heating schemes and process parameters of induction heating of … · the cross-sectional shape of...

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Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)© Y. Tian et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2019https://doi.org/10.1051/mfreview/2019013

Available online at:https://mfr.edp-open.org

Special Issue - Advances in Research in New Forming Te chnology - from the ICNFT2018

Sybille Friedrich, Thomas Seefeld and Frank Vollertsen (Eds.)


Heating schemes and process parameters of induction heatingof aluminium sheets for hot stampingYankang Tian1, Libo Wang2, Gerald Anyasodor1, Zhenhai Xu1, and Yi Qin1,*

1 Centre for Precision Manufacturing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XJ, UK2 School of Manufacturing Sciences and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, PR China

* e-mail:

This is an O

Received: 14 December 2018 / Accepted: 3 May 2019

Abstract. Induction heating is one of the most popular metal heating technologies due to its high heating rateand high energy efficiency. This method is suitable for heating workpieces/blanks in different shapes, sizes andmaterials. Although induction heating of metal sheets has already been investigated by various researchorganizations and industrial companies, information concerning the induction heating of aluminium blanks islimited. Considering that hot stamping of aluminium sheets for automotive and aerospace applications iscurrently attracting a lot of attentions, it is timely important to gain more understanding on this technology byconducting in-depth investigations. Especially, investigations are required to address issues relating to theuneven temperature distributions developed in the metal sheets when they are heated, so that optimum designscould be obtained to improve the technology and its applications. This paper presents an in-depth analysisconducted recently for the investigation into heating schemes and process parameters in induction heating ofaluminium sheets, mainly using 3DFE simulations, based on a general experimental validation. Differentmaterial, coil geometric and power-setting factors were considered during the modelling and analysis to examinetheir effects on the heating efficiency and developed temperature profiles. It was revealed from the simulationsthat design features of the induction coils affect the uniformity of the developed temperatures in the metalsheets. It is shown that an optimised combination of the coil design and the power setting could help to achievehigher heating rates, at the same time, also to achieve higher temperature-distribution uniformity. At the end ofthis paper, a discussion of practical factors that affect applications of induction heating of aluminium sheets forhot stamping applications is presented.

Keywords: Induction heating / aluminium sheet / FE simulation / hot stamping

1 Introduction

In a hot stamping process, a blank is heated up to a desiredforming temperature before being transferred to the pressand formed into a designated shape. During the lastdecade, increasing demand for hot stamping of highstrength material has been seen due to dramatic develop-ments in the automotive industry. This has created newrequirements for the heating process. In order to enable thehot stamping process for various applications, to-date,several metal-blanks heating technologies have beendeveloped and used in industry.

Convection furnace heating is the most commonlyused heating method due to its simplicity and ease forhandling metal sheets of different materials, shapes, andsizes. Moreover, the temperature of the blank can becontrolled and maintained very easily, and it is suitable


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for mass production. However, a convection heatingprocess usually has a very low heating rate and requires alonger cycle time. A furnace system which needs to bewarmed up before production usually has low energyefficiency. It is one of the most intensive energy consumersin a hot-stamping production line and a furnacecontinuously running contributes greatly to greenhousegases [1].

Resistance heating is another popular metal-blankheating method with high heating rates, high energyefficiency [2–4], and it is cost effective. In a resistanceheating process, the temperature on a workpiece isincreased due to the Joule heat generated as a result ofelectrical resistance when the metal is electrified [4].However, this heating method is size sensitive which meansthat the temperature uniformity of the workpiece dependslargely on the geometry of the blanks and where theelectrodes are applied [3]. It requires the blanks to haveregular shapes and constant thicknesses in order to obtainan even temperature distribution for hot stamping.

mons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Table 1. Material properties.

Parts Material Specific heat capacityJ=kg⋅kð Þ

Emissivity Electrical resistivity(V⋅m)

Blank Al-alloy 935 0.75 3.8 e–05Coil Copper 386 1 1.67 e–05

2 Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

A method based on induction heating may have a goodbalance between process flexibility and energy efficiency[5–7]. A wide range of materials can be heated up by theinduction heating method while a fast heating rate can beachieved. Metal sheets in different shapes and sizes can beheated by induction heating. This method is energyefficient since the heat is generated from inside theworkpiece. Induction heating has already been widelyused for surface heat treatment in order to minimise heattreatment distortion and obtain favourable compressiveresidual stresses [5,6,8].

Induction heating uses an alternating electromagneticfield to heat the electrically conductive materials withoutphysical contacts [9,10]. The workpiece is placed within anintense alternating magnetic field which is generated by astrong current with a high alternating frequency throughthe induction coils. The material is heated up due toFaraday’s law. Since it is a non-contact heating method,the contamination of workpiece is largely avoided. Inrecent years, the use of induction heating in differentmanufacturing processes has increased due to the highheating efficiency and good reproducibility of the process.One of the popular research topics is the use of inductionheating for aluminium alloy [11–14].

Temperature distribution in the workpiece and theheating rate induced by induction heating are determinedmainly by the workpiece material, coil design [15], power ofthe alternating current and other electrical parameters[16,17]. Induction heating of metal sheets has beeninvestigated by various research institutions and industrialcompanies [18,19]. At the same time, numerical simulationshave been used to study the induction heating processes.Most of these studies were focused on the heating ofworkpieces in cylindrical or tubular shapes [20–22]. Sun et al.simulated a heavy cylinder inductively heated by six coils[20]. The temperature distribution in the workpiece wasimprovedthroughattachingheat treatment rings to theendsof the cylinder. Fu et al. investigated the performance of alongitudinal magnetic flux (LMF) coil and a transversemagnetic flux (TMF) coil for preparing workpieces for gearrolling [21]. Their simulations showed that the LMF coilproduced an improved performance for induction heating interms of better temperature distribution, shortened processtime, and a higher heating efficiency. Lenka et al. simulatedan induction heating process for heating a steel plate and auniform temperature profile was obtained in the workpiecethrough adjusting the positions of the inductors [5].

Although several investigations have been conducted tostudy the induction heating of workpieces with differentmaterials and geometries, information concerning thestudy of induction heating of Al-alloy blanks for hot

stamping was limited. Also, further investigations wererequested by industry to address the issues relating to theuneven temperature distributions developed in the metalsheets during induction heating as well as the heating ratesachievable with reference to the certain coil designs andpower inputs.

A series of numerical simulations have therefore beenconducted to study the induction heating process withreference to different kinds of setups and heatingparameters. In this paper, the models developed aredescribed firstly, being followed by a presentation of thenumerical results. The focus is on the factors thatinfluence inhomogeneous temperature distributions inthe blanks and possible methods for reducing thetemperature differences. The initial experimental setupfor induction heating of Al-Alloy blank is also presented,together with a temperature distribution captured by athermal image camera. Several recommendations on thedeployment of induction heating for aluminium-sheets forhot stamping applications are given at the end of thispaper.

2 Numerical models of induction heating ofaluminium sheets

Induction heating of Al-alloy blanks was studied using 3Dsimulations. The numerical studies involved simulatingheating processes with different coil shapes and sizes,positioning, blank sizes, power parameters, as well asmotion of the blanks. This section describes materialproperties and setups for the numerical models.

2.1 Material properties

In the simulations, the electrified copper coils with differentshapes were used to heat up Al-alloy blanks in differentsizes through induction heating. Although differentdimensions of coils and blanks were simulated, materialproperties were kept consistent in all simulations. Table 1gives the material properties of the workpiece and coil usedin the simulations of induction heating. Thermal expan-sion, thermal conductivity and the mass density ofaluminium alloy were considered as temperature-depen-dent properties and are listed in Table 2.

2.2 Selection of induction coils

The selection of the induction coils in this study involvedselection of the cross-sectional shapes and arrangement ofcoils used for induction heating.

Table 2. Temperature-dependent behaviour of Al-alloy.

Al-alloy sheet

Temperature (°C) Thermalexpansion


Thermal conductivityW=ðm⋅KÞð Þ


Mass density(kg/m3)

20 2.18 e–05 50 280 202697.5

200 2.18 e–05 100 220 2502697.5

250 2.21 e–05 150 200 3002687.5

300 2.26 e–05 200 200 3502677.5

350 2.32 e–05 250 200 4002667.5

400 2.37 e–05 300 200 4502657.5

450 2.42 e–05 5002647.5

500 2.48 e–05 5502637.5

550 2.51 e–05

Fig. 1. Illustration of the cross-section of an induction coil.

Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019) 3

The cross-sectional shape of an induction coil is a veryimportant factor affecting the heating performance. It needsto be considered carefully during the design of an inductionheating process. Due to the electrical resistance of the coilmaterial, heat is generated when high electric current ispassing through the coil. If no cooling is deployed, thetemperature in the coil will increase continuously. Circulatedwater cooling is usually adopted for transferring thegeneratedheat away in order to reduce the temperature in the coil.

When an alternating current is applied on a cylindricalconductor, the highest current density is observed at theinner side of the conductor [23]. This phenomenon shouldbe considered when choosing a suitable cross-sectionalshape for the induction coil. For induction heating of acylindrical surface, a cylindrical coil design can take theadvantage of the phenomenon.While for induction heatingof a metal sheet, a coil with rectangular cross-section can beplaced more closely to the specimen and generate a moreeven eddy current and heating [23].

An induction coil with a hollow rectangular cross-section was chosen in this study for the induction heating ofshaped aluminium-alloy blanks. As shown in Figure 1, thelength L, height H and wall thickness T are three key-parameters for the coil design. Cold water flows throughthe channel inside the coil for cooling. The size of thechannel influences the flow rate of cooling water.

Wall thickness of the coil was chosen to be 1.2 timesthe effective skin-depth d. The effective skin-depth for thecopper coil was d=1.53 and d=0.78mm respectively,when the applied power frequencies were 1800 and7000Hz. The design wall thickness T was chosen as2.0mm. Based on the requirement for heating power,design length L and height H were both chosen to be 8mm.

Two different coil arrangements, namely longitudinalflux induction heating (LFH) and transverse flux inductionheating (TFH), as shown in Figure 2, were considered forthe induction heating of shaped Al-alloy sheets. Perfor-mance of these two coil arrangements was evaluated byusing coupled electromagnetic-thermal simulations.

2.3 Induction heating of aluminium blanks in differentsizes and with different heating schemes

The first set of numerical studies simulated the inductionheating processes induced by a single induction coil. Theeffects of blank size and shape, coil arrangement and cornerdesign, and also the blank movement, on the developedtemperature profiles, were the main research focus.

Fig. 2. Two types of coil arrangements for induction heating.

Fig. 3. Geometry of the small-sized Al-alloy blank used foranalysis.

4 Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

The inductive heating of shaped Al-alloy blanks wassimulated by using both LFH and TFH induction coils.Figure 3 shows the dimensions of the shapedAl-alloy blank.The blank shape is not regular and it has 5 holes on it.These simulations can be used for evaluating the effects ofcoil arrangement and shape of blank on the temperaturedistributions generated by induction heating.

After that, induction heating of larger Al-alloy blanksof 400� 600� 2 mm was also studied numerically. In thesesimulations, a linear movement was applied to the blankwhile the induction coils were kept still. Coils with differentcorner shapes, namely rounded and right angled corners,were firstly simulated to investigate how the coil shapes canaffect the temperature distribution. Figure 4 shows thegeometry used for these simulations. After studying theshape effect of coils, an improved design of the induction

coil was developed and the heating performance of thisdesign was also evaluated. Figure 5 shows the geometry ofan improved induction coil design. The 1st set ofsimulations was conducted with Finite Element (FE)software DEFORM. This software can be used to solvecoupled electromagnetic – thermal problems.

The second set of simulations used a stationary blankand an arrangement of induction coils which covered thesurface area of the workpiece for induction heating. This setof simulations mainly focuses on the effects of powersettings. Parametric simulations of different power fre-quencies and current densities were conducted using FEsoftware COMSOL Multiphysics. The AC/DC module ofthe software was used to study the induction heatingprocess. Eddy currents and heat transfer were coupled inthis model. The 3D model presented at Figure 6 illustratesthe arrangement of coils and workpiece used for theparametric simulations. The workpiece was placed in themiddle between the upper and lower coil sets. Table 3 liststhe details of conducted simulations in this study.

3 Numerical results

This section presents the numerical results of simulationsNo. 1 to No. 7 listed in Table 3. The effects of differentdesign and process parameters on the temperature profiledeveloped on an inductively heated blank were studied bycomparing the results from different coil arrangements,corner shapes, and different electrical settings.

3.1 Induction heating of small Al-alloy blanks(Simulation No. 1 and No. 2)

Figure 7 shows the temperature change on the shaped Al-alloy in a transverse flux induction heating. It can be seenfrom the result that themaximum temperature on the blankinduced by TFH induction heating increased very dramati-cally. Only in 7 seconds after the heating started, themaximum nodal temperature reached 525.0 °C. However,thedevelopedtemperature ishighlyunevenandasevereedgeeffect was observed. From the beginning of the heating

Fig. 4. A model of the induction heating with motion of the blank.

Fig. 5. Induction heating scheme with an alternative coil design.

Fig. 6. A model of induction heating with four coils arrange-ment.

Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019) 5

process the temperature at the centre of the sheetwasalwayslower than the temperature at the edge. Higher currentdensity occurred near the edge of the workpiece. Tempera-ture rises at the edge area was joule heating caused by theeddy current while the temperature increment at the sheetcentre was created by weak induction heating and thermalconduction. Considering the coil design and the geometry ofthe workpiece, the edge effect occurred mainly because thecoil stretched outside the workpiece and the eddy currentconcentrated at the edge of the material. Figure 8a plots thetemperature history at different points on the workpiece in7 seconds. The temperature difference induced by the edgeeffect increases with time and reaches as high as 470.0 °C in7 seconds.

A similar simulation process was applied to thelongitudinal induction heating model and the finalnumerical result of the temperature distribution is plottedin Figure 8b. This result shows that within 27 seconds afterthe coil was electrified, part of the workpiece reached525.0 °C. Without observing a severe edge effect, thetemperature was distributed more evenly across the wholeworkpiece and the highest temperature occurs at the roundcorner. The greatest temperature difference in theworkpiece is about 50.0 °C. Thus compared to thetemperature profile generated by TFH induction heating,it appears that LFH heating can obtain higher tempera-ture-distribution uniformity on the workpiece.

3.2 Induction heating of large Al-alloy blanks withmotion (Simulation No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5)

Figure 9 shows the change of temperature in the Al-alloysheet when it passed through the induction coil. The sheetwas designed to move continuously but the simulationcalculated the generated heat based on the relative positionof coil and workpiece at each time step. However, thenumerical results can still reveal uneven temperaturedistribution on the workpiece induced by the edge effect.An area with a relatively high temperature in the sheet had

a similar shape to the coil andmoved in a direction oppositeto the movement of the sheet. The highest temperature wasobserved at the long edges, especially at each corner of thesheet. A high heating rate occurred in these areas due to theedge effect where the coil stretched outside the sheet andled to higher eddy current density. Temperatures at thecentre of the sheet were generally lower. This area wasmerely heated up and cooled down very quickly after thecoil passed through, leaving a very uneven temperaturedistribution on the workpiece.

Figure 10 presents the numerical results of inductionheatingwhichusedacoilwithroundedcorners.Althoughtheinductionedgeeffect intheAl-alloysheetcouldstillbeclearlyobserved, more of the area in the centre of the sheet washeatedupby this coil design.A coil with rounded corners hasthe quality to produce amore even temperature distributionin the workpiece in an induction heating process.

After the study of cross-sections of the induction coils,corner design and edge effect, an alternative induction coildesign was proposed. Figure 11 presents the results of thenumerical study of this coil design. The results show thatthe proposed coil design has the potential to produce amore even temperature distribution pattern in theworkpiece. Data reading from the simulation results alsosuggests that the temperature in the Al-sheet can increaseby as high as 45.0 °C in one second.

3.3 Induction heating of large Al-alloy blanks with anarray of coils (Simulation No. 6 and No. 7)

The second set of simulations used a coil array for heatingup an Al-alloy blank inductively. For the blank of400.0� 600.0� 2.0 mm, a total of 8 induction coils were

t = 0 s t = 1 s t = 2 s

t = 3 s t = 4 s t = 5 s

t = 6 s t = 7 s

Fig. 7. Temperature development using transverse flux induction heating (Simulation No. 1).

Table 3. List of details of the conducted simulations.

No. Blank size Coil feature Current density (A/mm2) Current frequency (Hz) Blank motion (mm/s)

1 Small Trans­verse (LFH) 54 5000 N/A2 Small Longitu­dinal (TFH) 54 5000 N/A3 Large TFH, right corner 14 2000 504 Large TFH, rounded corner 14 2000 505 Large TFH, rounded corner 14 2000 506 Large TFH, rounded corner 27 5000, 10 000, 15 000 N/A7 Large TFH,

rounded corner9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 5000 N/A

6 Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

used. Twelve simulations were done with different settingsof alternating frequencies and current densities. Figure 12shows streamlines of magnetic flux density.

In order to study the effect of alternating currentfrequencies on the temperature development of inductionheating, the induction coils were energized by alternatingcurrents of the frequency of 5000, 10000 and 15000Hz.Temperature distributions on the workpiece were plottedand shown in Figure 13.

From the results of different current frequencies, an edgeeffect can be clearly observed. All these simulations wereconducted using the current density of 27.0A/mm2. As the

frequency of the power supply increased, the edge effectbecame more obvious. For all the simulations, the edges ofthe workpiece were firstly heated up while the centre of theblank was still relatively cool. At 40 s after the heatingprocess started, the hottest part of the blank had atemperature above 525.0 °C but the coolest part was stillbelow 150.0 °C. Figure 14 shows the development of highestand lowest temperatures on theworkpiece at different currentfrequencies. The highest temperature on the blank is severelyaffected by the supply frequency, while all the blanks obtainsimilar lower temperatures. The temperature difference inthe workpieces increases with increasing current frequency.

Fig. 8. Comparison of temperatures for induction heating with TFH method and LFH method. (a) Temperature profiles fortransverse flux induction heating in 7 seconds (Simulation No. 1); (b) temperature profiles for longitudinal flux induction heating in27 seconds (Simulation No. 2).

Fig. 9. Numerical result of the inductive heating process withcoil with right angled corner (Simulation No. 3).

Fig. 10. Temperature distribution of the inductive heatingprocess with coil with rounded corners (Simulation No. 4).

Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019) 7

Similar numerical studies were conducted to study theeffect of current density on the induction heating process.This time, the current frequencies were kept the same at5000Hz, while the current density changed from 9 to

Fig. 11. Simulation result of the induction heating withoptimised induction coil design (Simulation No. 5).

Fig. 12. Magnetic flux density for induction heating simulated.


Fig. 13. Temperature distribution in the workpiece at different current frequencies.

8 Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

30A/mm2. A similar inhomogeneous distribution oftemperature was also observed in these simulations.Figure 15 shows the highest and lowest temperaturesdeveloped on the Al-alloy sheet. Although the highesttemperature and the temperature difference on the blankincreased as the current for induction heating increased,the lowest temperature on the workpiece was affectedmore strongly by the current densities than the frequen-cies. In this case, the results suggest that for an optimisedinduction heating process, it is favourable to use aninduction current of high density which increases theheating rate for the edges and the centre. Also at the sametime, to use a low frequency which significantly reducesthe edge effect without affecting the centre of theworkpiece too much.

4 Initial experiments of induction heating ofaluminium sheets

After various numerical studies were done for inductionheating, an initial physical test was conducted to study thetemperature distribution on a shaped Al-alloy blankgenerated by LFH induction heating. The experimentalsetup and initial test results obtained by the thermalimaging camera are presented in this section.

4.1 Setup for the induction heating experiment

In order to evaluate the feasibility of using inductionheating for hot stamping, initial experiments were set up.

Fig. 14. Highest and lowest temperature in the workpiece heatedby the current at different frequencies.

Fig. 15. Highest and lowest temperature in the workpiece atdifferent current densities.

Fig. 16. Al-alloy blanks used for the initial experiment ofinduction heating.

Fig. 17. Experimental setup for the induction heating of Al-Alloy blanks.

Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019) 9

An Al-alloy blank sheet having the dimensions as shown inFigure 3 was made and used for the induction heating(Fig. 16). The blank had a thickness of 2mm. A coil designbased on the LFH heating method was used because LFH isa widely used induction heating technology and the setup

for this heating method is relatively simple. Figure 17shows the experimental setup. The induction coil wasenergised by an alternating current of 133 kHz with a powerof 16.4 kW. A thermal imaging camera (infrared camera)was used to monitor the temperature distribution. Thissystem can measure the temperature distribution with aresolution of 640� 480 or 382� 288 pixels.

4.2 Temperature distributions in Al-alloy blanks

Figure 18 shows the temperature distribution in anAl-Alloyblank heated up with the LFH induction heating method.This heating experiment was only for initial validationpurpose and therefore, the blank was only heated up to,approximately,200 °C.Using the lowertemperaturewasalsodue to the restriction of the experimental environmentavailable. The temperature distribution uniformity andheating rate were the two main interests of the experiment

Fig. 18. Temperature distribution captured by a thermal image camera (a) and predicted temperatures using FEM for a simialrcondition (b).

10 Y. Tian et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

since these would bemain concerns, regarding if this heatingmethod could be used for heating Al-Alloy blanks for hotstamping applications: one concerns heating quality whileanother concerns the productivity.

As shown in Figure 18a, by using the LFH method, thetemperaturedistributionontheheatedblankwasquiteeven.Comparing the measured result to the predicted tempera-ture shown inFigure 18b, similarities can be found regardingthetemperaturedifferenceanddistribution in theblank.Themaximum temperature predicted in the simulation at thisstage of heating was approximately slightly higher than200 °C.For both the experimental and numerical results, thehighest temperatures were observed along the right-anglecorneredgeof theblank,while lowest temperaturesappearedat the centre of the blank as well as at the rounded-corner.

5 Conclusions

This study examined heating schemes and processparameters in induction heating of aluminium blanks forhot stamping applications. Numerical simulations wereconducted to investigate the effects of coil designs andpower parameters on the induction heating process for Al-alloy blanks. Aspects like coil design selection, edge effectin induction heating, corner shape of the coil, blankmovement, and current properties, etc. were consideredand studied. The main conclusions from this study are asfollows:

– both TFH and LFH induction heating process werestudied numerically. The TFH heating process canachieve high heating rates due to the induction edgeeffect. The edge effect also causes the metal sheet to beheated up unevenly. The LFH heating method canreduce the edge effect. However, this method is onlypractically feasible for small blanks;

coils with sharp corners and rounded corners were bothused for the induction heating studies of a moving blank.The numerical results show that the coil with roundedcorners is likely to result in more uniform heating;

an alternative coil design was proposed for the heating oflarge Al-alloy sheets and a numerical simulation showedits potential to produce quick and relatively moreuniform heating;

induction heating with coil arrays was also studied.Parametric simulations were conducted for differentsupplied current frequencies. The results suggest that toobtain relatively even temperature distributions onaluminium sheets with thicknesses of 2mm, currents withlow alternating frequency is more applicable;

initial experiments were set up and conducted for theinduction heating of small Al-alloy blanks of non-regularshape. Resulting temperature distributions were cap-tured by using a thermal imaging camera. It was shownthat by using an LFH method, a temperature distribu-tion of high uniformity can be obtained, this was alsoobserved in the numerical study.

To adopt induction heating of aluminium blanks in hotstamping production in practice, special attention shouldbe paid to the selection of the coil design, heating method,blank geometry, blankmovement, and power control. Onlywith optimal combinations of these factors should thealuminium blanks be heated at the desired rate toacceptable temperatures and distributions in order toachieve high-quality hot stampings.

In the future, more physical experiments and in-depthstudies of heating rate and temperature distribution will beconducted with different coil designs and power settings. Thenumerical modelling will be validated thoroughly, usingmoreexperimental results. All of these should result in improvedheating process designs and increased hot-stamping processefficiency for hot-forming of aluminium sheets.


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Cite this article as: Yankang Tian, LiboWang, Gerald Anyasodor, Zhenhai Xu, Yi Qin, Heating schemes and process parametersof induction heating of aluminium sheets for hot stamping, Manufacturing Rev. 6, 17 (2019)

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