heaven is only the beginning - see god while living

Post on 01-Dec-2015






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'I have given up zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions of spiritual merit points for the world to become better, and the people to change from inside and for World Vegan, World Peace. Still more I need to offer for this vision to come true. But it will, it might come true. I have been intensifying my meditation effort. Still continue. The latest time I checked was January 28th, 2013. The planet would be extended to stay longer 62,352,043 years. Rest assured that the planet will stay much longer, hundreds of millions of years. And I have made an arrangement with heaven that the planet Earth stays as long as she wants and as long as forever if she likes. That was today's covenant.' – Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at the video and teleconference with Supreme Master Television staff, Los Angeles, California, USA, December 22nd, 2012 and April 14th, 2013 (Originally in English) –This book is the original public lectures given by Supreme Master Ching Hai during Her 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living' lecture tour in Middle East and South Africa in 1999. With the help of many fellow disciples who transcribed and translated dozens of lectures, a book began to take form. Through dedicated patience, devotional love, help from fellow disciples and the grace of the Master, this work is now presented to you. The entire contents of this book are the original words of the Master, recorded verbatim. Editing has been done only on the order of quotes, and on the grammar and punctuation of the transcriptions themselves.Through the spoken words, a living Master can bring ancient wisdom to life. To experience these discourses in person, the seeker is affected on all levels of understanding, beyond space and time, far beyond any mental concept. These types of Masters, having become fully conscious of their supreme nature within, offer a perfect mirror of the most noble and divine qualities within each of us, a reflection of our own potential for self-mastery. As one comes into contact with this perfect image, one’s life begins to turn away from fear and self-doubt and to move toward more tolerance and compassion, more hope and joy. Such is the experience that countless hundreds, thousands, millions of people have had in the presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai. She speaks above and beyond general philosophy and theology, echoing the Truth, which lies directly in the hearts of all seekers. This kind of experience is beyond the words alone, but rather an invisible connection all of us share with the infinite. Through Her words, Her eyes and Her voice, one can obtain limitless blessing and inspiration. With Her help and the practice of the Quan Yin method of meditation, one can quickly progress along the path to full enlightenment.Supreme Master Ching Hai is world-renowned for Her great wisdom, sense of humor, humility and deep compassion. She has traveled to all parts of the world dedicating Herself and Her time in order to teach others that the Truth we all seek is not far away. Her multi-cultural background (She is fluent in five languages English, German, Chinese, French and Aulacese) allows Her to express one ageless Truth in a multitude of ways, so that each individual receives his or her own answer, according to his or her own needs. Through daily practice of a non-denominational meditation technique call the Quan Yin method (contemplation of the inner Sound stream); we can all attain understanding of the great joy, compassion and heavenly bliss described within religious and spiritual scriptures around the world. More than just a simple meditation technique, this living teaching brings to anyone who sincerely desires it the ability to carry the meditative state into all parts of their lives. It offers each of us a way to have true love and understanding for our fellow beings, to play our part in society while still keeping our mind clear of worry and attachment, and a way to find freedom here


Supreme Master Ching Hai An enlightened Master from the Himalayas

Three-time invited lecturer for the United Nations Recipient of the World Peace Award and the World Spiritual Leadership Award

Contents and original words in this book are permeated with grace and blessings of Supreme Master Ching Hai

The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Offices in all major cities and countries around the world

Headquarters: PO Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-0247, USA PO Box 9 Hsihu Hsiang, Miaoli Hsien, Formosa (Taiwan 36899)

Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association (SMCHIA) does not request or accept any donations. If you have seen a donation request or have been approached for a donation please be assured that these

persons do not represent SMCHIA. Edition @ 2013

Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living

1999 Middle East and South Africa Lecture Tour A collection of spiritual teachings by

Supreme Master Ching Hai


'I have given up zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions of spiritual merit points for the world to become better, and the people to change from inside and for World Vegan, World Peace. Still more I need to offer for this vision to come true. But it will, it might come true. I have been intensifying my meditation effort. Still continue. The latest time I checked was January 28th, 2013. The planet would be extended to stay longer 62,352,043 years. Rest assured that the planet will stay much longer, hundreds of millions of

years. And I have made an arrangement with heaven that the planet Earth stays as long as she wants and as long as forever if she likes. That was today's covenant.'

– Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at the video and teleconference with Supreme Master Television staff, Los Angeles, California, USA, December 22nd, 2012 and April 14th, 2013 (Originally in English) –

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The Quan Yin Method – The Key of Immediate Enlightenment and Eternal Liberation

Contents Page





The heavenly cardinal Supreme Master Ching Hai


A biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai


Heaven is only the beginning – See God while living 1. Pacifying the mind 2. To be enlightened 3. Be a torchbearer for God 4. The invisible passageway 5. The mercy of God 6. Parliament of the world's religions

12 12 22 35 55 66 83

Initiation into the Quan Yin method of meditation


The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s teachings online


How to contact us


Introduction to our publications


Beautiful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones


Veganism in religions


Benefits of a vegan diet and harms of meat consumption


Alternative living


Supreme Master Television


Supreme Master Ching Hai Days – A life of honors and ongoing selfless service 115

A little message: In speaking of God, or the supreme spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He. She + He = Hes (as in Bless). Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm). Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear). Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will to suit

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Hirmself. -------- As a creator of artistic designs as well as a spiritual Teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai loves all expressions of inner beauty. It is for this reason that She refers to Vietnam as ‘Au Lac’ and Taiwan as ‘Formosa’. Au Lac is the ancient name of Vietnam and means ‘happiness’. And the name Formosa reflects more completely the beauty of the island and its people. Master feels that using these names brings spiritual elevation and luck to the land and its inhabitants. -------- The logo’s characters, SM, stand for Supreme Master, signifying the Supreme Master power within everyone. The logo is an interweaving of red and gold colors. Red symbolizes the physical body, while gold represents the radiant Buddha nature or kingdom of God within. -------- Abbreviations – ‘Q’: Question; ‘M’: Supreme Master Ching Hai; 'D': Disciple; 'MC': Master of Ceremony.

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This book is the original public lectures given by Supreme Master Ching Hai during Her 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living' lecture tour in Middle East and South Africa in 1999. With the help of many fellow disciples who transcribed and translated dozens of lectures, a book began to take form. Through dedicated patience, devotional love, help from fellow disciples and the grace of the Master, this work is now presented to you. The entire contents of this book are the original words of the Master, recorded verbatim. Editing has been done only on the order of quotes, and on the grammar and punctuation of the transcriptions themselves. Through the spoken words, a living Master can bring ancient wisdom to life. To experience these discourses in person, the seeker is affected on all levels of understanding, beyond space and time, far beyond any mental concept. These types of Masters, having become fully conscious of their supreme nature within, offer a perfect mirror of the most noble and divine qualities within each of us, a reflection of our own potential for self-mastery. As one comes into contact with this perfect image, one’s life begins to turn away from fear and self-doubt and to move toward more tolerance and compassion, more hope and joy. Such is the experience that countless hundreds, thousands, millions of people have had in the presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai. She speaks above and beyond general philosophy and theology, echoing the Truth, which lies directly in the hearts of all seekers. This kind of experience is beyond the words alone, but rather an invisible connection all of us share with the infinite. Through Her words, Her eyes and Her voice, one can obtain limitless blessing and inspiration. With Her help and the practice of the Quan Yin method of meditation, one can quickly progress along the path to full enlightenment. Supreme Master Ching Hai is world-renowned for Her great wisdom, sense of humor, humility and deep compassion. She has traveled to all parts of the world dedicating Herself and Her time in order to teach others that the Truth we all seek is not far away. Her multi-cultural background

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(She is fluent in five languages English, German, Chinese, French and Aulacese) allows Her to express one ageless Truth in a multitude of ways, so that each individual receives his or her own answer, according to his or her own needs. Through daily practice of a non-denominational meditation technique call the Quan Yin method (contemplation of the inner Sound stream); we can all attain understanding of the great joy, compassion and heavenly bliss described within religious and spiritual scriptures around the world. More than just a simple meditation technique, this living teaching brings to anyone who sincerely desires it the ability to carry the meditative state into all parts of their lives. It offers each of us a way to have true love and understanding for our fellow beings, to play our part in society while still keeping our mind clear of worry and attachment, and a way to find freedom here and beyond this world. All of this, Master Ching Hai offers free of charge and conditions to anyone seeking the Truth. She does not personally accept any donations, all of Her public lectures are offered free of charge, and initiation into the Quan Yin method of meditation is given to anyone who is truly dedicated to their own spiritual development. Master says that a spiritual Teacher should never charge the student for what they already own. She simply opens the door to our own inner wisdom and then guides and protects us until we have fully realized our own treasure inside. May the Truth guide you along the path to your own great awakening.

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Introduction Every human being has, at one time or another, wondered about the deeper meaning of his or her life. We witness on a daily basis the suffering caused by our ignorance, often feeling helpless to change it. But, we are also blessed with brief glimpses of deep insight and joy, which bring temporary comfort and hope to our lost souls. Regardless of the tides and turns of our lives, the recurring questions still remain, ‘Where do I come from? What is the purpose of my life? What am I here for? And where am I going after I die?’ Should we search for answers to these questions, we would open the door to a multitude of philosophies and practices, some safer than others, some quicker than others, yet not an easy choice for anyone to make. Searching alone may seem like wandering in a maze, not knowing what turn to take next. Countless road signs may seem to point in different directions, leaving us confused and constantly searching outside of ourselves. We seek relief from an undefined longing, a void which lays buried behind the distractions of our lives. But, the day we find ourselves in the presence of a true spiritual Master, we know that the search has come to an end, for this living Teacher proves to us that complete liberation and self-mastery is possible in this lifetime and we only need to claim it, for it is ours. When we take away all that divides us from the world around us, we find that only love remains, and this is our true essence. Once a living Master introduces us to our own divinity, all of our previous illusions of self-identity begin to fall away and instead of having to learn more, we begin to unlearn, to let go of useless, negative habits and ways of thinking. Our path is now set before us on our journey back Home. When a traveler is lost, he must find a higher vantage point in order to obtain a better view. The higher he goes, the wider and clearer his vision becomes. Soon, the ominous dark shadows that once petrified him are discovered to be only mere shrubs in the wilderness! Likewise, the higher we go on our inward journey, the more our fears and false limitations are revealed to us. We learn to see them for what they are and let go of them just as we would discard an old worn-out garment. As we shed the outer appearance of ourselves, we no longer see separation and we feel united with everyone. The color of our skin and the language we speak may vary, but our innermost fears and aspirations are identical. So as we get to know our true selves, we gain comfort and understanding both within and far beyond ourselves. If you feel that you are ready to embark upon such a journey, this book should provide you with priceless guidance and blessings, much needed in our present times. Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses in a very specific way some of the most frequently asked questions posed by seekers around the world. She clarifies often-misunderstood concepts without oversimplifying them. This collection of Her teachings is very much like a practical guide to your own treasure hunt. It will provide you with an overall map, warning you of obstacles ahead, teaching you how to prepare yourself. With Master Ching Hai by your side, you will surely find your way Home.

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The heavenly cardinal Supreme Master Ching Hai

Throughout the ages, mankind has been visited by rare individuals whose sole purpose is the spiritual upliftment of humanity. Jesus Christ was one of these visitors, as were Shakyamuni Buddha and Muhammad. These three are well known, but there are many others whose names we do not know; some taught publicly, and were known by a few, and others remained anonymous. These individuals were called by different names, at different times, in different countries. They have been referred to as Master, avatar, enlightened one, savior, messiah, divine mother, messenger, guru, living saint, and the like. They came to offer what has been called enlightenment, salvation, realization, liberation, or awakening. The words used may be different, but in essence they all mean the same thing. Visitors from the same divine source, with the same spiritual greatness, moral purity, and power to uplift humanity as the holy ones from the past are here with us today, yet few know of their presence. One of them is Supreme Master Ching Hai. Master Ching Hai is an unlikely candidate to be widely recognized as a living saint. She is a woman, and many Buddhists and others believe the myth that a woman can not become a Buddha. She is of Asian descent, and many western people expect that the savior will come from their own culture. However, those of us, from all over the world, and from many different religious backgrounds, who have gotten to know Her, and who follow Her teachings, know who and what She is. For you to come to know this will take a measure of openness of mind and sincerity of heart. It will also take your time and attention, but nothing else. People spend most of their time earning a living and taking care of material needs. We work in order to make our lives, and those of our loved ones, as comfortable as possible. When time permits, we give away our attention to such things as politics, sports, television, or the latest scandals. Those of us who have experienced the loving power of direct inner contact with the

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Divine know there is more to life than this. We feel it is a pity that the good news is not more widely known. The solution to all of the struggles of life is sitting quietly inside, waiting. We know that heaven is just a breath away. Forgive us when we err on the side of over enthusiasm and say things that may offend your rational mind. It is difficult for us to remain quiet, seeing what we have seen, and knowing what we know. We who consider ourselves disciples of the Supreme Master Ching Hai, and fellow practitioners of Her method (the Quan Yin method of meditation), offer this book to you with the hope that it will help bring you closer to your own personal experience of divine fulfillment, whether it be through our Master or any other. Master Ching Hai teaches the importance of the practice of meditation, inner contemplation, and prayer. She explains that we must discover our own inner divine presence, if we want to be truly happy in this life. She teaches that enlightenment is not esoteric and out of reach, attainable only by those who retreat from society. Her job is to awaken the divine presence within, while we lead normal lives. She states, ‘It is like this. We all know the Truth. It’s just that we forgot it. So sometimes, someone has to come and remind us of the purpose of our life, why we must find the Truth, why we must practice meditation, and why we must believe in God.’ She asks no one to follow Her. She simply offers Her own enlightenment as an example, so that others may gain their own ultimate liberation. This book is the original verbal teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai. Please note that the lectures, comments, and quotes by Master Ching Hai contained herein were spoken by Her, recorded, transcribed, sometimes translated from other languages, and then edited for publication. We recommend that you listen to or watch the original audio or video tapes. You will get a much richer experience of Her presence from these sources than from the written words. Of course, the most complete experience is to see Her in person. For some, Master Ching Hai is their mother, for some She is their father, and for others She is their beloved. At the least, She is the very best friend you could ever have in this world. She is here to give to you, not to take. She takes no payment of any kind for Her teachings, help or initiation. The only thing She will take from you is your suffering, your sorrow and pain, but only if you want this!

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A biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai Master Ching Hai was born in Au Lac. Her father was a highly reputed naturopath. He loved to study world literature and was especially interested in philosophy. Among his favorites were the writings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, and these were available to Master Ching Hai as a young child. She read these and other Buddhist texts before She entered primary school. Although Her parents are Catholic, they were open to Buddhist thoughts. Her grandmother was a Buddhist. Master loved to spend time with Her grandmother, and she taught Her the scriptures and Buddhist worship. Master Ching Hai developed a very open attitude toward religions due to this background. She would attend a Catholic church in the mornings, a Buddhist temple in the afternoons, and in the evenings would listen to lectures on the holy teachings. This left Her with many spiritual questions, such as ‘Where did we come from? What is life after death? Why are people so different?’ At one time, there was a shortage of doctors and nurses in Her town, so Master helped in the hospital after classes. She washed patients, emptied bedpans and did errands in Her efforts to ease people’s suffering. Master has always had a soft spot for animals, and would often take a wounded animal home, care for it and release it. When She saw an animal slaughtered, She would cry, wishing that She could prevent such unnecessary suffering. She has been a vegetarian, and has always been repulsed by the sight of killing or of meat, all Her life. She worked for a time in Germany as a translator for the Red Cross. She translated between the Aulacese language, German and English, and also volunteered to work long hours in the service of Aulacese refugees. She did so at the expense of Her own health and comfort. Her work with the Red Cross put Master Ching Hai in contact with refugees from many countries. She was continuously faced with the suffering and turmoil brought on by wars and natural disasters. Master suffered a great deal trying to alleviate the pain She saw, and She realized how impossible it was for any one person to stop the suffering of humanity. This drove Her more strongly toward finding enlightenment, as She realized that only this could help alleviate mankind’s pain. With this as Her goal, She practiced meditation even more seriously. She sought out new teachers, read everything She could find, and tested many different methods. She felt, however, that these efforts were not working, and that She was not experiencing the spiritual phenomena She read about in the scriptures, nor was She reaching the enlightened state. This was extremely frustrating for Her at the time. While in Germany, Master Ching Hai was happily married to a German scientist, with doctorates in two fields. He was a kind, attentive and supportive husband. He became a vegetarian, traveled with his Wife on pilgrimages and was very supportive of Her charitable works. Eventually, Master felt that She needed to leave Her marriage in order to pursue Her spiritual goals. She discussed this at great length with Her husband, and their separation was with his agreement. This was an extremely difficult decision for both of them, but Master felt very strongly that this was the right decision. She needed to devote Her undivided attention to the pursuit of enlightenment.

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After leaving Her marriage, Master sought to find the perfect method, which could lead one to attain liberation in one lifetime. In the Surangama sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha said that the Quan Yin method is the highest of all methods. None of Master’s teachers knew it, so She traveled and searched everywhere for the right Master. Finally, after many years, She found a Himalayan Master who initiated Her into the Quan Yin method, and gave Her the divine transmission that She had sought for so many years. After a brief period of Quan Yin practice, She became fully enlightened. She continued practicing and improving Her understanding, and remained in retreat in the Himalayas for some time. Eventually, Master Ching Hai traveled to Formosa. One evening, during a typhoon with heavy rain, as She meditated in a room behind a small temple, a group of people knocked at Her door. Master asked them why they had come, and they answered, ‘Quan Yin Bodhisattva (The Goddess of Mercy) replied to our prayers and told us about You, saying that You are the great Master and we should pray to You for the method to reach liberation.’ Master tried to send them away but they would not go. Finally, Master, touched by their sincerity and devotion, agreed to initiate them, but only after several months of purification and their agreement to adhere to a vegetarian diet. Shy by nature, Master Ching Hai did not seek out students to teach. In fact, She ran away from people who sought Her initiation. This happened in India, and in the United States where She was living the unassuming life of a Buddhist Nun. When She was ‘discovered’ for the third time in Formosa, She realized that She must not run away from the inevitable tasks that lie ahead. She began sharing with all who wished to hear Her message of Truth, and She began initiating sincere students into the Quan Yin method. Master Ching Hai’s work has spread by word of mouth from this first small group in Formosa to many millions of people around the world. She has traveled and taught throughout Africa, Latin America, the United States, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Many people from all walks of life, and from many different religious backgrounds, have made great spiritual progress with Her help. Grateful friends and disciples are to be found all over the world, ready and willing to help others learn from their beloved Supreme Master. In addition to helping countless numbers of people through Her spiritual teachings and initiations, Master Ching Hai has used Her boundless love and energy to assist those who are suffering or in need. In recent years, Her humanitarian efforts have touched the hearts and lives of millions of people all over the world. Master does not discriminate between suffering caused by spiritual ignorance, material privation, or circumstantial events. Wherever there is suffering, She will help. Some of Master Ching Hai’s humanitarian activities in the past few years include aid to: The homeless throughout the United States; victims of fire in southern California; victims of many floods in the Midwest United States, central and eastern Mainland China, India, Malaysia, Au Lac, Holland, Belgium and France; disadvantaged elderly in Brazil; those displaced by the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines; disaster victims in northern Thailand; destitute families in Formosa and Singapore; lepers in Molokai, Hawaii; spiritual communities in India, Germany and Uganda; families of mentally retarded children in Hawaii; victims of the 9-11 tragedy in New York and victims of the Los Angeles, Turkey and Formosa earthquake; veterans of the United States; orphanages in Au Lac; institutions of medical research on AIDS and cancer in the United States; and many, many others. Of course, we must also mention Master Ching Hai’s never-ending and tireless efforts to help the Aulacese refugees, those both inside and out of refugee camps.

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Although She does not seek acknowledgement of any kind, in recognition of Her selfless assistance, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been given awards worldwide by government officials and private organizations on numerous occasions. They include the World Peace Award, the World Spiritual Leadership Award, Award for Promotion of Human Rights, World Citizen Humanitarian Award, Award for Outstanding Public Service to Mankind, 2006 Gusi Peace Prize, Los Angeles Music Week Certificate of Commendation, 2006 First Place Silver for the 27th Annual Telly Awards, Presidential Active Lifestyle Award from the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, and Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. In addition, October 25th and February 22nd have been proclaimed as the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day in the United States. Congratulatory messages were sent to the Chicago ceremony by many government officials worldwide, including Presidents Clinton, Bush and Reagan. To commend virtuous actions and encourage others to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has created a series of Shining World Awards. Through these prestigious awards, She has recognized deserving humans and animals for their exceptional heroism, compassion, leadership, bravery, or intelligence. Supreme Master Ching Hai is also the source of inspiration to Supreme Master Television, a global station which airs constructive programs with subtitles in over 40 languages. The station encourages harmony, greater understanding and compassion for all beings. It also promotes an organic vegan lifestyle as the most effective and fastest solution to climate change. Through Her tireless dedication to improve the lives of all beings on Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai has set a true example of love in action. Supreme Master Ching Hai is one of the truly dedicated people of this era helping others find and create a beautiful vision of our future. Many great people in history have had a dream, and in Her own words, so does Supreme Master Ching Hai, ‘I dream that all the world will become peaceful. I dream that all the killing will stop. I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony. I dream that all the nations shake hands with each other, protect each other and help each other. I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed. It takes billions, billions, trillions of years to produce this planet and it’s so beautiful, so wonderful. I dream that it will continue, but in peace, beauty and love.’ In recent years, Master Ching Hai has also devoted Herself to creative expression of the beauty She enjoys within. Her creative works include paintings, decorated fans, lamps, dress and jewelry designs, and songs. Many of these items are made available for purposes of fundraising. Master Ching Hai has told us that She is not always enlightened. She lives a normal worldly life, and knows from experience about our problems, our heartaches, passions, desires and doubts. She also knows the heavenly realms of kingdom of God, and how to get there from here. Her sole function at this point in Her life is to help us with our journey from the suffering and confusion of the un-awakened state to the bliss and absolute clarity of total divine realization. If you are ready, She is here to take you Home. Master Ching Hai takes an unusually broad view of all religions. She has studied and taught the words of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu and many others. She always emphasizes the similarities among the great teachings, and lets us see through Her eyes how all the great Masters are preaching the same Truth. She often explains how different religious opinions have arisen, due only to the difference in opinions of different people in different countries at different times. Master Ching Hai gives initiation and a variety of lectures to interested students and people, according to their backgrounds and cultures, including Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Taoists, or atheists, et cetera. She speaks fluently in English, German, Chinese, French and Aulacese languages. Those who wish to learn and practice the Quan Yin method with Master Ching Hai are welcomed to receive Her initiation.

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Heaven is only the beginning – See God while living

PACIFYING THE MIND 1 [Turkey is a paradise of sun, sea, mountains, and lakes. It has a magnificent past, filled with historic treasures from 13 successive civilizations spanning 10,000 years. Because of its geographical location, Turkey is the cradle of many great civilizations. Due to its land connections to three continents and the sea on three sides – the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean in the south, and the Aegean Sea in the west – Turkey has also been an important center of commerce. Like any country, Turkey has its own unique music and dance. Each region in Turkey has its own special folkdance and costume such as the 'Horon' dance in the Black Sea region, the 'Kasik Oyunu' or 'Spoon Dance' from Konya to Silifke, and 'Zeybek' from the Aegean region, a dance that symbolizes courage and heroism. Turkish people are considered to be very friendly and hospitable a reflection of the population’s many beliefs and philosophies. During Her 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living' lecture tour in Middle East and South Africa in 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitation of sincere Truth aspirants to visit this beautiful country and share Her wisdom and knowledge of the universe. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'Pacifying The Mind,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Istanbul, Turkey on November 20th, 1999.] I greet you in the name of the Prophet Muhammad and God Hirmself, our Father. May God bless you so much to heal whatever sorrow that’s still felt while we are in this physical existence. We also share with you the suffering of thousands of people in the recent disaster. Our hearts are with you. We prayed for you. We did pray for you in a very far land, in every land apart from Turkey, away from Turkey. We did pray for you and for the whole world, too, including Turkey. We have also sent comfort in the form of material assistance, but we pray more so that God will send the real comfort in spirit to your country and your people, my people too. I am very excited to be in your country. Because this is my first time, and your country is so beautiful, so beautiful. When I was in Germany I know a lot, a lot of Turkish people who lived there, who worked there. And they are all so very, very generous, very hospitable to me. But I only knew the humble, humble class people and they work very humbly, and they're very humble and they trust God. They are not the arrogant kind. And because of their humble position and in a strange land – not only in Germany, I know them in France and in England, and even in Holland – and because of their humble position, they are far away from home, and they have to work in a strange land, and sometimes the language is not their basic skill, and

1. Public lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, November 20th, 1999 (Originally in English).

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they had sometimes hardship. They are so humble, so humble. I think the Turkish people are humble because they fear God, not because they fear any other people in that land. But they have been sometimes misunderstood because they are very humble people. They're humble because they pray five times a day. They just remember God. They forget to be so fierce in this competitive world. So they did not give an impression of very aggressive people. But I know them through friendship, and I know that they are really great, and they were so generous and so hospitable. Whatever they have they share with you. But because they're so humble, sometimes some of the native people do not give them due respect because they don't know they came from such a great country, such a great history, great culture. I wanted to say that the people who went out of Turkey and work in the foreign land, they did not represent a complete hundred picture of your culture as a Turkish race, as a great historical race. So I was so surprised when I landed in your capital and went around a little and see all these great things that is still left over in your country. It's sad! But it's okay. The joy is more double because I am surprised. Similarly, we are the children of God. The Qur’an told us that, the bible, every bible told us that, every religious bible told us that we are children of God. But we don't really have a good impression by being here, yes. Because we are too busy for survival, we have forgotten our great Home. Only some lucky people truly can have direct contact with our original heaven. Many people still have lost the connection with our Father. And we look upon each other as just a mere mortal, a mere human being, and we have forgotten that we are brothers and sisters, and we are truly heavenly beings. But in some moment of our deep prayers, I mean really real prayers, not mechanical prayers, we do have glimpses of heaven. And that's when we know God really exists, heaven really exists, and we feel so blessed, so happy that we could not even talk in human language about this happiness. Just like I heard people talked about Turkey, and I know Turkish people, but I didn't imagine your country is so beautiful. And when you come exactly to come here, you feel different, you feel the excitement, the newness of discovery. Similarly, we heard of heaven, we heard of God, we heard of the angels, but we thought we normal people cannot see them, only the prophet or the disciples of the prophet can see them. But we can see them. Why? Because we can. There is a way. There is a way to ascend to heaven while living. Just like everything else, like I come to Turkey, I take an airplane. And later, I finish, I go back home. If I have money, I have visa, I can come back to Turkey again, come back home again, come back to Turkey again if I like, go back home again. All I have to do is go to the airline, the correct airline, pay the correct money and go to Turkey. And if I don't do anything unlawful that breaks the law of your country, I could stay for a while and come back again and again. Similarly, we could go to heaven, come back, go to heaven, come back. But we don't go with the physical body; we go with the spirit. Just like when you sleep, you leave your body, you don't even know the body exists. Sometimes you have dream, you think you go somewhere. Some people even sleepwalk. And similarly, we could consciously leave this physical temple for a while, and go contact the spirit in a spiritual world with our same spirit like their spirit, and the angel will take us there, if we know how. The reason the prophet told us to contemplate, to pray to God five times a day is that if you pray hard enough, long enough many times, there is a chance that you might have a glimpse of heaven, that you might be calm enough so to contact the angels or the messenger of God, the invisible one. And then they will take us to heaven, they will show us the way, but we must calm the mind, we must forget the whole world while praying. That is the real, real prayers. That's what the Prophet Muhammad did in the cave. He calmed His mind. He forget everything – His possession, His wife, His work, His success, His money – everything. He forgot His body; and that's how He can elevate Himself to the level of angels in spirit. And that's how He can contact the angel in spirit, and that's how He can get the message from God.

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The same, we have to do, we can do. Yes. Many of you, some of you, when you pray very hard, and you also have experience of heaven. But some of you have not been able to calm the mind, to still the mind, so maybe you have not heard the angel speak, or the messenger of God speak. So if you think you have not heard God, and you are not satisfied that the angel has come visit you, or the messenger from God, from heaven has talked to you, then maybe I can help you. There is a way to still the mind. Then you can contact the messenger of God directly, the Supreme Master, whoever that is, okay? Yes, I'm speaking on behalf of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. In fact, it's not me who speaks. Some people ask me what's the name of the 'Supreme Master Ching Hai.' It's the Chinese name for the Father, our God. 'Ching Hai' means the ocean of love, means God. Just we call Hirm differently. Just like when you love your woman, or you love your husband, you call him 'honey,' 'sweetheart,' 'sugar pie,' 'apple pie,' or 'my loved one,' 'my own,' 'my self,' 'my other half,' 'my better half.' It's just the same one person. And that's why sometimes the religious people misunderstand each other, because one calls Hirm 'Allah,' the other calls Hirm 'Almighty,' and the other calls Hirm 'the real Buddha,' the Zen calls Hirm 'the real face,' 'the real Father.' Everyone calls his beloved in a different name, and that is all right. We have only one Father, one God. I have a joke for you. Sometimes in some countries they have racist problem, like okay, the black man are allergic to the white man, the white man are allergic to the black man. So there was a black man who was looking for an apartment, and he liked one apartment very much. He's desperate for one but he couldn't go there because there's all the white people and they don't let him in. So he prayed to God, said, 'Please, help me, I want to get an apartment over there, but they are racist, they don't let me in, all the white people.' So God said, 'Oh, forget it, forget it, my love, if I go there, I couldn't go there myself.' So the black man was very surprised, said, 'Why? God, You are almighty. You can go anywhere. Why couldn't You go there?' So you know what God said? Any guess? [Audience: 'Because I’m black.'] No, Hes didn't say that. Yes, maybe, maybe Hes is black, but I don't think so. Hes is all colors. That's why we're all colors, come from Hirm. God said that, 'Oh, I cannot go there, because if I go there, they will check my religious record, and they will ask me what religion I belong to. And I don't know what to say.' Suppose God comes here, it's true like that, it's a joke but it could be true. Suppose God appears in front of us right now, shall we call Hirm Muslim or call Hirm Catholic, or shall we call Hirm Buddhist, or shall we call Hirm Christian... what? So, in my knowledge, we have only one Father, and that's enough already. And in order to know our own Father we must still the mind. We must calm down and we must find time to contact Hirm. And at least to contact Hiers representative, Hiers angels, and then we can pose direct question to Hirm and get direct answer. If we couldn't find the answer today, we find it tomorrow. If not tomorrow, if the next day. And if you have find the answer already, congratulations! If you have not find the direct contact with God's kingdom, I have learned a way, and I could share it with you without any obligation, without any cost, without any string at all. You can always be welcome and try. And it works immediately. Q. Very difficult. M. It's not difficult, madam. You see, I can do it, you can do it. For you it's difficult? We have

two ways. Okay, then you choose the more easy way, we have also. Easy way like part-time job.

MC. He asks You what You think about the devil. He makes us do something quite bad, what

do You think about it?

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M. Yes, we should not listen to him, that's what I think. You are the master. You should not listen to the devil, make him listen to you.

Q. Three-headed stone Buddha, everybody worships that. [M: You mean the statue?]

Buddhist people, why don't they believe God? M. Well, everybody believes God in their own way that they think is the best. But sometimes,

what they think is the best is not always the best. So that's why I'm trying to help them to see a better way if they want to. If they don't want to, that's also their right. We are desperate in this world. We suffer so much; we are so far away from God's connection. So we grab on anything, anything – a stone, a statue, a cross, a whatever – to hope that God will answer our questions. But there is a better way. It's a direct way and people don't know. But still, when people pray to a statue, or pray to a stone, God knows also. And that's why God sends other prophets or Prophet Muhammad to tell people that, 'This is the way. Don't do that, don't do this. Do this.' The Prophet came to show an example, like, 'Okay, you have to still your mind, you sit quiet, alone.' Don't have to go in the cave, but in your small cave room, and make it a cave, make it a complete recluse for yourself, and then you pray. Truly God will hear and you will hear God. God always hears, just we don't hear. So now it's our problem to still our mind, to discard all the nonsensical thinking all the time in the mind, so that we can hear the voice of the messenger of God. Like the Prophet did. He came to do that. He is a prophet. He didn't have to do that, but He did that to make an example that, to contact God, we have to still the mind. That's why in the Qur’an it is said that all religions belong to God anyhow. Yes, the first page. Because why? Because when people pray sincerely to God – doesn't matter in which name – Hes knows that is prayed to Hirm because Hes is God. Hes doesn’t discriminate, 'Why don't you call my name Mr. So-and-So? You have to call my name this.' No, Hes is God. Hes is the Father. If you call Hirm Almighty, it's good; if you call Hirm Allah, Hes is happy, because 'Allah' means also almighty in English. And Buddha means enlightened, it means God in English. Just we did not translate and we make so much trouble. 'Christ' means the power of God, same thing. Right, I guess we should have only one language.

Q. How do I concentrate completely in meditation? M. That I will show you. I’ll show you later. We have to sit still together. I'll show you how to

be still first, okay? Once you still your constant chatting mind, everything else God takes care. But there is a way to still the mind. There is a way. God exists so that we can know Hirm. There is a way to know, we just forget. Yes. If we exist because we have a father, a physical father, and it's good that we know who our father is, no? We want to know.

Q. What is the shortest way to meet with the Creator? M. Yes, I've found it. That's what I want to tell you. After, after. Q. How did You meet first? M. I went to the Himalayas and met a person who has known this way, and he shows me and

then I can show you. Q. How can You say 'Father'? Isn't that blasphemy? M. Okay, then I say 'Mother,' all right? Well, in our human language we have two sexes,

female and male. And most of religions address Father, God as a male. So I go along. I

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don't want to contradict you. But it's not a He, it's not a She. It's a God. God can be a He, God can be a She. God is everything. According to what Hes shows me, Hes is everything. Thank you, thank you.

Q. How can the soul after death relive in another person? How can you tell who he, she was

before? M. Yes. Sometimes when we were very young, when we were first born until the age of three

or four, sometimes we remember the past existence. And that's the only way you can tell yourself if you remember. Nobody else can prove it to you. If you don't remember, it's okay. No need, because God says take care of today is enough, no need to worry about the past and the future. Sometimes we, as a part of God, come down to this world again and again to have different things to do, different experience, and this is all right. Because God can do everything, God can send back again, or God doesn't send again, so when we are sent back again for special purpose, we say that we come back. But actually there is no such thing as coming back because we never go anywhere. We are always with God, we are always with God. We are never away from God. It's just sometimes we are too distracted by physical survival. We lost contact. That's all. So whenever we say we reincarnate, that doesn't mean really reincarnation. It's just a different jump in a long, long eternal life process to have different experience in different department of God's creation. Just like we go from Europe to Asia, we go from Turkey to Egypt, from Egypt to Israel, Israel to South Africa. Our life is a constant change, constant re-experience and recreating what we want to know. And the soul doesn’t reincarnate in a body. The soul covers a body or envelops a body, or embraces a body or a physical anything, being, in order to experience in a different dimension. So when we leave one physical being or one pole and go to another, we call that 'death' or 'reincarnation.' Actually it's not. The soul is always free. And the soul can go from one place to another, one body to another – anytime. So the soul is not inside the body actually.

That's why all the bibles told us that we are part of God because we are never apart from

God. We just choose to cling to one subject or another in order to have a different identification, a different experience that we call this is Mr. So-and-So, Mrs. Ching Hai, Mrs. Smith, Mr. John. It's difficult, but it's also easy. Look, for example, okay, just an example. Suppose God is a big, big, big whole being like this – big one. And in this God whole being Hes encompasses everything, all the things that Hes created, or not yet created. Hes is everything compact in there. That is God, okay? Right. And then within this, there are different things that Hes created already. So now, in order to be individualized, one part of God occupies this, another part occupies that, another part occupies this, okay? So the part of God that is surrounding this yellow paper calls himself a yellow paper, and the part of God that is in the vicinity of this red pen calls himself a red pen. All right, you understand? But all is enveloped inside God, all is God, nothing else, including the devil that you have asked me. Yes. He is there to tell us, 'Don't do this, do this.' He's there to make you strong. By resisting him, you're strong. If you listen to him, you have to try again. So you sit there. God envelops you. You are Mr. John. I sit here. I am all God-envelop myself, too. Call myself Mr. Whatever, Mrs. Whatever, Mrs. Tan, for example. All right?

So that's why all the religions told us that we are one, we are an essence of God, we are

part of God, we are God! Yes, easy. So this thing come and go destroyed, but the God is the same all the time. This thing is red, this thing is yellow, but the God – all the same, this one always the same. All right? Did I make myself understood? Thank you, thank you. Okay. So the reincarnation never really occurs. Never. Just, you see, the God almighty

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power always exists, never dies, but this thing may die, may kaput, damaged, so the God here is empty, and then he probably moves around within this God, and then occupies this one and becomes yellow paper. Yes, okay, thank you. Yes, every day. You can. A lot of people who I show them how to do it, they see, too. Father is always there, why don't we see Hirm? If you sit there, can I see you if I look at you? Of course, I can see you. But if I look over there, of course, I don't see you. We don't look, that's why. We look in a different direction. I tell you where to look and you'll see God. Very simple.

Q. Could You identify more clearly whom You call our single Father? M. Identify Hirm? This is your job. How can I tell you what it tastes like, what I drink? If I drink,

I can tell you, 'Okay, it’s sweet.' But you don't know. You just think that it's sweet, but you don't taste it. I cannot describe to you, but I can show you, then you can identify yourself. I can give you the cup and the same juice inside, then you'll know, 'Ah, yes, I know it's orange juice. Okay, it's sweet.' So I invite you to stay and 'drink' after. After I explain to you how to still your mind, you'll see the Father, I promise. The Father, okay, can be a Mother too, can be. You can even see Prophet Muhammad, and then ask Him directly what the Father is a she or a he, or is Hes Muslim, or is Hes Christian? And He will tell you, better than I do. Because when you are in Hiers level, in the spirit level, you understand better than in a human language. And then when we are in a human form, we are limited. We are limited by the brain, by the ears, by the physical eyes. But when we are in the spirit, we are one with God, and we understand everything, no need anybody explain. When the Prophet Muhammad sat in the cave, what did He experience? You tell me, what? Anybody remember? What did Muhammad see? What did Moses see? Angel! You can also see the angel, after I show you. But you must also do your work, like, sincere, really want. Apart from that, Moses also sees God as a bush of flame, also hears the voice of God like thunder voice, right? Right. After that, God tells Him to write that.

MC. He's saying that Moses wanted to see God, and He said to God, 'Let me see You.' [M:

Yes.] And Hes said that, 'You cannot see Me, but if you want so much...' Hes showed Hirmself on the mountain bush...

M. ... as a Light. Yes, yes, that's right. That's right. Because God is not the way we imagine.

Like okay, here comes God with the head and the nose or things like that. God is the Light, God is the love that we feel. God is the music of heaven. Hes can manifest Hirmself different ways like Moses and the voice of thunder, the sound of many water, the sound of the trumpet, and all through the voice of the angel as our Prophet has heard it or in the bush of flame – big, big, big Light. These things you can also experience. That I can promise. This is God who manifests in this kind of way. Yes, because God is not a person like this or like that, but God can also make Himself or Herself into a person like in the form of prophet to talk to us.

Q. Isn't meditation a kind of ritual? M. Oh, no, no. It's a natural thing to do. Because every day we are very busy thinking of

different things, so when we sit down and calm our mind so that we can contact God, it's not a ritual. Because most ritual is physical, this one is nothing physical. Just calm the mind, that's all. And there is a way to calm the mind quick, that's all, okay? Thank you. Thank you so much.

Q. Will everyone easily practice the path You will teach?

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M. Yes. Even we have children like six years old, they can also do it. Because God is within us, so it's easy. We just forget. Need a little reminding, you'll remember right away.

Q. Where will you go after death? What will happen? M. We go where we want to go. If we want to go back to God, then we prepare the road to go

there. If we don't want to go back to God, then we do many different things that prepare the road not to go back to God. So, it depends on what you want. If you want to go back to God, practice now. Now. You pray five times a day, that is preparing to go back to God. And God even tells you what day you die. If you calm your mind during these five times of praying, you will hear God, you will hear the angel of God at least, and you know when you leave the world, when you die and what happen. You already see it before you die. But if you don't calm your mind enough, you cannot hear. So if you can calm your mind, it's good. If you cannot, I'll show you how to calm your mind. It's very simple.

Q. How do I become Your disciple? M. No, you don't become my disciple. You are God. You are God's disciple. I show you how

to become God's disciple, real one. Q. Is this meditation technique same as the other ones? What is different when compared

with the others? M. I just say about ours, okay? Quan Yin is a Chinese name for contemplating on the Word of

God, means direct contact with God. It's just because I started in Formosa and so they just use the Quan Yin all the time, and it's become habit; otherwise, it's the Word of God. This is the name, this is the meaning of it. We contact direct with this Word like it says, 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.' And this is the Word that the prophets contact with and we can hear that too.

Q. Is love in religion or religion within love? M. Love is the only religion. Q. I speak to God every moment. I think of God every moment. Still I cannot meditate, as if

hindered miraculously. How do I transcend this? M. I'll show you. Just stay, stay a little while. After I answer everybody, I will show you. We

have to know how to calm the mind; otherwise, even if not five times praying, five hundred times still cannot, cannot hear God. We pray to God, but our mind makes trouble, our mind keeps thinking about money, business, everything, and then when God wants to talk, we cannot hear. For example, I am talking to the translator right now, and if you tell me something, I cannot hear you. Even though you talk to me, I don't know that you're talking. I cannot hear you because I'm talking and thinking of this and translating and all that.

Q. Is there something God cannot do? If no, can He or She create another God of Him or

Herself? M. Yes, there is nothing God cannot do. But what for we need two Gods? We already have

too many – Christian God, Muslim God, Buddhist God. If we create another one, we'll be in trouble. God is constantly creating. Hes makes different God all the time. Hes makes

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out of Hirmself many Gods. Look at yourself, God is with you. I have explained to you already about the circle of God, and we are in it, we are part of God.

Q. How should a person experience him or herself? M. By calming his mind. After he calms the mind, the God-Self will reveal, because nothing

else but God. When we don't calm our mind, we identify this body as me, this thinking, talking mind all the time, wanting things mind, this is me; it's not! 'Me' is different. 'Me' is one with God, 'Me' is a child of God. When we are in very, very deep, deep, deep contemplation on God, we will see that God and us are one. We are nothing but offspring of God. We're one with God, we are Hiers offspring, we are Hiers own self. We don't see the body anymore. During a deep contemplation, the body disappears completely, the whole world disappears, only God exists. Only God exists! Nobody, nobody, not even yourself is there. Then you’ll know. Only one God. At that time you really have calmed your mind.

Q. If Creator is single, aren't we also within it? Why then there is a separation of you and I? M. We are like a fish in the sea all the time. We never leave the sea. Never. Likewise, God is

all over us. We are swimming in God, we're eating in God, we're sleeping in God, we're thinking in God, we're nowhere except inside God. It's just we don't see because we're too busy. That's why the Prophet tells us, 'Don't kill another person, don't do bad to your brothers and sisters.' Because why? God is always there. Hes sees everything! You think we can do it in the dark and God don't see? We're always in God! But in order to see God, we have to forsake everything. I mean in spirit, not like you leave your family, or not like you give your possession to me. No, no. You have to really disconnect yourself, your inside soul with this physical world, then you can see God. Actually you should not ask me anymore questions. The Qur’an said everything already. God is always here. For example, for example, just to clarify the statement I have just said. In the Qur’an God has said to us that, 'Be a good guest on this Earth.' Guest only. We are guests here. It's not real. Be a guest! That means what? Okay, you borrow the cup, you borrow the house, you borrow the car, you borrow a wife, you borrow a kid, you borrow a husband. Just borrow. Because everything is not real here. Our real Home is heaven. That's why God, in the Qur’an it is said that, 'Be a good guest on Earth,' but live a rich life, live a fulfilled life, in order to live a really rich life, not money rich, rich in knowledge of God, rich in knowing we are God's children. That's what the Qur’an told you to do, and I am just here to show you how to realize that in real, not just by words, but in real. See God! See God, and then you can have a rich life. Even if you don't have money, you feel rich, because you have God and see God so that you know that we are only guests here, and then we'll be nice to each other. Doesn't matter what religion, what nationality, we can only be a good guest here when we know God. We can only live a rich life when we know God. In that sentence is enough already. Like you have to really disconnect yourself with the world, have to realize that we are guests only, so we don't attach to money, fame, profit, whatever because we are only guests here. Disconnect yourselves with the world, calmly, calm down, then contact heaven. But it's difficult to disconnect. You forget how. I am here to remind you how. Then you remember. Quick like this. Yes.

Q. Is the meditation the way to get to God or not? M. Yes, yes. This way. Just to calm the mind. But you have to know the correct way;

otherwise, you cannot calm the mind. Meditation just means calm the mind. That's it. Calm the mind. You have a word for that in Turkish? Contemplation, yes. [MC: Deep thoughts.]

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Deep thoughts about God that you don't think of anything else, just one thought, God. Then you see.

Q. What do You mean by going and coming back from heaven? What is meditation? M. Yes, okay. 'Going' because in a human language, if we see something else, that means

we're going. For example, if I am not in America, and I am in Turkey mean I've gone to Turkey. And if I go back to America, I am going back to America. So in order to make it clear, I have to use the same language. Otherwise, if you know heaven, you don't need me talking. So, going to heaven and come back means, 'Okay now, we are here,' right? We are here, we don't see any heaven. Even though heaven's always here, we don't see. So, in order to tell you we can see heaven, okay, we leave the physical world and enter heaven. And then when we leave heaven, we enter the body and the physical world again, we don't see heaven again. So that means going, coming, going, coming, just human language. This is just the beginning, actually, this state. Later on you'll see heaven anywhere, even when you're driving taxi. You can hear God even when you wash your dishes. You remember again how to contact God, then it becomes easy. Some of our brothers, he drives car, he also can experience the Light of God. And some are housewives, she washes dishes, she can experience the Light of God, too. But be careful, maybe sometimes you drop it. Too happy, and then drop the dishes.

Q. The people who are initiated by You, Master, are they protected against the abduction of

UFOs and everything? M. Yes. Protected from all the negative things. There are many mansions in the house of

God, yes? Many mansions. So the UFO people are also the creation from God. They are just different beings. They live in another dimension. And sometimes they visit us, so that we know there are other beings. We are not the only ones. And that we know that God is mighty, Hes creates all kinds of things and all kinds of beings.

Q. You said some still bring messages from God. Who are these? How do they deliver these

messages? M. That you know when you talk to them. Because to everyone, they deliver different

messages according to your question. These are the beings who are much, much higher developed than ourselves and they live in the world with God. They don't live in a physical body like us, and so if we want to contact them, we have to also leave this physical dimension, in a way of speaking, then contact them, then they will tell you whatever you want to know.

Q. Regarding the 21st century, is there something specific? Are they looking for some

stronghold that they can hold on to? What exactly is Your teaching related to the century? M. They should look upon God for any stronghold anytime, not 21st century, 22nd century.

Every day, every minute, every second, we should always look upon God only. God is the only source of our strength and wisdom.

Q. You say that it is not a religion, [M: Yes, it is not.] then what is it? What is it? M. God is the only religion. We just now have talked about a lot of people want to get the

answer from God, so I say pray deeper! I have just told one of our sisters here. She asked me why I come here. I said I go wherever God sends me to. And each one of us has a

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different job to do, like you are journalist. I am coming here just to deliver the message that we are all brothers and sisters. It's like Prophet Muhammad. Even He is a prophet, first He has to go in a quiet place and still Himself, still His mind, then the angel can give the message through. God always can give us message through an angel at least, but we are too busy in the mind to listen. So people sometimes wonder whether there is really God. There is. Just we have to calm down, yes. So she asked how to do that. I said, 'Oh yes, that's why I am here to offer a way.' There is a way to calm down the mind. There are many ways.

Q. So You see Yourself as a messenger of God? M. All of us are messengers of God. We do different things, yes. It's just my job is just to offer

people how to calm the mind, so they can directly talk to the angel from God, from the messenger of God, the direct one. Yes, it's very easy. Just like if you want to be a journalist, you learn in the school how to deal with people, how to ask questions, and whom to ask, and how to open the door. So if we want to have contact with angels, the messenger of God, we have the way to do it. We must know the way. So I have tried and it worked. So I share the knowledge with the people. Just like you know many things, the way you go and ask like through president, you ask him question and he answers you, and you come back and write an article, you share it with your people, or the world people. Our job is the same.

Q. In all religions, if you address the people of a specific religion, they will say... Muslims will

say, 'If I read my book, the Qur’an, then I have access to this voice or the Creator.' [M: That is good, then that is good. If they do, it's good.] So what is so specific about Yours? Is it above all these disciplines and religions? Does it all embrace them all? What exactly?

M. Yes. The question answers itself. Do they really hear the voice of God like the Prophet

did? Like Jesus did? Like Muhammad did? Do they really, already talk to God? That's the question. If they do, it is good, yes. If they cannot still their mind enough, and contact directly to the messenger of God, then I can help them to still the mind. I am here only for the people who cannot hear the voice of God. Every religion says the same. It's correct, too, because we have only one God, one Father. Yes, should we have a Muslim God, a Christian God, a Buddhist God, do you think? No, we have only one God.

Q. Do You have some specific message to the people of Istanbul? You know there are

specific disasters people are going through suffering and all that. Do You have something specific to tell these people?

M. Yes. This is the first question I asked when I arrived in Istanbul. I asked my driver, 'Are the

victims of the earthquake, are they better now? Better improved?' And he said it's not in the capital, it's in the countryside. So it's the first question I asked. And of course, my message is the same, like everyone else who is concerned about our own brothers and sisters, is that my message is the same with your message. It's the message of love, and we cannot express enough in a human language about this love that resides within us, which is God's love. We all have this, and we all have love for each other. And I can only know from what God has told me that disasters to the body are nothing compared to the disaster of the soul. If we find God, everything is all right. Even if we have to leave the physical body, which everyone does in one way or another. Even if we have to forsake our possessions, God is always there, and God is only our possession, and God is the only security, and God is the only thing that we should always remember and look for in any circumstance. Whatever God takes away, Hes gives in another form. Sometimes Hes

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takes away physical things, Hes gives back spiritual comfort. And we should always remember God and pray to God all the time. Like the Muslims do, five times a day. Five times a day.

TO BE ENLIGHTENED 2 [Israel is a land immersed in tradition, culture, beauty and spirituality. The ancient city of Jerusalem in all its glory and divinity is sacred to three of the world's major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Known as the 'Holy City,' the history of Jerusalem is unfolded through the city’s holy sites. As the sun rise above the mystic horizon, the golden rays spread across the shrines and temples of the capital city including the Wailing Wall, Temple Mount and Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It is the enchanted land where we engross the biblical tales of the life of a great spiritual master – Jesus. The city of Tel Aviv, meaning the Hill of Spring in Hebrew, is the largest city in Israel with seafront skyscrapers and world class architectures creating one of the most spectacular skyline in the Middle East. Tel Aviv’s White City was formally inscribed by the UNESCO committee as a World Heritage site in July 2003. Israel is also home to distinguished individuals who contribute positively to the world community. Menachem Begin, former prime minister, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978. Golda Meir, one of Israel’s former prime ministers, was the world second elected female leader in modern time. In the arts, world famous Israeli musicians include Itzhak Perlman, Pinchas Zukerman, and Chava Alberstein. Novelist Shmuel Yosef Halevi Agnon, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966, was a vegetarian and imbedded many of the vegetarian themes in his stories and books. During the acceptance speech, Mr. Agnon shared, 'Lest I slight any creature, I must also mention the domestic animals, the beasts, and the birds from whom I have learned. Job said long ago (35:11) 'Who teacheth us more than than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?'' During Her 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living' lecture tour in Middle East and South Africa in 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitation of sincere Truth aspirants to visit this beautiful country and share Her wisdom and knowledge of the universe. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'To Be Enlightened,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Tel Aviv, Israel on November 21st, 1999.] Hallo. (Shalom in Hebrew.) God bless you. God bless Israel. Thank you so much for letting me see you. I am so happy, happy, happy, happy. [Audience: We love You.] Thank you. I love you, too. God loves you. I could stay here forever. I feel so much at home. When I see the city of Jerusalem, I thought, 'Oh! This is my style.' This is my kind of beauty, my kind of building, my kind of scenery. I said to my assistant, 'We could buy a house there and stay there.' So beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I feel like I have come back home or something. Yes, feel so good. Thank you, thank you for taking care of such a beautiful land, and make it more beautiful every day. Feels so homey and so artistic, so beautiful! Don’t you think so? Yes. Yes, you have been given a very, very beautiful corner of the world because it is stated in the bible that Israeli people are the chosen ones. I felt so good, this afternoon that I kind of entered into the kingdom of God when I toured around your city. I feel so good. The atmosphere really is very holy. I feel like I’m coming home. I am also so happy to see you, my brothers and sisters. It seems like a long, long time that we haven’t seen each other. I’m so glad to have this opportunity, just to have a glimpse of your presence, just to know that you are here. I feel so blessed. God has told me, 'Go, go there! Go to Israel! Go and share the love that You have and receive the love in 2. Public lecture, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21st, 1999 (Originally in English).

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return so that the love inside You and the love in them connect and make us whole, make us one, and make Yourself, Your brothers and sisters one with Me.' That’s what Hes told me. And I said, 'Yes, yes, yes, Father! Yes! I will. I will do that! I will do that!' And Hes made all the arrangements. I don’t really do anything. Just all the arrangements are just kind of come from heaven. Everything is so smooth! Everything is just like already done before I came. I am so grateful. I am so grateful to your love, to your blessing. I am grateful, of course, to our Father. I just have one regret. Why didn’t Hes send me earlier? It’s so nice here. I always wanted to go to Israel and to pay homage to Jerusalem, and somehow it didn’t happen until today. Even though everything is arranged by our Father Almighty, I still have one special couple, very, very special loving couple to thank. That is, His Excellency, the Ambassador of Israel to Switzerland, and his beloved lady. They have invited us here. They were also pushing me, 'You must come, You must!' I thank them on our behalf and on your behalf. Thank you. Due to their blessing, everything has been very smooth. And my people, the ones who have devoted their time and effort here to make this evening possible, they have enjoyed so much being here. They have made it not as a work but as an honor, as a pleasure, as an opportunity to be in such a holy land. And so we are all happy. In return, of course, I will have to offer something to you in a minute. You want to receive the gift now or later? [Audience: Now.] Now? [Audience: Yes.] Okay, but then it’s a very short gift. Unless you want to sit here like one hour with me, say nothing, and we can receive the gift. You want to do that? Then I don’t need to talk. Possible? [Audience: Possible.] Just sit here do nothing? [Audience: One hour, okay.] One hour... Okay. All right, so you want the gift and not the talk, right? [Audience: Yes.] Yes? [Audience: We need everything. We want both.] Both, okay, okay. The gift first or the talk first? [Audience: The gift.] Gift first? How many 'gift first'? Okay, how many 'talk first'? Okay, well, 50-50. What am I to do? [Audience: Combination.] Combination. All right. You are so good. Maybe after. We have more time. You can sit here as long as you want, while I’m doing other work. I will offer the gift publicly and privately later, okay? Now since we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I want to tell you something very good, very nice. I want to tell you something about Somebody who you miss, love, long for, and crave for, dying for, and haven’t seen for a long time. I want to tell you something about Somebody who has appeared to Jesus, who has appeared to Muhammad, who has appeared to Moses during their quiet time, during their prayer in the closet time. I want to tell you about that Person or that Being, that Great Being that we call our Father. Because Hes also appeared to me. Just the way Hes has promised that, 'Knock, and it shall be opened. Ask, and it shall be given.' Hes gives everything! Hes answers all the questions! Hes fulfills all our promises! Hes talks to us constantly, 24 hours a day, and 25 hours, 26 hours. That’s the way Hes treats me. And that is the way Hes treats many of us in this world, including some of you here, I know. And these fortunate people like myself, we are just full of… happiness, energy, love, childlike surprise and enjoyment about everything in every corner of the world and everyone we meet. It is because our Father, Hes spoils us so much! Hes gives us so much that we don’t have enough time to enjoy. We don’t have enough energy to keep up – too much happiness, too much love, and too much enjoyment – and the physical body sometimes cannot bear. The physical body is like a car – it runs too much, it goes… Whereby God’s grace is immense, is so unspeakable, so vast, so inexplicable, so the body and the brain cannot understand. Just like this afternoon, I went to Jerusalem, and I wanted to take a souvenir photo like all the tourists and bring it home and show it to people, 'Here, I have been there.' But I couldn’t do it. I went there, but I was still in somewhere else. I could not make the physical body get out of the car because I was enjoying so much of the inside world. While I am looking at outside scenery, I enjoy so much. I enjoy also the inside, in a state of very, very tranquil and calm and peace. I could not move the body, so I said, 'Okay, forget the photo. Maybe next time.' Because the

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music of heaven, like the trumpet, the sound of the Father, the sound of many waters, the sound of thunder, all these kinds of sounds that are mentioned in the bible – the Voice, the Word of God, the Voice – it just soothed me. I just sat there; I could not get out. The body cannot move, but I know everything; I am conscious of the inside and outside, just the body was too weak for all this power. At that time, you feel as if you are in a very, very sweet, sweet, sweet and deep, deep, deep rest and sleep. Your body just cannot move the way you want. And in fact, you don’t have any more will at that time. So I was trying very hard to stay in this physical consciousness. So I have to make jokes with the assistants, and try to stuff something in this machine, and read the bible, read the Torah and in the end, I couldn’t read no more. I asked my assistant, 'Please, read the Torah for me, read anything, keep me awake.' Keep me in tune with the people of Israel, because I have something to do, I cannot just stay in the state of bliss and alone. So finally, I am here. Thank you. Yesterday and the day before, I read already the Qur’an. I love all these grand scriptures of the Masters of old time – so much wisdom, so much love, so much affirmation, so much support to our spirit whenever we read it. These teachings of the ancient, wise Masters have helped sustain our planet and civilize it and improve it day by day, until we have arrived to the state of spiritual consciousness that we are today. Sometimes I cry when I read them, when I read the sad stories also of the old Masters. But most of the time, it brings joy to us. I cry when I read the sacrifice of these great beings who have done everything absolutely to benefit us because they love us, because they want to convey the love of our Father in heaven. I’m so indebted, so grateful to all these teachings. That’s why since I was young, I wished I could do something, to repay the kindness of all these wise, compassionate, loving and sacrificing Masters of the past. I’m grateful that God has given me the honor and the opportunity to be Hiers servant, to be the grateful instrument to share with people the love of the ancient Masters, the real practice of the ancient teaching, and the love from our Father. Many of us are blessed with the contact with God, with the love, the blessing that I have just mentioned before, but many are still not blessed with this gift. Either they are too busy, and when they pray in the heart, their mind is too distracted by problems of survival, by demands of family members and friends, by stress from work and responsibility of business, or political career, or either they have forgotten to pray. Some of our brothers and sisters are in this not very fortunate situation. And for these people, God has given me permission to share with them the way, the way to calm their mind, the way to temporarily suspend all the worries of the world, in order to reconnect with the kingdom of God within again for just a short while at least, and then resume their responsibilities. So if you have received anything from me, it’s not from me. It’s from our Father. If you have felt any love from me, it’s not from me. It’s from our Father. If you have any benefit at all from today or from today on, or the gift that you will receive later in private or in public, that’s all from Hirm. Now you want me to stop? [Audience: No.] But you want the gift, and you want to ask some questions, so we just have to combine, no? [Audience: A little more talk.] What did you say, father? [Audience: I’d like to listen more talk.] More talk. [Audience: More knowledge.] What would you like to hear now? You ask me questions, I’ll tell you. [Audience: About the Lord.] About the Lord? [Audience: Yes.] How can I begin to even... When Hes appears to you, when Hes chooses to appear to any of us in our quiet, blessed moments, Hes is like thousands of suns put together, in our language, in our comparison. When Hes talks, your head feels like it splits into pieces, but you don’t feel pain. And the splendor of the Lord, it doesn’t hurt your eyes, even though, just little one thousand watts, you know, make me blur and watery. But the thousand suns inside that represent the splendor of Hiers magnificence will not hurt your eyes. It will just make you feel so light like feather, feel like you are not existing in the body, but you are one with the whole thing. And you only see God and nothing else. Nothing will bother you

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anymore at that moment. Even if somebody would pierce you with pins or some sharp object, you would not even feel it. And even if you feel it, you will forgive that person, you would hug him and kiss him. You will not feel any hatred in your heart. Well, I don’t know what else to say about our Lord, but I could show you Hirm. Because every one of us is a part of Hirm. The bible, the Torah, all the religious scriptures tell us that we are God’s children, and that’s what we are. We always have been and we always are, and we always will be. We cannot run away from this position as God’s children. In fact, we are one with Hirm. Once we can contact Hirm, Hes will bless us with this oneness. Then we will understand everything about God that the bible has described to us, that we are really the children of God, that Hes really takes care of everything. All the suffering we have to endure because we are disconnected, we have forgotten where to look for Hiers love and Hiers blessing. But otherwise, God loves us all the time, even when we forget Hirm, even when we sleep, even when we are in a mundane kind of loving relationship. Even during our business, our crisis, in our darkest moment and our happiest hour. Just we have forgotten that Hes is there. So there’s a way to remember Hirm. There is a way to remember Hirm again. There is a way to recognize Hiers presence and have direct contact with Hirm. Hes is always there. Just like something in our pocket, we put it there and we’ve forgotten, and we look everywhere, we can never find it. But if we look in here, immediately, yes. Same. The bible said, 'The kingdom of God is within you.' So if it is within you, it should be easy to find. Yes? It’s very easy. Q. I just wanted to ask: When God gave You that precious moment of enlightenment, how did

that feel? M. Whatever I told you, they are just... a fraction of zillion, zillion of the feeling that I cannot

describe, and you know that. Because when God blesses you, it’s only you and God knows. But there are different feelings all the time. Not always the same, never bored, never one enlightenment fixed like this. No, no, no, no! Every day different.

Q. I would like to know: If You are, except being a Master, if You also have some mystical

powers, or if You had some sort of unusual experiences, and You can tell us about it. M. Yes, like what? [Q: From Your life.] Unusual experiences... [Q: Yes.] I cannot tell you

enough; I could write a thousand books. Too many! And all of our brothers and sisters, every one of them can write thousands of books about unusual experiences and mystical power that God has bestowed upon us, since the time of initiation or enlightenment. Of course, we have. We have everything because God is everything. Once Hes blesses us with the connection, we will have everything. The mystical power is only used whenever permitted by our Father. And any mystical power that you feel from me, or at all, that’s also from Hirm. Everything is Hirm! I’m gone, I’m finished! I’m just a tool.

Q. Could You please talk more about the technique? M. Yes, afterwards, afterwards. It must take time. Takes time to explain everything so that

you can do it yourself at home while I’m gone, so you will be your own Master and don’t have to ask me every day, every minute. I have to tell you everything. It takes some time.

Q. I would like to ask You if You tried other methods other than the Quan Yin, and what is the

difference in the feeling? M. Yes, I did try many methods. Yes, before I arrived there, I tried different methods. This

one, short one. The shortest for the busy one like you. You work, you feed your family,

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you take responsibility for your brother, sister, mother, wife, kids; you don’t have too much time. So this is the short one.

Q. How can I take into myself all the knowledge? How can I condense the knowledge from

the books and use it, all the books of the past and use it? M. To condense all the books, it is impossible because there are too many books. So there is

one way to understand quickly without much effort, it is to access directly into the knowledge of God, which is within ourselves, and which is the way I will try to explain to you later if you have time to sit down with me for a couple of hours. And then, that’s it. Just one time, a couple of hours, then it lasts for a lifetime. You can do whatever you want with it, and you access into the kingdom of God and learn yourself. Because I am not your teacher; you are the one. You will teach yourself. I just teach you how to feed yourself. Just like I teach you how to cook, then you can do it yourself. I don’t teach really. I just show you. I am not your teacher, God is your teacher. I am going to show you the way to be back to the kingdom of God again so that God can teach you, not I will teach you. The one who points at the light is not the light himself, all right? I turn off the light, but I am not the light. I turn on the light, I am not the light. Yes, I represent the Light because in a way I am the Light, too, just like you are the Light. Because we have Light within ourselves, because the kingdom of God is within us, and the bible said, 'This is only the temple that houses the Holy Spirit.' So in a way, yes, I am the Light, you are the Light, and we are all Light because we came from Light. Where else do we come from? What else should we be made of? Darkness? No! Right? Not. Because our Father is Light, our Father is Love and Almighty, so are we.

Q. How can a person combine this way of life with hard work and pressure? M. It’s not a combination. It’s a way of life! It’s a must! You have forgotten to include it in the

so-called 'our life.' Our life is missing a little part, that is the 'contemplation' part, that is the 'quieting down the mind' part. That’s why our life is so incomplete, so suffering and tiring, so we must remember this little part. Then it’s more whole, that’s all. It’s not a combination. It’s a must! It’s already there. You have forgotten. Sometimes we read the bible or the Torah, we see all the experience of God, of heaven, of the past spiritual Masters or spiritual disciples of the Masters. And we wish, 'I would give anything to have the same experience. I would give anything to see God, to see the Light of God, to hear God.' Don’t you think so? Yes, then give a little. Give two hours a day, one hour a day. That’s not much. We have 24 hours to work for the physical body, for the world. Only one, two hours for God. That is not a combination. It’s not a compromise. It’s a way of life. We must complete our life. Actually, it does not take much of your time. The time we take, for example, to gossip on the phone, we cut it off. We sit for ten minutes, half an hour, to connect with God, to gossip with God, complain to God, demand something. These are the times we must talk to God. We have only one Father, and we don’t talk to Hirm. And when Hes talks, we don’t listen. Isn’t that the life? Yes! We listen to everybody except Hirm. And then we complain Hes doesn’t hear our prayer, Hes doesn’t hear our request. Hes does! And Hes answers all the time. We just don’t take time to listen. We must quiet down in order to hear Hirm.

Q. What is the meaning of life on Earth in Your opinion? M. That’s a very long, long question. I’ll make it short. The meaning, the purpose of life on

Earth, is to find God. You’d be surprised. I will explain. Because we were with God all the time, throughout eternity, we enjoyed bliss, heaven – we were always happy. We had

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everything, and we took it for granted because nothing else to compare – no suffering to understand bliss, no sadness to appreciate pleasure, no hardship to understand the ever-ready blessing and all the comfort that God gives to us. So God sent us here to learn again, to relearn again, to enjoy heaven again, so that when we come back there, we’ll enjoy. We’ll understand both sides of nature. That’s what it is. So if we do not find God in our life to balance this or to return to Hirm, we will suffer a lot because this is not our life, this is not our house. The physical dimension is just a temporary experience so that we return to heaven, enjoy God more, enjoy heaven more.

Q. What must we do for the Lord in the year 2000? M. Whoever asked that question is a very, very devoted disciple of God. That is a very good

question, I like that, because most of us always ask, 'How can we tell God to do this, to do that for us?' And this is the first time I heard this – 'What can we do for the Lord?' – and this is really nice. Actually, we don’t have to do anything for God in the year 2000, but we could do everything, anything for ourselves, any years of thousands. Because we need to know God, and then we can ask Hirm directly, 'Father, what do You want? Can I do something for You?' And then, Hes will say, 'No, my child, just enjoy. Because when you enjoy, I enjoy. When you are happy, I am happy.' That’s what Hes told me. That’s why Hes tries in every way to please us, to give us whatever we want. Even though something material, something also not very favorable to us, Hes still gives it if we want it, because Hes wants us to be happy. Because when we are happy, our Father is happy. Every father is like that!

Q. If God is kind and good, how can You explain the Holocaust? M. How can I explain everything else even? No. God is kind, absolutely, even with the

Holocaust. It’s just that we do not see the kindness the way it is. We expect kindness in a different way. We expect God to do things the way our brain thinks. But God has Hiers own wisdom and Hiers own purpose and plan for every single blade of grass on this planet and anywhere else in the universe. If you have the opportunity to ascend to heaven and meet the souls of the so-called victims of the Holocaust, you will hear from them what a bliss, joy, beauty, blessing, happiness that they receive after they left this physical prison, so-called the body. They will not have any regret at all. Just we, we have seen it with the physical eyes, we hear with physical ears, we think in our physical brain, we feel with our physical heart, we cannot understand. But if we go to heaven, meet the ones that have gone there – nothing ever happened to them. The victims are not the Jewish people in the Holocaust. The victims are the ones who inflict suffering on them because they are so ignorant, they are far from God, and they suffer a lot, a lot for what they do. But the so-called victims, they enjoy. They leave the prison, they leave the limitation of this physical world – they have everything absolutely! And they’re very happy, I want to tell you. Whoever inflicts suffering upon another being are the ones who will suffer, and a longer time, because of their own conscience, not that God punishes them. God never ever punishes anyone or any being. Just we have our free will. Whatever we choose to do, there’s a consequence. And if we choose to inflict suffering upon others, that suffering will return to us thousand fold. And that’s the way we have to learn all the time. So whoever victimizes us, whoever treats us badly, bless them, bless them, because they will be in trouble. Thank you.

That’s why in the holy scriptures, it is said that 'love your enemies,' because they really,

really need love. They really need it so much. They lack it, they don’t have it. They are so short of it. That’s why they can do all these terrible things to other brothers and sisters.

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And the ones who are victimized will be loved by God, will be welcomed by God, will be comforted, will be compensated a thousand, million fold to make up for their suffering. So they will be the ones who gain much, much, much. So I hope I make myself clear. Thank you.

Q. Is there any connection between Your visiting Israel and the fact that the Dalai Lama is

also here? M. Well, I did not know. I go anywhere God sends me. I don’t schedule, really. If he visits your

country, blessed be your country. Blessed be this holy man. That’s good. Your country is visited by so many beautiful people, you’re so blessed. God loves your people so much. Hes keeps sending beautiful, holy people to bless your land. Your country can do anything. God bless you so much.

Q. Do You think that children could experience these things? M. Yes. We have many children from six years old! They talk to God all the time, better than

adults, because they are more pure, more simple – they have not the problems, the trouble that we have. As we grow up, we have to take care of so many things, and we’ve been troubled so much by our job, our business and every demand. But children, they don’t have anything to do, they are so carefree, so they very, very easily get to God, instantly, anytime! They are much better than us. That’s why children should learn because when they learn as a kid, they’ll never forget, and they always, always keep the constant contact with God, better than us. All our children are better than our adults. I think some of you must remember when you were very young, from the day you were born until the age of three or four. Some of you still remember the contact with God all the time, and then as we grow older, four, five, six, seven, then we began to learn too many physical experiences, and then the experience with God, the contact with God fades every day. Now we grow up, we forgot completely. Yes, children are always in contact with God – very young children, up to the age of four, five. Because the connection, it just has faded a little, so we reconnect it, and it’s very quick. And that’s why the bible also mentions that, 'You have to return, you have to become as a child again in order to enter the kingdom of God.' Yes, you have to put down everything, sit in complete concentration on God. That’s difficult, but I can show you how. I can make it easier. If you know the way, it’s easier.

Q. What is the origin of Your system of meditation? Would You outline briefly the technique of

meditation? What happens at the time of initiation? Is it necessary for the successful, spiritual progress?

M. Yes. There is actually no system of any kind to find God because God is always there. All I

do is just remind you where to look for Hirm, or if the connection is severed, I just fix it for you. I’m like a technician, I fix where it’s wrong and then you connect again. Therefore, there is no written system. I have to do it personally. And since it is invisible, it is the abstract kind of connection, I do it in an abstract way. It’s not that I have to use any tools, or use your hand, my hand or my feet – I don’t do anything physical to you during the initiation. In fact, I don’t have to even be at the place of initiation because God will do everything, through this office. So wherever the office is, it’s all right because God’s power is very strong. It’s just that Hes needs some physical tool to work with because if God power was to descend directly from heaven to us, we’d die. We’d be broken into pieces, into powder. We can’t bear it. We have to kind of moderate it in order to suit the physical frame, and slowly, slowly, we will become one with God, then we can be used to being one with God again. So God has to, like, train someone in an abstract way to be a

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technician, to regulate this power. That’s it! But you have it in you. Just fix it back to you. So there’s no system. You don’t have to cross legs like this. You can sit like that. I told you I was in samadhi during the ride to Jerusalem. And some of our brothers and sisters, they washed dishes and God came, and they dropped the dishes sometimes. Yes, sometimes they drive car, and they can see God, see the Light of God, hear the music of heaven; see angels talk to them, tell them things, or advise them; see Jesus, see Buddha, see Muhammad, see Moses, see whomever you believe. Well, this I cannot promise, but many of us see. Not everyone might see, depends on how sincere and how much effort. I cannot promise that you, the Christian, will see Jesus, or the Jews will see Abraham, because sometimes God makes jokes. Hes makes the Jewish see Buddha and the Christian see Abraham. I cannot promise this. Yes, it’s true, it’s true. Hes does that so that we know. Thank you. Hes does that to show us that all religions belong to Hirm, and all are one. Thank you, thank you so much. I’m so blessed by your enlightening attitude and your deep understanding, your trust. I’m so blessed. I am really grateful. No wonder I feel so good. I mean, at least my body feels so good here.

Q. Can I teach this meditation to other people, to family and friends? M. Yes, you can, after you master it. After you master it and after you are ready, God will tell

you, 'Okay, teach people.' Then you have to! At that time, it’s not that you can or ‘not can,’ you must! Because Hiers will is the only one that exists at that time. You don’t have any more of your will. But take your time first, learn it first. Only when you master English can you teach English to other people. Only when you master medical skills can you treat patients; otherwise, you will endanger both of us, both the teacher and the students. Because the students will learn only half-baked cake, and the teacher doesn’t have enough power and knowledge to help the student when he is stuck in the middle and has trouble with the negative power.

Q. Is the only difference between us and You the consciousness? Are we all equal? Can we

all be enlightened? What is the envy? M. Of course, we are equal. There is nothing else but equality between us. Everyone is

already enlightened. Everyone is already within God, or with God. It’s just not everyone remembers and realizes Hiers presence, right here, right there, and all over the place, in you, in me, in the flowers, et cetera. So it takes time. I’ll show you how to remember it. That’s why I told you I am not your teacher because you already are the teacher. Even you need a teacher, God is the only one. Before you even meet the Almighty, the highest point of Godhood, you probably will meet Jesus, Buddha, or whomever inside will teach you also all the way. I can only teach you physically how to get there in spirit, then you learn by yourself. And with all the many wonderful teachers in the spirit world, they’re there to help you, to assist you. Sometimes, they also shove them to me, inside also. In my higher dimension, they also say, 'Here, it’s Yours!' Yes, sometimes Jesus does that. Because a lot of Christian people come and learn with us, and they meet Jesus all the time. And some people already met Jesus before, and then they talked to Jesus, and Jesus told them to come to me. Because probably we have affinity, and Jesus is too busy. He just delegates whatever He doesn’t want to do, just 'come here,' tell me to do it.

Q. We love You. How can we love ourselves? So much guilt. M. Guilt is our worst enemy. God loves us. If we want to love ourselves, there is only one way

– learn to know who we really are first. The one we cannot love now is not the real one. The one who makes mistakes, the one who likes to drink coffee, the one who likes to drive

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fast, the one who eyes the neighbor’s wife, is not our Real Self! Our Real Self is splendid, is glorious, is powerful, is loving, is compassionate, is 'all one' with the universe and with God. So, only when we learn to know this Real Self, then we can love ourselves, all right? You love me because God is here in me, and you can feel that. You can feel Hirm through this physical body. That’s why you love me. You don’t love me because of this physical, small frame. So, in order to love yourself like that, you must learn to know who you really are, and I will show you. The only thing that separates ourselves from God is our own thinking that God is separated from us. So there is a way to banish this thinking and go direct through to see God. Then you know God is you, you are Hiers children, you are a part of Hirm, you are one with Hirm, just like the drop of water in the ocean. The drop of water in the ocean is also the ocean.

Q. How do we know when we get to the point of enlightenment? Are there defined levels for

being enlightened? Or in each person it’s different? How can we combine the good things in Western life with spiritualism? And all the jewelry and the material things, don’t they stand contrary to spiritualism?

M. Yes, there are different levels of enlightenment, but it’s all within us. Just like today, we get

used to a portion of God, tomorrow we get used to more, because God’s knowledge is vast, so we have to go in different levels, of course. But then we are all that, we are all that! Just like the ladder – step 1, step 2, step 3, step 'last' make the whole ladder. And also, at the time of enlightenment, you will know immediately. You must know. Enlightenment means 'en-lighten,' means Light. You will see the Light of God at that time. And if you are already in a higher level of consciousness, then you see more intense Light and many thousands of suns. And if you are not yet in the fully concentrated state at the time of transmission, you’ll probably see dimmer Light, or dimmer color, dimmer splendor, dimmer kind of glimpse of heaven, or different level of music of heaven to show you where you are at that moment. But that doesn’t mean you’ll stay there forever. You go up all the time. And that’s the purpose of meditating every day, to upgrade your level. Just like learning in college, class by class, day by day, we go up all the time. So doesn’t matter which level we are now, we always go up and be one, be in the highest level, at any time. Sometimes it takes a few weeks, sometimes it takes a few months, sometimes it takes a few years – it depends on each individual. But we are all the same originally, and we will be the same finally. And at the time of initiation – so-called initiation, transmission – you see the Light right away so you know you are enlightened. You cannot not know. Thank you. Your translation is perfect. It’s very difficult to translate, very difficult. Very difficult, especially spiritual stuff. You have to have concentration and skill, talents. Everything needs learning. Learn to go to heaven, also there is a way. Learn to translate, there’s a way. There are ways for everything.

Q. I know God is there, but why God doesn’t help us when we are in trouble, when we are

asking so much to help us? I know that Hes listens, but I pray so much to Hirm and so much, I don’t have answers.

M. Hes answers all the time. Hes always helps us. It’s just that we do not know Hiers way. I

have explained before, we must go inside the kingdom of God to see Hiers working, to see Hiers plan for the universe, then we will understand why such and such things happen. Things happen always for our best, best benefit. But we expect different. We think, 'Okay, now if God loves me, Hes must give me money, beautiful wife, good husband, good job, obedient children, never sick, never poor, never trouble.' It is not always like that that Hes helps us. Hes does help in many, many different ways, and it’s

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always for the best. Only when we come inside, we can see how Hes works, then we will be only grateful every day, every day.

So you see, when Jesus died, He didn’t blame the Father. He did not! Otherwise, He

could have escaped. He knew already before that, but He didn’t go away. He knows, Father told Him already His time has come. He’ll go back to the higher dimension, a better place, so a little suffering physically means nothing to Him.

Same to us, physical suffering, hardship, will mean nothing, nothing to us. In the face of

death, we laugh and say good-bye to life. That’s the way of the enlightened people. So, you must be enlightened, then you know why everything is. You’ll never ever have to ask me or anybody else, whoever that may be, because you have knowledge.

Q. Having been informed that, as a healer, I am not fit to be initiated, I would very much like

the Master to advise me how I could join the spiritual experience. Note I am practicing the Reiki method, originated on the Far East wisdom.

M. Yes, I am not telling you to stop your healing as a healer. I just want to show you a greater

way to be a healer, to be a greater healer, the one that Jesus was, the one that people just touched His garment and they are healed. And Jesus did not even claim it! He said, 'Your faith has healed you.' My Father has healed you.' Because He has no more ego. He doesn’t lay hands on people no more, He doesn’t pray for people no more, He doesn’t do nothing. Everything the Father does. That is the greatest healer of all time, and that is the status that we should be, all of us, because we are the children of God. We have all this power. The whole universe belongs to us. Anything you want to do, you can, but you have to be one with this power, one with God, and let God do it and not be just one individual healer, have to use physical means to heal people. So I want to show you to be a greater healer. If you are ready for that, join us. If you are not ready for that, stay where you are and enjoy your work. If you enjoy it, do it. Do whatever is best for you, do whatever makes you feel happiest. You don’t have to come to me if you are happy where you are. Do whatever suits you at this moment. If you want to join us, we welcome you. No attachment, no condition, no money, now, hereafter, nothing! I am here to serve you. But if you enjoy where you are, it’s okay, too. We are all okay in the eyes of God. Depends on what we want to do, Hes helps us. If you want to stay as a nurse, it’s good. If you want to learn as a doctor, you have to forsake this work and study further. Thank you. In all the bibles, you don’t hear of any prophet who heals anybody by physical means. Anyone being in their presence, if it is the will of the Father, they will be healed through being near the prophet, or near the Master, or through praying to the Master, even thousands of miles apart. If God wills that person to be healed through the Master, that will be done. But the Master doesn’t do physical things.

That’s why Jesus doesn’t claim any miracle that He made. People claim! People said, 'Oh!

He healed the sick, He healed the blind.' In fact, because they know it is through Him that they are healed. But Jesus or any Master or Abraham, or Muhammad never deliberately do things to claim that, 'Okay, it’s me, I healed you.' No, because to do that would defame our Father, would be very arrogant, I’m sorry to say. You also will hear, if you are near our people, our brothers and sisters, who learn the same method, same with me, practice the same way, you will hear a lot of miracle stories like that from them, and they will tell you that it’s I who do it. But I always tell them again, again, and again, and now, that I don’t do anything. If there’s any benefit comes through me, it is the Father who does it. I don’t ever do anything without Hiers will. So every time people come to me and thank me for any cure of sickness, miracle, whatever grave illness they have escaped, or they write me

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letter, I always thank the Father because I know it is Hirm, Hiers doing. I know for sure. No one else is there except Hirm. Or the Mother, okay, Mother, Father, yes, whatever.

Q. What is the connection between the Ching Hai that God is speaking through Her, and the

Ching Hai that is seen in the video cassette? And what is the connection between mysticism and business?

M. There is only one who uses the physical body. Even all the things that the physical body

does is also the blessing, from God’s blessing that this physical body can do this, do that. It’s not the physical body that you call Ching Hai. No! It’s just an office. Ching Hai is something else. Ching Hai in Chinese means the Ocean of Love. This means God, the Mother, the Father. That’s the One that we came from. That’s the One that we love, that we want to go back to. And since Hes has killed my physical ego and taken over this office, people also call me by that name because they think that it is the Father that speaks through me, that does all these wonderful things to them through me, and teaches them through me. That is correct, too.

But also, in the physical world, this physical body needs food, needs car, needs air ticket

to come here, so this physical body has to do something to get the means to do that. Because in the bible, it says, 'You must earn your money by the sweat of your brow.' So the same with this being. I don’t take donation, so I have to work. When I first came to this hall, you never knew me before in your life. It’s the first time, but you show so much love. You want to hug me, kiss me, shake my hand, everybody. Why? What did I do to you? What did this physical being do to you? Nothing! You love me because you feel God within me that manifests fully – or at least more than normal – so you feel that love, you love that God which is within this frame. So that is the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Yes. I love you so much. I could die for you. Really.

Q. Can I really fulfill my wishes? What is the way? M. Yes, you can. I told you the source of all fulfillment is our Father. Only when we know the

treasure, the limitless treasure in heaven, can we feel really fulfilled, no matter what we have or where we are.

Q. What to do when I am angry or hurt? How can you stop these feelings? M. Don’t stop it! Don’t stop your anger or hurtful feeling. Just go through it and quickly with no

resentment and heal it after. Anger, hurt, pain is the natural feeling of physical elements. It’s just you don’t know how to handle anger, that is the problem. If somebody hurts you, of course you feel hurt. You are not a wooden table. And when people provoke you unreasonably, or you think that they provoke you, you are bound to be angry, and that is all right. But we must understand, the nature of anger is not very constructive most of the time. So if we have to be angry, get it over with. Don’t try to suppress too much your anger, you’ll be sick, you’ll be crazy. It’s a natural feeling. Don’t carry it too long; you’ll drown yourself in anger. It’s no good for yourself and for the party involved. Get angry, talk. You don’t have to be sarcastic or hurtful when you talk. Just air your view and tell them that they made you angry because, because, because... And you wish that in the future it doesn’t happen again because you are not going to tolerate it again. Air your view, finish, and love each other again. That’s what I think.

Most of the time when we were young, we were taught that we should not show anger, we

should not show hurt. And so we keep repressing it, thinking it’s no good, no good, no

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good. But this is too natural within us, we cannot help it, so we just let it be. But we just know, the anger, the quality and the real face of anger, and we’re in control of it, and don’t let the anger be our master. That’s all. We just know, 'Okay, I am angry, because you hurt me.' If somebody hits you, you feel pain, and that’s natural. So just say it. Because sometimes also misunderstanding. You tell the party and he has also a chance to explain, 'No, I didn’t mean that way. I meant this way.' And then, either way it would be good. If the person doesn’t mean that, then you don’t feel angry any more. And if the person really meant that bad, and after he heard that you’re hurt, you’re pained, you’re angry, he will change, he will understand, and it’s good for both of you. Otherwise, we always say, 'You give me headache.' 'You are a pain in the neck.' 'You are a pain in somewhere else,' et cetera, et cetera. It’s true. It’s true. Anger suppressed can make you ill physically. So don’t hurt yourself more by swallowing the poisonous anger within you. Spit it out in a proper way.

Q. How and when can you lose your ability to practice Quan Yin? How will I know if I am

doing it well or losing it? M. In case, if you are just beginning, you still have questions, you can contact us, and I send

people to help you or I answer you, your letter, or you come to see me, and I talk to you, or I come to see you. Yes, you are always free. My services are always free, always available. If I am not here, I leave someone here with you for a while until you know, you are sure that you are doing right, and you are sure you don’t need us. And you can always see us, or write to us, so no problem. We are very, very fortunate in this era of our time because we have telephone, we have fax, we have internet. We have airplane, we see each other in no time. No problem. Besides, we have inner connection, which never ever cut off. You have my telephone inside, 24 hours, you can always call me inside. I’m always standing by, always. Before you ask the question, the answer is already there. Believe me, you will experience this. It’s not the physical Master that you need. It’s God. So Hes will connect you with Hirmself. And every time you ask Hirm in my name, Hes will answer you. You don’t even need to see this physical body. You’re safe all the time.

Q. Why are soft drugs – poison by Your definition – disturbing in meditation? M. There is nothing such as soft drugs. Drug is drug, and it makes you disturbed. Not disturb

the meditation, disturb your whole being, and poison your mind and make you blurred, make you not in control of yourself, damage your cells, damage your nerves, damage your body, your family.

Q. Is the negative power independent of God, or it is Hiers agent? M. It’s also God’s agent. Once we will be highly enlightened, not only the angels will have to

serve us, the so-called devil, the negative power also bows to us, too. They have to serve us. Then you learn to know him as a masked loving saint, loving angel. He does all the negative tricks to push us more ahead with God-realization to strengthen our determination to find God. He is a loving, beautiful, compassionate angel, the so-called devil. He’s there so that we don’t listen to him. He tempts us so that we have to stay away. He tells us to do things so we have to say, 'No!' Just like Jesus said to the devil, 'Get you behind me,' when he offered Jesus Three Worlds. Three Worlds mean this physical world, the astral world, and another higher world. To be king of these three wonderful worlds, Jesus said, 'I don’t want it. Get lost.' That’s the way we should say to the devil any time he tempts us to do something that takes us away from God. Anything that is good for others,

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we should do. Anything that is not good for others, not good to ourselves, we don’t do. That’s very simple. Very simple to know what’s devil, what’s good.

Q. How can we know for sure that You are not a false prophet? How can we make the

distinction between You and a false prophet? M. Do I look false to you? Do I say anything that is false? Do I teach you anything that is

against your moral understanding and conscience? Right. Even if I am false, is there any better way to live your life than the way I have just talked to you? Yes or no? Right. You cannot prove I am false or not false. I don’t also want to prove it to you. I want to help you to prove to yourself that you are great. That’s all I’m doing, and it’s up to you to make a decision based on what I’m telling you. If what I’m telling you is truth, and you can believe in it, and it’s logical to your wisdom, then you try. If what I tell you is doubtful, is not appealing to you, you don’t try. Very simple, only two choices. You still can read first maybe more of my books, or you can get a free sample book, a free magazine every month, and see how our people progress and doing it, until you are completely sure. Or you go home and pray to Abraham, pray to Jesus, Muhammad, whomever you believe, ask them to guide you, to give you a correct intuition about what you should do with my service. No rush, we have eternity. You can choose to know God today, or you can choose to know God next day, next month, next year. It’s your life.

Q. Why is there pressure in the area of the chest when you get enlightenment? And why the

pain in the heart is so hard? Why, as the more we feel the love, we feel the pain? M. Oh, no! It’s not so. It’s not so, sweetheart. You do the other method not correctly. If you

are not doing the Quan Yin method, then you go ask your teacher. If you do other method, go back, ask your teacher a way to ease this pain. And even if you do the Quan Yin method or you think you are doing it, maybe you forget something. Ask us again. The pain is not from God or love. The pain is from our own resistance of love, our own habitual way of negative thinking. In case you could not find your teacher, it’s not that the more you find love, the more pain you have. This is wrong! Never, never, never. Even if you should experience pain for some reason, maybe physical pain because you sit in the wrong position, or you have air-con in the wrong place, or you struggle too much between the mind’s pleasure-loving, and the spiritual urge to see God, that should be very short-lived and very bearable. It’s not that the more you go, the more pain, no, no, no! So check it out; you’re in trouble.

In our way, the more you’re near God, the more love you receive, the more happy you will

become, the more smooth your life, the more intelligent, the more successful, the more blissful. There is no such thing even as physical pain during the process of more and more enlightenment. No such thing. No. Never! Even all your pain disappears, on the contrary. All your pain disappears. Even your terminal cancer is sometimes gone, and the doctor doesn’t know why. So I tell you, you have to check it. It’s wrong to feel pain. People just go near an enlightened Master, like Jesus or Buddha, their pain disappears. How would you have pain even, if you’re in the process of becoming a Master yourself? You see? It’s not logical. Some of the people feel their pain is gone during this lecture. If you have, you raise your hand. Thank you. See that? Thank you. You have seen me before? First time? First time, you see! Not trying to advertise. I told you, everything I tell you is the truth, complete truth, nothing but the truth. You’ll have more when you go home, not just the pain disappears. Many other things will happen to you. Many wonderful things. If you believe and pray for it.

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BE A TORCHBEARER FOR GOD 3 [Africa, the second largest continent on Earth, is considered blessed by the hand of God. The Motherland, as it is often called, due to the belief that it was the birthplace of humanity, is teeming with wildlife. A strong life energy exists in its emerald green jungles, which are the sanctuaries of exotic flora and fauna. Its majestic mountains hold earth's hidden treasures of gold, platinum, and diamonds. The Nile, winds and twists its way for over four thousand miles northward from eastern Africa to Egypt, providing life source for countless creatures of God living under the limitless African sky. There are mountains on this earth which are revered and worshipped, such as Mount Kailas in the Himalayas, Mount Ararat, the holy mountain of Armenians, Mount Sinai in the Middle East, and T'ai Shan in China. Most people in other parts of the world may not know, but Africa is also a land with many sacred mountains such as Mount Kenya – the 'Mountain of Brightness,' Ol Doinyo Lengai – 'Mountain of God,' and Mount Kilimanjaro, the continent's highest peak. The lush slopes of Kilimanjaro are considered to be 'God's backyard,' and its summit is believed to be the final resting place of the dead. Death is part of a cycle that is inevitable and inescapable, subsuming even the glorious civilizations of Africa's past which have come and gone, such as the great kingdoms of the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra, and King Menelik of Abyssinia. All that is left of their magnificent histories are archeological treasures. Their songs and dances serve as distant memories of brilliant ancient times. Many great and gifted beings have emerged from the African ancestry including Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., actor Bill Cosby, and supermodel Iman, who exemplify the grace and talents of the African people. God continues to bless Africa through a living Master, whose mission of sharing the love from the Most High with humankind, brought Her to this land. In 1995, Supreme Master Ching Hai came to Côte D'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. The First Lady of the Ivory Coast, Mrs. Henriette Bedie invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Presidential Palace as an honored guest. Upon learning of the condition of the local hospitals, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately made a contribution to purchase necessities, equipment and medicine. She then was accompanied by the prince of the Ivory Coast to the orphanages in the city of Abidjan. Supreme Master Ching Hai then continued on Her journey to the kingdom of Benin, once one of the most advanced of African civilizations. The royal family had arranged for a grand reception at the airport to greet their national guest. King Aguli Agbo and his queen welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai to their palace and expressed their honor at receiving Her in their country. During Her stay in Benin, Supreme Master Ching Hai also visited hospitals, poor villages and several orphanages run by convent nuns. Supreme Master Ching Hai showered the children with Her love and gifts. She also made a contribution to the orphanage of Saint Enfant Jesus in order for them to add more facilities. Before Her departure from this country, the First Lady of Benin, Mrs. Nicephore Soglo, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to her official residence, where a friendly meeting took place between them. Upon returning to Formosa, concerned for the welfare of its children, Supreme Master Ching Hai had more medical supplies shipped to Benin. The people of the Ivory Coast and Benin were most grateful to have had such a benevolent and compassionate guest who brought God's love to them and their lands. In subsequent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members have also contributed through the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to war victims in Rwanda, famine victims in Sudan, and spiritual organizations in Uganda. Association members continue to carry out such charitable work by reaching out and helping the poor, homeless and orphans throughout the year. 3. Public lecture, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 25th, 1999 (Originally in English).

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In November and December 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai traveled to the great continent of Africa again during Her Middle East and South Africa lecture tour titled 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living.' She was invited to lecture in three of South Africa's largest cities – Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. Truth seekers in these cities yearned for the nectar of God to satisfy their inner longing. Following the Cape Town lecture, the last on Her tour, an international retreat was held. Association members from all nations came together for the common purpose of praying for world peace. As Africa has gained the world's attention as a land of many cultures and beliefs, Cape Town, South Africa, was chosen as the ideal location to host the Parliament of the World's Religions on December 1st through 8th, 1999. Supreme Master Ching Hai was among the world spiritual and religious leaders who were invited to speak at the Parliament's opening ceremony and made a special prayer as well. Afterwards, a group of Zulu children dancers had the honor of meeting Supreme Master Ching Hai. Touched by their pure hearts and sincerity, Supreme Master Ching Hai made a generous contribution for them. During the course of Her visit, Supreme Master Ching Hai not only shared the noble teachings of the Truth with the people of South Africa but also made philanthropic contributions to the poor and less fortunate amounting to about USD100,000. Many members of the media also requested to interview Supreme Master Ching Hai. Although Her time was limited, She granted several interviews to some of the major newspapers, radio and television stations. Everywhere She went, the African people warmly welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai as an honored guest in their land, as She brought a message of peace and love to their people. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'Be A Torchbearer For God,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Johannesburg, South Africa on November 25th, 1999.] Thank you, thank you. You call me Master, but you are all Master. You just forget, you just forget. When we are united, when we remember the unity of the universe, which include ourselves, then we remember that we are one with God, one with the all-pervasive Intelligence. And when we have forgotten this, then we have forgotten everything. And we try to remember that through different means, like prayers, scriptures, yogas, meditation. All these are good. All these are good for us. One day we will truly remember that we are all Masters. There is no one in this room or anywhere else who is not a Master. Because we cannot be separated from the Master who is all-pervasive. And we are in that pervasiveness, and we are one with that, and that's the only thing we are made of. There is nothing else that's made of our beings except God-essence, except the greatest things, that we call Truth, Wisdom, God, Goddess, Buddha... name whatever you like to call this Greatest Being in the universe which is even one with us, with every of us. That's why at the time of death, the so-called ourselves, or the body, just lays flat on the ground, or anywhere, and doesn't move. Because that essence of all movement, of all activities, has chosen to leave that physical instrument for that time, maybe seeking another instrument for further experiencing the limitless, the vastness, of this Great Being which we call God, which is one with us, actually. Once we've found the unity again with this all-pervasive Intelligence, all-pervasive Love, we call this enlightenment, we call this God-realization or Self-realization or attaining Buddhahood. Different countries name this Intelligence, this Wisdom, this greatest Love, by different terminology, because they speak different languages. Otherwise, there is just one, the Oneness that encompasses all things, including ourselves. And we are never ever separated from this Oneness, even if we try. The only reason we feel separated from this Oneness is because we have chosen to forget the unity so that we can re-experience again this

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greatness and we can recreate ourselves again through forgetfulness, or remember again the bliss of heaven, of unity with God, which is ourselves, our Greatest Self. That's why when we are dying... For example, many people ask me all the time, 'What happens when we die?' I always say, 'I didn't die yet, so I don't know.' But we could experience the feeling of death during our deepest prayers or contemplation. When we are in the deepest prayers, we will be oblivious to all the surroundings, including ourselves, and all the worries will depart from us. This is the time when the Indian yogis call 'samadhi'. During this samadhi time we will experience oneness with God, almost like the time when we die. That's why in the bible, it is mentioned that, 'Learn to die so that you will begin to live.' And a saint also said, 'I die daily.' 'Whoever forsakes the flesh for the spirit will find God,' et cetera, et cetera. How do we forget or forsake the flesh? Every day we have so much problem of living, of survival. Every little things that we see around us, everything we encounter during our lifetime, always tries to remind us that we are a physical being, we are just a mere mortal, a weak, feeble human being, helpless in front of destiny. So how can we forget this? We can! We can if we practice. We can if we know how. It is very simple. Every one of us can do this. We have children from six years old, even younger than that... five! They already experience oneness with God. They experience the phenomena feeling of forsaking the flesh and unite with the spirit, or visiting heaven while living. It's just like I am coming to Africa to visit your beautiful country, and then tomorrow or next days I will go back to another country, or back to where my house is. It is as simple as that. We could visit heaven and go back to earth again – not by the body, but by our own essence of being. We call it the soul or the spirit, which is always one with God. The body is just like a focus point so that the soul can pay all the attention there in order to gather some earthly experience that he wants to experience so that he can temporarily... If the soul is a he or a she – you know, we have to say something. Okay, she or he wants to experience something in this material existence, then that soul or that part of that great being of God has to focus on some point, focus so much so that he can forget completely about his oneness with God. At that moment, we are born, we say we are born in the physical world and we have a body. And so long as the soul or that part of God consciousness still concentrates on this focus point of the body or whatever body he chose to focus on, we say that that's a he, that's a she, that's a human being or that's a what. Actually, that part of the soul, or we call individual soul, has never left the whole of God consciousness. So we have never been really born, or we have never to die. But we could choose to forget completely about God, about the whole unity of ourselves, and just focus on this physical being. Then we would never experience Godhood, even though God is all over us, everywhere. But if we choose to be awakened, to remember, then we can. We can forsake our attention for a while, don't focus on this physical being for a while, we focus back to the unity... then we can find God. We realize that we have never left God, that we are one with God, and we are always never separated from God. So that is just the secret of the universe. It's nothing much more than ourselves, our own consciousness, makes choices all the time. We choose to be a human being, then we focus on a human body so we have experience of human life – all the sorrow, the suffering, the happiness, the adventures of the flesh, the pleasures, the pain. The moment we feel we have enough of physical experience, we want to experience something different, then we choose another choice. We might choose to be a Deva, or we might even choose to experience to be a flower – that's also possible! And that's why it is born, the theory of reincarnation, of transmigration into different levels of existence. But actually, we have never gone anywhere at all, neither go up nor go down. We're just... forever flowing in the life-force of the universe, forever being in Godhood, but forever experience different focus points for our own pleasure, for our own amusement. But while we are in the physical body, sometimes we have forgotten the wisdom of ourselves. Therefore, we

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have forgotten the choice that we have made before we came here. So the choice we have made might have led us to some pain or suffering. Then now we complain. We complain so much, because we don't like the suffering. The body doesn't like the suffering, the mind doesn't like the pressure. But that was what the soul wants to experience. He wants to experience pressure so that he can appreciate again the freedom in God consciousness. He wants to choose suffering so that he can enjoy thousand-fold again when he enters Eternal Bliss once more. And that's why we are here, so that we know God more, we know ourselves more. Just like we are the king of an ancient nation – sometimes a king disguised himself as a commoner and go among the people in order to understand what a true citizenship is like. And then when he comes back, he appreciates his position better – his comfortable palace, all the servants that serve him, all the power that he has. When he disguised himself as a commoner, he has to undergo all kinds of hardship, all kinds of ordinariness, just like every one of his subjects. He cannot reveal himself, that he is a king. In fact, he must completely cover up his identity so that he can truly, truly merge with the people of his nation and experience what their daily life is like. Similarly, we were once with God – I mean consciously, at that time. We have never been away from God, but now we are not consciously remembering that. So we've had enough of the suffering of this physical life, we've had enough of the mundane experience, so we get bored, we feel there's nothing really here anymore for us to enjoy. We would like to know where we come from, what else is there in this vast universe of God's creation that we should experience. This is the time... when we ask this question, when we wonder like this, this is the time we will experience enlightenment. We are ready! We are ready for it. So we came all this time to be a human being, to be different human beings. Sometimes if we have focused on one focus point or one human existence, and we didn't feel we have enough of physical enjoyment or physical adventure, then we focus on another existence of another human being again. And then we continue further, until we get tired. So actually, anyone who is ready can experience God's Light, God's unity and enlightenment. That is very simple like that. It's your choice only. You've chosen to forget, and now you have chosen to remember. So if you think you have chosen now to remember again, then of course I am here to serve you, because God has given me permission and ordered me to do that. And maybe one day, after you have remembered everything about your Self, God will also say the same to you, 'Go, my son! Go, my daughter! Do some service to my children, or to Myself.' Because we have never been separated from God, remember that. Even if you don't remember, just believe me. We have nowhere to go except inside God's consciousness. We have nowhere else except in God's house right now. Everywhere, Hes encompasses every being in this universe. All the flowers, the sun, the moon, the star, the planets, the galaxies, are all inside God. There is nothing that escapes Godhood. So even if we are not enlightened, we are alright, too. There is no hell actually, to go to. For a conscious soul, there is no such thing as hell, but just a temporary passing experience that he has to go through, in the course of eternity, because he has chosen to experience some so-called suffering in order to grow, in order to understand happiness again. Every soul, every little part of God, has chosen to walk a different path in order to experience different aspects of God. And the whole experience of all humankind or all beings is made of the wholeness of God. Therefore, Jesus said, 'Love thy neighbor.' Even, 'Love thy enemies.' Because... everyone is us! They have chosen to play that role only. There is no enemy, just us... just God's different focus points, to make life more abundant, more variety, more different, more colorful, just like Hes made us even so different colors so that we can enjoy each other. Like I look like yellow corn flakes... corn! And you look like chocolate. Yes, and he looks like icing. Christmas icing. Because God is colorful! Just like Hes made all different flowers different colors – even fruit! From the same soil, we obtain so many different fruits and different flowers. They are all

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different colors! The African people chose to always wear colorful clothes because inside I think they feel that they are very close to God. They are so happy! They know this is... So, there is not really anything mysterious or difficult about finding God or finding our True Selves because we have never been anything else but God, God's essence, one with God, or God's children, God's offspring, a spark of God, a part of God. It's just like the fish in the sea – he's born in the sea, he lives in the sea, and when it dies, it becomes the sea again. Things like that. So we have never run anywhere. I just want to tell you the good news that I have found out – that we don't have hell to go to, we'll never be forever condemned in that eternal darkness or suffering. There is no such thing as eternal suffering, because there is only eternal Love. The problem with us now is that we have to change our thinking. We have to change. We have too much guilty feeling, guilty fear about everything. Feel guilty if we're successful. People make us feel guilty if we are rich, even! If God gives us some richness or successful business, people make us feel guilty! Yes. If you have a beautiful wife, people make you feel bad also, sometimes. They come around and ask you, 'How did you get to know this beautiful woman?' Or they will ask her, 'What did you see in that guy? He's so ugly!' Things like that. Yeah, it's none of their business! They make you feel bad. Yes! They make you feel guilty if you have a lot of money. They make you feel guilty if you are successful in political or business. And the whole world is feeling guilty about so many things because we have been taught that way. This doctrine is never right. So Jesus has to come, Moses has to come, to set us free – set us free not just by His sacrifice, but by the teaching, telling you that God is all-loving, 'Knock and it shall be opened. Ask and it shall be given unto you.' But where do you knock? Yes. We couldn't even knock anymore. We are too weak! We are burdened with guilt and fear, fear from this revengeful God. There is no such thing as a revengeful God. If Hes is revengeful, Hes is like us, like you and me, War God, you know? 'You do something good to me or else!' This is not God! Can you imagine such a God? Then we have no need to worship such a small-minded, narrow person. If Hes is really a person, if there is a God like that, we should not worry about worshipping Hirm because it's just like one of any of the power-abusing people. Even in this planet, think about it: You have children or you have wife and husband. Sometimes your wife makes mistakes, your husband strays a little, you still forgive him, you still hug him, and, 'Okay, I forgive you. Don't do it again!' Or your kids sometimes give you so much trouble because they are stubborn, they don't listen to you, they cause you headache. You still forgive them, you still love them, and give them the best love that the parents can afford – even money, everything, sacrifice! So how would a God, the greatest Father or Mother of all the universe, could be revengeful, could condemn you to hell just because you are human, you don't know any better, and you make mistakes sometimes. So this kind of fear has been inflicted upon us generation after generations. That's why we find ourselves too weak now to even believe in there is a God who would even answer our prayers. That's why when we pray, we don't pray with the whole heart, we don't have conviction that our prayers will be answered. But it's stated in the bible, 'Knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given.' It is like that! It is truly like that about God. No matter what you did, what you do, Hes will always answer your prayers. We just have to listen. I am going to show you how to listen to Hirm. This, we have to change our way of thinking. We have to believe from today that God is all-forgiving, all-loving. Even if you don't believe God is all-forgiving, all-loving, you believe Jesus has come here and He has sacrificed for you. And I am going to show you that what He said is truth. I am going to show you that really there is a God – God Father, God Mother, or Buddha, whomever you believe... Allah, even. Anyone that you call Hiers Name by all your love, all your beauty, all your faith, that is the God who is always loving, never ever, ever criticize you, even for one fraction of the second. Anytime you turn to Hirm, no matter how badly you have done in your life, Hes will open the door... immediately!

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That's why we call this way immediate enlightenment, because it is immediate. And everyday you can repractice again and again until you completely remember that there is only one thing in this life, is God, and Hes is everywhere, and then you'll be happy. You'll be happy from the day you see Hiers Light, the first day already. Maybe today, if you trust me enough to offer this service to you, you can have it right away, no problem! You will see that whatever it is stated in the bible, it is 100% truth. Like Moses has seen God, Jesus has been one with God so that He become... Or, He's always been the son of God, but He is not the only son of God. We are also the son of God. God is not impotent! Hes didn't make only one son. Hes makes many. It's just Jesus has remembered, He has remembered the highest self of His connection with God. He has remembered the whole thing, and we have not remembered. That's all. There were two sons of the king. One has been wandering all over the land and has forgotten that he is a prince. The other stays with the father and remembers that he is a prince. Both are princes, yes. No difference! One day he remembers, he comes back. It's the same. Yes! So we are the wandering sons and daughters of God, and the moment you want to go Home, it's right there. Everything is created by thought only. For example, now we are in the physical body, so you do not understand much of the teachings of Jesus or Buddha. Because it is said that, 'Whatever you ask, your Father would give to you.' That means whatever you think of, whatever you wish for, will be fulfilled. But we cannot believe that because we are so prisoned by this physical shackle we call the body. So in order to experience the boundless love, the boundless, the all-pervasive, unconditional, eternal love of God, we have to rise above the body. And I will show you how to do that. It's very simple. You can do that on the bus, on the airplane, in the park, anywhere. There is no condition. I will show you how in a minute. And I can show you deeper, a different level of going... forsaking the body. If you want to go deeper, there are some things you'll have to know more, so it takes a couple of hours to explain to you. But the enlightenment is just seconds. The explanation takes longer. Why explanation? Because you have to do it alone at home and so you have to know everything. Yeah? So take care of yourself and be your own master. Then you don't have to call me Master anymore, you call yourself Master. Or don't even bother. We are friends, yes! Every one of us is equal, equal. Truly like that. So now, what were we... Okay, where did I... Oh, too many things from here. Ah, slow down, please! Hes talks so fast. My mouth is not fast enough because in the higher dimension, we don't even talk and we understood each other just... just like I am speaking to myself in my head. You know, so here is... the message comes through so fast, so sometimes I forgot, I couldn't catch up. Where were I before? Did I say something else before that? Rise above the body, right? Okay, okay. The reason we do not know we are one with God and everything we wish for or remember will always be right in front of our nose, is because we are shackled in this physical body. So to rise above the body, there is a way to do that. So we can even contact Jesus, contact Buddha or contact Muhammad, whomever the past Masters who have left the physical environment and entered another dimension. So in order to see them, we enter their dimension, then we see them. It's very simple, okay? I want to see African people the most, I come here. And I want to see English people, I go to England. Yes! There are some English people who come to my place sometimes, or some South African brothers come to my place sometimes, but they are rare, see? If I want to see the whole African people, I come here. That's it! If you want to see the whole heaven or Godhood or some celestial mansion, we have to rise up to their place. And we do that by thought – deep, deep, deep thought. I will show you how to garnish your power of thought in order to get out of this gate here, and enter another dimension at will anytime. You practice and you can do that anytime, anywhere. So what happens... why the saints say that we have to learn to die so that you begin to live, is that because if you learn to do this deep contemplation on deep thought prayers, then we can

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enter the dimension of the celestial being. And it's just similar to the moment of death to many, even ordinary people. Don't have to say practitioner, yogis or anything. Ordinary people, when their conscience is clear, their life has been a perfect example of goodness, when they die, they found themselves very liberated, they found themselves all-pervasive, everywhere at the same time, and nowhere that they are not. And whenever they want something, that thing just comes right in front of them. Whenever they think of somebody, that somebody will appear right in front of them, or in another word, they will project themselves immediately in front of the things that they desire or the person that they want to see. That's why when we learn to die, means we leave this physical body and die temporarily, we have this kind of experience too. And then we can know exactly that really, whatever we want, God grants it to us, God gives it to us. It's just in this physical body, we are so blind, deaf and dumb to celestial blessing, to God's love, that we feel so helpless. We are the most helpless when we are in this physical body. It's like you are locked in a box and the key has been thrown away in the river. It's like that, so helpless! That's why we have to learn to rise above this physical prison in order to truly experience the glory of love. Then we will be so happy every day that it doesn't matter where we are, doesn't matter how much we have or not have, we will be always contented, always happy. That's why Jesus did not move in the face of death. He said, 'Father, how much You have glorified me.' He accepted the crucifixion. He did not run away. He could have, He could have, anytime. A man of that power and knowledge, He can do anything! But He did not want to. Why should He run away from something that He knows can only make Him feel more glorified, more happy, more liberated? Why should He feel attached to this little prison when He knows the vastness of heaven? Why should He be attached to relatives and friends of this physical dimension, when He knows that He could see the Father in heaven, and He knows all of the brothers and sisters, all the relatives and friends, are all one with Him in the end, anyhow? That is true liberation. There is no freedom compared to this freedom in God-realization. That is the only true freedom that we should search for. I am willing to serve you in anyway I can if you think you are ready to make this choice again. You've had enough with this life, you want to have a different choice. But nevertheless, we do not forsake this world in order to go to heaven, no! We still can have both. For example, I am still here. I just enjoy heaven every day, but I enjoy also this life. You see, I enjoy your jewelry and your clothes very much. Sometimes people who are spiritual, if they choose to be successful also in this life, they can also be successful. Different Masters have chosen different ways to demonstrate the love of God. Some Masters have chosen the way of complete renunciation, like Jesus, like Buddha. But some Masters have chosen to make use of the gifts of God, or God has ordained them to do this. It depends on God's will whether you should be very rich materially as well as spiritually in this life or you just be rich materially and not spiritually or just spiritually and not materially. Everyone has walked a different path, but we're all walking to Home, toward God's dimension. And this is what we are here for. In case you ask me what's the purpose of human being, that's what it is. And thank you very much for your attention. If you have any more questions, I will be pleased to answer. Then I can show you how to remember God. You okay? I hope I made myself clear. Yes, you are so intelligent. My God! I am not surprised, I am not surprised. African people are very, very spiritual. They are very much more in contact with nature... very spiritual! Q. Dear Master, what is the benefit of following a Master? Is it not perhaps a better prospect

to be self-determined and to follow one's own path to enlightenment and to sort out one's own karma?

M. Actually, in a way of speaking, you call me Master. But I told you already, I am going to

remind you that you are the Master! And that's all there is. And the karma and all that will

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go away as soon as you realize that you are the master of the universe, that you are one with God. But before that, if you have not completely realized this, of course I'll be your friend and help you until you understand everything. And you can call me Master or you follow me. You don't have to follow me, because I am not here in Africa forever. Just follow the instruction so that every day you can contemplate deeply inside and then find God. And then one day you will completely understand. You might even completely understand today, it depends on how much intense of your choice to go back to God. So you don't have to follow anybody, not even any physical or celestial being... You follow yourself! I am just showing you how, showing you some instructions so that you... Because, it's not that you don't know... You have forgotten! Because we live in this world, we're so much busy with survival, and everything tries to bury us under these worries and suffering and then make us so busy and perplexed that we have forgotten. So I have already got out of the mud. I can pull a rope and get you out and then bathe you again; then you'll become just like me again – all clean and beautiful.

Q. Can the convenient method of meditation offer you as much as initiation? M. Differently, a little differently. The convenient method is for convenience, yes. Some

people, they cannot... like, for example, they cannot be vegetarian completely or they have not decided whether they should go part-time or full-time. They just want to try a short period of time every day. So of course the benefit is not as great as when you go full-time. But the convenient method will offer your own liberation in this lifetime. Whereas, if you practice Quan Yin method and get the full initiation, you could even help many other people, including your five, six, seven, nine generations, to be liberated. Yes, the more money you earn, the richer you become!

Q. How can You explain Adam and Eve? M. Should I explain about them? Look at yourself and you know! Look at ourselves! Yes. Q. If you do not stick to being vegetarian after initiation, what happens? M. What happens? Then you become a meat-eater again. Q. After initiation, how do we communicate with You if You are not here? M. I am always here! I am always here. You will see that. Sometimes you will see me in your

house if you concentrate enough, yes! Besides, you can write to me, hmm? You can e-mail, write a letter. Nowadays, very convenient. But the best communication is inside, because we will be reconnected again with the whole universe. So whatever problem you have, the whole universe knows, and of course I know, because I am also connected in the network. So whenever you ask something, you have the answer right away. Okay? But in case you're still not sure in the beginning, you can always write to me. But the answer is always inside, yes! There is a connection. A 24 hour telephone service, no charge! Yeah, that's a wonder of being enlightened! Because if a teacher has to be physically present, every time with the disciples, then it is not convenient, it's not powerful enough. Because it doesn't matter how powerful or how strong a teacher is, he or she cannot protect the disciple 24 hours by physical presence, but by the power of the universe which the Master, she or he, is connected already. I am not myself, it's not the physical body now, that will be protecting you. It is the connection with the Universal Power through me that will protect you, understand? That's why everywhere you are, that Power knows and protects you and answers your question. You will know, 'Knock and it

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shall be opened. Ask and it shall be given.' Your prayers will always be answered, your questions will always be replied by inner connection. And that's the wonder of being in this enlightening way of life. Otherwise, what's the use of having to even find the Master through rivers and ocean again? And how long can you stay with her or him? Yes. Even the Master, after initiation, will continue to protect and guide you after the Master has departed from this world. That is the meaning of being a Master. Otherwise, you should not be a Master. It's a lot of work!

Q. Will we master the art of clairvoyance with the Third Eye? M. Oh, that's nothing! That's just a little child's play. You don't aim for that! This is not the goal

for you. Of course, you will see things. You'll see everything. But you see the whole universe, not just a little thing here and there. Not just your future and your past. You will master the whole life force, you will master the whole universe. That is the goal.

Q. Do animals have karma, and is it right to give them meat? M. They do. If they want to eat meat, you have to give them. Otherwise, they might eat you! Q. I want to understand the bibles. M. Is that it? [Q: Yes.] Well, then study it! Read it! Yes, yes, I know. It is difficult to

understand, because a lot of stories and terminologies in there are kind of mystical. Unless we have the same level of consciousness, we find it very difficult to understand. So just get enlightened. Stay around and I will show you how to enter into the truth experience of the bibles. Because the bibles, many are recorded of the experience, enlightened experience, of the past practitioners... spiritual practitioners, yes? It's like, for example, Jesus, when He meditated 40 days in the desert, of course He communicated with God. And the devil also came to Him and tempted Him with the power of the Three Worlds. You understand what the Three Worlds is? It's very big! This world is already big enough. If somebody comes and offers you to be the king of this whole world, would you like it? Of course, you do already. And He is offered to be the King of the Three Worlds, to be above this world, another two worlds. But that's as far as the devil can reign, so he can only offer three worlds. And He said, 'Get out of my sight.' That's what Jesus said, meaning, 'Get lost.' Yes, this kind of experience... I am sorry, we couldn't even see the devil even if we want to, because we are not able to see with the spirit yet. So in order to understand what Jesus has experienced, even to say to the devil, 'Get lost,' we have to study what Jesus has taught us. Walk His way! Meditate like Him! 'Go in the closet' means meditate, means pray in silence, pray properly. 'Let your eyes be single so that your whole body will be full of Light.' I will show you how to make your eye single, how to find that single eye here so that you can see heaven. You can see the true life, which is cheated us because of all this physical appearance. We are cheated! We did not see the true life, but we can if we use the true eye. And that's why I came here. I will show you later. Yes.

Q. Master, is it important to be a vegetarian to be enlightened? M. It is important, it is important. Because first of all, we have to practice love in order to

beget love. In order to be all-pervasive, loving, like our Father, we have to love all beings. And that is the meaning behind the vegetarian diet. It's not to be healthy, or not because Jesus said so or Buddha forbids, it's just we have to be love reincarnate. We have to be the walking God on this planet. We have to live like God would live! So in order to be near God... God doesn't punish us, it's just like begets like. If we want to be near to something,

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we have to go there, the same direction. So God created all beings and let them die naturally. So should we. If we couldn't create, at least we do not destroy. The commandment in the bible is, 'Thou shall not kill.' It didn't say, 'You shall not kill humans, only.' It says, 'Thou shall not kill.' Anything killed is killed.

Q. What is Your opinion on spiritual healers? Should, or can it be done for a living, like

charging clients? If it is, is it allowed? M. Yes, spiritual healing is very good, very good for the patients. Not too good for the healer

sometimes, because she or he has to take on the karma of these patients, and sometimes it's very overwhelming. Because spiritual healing is just one of the levels of God consciousness, yes? If we arrive there, we can heal people. Yeah, these people are very spiritually strong in order to heal people. Spiritual healers are very strong in their spirit. But in order to heal without healing, like Jesus did, we can go a little higher, much higher. Then we heal... you don't have to lay hands on people. Just like when somebody touched Jesus' garment, and she's just healed. And she thanks Him, He says, 'No, it's your faith that heals you.' He never claimed because He knows it's the Father, and He said, 'It's not me who does it, it's my Father.' And that is the highest level of spiritual healing. Yes? We could be in many different levels, so it depends on where you are. The greatest spiritual healers don't heal. They just get healed. If it is God's will for that person to be healed through you, he just gets healed. The Master or, for example Jesus, He didn't do anything. That's why He never claimed credit. Yes, a True Master is like that, very humble!

Q. How do you teach your children this way of life without being ridiculed in every day life? M. Yeah, I told you, people will ridicule you even if you have a beautiful boyfriend or wife. So

why are you scared? This life has been led in a wrong direction for a long time. That's why we are what we are now. So if we could not change the whole world, at least we change ourselves, we change our environment, change whomever we can influence. If our children want to lead... to go this way, it's our duty to lead them, no matter whoever says! You have to walk the way of Jesus! People stoned Him, cursed Him, labeled Him, crucified Him. Did He give up His way? No! So we are Christian, we are whomever, we walk the way of God. Alright? And we have to be an example to other beings. We cannot follow them, because they are erring already, they are mistaken. You must be the torchbearer! You must change! And somebody else might change, also. They might not accept at first, but they come home and think about it, 'Oh, this way seems to be better.' And then later they say, 'Oh, it is definitely better. Okay, I follow.' See? That's why we still follow Jesus now, 2,000 years later, because that's the only way to live our life. We follow, but we don't practice. We should practice more. Yes.

Q. Is God within us? Is the subconscious mind? If not, what is it exactly? M. Yeah, God is within us. It's the consciousness. God's also without us. God is everywhere.

God is yourself. Q. I want to feel the power of God, but I don't know how. Can You help me? I want to be

strong and faithful. M. Yeah, only when you see God, then you can be strong and faithful. You cannot believe

something you don't see, I am sorry. I'll show you how to see God, then you can believe Hirm, alright? God is Light. God is the love you will feel during the contact with Hirm, during your meditation, during the time that you reserve for Hirm. And then later, more and

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more everyday, every minute, you will feel Hiers love. Even without meditation, even when you're walking or when you're driving, you will feel that you are one with that love. That's a wonderful feeling. And that's how we can believe. You see? That's how we can believe.

Q. How do You see that God is with You? And when do You feel that the Holy Spirit is with

You? M. I feel that all the time! How do I know? [Q: How do You see?] How do I see? What I see, I

cannot tell you, but I can show you so you can see the same. Because what I drink, you don't know. What I drink, you cannot taste. What I eat, you cannot feel full. But I can offer you the same meal, same juice, then you can understand. Yes? God is not... I wish God is a physical flower I can show you. But God's also in the flowers, God is in here. You can see this is the physical manifestation of God's beauty. This is the physical manifestation of God's being. Yours are the physical manifestation of God. So if you want to see a physical... feel the physical aspect of God, then touch your neighbor, hug him, kiss her. That is God in physical realm. But if you want to see God in an abstract form, in Light, in splendor, in heaven, then I have to show you in an abstract way, you understand? There are two ways: Abstract and physical. Physical, you see already. Abstract, I'll show you. Later when we have time together and sit quietly, I'll show you. I will tell you what to do and where to see God. It's very quick, yeah? How do I know? If I love somebody, do I know? If I sit here in Africa, do I know? To know God, it is like that. Very, very clear! There's no mistake about it. I just can only show you by yourself. But I cannot show you in physical, because this is a different aspect of life, okay?

Q. Master, I ask You to show us what is the right way of praying. M. Yes, I will do that. I will do that. After all the questions are finished, if there... Okay, I will

offer you three kinds of service. Number one is the public service. After all the questions are finished, you sit here with me and experience God, okay, for a while. And you continue at home if you want – 10 minutes, 5 minutes, anytime you want. The number two is the convenient method. You meditate a half an hour every day, alright? Number three is the full, conscious effort to realize God. That's the initiation. So you choose, okay? If you want initiation, you could leave the room right now and register yourself. That will take a couple of hours of explanation. But the enlightenment is fast, and you can experience every day the same, or higher and higher. And number two, convenient method, you can register also outside. And if you don't want these two, you just want to have a taste, then you stay here. After I answer all the questions, if you feel that this appeals to you, you stay, alright, and I'll show you. If you don't feel like it, then just go home. I am here only for the one who is ready.

Q. How different is spirituality from Your method? Is God with us, or a part of us? How or

what will our experience be during our initiation? M. You will see God. You will see the aspect of God which is Light, which is different... it's like

melodies of the universe. The way Hes speaks to you is not in human language. Hes speaks in the melodious voice like the sound of water. It's mentioned in the bible that, 'Hes speaks like thunder, like the sound of many waters.' This you will experience, and more, more, because the bible doesn't record everything. You have too much experience! You can't write 1000 books – never enough! So one bible is not enough. But at least there's some reference, like Moses sees God as a big flame. Saint John enters the Third Heaven and hears the trumpet. Thing like that, et cetera, et cetera, you will experience. You will know it. You will know it. This is not something we can describe in language, really. You

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just know it when God's presence is near, or when you contact, when you remember again. Hes is always near! Just remember.

Q. The world is in a crisis today: Wars, pollution, disease, et cetera. Have we collectively

created this crisis just so we can experience greater glory? M. Yeah. But we could have done better now, since we know better. It was a mistake. Now

we have to repair it. We can't just continue making mistakes forever, and say, 'Okay, I am creating all this so that I can experience heaven.' Yes! There is a part of creating havoc, and there is a part of creating heaven, so we have to balance it. We can't continue destroying our world forever by pollution, by cutting down a forest, and by warring each other. It's time to wake up! It's time to wake up. We had enough suffering already.

Q. Master, what will happen when You leave this world? Will there be others to continue Your

lineage? Who will initiate the people? Who will be there to guide us? M. God! You worry too far. At that time, you will know. Okay? God will decide, God will decide

whether there is someone to continue, and Hes will let you know. If you are ready, everything will be known to you. If you are not ready, even if 10, 100 Masters come, it's no use. If you are ready, everything will be known to you. Don't worry, okay? Meanwhile, get initiation while I am still here! The Master dies but the spirit doesn't die, so you'll continue to be guided until you've finish your journey. Whoever are initiated by one Master will continue with that. It doesn't matter if the Master passed away. And the new one will come if God decides so.

Q. In the bible, it is written, 'Repent from your sins, then your prayers will be answered.' My

question is: How will God answer the prayer of a sinner? M. Your question is a little bit less complete than it should be. This is the part when God

talked to the people who kill a lot of animals for offering. So Hes said, 'Who told you to kill all these she-sheep and he-bullocks to make offering to me? Your hands are full of blood! You should stop the killing of the innocent. Otherwise, when you pray, I will not answer; when you request, I will turn my head away.' So that is in that section. So actually, in the bible, it mentions also that we should not even kill to make offering, let alone to eat. Yeah, because God created them for our pleasure, not to kill. Anyhow, if we repent, of course that means we... Repent doesn't mean we should feel guilty about what we did, okay? We did what we did – it's a part of the game. It was a part of our process of knowing God. So now we have created enough of the non-god actions, so now is the time to return to godly action. So once we make this decision to stop of the ungodly action and return to godly action, at that time, God gives us the answer right away, like today. Doesn't matter how many people committed sins or whatever you did, you don't have to tell me. At the time you sit down for initiation, God will come to you all the same. So that means if you repent your sins, means you don't do it again, God will appear to you. Hes will today, if you sit down for a while later. In fact, some of you already experience Light here. Is that not true? Can you raise your hand if you have? Thank you very... My God! Aren't you spiritual! Thanks so much. It's the first time I'm in Africa. I told you, God is indiscriminating. Hes loves every one of us. As soon as you want Hirm, as soon as you sincerely yearn for Hirm, Hes is there – even you don't meditate yet, even I didn't even show you yet. See? God is all love, nothing else! Don't fear God ever! Hes always loves us. As long as we want Hirm, Hes comes: Hes loves us, Hes blesses us, Hes graces us with all things in life, this and after.

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Q. Should we kill insects – flies, cockroaches, fleas, et cetera? M. Yeah, you can kill the little ones, but... But there is some little debt to pay, yeah? It's better

to make your house clean. And do some prevention outside the house, so that there is smell, they don't come near. So you don't have to actually kill them, alright? Because, God doesn't punish, but your conscience feels bad. When you kill something, you feel, 'My God, he's so little, so helpless, and I kill him just like that.' Even though you don't feel it much, your conscience will awake at night sometimes and feel something biting you. And that's the ants or the cockroach coming, reminding you, nibbling you: You shouldn't have done that!

Q. Can You explain what are dreams or dreaming? M. Okay, there are two kinds of dreams. Oh, three kinds of dreams. One is some, like,

clairvoyant kind of warnings or prediction of the coming event for you. That is when you are in very deep, deep sleep and more aware of your future or the past. Okay? Another kind of dream is that whatever you wish in the daytime or you think of much in the daytime before you sleep, it will appear in your dream; just a leftover of the impression of the daytime. And the last kind of dream is just nonsensical whatever, no meaning. Just collect all kinds of garbage in your brain, and then when you sleep it's too full. It just like leaks out. Yeah?

Q. In the bible, we read that Abraham's sons slaughtered animals for their father. Was it a

sin? M. In the old time people believed to make offering to God, alright? Even now they still do

that. They even slaughter animals to offering to the God within their body every day. So who am I to say what? Alright? Abraham's son did something. That's his business! My business is not to slaughter any animal, okay? Anyhow, people have different way of life, different choices to know God. They choose to do it quick; they choose to do it slow, right? So that's why I say there are three kinds of offer here to you. For those of you who like to do it slow or leisurely, because you have eternity anyhow, so you can just have a taste of it, a few minutes. For those of you who are a little more serious, go for convenient method. For those of you who really get fed up with this life and really want to know God, nothing else, then go get initiation full, you see? I am not here to criticize you and tell you: You eat meat, you are sinful. No, no! I am just reminding you of many choices that you want to make. So you decide now which choice you stay with or which choice you continue or next perfection you choose. Yeah? Next choice, or stay with this choice. Okay? Alright?

Q. Jesus Christ fed 5,000 people with bread and fish. Fish is meat. Was that a sin? Jesus

also helped fisherman get more fish. Was that a sin? M. No. The sin is we did not understand Him. He did not eat fish. He did not feed fish, either.

We also eat fish every day, but eat vegetarian fish. We also call it fish. We call it hamburger, sometimes we call veggie-hamburger. Sometimes we are lazy, we call it hamburger. We have things like chicken, we have things like steamed fish. All these are vegetarian. It tastes delicious! And if you are a non-vegetarian and the first time you taste them: It looks like a fish, it tastes like fish, you probably do not know! If we tell you that... if it's fish, you would believe it. If we tell you it's a hamburger, you would believe it. So Jesus was a descendant of a clan that has been always vegetarian for thousands of years. If you want to do more research about the Lord's life, you'd better take more time. And also, He went to study in India for 13 years. That's the missing gap in the bible that you couldn't

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explain. And if He studied in India, and all the yogis there, the masters, eat vegetarian, how can He eat meat again? That's the two factors you have missed. Of course, the bible cannot record everything for you. You have to do some research! Yeah, the church doesn't want you to be lazy, and put everything on the table. You have to be creative and long for... If you long to know the life of Jesus, you have to research yourself, read more books and history and facts and more new findings and all that. Yeah?

Anyhow, the fishermen Jesus recruited, He did not tell them to fish again. He said, 'Come,

I will teach you how to fish men.' No? Yeah, He said, 'Put down the net, I'll teach you how to fish men.' Okay? But since they are fishermen, Jesus used a term as a fisherman sometimes to talk to them. Just like, 'Okay, today we catch a big fish,' means I have a good person to get initiated. We say the same thing sometimes, also! Yes, because... Why do I understand all this? Because I have direct teaching! If you want to understand, you also need the direct teaching. I told you I will show you how to get direct teaching from Jesus. Then you can argue with Him and He will tell you He doesn't eat fish. A poor Master! Yeah, everybody tells Him He did that, He did this, and He'll tell you different, but you couldn't hear. So similarly, you remember how difficult it was for Jesus, how many people harassed Him and persecuted Him and His disciples? So they have to talk in code. Yeah? Say, 'Today we have a big fishing time,' or something like that... or, 'Let's go out fishing.' Because if He really needs fishing, He wouldn't tell His 12 disciples, say, 'Come! Forget it. I'll teach you how to fish men.' Now you know, okay? Okay. Thanks. The Lord did not eat anything that caused suffering to other beings. He would not, yeah? He was a very humble man. He was great in spirit, but very humble and self-denial outside. He did not need fish to keep Him alive. There's so much things to eat in this planet to keep yourself alive.

Q. What is Your opinion about the apostles? Where is heaven? Is it part of this universe? M. They were Jesus' closest disciples, to spread His message when He is not there, give

people initiation, explain how to meditate and all that, yeah? And heaven is not a part of the universe, yes. Heaven is our own creation, our own attitude. For example, when you are happy, you are in love, you feel you are in heaven. No matter where you are, you have a little hut, you're happy. And when you are sad, when somebody threatens you, when you are under pressure, you live in a palace, you feel like hell. Okay? So if we are in contact with God, everyday we feel like heaven. That's why we say heaven can be here and now. 'Lo! And behold! The kingdom of God is at hand.' It's not far.

Q. In our culture, we slaughter an animal as a sacrifice. Is this a sin? M. It's your way of life – you choose to live that way if you want to. You are a God. You

decide what you make of yourself. If you would like to represent yourself as a person who slaughters animals to make offering, then you do that. If one day you decide, 'Okay, I don't want to make myself a slaughter person,' then you change, you don't slaughter anymore. You make yourself a representative of non-violence and non-killing. It's your choice! It's no sin in the eyes of God. It's just your choice to make yourself what you want to show to yourself or want to show to the world or want to show to God. You can introduce yourself as, 'Okay, I am an engineer.' 'I am a priest.' 'I am a teacher.' 'I am a yogi.' 'I am a vegetarian spiritual practitioner.' Or, 'I am an animal slaughterer.' Yeah, whatever you want to! Yes, it's up to you. I am not here to condemn anybody, just to lay down before you different choices that you could make or want to make or maybe think about making. Okay? Anytime we can change our life by making different choices. And that's for sure. No

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sin in the name of God, no sin! God always loves us. Whatever we do is for our own experience, yes.

Q. Dear Master, should we devote our lives to serving the poor or sick, or would we be

interfering with their choice or karma? M. No, no! No. We should devote our life anytime we can, and devote anything we can, to

help our brothers and sisters, be it spiritual or material. Yes, we are one! If he is hungry, you are hungry. If he is thirsty, it's like you are thirsty. It should be like that. It's not a must! It is a feeling inside. If for example, if for example, if you see somebody hungry and thirsty and dying and you feel very painful as if you yourself are in that situation, then you help him. That is a measurement of your love, of your level of compassion. It's not a must! It's not a precept to follow; it is a feeling in your heart. If you know you feel you should help that person, that means you have love in your heart, and you should be happy. That's the only reward, that knowing that you have love. And you should do it, yes. Oh, thank you.

Q. I feel a lot of love, but trapped inside me. Can You help me spread it around the universe? M. You spread it. It's your love! If you love, do something! If you love, just like if you love a

boyfriend or girlfriend, tell her, tell him you love him, do something for him, give her flowers, hug, kiss, make love, do whatever. So the same, if you love all human beings, then do something about it. Do something you think that would let people know your love, or shower them with your love. Do it! You know what to do. You have God inside you. Do it honestly with your feeling. Everyone does it differently. I cannot tell you what to do. Okay?

Q. As You said, there is no hell after death. What happens then, to those who do not follow

instructions and the scriptures of the Lord? M. What happens? They have to learn again the lesson of love. Maybe they have to learn it in

a hard way, and that we call hell. He has to go through also suffering in order to understand that the suffering is no good, and that he not do it again. So in a way, he'll be in a hospital kind of way, so that he can heal the part that was sick. Yeah? Anyone who inflicts suffering upon someone else, he's sick somewhere in his spiritual being. So after he gets healed, he becomes whole again, yeah? So there is no hell, no sin. There's just the way people choose to live their life that leads to different consequences. That's why in the bible it tells you, 'Whatever you sow, so shall you reap.' 'Judge not, so that you will not be judged.' If we don't want to reap the bad consequence of the future, then we have to sow a good seed right now, see? That's why the bible gives you a guidance like, okay, 'Shall not kill, shall not commit lie, shall not steal,' things like that. Make it a guidance through our lives so that we reap the better fruit for the future.

Q. If you have faith in God, why should we suffer and our prayers cannot be answered? M. Because you have to rise up to God consciousness to know this. Yeah, and then you will

be content. Even when you come back to this physical life, after you have seen how much God loves us, through the spiritual knowledge, you come back to this life, you don't complain no more. You know everything, why this happened, why that happened, everything is for our best benefit. We will be always grateful everyday. You have to know God first, yes.

Q. How important is 10% of whatever you earn important to God?

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M. It is important, because you love. It's your love. It's not the 10%, it's the love that goes with it. It's the love to share whatever you have with other people who are less fortunate. That's important.

Q. When one raises above the physical body, how would it be possible to differentiate true

situations from, for example, hallucination? M. Yes, there is a way to differentiate. I will teach you at the time of initiation. But only people

who want to go deeply into the spiritual dimensions should learn much about all these things. Just the convenient people and all that is not really... because you don't meditate too long, you don't go too deep. So it's not very risky. Yeah! Bigger business is more risk. So we have to show you the way to protect yourself. But if you just meditate for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, it's okay. There is nothing to bother you. You just relax, calm your mind, you do better business, sleep better, eat well, that's it! Know God now and again, there's no danger.

Q. Is it necessary to attend church every Sunday so as to be reminded, or one can still

remember oneself by communicating with God by heart? M. By heart. Yeah, if you can. If you can communicate with God by heart, you can pray in the

closet, the way it is stated in the bible. The church came after Jesus. The church is an organization that gathers people who have faith in God and who want to pray together. It's similar to, like, our group. Every Sunday, we gather together in one place. It could be called a church too, but we call it a meditation center. And we meditate the whole day that day just to remember God intensively, more than other days, because we're always busy everyday. So that's the meaning of really going to the church every day – to get more communication, deep communication, with our True Self, with God. But if you... And it is stronger, you know, when you meditate together. If you want to sleep and you see the neighbor is sitting straight, you feel ashamed, so you also sit straight. That's the purpose. And you help each other in collective energy. But if you already know God, everywhere you sit is the church. You should go to church every day inside, not just Sunday.

Q. I want to know where is the true secret of God, and being a vegetarian, can I smoke

marijuana? M. Yeah, yeah! Marijuana is vegetarian, right? I know what you try to say. Anyhow, where is

the true secret of God? That you have to find out. I will show you how to find out, but you have to find yourself. I can't explain God in the physical terms. The more I explain, the more I mislead you. Yeah, I can show you God. That's all I can do. And marijuana, as far as I am concerned, is not really necessary for your vegetarian diet. So do not include it in there. Even though it's a vegetable, it's not a very conducive vegetable to your meditation, so please refrain from using it. Alright?

MC. He also wants to know if he can eat marijuana, then. M. You are so hungry! Not only you want to smoke, you eat it. My God! So much vegetable,

why did you... you don't have enough? I advise you to eat tofu. Yeah, you can fry spinach. It's better for you. Anything, anything, that makes our consciousness blurred, you know, and not clear, this is not a God way. God's way – no need physical aids, no need anything, because God is God! You can't change Hirm, you can't make Hirm come nearer, you can't bring Hirm where you want just because of marijuana or anything else. You can only know God. That's it! And pure, simple, know God. Just concentrate, forget the world,

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and concentrate on God's side, then you will see God. I just show you how, that's it. There's no need for anything. And the vegetarian we eat, it's just because we just have to eat a little of something to sustain this body. So do not go too deep even into too much of vegetarianism. Anything we eat to sustain the body, enough nutrition to keep our spirit alive, that's good enough already. We are not here to eat. We're here to know God. Alright?

MC. Question from the same person: Am I poor because of my thinking or my belief? M. We are poor because of our belief. But it's too late now, okay? Our planet has been led

into believing that we have been sinful and we have been punished for our sin, and all that stuff, and so... We should live a rich life here, but... Before this era, we had a Golden Era. Have you heard about it, right? In the Golden Age, right? Long ago. Okay. In that age, people know God, believe in God, because they see God, they feel God's love. And at that time, there was no teaching such as a revengeful God, a jealous God, or there's no such teaching as hell, because everywhere was heaven. But then, some bad people have invented this kind of fear so to control the population. And slowly, slowly, this fear crept into our consciousness and we began slowly to believe that we are sinful, we are bad, we couldn't know God because we are forsaken, we are born in sin, we always sin, and everything we do is sin, blah, blah, blah… So our consciousness has become conditioned that way. That's why we also fail in our business, we became poorer, we became deprived of many comforts, including material ones. But it's a little too late now to change drastically. The whole consciousness of the planet has been engrained into this way of thinking. But it's not too late for you! If you are ready to change, change it today! Believe what I tell you, and experience the love of God within you every day. Then you will see how your life changes. You will know God is really love and whatever you ask for is already there.

Q. What is the difference between Your way of meditation and talking or praying in tongues?

Because it is said that talking in tongues is talking to God. How true is that? M. Both are true. Different levels of understanding about God. In our way, we don't talk even.

We don't even talk with the mouth or the tongue. We don't use anything of the physical instruments. We go direct to heaven, enjoy the carefree life without this physical body. And God doesn't speak to us in the human language. Hes does also, sometimes. But we don't speak it out loud, or we don't need to do anything, we just communicate; and we understand in a godly way, celestial way, which is a silent way. Yes.

Q. Dear Master, what are Your hardships that You have experienced in Your walks of life?

Please share with me. M. Wow! I do not consider really anything are hardships, even though in those moments I do

complain, well, like all of us. I complain, I say, 'Why? I don't like it!' But of course, I know it is good for me. Any hardship would strengthen our spirit and determination to find God, to let us know that as long as we still cling to this physical, ephemeral existence, we always will encounter hardship. There is no hardship in heaven, so whenever we leave this body during meditation or deep contemplation, and go to heaven, we experience all bliss and beauty. And then when we come back even to this physical body, still some blessing's leftover so that our life becomes even smoother and better. So even hardship is just a blessing in disguise. Yeah? No problem! I can write a book about hardship, but why? I'd rather write a book about the blessing that I enjoy.

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Q. Dear Master, thank You for Your wisdom. How would You choose a successor to continue Your physical work here after You leave us?

M. I haven't decided yet. That is up to God to decide. When the time comes, the Lord will let

me know. And I'll let you know... maybe! Or you have to find out yourself. Okay, if I have one, I will write it down, okay? Name, place, date of birth, then you can identify him. He probably has a nose in the middle, two ears, so you can find him, or her, whatever. But I haven't decided yet, okay? I haven't found one yet. Sorry, you hurry up, and maybe God tell you that, 'Okay, you are the successor.' And then you tell me.

Q. Who is the devil? Where does he come from? Where will he eventually end? Why does

God not destroy this devil? Is the devil part of this oneness You are talking about? M. Yes, he is part of the oneness. He works for God, so that we know what's right, what's

wrong, so that we know to resist temptation, so that we can improve our self and go nearer to God. Alright? There is no such thing as devil, actually! Just trial, just test, just training. We train ourselves. If we want to train ourselves in a hard way, we choose our way of life in a hard way before we're born, to train ourselves to experience the things that we want to experience in order to find God in our way.

Q. Dear Master, Tarot cards, auras, Reiki healing, is this bad even if it's done for the benefit

of others? M. No, it's not bad. I told you, everything is different levels of understanding about God. The

nurse is not bad. The doctor is not good. They are just working in different ways, yeah? Different jobs. But if you want to be a doctor, then you have to stop being a nurse and study more. That's what it is, alright? Become the healers without healing, like Jesus.

Q. How do I overcome all these problems I have and get my focus back and be forgiven for

my wrongs? I would love to change my life and be a good man again. M. Yes, then change it. First, whatever you don't like about yourself, change it! For example,

you used to tell lie, now don't! Just tell the truth. You used to take things from people, you stop that and you give your things instead. Or get initiation and get enlightened.

Q. Is there such a thing as bad luck or curses upon you? And when does it ever set you free? M. Nobody can curse you, no bad luck can harm you, if you choose to walk the other way.

Right? Just walk the other way. Walk the way of God, then all bad lucks will leave you. But sometimes, because of the karma you have already created, so the consequence still lingers for a while. Just bear it! We don't live here long. Don't worry!

Q. Why can we not be initiated and be unrestricted? Why can we not eat meat and drink

alcohol? M. So you want to be a flesh-eating God and drunken God? You already are! If you eat meat

now and drink wine, you're already a drunken God and meat-eating God already every day! I thought you want to change to something different. If you don't want to change, then just stay where you are. You already are God. Alright? But if you want to change to a higher level of yourself, then you have to leave a little of these lower kind of substitutes to find the more noble, higher intoxication in the love of God and more refreshment in the flesh of Jesus. You understand? In the spiritual flesh of Jesus, yes.

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Q. There are many religions, such as Christianity and traditional African religion. Which is the right religion for Africa? Also, by practicing other religions, does that anger our ancestors?

M. No! No. Every religion is good for Africa if you believe in it, alright? I am just showing you

the way to truly contact the source of your religion. There is only one God, and people find different ways to go to Hirm. It's just sometimes they get lost in the maze, so I am here to show them where to go the shortest way. I don't come here to change your religions. And your ancestors will never be angry with you, because they will be liberated through your enlightenment, through your blessing.

Q. Thank You for coming to South Africa and bringing Your love and peace to our people. I

hope that Your endearment is passed on to our people in South Africa. M. I hope so, too! Thanks so much for your love. I think so! The South African people are so,

so enlightened, so intelligent. I don't have any problem with you. I think we understand each other perfectly, yes.

MC. It's the same person: Everything is free. Please tell us who sponsors You. [M: Who what?]

Who sponsors You? Who is Your sponsor? M. Ah, I earn my money. I am a designer, don't you know? Oh, you see, we didn't bring all my

creations here, but you could see some in the pictures. I design jewelry, design clothes. I don't wear my own today, I wear yours, in respect of your country. In the bible, it says that you must earn your own living by the sweat of your brow. So that's what I do. Yeah? Apart from sharing with you the blessing that God has permitted me to do, I have to also earn my upkeep for the physical needs. Yeah? I need transportation, I need a car, I need airplane ticket, et cetera. So I earn the money just like you do. And I share whatever I have with other people. Apart from what I need, I have surplus. I share with the other brothers and sisters, yes. Nobody supports me. I support people. God supports me, yes.

Q. When You gather together on Sundays, do You eat holy communion in remembrance of

our Lord Jesus Christ? M. When I go to the church on Sunday? [Q: Yes.] Yes, I do eat the communion bread, but the

one you could not see. Yes, the real flesh of Jesus. I don't cut His flesh and eat, but I be one with Him. That's my communion bread. I have that everyday, not just Sunday.

Q. In Africa, it is said that we have a high rate of HIV, AIDS. Does God curse or punish our

continent with this incurable disease? How can we be saved from this disease? M. In every country, there are information centers about AIDS or about any disease that you

happen to worry about, yes? Find out from information, and take care of yourself physically. Otherwise, if you practice spiritually also and you keep the precepts and you have vegetarian diet, you lead a spiritual life, you never have to worry about this question.

Q. Is the Golden Age a sign of the second coming of Jesus? What is the Golden Age? M. The Golden Age is the time, like once or long ago or many times ago, when we

experience oneness with God, and everything that we wish for is fulfilled instantly. We can experience Golden Age right now if we have this connection with God. Every day is a Golden Age to the Quan Yin practitioners.

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Q. Please explain to me properly, where do we black people come from, because we do not exist in the bible. Is it true that we are cursed children? Please explain this properly.

M. No! You are kidding? You see, you see? You see? This is the doctrine of fear, the doctrine

of separation, the doctrine of condemnation and humiliation that people long ago tried to inflict upon human race to divide us and to rule us. Because united we stand, divided we fall, and they know that. Oh, my God! Why do you ever ask this question? It should never even come up! This is just a different color! It's just like flowers here. Look how many colors in here. Suppose we are all white or all yellow like me, wouldn't it be boring, our planet? Then I don't have South Africa to come to. I don't have a different color to look at. When I look at you, I think of chocolate. Yum, yum! My favorite color, yeah! Yes. And you know, all colors are beautiful. There is no difference! Just different flowers. I don't know why this question even comes up. But I know why, as I explained already. This is the trap, this is the trick, of the bad ones, you know, who try to get power over people. Not only they try to divide us from God, make God a fearsome person or being, as a revengeful and a punishing God, but they even divide us people as a whole, as a human race. Try to tell the white people that black are bad, and try to tell the dark people that the light-skinned people are evil. Yes! Every generation, we've been brainwashed into thinking like this, and that's how we've become, like, confused, and then we try to think again: Is it true what he said? Maybe it's true what he said. Tell me why the black people are cursed! Tell me why! One good reason why. Can you answer why? If you cannot answer, that means that doesn't exist, the curse. What's the difference between the dark color or the light color, the yellow or the red? What is the difference in here? You know why you are black or you are dark? Because you are too near the sun. Hide yourself inside the house! No, I told you already, God is a colorful one. Hes is artistic. Hes makes different fruits color. Hes makes different flowers color. So Hes makes different dogs color. Hes makes different elephants color. Hes makes different birds color. Hes makes different humans color. We should be happy! Hes is great. We are great. Anyhow I like chocolate, so don't... I don't care. Should never, ever think like this. Never, this question should arise in your mind. You are great! You have very, very long and deep, deep, deep spiritual tradition.

What do you mean black people are not mentioned in the bible. How about the Egyptian,

Cleopatra? She was black! Yeah! Moses, yeah? The Egyptian people, yeah, where Moses was raised, they are also colored, they are dark color. Do you mean they are not mentioned in the bible? Does it have to say dark or black in order for you to identify yourself? You are a human being. There's no black, no white, no yellow, nothing. We are God's children, finito! Yeah, no problem at all. I don't see why any problem. I don't see why! How can you see any problem with the colors of the flowers? I don't understand this. You know what? You know what? In Holland... Have you been to Holland, any of you? Okay, some of you, right. Do you know in Holland they cultivate black tulips, yeah? And they are the most expensive and rare, because we don't have that many. See? When you don't have black, they have to create it, you see? Suppose we don't have dark people here, we have to create it, genetically matching, in order to get a black one. And then it will be, 'Oh my God, he is black! Oh, my God!' You know what I mean? It's like the tulips, the dark tulips. It is very dark tulips. It's not born like that. They match the genetics. They create it by scientific means. And I have seen a patch of them... beautiful! Very dark and beautiful! And very rare, because not... The whole gardens are full of different colors. Just one little batch is black tulips, and they're called the King of the Night or Queen of the Night or something like that. Beautiful name! Suppose we don't have dark people here, or chocolate people here, then we will be missing something, you see? And then we will have to try hard in the laboratory in order to create a black baby. And then we will hold it up, 'Oh, look at him! Isn't he beautiful?' See what I mean? So God already knows that.

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Hes creates it for us, so we should be very grateful, happy and proud. Yeah, proud to be colored! You know how many... yeah, thank you. Yeah, yeah, you do that and then I tell you some more.

I am sorry, sorry to talk long about this. It doesn't seem spiritual, but this problem has

been too long, so it doesn't matter how long I speak, it doesn't seem long enough to erase the long-standing misunderstanding of the colors of God's creation. So I have to talk longer. You know how much money all the people in other countries have to spend on the beach, how much suffering they have to lay in the scorching sun, in order to get the color you have? Come on, you are kidding! So you are a millionaire. A walking, inborn millionaire. Only millionaires in America or elsewhere can have the kind of color you have, because they spend a lot of time and money in the sun. Do you know that? You know that! So next time don't ask me this question. Tell yourself that you are a millionaire – inborn, born millionaire. No need to roast yourself on the beach for hours on end. It's a big suffering, you know, to get the color of the people of Africa. Yes.

Q. Master, I want to know: When I saw Your picture, something struck me. I had the feeling of

coming here to meet You, in fact to see You physically. And when You entered the hall, I did feel like crying. Is it because I was feeling You, or I was getting the fulfillment of knowing God?

M. Could be that. Could be that you feel the God within me that's manifesting the love for you.

Because, not that Hes cannot manifest within you also. Hes could! If you have chosen the way of God, Hes will manifest also. See, I have chosen to walk Hiers way, so you can feel more obviously. Because I am with Hirm, and then other people are more with the world, more worried about the world. I am more about God. Therefore, you can feel more God's presence in such a person, for example, maybe me. So that's why you feel happy or you feel emotional. Otherwise, we don't know each other, why should you cry when you see me? Why should you love me and want to shake my hand or hug me? Must be something. As you sow, so shall you reap. Be it the world, or be with God. When we are with the world, we manifest more worldly atmosphere and people recognize that more. And when we are with God, we are more radiating God's atmosphere, and people feel that because the God in you feels that.

MC. Thank You, Master, for coming to South Africa. We welcome You with open hands. M. Thank you. THE INVISIBLE PASSAGEWAY 4 [Africa, the second largest continent on Earth, is considered blessed by the hand of God. The Motherland, as it is often called, due to the belief that it was the birthplace of humanity, is teeming with wildlife. A strong life energy exists in its emerald green jungles, which are the sanctuaries of exotic flora and fauna. Its majestic mountains hold earth's hidden treasures of gold, platinum, and diamonds. The Nile, winds and twists its way for over four thousand miles northward from eastern Africa to Egypt, providing life source for countless creatures of God living under the limitless African sky. There are mountains on this earth which are revered and worshipped, such as Mount Kailas in the Himalayas, Mount Ararat, the holy mountain of Armenians, Mount Sinai in the Middle East, and T'ai Shan in China. Most people in other parts of the world may not know, but Africa is also a land with many sacred mountains such as Mount Kenya – the 'Mountain 4. Public lecture, Durban, South Africa, November 26th, 1999 (Originally in English).

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of Brightness,' Ol Doinyo Lengai – 'Mountain of God,' and Mount Kilimanjaro, the continent's highest peak. The lush slopes of Kilimanjaro are considered to be 'God's backyard,' and its summit is believed to be the final resting place of the dead. Death is part of a cycle that is inevitable and inescapable, subsuming even the glorious civilizations of Africa's past which have come and gone, such as the great kingdoms of the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra, and King Menelik of Abyssinia. All that is left of their magnificent histories are archeological treasures. Their songs and dances serve as distant memories of brilliant ancient times. Many great and gifted beings have emerged from the African ancestry including Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., actor Bill Cosby, and supermodel Iman, who exemplify the grace and talents of the African people. God continues to bless Africa through a living Master, whose mission of sharing the love from the Most High with humankind, brought Her to this land. In 1995, Supreme Master Ching Hai came to Côte D'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. The First Lady of the Ivory Coast, Mrs. Henriette Bedie invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Presidential Palace as an honored guest. Upon learning of the condition of the local hospitals, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately made a contribution to purchase necessities, equipment and medicine. She then was accompanied by the prince of the Ivory Coast to the orphanages in the city of Abidjan. Supreme Master Ching Hai then continued on Her journey to the kingdom of Benin, once one of the most advanced of African civilizations. The Royal family had arranged for a grand reception at the airport to greet their national guest. King Aguli Agbo and his queen welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai to their palace and expressed their honor at receiving Her in their country. During Her stay in Benin, Supreme Master Ching Hai also visited hospitals, poor villages and several orphanages run by convent nuns. Supreme Master Ching Hai showered the children with Her love and gifts. She also made a contribution to the orphanage of Saint Enfant Jesus in order for them to add more facilities. Before Her departure from this country, the First Lady of Benin, Mrs. Nicephore Soglo, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to her official residence, where a friendly meeting took place between them. Upon returning to Formosa, concerned for the welfare of its children, Supreme Master Ching Hai had more medical supplies shipped to Benin. The people of the Ivory Coast and Benin were most grateful to have had such a benevolent and compassionate guest who brought God's love to them and their lands. In subsequent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members have also contributed through the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to war victims in Rwanda, famine victims in Sudan, and spiritual organizations in Uganda. Association members continue to carry out such charitable work by reaching out and helping the poor, homeless and orphans throughout the year. In November and December 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai traveled to the great continent of Africa again during Her Middle East and South Africa lecture tour titled 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living.' She was invited to lecture in three of South Africa's largest cities – Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. Truth seekers in these cities yearned for the nectar of God to satisfy their inner longing. Following the Cape Town lecture, the last on Her tour, an international retreat was held. Association members from all nations came together for the common purpose of praying for world peace. As Africa has gained the world's attention as a land of many cultures and beliefs, Cape Town, South Africa, was chosen as the ideal location to host the Parliament of the World's Religions on December 1st through 8th, 1999. Supreme Master Ching Hai was among the world spiritual and religious leaders who were invited to speak at the Parliament's opening ceremony and made a special prayer as well. Afterwards, a group of Zulu children dancers had the honor of meeting Supreme Master Ching Hai.

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Touched by their pure hearts and sincerity, Supreme Master Ching Hai made a generous contribution for them. During the course of Her visit, Supreme Master Ching Hai not only shared the noble teachings of the Truth with the people of South Africa but also made philanthropic contributions to the poor and less fortunate amounting to about USD100,000. Many members of the media also requested to interview Supreme Master Ching Hai. Although Her time was limited, She granted several interviews to some of the major newspapers, radio and television stations. Everywhere She went, the African people warmly welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai as an honored guest in their land, as She brought a message of peace and love to their people. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'The Invisible Passageway,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Durban, South Africa on November 26th, 1999.] MC. I welcome you to this evening's lecture by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Master Ching Hai

is a spiritual leader whose teachings are very simple and practical. Her message is one of unconditional love and compassion for all sentient beings. She teaches the Quan Yin method, which is the ancient science of enlightenment and the divine art of self-realization. This method involves meditation on the inner celestial Light and Sound. Ladies and gentlemen, you may ask, 'What impact has this philosophy had on us in South Africa?' What is the answer? I believe the greater part of the answer is in enlightenment. May the wisdom and teachings of the Supreme Master Ching Hai illuminate our path.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Master Ching

Hai, thank You for coming to Durban to grace us with Your presence. We will now have the Suriya Langa Dance Company from the University of Durban Westville who will now perform an Afro-Indian dance. On behalf of the Suriya Langa Dance Company from the University of Durban Westville, we cannot say how honored we feel to be able to present such a dance as a gift of art to the Supreme Master Ching Hai. The theme of the dance is great confusion, and the only thing that stills the confusion is one dancer seeing the Self in the other. Supreme Master, we present to You a gift of art in 'An African Dream.' Thank you very much, Suriya Langa Dance Company. We now will have our Supreme Master Ching Hai to address us.

M. Good evening. Sawubona. Thank you so much for this extraordinary dance. I'm so

impressed! Looks like heaven's dance. So beautiful! So beautiful! Did you enjoy? Wow, it could go on forever. It's beautiful! When we look at the old tradition, the rituals and the customs of all the countries, we can almost guess where we came from – and all the dance, all the music, the songs – we must come from heaven, because in the Golden Age, everyone wears similar to those costumes and walks the way of the cloud. Before, we walk as if we dance, we talk as if we sing, we look at each other as if we are falling in love, and that's the way of heaven. So if we look at the old custom and the old tradition, old habits, we must know that we came from heaven. When we are able to reconnect ourselves or remember ourselves as a member of the celestial royalty, then we will know that we really have a very, very glorious origin.

But now, because many of us have forgotten how to reconnect ourselves, how to

remember our origin, therefore, we're kind of lost on this planet, and we think this is ourselves – the body is us, and whatever we think, whatever we do, that's us. For the people who are fortunate, they can also live in both worlds at the same time, just like the ancient Masters; they can exist in this physical planet as well as in the higher dimension of the kingdom of God. Actually, all of us can do this – not only the ancient Masters. All of us can do this. Many of the Indian Masters still can do this, many of the yogis can do this,

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and many of us in the Western world, Asian world, Oriental world, can do this. In the ancient times, because of the secrecy and the inconvenience of transportation as well as communication, this kind of practice has been kept more or less a mystery. But nowadays, because we have access to all kinds of public communication, as well as very fast transportation, so today in this age, there are countless beings, countless people who have access to this way of life, to the way of a normal life, of the life we should live, a life of celestial being as well as human being. And when we are able to visit heaven at will, we will lose all the attachment for this world. At that time, we do not need to keep the commandments, the commandments become our life. We do not need to read the bible, the bible becomes our way of living. And we will see that no matter how beautiful the dress, how beautiful the furniture, how beautiful the possessions we have in this world, it's nothing compared to the real property, the real life that we have in the celestial dimension, the real Home.

That's why many of the Masters or the spiritual practitioners of the old times, as well as

now, once they have the taste of heaven or contact with heaven on a daily basis, they have no more desire for whatever the most appealing things in this world. And we call them the renunciates, but they are renunciates by nature; they do not force themselves to do that, or they do not do that just because the bible says so or because the scriptures say so. When Jesus was among us, He didn't even have shoes. He did not care, not because He couldn't afford shoes. He had disciples, and of course the disciples would have done everything to make the Master's life more comfortable, but He did not care for that. Of course, if He had, He could care, but He did not want to care because He knew that He’d only visit here for a short while, bless our planet, and then He would return to the glory of heaven. To many of us, we do not lead the life of the renunciation, physically or materially, but inside our heart, the things of the world have no longer any attractiveness after we have known the way to heaven. Nevertheless, we could live in both worlds at the same time. And that is the beauty of having the physical life also, that we can compare to heavenly life and we can appreciate it more, and that's why we are born in this physical planet. We descend into darkness so that we will recognize the Light again, we will appreciate the Light again. We descend into suffering so that we will again enjoy blessedness in heaven.

That's why no matter how many mistakes we make, how much we err, we are still the

sons and daughters of heaven. We came here just to make a comparison. We come here so that we can be God again, can enjoy heaven again. The reason why many of us have forgotten it is because once we descend into this illusionary planet, there are so many things to see, so many things to do, and the pleasure of the physical existence is almost very, very attractive, as compared to the ecstasy of heaven. And because we have left behind the beauty of the kingdom of God, we have left behind the security of our original Home, so here we've made ourselves at home. And then we have been too busy, attracted to all of these wonders – also the creation of God in this physical dimension – that we do not remember how to access to heaven again, until we are tired, until we really could not bear anymore the suffering, the injustice, the unfairness of this world, then we begin to wonder again and that's when we start to want to go back Home or have access to heaven, and that's when God Almighty would guide us to someone who knows the key, who knows the way back Home. The Indian tradition has a saying that, 'When the disciples are ready, the Master appears.' Where is the Master? Who is this? The Master is inside us. The Master is God. The Master is the vastness of the universal power and limitless love, but when we are in this physical body, that power has to be housed in another physical body or another physical instrument so that we can make contact in the beginning. Because we also have this universal power within us already, so once we

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remember it through another physical office, physical instrument, we will again become the master of our destiny. We will be one again with God; we will be the being that we originally are before we descend into this physical planet.

To access to heaven is very easy, more easy than earning money, more easy than driving

a car, more easy than anything that we could imagine, because the bible states that, 'The kingdom of God is at hand.' It is so. I am going to show you how to get back to heaven every day if you are willing to. There are three ways we can do this. The first way is if you are not ready for serious research of yourself, then you could just try a few minutes. If you want to know a little more of yourself, of heaven, then you try a little more, harder – we have the second grade. If you are really serious, really want to go Home and have no more desire to stay in this world again after this life, then we have the so-called initiation. We would give you instruction for about an hour or half an hour so that you know what to do yourself every day. Then you become your own teacher. But whether you are serious or not, we'll all still have a taste of heaven, today, after this lecture's finished, because, heaven belongs to every one of us! We must, we should know it! That's the only way that we can end all the suffering, finish all the ignorance, and know our own greatness and enjoy the bliss of heaven here and now and after and forever.

The people who make war, the people who have hatred, the people who inflict suffering

upon others… because they don't know God, because they are too far from heaven, because they have forgotten completely their origin. And we, ourselves, sometimes find ourselves also being very agitated about the surroundings, about the atmosphere of this world, about everything that we have to handle on a daily basis because we are also far from heaven, even though heaven is right here, is right with us. Most of the time, if we do not know God, if we do not have reconnection with the universal power, we work only with our mind, with the brain, which is just like a computer, and sometimes it works well, sometimes it's not functioning. That's why we suffer, that's why we have more failure than success, that's why we have more anger than love.

So we must change this way of living, then our life will be heaven. If we use the great

universal power, then, of course, we are stronger and wiser. But if we use just the limited power of the computer brain, then, of course, the difference is too great. Once we recognize our place in heaven, once we recognize that we are one with the universal power, one with God, then our ego is no longer there; we become one with everything. We become one with the greatest intelligence, greatest love and power of the whole universe, and that's why we can do everything, and we are liberated. That is the Father that our Lord Jesus has mentioned and talked to us about, 'I do, but not I, it's my Father' – or you can say 'Mother' – 'that does it.' Not every spiritual Master or spiritual practitioner has to suffer the way Lord Jesus did. He did that, just once. Because at that time, our worldly people were still too ignorant and the law of this world was still as a jungle law, so it was very difficult for the Lord to spread the Truth and to tell the people to wake up. But also because He was the Master, He was responsible for the bad karma of all the disciples, so He had to suffer. But for most of the ordinary practitioners, we don't suffer like that; we enjoy every day. We enjoy the blessing of the Father, we enjoy the blessing of the company of all the ancient Masters. We still exist in the universe. We enjoy the happiness from samadhi, we enjoy the prosperity of even our material existence, a better healthy condition of our body; we enjoy a better family harmony. All in all, everything in general, for practitioners, is bliss, because God is merciful, and we are one with God at all times, at all times, at all times.

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There are only two ways to live our life: One way is to live the life of the worldly existence and believing in only that existence; another life is remember ourselves that we are one with God and look and see that we are one with God, and from that moment on, our lives change completely. It should be the way, it must be. Everything that I enjoy now or ever is bestowed upon me because I seek God first. 'Seek you first the kingdom of God, and everything else shall be given unto you.' This is the only Truth, and we must believe in it. But even then, after we reconnect or remember ourselves as a member of the kingdom of God, even God has bestowed almost anything we want upon us, but we, our heart, will no longer belong to these material possessions. We may use them for the benefit of comfort in this world, or the benefit of others who need them, but our heart no longer belongs to them. Our heart will be always in the presence of God. Our heart is an altar that we worship the Lord every second of the rest of our physical existence and after. True worship begins after we see the Lord. We have only one God, so if I just say the 'Lord' or 'God,' please understand that I include all the names that we have lovingly called this Greatest Being. If we do not see God face to face, if we do not truly know God, then, of course, we also believe in God – we heard people say that God exists, and if we pray to Hirm, Hes will answer, so we know that. We have some comfort in our soul that God helps protect us and God is there; but this is only emotionally, only mentally, not spiritually, not truly the taste of the real presence of God, not the direct connection, direct knowledge, direct contact with God. It's just like knowing you have a husband or a lover, but have never seen him. In the old times or old traditions, before the marriage the couple are not allowed to see each other. Nevertheless, they know that they are going to marry to a person, whoever that might look like – they don't know – but when they are married actually, the night of the wedding, and from then on, that's a different story altogether.

Similarly, knowing God is different than believing in God alone. Seeing God is truly

believing, knowing God is truly worshipping. We know what we worship, we know what we see. Because no matter how long I speak, it's not God, so it would be better that I offer you the real experiences in case you really want that. Do you?

Q. What is transmission? How does it work and how is it beneficial in one's spiritual practice? M. In the worldly language, it's short of anything that I can explain this, so we have to just call

it 'transmission' – as if an electric line transmits to another one, as if a candle transmits the light to another candle, the God within you will be awakened through another awakened God within someone else. That's called 'the transmission,' just for the sake of explanation. Otherwise, there's nothing physically that happens during the so-called initiation. Your God will be awakened just by silence. There is something, but invisibly. God Hirmself works through the God within you, reconnects Hirmself to Hirmself. All right? So there's nothing really transmitted. Just in the worldly language, we are short of all kinds of spiritual terms.

Q. Master, I would like to know that if I have been initiated before, will it interfere with the

meditation on any breathing technique that I am already practicing? Should I be initiated again?

M. If you have studied a similar method of other school from other Master, then you just stay

there. You have no need to be initiated again. But if you have not meditated on the heavenly Light and the heavenly Melodies, then you could try our way. But just one way at a time. No mixing, okay? First, we don't have time. Second, riding on two bicycles is a little dangerous.

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Q. Master, do You believe that You have a direct link with God? And if You do, can You pass this link to Your disciples?

M. Yes, I do. This has been proven by hundreds of thousands already, so I don't just believe

it, I know it. Q. What do you meditate about? How do you find peace in pain, injustice, and persecution?

How and where do you get initiated? M. I think the first question and the third question have been answered already. So the middle

question is this: Peace has always been our nature, and because we have forgotten that, we feel that we have no peace, no matter how much possessions we have, no matter in which situation we are. So we have to remember this inborn peace again, and that's all there is. That's why Jesus, in the face of death and suffering, He did not feel troubled, He did not run away. He said, 'Father, how much You glorify me! How You glorify me!' You see? That is the peace that we should remember. When we remember this peace, we will know that everything that happens, happens under Hiers will. We will see clearly why these things happen and for what benefit. It's not the way it looks. The victims are not always the victims. There are sometimes circumstances that people or we, the Greatest Being within us, created for ourselves for our own progress. There are truly no victims. If we ascend to heaven, see the working order of the universe, we will never again complain about God, never again one moment of our life being ungrateful for any situation at all. In the holy scriptures, it is stated that even one hair falls out of your head, that is Hiers will. So remember this.

Q. When will the Golden Age start? M. It starts right here, any time you wish from today, for yourself. But I understand, I

understand what you mean. There are two kinds of Golden Age: One kind is individual Golden Age, at any time, at any age; another kind is that the whole planet's consciousness has changed together into a higher consciousness level. At that time, the whole planet, or almost all inhabitants of this planet, will enjoy a similar consciousness of bliss, and that is when we call the Golden Age of this planet. Otherwise, for us, every one of us, we can have Golden Age anytime if we reconnect, remember God again.

Q. How does celibacy help realize God? M. Everything helps in realizing God, provided our sincerity and intensity is the motive behind

our purpose, behind our action. It does help in the beginning, provided you can stand it. If not, it will be a waste of time and energy, and you struggle every day just for that. Instead of remembering God, you're remembering things that you try to avoid. So it is up to the individual, the way you choose to walk. It is all right to be celibate or it's all right to be married. It depends on your karma, your destiny, your will, and the path that you have chalked for yourself to walk before your birth. Before you have chosen to descend into this world, you have chalked your way of life, so you walk differently. It doesn't mean being a bachelor is more close to God, or being married is farther to God. Each one walks his own way. Each one is different because each one is God individualized. He knows what he's doing, even though now he has chosen to forget so that he can start again. You see? So it's up to you. See how you can deal with your situation, that is how you have chalked your path of life.

Q. Why does God take very long to answer one's prayers?

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M. No, it doesn't take long. It's our thinking of separation from Hirm that takes long. It is the time factor of this physical dimension that makes it seem long. I will explain. I will explain. In order to experience the physical existence as we do now, we, as God before... We, when we were in heaven, one with God, as God, we have created time and space on this planet, in this physical existence, so that we can experience the separation from God, so that we can reunite to God again and enjoy the bliss again. And that's how it goes on for eternity. We have forever created new dimensions, new experiences, so that we can remember God again as God and as a creation of God. So when we are in this dimension, there is time and space, and that's how things take time to manifest, take space to materialize. In heaven, everything is together in one time, one space – there's no separation, ever. For example, I have all the flowers here. So how long does it take for them to be together? No time. They're already together, all the time. But if I take one flower out of this and put it over there, and now these flowers wish this flower to rejoin them, how long it takes? It takes maybe one second. You see? This is the dimension that we live in. Everything is separated by time and space. It is because our creative mind has wanted it that way. Now we have forgotten that we created it. We have forgotten. Never mind. You will remember if you practice Quan Yin method of meditation. You will remember everything – who you are, why things happen to you, what you have created, why they come to you – because you have created it! That's why I said before, 'no victim, ever.' Everything that happens to us, we created it for our best purpose, even though we don't see it now because we have forgotten. We have chosen to forget. Be patient. At the time of death, you will see this, even if you don't practice Quan Yin method. You will see that whatever you wish comes immediately because it's always there. You're always with everything; everything is always with you. At that time, we already transcend time and space. At the time of our transit from this world to the so-called heavenly world, we have transcended time and space. This body is the instrument that activates time and space, and that's why things we wish for don't seem to come immediately. For example, in heaven, if you want to go somewhere you just think and you're there right away, immediately, more than the speed of light. And that's why all heavenly beings, all the people who die, they are careful of what they think. They must know they should not think anything that is not good because anything they think comes materialized right in front of them. But here, for example, if I wish for a car, it takes time. The car is somewhere over there, not here. I have to make money first, and then I have to go over there and ask for the price, sign the paper, and drive the car home. See? For example like that. So if you sit here and wish for a car, God also cannot bring it right away. It takes time. See?

So we feel that God doesn't answer our prayer. Hes always does! It just comes later or

now; it depends on the situation. That’s why in all the religious scriptures it is advised that we should keep our speech, our actions, and our thoughts pure at all times, because whatever we think, whatever we wish for – bad, good – will come sooner or later. But because we have this physical body, it blinds us from all the reality, blinds us from all the truth, so we think whatever we do, whatever we think in darkness, nobody knows. Everything will come back. Hence, all the commandments of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism – every religion tells you just to do good things, think good things, because whatever you do, whatever you think, it comes back to us. It’s very scary when you know how the law of cause and effect works. Very scary. If we truly see these things, we will be more, more, more careful about what we think and what we do.

Q. Master, You do not speak of hell. What are Your comments? M. I think all of us know about it. Why should I talk about hell? Heaven is a rare gift I would

like to offer. Hell, we see everywhere already on this planet also. No need to mention, no?

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Whenever we want to strike our neighbors, that's hell. Whenever we inflict suffering on somebody else in different means, that is hell. Or whenever someone else does that to us, it is hell. Whenever we raise any negative thought about somebody else, that is hell, too. We create it all the time if we're not careful with our thoughts.

MC. This is not a question, but a very wonderful note. A person by the name of Helen says,

'Dearest Master Ching Hai, please give me personally a big hug. I will be so grateful. Thank You so much for coming to South Africa. Love, Helen.'

M. Who is that? Come here. I just hug one person symbolic for Africa, okay? Not everybody

wants to come here and hug; we don't have time. Q. Master, what is Your secret to successful meditation? M. Sincere desire. There is no secret. When we are ready, we just do it, just like when you

are hungry, you just eat. It's no secret. That's why all the teachers of old times, they never forced people to follow them or learn anything because they know it is not the thing that you could force people or train them to. It's just a thing that you are hungry. When somebody blocks your nose like this, what do you need? Air! So when you are so hungry for God, that's all you want. It's a natural phenomenon, it's no secret. But there is a helpful way, such as if you know the way to concentrate, it's also easy for you, and later it becomes like a habit; you don't even need to concentrate, you see God all the time, anytime. Even when you're singing, when you are driving, when you think of somebody else, like, 'Oh, my friend, he lost some money or something yesterday,' and then God's also there! Anytime you concentrate on something, God will be there. And now, every time we want to concentrate, we just don't know how – we couldn't! But at that time, it will be automatic.

Q. Is there a basic difference between prayer and meditation, or are they the same? M. Meditation is the deepest prayer and the truest, because we have direct result

immediately. Because when we praise, we talk, we demand, 'Please God, do this, do that, give me this, give me that,' but when we meditate, we don't demand anything. We let Hiers will be done. And we also have the way to direct contact with Hirm, so we are listening instead of talking. Because God knows before we ask what we want. Hes is God, isn't Hes? So we just listen – that's meditation. We just sit there and let Hirm tell us what to do, and that's how meditation is.

Q. Is there a specific moment or time when one feels that one has established a connection

with God? Is there some kind of spiritual vibration or feeling of aura around one or within one?

M. Yes. When you feel God's presence, you do feel it, you know it. Of course you must know!

For example, during initiation, you see the Light of God, then you know, and you hear the voice of God, the melodious heavenly teaching of God, then you know. There's no mistake about this. Just like you are listening to me now, you hear my voice. Is there any mistake? You doubt that I am here or not here? Is that clear? Yes. We could have this God's presence and God's connection every day. I mean, after initiation, we just know how, and it's easier, that's all. Easier. You can ask our elder brothers and sisters who have practiced already, they'll tell you. Not just one moment – every moment.

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Q. Master, I am already initiated by another master, but I have difficulty with meditation. Do You have any suggestions? When one closes one's eyes and focuses, what is supposed to happen?

M. Then you are not even there yet. Come back to your master, get initiated again. Ask him,

stay with him, meditate with him for a while, then you'll improve. Maybe there's a mistake because you say you are initiated already, and you still don't know what happens during meditation? You should see the Light of God and hear the music of heaven. That's what happens. You should see Jesus or Buddha, Muhammad – the old Masters of any kind. You might see your own Master inside teaching you further instructions about better way of life, better way to heaven. These things will happen during meditation. And if you still don't know that, that means you are not initiated; or maybe it's a different kind of meditation, that it did not work well with you. Maybe you should find another way, yes? This is just an example of what happens. There are thousand, million things more, okay? Just an example.

Q. Master, how important is reading holy books? M. It's only as important as it inspires you to know more about the real experience that the

book is written about. After that, you have to know the real experience, not reading it. For example, you just read the menu, or you read the letter of a friend, 'Yesterday, I ate this and that. It was wonderful,' but that is as far as important in that it inspires you to go to that restaurant to eat the same thing. But if you do not go there and eat, then the letter is just a letter, the menu is just a menu.

Q. How can a believer in God prove to a non-believer that there is a God, a Supreme Being,

the ultimate Truth? M. I can prove it. Just stay behind, I'll prove it to you. I cannot show Hirm here because God

in a different aspect is abstract, but I can prove it to you. I can show you inside. Hes will appear. There are two ways to prove God's existence. The easiest way is this. And look at yourself: Who made you? You think you fall out from thin air? If you have a baby, there is a mother and a father, right? So there are so many things in this universe. Doesn't that prove enough to you that there is a Creator somewhere? All right, maybe Hes is hidden. But I can show Hirm to you also, the hidden one; but the materialized one is us. When God manifests in the material way, this is us, this is God who sits here, this is God who made this happen. All right? But God as a power, as an invisible love, pervasive blessing, that we have to go inside in the invisible passageway in order to see. And if we want to see material God – here! Everywhere! Behind you, beside you. All right?

Q. Dear Master Ching Hai, thank You for coming to South Africa. It was God's will. I hope

Your message will stop the crime in our country. I hope to have the honor of shaking Your hand.

M. Who is that? It is reported to me this afternoon that the violence toward women has

decreased almost to nothing during this week. That's the first question. The second question: I shake hands with people all the time. It's just that it's not always practical because too many people. Like yesterday, we were in Johannesburg. I went around shaking everybody's hand as far as I could before the lecture. But today you made such a beautiful impressive dance, I was mesmerized. Thank you anyhow for your love.

Q. If all is under Hiers will, why seek initiation and liberation?

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M. Because that is also Hiers will. I do not say all of you have to do it. I am here just for the ones who are ready. And the ones who are ready, that means Hiers will has ordained them to do that. All right?

Q. Should a person, or can a person, have more than one Master? M. Of course you can have as many Masters as you want, but what for? One physical Master

is enough to take you into the higher dimension. Then you study with many Masters there, too – Jesus, Buddha, whomever you like, or the physical Master who is also inside. Most Masters teach the same thing. For example, if a Master teaches Quan Yin method, and another teaches also Quan Yin method – both Masters teach you the same thing – so there is no need to go from one Master to another. Devotion to one Master is very, very helpful to your spiritual practice. After all, the Master wants to show you that you are the Master. That's the purpose of having a Master in the first place, not to seek many Masters like a collection.

Q. How can I keep my spiritual contact with God unbreakable? M. After initiation it never breaks. Q. How can You help us to become vegetarian? M. No, no, no. I cannot help you. I can only eat one or two meals a day. I cannot eat more for

you. Sorry! Q. Master, who is God? Why did God create the universe with all that it contains? M. You go inside ask Hirm. I have explained already in the beginning that we ourselves were

God and one with God and we have chosen, or God in us or God, has chosen that we be separated in different individualities in order so that we can have multiple experiences of God and colorfully enjoy the creation. You see? If we just stay one together with God all the time as a lump like this, there's nothing happening. You see? That's why the creation begins so that we can enjoy. Suppose only me here, and you are not present, what do I do here? No interaction, no experience, no love flowing between each other. We cannot know what God's love is if we are God. We have to be separate from God in order to enjoy the God that we are or the God that is. That's the purpose.

Q. Why is it so difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and feelings? M. Yes. It's habit. Next time, whenever you think a negative thought, you replace immediately

with a contrary thought. Anytime you remember, do that until it becomes a habit again. Everything is just a habit. It will be easy once you try again, again, and again.

Q. Does God hear me when I pray? And how do I know if God has heard me? Lastly, have

You seen God? If You have, how does it feel? M. Yes. Why don't you join the initiation and then you know how does it feel? How can I

explain to you, when I am in love with somebody else, the love I feel, or the love he has for me? You see, you have to have your own experience of God, because if God can be described in human language, we don't need to seek Hirm. If God can be told by another person, then we don't need to know Hirm. Because this experience of God is one of the most wonderful things that would happen in your life, so only you will know it. The more

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we talk about God, the more I feel I am very frustrated. Of course I see God, that's why I can show you so that you yourself can also see.

Q. Why does ethnic diversity exist in this dimension? M. Why do we have so many flowers? Different kinds. That's why. God is very artistic, very

multi-talented, very beautiful, very colorful, so Hes created us like that, just like many flowers to please us. Different varieties for a colorful life. You see anything wrong with that? Should there be only one color? Should God create only one boring yellow? Should everybody look exactly like me? You think it would be interesting? Yes or no? No! Yes, now you answer yourself.

Q. To be in contact with God, could this happen instantly by practice? M. Instantly at the time of initiation and any time at home later. I will show you how to

concentrate, how to calm your mind, and then you'll see God. You can do that at home. Q. Can one eventually possess the power to materialize and create things? M. Yes, you can. And you create things all the time. You create things all the time. Any time

you think of something, you create something, and that thing will come to you sooner or later. That's why we should be careful with what we think. Because if we think good things, they will come to us also. If we think about bad things, they will come to us also. Suppose we think about many good things that we want to possess, and then we die at that instant, and then all the things that we have created and desired have not come to our fulfillment, so we have to be reborn again to enjoy them. And that's why all the Masters advise us that we should not concentrate on material possession but put our property in heaven. That means we should concentrate on God's kingdom and do not mind too much about material possession. That's why we should not bother to learn magical powers, materialize things, because we already have creative power all the time in our life. For example, if you die now, in this instant, then you will understand exactly what I say. Because when you leave this limited 'prison,' you will be free and your spirit will be everywhere at the same time – or many places at the same time – and anything, anything, anything absolutely that you want will come to you right away. Just because when we have this physical body, we could not see that. That's why we are careless about what we think, what we want, and we are not very in control of our mind. If we know everything we think will come to us, we will be very careful about what we think.

Q. Is your entire life determined by God? Or are you a master of your own destiny? M. Everything is determined by God. All right? But yet again, you are God, so you are the

master of your destiny, also. All right. Thank you very much for your love and your attention.

THE MERCY OF GOD 5 [Africa, the second largest continent on Earth, is considered blessed by the hand of God. The Motherland, as it is often called, due to the belief that it was the birthplace of humanity, is teeming with wildlife. A strong life energy exists in its emerald green jungles, which are the sanctuaries of exotic flora and fauna. Its majestic mountains hold earth's hidden treasures of gold, platinum, and diamonds. The Nile, winds and twists its 5. Public lecture, Cape Town, South Africa, November 27th, 1999 (Originally in English).

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way for over four thousand miles northward from eastern Africa to Egypt, providing life source for countless creatures of God living under the limitless African sky. There are mountains on this earth which are revered and worshipped, such as Mount Kailas in the Himalayas, Mount Ararat, the holy mountain of Armenians, Mount Sinai in the Middle East, and T'ai Shan in China. Most people in other parts of the world may not know, but Africa is also a land with many sacred mountains such as Mount Kenya – the 'Mountain of Brightness,' Ol Doinyo Lengai – 'Mountain of God,' and Mount Kilimanjaro, the continent's highest peak. The lush slopes of Kilimanjaro are considered to be 'God's backyard,' and its summit is believed to be the final resting place of the dead. Death is part of a cycle that is inevitable and inescapable, subsuming even the glorious civilizations of Africa's past which have come and gone, such as the great kingdoms of the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra, and King Menelik of Abyssinia. All that is left of their magnificent histories are archeological treasures. Their songs and dances serve as distant memories of brilliant ancient times. Many great and gifted beings have emerged from the African ancestry including Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., actor Bill Cosby, and supermodel Iman, who exemplify the grace and talents of the African people. God continues to bless Africa through a living Master, whose mission of sharing the love from the Most High with humankind, brought Her to this land. In 1995, Supreme Master Ching Hai came to Côte D'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. The First Lady of the Ivory Coast, Mrs. Henriette Bedie invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Presidential Palace as an honored guest. Upon learning of the condition of the local hospitals, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately made a contribution to purchase necessities, equipment and medicine. She then was accompanied by the prince of the Ivory Coast to the orphanages in the city of Abidjan. Supreme Master Ching Hai then continued on Her journey to the kingdom of Benin, once one of the most advanced of African civilizations. The Royal family had arranged for a grand reception at the airport to greet their national guest. King Aguli Agbo and his queen welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai to their palace and expressed their honor at receiving Her in their country. During Her stay in Benin, Supreme Master Ching Hai also visited hospitals, poor villages and several orphanages run by convent nuns. Supreme Master Ching Hai showered the children with Her love and gifts. She also made a contribution to the orphanage of Saint Enfant Jesus in order for them to add more facilities. Before Her departure from this country, the First Lady of Benin, Mrs. Nicephore Soglo, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to her official residence, where a friendly meeting took place between them. Upon returning to Formosa, concerned for the welfare of its children, Supreme Master Ching Hai had more medical supplies shipped to Benin. The people of the Ivory Coast and Benin were most grateful to have had such a benevolent and compassionate guest who brought God's love to them and their lands. In subsequent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members have also contributed through the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to war victims in Rwanda, famine victims in Sudan, and spiritual organizations in Uganda. Association members continue to carry out such charitable work by reaching out and helping the poor, homeless and orphans throughout the year. In November and December 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai traveled to the great continent of Africa again during Her Middle East and South Africa lecture tour titled 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living.' She was invited to lecture in three of South Africa's largest cities – Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. Truth seekers in these cities yearned for the nectar of God to satisfy their inner longing. Following the Cape Town lecture, the last on Her tour, an international retreat was held. Association members from all nations came together for the common purpose of praying

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for world peace. As Africa has gained the world's attention as a land of many cultures and beliefs, Cape Town, South Africa, was chosen as the ideal location to host the Parliament of the World's Religions on December 1st through 8th, 1999. Supreme Master Ching Hai was among the world spiritual and religious leaders who were invited to speak at the Parliament's opening ceremony and made a special prayer as well. Afterwards, a group of Zulu children dancers had the honor of meeting Supreme Master Ching Hai. Touched by their pure hearts and sincerity, Supreme Master Ching Hai made a generous contribution for them. During the course of Her visit, Supreme Master Ching Hai not only shared the noble teachings of the Truth with the people of South Africa but also made philanthropic contributions to the poor and less fortunate amounting to about USD100,000. Many members of the media also requested to interview Supreme Master Ching Hai. Although Her time was limited, She granted several interviews to some of the major newspapers, radio and television stations. Everywhere She went, the African people warmly welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai as an honored guest in their land, as She brought a message of peace and love to their people. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'The Mercy Of God,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Cape Town, South Africa on November 27th, 1999.] D. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Like most of us, what was important to me was to

earn money, to have the nice things in life, to have an excellent education, status, to be an important man in business, at work, to have a nice house, to have beautiful children and a nice family. Most of these things were taken away from me three years ago. I lost my job. To make matters worse, my son developed a dreadful mental disease called schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, I couldn't pronounce that word before. Any one of you who's got children will understand that when you lose your son, you lose a lot. My daughter left the house to stay with her boyfriend. To me, or rather to my wife and I, you leave the house to get married or because you are promoted, and it was a non-event. The relationship between my wife and myself changed dramatically. She was now the earner; I was now the housewife... sorry, the househusband. And I didn't do a good job at that either because I was full of hatred for what life had done to me. What had I done to deserve all this? I was fortunate that my wife never let me down. She kept me, she fed me, and she loved me. And for that, I say thank you to her in public. I was also fortunate to be able to go to the Cape Mental Health Association, and they kept me going. But still, that hatred, and the traumatic stress disorder that I suffered kept me mad. When I say mad, I was sick mentally. And I decided that I wanted to revenge myself. Revenge on those that have hurt me, hurt me so badly, and that included God. Why did Hes have to choose my son to become schizophrenic? There is not a single ounce of malice in him. He has got a golden heart, and he has got to suffer that. And he knows it. Most of them don't know it. And I decided that I was going to commit suicide because the one person that had no reason to hurt me on this Earth was the presiding officer in the court, the judge. And the other one as far as I'm concerned was God. I was going to give Hirm Hiers lot back. And I decided that I didn't want to hurt people that didn't deserve to be hurt, so I wrote letters on the computer and I prepared. Every single person that could possibly feel hurt or guilty for what I was about to do would receive a letter from me. And a week before I was going to go to the judge's house, where I knew he stayed, and hand him a letter, and then I'd pour petrol over myself and set myself alight in front of everybody in his house, in his street.

I went to a shop. And in that shop I bought what I had to. And when I came to pay at the

counter, I saw the most loving eyes I've ever come across – the little green booklet that you have in front of you – those eyes looked at me, and I felt a whole hatred that I had

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built up over three years of fighting in the industrial court, like falling away from me. And there was a little notice to say that there was a messenger available to talk, and there would be a meeting. And the little voice talked to me, it said, 'Take the notice down, and take the booklet.' I didn't take the details of the message of the venue, but I did take the booklet. I paid what I had to, made a joke with the lady and went home. And when I came home, those eyes kept on looking at me, and I was touched. And I thought now I had to do something, so I phoned the shop and I said, 'Listen, there was a notice there. Please tell me what the notice is, what is the telephone number because I want to contact these people.' And the lady said to me, 'I am sorry, sir. The manager does not allow any booklets, leaflets, or pamphlets or whatever on the wall and certainly not on the counter.' I said, 'But I asked you for the little booklet, whether I could have one. And you said, 'Yes, help yourself.'' She said, 'I didn't, because there never was a booklet in front of me.' I said, 'But there was. I've got it in front of me.' She said, 'Sir, I remember exactly what you bought. I can tell you how you paid for it in monetary values and what coins you gave me. I can promise you it wasn't there.' 'Please,' she said, 'Do me a favor. Look in the back of the booklet and phone the people there. You might find their telephone number there. But leave me in peace; I've got work to do.' So I looked in the back, and I got the telephone number and I phoned. And eventually, I received the convenient method, a method of meditation which, as was explained, you just have to be a vegetarian for 10 days. Now, I used to eat a lot of meat. And when I say I used to eat a lot of meat, I mean it. From the one day to the next, I didn't touch a piece of meat. I haven't eaten an egg since. I don't eat chicken, although I could eat a whole chicken by myself, not a problem. Not that I am proud of it, but I realize that since I didn't give life to any animal on this Earth, who am I to take that right and deprive that animal of its life? Because all animals value their lives. The moment they know that they are going to lose their lives, they defend it. Every one of us, we value our lives. And we value our lives because we realize that we are here on this Earth to learn what it is we've forgotten. As far as I am concerned, what we are here to learn is to learn that, one, we've got to love 'the person,' He or Her, whatever you want to call it, the Creator, call Hirm Allah, call Hirm God, call Hirm Pampoon for all I care. And whilst before, I wanted to revenge on Hirm, that is gone. That hatred which I had is completely gone. I have now more compassion towards my fellow human being. I try to be also more understanding, more tolerant towards my daughter, towards my son, towards my fellow human being. You know, we are different people the moment we are behind the wheel. We can have a beautiful girl and we will smile at her, but put her behind the wheel, and you go behind the wheel, and my boy, you got somebody else there. And when it is particular to take a parking, and that woman is going to take your parking, you know what you do with her, you'll jump in front of her. Now, to learn that, to undo 60 years – that's what I will be next month – 60 years of bad habits takes a lot of working. But I must say that meditation throughout the day and awareness also of why we are here has helped me to become a calmer person, a more satisfied person, a more compassionate person, I believe. I've learned that money is not everything, status is not everything. In fact, it is there, gone in one second. That's what happened to me. Everything that I valued, in a split second was gone. And unless we go through life appreciating and being thankful for what we have, we may lose it just like that, and the same with our life.

Now, I am not trying to impress you on the physical side or benefit of the Quan Yin

method of meditation, but two years ago, I suffered four heart attacks, two of which were deadly. The blockage was right on the top where it starts splitting. I experienced the most extreme pain that you can possibly imagine. The best way for me to describe it to you is to say, imagine you have pins and needles times a million times from top to bottom. And while I was experiencing that pain, I felt that there was a woman that was caressing my hand, and I also felt enveloped by love. And I was quite, in spite of that pain, I was actually

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quite calm and peaceful. Six months later, I went for a check-up at the hospital and they put me through the paces, you know, the thing that you got to walk, you walk up, they make it tighter, they make it faster. And the specialist kept on looking at me like this. And I looked at him, and he looked at me, and I looked at him and I said what's his problem. He said to me, 'Are you okay?' I said, 'I am okay. No problem.' So he said, 'Are you all right?' I said, 'I am all right.' I did 95% of the test. And when I finished with it, eventually that 95%... at one stage I said to him, 'You know, I feel a little bit tired here?' So he said, 'Stop.' So I stopped. He said, 'My friend, your file tells me that you have had two major heart attacks. That had you not changed your way of living, had you not become a vegetarian, if you would have been smoking, if you would have been overweight, if you would have been drinking, if you would have kept a stressful life, you would have been gone long time ago, and your wife would have been a widow.' So he said, 'You are very fortunate. But I can find very little record on the graph here; you look like a young guy.'

These are the experiences that I just wanted to give to you for your consideration. Thank

you very much for being so patient and having listened to me. MC. We warmly welcome Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai, once again. M. Welcome, everyone, to Cape Town, the most favorite in Africa, most favorite city. How's

everyone? Are you feeling as good as I do? [Audience: Yes.] I know you've been working very hard for this evening. And may God bless you for your effort. I know you have been working hard and God will reward you, or you'll reward yourself, or best you don't have any reward – once in a lifetime, or once in many lifetimes. Because not everyone has the honor to be here like myself and meet so many intelligent people in one evening together like this. It is a great privilege, and I would like to tell you how grateful I am. And may God bless you, bless your country, and bless the world. They have prepared a lot, like two weeks, for this evening. And I am very, very grateful for all these generous, enthusiastic and loving people. They are the ones who deserve the most praise, the most loving comment. Without them, perhaps the world would have been different. Their effort is always appreciated, not only by myself, but I guess, by all the people, by you as well. It is a great work. They have worked very hard. Please thank them for me. A lot of people, here, there, they are really, really so highly developed people.

So, for everything in this life, we prepared like that. We must prepare a long time for

everything that we want to enjoy or everything we want to experience. We even prepare for the rainy day. We work hard and we spend some, and we put some in the bank or some in the saving account for some emergency. And we even save for retirement, and we prepare for the funeral service, but we forgot to prepare the road. So, every one of us knows that we do not live here very long. We do not stay here very long; but the worldly demand, the survival, the struggle, have always tried to make us forget what we are here for. Anyhow, all of us will leave this physical world one day, but not all of us are prepared for that final departure. And that's why most of us are feeling uneasy and very fearful of that day. Even though some of us are very young still, already worry about the fearful day of departure. That is because we have not prepared very well for that day. We prepare for insurance, we prepare for sickness, we prepare for the house, mortgage and everything, but we have not prepared for the day that we depart from this world. In the bible, it is mentioned that, 'Forsake the flesh for the spirit. Learn to die, so that you will begin to live.' We read that every day, or more than once a day, but many of us do not know how to die daily so that we can know life as it truly is. Of course, that is all right also. That is all right also. Because we all have eternity to make choice again and again.

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I am here today not to show you how to live your life. I will show you how to die. Because only when we learn how to die and face death squarely, then we will not be afraid anymore of the unknown. Because once we die, it's just like we're living now, except much, much better conditions. We are more free. We can move anywhere at a speed faster than light. We can have anything we want in an instant. And we are freer than the bird. And we can have access to God any time, because we will be one with God. But that is if we’re prepared for it. Because our thought is very powerful. In everyday life, whatever we think, whatever we desire the most, these things will come to us. And suppose at the time of departure from this world, if our thoughts were dwelling on something, and it has not come true yet, we return again to this physical planet to live out our desire, to fulfill our wishes.

So, in order for someone who does not like to come back here again, or someone who

would like to master the destiny of their future existence after this existence, there is a way. There is a way to prepare for that. At the time of departure from this world, if our thought is very powerful about something, we will be drawn to that thing, or that event, or that desire, that when we are alive, we train our thought in a very positive way every day. We train as much as we can until it becomes second nature, until it becomes us. Then, at the time of death, we will go where our thought leads us. Because we are the essence of God, we have God power within us, whether we are aware of it or not. So, our thought is practically very, very powerful. If, during our lifetime, we have been brainwashed into believing that we are sinners, that we are a wretch, that we are unredeemable, that we are not worth the love of God, that we will go to hell, and then it has been described how terrible hell is, et cetera, et cetera, then at the time of death, if we believe in that, we will go to the so-called hell, even though hell doesn't exist; we create it, or other people create it for us.

Since the old time, fear has been injected into our genes, into our brain, into our way of life

so that some group of people could have control over us and make us submissive to whatever their purpose, not always very noble. Therefore, in order to free ourselves, we have to reacquaint ourselves again with the true teaching of all the masters since ancient times. That teaching is God or Buddha, or Allah, is ever merciful. And we are the children of this highest power, and we will be forever loved, forgiven, and helped in any way possible in this life and the life after. I have seen that myself. I have seen God's power at work. I have seen only love and mercy in the realm of invisible, as well as the realm of physical. There is no such thing as damnation or hell, or revenge from God. Because even if our mortal parents love us and forgive us time again and again, our God Father or God Mother would be even infinite times more forgiving, more loving. The only problem is we have long been brainwashed into thinking that we may be punished for whatever mistake we may make in this world, which we will do, we do all the time, because of our physical brain and the physical body, and the physical environment forces us into making mistakes. Doesn't matter what mistake we make, God can always repair. So Hes would never condemn us or punish us in any way that we have been made to believe. That's the way I have discovered. So I would like to share it with you. And I hope that from today, you will keep this in your mind, whether you’d like to study further with us or not. Just remember God is merciful, and have no fear whatsoever either you are still here or you depart. At the time of departure, there will be beautiful beings of heaven waiting for us immediately as the soul leaves the body. The reason why many people have not been able to see this, including the death, is because they have not prepared themselves. Maybe some of these people have prepared themselves in the wrong way, in a negative way, because they have thought that they have done something wrong in their life, so they expect damnation, they expect punishment. And that's what they will get. Whatever you believe, that shall be

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materialized, because you are God. You are one with God, always. Even though at the moment, due to the physical hindrance, some of us do not realize this, but we have nothing but God within, without us; we are nothing but God's essence. There is nowhere else we could go but within God's embrace, every time, 24 hours. We are separated from God because of our thinking, because of our deep-rooted belief that we are mere mortals.

In order to remember this, that we are God, again, we must train ourselves backward

again. The way we have trained ourselves to think separate from God, we have to retrain in the opposite direction. And we will do that until finally it becomes automatic. And then, because we contact God every day through our diligent and pure intention of practice, we will know for sure that we are one with God. So, at the time of departure, there's nothing but God surrounding us, or heavenly beings that come and greet us to the higher dimension of love. Some of the dead people do not see this phenomena; even though Jesus stands by, Buddha is near, they would not see this. Also, they would not realize that they could manifest anything at will, that they have the power of creativity in their hand. Especially after leaving this physical body, the whole power will be given, will be returned to us again. Not returned, but then, without the hindrance of this physical body, we will be all powerful again, just like the day we were with God, just like the day we have not descended into this world.

But some of us, when we depart from this world, because we did not know this secret, we

did not learn this secret, we did not learn to master our thinking while we are in the physical body, so at the time of death, we forget even more. So, some of us, or probably you have heard that some people who died came back and complaining that they are in hell, they need help, they need prayer and all that, et cetera, et cetera, these are true also. But only true to these people, not true in general; not true to you, and not true to me. For those who have learned the secret of the universe, who have learned the power of creativity, who have learned to be one with the universal mighty power, they know everything before they die and after they die. They are the master of their own destiny anywhere, now and after. But to arrive there, we need some practice. It may take a few days, a few weeks, or a few months. Not only do we practice to remember our own creative power only, but we practice so that we also enjoy heaven while living also, enjoy contacting with God's intelligence while we are still here on this planet so that we can make use of this power to enhance our life and the lives of the people that walk on our path. But this takes some discipline. Even though it is so easy, we would rather work for money, we would rather work for car, for house, for beauties, than to work to re-earn the kingdom of God again. Why? It's because of our habit. Whatever we have been trained to do since we were young, we continue doing that. The brain doesn't like change. The brain likes everything just settled, simple, fixed. Every day the same routine; whether bad or good, he likes that. He's very upset when some change takes place because the machine is like that. The brain is also only a machine. And even the power behind the brain, which is the mind, is also not very highly qualified for the purpose of attaining heaven. The mind is just like electric power behind the computer.

So we have to return to the source of all wisdom and Truth. Because if we do not train

ourselves now, at the time of death, it will be too late. Our brain, our mind, our thinking has been fixed into some negative order, and we have not enough time to escape from that or to repair from that. We can do so during the time that we sojourn in this planet. This is the easiest way. Because if we have not prepared for that day, we have not learned to know what we are doing and where we are going, then at the time of death, we will be overwhelmed by different dimensional karma. Karma is the Sanskrit term for the law of cause and effect. Whatever we did in this lifetime will engrain an impression in our

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thinking. And when we die, we bring it with us. So if we want to erase that, we must do some deep contemplation, deep purification. We can call that meditation, contemplation, deep prayers; but we must do it correctly. There is a very easy way to do it, but must be correct. Just like everything else, there's a way to do it, the correct way. And if we know that, it's very easy.

At the time of departure, we all hope to go to heaven; we normally should. Every average

citizen of the world will go to heaven. But there are different degrees of enjoyment of heaven, just like different houses in Cape Town; some house are cheaper, some houses are more expensive with more equipment, more comfort, swimming pool, et cetera, everything. Now, to the extent of our developed consciousness, to that extent we will enjoy heaven after we leave this physical world. That is if we have trained ourselves sufficiently enough to ascend to heaven immediately after death, or else we would be sometimes hovering around for a while until we realize that we are really gone, that we have no longer a physical instrument to work with, that our speech will not be heard by our loved ones, that our wife or our husband just brings another one in front of our nose every day to our bed, for example. And nothing we can do about it. Doesn't matter how much we complain, how many tantrums we throw, nobody understands nothing, nobody cares. And at that time, it's a great suffering for us. Also, we will be overwhelmed by the result of our thinking during our lifetime while in the physical body. During the time that we are living, if we keep thinking negatively, then when we die, that's what we get.

So, when we die without preparing, without meditation on the positive power, without

connection with God's power, the negative thinking that we have during a lifetime will overwhelm us and take us to unpleasant places. And that's why people say that there is hell. We could also escape from that hell if we are conscious enough at that time to walk out of our own prison. But most of the time, we have not been prepared, so we are weak. We are not strong enough to do that, so we have to stay in that negative atmosphere for a while until it dies down. Now, there is another kind of pressure for us even, not just that, not just our own individually created negativity or pressure or atmosphere or sphere. We have also the collective created consequence of the people on this planet, as well as our relatives and friends, closer speaking. Because we have not mastered the art of mastering our own destiny, we have not learned to walk the correct way to heaven, we will stray here and there, we will be pulled apart into different directions, or pushed into unpleasant scenery or planet, illusionary planet which to us at that moment is absolutely real. And that's how people say they enter hell, and they suffer. But it must not be like that.

Even if you don't want to practice vegetarian, compassion, even if you don't want to

practice meditation with us, you should always tell yourself and remember that God is merciful. That is the only thought you should remember at the time of death. Then you will be clear enough to see that Jesus stands by, that heaven is opening the gate, that angels are greeting you with music of the celestial realm. You must remember something noble like that, that we are the sons and daughters of God, that we can never be anything lower than that, that nothing at all could harm us. This is the thought that should be engrained in your mind. Like this, you will not fear the angel of death because he doesn't really exist. It exists because we created him, because we believe in him during our lifetime, so he manifests. Whatever you wish shall be given unto you. Knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given. Because on this planet, sometimes we ask for something, it doesn't come immediately, so we think it doesn't work. It works all the time. Just because we are hindered by this physical body, we cannot see the result immediately. Sometimes the result comes a little bit later, and we think we forget. We forget that we had wanted it. We think that, 'Oh! This is just luck.' Or, 'This is just bad fortune that these things happen to

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me.' But nothing really happens without us wanting it in the first place. Also, of course, if we are not strong enough in our will, then the karma, the collective consciousness of negativity or positivity also affects us in daily life, as well as the time of departure. In our daily life, we are more shielded by this physical ignorance. At least we do not know something bad is coming. But when we leave this physical protection, we will see everything. Everything affects us immediately. If we die, and the loved ones were crying, and lingering, and missing us so much, and they cry and they suffer, we will feel it exactly as if we are suffering. That's why during the time of the loved ones' departure, maybe the best is that we should just pray for them to go to heaven and enjoy and be liberated, and not praying, crying, and lamenting, and missing them so much because that will make them also feel very miserable and delay their departure to the higher dimension. Death should be celebrated, not mourned because that is our final liberation. Nothing can touch us anymore, nothing can harm us, nothing can cover us anymore. We will know everything. We will be into everything. We will be anywhere in a fraction of a second. We'll have everything that we wish for come true immediately.

But in order to prepare for a higher reward than just this, we should learn the art of

mastery of our own destiny, of our own future, create our own heaven, prepare our own future, and do not let the atmosphere of other people, or the bad karma of other people influence us, and drag us here and there like a slave or like a dog. Because we are the master. We are the children of the Ocean of Love, of God. We have dignity; we should walk like a God, we should act like a God, we should think like a God. It's not easy because we have forgotten how to do that. But it's only a habit, and habits can be trained, can be broken also with time. During our busy activities, of course it is difficult for us to control our thought and to train ourselves again into the glory of how we are. That's why we have to choose a little time-span during our busy schedule to be quietly alone with ourselves, with God. At that time, we can concentrate our power of thinking, then we can correct the habit of our thought and make it positive. And day by day like this, we will become the sons of heaven again, as it really is. That's why we should meditate every day, not just after initiation. Because after initiation you're liberated already. You are a free man. You really are a free man. No one can touch you any more.

But in order to have a smoother life here and to enjoy heaven while we are still breathing,

in order to 're-member,' 're-train' ourselves into the prince of heaven, we must remind ourselves every day. It's not even enough because we have been reminded, time after time, for a long, long time how bad we are. So, now, we have to remind us again how good we really are. That's why it takes time. It takes everyday practice to remember this. You are not going to learn anything, you are just going to remember, because there's nothing for you to learn. You are the King of Heaven, you are part of heaven, part of the whole universal power. There's nothing you cannot do. Just take time to remember it again. I am here to help you to remember. And it's not as difficult as you think. It's easier than making a living. It's easier than driving a car. It's easier than sleep.

So it would be to our benefit that we should try. What do you think? Yes? Because it's so

easy and simple. To some of us who could devote the whole heart and mind into regaining heaven, we can give you the whole instruction and you meditate like two, three hours a day or as much as you can. Like cut down a little on sleep, talk less on the phone, watch only important news on television, and don't just sit there and watch whatever 'nonsense,' so then you will have a lot of time. We will find that we have a lot more time to spare if we cut down many of the unnecessary activities that we used to do just to kill time. Now, the time we don't have to kill, we use it to live, we use it to resurrect our soul. Then, not only do we feel good and bless ourselves, we will bless others as well. Habit is hard to break,

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we all know that. But it doesn't mean impossible. Before, I couldn't drive a car. I just have a license recently. When I could drive a car, I feel, 'My God! I feel like a human being.' I feel like everybody else on this planet. I was so proud. I wanted everybody to see that I am driving. Because I trained myself. First time, I failed. Second time, I failed. Third time, I succeeded. Even to learn driving, it takes so long. It takes effort, money, and concentration. I still can do it. Yes, I still can do it. Many other things, like learning English, even learning to walk. We were born crawling, not even crawling, lying helpless. As a baby, we know how to try. We try to crawl, and then we try to stand up, and then we try toddling around. Then we try to walk. And then we run, and now we fly even. Everything is a process of learning. To a baby, it must have been impossible to see the adult running or riding a bicycle, driving, jumping around, dancing. But to us, it's easy because we have tried, we have trained ourselves. Similarly, to go to heaven, we can train like that. It looks difficult at first, but it isn't. It is more difficult if we try ourselves. But it is not difficult if somebody else already knows how and shows us hands-on experience, hands-on teaching. It's very simple.

That's why since ancient times, God has sent a lot of teachers to show us the way

because we have forgotten. To show us the way doesn't mean that person is better than us. We call him or her teacher just because in the beginning, he teaches you something. So we call them teacher on this planet if somebody teaches you something. We call them teacher of English, professor of mathematics, for example. But in the order of heaven, there is no one lower, no one higher, just someone who walks the way first and shows the one who walks later. And if someone who knows the way already shows us, it's easier, it's less stressful and more sure and quicker. We could try to walk back to heaven ourselves, but then so many things we do not know on the road because we have forgotten and sometimes it could be frightening. And that's why many people feel that they are not up to it. They're scared. But when you have somebody walking with you, holding hands, and protecting you, and show you where, the way to walk and where to avoid, then the road is more pleasant. You have a companion, it's quicker, it's easier.

So, in short, I am here in case you feel you want to remember again who you truly are.

And there's no cost, no conditions. The so-called five precepts is not the five precepts; it is the measurement of your readiness. Yes? For example, if we want to go to college, then a high school diploma is a must, yes? And a test before college is a must to measure your standard of education, so to see for yourself and for the professor whether you are ready or not for college. Similarly, the five precepts or the ten commandments in the bible is not a must for everybody. It's not a commandment for you to break or to keep. It is for you to measure your standard of development, spiritually speaking. Suppose you don't want to steal things from people, but you always like to give to the unfortunate. Suppose you don't ever want to tell lies, because it's against your conscience, and you always tell the truth. That is not because you keep the precepts, it is because your standard of spiritual development is that high. So if you are required to follow the five precepts, like you don't tell lies, you don't kill even animals, and you don't take things from other people, et cetera, et cetera, or as you are recommended to take the vegetarian diet. It is just a remembering, it's just a 'memoire,' it's just reminding that, 'Are you up to here yet? Are you here yet? You know this? Yes? Yes?' And if you agree to all this, for you it's easy, it's natural, that means you are there, you are ready. You are ready to enter sainthood. You are ready to remember yourself. And that's all about the five precepts or the vegetarian diet, or the ten commandments. It's not that God is dictative, or it's not that I am sitting here pointing a finger and saying, 'Thou shall not kill. Thou must do this, do that...' It's not that. These things, these rules have been passed down from heaven, so that we can measure our standard of quality. Remember when Moses came down from the mountain? He handed

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these ten commandments, He said it's from God. It is from God, so that we know where we are, where we stand. So it's not that you must follow me or else, it's not that. You don't even have to follow me. I just teach you once, and you can remember all the time. You can do it alone. Unless you want to see me again, or you are in doubt, then we will give you an ID card, so that when you come, people recognize you and let you in to see me. Or, you can write a letter. But these are not always necessary for many people, because every day you can meditate alone, after we give you instruction, then you know what to do. You'll be your own master every day. The difficulty is not following a master or any master. The difficulty is being your own master, having the discipline to do what you have chosen to do, what you know is the best for your soul. So if we think that we are up to it, then we are welcome very much. During my speech, even if I haven't taught you anything, your soul will receive invisible instruction to your Self. So if you concentrate enough, or if you're simple inside enough, you see Light already, see heavenly Light already. Some of you've seen already? Yes? You raise your hand if you've seen it? Yes? Okay. Please.

Q. God is all merciful and compassionate. How do You explain earthquakes, tidal waves, et

cetera? M. There are many ways of looking at things. If we think this physical body, this physical

possession, this physical life is all there is about life and the universe, then of course, we will think God is so careless, destroying things, taking lives from people. But if we see things in a spiritual way, if we trust in God's wisdom, then we know everything is all right, everything is perfect. That is another way to look at it. More practically speaking, we also are responsible for all the disasters on this planet. Not all, but many of them. We cut down trees, so we reduce rain, and we encourage more landslides, encourage more drought which, in turn, affects the harvest and makes a lot of people hungry. And we test atom bombs here and there everywhere. We interfere with the stability of this globe, of the way it vibrates and changes and turns, and we cause many of the unspeakable disasters to ourselves. But then again, okay, we may blame God, it's all right. The guy is there, convenient. But whatever God takes away, Hes gives another. Because Hes is the Creator, Hes can create and Hes can destroy. We never know for what purpose unless we learn to be one with God, to ascend into a higher dimension, where intelligence is boundless, where the vision is limitless. Then we can see the order of work of the universe, then we understand why some things have happened. We will know that everything is for the best, then we will not blame God anymore.

Q. Does the process, the meditation process, give you a clear mind, and is this path leading

to heaven through Jesus Christ and not changing any of God’s principles? M. Yes. Yes. The meditation helps you to see yourself clearer. Because when the mind calms

down and is left behind and the physical body is forgotten, then we reveal ourselves as our True Selves. And our True Selves can always see things better, can always see the Truth, the complete Truth, because we are not the physical body.

Q. Your views on reincarnation, worship of ancestors, its benefits, the law of karma, cause

and effect, and what do You say is the common thread that could unite all religions? M. I mentioned before already. If the power of your thought has created things which have

not arrived during your existence on this planet, then it will arrive again some other time later. You have to be reborn again in order to enjoy that, bad or good. So, be careful what you think when you are alive; then you don't have to enjoy the bad or good consequences. Everything, we create it. And number two, when our ancestors departed from this world,

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it's just like I have mentioned already, so all you should do is just pray for them if you don't know where they are gone to. Nothing else. Pray. Okay? Worship only God. Be grateful to our ancestors and parents, but pray for them to be liberated. Don't use them because they died already, let them rest, for God's sake. Don't pray to them for prosperity, for protection, for whatever material gain that we want to extract from them. They have done their share already during their lifetime. All we do is, if we really love them, pray for them so that God protects them, lifts them up to a higher dimension. That's all we should do. No worship, no calling, no nagging, no demanding. The last one, the thread that unites all religions. That would be good, if all the religions united. But, actually, we have only one religion; according to my study of different religious scriptures, they say the same thing. The essence of the teachings are the same that we have one God, that we should find Him or Her.

Q. How do we rid ourselves of our ego? M. That's a big question. Yes, how? Only when we see God on a daily basis, only when we

see the splendor, the greatness of our Almighty Father, then we feel that we are nothing. Not only we feel nothing because we are humble, just we feel that we know that nothing is really important in this world to compete, or to snatch, or to make trouble to ourselves, because we know heaven is near. At that time, our ego has no place to grow, he just dies by himself – no food. Because we don't care for blame and praise anymore. We don't care much for material gain. We have them, we use them. We don’t have them, we're satisfied with what we have. At that time, the ego will die.

Q. Is there such a thing as evil spirits? M. There are such things as evil spirits. As I have mentioned earlier, those who have not

prepared themselves to walk the way of God, they might be confused, they might be very frustrated in the loneliness of the wandering world without guidance, without noble thought to even nourish himself, he will turn into a nasty nuisance spirit for a while. For a while only, until his anger dies down, or until some angel comes and gets him somewhere else, where he belongs. And the devil is not really an entity. It is collective power of negative thinking. And that can be a very big obstruction to us in spiritual practice as well as material survival. This concentrated negative power could be felt sometimes when we try to reach God, when we try to do some really beneficial work for mankind. Because there are some other people who think the opposite of this goodness and noble way. So this power of their thought creates this so-called devil; otherwise, there is nothing such as the devil that exists. It wasn't created in the beginning.

Q. How can I be and lead a spiritual life coming from a very formal religious Islamic

background? M. There is no need to change your religion or do anything tragic. Just meditate. I'll show you

how to meditate, that's all. Just keep whatever you believe. Keep your Christianity, keep your Buddhism, keep whatever the path, the teaching of the master that is favorite to you. I just show you how to get in touch with the essence of the teaching that you believe. I will just show you how to see the master whose teaching you’re reading. For example, you meditate, you can see Jesus if you're Christian. You can see Buddha and gain some wisdom from Him. But sometimes the Buddhists see Jesus and the Christians see Buddha. That also happens in our group. Yes, it happens all the time. God makes big jokes. But, nevertheless, when we ascend into that level of consciousness, we don't care. We know that they are all one, so we be friends with them all and they are all very friendly

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to us, too. Yes, sometimes they see both, see Jesus and Buddha sit together drink tea. They have fun up there, all the religious leaders and teachers. Only us, crawling on the planet fighting with each other who's the best. In their names! Thank you.

Q. Does Your method include out-of-body experiences? M. Yes. Yes. It does. But this is just the beginning. It's called astral projection, which you can

leave your body. People use that to peep around. It's not allowed. So, in our method, we close the curtain on that. We just take you straight to a higher astral world first. That is the number one beginner astral projection. And then after, if you pass that astral world, we take you to the second world, where you see how things are created and why things happen to people. You will see the creative power of our own minds and human's mind. And then after that, you go to a higher world to see the Lord of all creations. I mean creation in this level only. We might call him the creator because he does create. He creates material things, he creates the mind, he creates the feeling, the spiritual aspect of the mind. But then we have to leave that world, too, have to go higher into the dimension of what we call nothingness. And then higher than that, we have to go to the Home of the Master, see all the splendor of the Lord, of the representative of the Lord. And then we can go higher and higher still. But after the fifth world, we are already the Master. We regain our mastership. Then we can do what we like with our life. We can lead others also into bliss and happiness. We can be the torchbearer of the world. It's not that astral projection is the end; it's only the beginning, very low humble beginning.

Q. How do you identify the real God with so many different religions of the world? M. There's only one God. You see, the Indian, they speak Hindu. They call the enlightened

one 'Buddha.' Or the Jewish, they speak Hebrew and they call the enlightened son of God, 'Christ,' et cetera, et cetera. But if we translate it into English, there's only one – enlightened. That's why even within one religion, people fight with each other. That is a very big mistake. We should correct that. Even if there are many Gods, even if, suppose if we have different Gods – Muslim God, Christian God, Buddhist God – they all should be merciful. They would never want us to fight with each other. So, we are doing a very bad job, fighting in their names. I hope we will not do that again. Thank you.

Q. What can You tell us about extra-terrestrial beings? M. I have some tapes where I have mentioned about that already. But we are all extra-

terrestrial beings, don't you know that? We came from heaven. All of us, extra-terrestrial. Nothing to talk about. And all the leaders of religions that we worship are extra-terrestrial. Jesus, Buddha, they are supposed to come from somewhere else. So, actually, you know already from religious teaching that we have extra-terrestrials, right? So if you want to see them, I'll show you how, later.

Q. On my return to this Earth, what form of life would I take? Who was I? How will I know who

I am and what I am supposed to do? M. You mean the reincarnation? [Q: Yes.] You'll return to be whatever you want to be. That's

the only truth. You create your existence. You are what you are now because you have chosen to be. And you will be what because you've chosen now to be different. We can create a different life for ourselves all the time.

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Q. How do I know what God expects of me, so as for me to practice and master those requirements?

M. You can go and ask Hirm. I am here to show you, so you can go and ask Hirm. I cannot

answer for Hirm. Besides, even if I tell you what God wants from you, would you even believe me? See? So first-hand experience is the best. Go find out. Very easy – meditation.

MC. A note of salutation: Dear Master, as You walked in, I just felt so beautiful, and it was as

though I could see my spiritual master receiving us with his divine love and beautiful energy. I somehow was a bit emotional just absorbing Your beauty from within and Your intense energy. Thank You for giving us this opportunity of listening to You and Your inspiring speech. There's so much I can identify with.

M. Bless you and thank you. You must be very pure in the heart to feel that. You must be

very devoted to God in order to have sensed what you have written. Congratulations! Q. It appears to me as though Master Ching Hai is a gifted person in more ways than one.

Can Master please explain to me who or what is the source of Her inspiration? M. Gifted? The talent? [Q: Yes.] That all came from Hirm. Whatever Hes gives, it's all Hiers. I

have nothing. I was born with nothing. I've grown up with nothing. And I have been given all these talents late in life, because I practice meditation, I seek God first before everything else, and then Hes gives me everything else. All the things I never ask.

Q. How do you balance the spiritual world and the physical world? M. Well, we have to practice spiritual life because right now most of us are practicing a

physical way of life already. So there is another part missing. Because we are not only physical, we are also a spiritual being. So the reason we suffer is because we only practice the physical way and forget the other better half, the spiritual way. So, to balance it, start practicing now.

Q. If heaven exists, duality exists, is our goal not to lose duality and to become one with the

Supreme Consciousness? M. Yes. Heaven is not everything. But we go there first. Better than going to hell first. Just

one at a time. We go to heaven so that we can have a taste of the celestial life, and we meet all the heavenly beings and learn further, and then we'll be one with the Most High. Of course. We pass through heaven.

Q. Must one ask for protection when one is busy meditating? M. Yes, you should. But in our way of practicing, you are protected already, 24 hours, by the

Master power. The one who teaches you is responsible to protect you until you are able to protect yourselves.

Q. If we know that we have some relative that does bad magic, what should we do to protect

ourselves? M. That does black magic? [Q: Yes.] That's bad news. You believe in God. Pray to God all

the time. Black magic is the opposite of love, the opposite of Light and God. So if you turn

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to love, you turn to God, then you will be protected. Besides, if you do not do anything wrong in your life, no black magic can ever touch you. It is not allowed. Black magic can only harm immoral people when you are weak with guilt and ridden with bad conscience. So, make sure your life is a sample of purity, then nothing can harm you.

Q. Do we have free will or is everything predestined? M. Predestined and free will. Predestined because we have chosen the path that we walk in

this life to fulfill our purpose. Free will because we could change it for the future. Q. When you are doing your meditation, what are you supposed to think? How do you

meditate? Because when you close your eyes, the only thing you see is darkness. M. See only darkness? [Q: Yes.] You see darkness, not everybody sees darkness. I will

teach you later, okay? Then you can practice at home. And you will see Light, definitely. Q. You say that hell only exists because we believe in it, but how can You say that it is not

the same with heaven and with God? M. Heaven and God exist already. After that, we create this world by our thinking, by our

wanting to be here, which is not bad. I don't say this physical world is bad. It is also created for the purpose of growing so that we can know God again. Of course, you could say that, 'Okay, we create God too.' But why not? We are God. And God creates forever, forever and forever. So you can say you create God, or God already exists and created us. But we are one with God. Argue back and forth, no use. Come inside and see whether God exists or not, and then you can tell me. All right?

Q. Will Tai Chi help me reach a higher level of consciousness as a moving meditation? M. It does? Good for you. Good for you. Yes. It also needs concentration, and it also helps

you to relax and helps you to feel elevated to some degree, but that's not all, okay? That's not all. We have to contact the Light of God. We have to know God in the form of Light and other teaching in order to truly understand.

Q. What does the word 'Supreme' in the title 'Supreme Master Ching Hai' mean? M. It means the Supreme Master Ching Hai. It means God. God uses the human instrument

to share Hiers love, teaching, with mankind. It's not this physical body that teaches you. It's an office of God. Ching Hai is a Chinese name for Ocean of Love. Yes, we have another name now. Ocean of Love means God Almighty. It's the same thing.

Q. How does spiritual well-being or mental well-being relate or improve people's health who

have permanent illnesses, for instance, like diabetes. M. When we practice spiritual, everything else also improves, including our health, even our

financial situation. But we should not seek that as a purpose of meditation. We should seek only to know God. Then Hes will regulate everything else. That happens in our group. But we have to be sincere in looking for God, and then really our sickness will also be gone. Many people who have cancer, and they are already scheduled for operation, but because they get initiation and practice meditation until then, the cancer disappeared. So they run out of the operation table, with the doctor chasing behind. Some are like that.

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Some in terminal cancer, some have a lot of other very serious disease, also been cured. Thanks to the Lord. Thanks to your own sincerity.

Q. When we become a part of the great Lake of Consciousness, do we retain our own

individual consciousness? M. Yes and no. Because we have been already so-called separated from God, so we still

have individual so-called consciousness. But when we reach into a higher level of realization, then we are everywhere. We are one with God. That's why Jesus proclaimed, 'I and my Father are one.' But there are more levels after that. Yes. So it is infinite. Because at that time you still have 'I' and 'My Father,' you still have two. And as we rise higher and higher, there are wonders to be discovered.

Q. Is our intuition and mental pictures fantasy or reality? M. It depends on what kind of practice and what kind of mentality you possess right now. If

you take drugs or do some magic or something like that, then you enter into hallucination, which looks like real, but it's very detrimental to our mind as well as our body in the long run. But if we use the Self, the True Self, the God Self, which will see the God Self, then it is not hallucination. It is true. Because it will make us elevated, it will make us feel ecstatic, makes us wiser, happier, healthier, and fearless.

Q. Can a person see God directly in meditation? M. Yes. Yes. That's what we meditate for. Q. I believe I have bad karma. How do I get rid of it? M. Come to initiation. I help to get rid of it for you. Q. As an atheist, what are the benefits of Quan Yin to me? M. Make you become a better atheist. I told you, I promise I don't make you change any

religion. Just meditate, then you understand everything. Q. Master, thank You for Your prayers for this country and Your efforts for peace in our world.

I would like to ask: Does the study of systems, such as Taoism, Kabbalism, and Shamanism interfere with Quan Yin practice?

M. No. What belongs to Caesar, belongs to him. We do our things, the governments do their

things, the footballers plays football, the tennis players play tennis. Yes? We are up to the business of spiritual practice and elevation of the soul. Whatever '-ism,' no problem. Yes. Just outside. Inside, we contact with God.

Q. Do You believe in the seven chakras? M. Yes. They exist. We have to go through, in the normal practice, in the normal yoga

practice, one has to go through all these seven chakras in order to reach the third eye and be liberated. But in our method, you start from there. You don't go step, step, step, step... it takes too long. That's why we say immediate enlightenment. It's quicker, easier. There's a trick.

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Q. Please explain twin souls and the male and female aspects of oneself. M. There's no such thing as twin souls. We are all separated. Okay? But sometimes we

encounter someone who is very compatible to us and we call that person soul-mate. It happens. If we have been working, living, loving with that soul for a long time before in different incarnations, and when we met this so-called soul reincarnated again in a different body, we feel familiarity. Because we have done things together all the time before, so everything is easy, everything compatible, everything is harmonious. So, that is what we call soul-mate, okay? We do that all the time. We encounter this. And people who encounter this so-called soul-mate, they’re happily married to each other, or they become very good sisters and brothers together, or good parents and child together. The relationship is very good. So this is soul-mate.

Q. Who or what is Quan Yin? M. Quan Yin means the contemplation of the inner Word of God. That's it. And there was one

saint, lady saint, who also practiced this method of the Light and the Word of God, the Sound. And Her name is Quan Yin. Therefore, the Chinese people praise Her as the Goddess of Mercy, because when She was alive, She granted wishes, She helped people, She blessed everyone, just like any living Master would. And so they continue worshipping Her up till now as the Goddess of Mercy. Just like we continue worshiping Buddha, continue worshipping Jesus, et cetera.

Q. Welcome, Master. Thank You for coming today. I am to be initiated today. My partner is

not initiated. Can You please comment on why I cannot share my experiences with her? I enjoy sharing. Please comment.

M. I am not sure if your partner is ready to even hear all this, number one. Number two,

whatever is given to you from heaven, you should keep quiet about it. Because this world belongs to Caesar. Yes? And what you get belongs to heaven. Most of people in this world, if they do not practice the same as you do, and they do not enter the same kingdom, all the things you tell them is like Greek. They will not understand, and they will ridicule you, and they will make trouble for you. That's why they crucified Jesus, remember? Because He said things about heaven that people don't understand. He spoke the truth, but they labeled Him blasphemy. He talked about heaven, but they gave Him hell, just because the people in this planet speak a different language, and understand different things. So, please, be careful about what you talk. You can say general term like, 'Okay, if you meditate, you will see Light, and you'll hear the Word of God. I also have this kind of experience.' That's it. No more detail about which heaven you have been to, what kind of melody you've heard, what kind of Light you've seen, or what things Jesus have told you during your meditation, et cetera, et cetera. No details, okay? People do not believe you. You will break your relationship if you talk too much about heaven.

Q. Thank You for gracing us with Your beautiful presence. We have waited a long time for

this. Are You working with the Himalayan masters? M. I am working with all of the masters, not only Himalayans. Q. How do drugs affect one's spiritual growth? M. It affects everything, don't you know? It makes your mind blurred. It shrinks your brain. It

clogs your nerves. It makes you hallucinate. It makes you go crazy when you don't have it

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and become addicted to it. It breaks your family love, relationship. It drives your girlfriend, boyfriend away. It makes you become a criminal sometimes. How do you have peace in this chaotic state of mind in order to practice spiritual even? You have to be first calm and normal. We have enough confusion with work, with war, with disaster, with relationship already. Do not create more confusion for yourselves and damage your only vehicle to reach God; this is the body, the temple. Keep it well, in order, healthy, because you must use it. Drug is no, no, no, no.

Q. I love You, and Your voice particularly. Tell me how many lives do we live, and how do we

know which one is which? M. Thank you for your compliment. How many lives we live here, it depends on us. We could

finish it in one lifetime. We could be too attached to all the wonders of this physical creation, that we return again for more enjoyment and exploration of the Lord's glory through physical manifestation. So each one is different, all right?

Q. If I want to follow God, how must I do it, and what must I feel to know I've accepted Hirm? M. At the time of initiation, you see God, or part of the manifestation of God, in the form of

Light, Sound, music, or Masters of the past. And then from there, you will know. You can only know by your own experience. You cannot know by persuasion or from my experience to you. Each one must face God alone.

Q. How can one help the dying? M. You pray. You pray in whatever religion. It helps if you are sincere. The power of your

love, when you gather together praying for one person unconditionally in any situation, also in dying situation, will help him elevate his own consciousness and speed his way to heaven.

Q. How and when will I be able to attend any of Your lectures again? When are You coming

back? M. I should stay here forever, I guess. Whatever’s important to you, you make time. Nobody

can decide for you. Make time. Okay. Thank you very much, everybody. PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS 6 [Africa, the second largest continent on Earth, is considered blessed by the hand of God. The Motherland, as it is often called, due to the belief that it was the birthplace of humanity, is teeming with wildlife. A strong life energy exists in its emerald green jungles, which are the sanctuaries of exotic flora and fauna. Its majestic mountains hold earth's hidden treasures of gold, platinum, and diamonds. The Nile, winds and twists its way for over four thousand miles northward from eastern Africa to Egypt, providing life source for countless creatures of God living under the limitless African sky. There are mountains on this earth which are revered and worshipped, such as Mount Kailas in the Himalayas, Mount Ararat, the holy mountain of Armenians, Mount Sinai in the Middle East, and T'ai Shan in China. Most people in other parts of the world may not know, but Africa is also a land with many sacred mountains such as Mount Kenya – the 'Mountain of Brightness,' Ol Doinyo Lengai – 'Mountain of God,' and Mount Kilimanjaro, the continent's highest peak. The lush slopes of Kilimanjaro are considered to be 'God's 6. Public lecture, Cape Town, South Africa, December 1st and 2nd, 1999 (Originally in English).

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backyard,' and its summit is believed to be the final resting place of the dead. Death is part of a cycle that is inevitable and inescapable, subsuming even the glorious civilizations of Africa's past which have come and gone, such as the great kingdoms of the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra, and King Menelik of Abyssinia. All that is left of their magnificent histories are archeological treasures. Their songs and dances serve as distant memories of brilliant ancient times. Many great and gifted beings have emerged from the African ancestry including Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., actor Bill Cosby, and supermodel Iman, who exemplify the grace and talents of the African people. God continues to bless Africa through a living Master, whose mission of sharing the love from the Most High with humankind, brought Her to this land. In 1995, Supreme Master Ching Hai came to Côte D'Ivoire, the Ivory Coast, in West Africa. The First Lady of the Ivory Coast, Mrs. Henriette Bedie invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Presidential Palace as an honored guest. Upon learning of the condition of the local hospitals, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately made a contribution to purchase necessities, equipment and medicine. She then was accompanied by the prince of the Ivory Coast to the orphanages in the city of Abidjan. Supreme Master Ching Hai then continued on Her journey to the kingdom of Benin, once one of the most advanced of African civilizations. The Royal family had arranged for a grand reception at the airport to greet their national guest. King Aguli Agbo and his queen welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai to their palace and expressed their honor at receiving Her in their country. During Her stay in Benin, Supreme Master Ching Hai also visited hospitals, poor villages and several orphanages run by convent nuns. Supreme Master Ching Hai showered the children with Her love and gifts. She also made a contribution to the orphanage of Saint Enfant Jesus in order for them to add more facilities. Before Her departure from this country, the First Lady of Benin, Mrs. Nicephore Soglo, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai to her official residence, where a friendly meeting took place between them. Upon returning to Formosa, concerned for the welfare of its children, Supreme Master Ching Hai had more medical supplies shipped to Benin. The people of the Ivory Coast and Benin were most grateful to have had such a benevolent and compassionate guest who brought God's love to them and their lands. In subsequent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members have also contributed through the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to war victims in Rwanda, famine victims in Sudan, and spiritual organizations in Uganda. Association members continue to carry out such charitable work by reaching out and helping the poor, homeless and orphans throughout the year. In November and December 1999, Supreme Master Ching Hai traveled to the great continent of Africa again during Her Middle East and South Africa lecture tour titled 'Heaven Is Only The Beginning – See God While Living.' She was invited to lecture in three of South Africa's largest cities – Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town. Truth seekers in these cities yearned for the nectar of God to satisfy their inner longing. Following the Cape Town lecture, the last on Her tour, an international retreat was held. Association members from all nations came together for the common purpose of praying for world peace. As Africa has gained the world's attention as a land of many cultures and beliefs, Cape Town, South Africa, was chosen as the ideal location to host the Parliament of the World's Religions on December 1st through 8th, 1999. Supreme Master Ching Hai was among the world spiritual and religious leaders who were invited to speak at the Parliament's opening ceremony and made a special prayer as well. Afterwards, a group of Zulu children dancers had the honor of meeting Supreme Master Ching Hai. Touched by their pure hearts and sincerity, Supreme Master Ching Hai made a generous contribution for them. During the course of Her visit, Supreme Master Ching Hai not only

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shared the noble teachings of the Truth with the people of South Africa but also made philanthropic contributions to the poor and less fortunate amounting to about USD100,000. Many members of the media also requested to interview Supreme Master Ching Hai. Although Her time was limited, She granted several interviews to some of the major newspapers, radio and television stations. Everywhere She went, the African people warmly welcomed Supreme Master Ching Hai as an honored guest in their land, as She brought a message of peace and love to their people. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom-filled lecture entitled, 'Parliament Of The World's Religions,' delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Cape Town, South Africa on December 1st and 2nd, 1999.] M. Thank You, Father. Thank you, brothers and sisters, that you have taken time to come

here to pray for Africa, and together, we will also pray for the world. And may I ask you a few seconds of silence to reconfirm our wish to the Lord.

Thank you. Thank you so much. I have been praying to God before I even came here, for

your land and for the world, as always. I have told Hirm, 'Father, You know everything. You granted our wish before we even ask. And whatever You arrange for us, it should be the best for our spiritual development. Doesn't matter how bleak it looks at this moment, Your will is the supreme. Your will is always the wisest, the best, the most compassionate in the end. And pray let us know this, pray let us never forget that Your will is always the most loving in the highest sense of the universal Truth. We thank You also for giving us the occasion to be here today in this beautiful city, one of the most beautiful places on this planet, and to see all these beautiful, pure, simple-hearted people. It is our honor in many lifetimes to have such an occasion, because we have been here by Your will, we live here by Your will, and we shall go back to Yourself by Your will. But we don't have much chance to see each other physically, because even though, if this physical world is a grand illusion of all Your creation, it is still very beautiful to us, it is our home. And in this sense, we also dedicate to You today, if You wish, that the people of this land, or in any land, have the home that they wish to have, have a peaceful life with all the dignity as God’s children, as You shall will it. We dedicate to You our heart, our love, and our utmost surrender, that whatever You shall arrange for us, it will be Your will. But nevertheless, since we are in this physical condition, we have to endure a lot of illusionary hardship which hinders our spirit and separates us from You. Therefore, pray Lord, grant us some of the dignity of the basic peacefulness so that we may have enough calm, enough surrender, to remember You every second of our life. Because You are glory, You are beauty, You are richness, You are the most fantastic vision of the perfection that we could ever remember, so let this perfection also be manifest on this planet. And perhaps some of the land of the planet needs more blessing than another. We will be willing to be working together to help some of the less fortunate lands, some of the less fortunate corners in the world, such as perhaps this little corner of Your creation. Blessed be You, my Lord, that You remember us in this corner of Africa. Perhaps all Your children deserve Your love and blessing, but maybe this corner deserves a little bit extra. That shall be our prayer for today. Amen.'

Thank you. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Thank you. MC. Welcome, brothers and sisters. Supreme Master Ching Hai teaches an ancient method of

meditation, the Quan Yin method. 'Quan Yin' means 'observation of the inner vibration.' Each culture and religion has its own name to describe this inner celestial Light and Sound. They are spoken of in all the holy scriptures, such as the 'Word' and 'Heavenly

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Sounds' of Christianity and Judaism, the 'Shabad' of Hinduism, the 'Heavenly Music' of Taoism, the 'Naam' of Sikhism, the 'Kalam-i-Qadim' of Islam, and the 'Inner Sound Stream' of Buddhism. This supreme vibration is the language of universal love and great intelligence. This divine vibration vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. The inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires, and quench all worldly thirst. It is all powerful and all love. It is because we are made of this Sound that contact with it brings peace and contentment to our hearts. After today's lecture concludes, Supreme Master Ching Hai will offer the chance to experience divine inner Light and Sound through initiation into the Quan Yin method. Those wishing to learn must continue hereafter with a pure vegetarian diet and proper ways of moral conduct in order to ensure one's progress in one's meditation. Those not yet ready for such a step may learn the convenient method of meditation which is a more general introduction into the Quan Yin method. There will be more details after the lecture. Could everybody please extend a warm welcome to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

M. Thank you. Thank you, honey. Thank you so much. God bless you. God bless you. Thank

you. They already did, but it's nice to have extra welcome. Welcome to the Parliament of World's Religions, and we thank them wholeheartedly for this invitation which gives us the opportunity to see each other, study with each other, and make friends with each other. May God bless them, bless the Parliament of World's Religions, to continue in their noble effort.

In accordance with the program laid out by the Parliament of the World’s Religions, we are

here to share with you the knowledge that we have gained from the kingdom of God, which is within all of us. All of us know that God is within us, or at least we have been told that way. All of us know the existence of God, of the greatest, Almighty Creator of the whole universe, including our physical planet, which is a very beautiful one. When we see this beautiful planet, we know the Artist must exist, who must be so great, so mighty that Hes has been able to create such a beautiful being as our earthly planet. Nevertheless, not all of us know what God is like. We have been made to forget that we are the glory, the beauty, the most incredible being that ever exists. Because all this material existence is also beautiful in a way that it mesmerizes us, and the element of time and space, which is the instrument set up by the opposite power of God in order to blind us or to bind us and to make us forget everything that we truly are, which is God, because God dwells within us. Every religious scripture tells us that. Every Master that ever graced our Earth has told us the same message, that God is within us, we are nothing but God; and then, as that’s so simple, we forget. If God is within us, just as if I have some paper in my pocket, how difficult is it to get it out? It is so simple. It is so simple that it's become unbelievable. And that is why, since ancient times, we have found it difficult to believe the message of the Masters. Sometimes we even harm them for saying such a simple truth as, 'I can show you God. God is within you, therefore, you are God and you can see your Self.'

We are here today for nothing more than the same purpose, the simple truth that is

already existing within every one of us – within me, within you. We should not call ourselves human beings, actually. We should call ourselves the 'walking God,' the 'living God,' the 'replica of God,' or the 'essence of God,' or the 'part of God,' or the 'part of the whole of God,' or the 'individualized God,' or the 'Supreme Master,' 'the Almighty.' This is what we are! But since ancient times, whoever dares call himself or herself that name, which is truly his and her 'family name,' – I mean the surname, the true name – people would ridicule them, would not believe them, and that is incredible, really incredible, when we come to think about it. Suppose my father's name is Teng, then I am Miss Teng, no? Right? Because I am his daughter, and my name is the same as his, as my father. So, we

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are the children of God, every one of us has been told that, and we feel that way. We came from God! Or where else should we come from? Do you think we come from God or not? Yes or no? [Audience: Yes!] Well, thank you very much. God bless you. Since we came from God, our surname, our family name, should be what? God, yes! Call yourself that way. I am glad, I am so happy that you accept your identity. At least by understanding that, yet not even seeing the Father, you already accept your identity. That is already very, very important.

And now, if you want to believe truly about your name and your heritage, I could show

you. I could prove to you that you are really God and nothing but God, if you have time. If you have some time, we can sit together and I’ll explain to you about how to go back there where we came from, and then it will happen instantly. Once it has been explained, you just close your eyes – that's it, you’re there! Because we have never been anywhere but inside Godhood, inside the embrace of our Father or Mother. There is nothing else in this universe except God's power and God's love, and we are never, never apart from it. It's just we don't look where we should look. We are so mesmerized by all this beauty, which is fine, which is there for us to enjoy, to remind us even of the glory and the beauty of heaven, even just a very poor example. Even though God sends us to this physical planet, Hes has not forgotten to leave us with all comfort and glory and beauty and abundance so that we might never forget heaven. Even though these are just poor, poor, very poor copies, they are still beautiful. Can we imagine how glorious it is, the true scenery of heaven, the true flowers in the celestial realm? I have seen them. I have no language, words, to describe to you how beautiful they are. When you see heaven, when you experience the true heritage of our kingdom, the true identity of our Real Selves, you are not here anymore. You are not in this physical dimension, but you are in the spiritual world, and when you come back here, it's so difficult to describe, even though all of our brothers and sisters have tried to describe their experience of heavens in different ways sometimes when we gather together. And suppose they don't understand what's the meaning of this and that, the vision they have seen inside... Dada! Namaste! Please welcome this special, special, special, special Father. Please give him the honored seat, and his assistant, please. Please stand up and welcome this very, very special, holy person. He came from India! I am very honored with your presence. A big surprise! He came all the way from Pune, India. He's so sweet that we wish all our fathers are like that. Yes, most of our fathers are very stern, very strict. He is so indulgent, he's so tolerant. He just spoils you, makes you feel so loved.

Our heavenly Father is also like that. Hes never looks at our so-called sins because in

Hiers eyes, we don't sin, ever! We just make mistakes. We just forget the noble beings that we are, and, therefore, Hes always sends some special, special person like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, Guru Nanak, to name a few, the Jain Masters, just to show us to remember again that we truly are the greatest, greatest being imaginable in the whole universe. Even the angels envy us, even the greatest of the angels have to serve us. Can you imagine? Can you imagine this? And all the while, we pray to the angels as if they are our greater protector; they are, they are, but as long as we are still ignorant of our own glory. As soon as we remember who we are, they stand by and serve us because we are made in the image of God. When we go to heaven, when… Suppose you have access to heaven anytime – after initiation, you will, anytime, I mean, according to your concentration, you will go higher or a little lower part of heaven, but we all do, and we all see God in different ways – suppose we go to heaven, when we attain a higher degree of enlightenment through diligent, daily practice, you will see all the angels and all the great beings with the greatest Light imaginable lining up on both sides to welcome you. That's what we truly are. It's better than the red carpet treatment. And suppose God Hirmself

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deemed really fit to give us a true vision of Hirmself – which is not anything we could describe in Hiers human language – we would be melting like ice in the Himalayas under the sun of the June month. We just feel we are like a baby, we feel incredible bliss. The most incredible experience that people describe in human relationship is the sexual ecstasy. This pales in comparison. I have to tell you this so that you can compare something, otherwise, I don't know how to describe the bliss of heaven. When you are in ecstasy, when you are in samadhi, when you face God, sometimes Hes deems fit to appear as an image, as a face for us. Yet, again, it depends on how we would like to see Hirm; Hes appears as a Mother, as a Father. But then, it's just splendor with Light, with thousands of suns around this image. And yet, you are also in a thousands of suns around yourself, because at that time your soul is liberated – your soul radiates this kind of Light, that you are the Light. And that's what all the bibles told us, that we are the Light, we are the essence of Light. The Word is also Light. That is a vibration. The more condensed version of Light became the Sound. The Sound is like melody in this world. That's why we love music so much, because it is very much similar to the music of heaven, of the Word spoken by God, the universal language of which, when we hear, we understand all things, we understand all languages, we understand each other, and we love each other. We will be so nourished, so energized by this inner vibration, the Word of God, the music of heaven, that we become a new person.

That's why many people, after initiation, they glow, they change completely, immediately,

that sometimes I don't recognize them – before and after initiation. Sometimes the change is so drastic like that. And the more they meditate every day, the younger they become, because all the cells become new. That's why we become like children – we become more innocent, more intelligent, more pure, more simple in the heart, become closer to heaven. The bible says, 'Except you become like a child again, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.' To become a child, we have to go through the process called baptism – baptism with the Fire of the Spirit. Saint John has mentioned that, 'No doubt I baptize by water, but the one who comes after me will baptize you with the Fire of the Holy Spirit.' What is the Fire of the Holy Spirit? This is God Hirmself purifying us, reconnecting us with Hirmself, making us the part back to the whole again, making the drop of the ocean merge in this vast water of love. This is the time of baptism. The true baptism takes place in less than a second, and we will be there right away in heaven where we should be. Because there is nothing that separates us from ourselves and God, never ever, except our attention, our attention and our thinking that we are separate from God. And that's how we are separated from God. I just show you how to change the attention to the different place, different dimension. Just like now, I am looking at you, I see you, so I cannot see what's behind me. If I turn myself backwards, now I see... What is it? It's 'The Supreme Master Ching Hai' okay, 'See God While Living.' That's exactly what it is! We can see God while living. We can even choose the time to die. We select our own level of heavens before we go there, just like you go to an agency and go see different houses, see which one is better for you.

Similarly, in the house of our Father there are many mansions. We can pick one according

to our level of understanding and consciousness. We have never been separated from God. That's what I want to tell you. That's what I have discovered. Just a blink of an eye, we are in God consciousness. A blink of an eye, we are back here again. A blink again, go back to heaven, blink, go back here. Sometimes the boundary between heaven and the physical dimension is so blurred, you are in and out, in and out. Or you are the same time in both, as most of the Masters' consciousnesses are. They are in both worlds at the same time. They have mastered the transcendental art of erasing the boundary between the physical world and the heavenly world. They have erased space and time in their

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consciousness because they have become God, one with God again. It is so simple that every one of us can do, because every one of us is already God. Just look in a different direction, that's all. I will just show you where to look... in yourself, where the connection with God is, where God resides. If Hes resides within ourselves, where is it? Within! Then we must go within, not go without. Go without, we see the physical manifestation of God, we see the walking, physical God who sits beside us, who loves us physically, who eats with us, who jokes with us, who laughs with us. Within, we see the reality of all creation, the God who is; the God who is not physical, yet who has thousands of millions of images; the God who has no name, yet who has been called by thousands of loving names, just like we call our loved one 'honey,' 'my dear,' 'my apple pie,' 'my sugar,' 'my candy,' 'my other half,' 'my better half,' 'my dearest,' 'my loved one' – anything, anything! You invent sometimes names to call your loved ones. Some people call his wife 'my noodle,' and that is all right! So some people call God, even, 'The Bride,' 'The Eternal Beloved,' 'The Faithful Spouse.' Anything will do, because we love God so much and He loves, She loves, us so much. We are one, we call anything. But it would be better for all of us to truly be reunited with this Loved One again. Too much talk about the future fiancé and the coming husband, but no union, is no use. We never experience the happiness of marriage if we never see the husband that we have heard so much of. Similarly, everything we talk about God, we introduce God, we praise God, are wonderful songs to our ears and to our souls; but the soul wants some more solid experience, truly face-to-face with God. And that, I can help you. God loves you so much. God loves you so much. Any quick question? Yes!

Q. Would You share with us any sense You have of what comes in the afterlife? M. What comes in the afterlife? I could write a thousand books on that, honey. But to be

short, to be short, afterlife is only heaven. But you have to prepare for it, otherwise, there will be your own retribution of karma that will pull you apart from heaven, and that's why people say 'hell.' Or the retribution or the consequence of the actions of the whole planet's population will also infect you and pull you apart from heaven. Most of the people, even if they are not initiated in this Quan Yin method or they did not even see God while alive, if they keep themselves in the human standard, like ten commandments, or five commandments of Buddhism or Jainism, et cetera, or keep the way of living of the Qur’an or Sikhism, they would see heaven immediately after they die, but not the Highest Father, of course. Yes? But heaven is awaiting, mostly heaven's awaiting all of us. But because of our own thinking, we separate ourselves from heaven – even after death. We will be lost for a while until the consequences of our action and the consequence of the collective consciousness of the whole population sets us free for a while. Then we choose again either to be reborn here or somewhere else to reconnect ourselves again with God. There are many, many things to see after death; but the more we prepare, the more we see.

Q. How do You know when You have found Your true Master? M. Because I see the Light. That's the criteria. I hear God, I see God, I see the Light of God.

That's how I know Hes was true. Q. How do you know that, as a seeker, you've found your true Master? As a seeker for God,

that you've found the Master that is right for you to take you to the goal? M. Yes, if the Master can show you God, whoever, that's the real one. Q. My beloved Master, would You tell us something about the future that is about to come in

the next five, seven, ten years of time?

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M. Do you mean the millennium? [Q: Yes, and immediately after that.] That's up to you! That's up to all of us! If our consciousness is more awakened and highly elevated, our Earth will continue more in splendor. If we continue the way we were, or worsen still, then, of course, the consequence is obvious. We decide our future. There is no millennium except now. We decide it now, okay? Thank you.

Q. Would You like to explain what is the difference between saying 'I am God' – meaning 'my

surname is God' or 'I am a part of God' – and 'I am God,' which some people say, meaning 'I am the totality of God?'

M. The difference is, when you say 'I am God' and 'My name is God' is that you have seen

yourself as God, as part of God, as one with God, as from God. And the other one, you just say it by hearsay, by being told and by understanding that, 'Okay, I came from God, I must come from God, so my surname must be God.' The other person, he sees God. Okay?

Q. The person who says, 'My surname is God,' 'I am a part of God,' he sees God or she sees

God? M. No, no, there are two ways. You recognize, you understand that your surname is God, but

maybe you did not see God. And another person who says the same thing, who says, 'I am God' or 'My surname is God,' who has seen God. So this is more affirmed in the second case.

Q. Okay, in the second case then, the one who sees God, will that person say, 'I am part of

God' or 'I am the totality of God'? M. It depends on his level of attainment. It depends on how much he has seen the God-Self.

He has to go step by step. If he's seen the totality of God, then he can say, 'I am one with God.' Like Jesus has said, 'I and my Father are one.' And before that, you don't say that. You say, 'I have seen God. I have communicated with God. I am a part of God. I have seen a part of God.' But you still know already, very secure in your heart, that you are one with God.

Q. So when you see the totality of God, then do You think You are 100% identical with that

totality of God? Or, do You understand that You are still a tiny part of God? M. In the physical body, in the physical dimension, you are a part of God. When you

transcend it and see that you be one with God, at that moment you proclaim that you are one with God.

Q. 100%? [M: 100%.] You are infinite? M. Yes. You will see it. You will see that. Q. You will no longer understand yourself to be a servant of God and a part of God. You will

think that you are the totality of God and there is no Truth superior to you? M. Nothing except God who works within you at that time. Q. And You don't have any individual identity separate from God?

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M. Yes, sir. Q. In Your speaking, it is much of ourselves, within ourselves. What is Your message to the

poor and the suffering and the problems that we face? How do You see, through these teachings, to serve, to deal with, the problems of injustice and poor besides the personal self?

M. This is a very long story. To make it short, I serve people spiritually, as well as materially. I

help wherever people need spiritual help, and I share whatever I have with the poor people. That's all I can do. Yes? That's why I make beautiful clothes and jewelry. I sell them, make money, give to the poor people. That's my duty as a world citizen, and my duty as your brother and sister is to share with you the knowledge of our Father. So I do both, yes? Number one. Number two, all the suffering and misery in this world is sometimes man-made; sometimes we have chosen that before we came; sometimes we exaggerate it more by our careless action on this planet. And in order to remedy this, it's not only I, the one person, can do, the whole planet's consciousness must be raised up to a higher level of thinking, and we have to share whatever we have with everyone that is less fortunate – and that is a must. But I can't do that alone, so I invite you to join.

Q. So Master, why did You choose to come to the Parliament of the World’s Religions? M. Because I am invited to come here. And we should, every one of us, including myself,

should support any activities that unite ourselves to ourselves, so we don't feel too much division and too much misunderstanding between each other. We have a chance to talk to each other. That is a good idea, so I came to support that noble idea.

Q. And can You describe for us or just sort of tell us for people that don't understand and who

don't know about it, what the Quan Yin method is, what it actually is all about? M. Right. I started in Formosa, and Quan Yin is the Chinese term for the inner Energy, the

inner Melody, the heavenly Melody, which is mentioned in the bible as the Word of God, 'The Word was with God and the Word was God.' This is the Quan Yin, that we reconnect our Self with that Energy, with that Word, which creates all things, and therefore, we will become one with God and we will understand our purpose of being here, as well as we can visit heaven and have direct teaching from the Most High.

Q. So, is it meditation? Lifestyle? How does one live it? M. First we have to go through a remembrance again, because most of us are busy – since

we came to this physical world we are busy. So then, we have to remember again. And I show people how to remember their God-Self; that the kingdom of God is within and that we are a part of God, I will show people how to remember. And in order to remember that, we sit down quietly for a while and let God's power take place to reconnect Hirmself to Hirmself within us, and during that process, we will see the Light of God or we see some heaven, the glimpse of heaven, or the glimpse of the Father, or have some direct contact with Hirm. It depends on our level of concentration, we will access to more or less contact with heaven through the Light, through the Sound, the Vibration, the Word within us. Then we will understand more about everything we want to understand, and we can see God every day in different forms through the Light or the Music of the spheres, through the teaching, the melodious teaching of God, or through the form of Jesus, the vision of Jesus, or the saints or the Buddha, who will give us direct teachings, while we ascend to this state of higher consciousness. We can contact them directly, because they are in a

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higher consciousness now. We are in the lower consciousness in this physical body, so in order to receive this direct teaching, we have to raise ourselves higher than the body – and we have the process to do that, if we remember how. We all know that, it's just many of us forgot. And I remember it because I have been taught to remember again. So that's how I can teach people to remember. And once we remember, we can rise up to heaven anytime, at will, and then we have direct teaching from the past saints, like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, whomever – they are all the sons of God, they are all the messengers of the Most High, since time immemorial. In order to have direct teaching from them, we have to go direct to them – not with the body – because they have left, they have gone into a higher sphere. We have to go there. Just like I have to come here to see you. I can't see you in America; you live here, you see? So, to see Jesus, we have to go where He lives. To go see God, we have to go where Hes lives, for example.

Q. And who are the people that follow this teaching? [M: All walks...] How many are there?

Where are they from? Who are they? Are they from different religions? M. There are millions of them. They are from different religions, different walks of life, different

backgrounds, different professions. But when we are together, we are like one family, all trusting, loving, and together, we harness this collective energy to better ourselves and better the world's energy.

Q. And how did You come across this revelation? M. I have been searching all my life, until I went to the Himalayas and met the Master who

gave me this reminding. Just like I would remind people after I have mastered the art of traveling to heaven.

Q. And who is the Master, then, that helped You remember? M. He's Khuda Ji, but he passed away. Q. What is Your feeling about fundamentalism and those religious people or religious groups

that oppose inter-faith movement, inter-faith dialogue, like we have here? M. They have their reason to do so. Each one has their own religion, and according to our

own level of understanding about God or religion, we react differently. Everything takes time. Every change takes time for people to understand or to assimilate. So we just need patience and love.

Q. Do You think that they should be moving towards that, maybe? M. Well, if they do not want to move, that's all right, but they should not oppose, at least,

because if anyone leaves them alone to do their own things, they should leave others alone to do their own things. As long as the Parliament of the World’s Religions do not do anything harmful to human beings or to any of the countries or any religion, they should be supported, or at least left alone. But the people who do not want to join, they should be left alone, too, and that's their right. Everyone has the right to move into whichever direction they want to move as long as that direction doesn't interfere with other people's safety and faith.

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Q. And a lot of people talk about different religions that are sort of sexist or they don't give equality to women, for example. [M: Yes, right.] That's quite a big issue at this Parliament as well, the discussion of women in religion. [M: Right.] What is Your feeling about that?

M. My opinion is exactly as yours, and as many and most of the people in the world, and is

that we are all children of God. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad never mentioned that women are inferior or men should be superior – nothing like that! So we should keep it like that, yes. Every religion emphasizes the brotherhood of mankind: That includes women as well.

Q. And we've heard that You go to places of suffering, places that have been hit by disasters,

that kind of thing. [M: Yes, ma'am.] Why do You go there? M. You would go if you were me. If you have the means to help people, if God gives you

more than you need, then you would go there and share the things you have with people, because that's what they are given to you for, 'Much is expected from whom much is given.' God doesn't give it to me so that I can eat more or sleep more, but gives it to me so I can share. Just like you have a big water tower in the city; it's not for the water tower to hold it there, but to share with the whole city. So I'm just one of the 'pipes,' that I will direct the water to where it's needed. And I am alone, or even if with my whole family, we don't need all the money that I earn. And God has given me a lot more than I need or my family needs even, or my disciples need, so we share it. It's a normal thing to do, no question.

Q. So we've heard about the donations. Can You tell us about how much money You gave,

who You gave it to? Why? If it was spontaneous, what happened there? M. Actually, it's already done, but... You see, I finished three minutes prayers, like everyone

else, and then I came down from the stage and there was a lady who came to me and said, 'The children are waiting for You!' They came from somewhere, very far away. They said they’d come by bus for 30 hours – they didn't sleep, they didn't eat anything. They came here, and then they wanted to see me. So I came down and greeted them, hugged them, and then I asked where they came from and what had brought them there, and she told me about their plight, like they didn't have a school, they didn't have toilets, they didn't have water. Where they live is very, very deprived of the basic needs of human dignity. So I said, 'How can I help?' She said, 'Well, anything You give is fine.' And I said, 'How much do you need now for the school and the toilets and that?' She said USD4,000. So I said, 'Okay, I'll give you that.' And she cried. I said, 'Well, that's nothing! I'll give you extra, in case of something else.' So I just gave her USD10,000 for the children of that village. I forgot the name of the village; I just gave and left. I don't remember. The money will go to the children and build the school. The principal of the school was there and the village chief was there, too. So they will do that. That's it. And then I left, and then another group of women came. All the natives, the chocolate-color people, the women who were praying – remember, on the stage, they were praying with the fire? – yes, they just came to me and danced for me and sang for me. And then I asked them whether they came from the Sixth District where we were praying, and they said, 'Yes,' but they live in another place now and that some of their people are in a desperate situation. Like, one family with 16 people lives in one small squat house, and with no facility of hygiene. So I said, 'How much is needed for them?' And she said, 'About USD22,000.' So I gave her that. And I gave her US$30,000 more in case they need to repair or make more water systems which is more necessary for them – the water pipe, water taps and all that – and I told them if they need more, let me know later.

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Q. Can You tell us how many disciples there are, how many people have been initiated? And also, what it is You teach them, what they should do?

M. Right, okay. They are too many for me to remember, but there must be at least hundreds

of thousands or millions of them, around the world. And sometimes they contact us, sometimes they just stay home, meditate alone, because at the time of initiation, I tell them everything. It takes one or two hours, so that they know what to do and what not to do, and how to protect themselves, and how to distinguish between the real vision of Jesus and the 'illusion' one which seeks to make them go astray. So there are many things I tell them in two hours, and then they can be their own master because they have the Supreme Master within themselves. We all have. I just tell them how to remember it. There is a way to remember. Just like if you’d lost your son for many years, and he has a birthmark somewhere, that you would recognize him again once you've found him. The same thing with our Father or Mother God in heaven. There is something we could recognize, and there is a way to go back, because we came from there. So, there is a way to come here, so there must be a way to go back, like everything else.

Q. And lifestyle? Are there lifestyles? M. Lifestyle? Yes! Must be morally high thinking. For example, we keep the commandments

of the bible, or the five commandments of the Buddhists, which is most similar. Yes, like, we respect all lives, and that's why we are vegetarian completely – no eggs even – and we respect people's hard-earned property, so we don't steal; we respect each other as God, so we do not cheat each other by telling lies and degrading each other, for example; we respect the loving commitment of our partner, therefore, we do not commit an extra marital relationship; we do not degrade and defile love by having random sex with other people, for example like that, apart from our partner. These things are simple, basic lifestyles that we should remember, to measure our standard, if we are up to it, up to the spiritual level yet. That's all. It's not really a commandment, it's a measurement to know where we are. And if we are up to it, we are okay, we can enter sainthood, next step.

Q. And so does that mean marriage, or... so it's one's partner? M. Partner is, also. The commitment's in here! If you love that person, stay with him or her.

Do not defile your love and degrade yourself by trying to just abuse sexual pleasure, which is a gift from God.

Q. And what about war and poverty? M. Mostly man-made, no? Man-made, yes. War, we don't understand each other because we

don't take the time. Even within religion or within the same religion, there is war. Because most of the people who start war, it's not for religion's sake, it's sometimes for personal gain and power, which is not the purpose of any religion, of course. But sadly, we do have different members of society who try to walk the way they choose and not always the way God has intended. So for these people, we have to be patient. And there are many ways we can spread God's teaching and remind them, and one by one, they will come back to their senses, and no more war.

And poverty is because we don't share. You asked me before why I go to disaster places,

or why I give my things or my members are also encouraged to give direct to people. They give all the time. Some of the things you know we give, it's because it's official, but the unofficial things, we give as a daily 'basic.' We give to people on the street; we stop the

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car at the red light, we give. We give, like, to the children today. Because there was television there, so they saw it, otherwise, they wouldn’t see it. Some are official, we give, and some not official – we give all the time. Because the question of poverty… Poverty never would happen if all the people in the world share what they have. We have enough food, we have enough, enough, enough, enough, more than enough of everything in this world to feed the whole planet, plus over. It's just some keep too much, and some don't have the opportunity to get their share because of where they were born, because of their background, because the, sometimes, political situation stops them. Poverty is man-made. God gives us so much, so much! Every one of us has enough, plus over. It's ourselves; we keep it from ourselves.

Q. Could You give us a brief biography of Yourself and Your life? M. Okay. I was born in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). I have some Chinese blood. I am a British citizen.

And all my life I have been searching for the answer that we all ask: Where we came from, and how can we see God which is within us? So, finally, I found the answer when I had retreat in the Himalayas.

Q. How long was this retreat of Yours? M. I had been in India for two years, also searching, but the enlightenment happened like a

flash of lightning. The searching is long. Q. And how did You develop these teachings from then onwards? When it happened, how

did You actually develop it to make it accessible to the public, for people, normal people, on the ground level?

M. Right. Because I also have been on the ground level, so it's not difficult to communicate

what I know to the people, from the time I searched until the time it happened. It's very easy, that's why God has always chosen a human servant to deliver Hiers own message. It's not me who teaches the people, it's not me as a human being, it is the voice of God within us, and maybe more clear within myself since I have been searching for and calmed down to try to listen. Many of us have all this Word, this voice of God within us, just we are too busy to hear it. So, since God has delivered Hiers own message, it would be easy for the God within each of us to understand.

Q. And just for the benefit of the viewers back home, to which schools of thought or concepts

are Your concepts close to? Which schools of thought are they close or similar to? What are the similarities?

M. Yes. I have studied almost all of the religious scriptures, and I have found myself identical

with the Muslim, with the Christian, with the Buddhist, with the Jain, because only one God speaks to us all the time, but we call Hirm different names, to our own liking and culture and even language terminology. Like, Sanskrit's 'Buddha' means 'Christ' in Hebrew. So Allah is the Most High, as well as the Father of Jesus. We have only one Father. I hope everybody understands that. I am in accord with all religions because I have found that we have only one source of it. God is the source of all religions.

Q. Can You expand on that a bit, how it went about, how You actually found out and

describe, what You actually sort of found out?

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M. Yes, okay, sir. The searching is like everyone else. We always wonder, 'Where is God? How do I find Hirm?' The searching is common to all of us. It's the enlightenment that is bestowed upon whoever's lucky to remember it. And in order to be lucky, we must be in very, very deep prayer and sincerity. Also, it helps tremendously if we have someone who has already found the Light, found God, connection with the God within, and if he shows us, it happens instantly. Every religion says we have God within, and that's the God we should find. You can call Hirm 'Allah,' you can call Hirm 'Father,' you can call Hirm 'God Almighty,' you can call Hirm 'Vishnu,' 'Brahma.' And the moment of enlightenment... 'enlightenment' means 'light,' 'enlighten,' and we are from the Light. God is Light and God is Love, and at the moment of enlightenment, we will see the whole universe is full of Light. We will see God in the form of Light and sometimes in the form of Masters like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Nanak – whomever has been on our planet – would appear to us also if we are at their level. Then we can learn direct teaching from the celestial region. Because here in this physical world, even I can only teach in the physical language, but many of the secrets of the universe, we have to ascend into the higher dimension in order to acquire. Just like we learn kindergarten in the kindergarten school, and then we learn primary school. If we want to know the knowledge of higher education, we have to go to college. [Q: You advance further.] Advance further. And to be advanced in spiritual realms, we can't learn in this physical world. We can have a physical guide to show us the way to the spiritual dimension. Then we go there. And this physical guide has to also be able to accompany us there, anytime, while she or he is still in the physical body. So if we encounter any problems while we are beginners – like we are going back to the kingdom of God, but we take time to go there – so she or he has to also help us until we completely rely on ourselves. Yes, it doesn't take long.

Q. The various religions, they have different names for God – Allah, Jehovah, et cetera – but

they also have different images. Like Christianity, it has the Trinity of God – The Son, the Father, the Holy Spirit – and then you have, for example, the Buddhist, the Hare Krishna view, that there are, like, so many different forms of God. How do You actually go about the act of uniting them into one single entity?

M. Yes, I can try to explain. For example, the Trinity – the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost

– is like this. When a Master is alive, he is the son that represents God, so he is the 'Son.' And the Father is our God, yes? Our Father. And the Holy Ghost, it is the Spirit within that 'Son' and within us as well. While we are in this physical body, we have to know that essence of us, which is God, which is the one that's in Heaven as well as on Earth, within us. So we have to recognize that one, we have to find the way to know that. And then someone who knows it can show us quicker. Otherwise, we have to contemplate hard and find ourselves the way. It is more difficult and long, yes. Now, in Buddhism, it says the 'Three Treasures' – the Buddha, the Sangha, and the Dharma. The Buddha is the one we don't see, just like God. And the Sangha means the 'Son.' Sangha means the congregation of the Buddha, the ones who practice His teaching, who are connected with Him. And the Dharma is the teaching. But the real Dharma is the invisible teaching, the Word of the bible, the Word, the teaching direct from God, from the head of the Buddha Himself. See? So it's similar.

Q. It's similar. It's just a different perception from the people themselves, that they might see

things differently. M. Yes, sir. Right! As well as the different expressions of different languages. Even the name

for 'mother,' each country calls differently. [Q: Well, it's the same thing.] Yes, it's the same thing.

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Q. Okay, and just another question is: What's Your idea of the relationship between the Creator, the actual God, the human in this physical and the spiritual form, and also the universe as a whole itself? What do You think of that?

M. In the beginning – go back very far, from the beginning – there is only one whole, one

thing, whole, as God, and we are seeds in it. We are one with the whole, and we still are one with the whole, until God or the God within us or the God that's of all has decided that we should be separated, to have variety, to enjoy each other, to enjoy God. Suppose you are like this, you sit there. You don't know what you look like, you don't know what you are. In order to see if you are handsome, you look in the mirror. The mirror is the image of you only, it's not the real you, but nevertheless, through the mirror, you understand yourself. Similarly, we came into this non-god physical existence so that we can look back and enjoy God. But we only know that at the time of realization. Without that, we only recognize this physical body and world as real, as if we keep fixing our eyes in the mirror, and we forgot that we are the one who's looking at it. Yes, similarly, the God within us is looking at the mirror right now and recognizes this physical being as us. But the one who looks is the real one. But, the illusion is so great, the magic of the creation is so great, that it makes us forget the mirror and the image altogether, and fix on that as real. But that's why we have to be enlightened to break away the concept of the illusion and find the real one – if we desire so. If not, we still can wait. We have eternity to find God. There is no big deal, finding God or not finding God. We are always there with God. Every one of us is God, and he takes his own time to find out about himself.

Q. Just a specific question about Islam, do You think that Islam, the messages sent down by

God through the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon Him, do You think that Islam is like that? Messages from God through the Prophet?

M. Yes, it absolutely was from God! It was not Muhammad, the physical person. It is the

Muhammad, the God. God within Him and the God of the whole has united and spoke through this physical frame that we call 'Muhammad.' He was the prophet at that time. He was the one and only at that time. But God has to send many 'Muhammads' in different generations to remind Hiers children again and again, because we are not fortunate to be born at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. We are born now. So there has to be some reminder all the time, the descendants of Muhammad. The descendants of Muhammad or Christ, they’re born everywhere, as God wills it, to benefit Hiers different races of children. That's the will of heaven.

Q. You know that there are some differences in different religions. [M: Cultures, cultures.] If

all is by God, then are there a lot of messages from God? And are all of them okay or not? M. All of them point to one thing: That is, God. And all of them tell us to find God while living.

The Qur’an says that all religions belong to God. It says so. Q. But their origin is not what we see at the moment. Because in other words of the Holy

Qur’an, it said that the only religion for God is Islam, and not other religions. M. Not other religion. It's fine, it is correct. Absolutely 100%, believe me. At that time,

Muhammad was transmitting the correct teaching, the direct teaching from God, and therefore, any person, at that time when Muhammad was alive, if they believed in Muhammad and got the direct teaching from Him, then Islam at that time was the only real teaching because the Master was still alive and transmitting the direct teaching, the real teaching. Every other existing religion before that was just theory. When Christ was alive,

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the religion was real: Because of the direct teaching, people can see the Light, communicate with God. And when the Master is gone, another prophet has to come, be it the last or the first, has to come and connect people with God again. And at that time, whoever at that time, that's the only real religion. But that's in real contradiction to the message of the Qur’an. Because you did not see God, that's why we argue about words and concepts and theory. If you just close your eyes, I'll make you see God in an instant. And then you can talk to Hirm and ask your Allah, 'What is the real thing? What is the Truth?'

You are very, very religious and devoted. I am very touched by your faith, but one thing

missing – God. We talk about God all the time, we talk about the last prophet, we talk about the Truth, but we don't see it. If only you see what I see, we don't discuss ever again. Would you like to see God now? You want to see the Light? I can make you see, I can help you, because it's in you! Allah is in you! Because if we don't understand this, if we don't see God, our knowledge is very limited. And the Qur’an is the true teaching, but people cannot understand, because you have to be in the level of Muhammad in order to understand Muhammad's word, to rise up to the same level, or at least almost the same. Otherwise, there will be a lot of misunderstanding. Because we rely on our limited understanding instead of God's knowledge, we can discuss forever, because I understand differently, you understand differently. But I love you because I have been there. I know there is a great knowledge, that nobody can say he understands everything. I just understand whatever God makes me understand and I am so grateful for whatever Hes has bestowed upon me. But forever, we learn forever. Even the Prophet learns forever – because God is limitless! But we could know the whole, but we could know the point, and if we want to know the point, it takes limitless time. I am just so happy to know God.

In our group we have Muslim, we have Christian, we have Buddhist, we have Jain, we

have Hindu – we have all kinds! We never fight with each other because we go inside, we know the one and only God, which is made different by human discussion and described a little… slightly differently by human language and understood even more differently by different brains. Some people's brains are different from other brains: Some people's brains are complete; some people's brains are damaged; some people's brains are a little different, yes? And the background of their education makes them think different, understand different, and the level of consciousness inside makes them different. But it's okay for me, no problem. I do not come to argue with people or tell people that, 'They are wrong, I am right.' I just show the people who are ready to know the real Truth behind all these religions, and to have the courage to recognize it. So the only answer is to go inside and find the knowledge of the universe yourself, discover the secret, and then you answer yourself – because nobody can even prove these things to you.

Q. When You go in and You come back out again, does the world change? M. It changes in a way, and it doesn't change. It changes because your attitude changes,

your understanding, your reverence for all life changes. And you are happier. You accept everything, because you know it's all the will of God and everything is perfect. Even we didn't see so, we don't see so with the naked eyes, but everything is perfect. Every soul who came here chose his own life and own path and chose his suffering or happiness so that he goes back to God in a different way, and whenever he is ready...

Q. When we're deciding to embody, do we not also... we never think of having a good time.

It's always, 'Oh, I'll suffer that...'

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M. No, it's not true! It's not true. We have good times, too. Q. Right, I know that, but do we know if we're up there deciding what kind of a life we are

going to have down here? M. Yes, we decide. [Q: We do decide?] Yes, we are God! [Q: We choose our parents, we

choose our place?] Yes, definitely! We were God! And once we choose to come here, we forget that we are God. And that's the purpose, so that we can remember again. Remember your vacation, you go away so that you appreciate your sweet home better? Even though it's a vacation, still, sweet home, you're longing to come back.

Q. What does the Quan Yin method of meditation have to offer South Africa, a place troubled

with crime and violence? M. This is the place where it needs it the most, if not like every other place. We all need God,

especially, especially in time of trouble. But because we do not know where to find Hirm again, so we suffer. We suffer so that we’ll be reminded of God again. And the Quan Yin method is just a Chinese name for contemplation on the Word of God, which will be heard at the time of initiation. And with this universal language, God teaches us everything that we need to know, how to manage our life, and show us heaven and Hiers real identity, as well as our identity. Then we will know that we are one with God, and further than that, as an individualized God. And, of course, once we know God, we become God again – and God cannot be ignorant! God will know what to do with Hiers life. God will know how to alleviate Hiers own suffering. God will be God, will be powerful again, and loving and easy. And it doesn't matter in which circumstance, we will be forever happy, because we are God. We will know what it is all about, yes? And there will be no hatred in our heart anymore. If everyone knows God, we will be in heaven again. That's the Golden Age, the true Golden Age.

Q. Supreme Master Ching Hai, what do You think the Parliament of the World Religions will

leave behind once it's over? M. I guess people learn to know each other and accept each other's differences more. But

the real knowledge of brotherhood comes actually by knowing, by knowing that we are one. And the only way we know that is through God's knowledge, through our own enlightenment, through our own oneness with God again, and we can learn to do that every day. And we can learn to have a taste of that immediately, at the time of initiation.

Q. Can You tell us here in South Africa what Your millennium message is for the whole of

South Africa? M. My message is for every millennium: Know God, then everything else will be taken care of.

Know God, and we will be happy. If you know God already, it's good. If you do not know God yet, search for the one who knows God. Be he African, be he German, be he Indian, search for the one who can show you the way to remind you to know God again, the Light of God. The one who knows God is the one who can show you God. The one who can enlighten you is the one who can show you the Light. If anyone who can show you the Light, he is the one who helps you.

Q. Thank You, thank You, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Namaste. M. You are most welcome, and we love you.

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Initiation into the Quan Yin method of meditation

Supreme Master Ching Hai initiates sincere people longing to know the Truth into the Quan Yin method of meditation. The Chinese characters ‘Quan Yin’ mean contemplation of the Sound vibration. The method includes meditation on both the inner Light and the inner Sound. These inner experiences have been repeatedly described in the spiritual literature of all the world’s religions since ancient times. For example, the Christian bible says, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ This Word is the inner Sound. It has also been called the Logos, Shabd, Tao, Sound stream, Naam, or the celestial music. Master Ching Hai says, ‘It vibrates within all life and sustains the whole universe. This inner melody can heal all wounds, fulfill all desires, and quench all worldly thirst. It is all powerful and all love. It is because we are made of this Sound, that contact with it brings peace and contentment to our hearts. After listening to this Sound, our whole being changes, and our entire outlook on life is greatly altered for the better.’ The inner Light, the Light of God, is the same Light referred to in the word ‘enlightenment.’ Its intensity can range from a subtle glow to the brilliance of many millions of suns. It is through the inner Light and Sound that we come to know God. The initiation into the Quan Yin method is not an esoteric ritual or a ceremony for entering a new religion. During the initiation, specific instruction in meditation on the inner Light and inner Sound is given, and Master Ching Hai provides the ‘spiritual transmission.’ This first taste of divine presence is given in silence. Master Ching Hai need not be physically present in order to open this ‘door’ for us. The transmission is an essential part of the method. The techniques themselves will bring little benefit without the grace of the Master. Because we may hear the inner Sound and see the inner Light immediately upon initiation, this event is sometimes referred to as ‘sudden’ or ‘immediate enlightenment.’ Master Ching Hai accepts people from all backgrounds and religious affiliations for initiation. We do not have to change our present religion or system of beliefs. We will not be asked to join any organization, or participate in any way that does not suit our current life style. However, we will be asked to become a vegetarian. A lifetime commitment to the vegetarian diet is a necessary prerequisite for receiving initiation. The initiation is offered free of charge. Daily practice of the Quan Yin method of meditation, and the keeping of the five precepts are our only requirements after initiation. The precepts are guidelines that help us to neither harm ourselves nor any other living being. These practices will deepen and strengthen our initial enlightenment experience, and allow us to eventually attain the highest levels of awakening or Godhood for ourselves. Without daily practice, we will almost certainly forget our enlightenment and return to a normal level of consciousness.

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Master Ching Hai’s goal is to teach us to be self-sufficient. Therefore, She teaches a method that can be practiced by everyone, by themselves, without props or paraphernalia of any kind. She is not looking for followers, worshippers, or disciples, or to establishing an organization with a dues paying membership. She will not accept money, prostrations, or gifts from us, so we do not need to offer these to Her. She will accept our sincerity in daily life and meditational practice to progress ourselves to sainthood. The five precepts 1. Refrain from taking the life of sentient beings. * 2. Refrain from speaking what is not true. 3. Refrain from taking what is not ours. 4. Refrain from sexual misconduct. 5. Refrain from using intoxicants. ** * This precept requires strict adherence to a vegan or lacto-vegetarian diet. No meat, fish,

poultry, or eggs (fertilized or non-fertilized). ** This includes avoiding all poisons of any kind, such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling,

pornography, and excessively violent films or literature.

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The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s teachings online Quan Yin (Light and Sound) method of meditation worldwide websites English www.SupremeMasterChingHai.org 74 languages are available www.GodsDirectContact.us 74 languages are available www.GodsDirectContact.com English, 繁體中文, 简体中文 www.GodsDirectContact.org.tw English www.GodsDirectContact.net English www.GodsImmediateContact.com English www.GodsDirectContact.co.uk English www.GodsDirectContact.org English www.RememberGod.org Español www.ContactoInmediatoCondios.org Âu Lạc www.GodsImmediateContact.net/aulac 한한한 www.GodsDirectContact.or.kr 한한한 www.SupremeMasterChingHai.tv 日本語 www.GodsImmediateContact.org Bahasa Indonesia www.GodsDirectContact.or.id ภาษาไทย www.GodsDirectContact-thai.org Nepali www.Nepali.GodsDirectContact.net Français www.ContactDirectAvecdieu.org Polish www.QuanYin.pl Português www.ContaoDiretoComdeus.com.br Deutsch www.GodsDirectContact.de Deutsch www.Direkter-Kontakt-Mit-Gott.org Русский www.QuanYin.narod.ru Česky www.GodsDirectContact.cz Magyar www.Kozvetlenkapcsolatistennel.hu Svenska www.GodsDirectContact.com/swedish Româneşte www.GodsDirectContact.eu/rom/index Italiano www.ContattoDirettoCondio.it Supreme Master Ching Hai’s book store www.SMCHBooks.com SM celestial shop www.TheCelestialShop.com

www.SMCelestial.org www.LoveOceanCreative.org www.LoveOcean.org www.EdenRules.com

International vegan chain of restaurants www.LovingHut.com

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How to contact us If you wish to practice the convenient method of meditation with Supreme Master Ching Hai, you can watch and learn how to meditate from www.SupremeMasterTV.com/WorldVegan for immediate enlightenment and eternal liberation. You have to be vegan and keep the five precepts for practicing this convenient method. For the latest information on our liaison practitioners worldwide, please visit the following URL: www.GodsDirectContact.org.tw/eng/cp/index.htm. Headquarters PO Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-0247, USA PO Box 9 Hsihu Hsiang, Miaoli Hsien, Formosa (Taiwan 36899) Supreme Master Television Email: Peace@SupremeMasterTV.com/www.SupremeMasterTV.com Tel: (1) 626 444 4385/Fax: (1) 626 444 4386 TV Program Videotapes ‘A Journey through Aesthetic Realms’ Email: TV@godsdirectcontact.org Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Publishing Company Limited, Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) E-mail: smchbooks@godsdirectcontact.org/www.SMCHBooks.com Tel: (886) 2 8787 3935/Fax: (886) 2 8787 0873 Love Ocean Creative International Company Limited Email: info@loveoceancreative.com Tel: (886) 2 2706 5528 – Fax: (886) 2 2707 7727 Address: B1, No. 5, Alley 30, Lane 78, Sec. 2, Fusing S. Road, Da-an District, Taipei 10664, Formosa (Taiwan) S.M. Book Department Email: divine@godsdirectcontact.org/Fax: (1) 240 352 5613 or (886) 9 4988 3778 (You are welcome to join us in translating Master’s books into other languages.) News Group Email: lovenews@godsdirectcontact.org/Fax: (1) 801 740 9196 or (886) 9 4672 8475 S.M. Celestial Company Limited/The Celestial Shop Email: mcj@mail.sm-cj.com/www.SM-CJ.com – www.TheCelestialShop.com Tel: (886) 2 8791 0860/Fax: (886) 2 8791 1216 Spiritual Information Desk Email: lovewish@godsdirectcontact.org/Fax: (886) 9 4673 0699 Loving Food Company Email: lfhealth@ms32.hinet.net/www.EdenRules.com (on line shopping) Tel: (886) 37 723 886 – Fax: (886) 37 724 065 Address: 1499 Chung-Hwa Road, Ho-Long Chen, Miaoli Hsien, Formosa (Taiwan) Loving Hut International Company Limited www.LovingHut.com.tw

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Introduction to our publications The Key of Immediate Enlightenment * A collection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures. * Available in Aulacese (Vols. 1-16), Bulgarian (Vol. 1), Chinese (Vols. 1-10), English (Vols. 1-

5), French (Vol. 1), German (Vols. 1-2), Hungarian (Vol. 1), Indonesian (Vols. 1-5), Japanese (Vol. 1-4), Korean (Vols. 1-11), Mongolian (Vols. 4 & 6), Polish (Vols. 1-2), Portuguese (Vols. 1-2), Spanish (Vols. 1-3), Swedish (Vol. 1), Thai (Vols. 1-6), and Tibetan (Vol. 1).

The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – Questions and Answers * Question-and-answer sessions between Master and spiritual practitioners. * Available in Aulacese (Vols. 1-4), Bulgarian (Vol. 1), Chinese (Vols. 1-3), Czech (Vol. 1),

English (Vols. 1-2), French (Vol. 1), German (Vol. 1), Hungarian (Vol. 1), Indonesian (Vols. 1-3), Japanese (Vol. 1), Korean (Vols. 1-2), Polish (Vol. 1), and Portuguese (Vol. 1).

The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – Special Edition * A collection of Master’s lectures during the 1993 world lecture tour. * Available in Chinese and English (Vols. 1-6). The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – My Wondrous Experiences with Master * Available in Aulacese and Chinese (Vols. 1-2). The Key of Immediate Enlightenment – Special Edition/7-day Retreat * A collection of Master’s lectures during a 7-day retreat in Formosa, 1992. * Available in Aulacese and English. The Destiny of Planets: Revelations on Mars, Venus and Earth * Available in English. From Crisis to Peace – The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer (www.crisis2peace.org) * Available in multi-languages. Letters between Master and Spiritual Practitioners * Available in Aulacese (Vols. 1-2), Chinese (Vols. 1-3), English (Vol. 1), and Spanish (Vol. 1). Master Tells Stories * Available in Aulacese, Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Thai. Aphorisms * Gems of eternal wisdom from Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in combined language editions of Chinese/English, English/Japanese,

English/Korean, French/German, and Portuguese/Spanish. I Have Come to Take You Home * A collection of quotes and spiritual teachings by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in Arabic, Aulacese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Greek,

Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish. God’s Direct Contact – The Way to Reach Peace * A collection of quotes and spiritual teachings by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in Chinese and English. Coloring Our Lives * A collection of quotes and spiritual teachings by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in Aulacese, Chinese and English. Of God and Humans – Insights from Bible Stories * A collection of quotes and spiritual teachings by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in Aulacese, Chinese and English.

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God Takes Care of Everything * Illustrated tales of wisdom by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in Aulacese, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, and Korean. The Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Enlightenment Humor – Your Halo is Too Tight! * Available in Chinese and English. Secrets to Effortless Spiritual Practice * Available in Aulacese, Chinese and English. Living in the Golden Age Series – The Realization of Health – Returning to the Natural and Righteous Way of Living * Collected excerpts from the lectures of Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in multi-languages The Dogs in My Life (Vols. 1-2) * Stories by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in multi-languages The Birds in My Life * Stories by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in multi-languages The Noble Wilds * Stories by Supreme Master Ching Hai. * Available in multi-languages Supreme Kitchen – International Vegetarian Cuisine * A collection of culinary delicacies recommended by Master and fellow practitioners from all

parts of the world. * Available in Aulacese, Chinese/English, and Japanese. Supreme Kitchen – Home Taste Selections * Available in Chinese/English. DVD, VCD, Video, Audio & MP3 * Almost all of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures, interviews and talks with groups of

practitioners during the past decades have been recorded and are available on audio or videotapes, as well as VCD and DVD, subtitled in multiple languages. Detailed catalogs of Master’s videotapes, audiotapes and books are available from www.smchbook.com. All publications are offered at near-cost prices. Direct inquires are welcome; please contact your local Center or the Formosa headquarters smchbooks@GodsDirectContact.org with any questions or requests.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Art World: Poetry * Wu Tzu poems (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). * Silent tears (in Aulacese/Chinese/English, Filipino, French/German, Korean, Portuguese, and

Spanish). * Traces of previous lives (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). * Pebbles and gold (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). * The lost memories (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). * The dream of a butterfly (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). * The old times (in Aulacese and English). * The love of centuries (in Aulacese, Chinese, English, French, German, Korean, Mongolian,

and Spanish). The Collection of the Art Creations * Series of paintings by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Celestial Art * A collection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s creative works. * Available in Chinese and English.

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Musical Creations * Collections of music and songs composed by Master. * Poetry recited by Master Herself. * Available on CD, audiotape, videotape & DVD. Benefit Concerts * Long Beach, CA (1996), Washington, D.C. (1997), and Hollywood, CA (1998). These benefit

concerts held in honor of Supreme Master Ching Hai, feature Her poetry set to music by world-famous composers and performed by renowned singers and musicians.

Specially Recommended: ‘One World… of Peace through Music’ * Benefit concert held at the Shrine Auditorium in 1998. * Available on video, CD and one exquisite book (in Aulacese, Chinese, and English). Specially Recommended: ‘The Real Love’ Musical * Benefit concert held at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in 2011. * Available on DVD in multi-languages. Specially Recommended: ‘Loving the Silent Tears’ Musical * Benefit concert held at the Shrine Auditorium in 2012. * Available on DVD in multi-languages. An Evening with the Stars – With Hollywood Celebrities * Available on DVD. Paintings, Lamps, Clothing and Jewelry Design… SM Celestial Fashion Album * Appreciate Master’s art work online www.GodsDirectContact.org.tw

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Beautiful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones Animals are celestial beings, just like humans. We can talk to each other from deep within. Love is our common language, the celestial language. The books entitled The Dogs in My Life, The Birds in My Life and The Noble Wilds share the loving feeling between any pet and their Master. The deeply personal relationship between a human and an animal companion is intimate, touching and full of unconditional love. Reading these books helps us to build an interactive intimacy with our own loving pets. We invite the readers to experience the beautiful and blissful love between a humanitarian and spiritual Teacher and Her noble, loving pets. Supreme Master Ching Hai has millions of adoring fans around the world, but none so close as Her own loving pets. Book descriptions The Dogs in My Life In the newly released The Dogs in My Life (Volume 1 & 2), the first publication lovingly written and personally designed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, readers will rediscover the simplicity of the love and rejoice in the sincerity of friendship, as exhibited by the ten canine friends, with names like Benny, Lucky, Happy, Goody, and Hermit. Learn about the Scholar, Fruity, Princissa, Chip Ahoy, the Shadow Hunter, and others; listen to their engaging tales. They all have diverse life stories and distinctive personalities, yet their devotion for their ‘human pet’ is unequivocal, and their humor, intelligence and many other noble qualities are truly from the same source. The Birds in My Life Following The Dogs in My Life, Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote another book entitled, The Birds in My Life, for the 23 beloved winged members of Her household. In this beautifully illustrated book, each feathered creature is described in a biography lovingly composed by Master, together with pictures from the bird’s daily life and captions with ‘bird talk.’ Each of these beautiful birds comes from a different background and has an interesting and unique personality. Some of their stories will move us into tears, while others may make us smile. Their cute mannerisms have brought much joy and laughter to Master. Hidden inside these tiny creatures are highly developed and loving souls. Master said that She has often been touched by the expressions and actions of the birds, and even inspired by them. She hopes that all of us will understand other living beings such as birds, and love and respect them as equals.

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The Noble Wilds With a rhythmic, meditative tone, the words of The Noble Wilds flow gracefully along the pages, complemented by the luminous photos of God’s creations in nature. Turning the pages, one is transported to Amoura, the place where the lady lives and is visited by cherished beings of the wild. The lady is none other than Supreme Master Ching Hai, and The Noble Wilds is yet another of Her simple but deeply touching gifts. Written, photographed and compiled personally by Master, this precious gem opens the door to a world of unique beauty. Here, the reader can witness firsthand the noble spirit and dedication of our co-inhabitants whose homes are under the open sky the swan, the goose, the squirrel, the beaver and even a tiny garden snail. Although generally shy of humans, these animals allow themselves to be photographed, and indeed can even be seen eagerly approaching the lady’s gentle offering of favorite foods. The love conveyed is unlike any other full of dignity and grace, yet as deep and enduring as the eternal. All books are printed by soy ink for environmental protection. Such ink is not only non-toxic but also very helpful for environment of the Mother Earth, which is a good example of ‘time to act.’ Through these books, we will understand how deeply our animal friends can feel and how intelligent they can be. They are absolutely loyal to partners, friends and human caretakers. They can be very sensitive and tender in expressing their love, and when they lose a loved one, they suffer the same sadness as humans do. That’s why Master Ching Hai says, ‘If humans could love each other that much, peace and happiness would be ours forever.’ These 300 pages of wonderful pictures and stories will lead us to a world populated by beautiful birds and help us understand their lives, their deep emotions and thoughts. Read The Dogs in My Life, The Birds in My Life and The Noble Wilds, and fall in love with some of the most special beings on Earth. The Dogs in My Life, The Birds in My Life and The Noble Wilds are also available online at: www.amazon.com/dp/9866895084/ ; www.amazon.com/dp/9866895149/ and www.amazon.com/Noble-Wilds-Supreme-Master-Ching/dp/9868415233. These books are beautiful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones. Have them delivered as soon as possible to our doors and begin experiencing God’s love and blessing flowing on every page! Celestial Art Celestial Art is a distinguished volume in which the author interprets artistic creation from a spiritual perspective to reflect Truth, virtue, and the beauty of heaven. As readers are invited into the boundless world of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s celestial art and uplifted through its resonance with the Divine, they will be profoundly touched by the deep emotions of a poet, the subtle touches of a painter, the unique ideas of a designer, and the romantic heart of a musician. Above all, one is blessedly introduced to the wisdom and compassion of a great spiritual Teacher. Supreme Master Ching Hai personally named this book Celestial Art, to bring the beauty of heaven to this world. The works of art collected in this book symbolize a noble way of living in real practice. As a collection of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s creative works of art throughout the years, this book is presented in exquisite color photographs and simple yet profound comments by the author Herself. She speaks of the natural process behind Her creativity and Her source of

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inspiration, revealing for readers an appreciation of the true meaning of Her works. She also shares ways to help us develop our own creative talents. Although Supreme Master Ching Hai never received formal training in the arts, She is gifted with refined creative ability. Many of Her works, inspired by spontaneous intuition, are natural, expressive, and tenderly graced with divine love, ‘If we can find our Truth, virtue, and beauty again, then the material world will become more meaningful to us and the world will be more beautiful. We can find the Truth in this illusionary world because we can always track down the real thing by following its shadow.’ says Supreme Master Ching Hai. About the author Supreme Master Ching Hai Supreme Master Ching Hai is a world-renowned spiritual Teacher, artist, and humanitarian, whose loving assistance extends beyond all cultural boundaries. Born in central Au Lac (Vietnam), Supreme Master Ching Hai studied in Europe and worked there for the Red Cross. She soon realized that suffering exists in all corners of the globe, and Her yearning to find a remedy became the foremost goal in Her life. She was happily married at the time to a German physician, and although it was a difficult decision for both of them, Her husband agreed to a separation. She then embarked on a journey in search of spiritual enlightenment. Eventually, in the Himalayas in India, She received from a true Master the divine transmission of the inner Light and Sound, which She later called the Quan Yin method. After a period of diligent practice, She attained the great enlightenment. Soon after Her return from the Himalayas, at the earnest request of those around Her, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared the Quan Yin method with others, encouraging them to look within to find their own divine greatness. Before long, invitations arrived from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa for Supreme Master Ching Hai to give lectures. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassionate heart has also been reflected in Her meticulous care for the less fortunate in different circumstances. The funding generated from Her artistic creations has enabled the support of Her mission of comforting God’s children in times of need. More recently, Supreme Master Ching Hai has authored books that have become number one international best-sellers, namely ‘The Dogs in My Life,’ ‘The Birds in My Life,’ and ‘The Noble Wilds.’ These volumes reveal many insights into the deep emotions and thoughts of our treasured animal co-inhabitants, highlighting their gracious spirit and unconditional love. Wishing to acknowledge others for their actions and influence toward developments of goodness in the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai founded the Shining World Leadership Award in March 2006. Since then, She has also established other prestigious awards, such as Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Invention Award. This honor is bestowed on individuals, nations, and organizations – such as the second President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Janez Drnovšek, Dr. Jane Goodall, and Save the Children – whose exemplary works have significantly contributed to the harmony, beauty, and sustainability of our earth. Supreme Master Ching Hai is among notable pioneers in our society today who wisely and courageously express concern about climate change. In fact, for more than 20 years, She has talked about preserving the environment. She catapulted the Alternative Living and SOS Global Warming campaigns to promote a benevolent lifestyle without animal products. ‘Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet’ is now a well-known motto that originated from Supreme Master Ching Hai. In our era, Supreme Master Ching Hai is truly a selflessly dedicated individual, tirelessly helping world citizens create a bright future for our beloved planet.

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Veganism in religions

THE BAHAI FAITH ‘Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined

the food of every living being, and to eat contrary to that determination is not approved.’

(Selections from the Bahai’s writings on some aspects of health)

BUDDHISM ‘… All meats eaten by living beings are of their own relatives.’

(Lankavatara Sutra (Tripitaka No. 671))

CAO ĐÀI ‘... The most important thing is to stop killing... because animals also

have souls and understand like humans... If we kill and eat them, then we owe them a blood debt.’

(Teachings of the saints about keeping the ten precepts – Abstaining from killing, Section 2)

CHRISTIANITY ‘Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: But God shall destroy both

it and them.’ (1st Corinthians 6:13, Holy Bible)

‘And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord smote

the people with a very great plague.’ (Numbers 11:33, Holy Bible)


‘All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. The superior man, having seen the animals alive, cannot bear to see them die; having heard their dying cries, he cannot bear to eat

their flesh.’ (Mencius, King Hui of Liang, Chapter 4)

ESSENES ‘I am come to end the sacrifices and feasts of blood, and if ye cease not offering and eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of God shall not

cease from you.’ (Gospel of the Holy Twelve)

HINDUISM ‘Since you... cannot bring killed animals back to life, you are

responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance.’

(Adi-lila, Chapter 17, Verses 159-165)

‘He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth.’

(Mahabharata, Anu. 115.47. FS, page 90)

ISLAM ‘Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to

other creatures. Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards of animals!’

(Prophet Muhammad, Hadith)

JUDAISM ‘And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the

strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood (flesh); I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and

will cut him off from among his people.’ (Leviticus 17:10, Holy Bible)

JAINISM ‘A true monk should not accept such food and drink as has been

especially prepared for him involving the slaughter of living beings.’ (Sutrakritanga)

TAOISM ‘Do not go into the mountain to catch birds in nets, nor to the water to

poison fishes and minnows. Do not butcher the ox that plows your field.’

(Tract of the Quiet Way)

SIKHISM ‘Those mortals who consume marijuana, flesh and wine – no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell.’

(Guru Granth Sahib, page 1377)

ZOROASTRIANISM ‘Those plants, I, Ahura Mazda (God), rain down upon the earth, to

bring food to the faithful, and fodder to the beneficent cow.’ (Avesta, Venidad Fargard 5-20)

TIBETAN BUDDHISM ‘The offering to the deities of meat obtained by killing animate beings is like offering a mother the flesh of her own child; and this is a grievous

failure.’ (The Supreme Path of Discipleship: The Precepts of the Gurus,

the Thirteen Grievous Failures, Great Guru Gampopa)

‘Everybody knows that vegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet. They will be awakening their own great, compassionate, loving, self-nature. And then their level of consciousness will rise up automatically. And they will understand more than

they ever did. And they will be closer to heaven than what they are right now.’ (Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with Sydney Center, Australia,

August 17th, 2008)

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Benefits of a vegan diet and harms of meat consumption

Benefits of a vegan diet Harms of meat consumption

• Lower blood pressure. • Lower cholesterol levels. • Reduce Type 2 diabetes. • Prevent stroke conditions. • Reverse atherosclerosis. • Reduce heart disease risk by 50%. • Reduce heart surgery risk by 80%. • Prevent many forms of cancer. • Stronger immune system. • Increase life expectancy up to 15 years. • Higher IQ. • Conserves up to 70% clean water. • Saves 80% of the cleared Amazonian

rainforest from animal grazing. • Free up 3,433 billion hectares of land. • Free up 760 million tons of grain every year

(half the world’s grain supply). • Consumes 1/3 less fossil fuels of those used

for meat production. • Reduces pollution from untreated animal

waste. • Maintains cleaner air. • Saves 4.5 tons of emissions per United States

household per year. • Stop 80% of global warming. Plus more…

Some diseases related to meat consumption production • Fatal prion diseases transmissible through air and

milk. • Rabies. • Anthrax. • Sleeping sickness. • Q fever. • Norovirus. • Swine flu. • Ebola-reston virus. • Cured meat and fish increase leukemia risk in

children. • Antibiotic-resistant ‘superbug’ infections from a

strain of staphylococcus aureus. • Blue tongue disease. • E coli. • Salmonella. • Bird flu. • Mad cow disease (Creutfeldt-Jakob disease, 90%

of the population at risk). • Pig's disease (PMWS). • Listeriosis. • Shellfish poisoning. • Pre-eclampsia. • Campylobacter. • Clostridium difficile. • Diseases hidden in healthy-appearing livestock. Some of the costs of meat eating Infertility • Eating just one serving of meat per day increases

the risk of women’s infertility by 32%, with additional meat consumption increasing the risk.

Heart disease • Over 17 million lives lost globally each year. • Cost of cardiovascular disease is at least USD1

trillion a year. Cancer • Increased childhood cancers and adult

reproductive cancers from hormones in meat. • Colorectal cancer. • Over 1 million new colon cancer patients

diagnosed each year.

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Benefits of a vegan diet Harms of meat consumption • More than 600,000 colon cancer-related

mortalities annually. • In the United States alone, colon cancer treatment

costs about USD6.5 billions. • Millions of people are newly diagnosed with other

meat-related cancers every year. Diabetes • 246 million people are affected worldwide. • An estimated USD174 billions spent each year on

treatment in just the United States. Obesity • Worldwide 1.6 billion adults are overweight with

400 millions more who are obese. • Costs USD93 billions each year for medical

expenses in the United States alone. • At least 2.6 million people die annually from

problems related to being overweight or obese. Environmental • Uses up to 70% of clean water. • Pollutes most of the water bodies. • Deforests the lungs of the Earth. • Uses up to 43% of the world's cereal. • Uses up to 85% of the world's soy. • Causes world hunger and wars. • 80% cause of global warming. Plus more… Some of the costs of milk consumption • Cowpox from milking cows. • Bacterial microbes, pesticides, and enzymes

found in cheese, derived from the inner stomach linings of other animals.

• Up to 80% of the calories in cheese are from pure fat.

• Breast, prostate and testicular cancer from hormones present in milk.

• Listeria and Crohn’s disease. • Hormones and saturated fat leads to osteoporosis,

obesity, diabetes and heart disease. • Linked to higher incidences of multiple sclerosis. • Classified as a major allergen. • Lactose intolerance. Plus more…

For help quitting, please visit: www.SupremeMasterTV.com/Be-Veg www.Peta.org www.GoVeg.com www.Viva.org.uk www.QuitMeat.org.nz For urgent information, please visit: www.SupremeMasterTV.com/Killers

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Alternative living

Change our life Change our heart Change our diet

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

No more killing Be healthy and loving

Examples of nutritious, life saving food: Foods

Protein concentration (% by weight)

Tofu (from soya).


Gluten (from flour).






Soy beans, kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, et cetera.

10 – 35%

Almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazel nuts, pine nuts, et cetera.

14 – 30%

Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, et cetera.

18 – 24%

• Concentrated multi-vitamin tables/capsules are also a good source of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.

• Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and contain high-quality fiber for maintaining good health and a long life.

• The recommended daily allowance: 50 grams of protein (average adult). • Calcium from vegetables is more absorbable than from cow’s milk. • To diminish the real threat of a worldwide pandemic from bird flu; • To avoid the danger of mad cow disease (BSE) and pig disease (PMWS), et cetera; and • To stop the continuing gruesome sacrifice of billions of our sweet domestic animals, marine life and

feathered friends daily. It’s wise to change to a vegetarian diet for good: • It’s health; • It’s economy; • It’s ecology; • It’s compassion; • It’s peace; and • It’s noble. For more information, visit our websites: www.GodsDirectContact.org/www.SupremeMasterTV.com.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Days A life of honors and ongoing selfless service

(February 22nd and October 25th) As a humanitarian, Supreme Master Ching Hai provides unconditional assistance wherever it is needed, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. Although She does not seek any acknowledgment, government representatives and private organizations worldwide have presented Supreme Master Ching Hai with prestigious awards on numerous occasions to recognize Her outstanding contributions to humanity. One of these special honors was the establishment of Supreme Master Ching Hai Days. In 1993, the Honorable Frank F. Fasi, esteemed Mayor of Honolulu, proclaimed October 25th 'The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day' in honor of the philanthropic works and peace advocacy of an inspirational spiritual teacher, renowned humanitarian, and dedicated citizen of the world. In his speech, Mayor Fasi stated, 'Supreme Master Ching Hai means so much to so many people and so many countries on this globe. She brings love around the world where there is hate. She brings hope where there is despair. And She brings understanding where there is misunderstanding. She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.' On October 25th, 1993, the inauguration of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day was celebrated at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America in the presence of distinguished guests of honors and around 2,000 jubilant audience members. At the grand award ceremony, Supreme Master Ching Hai was also recognized with the International Peace Commendation Award, Honorary Citizenship, and Certificate of Merit for Her extraordinary charitable efforts and leadership for peace through spirituality. Over 150 congratulatory messages arrived that day from dignitaries across the United States and overseas. In a speech that evening, Supreme Master Ching Hai, donning an elegant gold Aulacese (Vietnamese) áo dài – the traditional dress of Her homeland, said, 'I have been loved and treated well all over the world. And today, to be awarded 4 honors all at once, I’m really overwhelmed. I can only pray that God will honor you everywhere you go in the world, in this world as well as in heaven, and the power of God Almighty will make all our wishes come true. Amen.' In 1994, the United States governors of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin each awarded Supreme Master Ching Hai with the highest honor of the state gold medal for Her aid to flood-affected Americans. During a ceremony, the governors proclaimed February 22nd Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, as congratulatory messages arrived from United States Presidents Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Bill Clinton.

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In addition, a set of bronze statues of Supreme Master Ching Hai were presented that evening, one of which was later brought by Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris to its permanent home in Hawaii’s Ho’omaluhia Botanical Garden. A tireless humanitarian and caring vegan, Supreme Master Ching Hai donates the proceeds from Her fashion designs and art works to assisting humans and animals in need, as well as protecting the environment. She is also the guiding inspiration for an international humanitarian organization and the constructive global channel Supreme Master Television (www.SupremeMasterTV.com). Over the years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has contributed more than USD20 million in timely assistance to many causes, not including donations that were made anonymously. From Darfur to Haiti to Sri Lanka and Japan, those affected by natural disasters, refugees, war veterans, the elderly, the homeless, those with serious illnesses, and others have been some of the recipients of Her loving concern. Furthermore, benefit concerts were held in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles in Supreme Master Ching Hai’s honor. During these events, Supreme Master Ching Hai presented hundreds of thousands of dollars to US Veterans Affairs, Starlight Children’s Foundation and other American organizations. At the recent world premieres of the 2 musicals, 'The Real Love' (www.TheRealLoveMusic.com) and 'Loving the Silent Tears' (www.SilentTearsMusical.com) in Los Angeles, United States of America, Supreme Master Ching Hai also gave USD510,000 donations to charitable groups in the United States. To date, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassion has touched the lives of millions around the globe, and more each day: 'She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us.' – Mayor Frank F. Fasi of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America. 'Supreme Master Ching Hai is an extraordinary lady who gives and gives with compassion and grace.' – Eric Roberts, Oscar nominated actor, United States of America; vegan. 'The work that Master Ching Hai has done in helping people who are suffering from war, from famine, from natural disasters around the world – we’ve got to take the opportunity to thank and congratulate Her for that.' – Adrian Ramsay, Deputy Leader of Green Party, United Kingdom; vegan. 'I honestly thank Supreme Master Ching Hai, who is a spiritual leader of the world and a world-renowned humanitarian, for Your compassion. Your love and compassion will spiritually support us to restore the city.' – Tsuneaki Iguchi, Mayor of Iwanuwa City, Miyagi Prefecture; in aftermath of the March 2011 earthquake. 'I would like to personally thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai for bringing awareness to people about ways that we can have a lighter footprint on the Earth. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.' – Dr. Stephen Schneider, Lead author of Nobel Prize winning United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climatologist, Stanford University, United States of America. 'The word inspiration is overused, but Supreme Master Ching Hai, You really are an inspiration…' – Lisa Bloom, CNN and CBS legal analyst; vegan.

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'When we recognize a spiritual Master, we bring blessing upon ourselves. When the world makes that recognition through the declaration of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, it brings the blessings onto the world – and this world desperately needs those blessings. The Supreme Master is a representative of our higher nature and the goodness of our heart. By recognizing Supreme Master Ching Hai, we’re actually doing a tribute not only to Her, but to all of creation. So, on this special occasion, I say congratulations and have a wonderful Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.' – Dr. Walter Dorn, Professor of Defence Studies, Royal Military College of Canada; Chair of Canadian Pugwash Group. 'Supreme Master Ching Hai is obviously a Supreme Master in terms of really being focused and dedicated to studying what is the essence of life and how it should be shared, how it should be empowering of other people and how it really is the epitome of humanity, well, humanitarianism. Supreme Master Ching Hai expresses that in Her success. … Wherever She goes is ‘love one another and love humanity, love the creatures and take care of it.' – Melba Moore, Tony Award-winning singer, 4-time Grammy nominee. 'I heard about Supreme Master Ching Hai Day and all that She has done around the world. As a humble political servant who has children from Darfur, if it wasn’t for You and what You do, kids like mine would not be alive. We’ve never met, but we have this same kind of heart and I just thank You so much.' – His Excellency Glen Pearson, Member of Canadian Parliament; vegetarian.

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