heartlight magazine november 2013

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A wide selection of uplifting and informative articles touching base on alternative medicine, healthy eating, spiritualism, personal growth, nutrition and herbal education.


Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~

Enhancing Your Life: Mind, Body & Spirit

Heartlight Holistics Magazine

November 2013– The Lavender Issue

Relax with Soothing Lavender Bath Salts

Make Your Own Lavender Hand Cream

Baking with Lavender- Lavender Butter Cookies

Herb of the Month- Lavender

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Heartlight Holistics


Amber D. Sluiter

Amber is a Sports Nutritionist,

Personal Trainer, Life Coach,

Holistic Stress Management

Specialist, Master Herbalist and Reiki Master. She

is the author of 2 books and is a featured Holistic

Health Expert for SelfGrowth.com. Amber is also

currently finishing her studies to become a

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She

can be reached through her website or on




Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 3


Smoothie Slim

Lose Weight with Delicious Smoothies!

Amber D. Sluiter

Sports Nutritionist, Personal Trainer

Smoothie Slim has helped people from all over the world lose weight quickly and safely. By following this simple program, you can lose excess weight and achieve a greater sense of well

being. Get your copy today!

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 4


November 2013 Feature 6 Healing a Cold, Naturally By Amber D. Sluiter

Mind, Body & Spirit 10 Crystals for 2014 By Tara Mideaker

16 The Importance of 13:13:13 By Tanishka Tantrika

26 I’m Overweight. Can I Do Yoga? By Madison Marie

30 Healing Through Meditation and Prayer By Mary Summey

31 Having Faith in Yourself By Sujaya Chaturvedula

32 Yoga and Relaxation By Mia Randall




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Herb of the Month 20 Lavender Holistic Kitchen 12 Lavender Butter Cookies For Our 4 Legged Friends 22 Herbs for Your Pets Natural Beauty 24 Make Your Own Lavender Hand Cream 34 Make Your Own Lavender Bath Salts The Herbal Classroom 33 Terms and Definitions





If you would like to advertise or

become a contributing writer,

please contact Amber:


Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 6

Healing a Cold, Naturally

By Amber D. Sluiter The cold and flu season is officially upon us. However, you can be fully prepared to fight off an attack of the sniffles naturally by using some (or all) of the methods described below.

Nasal/ Chest Congestion: One of the most effective ways to clear nasal congestion is by using a neti pot. A neti pot is a small, teapot like container that is made of either ceramic, pyrex or plastic. It is designed to be filled with warm water and fine, iodized salt. A neti pot can be purchased at most drug stores such as Walgreens and CVS or at any Wal-Mart. Tilting your head sideways, you simply flush your nasal passages by inserting the spout of the neti pot into one nostril, and letting the water flow through and out the other side of your nose. The salt water carries out excess mucus and flushes the nasal passages of allergens. It also works wonders to reduce inflammation. Neti pots have been proven to provide substantial relief for cold and allergy sufferers. Never underestimate the power of steam to help clear sinuses. Steam not only helps to soothe dry nasal passages, but it also helps to soften and loosen mucus so it can be more easily expelled when coughing or blowing your nose. To benefit from steam, simply boil a pot of water and place it on a folded towel on a table or counter top. Lean over the pot, and drape a towel over your head to create a sort of 'tent'. Breathe normally. Do this for as long as you are comfortable. If you aren't comfortable using a pot of boiling water, you may also turn your shower on using only hot water. Shut the bathroom door and sit in the room, allowing it to fill with steam. This is just as effective as using the pot of water. Remember, if you are going the steam filled room route, leave the room if you become over heated or feel light headed or dizzy. Sore Throat: A warm concoction of raw honey and lemon works quickly to soothe a sore throat. Raw honey can be purchased from heath food stores and finer grocers such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Raw honey hasn't been pasteurized and still contains all of its active enzymes and nutrients. It is a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. Not only does it soothe your throat, it also works to combat the actual illness. Fresh lemons contain antioxidants and vitamin c, both of which work to combat the illness and raise your immune system at the same time. To make this healing powerhouse beverage, combine the juice of 1/2 a lemon and 3 tablespoons of raw honey in a coffee mug. Add enough warm or hot water to fill the mug and

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Feature and sip. You may drink as much as you like throughout the day.

Mullein tea is a wonderful beverage to help soothe an itchy throat. It is an astringent, antibacterial and antiseptic, making it a powerful ally in combating a sore throat. Mullein also has been proven to have a positive influence on the respiratory system which makes it a great cough remedy. To brew mullein tea, purchase loose, dried mullein from your local herbal supply store (Whole Foods carries bulk herbs). To make the tea, fill a tea ball or strainer with the herb and steep in a mug of boiling water for around 10 minutes. Add raw honey if you like to provide a little sweetness and drink as often as needed to relieve the throat soreness. A wonderful recipe for a home made cough syrup involves the use of a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, antiseptic and expectorant- red onion. This recipe is especially useful for children who may not want to drink a whole mug of herbal tea. Don't worry. There is no onion taste. To make this highly effective syrup, simply wash, peel and slice (horizontally) a red onion. Place the base of the

onion in a bowl. Pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of raw honey over the slice of onion. Continue layering the onion slices and raw honey in the bowl until the onion has been reconstructed. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 12 hours. After the 12 hours, remove the onion, slice by slice. Using a spoon, scrape off any honey/liquid from the slice of onion. After all of the onion has been removed, there should be a bowl of syrup left. Administer a teaspoon of this syrup throughout the day as needed to soothe the cough. Overall Immune Booster/ Decongestant/ Sore Throat Soother: This is a VERY effective cold and flu remedy that has been proven time and time again to clear sinuses, ease sore throats and speed the recovery process. If there was one thing that I would suggest as THE cold and flu remedy, this would be it. Some find the taste so pleasant, they drink it on a daily basis. This helps to ward off a cold. Many people refer to it as Tomato Tea. I have seen many variations of the recipe and many claim that there are substitutes that can be made for many of the ingredients. But, the following recipe is the one that has been tried and proven. All ingredients should be as freshly made as possible. The only exception is the tomato juice. V8 juice may be used instead. This drink tastes wonderful on its own, but you may add a dash or two of celery powder and worcestershire sauce to make it taste more like a Bloody Mary. The recipe is as follows:

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2 cups of organic tomato juice 3 cloves of peeled, crushed organic garlic

2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice As much organic hot sauce as you can tolerate

Mix all of the ingredients and slowly bring to a simmer in a sauce pan. You may drink as much of this 'tea' as you like throughout your illness. After all symptoms of illness are gone, continue to drink the tea for a day or two.

Along with the above mentioned treatments, always remember: plenty of rest and fluids are pertinent to recovery. Combine that with a few or all of the treatments mentioned and you'll feel better in no time!

Ward off colds all year long by eating a clove of garlic or taking garlic capsules daily.

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Visit Us: www.HealingCrystals.com

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Did You Know? Drinking your coffee or tea at a slightly lower temperature can cut your throat cancer risk. A new study published in the British Medical Journal shows that repeatedly scalding your throat tissue with hot beverages encourages

abnormal cell growth.

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 10

Crystals for 2014: Putting the Pieces Together By Tara Mideaker

Since 2012 we have experienced some extraordinary cosmic energy. While many of these transits and shifts have been challenging, they are meant to leave us in a much better place than where we started. Think of it as a puzzle. You have found some of the most challenging pieces and eliminated the ones that just don't fit. While you have gathered your pieces you have noticed their place in the overall framework. Now it’s time to begin to fit those pieces and watch as the picture takes shape. Sometimes that can be the most challenging part and, make no mistake, there are still many pieces to be found and discarded. 2014 will be another year that will challenge you to live your best life! It is time to find and utilize resources and support. It’s also a time to be a resource and support for others. It is time to come together, work with each other and work with the energies of the Universe. It is time to start putting things together.

Here is a quick look at 2014:

JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH This is your best opportunity for introspection and reflection. Water energy has been prevalent through 2013 and it continues in 2014, so you can feel more deeply and develop a truer understanding of your inner self. Earth energy will also be strong in 2014 and this will enable you to apply your inner self into the outer world and make a real difference. The first months of 2014 could guide you towards rebirth, so follow the energy and commit to a new you. A New Moon on 1/1/14 will inspire you and a Pisces/Aquarius Mercury Retrograde in February gives you time for contemplation.

Best Crystals: Fluorite, Moonstone, Amethyst

APRIL, MAY, JUNE Spring is always a busy time as the days grow brighter and stronger and it is time for you to build your physical, spiritual and mental strength so that you are prepared for the opportunities ahead. Expect a Solar Eclipse to shake things up and the final Saturn/Jupiter Trine until 2026 to give your efforts to evolve a positive shot of energy. Another Mercury Retrograde gives you time to pause and re-consider. A Cardinal Grand Cross will be a major turning point where your past choices and resolve towards the future unite in an amazing epiphany. What will you do with it?

Best Crystals: Red Jasper, Green Tourmaline, Black Onyx

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Relax and have some fun! You need to give yourself a break from the intensity of the first part of 2014. By backing off you will be able to come back stronger. Remember that we are still experiencing the effects of the Pluto/Uranus Squares and this is furious and wild energy. It will allow you to get to the heart of the most challenging of situations so that you can deal with it effectively and move on. It is key to your journey of growth and evolution, but it can produce a rough ride. Jupiter moves into fun-loving Leo, making this the perfect time to expand your play time.

Best Crystals: Orange Calcite, Emerald, Sunstone

OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER It is time to know where you stand and where you are headed. A Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will infuse your confidence and faith in the abundance that surrounds your present and future. The last Mercury Retrograde of the year will allow you to let go of any lingering things that just need to be gone for good. The big news: Scorpio releases its hold on Saturn. This has not been an easy transit, but it is a major influence towards finding your personal truth and living it! Saturn in Sagittarius will be a lighter, more optimistic influence so enjoy the energy. And, in case you still haven't gotten what you needed from Saturn in Scorpio, fear not, because it will slip backwards to give us one final push in June 2015.

Best Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Charoite, Imperial Topaz


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The Holistic Kitchen

Method: 1. In a large mixing bowl, cream together butter, sugar and lavender flowers.

2. Beat in eggs until slightly fluffy. Beat in orange juice, almond extract and orange


3. Sift flour and baking powder together in a separate bowl, then mix into the

lavender mixture.

4. Make sure all ingredients are mixed together well. The dough will be a little


5. Divide the dough in half and shape each half into a log. Wrap each log in

waxed paper and chill for about 20 minutes.

6. Unwrap the dough log, and slice into rounds.

7. Bake rounds on an ungreased cookie sheet for 10 to 12 minutes.

8. Cool on a rack and serve.

Citrus Lavender Butter Cookies 1 cup organic butter, room temperature

1 cup organic brown sugar

2 TBSP dried organic lavender flowers

3 TBSP fresh orange juice

Zest of one large organic orange

2 fresh eggs

1 tsp almond extract

3 tsp baking powder

3 cups of organic flour

If you would rather use a cookie cutter,

Simply chill the entire bowl of dough and

Then roll the dough out to a 1/8 inch

Thickness and cut into desired shapes.

Recipe by: Amber D. Sluiter

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 13

It Works Global offers one-of-a-kind, safe, effective and affordable products that will change your life. It Works products are formulated by leading scientists, herbalists and

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Please contact Shannon Tichenor at 812-204-2790 or visit http://shannontichenor.myitworks.com

Did You Know? Vitamin K can slash your risk of developing

diabetes. Consume half a cup per day of kale, spinach, swiss chard or broccoli to help keep

diabetes at bay.

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 14

JCM's abilities have been described as, "Amazing, incredible, dead-on, scary good"

Beloved by clients for his warm southern accent, earthy charm, psychic, medium, paranormal researcher and writer Justin Chase Mullins is known all across the world for his amazing abilities.

Justin comes across as a guy-next-door who has an extraordinary gift while maintaining a sense of normalcy. He is

very grounded and not very new-agey in his demeanor. He is known for his soft spoken voice, dry but witty sense of humor, and his humbleness. Clients have nicknamed Justin "The Pie Man" for his love of pie and "The Real Deal" for

his honesty and abilities.

During Justin's upbringing the paranormal and metaphysical worlds were not as popular as it is today. He did not have anyone to discuss his experiences with. His first experiences occurred at an early age in the form

of precognitive dreams, visions and nightly visits from the other side.

In search for answers, Justin researched outdated books at the local library on such areas as hautings, dream interpretation, and ESP. He always knew he was meant to help people but didn't know how. He always thought the world was very supernatural and paranormal. As Justin became older he learned that he was

different and not everyone had his abilities.

In his Mid-20's he experienced a reawakening with these abilities. Deceased friends would visit him in dreams with messages for their families. He even dreamed of a local murder before

it happened. Justin moved in an apartment behind a funeral home and had nightly experiences with the paranormal. The urge to use his abilities became very powerful and Justin was lead on his own spiritual quest to find answers.

However, Justin does believe that everyone has the ability of intuition and that

not every psychic is a medium. He maintains a healthy sense of skepticism of other psychics and mediums. His goal is to help provide comfort to those that have lost someone through his amazing gift. He wants to show

others that there is life after death.

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He is recipient of Shay Parker's Best American Psychics 2013

Awesome Accolades Award, 2012 Psychic of the Month, and a mem-ber of the Wall of Fame.

Justin is affiliated with Shay Parkers Best American Psychics, Bob

Olson's Best Psychic Directory, and he's a reoccurring guest at Ghost Hunt Weekends. He is tested as legitimate by Shay Parker

and The Certified Psychic Society.

Justin is an empath, evidential Medium and remote viewer. He has the abilities of clairvoyance – clear seeing, clairsentience – clear

sense, claircognizant – clear recognition, clairaudience- clear hearing.

Testimonials "I have got to tell you how surprised I was by my 'reading'. I came to Justin with a very important, urgent problem.

The surprising thing to me was, he had dreamed of my issue the night before. He was so accurate with everything he described. He described my home, right down to the color of the walls and the type of flooring. He saw my horse

and my dog, he saw the water damage that had been done to the sub-flooring. He even described instances that had happened in the home prior to me living here, with great accuracy. The incident that occurred that made me want to reach out and seek advice has caused me great emotional upset, and I feel that Justin picked up on that before I asked for his help. I was in a state of distress and could only think of ONE person that I could trust to seek advice

from- Justin. Now I know why he is the first person to pop into my mind when I need serious help- this man IS the real deal. " (Amber, SC)

"What you did for me today, during our reading, has changed my life forever in the most beautiful way. I have been

read by many readers, especially recently, to address the stressful issues I have been going through. I have to say, though they were good readers, they just couldn't quite answer my questions the way that you did. The swift and

gentle way you brought truth to each of my questions was very healing for me. Before our reading, I felt like Dorothy, from the Wizard of OZ, spinning through the tornado. Then begins our reading, house lands, front door

opens up and all is in vivid beautiful color. That is how it feels for me right now. How can I ever thank you? The way you connected me with my biological father filled a huge hole in my heart. I felt that he was happy to know that now I know he was my real father. So my friend, seems like you have this beautiful gift of healing on this side, as well as, the other side too. We are so blessed that you share your amazing gift with us. Thank you, thank you,

thank you!" (Carmen, TX)

"I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me spiritually. Thanks to Tara for being our go-between or I would have never "met" you, you were able to connect to my son and I am forever grateful. Even though we are

hundreds of miles apart and never met, you found my son and gave me such comfort. You told me things that no one could know so I know you're the "real deal". I have been able to find some peace although I am a mother and

will always worry for and miss my son. Thank you for always finding time to let me know when you've felt my son, and relayed his messages to me! With every little piece you get from him, you give me peace and comfort. I do

believe he is in heaven and is happy. Again, I am forever grateful to you. Keep doing what you do best...........keeping our loved ones close to us always! With much respect and thanks". (Angela, GA)


Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 16

Tanishka Tantrika

The Significance of 13:13:13 We are fast approaching the end of 2013, ‘Year of the Serpent’ as it’s known in Chinese astrology which emblematic of this totem has been a year which asked many of us to shed their old skin and along with it an attachment to the past & old way of doing things. The serpent is a symbol of great power and awakening which is why the ancient Egyptian rulers wore the cobra on their royal head dresses. For in ancient times one who wore the insignia of the serpent was one who had regained their royal status by remembering their true identity as God. So too, 2013 ‘Year of the Serpent ‘is awakening us to remember our true identity as divine beings. This is occurring as our kundalini awakens. This is because we all have two serpents of life force coiled within our base chakra, the energy center located at the base of our spines within our central nervous cord. These serpents are the energy meridians which when activated accelerate our understanding of self and others. These twin serpents known as Ida and Pingala in ancient Tantra are now rising within us like cobras to the

Tanishka’s work is distinguished by her gift for channelling ancient wisdom & disseminating it with down-to-earth humour. Combining these

skills, she created & conducted an annual kundalini yoga journey awakening the divine

feminine or shakti in priestesses through a nine month series of transformational

initiations. She has also facilitated a wide range of short courses & seminars including

Retreats,Tantra for Women, Dance Meditations & Community Events celebrating

Seasonal & Astrological shifts.

In 2006 she created & unveiled the Star of Ishtar range of alchemical chakra essences, oils

& elixirs to assist her initiate priestesses. Her first book, ‘The Inner Goddess Makeover’ was

released June 2007.

Tanishka has been a popular keynote speaker at the Australian Goddess Conference,

Melbourne Mind, Body, Spirit Festival & writes for various national magazines.

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vibrations of a heavenly flute. The vibrations to which we are responding are: 1) The quickening of Mother Earth’s heartbeat, known as the Schumann’s resonance made famous by

scientist Gregg Braden although disputed by mainstream scientists despite being monitored by US military intelligence.

2) The increased light of the photon belt, an energy field our Earth entered into on December 21st, 2012 when we became the seventh & final planet to commence spiraling around Alcyon, the brightest star in the Pleiades star system known as the Great Central Sun.

3)The numerous solar flares being emitted from our Sun in response to the influx of these light particles which in turn is increasing the wattage of our light bodies and calling us to rise as a people and reclaim our power of truth to dispel the darkness of illusion which has long held reign on our home planet.

In addition we are now approaching our Sun’s transit through the thirteenth sign, the thirteenth constellation known as Ophichus, ‘The Awakened Man’. This transit from November 30 to December 17 is therefore a significant and potent window to raise one’s serpent of kundalini - ‘the force’ within to become conscious and self aware. In ancient times the Sun’s transit through this constellation was referred to as, ‘the month of Tantra’. This is because it follows on the heels of Scorpio when we are faced with that which must die so we can be reborn. In other words, this is the time of year when we are most likely to be confronted by our ‘shadow self’

the disowned aspects within us whose unconscious behaviors cause discord, both for ourselves and those around us. Ophichus is the natural progression of this psychological death where we subsequently learn to take responsibility for our dark side and transcend being ruled by our lower nature by consciously anchoring the Higher Self within our physical temple. Some say this thirteenth astrological sign was omitted from Western astrology because it’s transit was so short that it was edited out to tidy things up on the aesthetic twelve sign astrological mandala. I suspect however that given the alchemical power of this sign and our Sun’s transit through it that those who sought to keep the people enslaved suppressed this hermetic wisdom deliberately in an effort to maintain their control over the masses. Regardless, the time has come for our species to remember their true inner power as co-creator beings who can once again return to living in a state of sacred union with the Source of creation which is ‘universal love’. The acknowledgement of the 13th sign is an pivotal key to entering into living in this state of grace & soul transparency known in earlier myths as Eden. The reason it is so significant is that if we omit the thirteenth sign we are destined to continue going round in circles, journeying the lessons of the twelve constellations unconsciously, repeating the same karmic lessons on the wheel of fate. However, once we learn to also observe the lesson of the thirteenth sign we create a spiral of growth out of the Groundhog Day existence we have lived for lifetimes by transcending our past patterns of relating. Within the month of Ophichus there is a singular day that is the most potent for raising one’s kundalini. This is 13:13:13 - the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month, when the transformational energies reach a zenith which creates a portal amplifying any intent to seek truth & raise one’s frequency as a result

My mission is to play my part in restoring Eden. I believe that’s why we choose to come to this planet – to walk in truth, beauty & harmony with ourselves, each other & the natural realms

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of subsequent revelations and energetic shifts. On the Gregorian calendar this date is the twelfth of December, 2013. In 2013 this day of power will be especially so as it is the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month in the thirteenth year! So it is a truly auspicious window to focus one’s awareness on this intent of self actualization. I personally recommend preparing with kundalini yogic practices and purifying food in the seven days leading up to this cosmic event if you intend to consciously raise your vibration on this day. For this reason I have been guided to facilitate a retreat to assist men and women to do this. The benefits being both personal & global. As climbing this stairway to Heaven, one chakra a day enables the kundalini to rise gently thereby avoiding a healing crises known as kundalini emergence which in the Western medical model is classed as psychosis. This step-by-step process responsibly raises the inner serpents through each of the inner gates to create the caduceus, the symbol of healing used worldwide as the universal icon of medicine. This is because when one raises both their feminine & masculine energies in unison they create wholeness, balance, longevity & vitality. Furthermore the more people who observe the power of this window by engaging in such a yogic practice the greater the global caduceus is raised within our collective consciousness, creating widespread healing & awareness within the one world Soul.

Tanishka is a Tantric author & teacher whose page ‘The Moon Woman’ on Facebook has

over 46000 followers. To find out more about her 13:13:13 retreat visit:


You can join Tanishka on: Website: www.starofishtar.com

Twitter: Tanishka@RedTentGoddess You Tube: Tanishka Tantrika

Facebook: www.facebook.com/themoonwoman

If we are seeking true communion with a soul mate, we must first seek soul connection with ourselves, our sisters, our brothers & the Infinite Divine which is expressed in al l.

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 19

Lemongrass Spa is a privately owned, debt-free company that is nestled in the mountains of

Colorado. We feature a wide selection of handcrafted products including lotions, bar and liquid soap, deodorant, lip balm, shampoo and

hairspray, foot soaks, an entire men’s line, baby products, and SO much more. Not only do all the products have incredible scents to tantalize

your senses, but they are also free of harsh chemicals, contain no parabens, and not animal tested. In addition, don’t forget to ask about the

Freedom Feet program and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!

Lemongrass Spa Independent Consultant

Callie Goode (970)387-8235



Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 20

Lavender Herb of the Month

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 21

Botanical Name Lavandula Officinalis

Parts Used

Fresh flowers, dried flowers

Key Actions Relieves muscles spasms

Antidepressant Antiseptic/ Antibacterial

Stimulates blood flow Antioxidant

Various Uses

Nerves– Lavender has been well known all around the world for its soothing, calming effect. It is often combined with other herbs with similar sedative

properties to help relieve sleeplessness, irritability and headaches. It has also been known to help treat depression.

Digestion– Because of its volatile oil content, lavender tea can alleviate indigestion

and colic. It also helps to relieve gas and bloating.

Insect bites/stings– When the essential oil is dabbed on insect bites/stings, pain and inflammation is greatly reduced.

Sunburn– Adding a few drops of the essential oil to 4 ounces of cool water and

misting it over the sunburned areas helps to relieve the ‘burning’ sensation.

Acne– Add 4 to 6 drops of the essential oil to a large bowl of very hot water. Lean over the bowl and drape a towel over your head to form a ‘tent’. Hold your head

over the bowl until the water is cool. Do this twice a week to help clear up problem skin.

Learn how to make your own Lavender Hand Cream and Bath Salts in Natural Beauty on pages 24 and 34.

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Remember, even though you

may feel close to your pet, they

are NOT humans. Many herbal

remedies suitable for humans are

4. For diarrhea, help soothe your pet’s intestinal tract with slippery elm bark. Combine 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of dried, powdered slippery elm. Bring the mixture to a boil in a small pot, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to low and cook until the mixture has thickened a little. Remove from heat and let cool completely. For all cats and small dogs, give 1 teaspoon every 4 hours; medium sized dogs, 2 tablespoons every 4 hours; large dogs, 4 tablespoons every 4 hours. 5. Both cats and dogs can suffer from periodontal disease. To speed healing, use a goldenseal tea flush. Make a tea from 2 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of powdered, dried goldenseal. Let cool and strain. Using a turkey baster, squirt the tea over the affected areas and let it run out of the mouth. Do this twice a day for 10 days.

not suitable for pets. When seeking out natural

remedies for any animal, always do your research

and adjust dosages appropriately. Even though a

small dog and a cat are the same weight, their

dosages may vary.

For more information on natural remedies for pets,

please visit:


Herbs for Your Pets 1. Rose geranium essential oil is useful for repelling ticks from dogs. Simply apply a few drops to your dog’s collar. (Do not use on cats) 2. Chamomile tea is great for alleviating skin irritations such as hot spots and flea bites. Brew a strong cup of tea and store it in a spray bottle in the refrigerator. Spray your pet’s skin several times per day. 3. For eye infections, mix 1 teaspoon of goldenseal (a powerful antibiotic) with 4 ounces of water and let steep for 10 minutes. Apply with a cotton ball to each eye several times a day.

Animals respond to herbal

treatments faster than

humans and require much

smaller dosages.

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Recommended Business

Only the finest natural

ingredients for superior


All natural ingredients

include: chicken, lamb,

fish, whole grains,

antioxidant rich fruit and

garden vegetables

High quality dry food, canned food and treats for both cats and dogs.


Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 24

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With winter fast approaching, now is a good time to make a batch of this thick, rich lavender hand cream. A jar of this cream not only looks pretty on a vanity, but it also makes wonderful gifts. This cream is slightly oilier than most creams, so it is excellent to apply right before bedtime. This also works wonders on dry, cracked heels. Simply coat your feet and put on a pair of thick socks. Leave on overnight.

For a 6 ounce batch of cream, you will need: 1/3 cup of sweet almond oil 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of olive oil 3 tablespoons of grated beeswax

(if allergic to beeswax, shea butter may be used) 30 drops of lavender essential oil


1. Combine almond oil, coconut oil and olive oil in a small saucepan. Heat over medium heat until warm. Remove from

heat and stir in grated beeswax or shea butter. Stir until thoroughly combined.

2. Place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then stir in the lavender essential oil.

3. Mix well with a spoon, then pour into a container of your choice.

Discard after 3 months.

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 26

Madison Marie

I’m Overweight, Can I Do Yoga? Yes! 5 Reasons Why “You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.” ~Sharon Gannon

In this modern age, with 50 different “power” yoga studios down the block and celebrities claiming yoga to be the foundation behind their rockin’ bod, we all too soon forget that yoga is not just about the body, it is a beautiful mixture of soul, body, and mind. Through the practice of yoga we find a connection within ourselves that was always there. We are not creating anything; we are finding what has been lost.

1. Overcoming Fear Of The Body Whether you are overweight, or 5’0” and 90lbs it is easy to fear your body. In this society we are taught unrealistic ideas of what a beautiful body looks like, leaving us with an insecure anxiety of our own physical being. Yoga is the perfect way to face the fear of our body, which is really fear of the unknown.

"Yoga is a way to make the impossible seem possible, it is a life style, a way to separate our

minds from the day to day chaos the modern age has engrossed us in. I offer private yoga instruc-tion to aid the community in training yourselves

how to calm your own minds.

I study chakra balancing, tarot readings, crystal healing, and energy work; I use all these fields to benefit my yoga teaching. Through personal and tailored private sessions, I can help you become

more confident, happy, and secure while you discover and travel down your life path."

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 27

We don’t take the time to ever really get to know our body. We run from it, we challenge it, we criticize it, but do we ever look at it for what it is? During our physical yoga practice we are taking the time to sit in our vessel and inspect it. We lay in frog and feel muscles we never even knew existed. There is no better way to start to love your body then to get know it. By facing our fears we learn to overcome them. Articles and mentors preach about learning to love our bodies, but first we must learn about our bodies.

2. Breath I once heard someone say, “If you can breathe, you can do yoga”. This is such a simple and realistic statement. Yoga is all about the breath, learning to center and integrate. I constantly tell my students that breath is the one thing in life we actually have control over. We cannot change the past, we cannot predict the future, we cannot manipulate it to happen according specifically to our plan. Our breath however, that we can own. We can make it as deep, as shallow, as hot, as slow or fast as we desire. Yoga is centered around your pranayama and is truly the practice of quieting your mind. So if you are capable of sitting on your mat and activating Ujjayi breathing and breathing louder then all the negative thoughts that are running through your head, you are in fact practicing yoga. You have power and jurisdiction over your breath, your breath is life, so indirectly you have power over your life. You can accomplish anything thrown your way.

3. “Pick It Up And Move It” In regards to the actual physical yoga practice for someone who is overweight, I would like to share a story with you that my YTT Instructor, Leslie Arboleda, shared with the class. She shared a story about a

past experience when she was 100lbs overweight and had been complaining to her teacher about how she could not get into her twist because her belly was in the way. This is a very realistic and significant concern for heavier people when practicing. Leslie’s teacher took her completely off guard when she looked at Leslie and said “Pick it up and move it”. Leslie was taken aback, embarrassed, and stunned thinking “You want me to acknowledge my tummy, actually grab on to it, and move it?” Leslie took her teacher’s advice and picked it up and moved it, both literally and figuratively. This short statement completely changed Leslie’s approach in her asana practice and her life. If something is in your way, you don’t stand there and wait for it to move itself. You actively work around your obstacle. This is such a poetically beautiful phrase. Pick it up and move it. In addition, asana are always modified, not just for the overweight. I am an instructor with no meniscus in either of her knees and I have to modify ever day. Pregnant women, the elderly, the inflexible, the close-minded, the timid, the nervous; we all have to find modification in our physical practice. That is the beauty of yoga. Any asana can be modified to fit your personal practice.

Specific Modifications For The Overweight:

1. Use a wider stance to increase stability.

2. If your skin from your belly, legs, arms, etc. gets in the way, pick it up and move it. 3. Props are your best friends. Use a bolster to support your body, stack blocks to bring the floor closer to

you in stretches, and use a strap to make a connection in a bind.

If something is in your way, you don’t stand there and wait for it to move itself.

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4. Manifest It At a hippie-filled music festival in Colorado, I once heard someone make a joke about creating a drinking game where you have to drink every time you hear the word ‘manifest’. Yoginis and like-minded friends are firm believers and practitioners of manifesting your life. Any yoga instructor can help you learn how to utilize the spiritual power of manifestation. You create an energy that is powerful enough and put it out into the Universe and it will pull the same energy back to you, it is the Law of Attraction. By focusing on positive or negative thoughts you will in consequence bring about those results. However, manifestation is not about thinking of what you do not want, but about what you do want. Practice positive affirmations for positive results. Instead of saying “I do not want to be overweight” try “I am fit, healthy, and happy”. Repeat this phrase every morning when you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror. Read the Elephant Journal article “New Agey Trite Affirmations Can Lead US to Happiness” to learn more about the power or happy thoughts: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2013/10/how-new-agey-trite-affirmations-can-lead-us-to-happiness/

5. Love Yourself In order to manifest your life, you have to truly believe it. You cannot just wish for a fairy godmother and expect her to appear, you first need to truly believe in magic. Before you can manifest a fitter, healthier, happier you, you have to love yourself. The reason no article can get away without the cliché of telling you to love yourself is because of the severe importance it holds. People who are overweight are learning an

important lesson in this lifetime, love yourself regardless of any faults or shortcomings. Until the lesson is learned and you discover how to truly and completely love yourself, you will continue to struggle with your weight. Yoga is the perfect way to learn to love who you are deep down in your core. People often come to yoga in search of a good workout and leave with so much more. You may have come to get a tighter core, but you have no idea what you’re about to discover. Yoga helps you connect with your soul on a magical level. I trained to become a yoga instructor to learn how to share my passion with the world. I never realized that I was really embarking on a journey to further get to know myself. Once you step on your mat the world melts away and all that is left is you and that mat. The mat is an island and you’re stranded on it, left to realize yourself. Once you learn to love YOU, the rest will follow.

So to answer the often-asked question, yes you can do yoga if you are overweight. Yoga is literally for everyone, plain and simple. If you are nervous to practice with a group, there are many ways to explore yoga from the comfort of your own home. Private instructors, such as myself, can come to your house and give modifications specific to you and go at a pace you are comfortable with. Websites such as yogaglo.com offer classes at anytime and are perfectly convenient. Head to Barnes and Noble and pick up a book about pranayama techniques, or the Bhagavad Gita and dive into your own personal study of yoga. However if the thought of a large yoga studio and many students’ eyes sparks discomfort inside of you, I encourage you to explore that. There is most certainly a reason why that challenge has entered your life, so make like Ganesh and pick it up and move it.

“Life isn’t happening to you, life is responding to you”-Rhonda Byrne

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About Madison Life is all about connections. You are who you are because of all the experiences and people you met

along the way. I hope that I can shape your life by being a person you meet along the way. To get started,

allow me to share with you a bit about myself.

I could tell you that I am a 22-year-old graduate from the University of South Carolina with a 200

RYT yoga certification; however, that is just a title and does not allow you to see me for who I really am.

Who am I? What a loaded question. I am the proud mom of a Great Dane pup, named Roscoe. I have

an affinity for animals and nature. Love is something I feel we all need in our lives so I do my best to spread

it. A close friend of mine once said, "If bubbles started sprouting from your head I would not be surprised".

I’m lively to say the least, and desire to find the excitement in life.

Through yoga I have learned to express my love, beauty, strength, and confidence. Yoga can be extremely transformative if you're willing to dive in. Yoga has become my passion, my life; if I can give even an ounce of the happiness it has given me, to you, then I consider my job well done.

“If you can breathe, you can do yoga”.

You can contact Madison here:

Website: www.yogawithmadisonmarie.com

Email: madison.namaste@gmail.com



Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 30

Healing Through Meditation and Prayer By Mary Summey

Meditation, prayer and inner peace can all be beneficial when it comes to healing a body. When we sit and meditate and we get our minds in unity, it brings about an inner peace with a calmness that relaxes our minds and spirit. We are able to enter into a realm of security that our Heavenly Father surrounds us with. That is when we feel our closest most inner parts to Him. As we feel this closeness, His spirit is able to work through us, touching our hearts, mind, and soul. With prayer, we are able to communicate to our Father and express to Him what we need in order for our bodies to flourish and gain the healing that we need. Whether it be from sickness, pain, depression or even feeling like we are so weary we cannot function on a daily basis. I am beginning to realize that the way we set our minds is the way our body will feel. If we get a mindset of depression, weariness, feeling we have no purpose , our bodies react to that. We begin to feel anxiety and that brings on high blood pressure, stress, and causes our organs to react negatively. When this happens, things begin to break down and shut down because the body is getting the feeling it has nothing to strive for. But, when we are happy and content, we feel a sense of well being. Our bodies recognize a positive effect, therefore our minds, hearts and souls are thriving on the goodness of life and you live feeling refreshed and renewed. I believe that all the positivity comes through prayer and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, because he tells us that by His stripes we are healed. Prayer is a wonderful way to relax, meditate, and find that inner peace so our bodies can take on the healing that we are so miraculously designed to do. So, I advise anyone to sit for 15 minutes, relax, focus, meditate and pray. When you are finished I guarantee you will so much more be at peace, serene and feel life is worth living. Sometimes healing is a long process, but with a daily routine of these three things, your mind and body will take on a whole new attitude toward life.

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Having Faith in Yourself By Sujaya Chaturvedula

Faith - the word which keeps us going. It is that gut feeling which you have in spite of all odds, that which assures you there is much beyond what is visible to the eye. Faith plays a major role in our living. Faith reassures you that the ‘real you’ is not the one who is affected, that the ‘real you’ is not the body, nor the mind, the ‘real you’ is the unique soul which can never be affected by anything. All this can be realized by having faith in your own self. Faith unleashes your true identity. Faith helps you realize that the pain or any ill-feeling you get occur only on the physical level. Anxiety is felt only because the heart pumps more blood than required. You feel pain when your leg is hurt, only because the skin has torn apart and there is a need for the existing cells to divide and make a new portion. So the pain/stress is only because there is a mechanism to safe guard the physical case which holds the soul (the ‘real you’) in it. Irrespective of what or how the physical case is, the soul, well aware of all the lives which it has taken, the great storage reservoir, which has in it all the memories of all the life times, is in bliss always. Once this is realized, your mental thoughts take a diversion, your stress tends to nullify because you are controlling your mind with your realization instead of it controlling you. A man under mind's control goes wayward in any random direction wherever his mind takes him to. The mind is just another organ installed in our body which helps in sending and receiving nerve signals and guides other parts of the body in their duty. One who realizes this can never fall in its trap. Instead he will carve a path for himself and tune the mind to take it. Once such level of control is established, there is no way one can feel stress. It is all happy living ever after because he knows the level at which things happen around him. He knows when to cry and when not to. He knows the essential art of living - being happy. All this can be developed by trusting one’s own self.


Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 32

Yoga and Relaxation By Mia Randall

Yoga has both physical and spiritual benefits. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. When we’re stressed out and anxious, our muscles tighten and bunch up. Taking time out to practice yoga asanas (postures) not only gives our muscles a stretch, releasing tension, but also allows us a meditative space in which to recharge our spiritual self. Last year I was fortunate enough to be able to go on a yoga retreat for a few days. When I arrived, the participants who had been there for a week or more were noticeably quite radiant, with clear, shining eyes, glowing with health and emanating a wonderful positive vibe. The link between yoga and relaxation was very clearly apparent in the laid back demeanour of the participants! (Such people pass out positive energy to all with whom they come across, in a similar way to a self-realised monk or nun whose mental training and meditation has elevated their understanding to a high level!) Relaxing on holiday or on a yoga retreat is all very well, but we need to incorporate yoga and relaxation into our everyday lives. For those of us who work in busy jobs, rushing from train to bus to office desk, to the store, for all of us who have little time to themselves, yoga can be a way of having a spiritual space to rejuvenate your own sense of self on a daily basis. Wouldn’t it be great to have a massage every day? Well, some yoga postures even have the effect of massaging our internal organs. Yoga is great for ‘loosening up’ our constricted muscles - and - importantly - our minds at the same time! (what great time management..) So how can we motivate ourselves to practice when time is very limited? First of all, I would say, try to practice even if you only have 10 or 15 minutes to devote to your practice. Half an hour is wonderful, because you can spend 10 minutes meditating and 20 doing yoga. That way your 10 minute meditation will put you in the right mental state to really benefit from your yoga practice and you will be benefiting from a 3-way workout of mindfulness, yoga and relaxation! If you have longer, all the better. In that case, you can increase both your meditation and your yoga! There are so many other benefits to yoga as well, including that you will become strong and healthy, focussed, you will have more stamina, and your body will become toned and fit! Yoga also helps us to sit comfortably in meditation for longer periods of time, without having to constantly shift position! Good luck with your yoga practice and I hope that it helps you to relax!

Mia Randall is a Meditation Writer and Author of ‘Meditation Motivation - A Quick Tour of Buddhism’ and ‘20 Easy Tips to Create a Daily Practice.’

Website: http://www.miarandall.com/

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115677034527712057268

Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 33

Terms and Definitions By Amber D. Sluiter

Concentrate– A fluid extract that is strengthened by the evaporation of excess fluid. Water concentrates are made by simmering herbs over low heat until the volume of the extractive agent (water) is greatly reduced. Decoction– A water solution of plant extracts that is prepared at a boiling temperature. Decoctions have a base of coarse, brittle plants structures such as the roots, bark and chips. A standard decoction method is to simmer 50 grams of herb in 1,000 cc’s of water for 20 minutes, then strain. Fomentation– An herbal preparation used to draw out poisons, reduce inflammation or reduce pain. A fomentation is made by preparing a tea made from the desired herb. A cloth is soaked in the tea and applied to the affected area to bring relief. Infusion– The same as a decoction, but made using the more delicate parts of the herb such as the leaves, buds or flowers. Poultice– A soft, heated, semi-liquid herbal mass made from bruised herbs and warm water which is spread on a cloth and applied to the affected area of the body.

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Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 35

There is nothing better after a long day than relaxing in a warm tub full of bubbles

and fragrant bath salts. It can be hard to find good quality bath products for a

reasonable price though. It is much easier to make your own.


2 cups of Epsom salt

1 cup of coarse sea salt

1/4 cup dried lavender buds

30 drops of lavender essential oil

Several drops of cosmetic grade soap colorant (optional)


A large glass or pyrex mixing bowl

A spoon or a whisk

A glass jar used to store the finished salts


1. Put all salts in the mixing bowl.

2. Add the essential oil, one drop at a time, while mixing thoroughly. Break up any

clumps that may form.

3. Add a few drops of the colorant if your using it.

4. Add the dried lavender buds and mix well.

5. Pour the finished salts in to the glass jar and screw the lid on tightly.

Use 1/2 to 1 cup of salts per bath.

If you would like to experiment with different essential oil combinations, the following

work very well with lavender:







Heartlight Holistics Magazine ~ 36


Smoothie Slim

Lose Weight with Delicious Smoothies!

Amber D. Sluiter

Sports Nutritionist, Personal Trainer

Smoothie Slim has helped people from all over the world lose weight quickly and safely. By following this simple program, you can lose excess weight and achieve a greater sense of well

being. Get your copy today!

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