heal ur gutlow fiber, highly processed diet low stomach acid low digestive enzymes chronic stress...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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Millions of people suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms and distress each year. Diagnoses of leaky gut syndrome, Crohn’s, Celiac disease, Irritable

Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth continue to grow and confound researchers who still can’t quite put their fingers on

why our digestive systems are under such stress.

To answer this we've put together a simple resource to take you step by step through the difficult task of identifying and resolving long-term

digestive disorders by providing you with the knowhow and the materials to help correct your GUT dysbiosis

CAANprotocollagen amino acid nutraceuticals


HHealeal UUrr GGutut Our 6-week program for Our 6-week program for restoring your gut healthrestoring your gut health

THE HUG PLANwerone Nutraceuticals

Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut


The 6-week program for The 6-week program for restoring your gut healthrestoring your gut health


"All disease begins in the gut" ~ Hippocrates

Hippocrates said this more than 2,000 years ago, but we’re only now coming tounderstand just how right he was. Research over the past two decades has revealed thatgut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy gut contributes to a widerange of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrumdisorder, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Our gut is home to approximately 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) microorganisms.That’s such a big number our human brains can’t really comprehend it. One trillion dollarbills laid end-to-end would stretch from the earth to the sun – and back – with a lot ofmiles to spare. Do that 100 times and you start to get at least a vague idea of how much100 trillion is.

In fact, many researchers now believe that supporting intestinal health and restoring the integrity of the gut barrier will be one of the most important goals of medicine in the 21st century.


HHealeal UUrr GGututHUGHUG is our 6-week program for restoring your gut healthis our 6-week program for restoring your gut health


Leaky Gut and SIBOLeaky gut syndrome happens when your intestinal lining has become damaged as a result of inflammation, irritation or from small intestinal bacterial overgrowth known as SIBO.

Drugs, alcohol, gluten and processed foods can damage the lining of the gut wall. Leaky gut can also result from internal toxicity due to an imbalance of bacteria and yeast, which is called ‘dysbiosis‘.

This is a problem because food particles and toxins from the gut are released into the bloodstream, triggering an auto-immune response (1). A huge toxic burden is then imposed on the liver. The liver is overwhelmed by digestive by-products, toxins and inflammatory irritants and other organs are affected as well. When this happens, the lining of the gut becomes full of tiny holes, like swiss cheese, or a leaky bucket. In many places, the lining of the gut is just one cell thick, so leaky gut or ‘intestinal permeability‘ can easily happen.

If you have been dealing with a ton of food sensitivities and seem to be getting more sensitive to more foods all the time, it could be leaky gut. So instead of doing extensive allergy testing, we would recommend healing the gut and sealing up those leaks! However, the food is not the main problem: the problem is that the food you eat is escaping into the bloodstream and triggering an immune response, So, we need to remove the most reactive foods from your diet while you heal, this can take as little as 2-6 weeks or as long as 6 months, it depends on how strictly you can follow the diet and the steps which follow.. good luck!

Signs you may have GUT Dysbiosis

You have any of the following.. Digestive issues like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, IBS, food Sensitivities, heartburn, gut pain? Skin rashes, hives, eczema, psoriasis, or breakouts? Diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, lupus or vitamin D deficiency, taking antacids? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia or general fatigue and low energy? Allergies, asthma or brain fog? Aches, pains, arthritis, chronic bad breath, chronic sinus congestion?


THE HUG PLANPotential Causes of a Leaky Gut

Dysbiosis (overgrowth of yeast, bad bacteria, parasites) Alcohol consumption Certain medications (NSAIDS such as Advil or Motrin, steroids, chemotherapy) Food sensitivities, not chewing food enough Environmental toxins Low fiber, highly processed diet Low stomach acid Low digestive enzymes Chronic stress Chronic constipation Intestinal infections

1. Cleaning up your Diet

The HUG PLAN [HEAL UR GUT] is our method to help you heal and put digestion issues behind you. It consists of a multi-stage natural approach which involves 3 Phases over 6 weeks:

PHASE 1 Remove Irritants from Diet, Stimulate Stomach Acid. (FODMAP DIET) Close lleocecal Valve (if needed)

PHASE 2 Reduce Intestinal Bacteria (SIBO), Improve Intestinal Motility

PHASE 3 Repair and Reseed the Gut (GAPS, can go up to 6 week after)

The HUG PLAN will help you take out the foods that are most irritating to the gut such as gluten, sugar, alcohol and processed foods and the 6 week period will help you develop better eating habits such as chewing the food more and eating smaller meals. The herbal antimicrobial supplements on the HUG PLAN will help to get rid of bad bacteria (SIBO). The digestive enzyme supplements

on the HUG PLAN will help you to break down the food you are eating and clear undigested food. The vitamins and nutrients in the Hempamine shakes can help with deficiencies while the healing is taking place. The Glutamine, bone broths & Colostrum will help to heal the lining of the gut.

2. GlutamineGlutamine is key for helping to heal the lining of the gut and reduces cravings for the wrong foods. The PHASE 1 Bundle includes glutamine as well as Aloe Vera and Bovine Colostrum which also help to heal the gut, soothe and reduce discomfort. 3. Probiotic & Digestive EnzymesA strong probiotic is also essential for supporting your immunity and restoring the balance of good bacteria in the gut, these will come from cultured vegetables and probiotic supplements from week 3.

4. Bone BrothBone broth is very healing for the gut. Incorporating two or three cups of bone broth into your daily routine can be very helpful, especially upon rising after a glass of lemon or apple cider vinegar water and before meals. See the back pages for bone broth and cultured vegetable methods.


Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut

What is S.I.B.O? (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)

Intestinal microflora, also called friendly flora or probiotics, play a role in regulating the immune system and keeping the colon healthy. However, most of the bacteria in your intestines should be in your colon or large intestines, NOT in your small intestines (2).

When abnormally large numbers of bacteria (even friendly bacteria) start growing in the small intestines, they actually cause problems with your health. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where abnormally large numbers of bacteria are present in the small intestines.

These bacteria feed off of sugars and starches in the diet (both refined sugars and natural sugars) and produce methane and hydrogen gas. They also inhibit the enzymes in the small intestines that breakdown starches into simple sugars for absorption.

This can result in abdominal bloating, belching and/or flatulence (intestinal gas), especially when you eat grains and other complex carbohydrates. The gases produced by these bacteria can also cause abdominal pain, intestinal cramping, and IBS with constipation and/or diarrhea.

Gas pressure in the small intestines can push upwards against the stomach, contributing to the development of a hiatus hernia and causing heartburn, acid reflux, GERD and nausea.

What Causes SIBO?The body has several different ways of preventing SIBO. These include gastric acid secretion (maintaining an acidic environment), waves of bowel wall muscular activity, immunoglobulins in the intestinal fluid, and a valve that normally allows the flow of contents into the large bowel but prevents them from refluxing back into the small bowel. This is called the Ileocecal Valve because it’s located between the Ileum or terminal end of the small intestine and the cecum, a pouch forming the first part of the large bowel, it can become infected with bacteria and constipation / fecal matter and inflammation which holds it open. Soothing Aloe Vera, DGL and Bone Broth along with self-massage can usually correct this, see the Phase 2 for information and a VIDEO showing the massage.

The cause of SIBO is usually complex and can affect more than one of the protective mechanisms listed above. A number of risk factors for SIBO have been identified, with some of the more common risk factors mentioned below.

Risk factors for SIBO Low stomach acid Irritable bowel syndrome Celiac disease (long-standing) Crohn’s disease Prior bowel surgery Diabetes mellitus (type I and type II) Multiple courses of antibiotics Organ system dysfunction, such as liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, or renal failure



Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut



Moderate alcohol consumption and oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) also increase the risk for SIBO

Heavy alcohol use has long been recognized in association with SIBO (3).A study in Cleveland involving 210 people also found a strong association between SIBO and moderate alcohol consumption (4), defined as up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Alcohol appears to have effects on several of the normal protective mechanisms, including causing injury to the small bowel mucosal cells, contributing to leaky gut, and decreasing the muscular contractions.

Additionally, alcohol may “feed” a few specific types of bacteria contributing to overgrowth (5).Overall there appears to be a moderate association between OCPs and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease (6). Though no studies to date specifically correlate the use of OCPs with SIBO, given the known relationship between IBD and SIBO, it is likely that this association holds true for SIBO as well. However, once patients stop taking OCPs, this risk appears to reverse.

How do you know if you have SIBO?

The number of people with SIBO in the general populations remains unknown. Some studies suggest that between 6 to 15% of healthy, asymptomatic people have SIBO, while up to 80% of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have SIBO (7).

SIBO is largely under-diagnosed. This is because many people don’t seek medical care for their SIBO symptoms, and because many doctors aren’t aware of how common SIBO is. Complicating this, the most commonly used tests (breath tests measuring levels of hydrogen and methane gas) still have fairly high rates of false negatives (meaning the test results come back as negative but you actually do have the disease) (8).

SIBO is a condition in which colonic-type bacteria (resembling bacteria normally found in the colon) proliferate in large numbers in the small intestine. With HUG, SIBO is treated with botanicals and probiotics.

The most common symptoms of SIBO include:

Abdominal pain/discomfortBloating and abdominal distentionDiarrheaConstipation (generally associated with methanogens)Intestinal Pain when Eating Certain Types of Fruit or VegetablesGas and belchingIn more severe cases, there may be weight loss and symptoms related to vitamin deficiencies.

Note to Vegans and VegetariansLeaky Gut and SIBO can be very hard to overcome particularly as the materials needed to repair the gut are amino acids which come from butter(ghee) and bone, however, there are a few materials which can also help such as Glutamine, Aloe Vera and Goji Berries.

Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut

The Digestive System Also known as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the digestive system begins at the mouth, includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine (also known as the colon) and rectum, and ends at the anus. The entire system — from mouth to anus — is about 30 feet (9 meters) long.

Digestion begins with the mouth. Even the smell of food can generate saliva, which is secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth, contains an enzyme, salivary amylase, which breaks down starch. Teeth, which are part of the skeletal system, play a key role in digestion. In carnivores, teeth are designed for killing and breaking down meat. Herbivores’ teeth are made for grinding plants and other food to ease them through the digestion process.

Swallowing pushes chewed food into the esophagus, where it passes through the oropharynx and hypopharynx. At this point, food takes the form of a small round mass and digestion becomes involuntary. A series of muscular contractions, called peristalsis, transports food through the rest of the system. The esophagus empties into the stomach, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The stomach’s gastric juice, which is primarily a mix of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, starts breaking down proteins and killing potentially harmful bacteria, according to ASGE. After an hour or two of this process, a thick semi-liquid paste, called chyme, forms.5 THE HUG PLAN

At this point the pyloric sphincter valve opens and chyme enters the duodenum, where it mixes with digestive enzymes from the pancreas and acidic bile from the gall bladder, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The next stop for the chyme is the small intestine, a 20-foot (6-meter) tube-shaped organ, where the majority of the absorption of nutrients occurs. The nutrients move into the bloodstream and are transported to the liver.

The liver creates glycogen from sugars and carbohydrates to give the body energy and converts dietary proteins into new proteins needed by the blood system. The liver also breaks down unwanted chemicals, such as alcohol, which is detoxified and passed from the body as waste.

Whatever material is left goes into the large intestine. The function of the large intestine, which is about 5 feet long (1.5 meters), is primarily for storage and fermentation of indigestible matter. Also called the colon, This is where water from the chyme is absorbed back into the body and feces are formed primarily from water (75 percent), dietary fiber and other waste products are stored here until they are eliminated from the body through defecation.



Sugars, Starches, Sodas, Pastas, Grains (wheat, rye, barley),Pasteurised Milk & cheeses, Coffee, cultured vegetables, omega 6 oils, Potato, Onions, tomato, sauces, nuts, Beans, Garlic, Spicy foods, apples, dried fruit, regular yogurts, ice cream, alcohol, butter, fruit juices, processed foods.If you eat any of these RESTART THE PLAN, (After 2 weeks move to PHASE 2)


Bloating | Diarrhea | Malnutrition | Weight loss | Asthma | Nausea | Constipation | Abdominal Pain = SIBOIBS | Rosacea | Acne | Anemia | Acid Reflux (GERD) | Flatulence




+ PLUS +

[Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth]

HHealeal UUrr GGutut

Auto-immune Diseases | Joint pain | Chronic Fatigue | Rashes | Acne | Eczema | Depression = LEAKY GUT

HUGHUG is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health

Lemon, Ghee, Colostrum, Bone Broth,Bananas, Carrots, Rice,

Steamed (non-starchy) VegetablesHard Cheeses, Blueberries,

wild fish, Free range Egg Yolks, Chicken, Home-made Soups, herbal teas,

Coconut oil, Ginger Teas, Grapes, Orange, Sweet Potato, Carrot/Ginger juices,

Almond or Coconut milk, Butternut Squash, Cucumbers, Quinoa.Visit our FODMAP Page: h p: //we r one. co/fodma p


1.Remove chemical and food irritants.. Sugars and Simple Carbs, replace with foods on the LOW FODMAP LIST

Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut


2. Stimulate Stomach acid and enzymesStimulate production of and/or supplement stomach acid and enzymes

There are a few ways to increase stomach acid. You can drink celery juice, take supplements such as Betaine HCL, Apple Cider Vinegar or take herbs and nutrients that stimulate their production such as Digestive Bitters before each meal.


2 Weeks - DIET

Sugars, Starches, Sodas, PastasGrains (wheat, rye, barley)Pasteurised Milk & cheeses, Coffee, ome ga 6 oi ls, Pot ato, Onions, tomato, sauces, nuts,Beans, Garlic, Spicy foods,

apples, dried fruit, regular yogurts,ice cream, alcohol, bu er , fruit juices, processed foods.

If you eat any of these RESTART THE PLAN

(A er 2 we eks mo ve to PHASE 2)



1.Remove food & chemical irritants2. S mu l ate stoma ch aci d and enzyme s

REMOVE FODMAP DIET SUPPLEMENTSEat smaller amounts of food

but 6 me s a day. Eat sma l ler me al s 3 - 5 hours apart.

MagnesiumVit B12 / FolateBovine Colostrum

Diges ve Enzyme s+Betai ne Vit D3/Vit K2

Glutamine PowderSwedish Bi ers Aloe Vera

DGL (Licorice)PLUS Bone Broth

PHASE 1Bundle


Bloating | Diarrhea | Malnutrition | Weight loss | Asthma | Nausea | Constipation | Abdominal Pain = SIBOIBS | Rosacea | Acne | Anemia | Acid Reflux (GERD) | Flatulence




+ PLUS +

[Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth]

THE HUG PLAN is inspired by the work of Steven Horne, Thomas Easley, Chris Kresser & Dr J Axe

Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Improve Motility | Reduce SIBO | Reseed Gut | Repair Gut

HHeal eal UUr r GGutut

THE HUG PLAN | Visit our FODMAP Page: h p: //we r one. co/fodma p

Lemon, Ghee,Bananas, Carrots, Rice,

Steamed (non-starchy) VegetablesHard Cheeses, Blueberries,

Cultured Vegetables, wild fish, Free range Egg Yolks

& Chicken, Home-made Soups, Herbal Teas, Coconut oil, Ginger Teas, Grapes,

Papaya, Orange, Sweet Potato Strawberries, Hemp Smoothies,

Carrot/Ginger juices, Almond or Coconut milk, Squash, Cucumbers, Quinoa.

Bone Broth with each mealOrganic meats, Potato, Oats, fermented vegetables & juice, Fish (line caught), Free Range

Egg Yolks, Healthy Fats: coconut oil, ghee and olive oil, Sprouted nut

bu er , gl ut en- free br ead, Sea Salt

2 Weeks - DIET - GAPS INTROPHASE 2 Eat smaller meals 3 - 5 hours apart.

Chew each bite thoroughly. Fruit in between meals

Drink plenty of fresh water, Stay properly hydrated.

Manage stress during healing. Yoga, Qigong, regular exercise. Acupuncture and herbal teascan reduce stress levels and

keep you mo vated. Give your body me to repai r

while figh ng SIBO. Full night's sleep essen al .

Peppermint OilParanil

LiverLung(NAC)Bovine Colostrum

Diges ve Enzyme s+Betai ne

PLUS Bone BrothCarried Over:Aloe Vera

Glutamine Powder Magnesium

Swedish Bi ers

Massage here (see video) to help close illeocal Valve (if necessary)


PHASE 2Bundle

3.Improve Instes nal Mo l ity 4. Close ileocecal Valve (if necessary)5. Reduce bacterial overgrowth

2 Weeks - DIET - GAPS FULLEat smaller meals 3 - 5 hours apart.

Chew each bite thoroughly. Fruit in between meals

Drink plenty of fresh water, Stay properly hydrated.

Manage stress during healing. Yoga, Qigong, regular exercise. Acupuncture and herbal teascan reduce stress levels and

keep you mo vated. Give your body me to repai r

while figh ng SIBO. Full night's sleep essen al .

MagnesiumB Vitamins

Bovine ColostrumProbio cs Aloe Vera

Glutamine PowderDGL (Liquorice)

PLUS Bone Broth Carried Over:

PHASE 3Bundle

6. Reseeding - Restore benefici al bacter ia 7. Repair gut integrity


Auto-immune Diseases | Joint pain | Chronic Fatigue | Rashes | Acne | Eczema | Depression = LEAKY GUT

HUGHUG is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health



PHASE 1Bundle


HUGHUG is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health

Magnesium Diges ve Enzyme s+Bet ai ne

Vit B12/FolateVit D3/Vit K2DGL (Licorice)

Bovine ColostrumGlutamine PowderSwedish Bi er s Aloe Vera


1.Remove food & chemical irritants2. S mu l at e stoma ch aci d and enz yme s

PHASE 2Bundle


HUGHUG is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health

DGL (Licorice)Peppermint Oil

Paranil LiverLung(NAC)

for SIBO use Peppermint Oil, Paranil Herbal An Bacter ial


3.Improve Instes nal Mo l ity 4. Close ileocecal Valve (if necessary)5. Reduce bacterial overgrowth

6. Reseeding - Restore benefici al bacter ia 7. Repair gut integrity

PHASE 3Bundle


HUGHUG is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health is the 6-week program for restoring your gut health

Aloe VeraGlutamine Powder

MagnesiumBovine Colostrum

Probio cs Discounted

PHASE 2 (Reduce SIBO - Improve Motility)

1. Bovine Colostrum2. Liver Lung (NAC) & MSM3. Paranil4. Peppermint Oil 5. Digestive Enzymes (with Betaine)for SIBO use Peppermint Oil, Paranil Herbal Anti-bacterial, If no SIBO use Hempamine Shakes & lot's of water,

If you are following the MAGIC Protocol then order items seperately due to duplications.If constipated increase water, Vitamin C and Magnesium.Carried over: Digestive Enzymes with HCL, Vit B12, Vit D3, Vit K2, Magnesium, Glutamine

Eat smaller amounts of food but 6 times a day. Eat smaller meals 3 - 5 hours apart.

PHASE 3 (Repair Gut - Reseed Gut)

1. Magnesium2. B Vitamins3. Bovine Colostrum4. DGL (Liquorice)5. Glutamine Powder6. Probiotics 7. Aloe Vera

Liver Nurse Tea, Chamomile Tea + Cinnamon in teas, Rehmannia and Hemo Tea.If you are following the MAGIC Protocol then order items seperately due to duplications.

Carried over: Vit B12, Vit D3, Vit K2,

Remove Irritants | Stimulate Acid | Reduce SIBO | Improve Motility | Repair Gut | Reseed Gut THE HUG PLAN

PHASE 1 (Remove Irritants, Stimulate Stomach Acid)

1. Magnesium (such as from Epsom Salt Baths or Mag Oil on the skin)2. Bovine Colostrum3. Vit B12/Folate4. Vit D3/Vit K25. Digestive Enzymes (with Betaine)6. Glutamine Powder7. Swedish Bitters8. Aloe Vera9. DGL (Liquorice)If you are following the MAGIC Protocol then order items seperately due to duplications.Eat smaller amounts of food but 6 times a day. Eat smaller meals 3 - 5 hours apart.


PHASE 1 (See page 8 for Supplement schedule)


STEP 1: Remove food and chemical irritantsDietary adjustments are essential to overcoming both SIBO and leaky gut. It is absolutely essential to eliminate all refined sugars from the diet and all grains (oats, wheat, rye, barley, spelt). Dairy can also be problematic because the bacteria love to feast on the sugar in pasteurised dairy, lactose.

The early stage should also include Aloe Vera and Glutamine Capsules to start healing the gut, DGL to soothe and heal the damage and MM Detox shakes 2 to 3x a day to help pull out metals and toxins from the gut and internal organs.

Fermented foods are very helpful for SIBO and so simple to make. These are discussed under Step 6: Restore beneficial bacteria. There are two dietary programs that will be helpful, depending on the severity of the problem. These are the Low FODMAP diet, the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet . Start with the Low FODMAP Diet for the First 2 weeks and then move onto the GAPS Diet, these diets ensure that food eaten does not ferment and feed the bacteria in the small intestine while you are healing and ridding them. If you eat anything outside of this diet, restart the plan.

STEP 2: Stimulate production of and/or supplement stomach acid and enzymesThere are a few ways to increase stomach acid. Take supplements such as Betaine HCL, drink Celery Juice or take herbs and nutrients that stimulate their production such as Swedish Digestive Bitters.

With SIBO it is normally necessary to do both.

In the HUG PLAN we provide digestive enzymes (Fibrizyme) with HCL(hydrochloric acid) and Digestive Bitters tincture which is an age-old blend of various bitter herbs . Remember that the more protein you eat at a meal, the greater the need for HCl, so you can vary the dose with the size and content of your meals. Also, if you have severe digestive problems, you should take a complete food enzyme that has HCl and pancreatic enzymes such as the FibriZyme and start the day with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of filtered water, or celery Juice .

Increase your digestive Fire! It’s hard to overstate the importance of stomach acid or HCl (hydrochloric acid). HCl is produced by the parietal cells in our

stomachs and ideally should have a highly acidic pH similar to battery acid, or about a 1-2 on the pH scale. HCL breaks down proteins, stimulates enzyme production, maintains bacterial balance in the intestines and kills pathogenic organisms such as parasites, yeasts and

bacteria that may have hitched a ride on your food.

These same parietal cells which produce HCL also make intrinsic factor and digestive enzymes, both of which are dependent on sufficient stomach acid for production. Digestive enzymes are specialized to digest specific nutrients. There are enzymes designed for every kind of starch, fat, protein and fiber and they act to further break down these particles and prepare vitamins and minerals for absorption. Intrinsic factor is crucial because we cannot absorb vitamin B12 without it first binding to intrinsic factor. This is why people who take acid blocking drugs often have vitamin B deficiencies.

PHASE 1 Week 1 & 2


Digestive Bitters not only stimulate HCL secretion, they also stimulate pancreatic enzymes and bile from the gallbladder and tend to be mildly antibacterial as well. Bitters should be taken 15-20 minutes prior to meals with one to two large glasses of water. A small pinch of a natural sea salt can also be taken at the same time, as this also helps stimulate HCl production by providing chloride. Buy here: http://werone.co/sb The product itself is simply genius. It has cured me of my IBS and my waist size has gone back to how it was in the 90's. I have also stopped caffeine, fried foods and refined sugar - I cannot recommend SB enough"

Bitters are contraindicated if you have digestive atrophy. So, if you have dry mucus membranes, as evidenced by a dry and withered (or shriveled) looking tongue, don’t take bitters as they dry the mucus membranes.

A lack of HCl may also be due to a lack of the following nutrients: chloride (low serum levels), zinc and thiamine. These are primary nutritional factors required for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

Close the ileocecal valve (if necessary)If there is severe gas and bloating, you probably need to work on the ileocecal valve. This is done by massaging the valve to reduce swelling and inflammation and get it to close properly. The ileocecal valve is located on the lower right side of the abdomen, midway between the belly button and the right hip bones as illustrated. Check the circled area shown in the picture to see if there is any swelling or tenderness in that area. If there is, massage the area a couple of times a day until the swelling and tenderness go away. IF things “are normal” the ileocecal valve:

Remains closed most of the time.Opens briefly to let the contents of the small intestine exit.Closes again quickly to prevent any materials in the large intestine from leaking back.

This very important anatomical structure does an unheralded job. The Ileocecal Valve is such a major cause of digestive symptoms for people that the problem has reached epidemic proportions; yet, outside the chiropractic profession, its function and importance are practically unknown.

STEP 3. Reduce Bacterial Overgrowth

If you have signs of SIBO, you will need to take some supplements to reduce bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines. This can be done with pharmaceutical antibiotics or herbal antibacterial agents which are less destructive to your gut flora.

Our protocol includes in Phase 2 ' Paranil , Peppermint and LiverLung (NAC). Paranil contains Sweet Wormwood, Cloves, Walnut, Goldenseal which kills parasites as well as reduces intestinal bacteria and Candida. It also tones up digestive membranes and reduces irritation. The LiverLung & Coconut Oil can help reduce the mucus (biofilm) which protects the target bacteria.

ACTION: Take two capsules of each three times daily with meals. Buy here: http://werone.co/paranil

PHASE 2 Week 3 & 4

Remove foods & chemical irritants

STEP 4. Improve intestinal motility With SIBO it is also important to make certain that there is good intestinal motility between meals to flush the intestines and clear out bacteria. One way to do this is to allow adequate time between meals. Depending on the efficiency of your digestion, you need three and five hour between meals. Ideally, you should wait until you get stomach rumblings indicating your digestive tract is clear before eating the next meal.

If motility is slow there are some supplements that may be helpful. All carminatives increase digestive motility, and many people find that a cup of ginger and cammomile tea is most helpful. If improvement isn’t noted after two weeks, use the Swedish Bitters twice daily.

STEP 5. Repair Gut Integrity

Since SIBO always causes leaky gut, it is important to rebuild the integrity of the intestinal membranes. One of the best ways to do this is by using bone broth and Colostrum. Bone broth is high in glutamine and glycine, both of which are essential in healing the gut. They are emphasized in both the SCD and GAPS diet. Drink 2-4 cups of bone broth daily provided you are not histamine intolerant, (see page XX). You can also use it to make soups. Recipes for bone broth can be found online or in the Nourishing Traditions book.

If you can’t take the bone broth, you can use l-glutamine, which can also be used along with bone broth. The best way to take it is to get l-glutamine powder and take 1 teaspoon three times daily in water, mixed with food or 2 capsules three times a day . Other remedies that help heal the gut include chamomile tea (one cup three times daily), ghee butter (into soups and scrambled eggs), deglycyrrhizinated licorice DGL (2 chews before main meals) , bovine colostrum, six+ capsules or powder daily on an empty stomach.

STEP 6. Restore Beneficial Bacteria

All traditional cultures used some kind of cultured foods.Vegetables were commonly cultured, but so were fruits and dairy foods. Studies have shown that it takes 10 billion encapsulated bacteria to obtain the same value to the intestines that just 100 million bacteria from food will do. Furthermore, people with SIBO often do not do well on probiotic supplements, especially if they contain prebiotics which feed the small intestinal bacteria as well as friendly flora, for this reason it is best to use a probiotic such as MAFBIO14 which includes a soil based bacteria (SBO).

Cultured vegetables are very valuable in treating SIBO and leaky gut. You can make your own cultured vegetables or you can purchase them from a health food store or some supermarkets but making your own cultured vegetables is quite easy. A method for making cultured vegetables can be found in the back of this booklet or from the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

You can gradually add these into your diet after about 3 to 4 weeks. Start by introducing 1–2 tablespoons of the juice from a batch of homemade fermented veggies. This “liquid gold” contains active probiotics that soothe inflammation and rebalance the inner ecosystem of the gut. Begin including fermented foods or probiotic beverages (Jun or Kambucha) with every meal.


PHASE 3 Week 5 & 6


You Call This Living?

SIBO has a high rate of recurrence, which begs the question: what should you be eating after treatment to prevent another overgrowth? That’s the million dollar question right now and it’s a question we don’t have the answer to quite yet.

For now, you should eat whatever you can tolerate on a healthy, real-food, ancestral diet. If you need to restrict FODMAPs slightly or eat rapidly digested carbohydrates to keep symptoms under control, that’s okay. (However, if you can’t tolerate FODMAPs or complex carbohydrates after this protocol, you’ll definitely want to retest to make sure that you’ve completely eradicated the overgrowth in the first place). You could also investigate any potential underlying causes of their SIBO, such as low stomach acid, pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, intestinal motility disorders and so on. SIBO and especially a recurring SIBO, is often a symptom of a deeper problem. The solution in that case isn’t just to keep treating the SIBO, but to address that root cause.

There’s a lot we still don’t know about SIBO and as we learn more, some of these protocols may change, but we hope this booklet has given you a better idea of what you should be doing to heal from SIBO with the knowledge we have now.

Daily Internal 'Housekeeping'Our body also needs to do it's daily cleaning for us to stay in good health. Doing a complete cleansing program is like doing a major clean-up job in your home, washing walls and carpets while throwing away things you no longer need. However, we also do little housekeeping chores every day to keep our homes clean, such as washing dishes, vacuuming or putting away clothes.

Our body also needs to do its daily cleaning for us to stay in good health. We can help our body do its "housekeeping" by taking some supplements that keep the colon and eliminative organs working properly. This prevents the build-up of toxins in the first place. Drinking plenty of room-temp water (slowly) and making sure we get enough fibre are the most important aspects of daily cleansing.

Most of us need at least a half-gallon of pure water each day. Most people also need a fibre supplement with Spiralina and Chlorella like Fibre Frenzy or Mega Metal Detox in a smoothie along with Aloe Vera juice. This is best taken in the morning before breakfast with water or juice. Fibre Frenzy will help to prevent toxins from being absorbed into your body and will help you maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels and helps to feed beneficial bacteria in the gut.

It will even protect you against colon cancer and other chronic diseases. In addition to the fibre, you may also want to consider taking digestive enzymes such as Multi Enzyme Complex with HCL(Betaine) with your fibre. Enzymes break down toxins and undigested food to keep your intestinal tract healthy. They also boost your Immune system.

Additionally it is essential to include 400 to 800mg of Magnesium to help relax the bowel and promote natural elimination in spastic colons. On occasions you might like to drink our Liver Nurse Tea and do a parasite cleanse once a year using Paranil and Diatomaceous earth.

Maintenance If you go directly to the FULL GAPS Diet, remember that about 85% of everything you eat should be meat, fish, eggs, fermented dairy and vegetables (some well cooked, some fermented, some raw). Homemade meat stock, soups, stews and natural fats are NOT optional - they should be dietary staples. fermented vegetables are also an important parts of the GAPS diet, as fermenting sliminates the oligosaccharides that feed the wrong intestinal bacteria)


PHASE 3 (Repair Gut - Reseed Gut)


After eliminating pasteurised dairy for six weeks, you can try slowly reintroducing home-cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir which are the basis of our MAF Maker Raw Milk Yogurt Kits so see if you tolerate them, these are 24hr cultures which means the lactose is very low and don't have the added sugar issues which are in commercial yogurts.

(Repair Gut - Reseed Gut)

1. Magnesium2. Organic Bone Broth 3. Bovine Colostrum4. DGL (Liquorice)5. Glutamine Powder6. Probiotics, 7. Aloe Vera

Healing the Gut and immune System with Bovine ColostrumColostrum, aka "pre-milk", is produced by all mammals (including humans) during late pregnancy for their newborn to drink in the first few days of life, just before the breast milk comes in. The purpose of colostrum is to act as a form of passive immunity and provide a hefty dose of anti-bodies, such as IgA, IgG and IgM, which help to build the newborn's immunity. It also contains antimicrobials and several growth factors.

When a newborn calf comes into this world, they have holes in their gut to allow for the colostrum and the large proteins (anti-bodies) to easily pass through the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream to make it's way around the body.

Growth factors (such as epithelial and epidermal) stimulate the gut to develop and essentially patch up the holes within the first 2-3 days of birth. Really think about how incredible that process is. Then consider what a colostrum supplement could do for your damaged gut.

Bovine Colostrum and CancerVarious growth factors are produced in the gut, including epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta, amphiregulin, betacellulin, and heparin-binding EGF-like peptide. These factors are also present in colostrum. EGF promotes repair of the mucosal lining of the gut. Transforming growth factor-alpha plays a role in mucosal healing. Transforming growth factor-beta inhibits cell proliferation and promotes cell differentiation. (Nutrition, 1998)

There have been concerns that Colostrum's IGF-1 growth factors might increase cancer cell production, however, what is most important is the IGF binding proteins(IGFBP 1 to 6), because these attach to IGF-1 and inhibit it's action of attaching to the IGF cell receptors. IGFBP's are also found to increase in dis-eased states making more of them available for binding to newly introduced IGF-1 from Colostrum, thereby nullifying the risk. A study in 2008 involving 375 participants showed "an unexpected null association, or even a reduction in risk, with not just high IGFBP-3 concentration but also with high levels of IGF-I. Adjusting the IGF-I and IGFBP-3 results to take into account relative concentrations of each with respect to the other did not change these findings" see pubmed/PMC2597396

Fructose (Fruit)AppleBanana(Ripe)AvocadoDatesMangoNectarineWatermelonDried FruitFruit JuicePineappleTinned FruitStrawberriesPearPlumPruneCherryBlackberry

SweetenersCorn SyrupFructoseFigh FructoseCorn SyrupHoneyMollasesWine (low GI)

LactoseButtermilkCottage CheesePasteurised MilkCreamCream CheeseCustardEvaporated MilkPasteurised YogurtGoats MilkIce CreamLactoseMargerineRicotta CheeseSheeps MilkSour CreamCondensed Milk


Misc (Grains)VinegarAlcoholBeers

Fructans (Grains)WheatRyeSpelt

VegetablesArtichokeAsparagusBroccoliBrussel SproutsCabbageCauliflowerCeleryFennelGarlicLeekMushroomsOnion(all)PeasShallotsSpring OnionSugar Snap PeasCultured Veg

GalactansChickPeasBaken BeansKidney BeabsLentilsSoybean (avoid always)AlmondsCashews DandelionInulinPistachio

There is a strategy that has recently become more popular; it is a dietary approach that I have seen work well for many of my patients, and that evidence is growing in support of. Known as the Low FODMAP Diet, this method has been demonstrated to reduce functional gut disorder symptoms in approximately 75% of patients. Understanding how FODMAPs affect the gut and knowing how to eliminate them from your diet may be the key to getting your IBS symptoms under control.

What are FODMAPs?The acronym FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. These short-chain carbohydrates are incompletely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and can be easily fermented by gut bacteria. These sugars also exert an osmotic effect, increasing fluid movement into the large bowel. The fermentation and osmosis caused by these undigested sugars are a cause of major IBS symptoms such as gas, pain, and diarrhea.

There are many common foods that are high in FODMAPs that can potentially contribute to IBS symptoms, even if they are considered healthy by most standards. Lactose from dairy products, fructose from certain fruit, coconut products, and sweeteners, fructans from fibrous vegetables, and polyols from fruit and sugar alcohols are all rich in FODMAPs and can be difficult to digest for people with functional gut disorders. These foods can cause serious and painful symptoms in those with IBS and Crohn’s disease.


FODMAP - First 2 Weeks


What can I Eat Initially?

Lemon, Ghee, Colostrum, Bone Broth, Bananas(unripe), Carrots, Rice, Steamed (non-starchy) Vegetables, Hard Cheeses, Blueberries, Wild fish, Free Range Egg Yolks, Chicken, Home-made Soups, Coconut oil, Ginger Teas, Grapes, Papaya, Orange, Carrot/Ginger juices, Almond or Coconut milk, Butternut Squash, Cucumbers, Quinoa.

See full list on page 17Fermentable Galactans are beneficial to eat from phase 3 due to their support of beneficial bacteria.Inulin from Chicory powder is an idea food for Gut bacteria

The GAPS™ Diet has two different parts, an Introduction Diet and a Full GAPS Diet. The GAPS Intro Diet has 6 Stages. You begin at Stage 1 and add new foods and cooking methods as you progress through each Stage. Virtually all your food needs to be made at home and the Gut & Psychology Syndrome book available from amazon includes recipes.

Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends starting with the GAPS Introduction Diet in the following situations:

If you have severe digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea (which may be alternated with episodes of constipation), abdominal pain, bloating, or flatulence. It is particularly important to follow the Introduction Diet if you have an inflammatory bowel condition, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Some cases of stubborn constipation respond well to the Introduction Diet too (particularly in children).Anyone with severe food allergies and intolerances, since their gut lining is very damaged and needs slow healing.Diarrhea of any type: from a virus, bacteria, parasite, travel, or other ‘tummy bug’.

You may be able to move through the Introduction Diet faster or slower depending on your stool: let diarrhea start clearing before moving to the next stage, but with most constipation you should just keep moving forward. You may have to introduce some foods later in the program depending on your sensitivities. Make sure that you continue to have soups and meat stocks at least once a day after you have completed the Introduction Diet. Make sure you spend 2 days to a full week on each stage. Don't be tempted to skip any stages as this plan is designed to heal your gut.

STAGE 1 (3rd week)Homemade organic Bone Broth or fish stock.Homemade soup with your homemade bone broth or fish stock. Include the bone marrow, soft tissues, and meat, and use any or all of these veggies: onions, carrots, broccoli, leeks, cauliflower, corgette, butternut squash and pumpkin. Simmer the veggies for 25-35 minutes, until they’re really soft.Home-made Probiotic foods are essential to introduce right from the beginning of the GAPS diet (but not the FODMAPS Phase 1). These can be dairy based or vegetable based. To avoid any reactions, introduce probiotic foods gradually, starting from 1-2 teaspoons a day for 2-5 days, then 3-4 teaspoons a day for 2-5 days and so on until you can add a few teaspoons of the probiotic food into every cup of meat stock and every bowl of soup once it’s cooled a bit (don't cook the bacteria!). Ginger tea with a little honey (if desired) between meals.

STAGE 2Continue with Stage 1 foods.Raw organic egg yolks. When egg yolks are well tolerated, try soft-boiled eggs.Stews and casseroles made with meats and vegetables.Increase the amount of homemade yogurt and kefir each day, if it’s been introduced. Increase the amount of juice from sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, or vegetable medley.Fermented fish. Ghee, which is butter with the milk solids removed, also called “clarified butter.”

STAGE 3Carry on with all the previous foods.Ripe avocado.Egg scrambled with plenty of ghee or coconut oil.Introduce the sauerkraut veggies and/or your fermented vegetables (you have just been drinking the juices from them up until now).

GAPS INTRO DIET (from the 3rd week)


STAGE 4Carry on with all the previous foods.Gradually add meats cooked by roasting and grilling (the British term for broiling).Cold pressed organic extra virgin olive oil.Introduce freshly pressed juices, starting from a few spoonful’s of carrot juice.Almond or other nut flour bread.

STAGE 5Carry on with all the previous foods.Cooked apple as an apple puree.Raw vegetables, starting with the softer parts of lettuce and peeled cucumber.If the juice made from carrot, celery, lettuce, and mint is well tolerated, start adding fruit to it: apple, pineapple and mango.

STAGE 6Carry on with all the previous foods.Raw apple.Gradually introduce other raw fruit and more honey.Gradually introduce baking cakes with nut flour and other sweet things allowed on the Diet. Use dried fruit as a sweetener in baking.

When you complete the Introduction Diet and your stool is more or less normal, move to the Full GAPS Diet and continue until you feel:

To start your day: A glass of filtered or mineral water with a squeeze of lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar Freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juice diluted with water

Breakfast Options: Eggs – it’s best if the yolk is runny Wild Salmon with salt, pepper, and herbs Leftover meat Vegetables, cooked or raw Avocado Cold pressed olive oil Soaked or sprouted nuts or seeds A cup of warm meat stock or bone broth to drink with your food Ginger or mint herbal teas Weak chamomile tea with lemon

Lunch & Dinner Options: Homemade vegetable soup or stew Meat, poultry, wild fish, or shellfish Vegetables, cooked or raw Avocado Olive oil with a squeeze of lemon as a dressing A cup of warm meat stock to drink with your food THE HUG PLAN 16

GAPS INTRO DIET (weeks 5-6)

So what will you eat over the next year or two while you’re healing on the Full GAPS Diet?

Here’s an overview of typical meals, the Recommended Foods list, and the Foods to Avoid list – straight out of the Gut & Psychology Syndrome book.

This is a very brief overview and is in no way a substitute for the detailed information and recipes in the GAPS Diet book! Just a sneak peek before you dive in to learning exactly what to eat and how to prepare it.

Veg / LegumesAlfalfaBamboo shootsBean sproutsBok choy / pak choiBroccoli – 1/2 cupBrussel sprouts – 1 serving of 2 sproutsButternut squash – 1/4 cupCabbage, common and red up to 1 cupCallalooCarrotsCeleriacCelery – less than 5cm of stalkChicory leavesChick peas – 1/4 cupChilli – if tolerableChivesChoy sumCollard greensCorn / sweet corn – if tolerable and only in small amounts – 1/2 cobCourgetteCucumberEggplant / aubergineFennelGreen beansGreen pepper / green bell pepper / green capsicumGingerKaleLeek leavesLentils – in small amounts Lettuce: butter, iceberg, radicchio, red coral, rocketMarrowOkraOlivesParsnipPeas, snow – 5 podsPotatoPumpkinPumpkin, canned – 1/4 cup, 2.2 ozRadishRed peppers / red bell pepper / red capsicumScallions / spring onions (green part)Seaweed / nori



Silverbeet / chardSpaghetti squashSpinach, babySquashSun-dried tomatoes – 4 piecesSwedeSwiss chardSweet potatoTomato – canned, cherry, common, romaTurnipWater chestnutsYamCorgette

Fruit Ackee Bananas Blueberries Breadfruit Carambola Cantaloupe Cranberry Clementine Dragon fruit Grapes Honeydew and Galia melons Kiwifruit Lemon including lemon juice Lime including lime juice Mandarin Orange Passion fruit Paw paw Papaya Pineapple Plantain Raspberry Rhubarb Strawberry Tamarind Tangelo

Fish and SeafoodCanned tuna, SalmonFresh fish e.g. Cod, HaddockPlaice, Salmon, Trout, Tuna.Seafood (nothing else added) e.g. Crab, Lobster, Mussels, Oysters, Prawns, Shrimp

Golden syrupTreacleMolassesMaple syrupWhite, brown, raw & castor sugar (sucrose) eaten in moderation.Tea, coffee, & herbal teasNuts & seeds (moderation) Oat branBarley bran.Psyllium.Rice bran. Suitable sweeteners (nutrasweet, sucralose, aspartame, stevia, saccharine, tic tacs, minties, regular gum).

Alternatives to WheatRiceCorn (may bother some people)PotatoAmaranthTapiocaQuinoaMilletSorgumBuckwheatArrowrootSago

We have allowed some carbs in this phase because while you are dealing with the elimination of the SIBO bacteria, there needs to be a little pre-biotic food for them otherwise they can hide away and avoid exposal to the Paranil 'kill' herbs.

Almond butter or oilApplesApricots, fresh or driedArtichoke, FrenchAsparagusAvocados or avocado oilBalsamic vinegar (high quality, made without added sugar)Bananas, ripe with brown spots on skinBeans, dried navy, string or lima beansBeets or beetrootBerries, all kindsBlack, white, red, or cayenne pepperBlack radishBok ChoyBroccoliBrussels SproutsButterCabbageCapersCarrotsCauliflowerCeleriacCeleryCheese – Asiago, Blue, Brick, Brie, Camembert, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Gorgonzola, Gouda, Havarti, Limburger, Monterey Jack, Muenster, Parmesan, Roquefort, Stilton, Swiss, Romano, Uncreamed cottage cheese CherriesCinnamonCitric acidCoconut, fresh or dried, no additivesCoconut milk (Homemade, no additives/ BPA-Free can)Coconut oilCoffee, freshly made weak (not instant)Shellfish, fresh or frozenSpices, single or pure, no additivesSpinachSquash, summer or winterTangerinesTea, freshly made weak (not instant)Tomatoes, juice or puree, no additivesTurnipsVinegar (Apple Cider or white)



Vodka, very occasionallyWatercressWine, dry, red or whiteYogurt, home-madeCollard greensCoriander, fresh or driedCucumberDates, fresh or dried, no additivesDill, fresh or driedEggplant (aubergine)Eggs, freshFish, fresh, frozen, canned (in water or oil)Game – Quail, Pigeon or Pheasant, fresh or frozenHerbs, fresh or dried, no additivesHoney, rawJuices, fruit or vegetable (fresh pressed)Kale (cooked)Kiwi FruitKumquatsLemonsLentilsLettuce, all kindsLima beans, fresh or driedLimesMangoMeats – Beef, Lamb or Pork, fresh or frozenMelonsMushroomsMustard seeds or pure powderNectarinesNutmegNuts – all kinds, fresh or raw, flour or ground (not roasted, salted, or coated, best soaked for smoothies)Olive oil, virgin cold-pressedOlives, preserved without sugarOnionsOrangesPapayas

ParsleyPeachesPeanut butter, no additivesPearsPeas, fresh green or dried splitPeppers, green, yellow, red, or orangePickles, naturally made without sugarPineapple, freshPoultry – Chicken, Turkey, Duck or Goose, fresh or frozenPrunes, in juice or dried, no additivesPumpkinRaisinsRhubarbSatsumasScotch, occasionWine, vodka, occasionallyYogurt Home-Made(Raw Milk)

Agar-agarAgave sweetenerAlgaeAloe VeraAmaranthApple juiceArrowrootArtificial Sweeteners (Equal, Splenda, Sweet N Low)AstragalusBaked beansBaker’s yeastBaking powder, all raising agentsBaking sodaBarleyBean, flour or sproutsBee pollenBeerBitter GourdBlack beansBolognaBouillon cubes or granulesBrandyBuckwheatBulgurBurdock rootButter beansCannellini beansCanned fruit or vegetablesCarobCarrageenanCellulose gumCereals, any breakfast cerealsCheese – processed or cheese spreads including Chevre, Cottage or Cream Cheese, Feta, Gjetost, Gruyere, Mozzarella, Primost, Ricotta.Chestnut flourChewing gumChick peasChicory rootChocolateCoconut milk, canned with additivesCocoa powderCoffee, instant or coffee substitutes

GAPS FOODS TO AVOIDPasta, of any kindPectinPotatoes, white or sweetQuinoaRiceRyeSaccharinSagoSausages, commercially availableSeaweedSemolinaSherrySoda or soft drinksSour cream, commercialSoySpeltStarchSugar or sucrose, of any kindSweet potatoesTapiocaTea, instantTriticaleVegetables, canned or preserved (frozen is ok as long as there are no additives)WheatWheat germWhey, powder or liquid (homemade is

Cooking oils – all liquid, including canolaCornstarchCorn syrupCottonseedCouscousCreamCream of TartarDextroseFava beansFish, preserved, smoked, salted, breaded or canned with saucesFlour, made out of grainsFOS (fructooligosaccharides)Fruit, canned or preservedGarbanzo beansGrains, all kindsHamHot dogsIce-cream, commercialJams or jelliesJerusalem artic ok)YamsYogurt, commercialhokeKetchup, commercially availableLactoseLiqueurs or cordialsMaple SyrupMargarines or butter replacementsMeats, processed, preserved, smoked or saltedMilletMilk, buttermilk or dried from any animal, soy, or riceMolassesMung beansNutra-sweet (aspartame)Nuts, any kind, salted, roasted or coatedOkraOatsParsnips


Candida is a normal resident of the digestive tract, as are many other species of bacteria that become overgrown in SIBO. The idea is not to completely wipe out these species, but to get things back into balance.

“Test. Don’t guess.” One of the tenets of functional medicine is you have to address the underlying cause of a problem in order to get the best result long term. You can’t address the underlying cause if you don’t know what it is. Candida is a yeast that is part of our digestive flora, however in some individuals the natural balance of the gut is disrupted leading to a pathogenic form of the organism. This results in many symptoms ranging from fatigue, bloating, diarrhoea/constipation, muscle aches and headaches, to name but a few.

If they’re extremely low-carb, they can become ketogenic, which means you start producing ketones. Paul Jaminet was one of the first people to start talking about this a few years ago. But there are several studies that suggest that Candida and other yeast can actually thrive on ketones. So this is one of my biggest problems with a very low-carbohydrate diet—GAPS, SCD or even sort of typical Candida diet—that removes every possible source of glucose or sugar in the diet. That can lead to ketone production.

Then there are studies, for example, that show that neutrophils, which are white blood cells, are less able to kill Candida when ketones are present. There are studies of diabetic patients with ketoacidosis—you know, a lot of ketone production—developing Candida overgrowth. There are studies of obese people developing Candida infections when fasting causes ketosis. There are studies showing that serum drawn from fasting patients is less protected against Candida than serum drawn after meals, and that antifungal drugs, and I would assume botanicals, tend to work better in a fed state than a fasted state, where ketone production would be occurring.

But there are several studies that suggest that Candida and other yeast can actually thrive on ketones. So this is one of my biggest problems with a very low-carbohydrate diet—GAPS, SCD or even sort of typical Candida diet—that removes every possible source of glucose or sugar in the diet. That can lead to ketone production. Then there are studies, for example, that show that neutrophils, which are white blood cells, are less able to kill Candida when ketones are present. There are studies of diabetic patients with ketoacidosis—you know, a lot of ketone production—developing Candida overgrowth. There are studies of obese people developing Candida infections when fasting causes ketosis. There are studies showing that serum drawn from fasting patients is less protected against Candida than serum drawn after meals, and that antifungal drugs, and I would assume botanicals, tend to work better in a fed state than a fasted state, where ketone production would be occurring. So there’s this whole kind of constellation of evidence that’s pointing to the idea that ketone production is not a good idea.

By using a low-FODMAP diet for those conditions. FODMAPs are a slightly different take. It’s a similar theory. The idea is FODMAPs are fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. So there are certain types of carbohydrates that are poorly broken down. They become food for the fungal overgrowth or bacterial overgrowth. However, with a low-FODMAP diet, it’s easier. There are more carbohydrates that are permitted, including some starches, which might seem contradictory to the GAPS approach. And it is. It’s a different approach. But many people can tolerate some starches on the FODMAP diet if they have fungal overgrowth and bacterial overgrowth.

They do well and we see success. You know, we test people and then we retest people after they’re treated. We see the fungal markers and the bacterial markers changing and going away. If they don’t, we might then switch to like a GAPS or SCD intro, as long as there are enough carbohydrates so that it’s not ketogenic. I think either of those will work. Low-FODMAP diet is a starting place. GAPS or SCD, as long as you’re eating enough fruit and carbohydrates, so that you’re not going into ketosis. And again, you can test that with the Ketostix, which are these urine strips. Those are both good choices.



Visit our CANDIDA Page: h p: //we rone. co/candi dacont rol pl an

Digestive Fire Use Digestive Bitters, Betaine & ACV


If our digestion is poor we can suffer from immediate problems such as bloating, wind, heartburn, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation etc. It can also lead to a general sense of heaviness, lethargy, lack of energy and a sense of blockage in the body. If we allow the digestion to continue in a weak state, these more general symptoms can develop to a whole host of ailments and full blown diseases. If we keep our digestion in good shape, however, we feel light, energetic and strong. Our tissues are fully nourished and we have a good quantity of ojas, or resilience and immunity. With this knowledge and a few simple guidelines, we can avoid many pitfalls and stay healthy.

In Ayurveda, digestion is seen as the sum of many complex processes and is likened to a fire. This metaphor is fantastically useful. For a fire to burn wood effectively and create heat, the flame needs to be burning brightly. If it isn’t and it is just a glowing ember or a small flicker, you could put all the best logs on it, and nothing will happen. The logs will just get a little charred around the edges but no breakdown will occur and definitely no heat.

It’s the same with our digestion. Think about your digestion as being a small fire in the area of your stomach and duodenum. To be able to break down, absorb and assimilate the food you eat, this fire needs to be burning brightly. If it’s a good strong flame, you can eat your food in the knowledge that it will be digested well and you will be stronger for it and enjoy the energy that comes from it. If your digestive fire is strong, it means your stomach is ready for food and your digestive fluids are flowing.

Drowning out your digestive fireSip water gradually throughout the day. This is very important advice on many levels and particularly so when it comes to digestion. If we drop a few drops of water on a flame, what happens? It flickers a little and keeps burning. If you chuck a bucket of water on it, it goes out. Use this analogy to understand why it is important to sip water on-off rather than downing a large glass of water all at once.

Eat only when you are hungry. When you experience hunger you should have a proper meal. Even if the time is other than when you expect to feel hungry.

Never over-eat, your stomach should feel gently satisfied and never full (about 2/3 of capacity is ideal). Don’t finish everything on your plate if you are satisfied.

Sip drinks gradually, do not gulp down glasses. Drink room temperature or preferably warmer water – the ideal is

comfortably hot water.Cook with herbs and spices (they make your food easier to digest and absorb). Ginger is especially good for digestion, but others include black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, coriander, mint, basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme. Eat warm or room temperature food, never straight from the fridge.

Do eat when you are hungry , when your digestive flamne is roaring. Take Swedish Bitters and/or Apple Cider Vinegar, 30 mins before a normal meal time, the peak is 10am to 1pm.

Don't eat if you aren't hungry - you won't gain the benefits and may end up with toxic by-products.

Eating to more than 2/3 capacity reduces the digestive fire.


Oat, Flax and Sesame Seed Crackers

These crackers are not only wholesome and nutritious, they are also high in fibre and taste fantastic. Feel free to experiment with different seasonings. They are perfect when served with a selection of humous, avocado and olive or tomato tapenade.

Ingredientsmakes about 20 crackers 1 cup oat flour 1 cup oat bran 1/2 cup oat flakes 1/2 cup fibre frenzy 1 pinch sea salt 1/2 cup clean water 2 teaspoons sesame seeds 3 tablespoons olive oil Few shakes of cumin, ground coriander and black pepper

Prep: 10min Cook: 10min to 12 mins

Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Grease a baking tray.Place the oats into a blender or a food processor and pulse several times to grind them into coarse flour. Stir the oat flour together with bran, salt spices and seeds. Pour in the water and olive oil and mix to form a soft dough. Place the dough onto the prepared baking tray and roll out 3mm thick. Using a knife, partially slice through the dough in desired shapes.

Bake in the preheated oven until just barely brown, 10 to 15 minutes. Watch carefully, as they burn easily. Allow to cool completely on baking tray before breaking along score lines into individual crackers.

Ingredient NoteYou can add many other seasonings to make different flavours. Why not try garlic, Parmesan, pepper and add other seeds such as pumpkin. Rather than butter you can spread some ghee, which also helps the gut to heal.

The most obvious first step in maintaining a healthy gut is to avoid all of the things I listedabove that destroy gut flora and damage the intestinal barrier. But of course that’s not always possible, especially in the case of chronic stress and infections. Nor did we have any control over whether we were breast-fed or whether our mothers had healthy guts when they gave birth to us. If you’ve been exposed to some of these factors, there are still steps you can take torestore your gut flora:

• Avoid foods and chemicals that irritate the gut• Eat plenty of fermentable fibers (starches like sweet potato, yam, yucca, Fibre Frenzy in smoothies etc.)• Eat fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kim chi, etc.• Consider taking a probiotic (preferably with soil-based organisms) and/or a prebiotic Fibre Frenzy• Treat any intestinal pathogens (such as parasites) that may be present• Manage your stress (see Step 7)



HUG PLAN SUPPLEMENTSN-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)NAC is a very powerful supplement. It is a form of the amino acid cysteine that is highly bio-available, meaning the body can make use of it much more efficiently than other forms. NAC is a potent antioxidant and detoxifier and provides the body with vital cysteine which is the most essential nutrient for the formation of glutathione, the body's master detoxifying chemical. With regards to leaky gut specifically, NAC helps to detoxify toxins produced by intestinal yeast/bacterial overgrowth and stimulates immune function in the gut lining, increasing white blood cell numbers.

This detoxifying action also helps beneficial bacteria to establish themselves in the gut if NAC is taken concurrently with a probiotic supplement. Another benefit is that NAC powerfully enhances liver function through production of glutathione and other conjugation enzymes by supplying vital sulphur molecules. This helps heal a leaky gut as the liver can cope with toxins better and hence spills fewer into the bile therefore irritating the lining of the small intestine to a lesser extent. Research has shown that oxidation may play an impoirtant role in increased intestinal permeability and that treatment with NAC can prevent this damage due to it being a powerful antioxidant8.

L-GlutamineGlutamine is a common amino acid that is found in many protein containing foods. It is important for a large number of bodily functions, an important example being the detoxification of ammonia. It is one of the most important nutrients for healing leaky gut syndrome because it is the preferred 'fuel' for the cells lining the mucosa of the small intestine (enterocytes). These cells have the ability to take up glutamine directly rather than waiting for it to be supplied through the blood.

Glutamine is also required for the production of both intestinal mucus and Secretary Immunoglobulin Type A (SIgA). As a result of these functions, a generous supply of glutamine will help repair and maintain a healthy small intestinal lining. These functions, as well as glutamine's ability to prevent translocation of bacteria from the gut to the bloodstream, have been established in a substantial number of clinical studies both in animals and in human patients with diseases involving impaired intestinal permeability.

The suggested dosage for moderate-severe leaky gut syndrome is in the range of 5-20g per day.

Why We Need GlutamineTextbooks tell us glutamine is a “non-essential” amino acid that our bodies can produce so long as we have on hand sufficient levels of the nine “essential” amino acids. In contrast, our bodies cannot manufacture the “essential” amino acids on our own and we must obtain them from our food. They are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Arginine is considered essential for babies and children.

The ability of the body to manufacture the “non-essential” amino acids easily and abundantly, however, is true only of people enjoying radiant good health. Few of us can produce sufficient amounts during periods of infection, injury, chronic poor health, physical or mental stress or during the rapid growth expected of infants and children. Consequently, many scientists believe we need to obtain many more amino acids than the ones considered “essential,” and that at least nine other amino acids should be considered “conditionally essential.” These include glycine, proline, glutamine, arginine, tyrosine, serine, cysteine and taurine.

Much of broth’s healing power comes from its rich content of three of these “conditionally essential amino acids — proline, glycine and glutamine. After glycine and proline, glutamine is the third most common amino acid found in broth and in the jiggly collagen protein known as gelatin.


Glutamine becomes a “conditionally essential” amino acid whenever the body is under stress. It’s critical to gut health because cells turn over rapidly there and prefer feeding on glutamine over any other amino acid. Glutamine also helps the villi of the small intestine to heal and grow, an important consideration for people suffering from “leaky gut syndrome” as well as from the flattened villi and malabsorption caused by celiac or other serious gut diseases. Research further shows glutamine can help with ulcers, IBS, colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Glutamine also benefits our immune systems, encouraging the proliferation of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell), the production of cytokines (involved in cell signaling), the killing of bacteria by neutrophils (another type of white blood cells) and phagocytic and secretory activities by macrophages (white blood cells that are “big eaters” of foreign material). Along with proline and glycine — the other top amino acids found in broth — glutamine enhances recovery from injuries, wounds, burns, stress, post-surgery trauma, and most major illnesses. Patients whose diets have been supplemented with glutamine show quicker recoveries and earlier hospital releases.

Glutamine also supports liver health and detoxification. Along with cysteine and glycine, we need glutamine to produce Glutathione, the master antioxidant so important for the liver and its detoxification work.

Glutamine is frequently prescribed for weight loss as in the Perricone weight loss system. Although many popular diet books talk about “filling up” with soup to eat less, the glutamine in homemade bone broth boosts metabolism while also cutting cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. In fact, the research shows that glutamine is helpful for anyone with addiction problems, whether to sugar, alcohol or drugs.

We also have evidence that the glutamine in broth is the main protein-sparing factor, allowing us to stay healthy while eating smaller amounts of muscle-meat protein. This is good news for both our health and our budgets.

Although it can be useful for weight loss, glutamine is even better at helping people who are overly thin to put weight on. Because much of the glutamine in the body is made and stored in muscles, extra glutamine prevents the muscle wasting and atrophy associated with illness. Glutamine can even counter some of the severe side effects of chemotherapy, bone marrow transplants, traumatic wounds and surgery. In terms of side effects from chemotherapy, glutamine supplements have soothed swelling inside the mouth, alleviated nerve pain and stopped diarrhea, muscle wasting and unwanted weight loss.

For fitness buffs, glutamine stimulates muscle building and repair. It’s a popular supplement for “over-training syndrome,” in which an overworked body cannot produce enough glutamine on its own. Declining stores of glutamine are also associated with an increase in the rate of infection among athletes, further suggesting our need for this “non-essential” amino acid.

Finally, glutamine is a “brain food” that crosses the blood-brain barrier. While this is often a serious problem for people with extreme MSG sensitivity, the glutamine in bone broth excels at helping others turn around depression, irritability, anxiety, mood swings and even conditions like ADD and ADHD. It has helped neurological diseases such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s as well. What’s more, it helps people calm down and sleep well.


Histamine Intolerance

Pruritus (itching especially of the skin, eyes, ears, and nose) Urticaria (hives) Tissue swelling (angioedema) especially of facial and oral tissues and sometimes the throat, the latter causing the feeling of "throat tightening" Hypotension (drop in blood pressure) Tachycardia (increased pulse rate, "heart racing") Symptoms resembling anxiety or panic attack Chest pain Nasal congestion and runny nose Conjunctivitis (irritated, watery, reddened eyes) Migraines and other types of headaches Fatigue, confusion, irritability Very occasionally loss of consciousness usually lasting for only one or two seconds Digestive tract upset, especially heartburn, indigestion and reflux


For those with histamine intolerance and following the GAPS protocol for healing leaky gut, it can be a troublesome issue. Many of the very foods that are used to heal and nourish on the GAPS Protocol are high in histamines such as bone broth and fermented milk and vegetables.

The GAPS Protocol can be the very solution for balancing the human microbiome and the histamine issue in the long run. It is possible that the ill health of the gut may even turn the vulnerable genes "on" that contribute to histamine issues. The DAO enzyme system is located in the intestinal mucosa. What is one to do? How does one get past the histamine intolerance symptoms? Let's start with a brief summary of what histamine intolerance is, as well as symptoms, and what causes histamine levels to build up.

What is Histamine? Histamine is one of those chemicals that performs multiple jobs ... that we cannot do without. It's a bio-active chemical (useful and natural within the body), a neurotransmitter (messenger between cells), a mediator in inflammatory & allergic responses. It regulates access to the blood capillaries; also regulating stomach acid, muscle contractions, and even brain function. It defends against pathogenic viruses, bacteria, etc. In other words, we need it! "Normal" blood levels are 0.3 - 1.0 ng/mL, but individual tolerance is variable. The Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance:

High Histamine FoodsFermented foods, Cow's milk, cheeses, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, Shellfish, Fish (unless immediately gutted), Leftover meat, Sausages, honey, Processed meat, Dried fruits, Citrus fruits, Spinach, Tomato, Vinegar products, Artificial colors, Artificial preservatives, Aspartame, Nuts, Chocolate, Coffee beans (fermented), Alcohol, Long cooked bone broth, Wheat germ, Strawberries, Pineapple, Papaya, Tea (black, green), (cinnamon, cloves, chili powder, anise, nutmeg, curry powder, cayenne)

Diamine Oxydase is the only dietary food in the world that treats food intolerances based on intolerance to histamine. It was specially developed for people with low levels of DAO, Diamine Oxydase but does not however replace a balanced diet or healthy lifestyle. DAOHIST contains DAO, which is responsible for breaking down histamine and supplements the natural occurrence of this enzyme in the body. By taking DAOHIST capsules before mealtimes, the amount of DAO in the small intestine is increased preparing the body for to breakdown of histamine. DAOHIST facilitates the processing of irritating histamine from food in the digestive tract and re-establishes the natural balance of histamine levels in the body.

Making Cultured Vegetables

Homemade sauerkraut or fermented vegetables is a world apart from the stuff that comes from the grocery store. It's crunchy and delightfully sour, it's perfect for topping with your healthy options meals and don't worry about needing a special crock or making so much you'll be eating it for months.

Fermented vegetables begin wtih lacto-fermentation, a method of food preservation that also enhances the nutrient content of the food. The action of the bacteria makes the minerals in cultured foods more readily available to the body. The bacteria also produce vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for digestion.

Almost any vegetable can be fermented, and fermenting farm-fresh produce is a great way to provide good nutrition year-round. Ferment one vegetable alone or create mix of many different kinds, along with herbs and spices, for a great variety of cultured foods.

Below is what you need to get started:For a small jamjar sized batch the minimum time is about three days, although the veg will continue to ferment and become tastier for many days after that. As simple as it sounds, the best rule of thumb is to keep tasting the veggies and then refrigerate when it tastes good to you. The sauerkraut is safe to eat at every stage of the process, so there is no real minimum or maximum fermentation time.

Why Should Sauerkraut Be Fermented?Lacto-fermentation has been used for centuries to preserve seasonal vegetables beyond their standard shelf-life. The fermentation process itself is very reliable and safe, and the fermented sauerkraut can be kept at cellar temperature (around 55°F) for months, although those of us without cellars can make do with storing the kraut in our fridges. Besides preserving the cabbage, this fermentation process also transforms it into something incredibly tasty and gives it additional health benefits fermented sauerkraut contains a lot of the same healthy probiotics as a bowl of home-made raw-milk yogurt.

What You NeedIngredients1 medium head green or red cabbage 2 carrots1/2 tablespoons celtic or sea salt2 x MAFBIO probiotic capsules


Bone Broth: Food of the AncientsLike butter, bone broth has been around much longer than most people think. Most cultures have some version of it in their cuisine, from the fish stock of Japan to the chicken broth of Argentina. It was treasured as a natural cure, and a source of great health (see page on Histamine).

According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, bone broth was highly prized in ancient civilizations for one of it’s most nutrient-rich aspects: Gelatin. In the process of cooking gelatin, gelatin rises to the top and retains many of the nutrients key to its healing properties. This is the recipe for a rich but easy-to-make bone broth.

Ingredients 3 lbs. pastured/grass fed chicken or beef bones Raw organic vegetables (like onions, carrots, celery, parsley, garlic, sweet potato, bay leaves, pepper corns, kombu seaweed) 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tspn himalayan salt

Instructions Place the bones in the bowl of a slow cooker. Pour 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar over the bones. Add the vegetables and fill the crock pot with filtered water. Cook on LOW for 24-48 hours or until the bones start to crumble. Allow the broth to cool and strain the broth through a cheeseclothed-lined strainer. Pour the broth into a resealable container for storing. Optionally, refrigerate the broth overnight. The next day, Remove the layer of fat that has risen to the top. Store in the refrigerator for immediate use or freeze. Broth will last 3 days in the refrigerator or six months in the freezer.


Making Bone Broth - for breakfast and lunches


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