healthy weight loss is to eat the right kind of food

Post on 04-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Article 1 Healthy weight loss is to eat the right kind of food

Are you tired of your weight? Do you feel all heavy and have the burden of choosing the right clothes for you because of how big you are? Probably it is time for you to have a healthy weight loss. Loosing weight can take it’s toll especially when we get older. The older we get the lower our metabolism gets the more difficult it is to lose weight. The best thing that a person can do when age is visible is to be determined to lose weight no matter in what way. However, this kind of thinking may lead to a bad method of dieting and cause an unhealthy weight loss.

Why is it important to have healthy weight loss? Well the reason for that is because even though we need to trim down with our weight, we must also remain trim and healthy because unhealthy weight loss could lead to different kinds of illnesses and diseases and even cause our death. That is why while it is important to diet, it is also important that we stay healthy. This could be a very tiring thing to keep up with. How do we diet by keeping our weight healthy? Simple. A balanced diet is the answer to this question. Not having a balanced diet would lead to malnutrition. This is not healthy.

A balanced diet means that you have all the food groups present in your meal and of course it is with the proper proportions of food. Less intake of any could lead to an unbalanced diet. It is very difficult to comprehend why there is a need of balanced diet and nutrition. More over, put to action what you know about this things. Most programs that you would research around would give you inappropriate amounts and unbalanced meals this is because the programs are after the fast weight loss of the prospect. :Little do we know that these fast results has its downside, it gives us lack of nutrients in our body and make us malnourished instead of losing weight healthily.

The thought of many that starving to death is a form of healthy weight loss. Think again. The more you starve yourself, the more you lower the rate of your metabolism, the more it causes you to trim down rapidly. Eating in moderation is the answer to all of your queries on how to lose weight healthily. You may be surprised in what I have to say next. You can eat everything that you want. You can even eat fats and sweets what you can’t do is eat until you bloat. This is wrong. When we say eat, it means that we do it in fine quantities and not at exaggerated amounts. As long as you limit yourself in moderation you are bound to a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, some starches, potatoes and bread. Do not penalize yourself by not eating. By doing so, you lower your resistance making you sick thus giving you the reason to eat more because you are sick. This way you ruin your diet and go back twice bigger the

size you already are. So easy does it. When dieting, diet the right way. Eat in moderation, eat the right kind of foods and do not starve yourself to death.


Keyword: healthy weight loss

Article 2

Dog training made easy with love

Dogs are man’s best friend. No doubt about it. They have been living to be treated just like human beings. They are loved, sometimes much more that the regular and normal families. Dogs have been very important to the lives of hundreds of people living in this earth. People also love training dogs. This is part why man are in love with dogs compared to any other animals. It is because of the thought that dogs are easier to train compared to other animals and they seem to understand signals. Dogs are very intelligent and the more they feel loved and the more they get attention from their masters, dog training made easy is beyond the masters reach.

If you want your dog training made easy, you must have the attitude that is required to train your dog and the number one attitude to have is the positive thinking. You should be able to think that you can train your dog. Once you get any doubts in your mind that it cannot be trained, you will get what you want because you ask of it and you claimed it. Then you would get all frustrated that you might just want to end up quitting and giving up on your dog. So even before you have started on your dogs training, make sure that you already have your mind set on doing it. Then it would be easy for you.

Next you must have the patience while on training. Dogs can’t get what you one all at once. You have to repeat the training that you give over and over until it understands what you want. The next thing that you have to consider is how you communicate with your dog. You must always be consistent with the words that you use with your dog. Like for example if you want to train on the command “go out” try using that word consistently. The more consistent you are the faster you train your dog. If you instruct him to get out today and move out tomorrow, the dog might get confused of what you want him to do so using just one language command for your dog is the fastest training you can give.

The moment you want your dog training made easy, there is also a challenge for you to make that dog feel important and loved. When dogs are patted and caressed most of the time the easier they feel the need to respond to your training because they would want to please you the way you are pleasing them. Therefore, to train dogs also means to pamper them with love and affection. Show them you appreciate it when they follow your command by patting them or giving them a treat whenever they follow your orders. As said earlier, dogs are like humans they feel too. And once they feel they are important to you, you will surely be proud of how your dog’s performance would be. It is then that you can truly say your dog is your best friend!


Keyword: dog training made easy

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