healing from the effects of internalized oppression

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Healing from the Effects of Internalized Oppression. "As Professionals in Education, How do we manifest internalized racism and How do we heal?". Essential Questions: What is the % of professionals of color in the field of Education in Oregon? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Healing from the Effects of Internalized Oppression

"As Professionals in Education, How do we manifest internalized

racism and How do we heal?"

Essential Questions:

•What is the % of professionals of color in the field of Education in Oregon?

•How does Institutionalize Racism in our schools systems impact staff of color?

•How do we start transforming and/or creating our path of liberation in our journey to heal?

•When was the last time you had a conversation about this topic?

Our Elders- Their LessonsDr. Robert Proudfoot Dwight Souers

The Fishbowl- Los Pescados

04/20/2304/20/23 1212

Cycle of OppressionCycle of Oppression

Early Years

• Misinformation•Missing History•Biased History•Stereotyping


• Stereotypes, omissions,• distortions•People/ systems/ institutions, we know, love and trust like • Family and

neighborhood., Education• Media and Government• Houses of worship

Feelings engendered



Cycle continues


The path of liberation

We colludeBoth oppressed and oppressor

• We have internalized the process•We view the misinformation as truth•Differences = different but equal•Difference = Wrong or abnormal

Cycle reinforced by




An experience of inadequacy at the core of

the self.

Shame is experienced for being a mistake.



1. To hold responsible.

2. To find fault with; censure.

3. To place responsibility for (something): blamed the crisis on poor planning.

1. The state of being responsible for a fault or error; culpability.

2. Censure; condemnation.


a : the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing

b : an opinion or estimate so formed

Spiritual SuicideIt is the killing of that part of oneself

that is associated with the feelings and the mind as well as the killing of real meaning or significance in one's life.

If you are not doing work that is meaningful to you or being the person you were truly meant to be, then you

are committing spiritual suicide.

Path of Liberation

What does it look like?

What does it feel like?

What does it sound like?

Seeing, Believing & Interrupting Racism

and all forms of Micro-Aggressions

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Cycle of OppressionCycle of Oppression

Early Years

• Misinformation•Missing History•Biased History•Stereotyping


• Stereotypes, omissions,• distortions•People/ systems/ institutions, we know, love and trust like • Family and

neighborhood., Education• Media and Government• Houses of worship

Feelings engendered



Cycle continues


The path of liberation

We colludeBoth oppressed and oppressor

• We have internalized the process•We view the misinformation as truth•Differences = different but equal•Difference = Wrong or abnormal

Cycle reinforced by


Ordinary people are as intelligent and capable as the "experts." We have the capacity to figure out how to solve problems and transform our communities into places in which everyone has opportunities to live a full and satisfying life.

Internalized oppression holds people back, by undermining their confidence and by making it difficult for them to work together. It is painful when people limit themselves as a result of the discrimination and oppression they have experienced.

Fortunately, we can understand how internalized oppression works and what to do to overcome it. Simply understanding how it works can help people turn around some situations. Healing from and overcoming internalized discrimination and oppression will go further in making communities more effective. Undoing internalized discrimination and oppression may be a key issue for fully empowering communities so they can do the work that needs to be done.

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