helen black - making change happen

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Making change happen

    Helen Black: The change Team

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    When did you last try to change something?

    Improvement always means change but change does not necessarilymean improvement

    Only 15 30% of organisationsachieve the results they were lookingfor from their improvement activities

    (Smith & Mouier 2008)

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    What does it take to make change work?

    Adapted from: Mark Eaton (2009) Why change

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    What does it take to make change work?

    Adapted from: Mark Eaton (2009) Why change program

    Clear, sharedvision

    Pressure forchange


    Agreedaction plan

    SuccessfulImprovement+++ =

    Clear, sharedvision


    Agreedaction plan

    Bottom of in-tray++ =

    Pressure forchange


    Agreedaction plan

    Fast start thatfades++ =

    Clear, sharedvision

    Pressure forchange

    Agreedaction plan

    Anxiety &Frustration++ =

    Clear, sharedvision

    Pressure forchange


    Circles &Treadmills++ =

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Understanding your brain to make changehappen

    Understanding how thebrain is wired to react tochange and whatmotivates it is essential

    for effective change We have a biological

    reaction to resist change

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Two brain systems operate at once Rational brain

    Thinker longer term focus-reflective looks into the futu(cons spinning wheels, stuckanalysis paralysis)

    Emotional brain Doer short term focus

    programmed habit loyal(Cons wants to do the same tonly a short term focus)

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    The rider, the elephant and the path

    For anything to change someone has tostart acting differently Its new behaviour youre asking a

    brain that runs on set program

    Emotional brain is an elephant Rational brain is its rider The path is the situation or

    environment(Source: Switch How to change when change is hard Chip & Dan Heath)

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Save the children - Vietnam

    Jerry Sterinhelped reducemalnutrition inVietnam byfinding familieswho were copingwith theirsituation

    He found thebright spots

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Which medicine should I have?

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Direct the rider (rational brain) Script the critical moves

    Pick the few things that mushappen to make it work

    Choice and ambiguity tires orational brain so we fall backhabit

    Clarity resolves resistance

    Big picture hands-off leadertends not to work in a changsituation because the hardestchange is in the detail

    Work out the few (2 4)things that people need to knmake decisions and re-enforalways

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Motivate the elephant (emotional brain)

    Find the feeling People need to understand why the

    change is important to thempersonally (they need to believewhat you believe)

    Negative emotions - for a quickspecific action Positive emotions for large

    ambiguous change

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Shape the path (environment)

    Tweak the environment

    Makes their journey smootherthey dont need to think

    Makes the right behaviour easieand the wrong behaviour harder

    Leverages your change activitie

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Shape the path (environment)

    Action triggers

    Preloaded actions that use theenvironment as a trigger

    Builds an immediate habit Action triggers increase the chance of

    success Easy goals from 78% to 84% Hard goals from 22% to 62%

    Source: Gollwitzer New York University

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Applying this to the change process

    Your biology is naturally resistant to change soDirect the riderMotivate the elephantShape the path

  • 7/27/2019 Helen Black - Making Change Happen


    Resources Switch How to change things when

    change is hard Chip and Dan Heath

    Why change programs fail Mark Eaton

    Conquering organisational change: How to

    succeed where most companies fail Martin Smith and Pierre Mouier

    The heart of change Kotter & Cohen

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