I am calling to ask my [Senator/Representative] to be a cosponsor of the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act. Can I speak with your disability staffer?”

I am a constituent from your [State/District] and am a self-advocate, parent, sibling, grandparent, etc. from the [insert disability] community.

Talking Points to Mention During Your Call:

The ABLE Act (S. 313/HR 647) currently has over 268 cosponsors in the House and 46 in the Senate. This bipartisan bill was introduced by:

o Senators Casey (D-PA) and Richard Burr (R-NC) as S. 313 o Representatives Crenshaw (R-FL), McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), and Van Hollen (D-MD) as H.R. 647

The bill has been endorsed by over 50 national, state, and local disability organizations.

The ABLE Act will utilize the 529 college education saving account program, in which thousands of Americans are already familiar.

As with existing 529 accounts, contributions to ABLE accounts would grow tax free and would be easy and inexpensive to create. The ABLE Act provides individuals with disabilities the same types of flexible savings tools that all other Americans have through college savings accounts, health savings accounts, and individual retirement accounts.

The legislation also contains Medicaid fraud protection against abuse and a Medicaid pay-back provision when the beneficiary passes away. It will eliminate barriers to work and saving by preventing dollars saved through ABLE accounts from counting against an individual’s eligibility for any federal benefits program.

This legislation allows for the establishment of tax-exempt financial security accounts for individuals with disabilities to pay certain expenses, including: medical and dental care, education, community based supports, employment training, housing and transportation.

If your Member is interested in signing on as a cosponsor, please have them contact: Senate: Sen. Casey/Jennifer McCloskey ( House: Rep. Crenshaw/Jennifer Debes (

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Social Media Template Please utilize social media to contact your Senators and Representative to cosponsor the ABLE Act. Click on the Twitter and Facebook icons below to connect directly with your Senators and Representatives. It only takes a couple of seconds to post and tweet your Members!

@SenJohnMcCain please join your fellow 46 Senators and 268 Representatives and cosponsor #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) today. Help all people with #disabilities. #passtheABLEAct

@SenJohnMcCain my child needs your support of the #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) so they can earn a living and live independently! #passtheABLEAct

@SenJohnMcCain The #ABLEAct (S 313/HR 647) is crucial to AZ families! Cosponsor today! #disabilities. #passtheABLEAct

Senator/Representative XXX, please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 313/H.R. 647). Join 46 of your Senate and 268 of your House colleagues and support this legislation that will help people with disabilities! I am from CITY/STATE and request that you cosponsor the ABLE Act today!

Senator/Representative XXX, please cosponsor the ABLE Act (S. 313/H.R. 647)! The ABLE Act has 46 cosponsors in the Senate and 268 cosponsors in the House. As a constituent, we need your support on this important bill. The ABLE Act will give individuals with disabilities and their families the ability to save for their child's future just like every other American family.

List of Senate Twitter & Facebook (Senators NOT on ABLE)

First Last Party State Facebook Twitter

Jeff Sessions R Alabama

Richard Shelby R Alabama

Lisa Murkowski R Alaska

John McCain R Arizona

Jeff Flake R Arizona

John Boozman R Arkansas

Mark Udall D Colorado

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First Last Party State Facebook Twitter

Michael Bennet D Colorado

Tom Carper D Delaware

Bill Nelson D Florida No

Saxby Chambliss R Georgia

Johnny Isakson R Georgia *

Mazie Hirono D Hawaii No

Mike Crapo R Idaho

Jim Risch R Idaho No

Dick Durbin D Illinois

Dan Coats R Indiana

Chuck Grassley R Iowa

Mitch McConnell R Kentucky

Rand Paul R Kentucky

David Vitter R Louisiana ‡ *

Carl Levin D Michigan

Claire McCaskill D Missouri

Max Baucus D Montana § No

Deb Fischer R Nebraska

Harry Reid D Nevada *

Dean Heller R Nevada

Jeanne Shaheen D New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte R New Hampshire


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First Last Party State Facebook Twitter

Jeff Chiesa R New Jersey No

Bob Menendez D New Jersey

Tom Udall D New Mexico

Martin Heinrich D New Mexico

John Hoeven R North Dakota

Rob Portman R Ohio

Jim Inhofe R Oklahoma §

Tom Coburn R Oklahoma *

Ron Wyden D Oregon * ‡§

Pat Toomey R Pennsylvania

Lindsey Graham R South Carolina

Tim Scott R South Carolina

Tim Johnson D South Dakota

John Thune R South Dakota *

Lamar Alexander R Tennessee

Bob Corker R Tennessee

John Cornyn R Texas

Ted Cruz R Texas

Orrin Hatch R Utah *

Mike Lee R Utah

Mark Warner D Virginia

Tim Kaine D Virginia

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First Last Party State Facebook Twitter

Patty Murray D Washington *

Maria Cantwell D Washington

Joe Manchin D West Virginia

Ron Johnson R Wisconsin

Mike Enzi R Wyoming

John Barrasso R Wyoming

List of House Twitter & Facebook (Representatives NOT on ABLE)

First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Robert Aderholt R AL04

Mo Brooks R AL05

Raúl Grijalva D AZ03

Paul Gosar R AZ04

David Schweikert R AZ06

Ed Pastor D AZ07 ^ No

Kyrsten Sinema D AZ09

John Garamendi D CA03

Tom McClintock R CA04

Doris Matsui D CA06

Paul Cook R CA08

Jerry McNerney D CA09

Jeff Denham R CA10

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

George Miller D CA11

Nancy Pelosi D CA12

Barbara Lee D CA13

Eric Swalwell D CA15

Jim Costa D CA16

David Valadao R CA21

Kevin McCarthy R CA23

Buck McKeon R CA25

Judy Chu D CA27

Brad Sherman D CA30

Gary Miller R CA31

Grace Napolitano D CA32

Henry Waxman D CA33

Xavier Becerra D CA34

Gloria Negrete McLeod D CA35

Raul Ruiz D CA36

Karen Bass D CA37

Linda Sanchez D CA38

Ed Royce R CA39

Mark Takano D CA41

Janice Hahn D CA44

John Campbell R CA45

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Loretta Sanchez D CA46

Dana Rohrabacher R CA48 *

Darrell Issa R CA49

Duncan Hunter R CA50

Diana DeGette D CO01

Scott Tipton R CO03

Doug Lamborn R CO05

Patrick Murphy D FL18

Joe Garcia D FL26 No No

Jack Kingston R GA01

Lynn Westmoreland R GA03

Tom Price R GA06

Rob Woodall R GA07


Austin Scott R GA08

Doug Collins R GA09

Paul Broun R GA10

Phil Gingrey R GA11

John Barrow D GA12

Tom Graves R GA14

Colleen Hanabusa D HI01

Tulsi Gabbard D HI02

Raul Labrador D ID01

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Bobby Rush D IL01

Robin Kelly D IL02

Luis Gutiérrez D IL04

Mike Quigley D IL05

Peter Roskam R IL06

Danny Davis D IL07


Bill Foster D IL11

Bill Enyart D IL12

John Shimkus R IL15

Cheri Bustos D IL17

Jackie Walorski R IN02

Todd Young R IN09

Steve King R IA04

Tim Huelskamp R KS01

Lynn Jenkins R KS02

Mike Pompeo R KS04

Brett Guthrie R KY02 * No

Steve Scalise R LA01

Charles Boustany R LA03

John Fleming R LA04

Rodney Alexander R LA05 N/A N/A

Andy Harris R MD01

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Steny Hoyer D MD05

Justin Amash R MI03

Dave Camp R MI04

Dan Kildee D MI05

Fred Upton R MI06

Sandy Levin D MI09

John Dingell D MI12

John Conyers D MI13

Keith Ellison D MN05

Rick Nolan D MN08

Bennie Thompson D MS02

Ann Wagner R MO02

Billy Long R MO07


Jason Smith R MO08

Steve Daines R MT

Adrian Smith R NE03 *

Joe Heck R NV03

Frank LoBiondo R NJ02

Scott Garrett R NJ05

Rodney Frelinghuysen R NJ11 ^

Steve Israel D NY03

Grace Meng D NY06

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Nydia Velázquez D NY07


Hakeem Jeffries D NY08

Michael Grimm R NY11

Charles Rangel D NY13

Joseph Crowley D NY14

José Serrano D NY15

Eliot Engel D NY16

Sean Maloney D NY18

Tom Reed R NY23

Louise Slaughter D NY25

Brian Higgins D NY26

Chris Collins R NY27

Virginia Foxx R NC05

Richard Hudson R NC08

Patrick McHenry R NC10

Mel Watt D NC12

Jim Jordan R OH04

John Boehner R OH08

Pat Tiberi R OH12

Jim Renacci R OH16

Jim Bridenstine R OK01

Markwayne Mullin R OK02

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Frank Lucas R OK03 §

James Lankford R OK05

Kurt Schrader D OR05

Chaka Fattah D PA02

Mike Kelly R PA03

Scott Perry R PA04

Bill Shuster R PA09

Tom Marino R PA10

Allyson Schwartz D PA13


Joe Pitts R PA16

Matt Cartwright D PA17

Mark Sanford R SC01

Jeff Duncan R SC03

Trey Gowdy R SC04

Mick Mulvaney R SC05

Jim Clyburn D SC06

Tom Rice R SC07

John Duncan, Jr. R TN02


Chuck Fleischmann R TN03

Scott DesJarlais R TN04

Diane Black R TN06

Louie Gohmert R TX01

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First Last Party District Facebook Twitter

Sam Johnson R TX03

Jeb Hensarling R TX05

Joe Barton R TX06 §

Kevin Brady R TX08

Mike Conaway R TX11

Mac Thornberry R TX13

Randy Weber R TX14

Rubén Hinojosa D TX15

Bill Flores R TX17

Sheila Jackson-Lee D TX18

Pete Olson R TX22

Roger Williams R TX25

Michael Burgess R TX26

Gene Green D TX29

Steve Stockman R TX36

Chris Stewart R UT02

Jason Chaffetz R UT03 *

Bobby Scott D VA03

Robert Hurt R VA05

Eric Cantor R VA07

Doc Hastings R WA04

Derek Kilmer D WA06

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