hello boys and girls…i am warren g. harding my election in 1920 began what would be 12 years of...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Hello boys and girls…I am

Warren G. Harding

My election in 1920 began what would

be 12 years of Republican rule in


What they didn’t know about was all my problems. Not

only did I suffer from depression

and spend a good deal of time in a


…but I also much preferred to spend time with my poker

and hunting buddies than my

wife…who I didn’t much care for and

preferred to refer to as the Duchess

NEWSFLASH dear, I’m cheating on you with my old friend

James Phillip’s wife…oh yes, and

that young girl from Ohio Nan Britton


WARREN! How long has this

been going on????

Only 17 years…give or take

…and we didn’t even mention the prohibition time


And remember, I was not the

sharpest tool in the shed…so I

appointed a bright administration (a major theoretical shift) and brought

in some buddies of mine from Ohio to

help me out – The Ohio Gang

Unfortunately, there was corruption

during my administration.

Most famously theTeapot Dome


In exchange, he received money and cattle from oil companies!

Late July, 1923 Harding developed a bad case of food poisoning while traveling from Alaska to San Francisco. He died on Aug. 2, 1923 from either pneumonia (which he developed while in the hospital) or a heart attack.

His wife would not allow an autopsy.

Coolidge kept most of

Harding’s cabinet but

weededout the corrupt

Ohio Gang

- Put business people on regulation boards

- Appointed Supreme Court justices who ruled against progressive reforms

- Appointed conservatives to powerful cabinet positions

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