hearing from god - freekidstories · 2021. 1. 8. · hearing from god escuchara dios god wants to...

Post on 01-Apr-2021






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Hearing from GodEscuchar a Dios

God wants to speak to you. He knows that you

have questions and problems, and He wants

to give you the answers and solutions. Most of

all, He wants you to know how much He loves


Dios quiere hablar contigo. Él desea darte respuestas y soluciones a tus problemas. Sobre todo, quiere que sepas cuánto te ama a ti en particular.

Start by finding a quiet

place and taking a few

minutes to talk to the Lord.

Tell Him what's on your

heart. Thank Him for His

blessings in your life.

Comienza por buscar un

lugar tranquilo y tomarte

unos momentos para

hablarle al Señor.

Desahógate con Él y

agradécele las bendiciones

que te haya concedido.

If you have a specific question you'd like to ask Jesus, go ahead. Then be still and focus your mind on the Lord.

Si tienes una pregunta específica que quieres hacerle, házsela. Luego permanece callado y concentra tu atención en Él.

When we quiet our busy minds and take time to listen, God can speak directly to our hearts

Cuando aquietamos la mente y hacemos una pausa para escuchar, Dios nos habla directamente al corazón.


Image credits:

Image 1: Stanley Zimny via Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license

Image 2: Wayan Vota via Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license

Image 3: public domain

Image 4: Bristekjegor via Freepik

Text © Activated magazine. Used by permission.

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