healthy living with diabetes

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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University of Agricultural SciencesGKVK, Bangalore



PATIENT EDUCATION MATERIAL Mahadai Motielal and Neena Joshi



Diabetes arises when the

pancreas produces small

amount of insulin or when the

body does not use the insulin it

produces well to keep the blood

sugar level close to normal. This

leads to high blood sugar.

What is diabetes ?


LiverNo insulinto shut offInternal sugarProduction

HungryCellNo energy

from sugar

NoInsulin External sugar

from our food


Sugar inurlne S













Types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is mainly present in

children and teenagers. It happens when the

pancreas does not make its own insulin.

These individuals shall take insulin


The risk factors for pre-diabetes are

·Overweight or fat around the waist

·Age 45 or older

·Physically inactive

·Family history of diabetes

·Gestational diabetesType 2 diabetes is the most common form of

diabetes which raises slowly.

It is usually seen in adults. This form of

diabetes brings about insulin resistance when

the body does not use the insulin it makes. Belly

fat may play a part in developing insulin


Gestational diabetes occurs during

pregnancy. It takes place when the body needs for

insulin rises.

Pre-Diabetes is commonly termed as

impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired

fasting glycaemia (IFG). Most people with this

problem in time moves on to type 2 diabetes.

Other types of diabetes

Risk factors for Pre-diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes

Most people are not aware that they have diabetes and find

out during a doctor visit or checkup.

1 2

The signs of diabetes include:

People can check for diabetes by using:

·Random blood sugar levels > 200mg/dl

·Fasting blood sugar more than 126mg/dl

·Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)> 6 percent after 120 days


Uncontrolled blood sugar can cause many problems.


Increase thirst Increase urination Weight loss

Increase hunger Delayed wound healing Tiredness

DiabeticRetinopathyleading cause of blindness in adults

DiabeticNephropathyleading cause of end-stage renal failure


Stroke2 to 4 fold increase in cardiovascular mortality and stroke

8 / 10 persons with diabetes dies from CV events

Low blood sugar under the normal limits 40-50 mg/dl can be

unsafe. It is due to taking overdose of insulin and not eating enough

food containing starches, drinking alcohol with diabetes medicine

or taking insulin without eating or after active exercise.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

How to treat low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

Low blood sugar causes trembling, weakness, unsettled, bad-

temper, starved or drained feeling. If blood sugar is below 70mg/dl

one should take some sweet food instantly.


Infections of the skin, urinary tract

and foot infections

Avoid foot infection by

* Check and wash feet every day


* Moisturize dry feet with baby oil

* Powder extremely moist feet

* Cut and file nail after shower

* Wear soft cotton socks

* Wear enclosed footwear at all times

Dry feet properly

Diabetic coma is due to high blood sugar which causes serious problems if left untreated.

Symptoms of ketoacidosis

· Shortness of breath

· Fruity breath

· Nausea and vomiting

· Very dry mouth

Ketoacidosis (diabetic coma)


Type 2 diabetes can be treated with food and active lifestyle.

Persons living with diabetes can live a regular life if they follow the

DOs and DON'Ts carefully.

Goals for controlling diabetes

·Keep up ideal body weight

·Lower serum fats

·Eat proper diet

·Avoid diabetic problems

·Stop the risk of heart disease.


When using diabetes medicine people should have a fix plan

for neals, snacks and workout. The food and time can impact how

the medicine work. See a doctor or dietitian for the right diet.

Food pyramid for diabetics

The diabetes food pyramid

helps people to choose their

diet and snacks from all food

groups according to their


Some examples are:

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Steps to make your plate

Take a normal eating

plate and use an unreal line to

divide an eating plate into two

halves, on one half make two

parts on the plate.

Foods to avoid and consume


Avoid Deep-fried and fat rich starches e.g. pakodas,

samosa, puris.

Avoid burgers, pizza, cheese rolls.

Avoid root crops e.g. potato, sweet potato, yam,

tapioca,carrot, sweet pumpkin.

Avoid whole milk, cream, cheese, paneer, khoa,

condensed milk, ice cream

Avoid meat and organs (red meat, mutton, beef,

pork, egg yolk, liver, kidney, brains)

Avoid Canned Fruit juice.

Avoid Pickles, canned and process vegetables

Avoid Ghee, butter, coconut oil and vanaspati

should be used in small amount.

Use of beverages (Pepsi, coke, bournvita, boost,

horlicks, milo) and candies.

Avoid sugar, jaggery, honey, jams, jellies, pudding,

and chocolate.


Refine products e.g. maida, sooji, vermicelli.

Whole grain flour, bread and cereals.

Skim milk or low fat (2%) milk.

Fibre rich pulses e.g. beans, peas and lentils.

Egg and milk

Chicken without skin

Small amount of nuts

Fruits like guava, apple, pomegranate, papaya and avocado etc.

Vegetables should be eaten raw or cooked without oil, gravies or salad dressing.

If oil must be used then add little of rice bran oil, olive oil or safflower oil.


Insulin shots

People with type 2 diabetes make

insulin but with time the pancreas stops

making insulin. Therefore these people

need insulin shots.

Oral tabletsOral tablet helps the body to use more

of its own insulin and aid the pancreas in

producing more insulin.

When diabetes cannot be controlled with diet

and exercise. Doctors advise the use of

medicine Lifestyle changes help the

medicine to work best.



7 8


Physically active persons manage diabetes best and include

exercise as part of their daily activity.

Why Physical Activities are essential for diabetics?

·Physical activity reduces blood glucose content.

·Give you a healthier feeling.

·Help control body weight.

·Reduces heart rate and blood pressure level.

·Maintains normal blood lipid content.

·Increases insulin sensitivity.

·Improves normal blood circulation in the feet.

How to start exercise?

Before starting an exercise program persons with diabetes should -

·First consult a doctor and set goals to be achieved.

·Ensure that exercise is part of your lifestyle and integrate it with your daily activity.

·Exercise should be fun with the help of family and friends.

·Keep a regular fitness routine.

·Come up with ways to track your exercise and reward yourself or child

Which exercise is best ?

The best activity depends on your liking. Many health care

persons advice 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to heavy exercise

daily. Children, ages 10 to17 with type 2 diabetes should get about

60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each day.

Warm up and cool down 5 to 10 minutes before and after exercise

Aerobic exercise Muscle Strengthen Stretching Other daily activity

Some additional ways to stay active includes

·Doing household tasks like gardening, cleaning the house and washing the car.

·Go for daily walks around your community.

·Move about when you speak on the phone

·Use the steps instead of lift

Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration after exercise.


People react differently when told they have diabetes. Some

of these experiences include

·Emotional breakdown

·Confusion and shock





Exercise can be divided in groups likeExercise can be divided in groups like

99 1010

Lifestyle changes

Modifying old habits and adapting new activities are vital for

controlling diabetes. Changing bad practices like food choice,

smoking, alcohol drinking, overweight or obesity and inactivity to

stop diabetes related problems.


reached by avoid eating processed

foodstuffs carbonated drinks and

not snacking between mealtimes.

·If you need to snack take fruits or


·Being active does not mean

exercise only. It includes doing

household chores, taking a walk

around your community and

m o v i n g a r o u n d d u r i n g a

commercial while watching TV


·Controlling overweight or obesity

can aid to reduce blood sugar.

Reaching normal weight will

occur over time but it is important

to start slowly. Physical activity

and good eating habits will help.

·Stress can be lowered when you

taking time and relaxing. Enjoy a

Healthy food choice can be

hot bath or read a book, taking a walk or

have fun.

·Stop dehydration when your blood sugar is

high by consuming lots of water.

·Take your medicine on time. For person

with type 1 diabetes, insulin and type 2

diabetes oral tablets are important. A

visible note or the help of family will keep

you on track.

·Speak with a health care person when you

need help with your diet, medicine or


·Family is important in the changing of

lifestyle. Inform family members of

diabetes problems and how they can help

their loved ones.

11 12

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United States of America: University of Kentucky, Collage of

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America Diabetes Association. (2014). Insulin basics. [Online].

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h t t p : / / w w w. d i a b e t e s . o rg / f o o d - a n d -


P u b l i c a t i o n s / t o p i c s / D i a b e t e s / S e l f -

care_Guide_for_People_with _Diabetes.pdf


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United States of America: National Institute of Health. (20-08-


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k n o w a b o u t p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y a n d d i a b e t e s .

[Online]. .

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Raghuram, T., C., Pasricha, S., Dharma, R., D. (2012). Diet in

diabetes. 3rd ed. India: National Institute of Nutrition


Sadikot, S., M. (2006). Clinical management of diabetes.1st ed.

India: IndegeneLifesystems.

Wardlaw, G., M. and Hampl, J. (2006). Perspective in nutrition. 7th

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