headlines - · pdf filehillary letters: clinton, saul alinsky correspondence revealed $22...

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Conservatives #39A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from

Douglas County, CO Date: 9-28-14 Vol. III In this issue:

1. National Debt Clock 2. Opinion 3. Obama 4. Washington 5. Newsbytes 6. Heritage Action

7. Details 8. Colorado 9. Douglas County 10. Other 11. Events

U.S. National Debt: $17,756,802,365,000 (Sunday 14:34 hrs.)

Headlines US strikes target Al Qaeda veterans in Syria

Attorney General, Holder, will resign! Hillary Letters: Clinton, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed

$22 Trillion for What? Day of Action, AFP activists knocked on more than 60,000 doors

DOD can't track its vast real estate holdings Mitt Romney in Littleton to support Beauprez

*****************Only 16 Days until Ballot Drop! ******************

ISIS allegedly on the South Texas border.

If you see/hear something suspicious of terrorism – Call FBI (Denver) 303-629-7171 www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field

For imminent danger Call 911









Egypt Qatar







Opinion Don’t be too hasty with applause for Obama.

We managed to get by the Anniversary of 9/11.

ISIS already has American munitions, Syrian combat aircraft and combat vehicles confiscated from their conquest of Iraqi military.

Armed with 11 jetliners stolen in Libya


Armed by “lone wolves” trained in explosives.

Homeland Security (DHS) can’t guarantee VISA security for inbound American terrorists.

Some believe Obama’s cautionary delays are really allowing ISIS to consolidate more territory in Iraq & Syria.

Delays allow ISIS to decentralize command & control, munitions, and move in amongst innocent citizens.

Conceivable that the bombing of ISIS will trigger domestic terrorism here.

Borders are still un-secured.

ISIS reported to have infiltrated the Southern Texas border.

We now have terrorist activity in Moore, OK with beheading of workmate who will not convert to Islam.

Statements about ISIL is code to radical Muslims about “the bridge” between Turkey and Egypt – Islamic State & the Levant.

Watch carefully Obama’s language: ISIS v. ISIL, terrorists v. Muslims Editor

Obama ************************** US strikes target Al Qaeda veterans in

Syria plotting ‘imminent attack’ http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/us-strikes-target-al-qaeda-veterans-in-syria-plotting-imminent-attack/

Obama to U.N.: 'We have a choice to make' http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-to-u.n.-we-have-a-choice-to-make/article/2553883

Obama and Islam: A Tale of Three Speeches


What Obama Knows Every president gets things wrong. What sets Obama apart is his ideological rigidity and fathomless ignorance. http://online.wsj.com/articles/bret-stephens-what-obama-knows-1411425811

US reportedly informed Iran in advance of Syria airstrikes http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/us-reportedly-informed-iran-in-advance-syria-airstrikes/


Islamic State steps up propaganda after strikes, urges lone-wolf attacks http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/24/islamic-state-steps-up-propaganda-after-strikes-urges-lone-wolf-attacks/

David Gergen: ISIS war rollout resembles launch of Obamacare site http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/21/opinion/gergen-isis-war-launch-obamacare/index.html?hpt=op_t1

Obama uses coffee cup to salute Marines http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/obama-uses-coffee-cup-to-salute-marines/

Rand Paul: 'Constitution Requires' Congressional Authorization for Obama to Attack ISIS Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a statement Tuesday that he supports military actions against ISIS—like the airstrikes President Obama just launched—but that the Constitution requires Obama to obtain congressional approval for such action.


Attorney General Eric Holder to announce resignation http://kdvr.com/2014/09/25/report-attorney-general-eric-holder-to-announce-resignation/

The injustice of Eric Holder Average Americans aren’t blind to the Justice Department’s politicization http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/sep/16/fund-von-spakovsky-the-injustice-of-eric-holder/


Eric Holder's business legacy: 'too big to jail’? Weissman is criticizing U.S. attorney general Eric Holder for his “utter failure to prosecute any [major] institution or person for the events that led to the financial crisis and all the ensuing social devastation.” http://fortune.com/2014/09/26/eric-holders-business-legacy-too-big-to-jail/

The IRS targeted organizations teaching the Constitution and Bill of Rights For those of you who thought the Internal Revenue Service was only interested in squelching the free speech rights of organizations supporting conservatives, here’s something even more disturbing. http://washingtonexaminer.com/the-irs-targeted-organizations-teaching-the-constitution-and-bill-of-rights/article/2553864

Sheriffs unhappy about Biden Aspen security costs http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/sheriffs-unhappy-about-biden-aspen-security-costs_34892822_

Washington Politics ************************** The Hillary Letters: Clinton,

Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed

Previously unpublished correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky reveal new details about her relationship with the controversial Chicago activist and shed light on her early ideological development.


10 Weird Things You Didn't Know About Hillary Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been through the political battles more than any major politician since Richard Nixon – and she has a lot in common with her former foe. But despite the blanket coverage of the former First Lady and her ubiquitous husband, there are still a good number of interesting facts about her that have been buried over the years. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/22/Hillary-weird-things


Obama's enforcer resigns: Attorney General Holder one of worst officials ever to lead Justice Department http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/09/25/attorney-general-resigns-holder-one-worst-officials-ever-to-run-justice/

Issa: Holder 'abused his office' in 'divisive' tenure http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/218906-chairman-issa-holder-most-divisive-attorney-general-in-history

DOJ Silent about whether Holder Barred AZ Officials from Prosecuting Illegal Immigrants The Department of Justice has been silent about whether it barred federal prosecutors from prosecuting illegal immigrants in Arizona who have been detained crossing the border for the first time. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/19/DOJ-Silent-About-Whether-Holder-Barred-AZ-Officials-from-Prosecuting-Most-Illegal-Immigrants

Broken culture, risky reforms leave unethical VA execs on public payroll Nobody at the Department of Veterans Affairs linked to phony appointment logs or patient deaths has been fired, despite a hastily passed new law designed to make it easier to oust corrupt and inept... http://washingtonexaminer.com/broken-culture-risky-reforms-leave-unethical-va-execs-on-public-payroll/article/2553485

Will Tea Party, GOP establishment be 'mending fences' to win Senate in November? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/21/will-tea-party-gop-establishment-need-to-mend-fences-to-win-senate-in-november/

Krauthammer: ‘There isn't a coalition’ in ISIS fight http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/19/krauthammer-there-isnt-coalition-in-isis-fight/

Thomas Sowell: Obama’s Poll-Driven Foreign Policy

No one has promoted the dangerous notion that war is optional more than the president. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/388607/obamas-poll-driven-foreign-policy-thomas-sowell

Dennis Prager: ‘Not Islamic’?

Killing “unbelievers” has been part of Islam since its inception. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/388626/not-islamic-dennis-prager

Judge Jeanine: We are not ready for war with ISIS http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/justice-jeanine/index.html


News Bytes **************************

$22 Trillion for What? The annual report by the Census Bureau on poverty was released this past week, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. It should come as no surprise that the War on Poverty has not been a success by any stretch of the imagination. In 50 years, American taxpayers have spent an

unimaginable $22 trillion on this so-called war. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/19/22-Trillion-For-What

Virus probed in paralysis cases in 9 Colorado kids http://bigstory.ap.org/article/070a2938fc574ce5820cdfc8e3eb9151/virus-probed-paralysis-cases-9-colorado-kids

During Saturday's Day of Action, [Americans for Prosperity] AFP activists knocked on more than 60,000 doors -- we even set a new record!

US now land of muddled thinking, home of half-hearted commitments http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/09/24/us-now-land-muddled-thinking-home-half-hearted-commitments/

Congress releases war funds to fight Ebola Top lawmakers in Congress have approved the use of leftover Afghanistan war money to fight Ebola in West Africa. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/25/congress-releases-war-funds-to-fight-ebola/

While Bob Beauprez backs state control of federal lands, poll shows Westerners don’t http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2014/09/25/bob-beauprez-backs-state-control-federal-lands-poll-shows-westerners-dont/113282/


Fight for Senate Control Down to Five States http://blogs.rollcall.com/rothenblog/

Mail and milk: Struggling Postal Service wants to deliver groceries http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/federal-eye/wp/2014/09/25/mail-and-milk-struggling-postal-service-wants-to-deliver-groceries/

Benghazi ***************

(Don’t expect too much until Congress returns after Elections)

Climate Change ***************

UN Climate Summit: The dirty little secret about global warming Obama doesn't want you to know http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/09/23/un-climate-summit-dirty-little-secret-about-global-warming-obama-doesnt-want-to/

The Air Comes Out of the Climate Change Talks http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/09/24/the_air_comes_out_of_the_climate_change_talks_124087.html

Obama offers climate change help to other nations (On whose nickel? Is this more Obama money laundering?) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/obama-offers-climate-change-help-to-other-nations/

Gov't Scientists: Higher West Coast Temps Due To Natural Causes, Not 'Climate Change' A study conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington has concluded that warmer sea and land temperatures along the Pacific coast in North America over the past 100 years are due to weak winds--and not due to human activities or "climate change." The study was published Monday on the eve of the UN Climate Summit by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/09/23/Gov-t-Scientists-West-Coast-Warming-Due-to-Natural-Causes


John Fund: The Crumbling Climate-Change Consensus http://www.nationalreview.com/article/388535/crumbling-climate-change-consensus-john-fund

Clean Energy’s Dirty Secrets http://www.nationalreview.com/energy-week/388619/clean-energys-dirty-secrets-rupert-darwall

Corruption ***************

Tapes showing meek oversight of Goldman are about to rock Wall Street Wall Street is about to be rocked by secretly recorded audio tapes that purport to show a too-cozy relationship between the New York Federal Reserve Bank and the financial institutions it is supposed to regulate. http://nypost.com/2014/09/26/tapes-showing-meek-oversight-of-goldman-are-about-to-rock-wall-street/

Defense/Military **************

10K soldiers must go this year, 20K next year Nearly 30,000 soldiers must be removed from the active rolls in the next 17 months if the Army is to make the first waypoint in a drawdown that eventually will reduce the force to 450,000, or even 420,000, soldiers. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140512/CAREERS/305120014

Economy ***************

Fracking good times: North Dakota tops U.S. income gains http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/22/fracking-good-times-north-dakota-tops-us-income-gains/

Severe Solar Storm Damage Could Top $2 Trillion http://www.bloomberg.com/infographics/2014-06-12/solar-storm-damage-could-top-one-trillion-dollars.html

Education ***************

Reining in College Tuition and Student Debt Parents don’t need an army of economists to tell them college is too expensive and too many students will default on their education loans. (News that reiterates the obvious) http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/22/Reining-in-College-Tuition-and-Student-Debt

Tennessee Braces for Next Common Core Battle If an education summit convened Thursday by Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R) is any indication of what’s top priority to many state lawmakers and education groups, the Common Core standards will be the central education battle during the upcoming legislative session in the state. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/21/Tennessee-Braces-For-Next-Common-Core-Battle


Hundreds of Jeffco students walk out in largest school board protest http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_26596010/jeffco-student-protests-continue-wednesday-at-bear-creek

Election Integrity ***************

“If you see something – say something”.

EPA ***************

U.S. Chamber: EPA using 'nuclear option' as everyday tool The meeting was a rallying cry against proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent by 2030. While environmentalists say such action is necessary to abort or slow global warming, many Wyoming and national leaders are saying the measure will slow economic growth while producing laughable results in the face of climate change. "You want to see some cost benefit analysis," said Sen. John Barrasso, according to the Gillette News Record. "They can't prove there's any benefit." http://www.wyomingbusinessreport.com/article/20140926/NEWS/140929971/-1/newsletterFriday

Foreign Policy ***************

Fraud ***************

Gun Control ***************

Heritage: For Gun Shop Owners, It’s No Longer Hip to Be ‘Square’ http://dailysignal.com/2014/09/25/gun-shop-owners-longer-hip-square/

HealthCare (aka ObamaCare) ***************

115,000 people set to lose Obamacare They are scheduled to lose their Obamacare coverage at the end of the month because officials could not verify their citizenship or immigration status, the Obama administration announced Monday. http://washingtonexaminer.com/115000-people-set-to-lose-obamacare/article/2553414

The 15 Most Shocking Statements in ObamaCare Architect's 'Die at 75' Article Last week, esteemed doctor and one of our ObamaCare Architect Overlords penned a column for the Atlantic that should win a Pulitzer Prize for passive-aggressive shaming. Although Emanuel claims that *he* doesn't want to live past the age of 75, the article itself could have been a listicle titled, "Top 15 Reasons No One Over 75 Should Receive Healthcare." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/22/die-at-75-emanuel-obamacare-death-cult


How to Save Obamacare: Make It a Women's Issue http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119525/hillary-clinton-can-make-obamacare-popular-womens-issue

Insurance brokers say they are 'worse off' due to Obamacare http://washingtonexaminer.com/insurance-brokers-say-they-are-worse-off-due-to-obamacare/article/2553870

WebMD Has Received $13.9M to Promote Obamacare http://freebeacon.com/issues/webmd-has-received-13-9m-to-promote-obamacare/

Homeland Security ***************

UPDATED: IG says visa security can't be verified Department of Homeland Security officials can't say if their program to keep foreign terrorists and criminals from getting U.S. visas is working, according to a government watchdog. http://washingtonexaminer.com/updated-ig-says-visa-security-cant-be-verified/article/2553685

China flooding U.S. with fake driver's licenses http://washingtonexaminer.com/china-flooding-u.s.-with-fake-drivers-licenses/article/2553887

Immigration/Amnesty ***************

At Jydstrup Elementary, students speak 37 languages — and learn a lesson in diversity Such diversity isn’t unusual in a school where 37 languages are spoken and in a district with more than 85,000 students who speak 83 languages other than English. About 85 percent of the non-English speaking students speak Spanish, but also Urdu, Bulgarian, Turkish, Thai and Hindi. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2014/sep/21/jydstrup-elementary-students-speak-37-languages-an/

Incompetence ***************

DOD can't track its vast real estate holdings Department of Defense officials operate an estimated 500,000 properties around the world that are worth in excess of $828 billion. http://washingtonexaminer.com/dod-cant-track-its-vast-real-estate-holdings/article/2553717

Feds spend $167 million, audit $150K Of the $167 million the Denali Commission accepted in grant funds between 2011 and 2013, the inspector general’s office, which presently consists of a lone auditor on loan from another federal agency, monitored the spending of just $150,000. GAO said the auditor failed to investigate — or even receive — claims of fraud, waste or abuse, and provided only “limited oversight” of the commission’s energy and infrastructure programs. http://washingtonexaminer.com/feds-spend-167-million-audit-150k/article/2553644


IRS ***************

Issa renews call for Lerner to testify after media interview http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/22/lerner-remains-unapologetic-about-role-in-irs-scandal-in-exclusive-interview/

National Debt ***************

(I’m more concerned over the large sum of money the federal government has misspent, misplaced or is unaccountable. If you add up all the millions & billions of dollars listed in links from the “Incompetent”, “Waste”, and “Washington Politics” pieces – it’s a horrific accounting fraud)

NSA /CIA/PRIVACY ***************

Rule of Law ***************

Unbelievable *************** (Unbelievable comes between Waste & Incompetence)

Government Waste*************** (Incompetence comes before Waste in the Alphabet)

Michelle Obama's School Lunch Program: $4 Million of Food Thrown in Trash Each Day A investigative report by a Cincinnati TV station finds that the government's new school lunch requirements championed by First Lady Michelle Obama is wasting $4 million a day in discarded food that children won't eat. (Approx. school days = 365 x 50% = 183. Approx. Waste of Obama Food Program per year = $730,000,000. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/18/Michelle-Obama-s-School-Lunch-Program-Wastes-Millions

Apathetic HUD officials lose $10.8 million on failed Puerto Rican sports complex http://washingtonexaminer.com/apathetic-hud-officials-lose-10.8-million-on-failed-puerto-rican-sports-complex/article/2553830

Kansas senator quits Eisenhower Memorial project http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/24/kansas-senator-quits-eisenhower-memorial-project/

Feds paid millions for unneeded expert witnesses http://washingtonexaminer.com/feds-paid-millions-for-unneeded-expert-witnesses/article/2553910

$4.2 billion DOT program hands out unjustified stimulus grants, IG reports Transportation officials handed out billions in federal infrastructure contracts without properly vetting recipients or monitoring their projects. http://washingtonexaminer.com/4.2-billion-dot-program-hands-out-unjustified-stimulus-grants-ig-reports/article/2553921


Other States:

They’re here…….'Muslim

convert' beheads woman in U.S. heartland

Police in Moore, Oklahoma, said Thursday the suspect, Alton Nolen, who had been fired from his job at a food processing plant, attacked a woman with a knife and beheaded her, KFOR-

TV in Oklahoma City reported. He then attacked another employee and was stopped when he was shot and wounded by the company owner. http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/woman-beheaded-in-oklahoma-workplace/


Who owns Colorado?

Answer: WE DO!

Democrats' 'war on women' falling flat in Colorado Senate http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/218978-war-on-women-falling-flat-in-colorado-senate

Thirty-percent attrition bites into [CO Healthcare] exchange revenues http://www.healthnewscolorado.org/2014/09/25/thirty-percent-attrition-bites-into-exchange-revenues/

Weld County: A Debt Free Colorado County http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTgWTGuQrsw&feature=player_embedded

Garden of the Gods


Rocky Mountain Upset? Polling shows once-popular Colorado Dem governor in trouble http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/23/rocky-mountain-upset-polling-shows-once-popular-colorado-dem-governor-in/


Liberals are all about “OPM” – other people’s money and Control. They

are not about generosity, caring for others, God, or freedom. Do not think

you can “lend” your individual rights to people who are greedy and

manipulative – it is unlikely you will get them back. Do your homework.

And, NEVER, NEVER elect candidates with the idea you can change them

after they are in office.


$5 Campaign Surge

Give $5 a week to each of the Republican State Candidates listed above.

Don’t wait !! Secure, on-line donation sites. Fast, convenient, painless. Invest

in Colorado’s future. I did it – Will you?


1. Beauprez: http://www.bobbeauprez.com/#secondPage

2. Gardner: http://corygardnerforsenate.com/

3. Ken Buck: http://www.buckforcolorado.com/donate/

4. Wayne Williams: http://www.winwithwayne.org

5. Tim Neville: http://www.nevilleforcolorado.com/

6. Woods: http://www.laurawoodsforsenate.org/

7. Sanchez: http://www.tonyforcolorado.com/

8. Jeffery Washington: http://democracy.com/jeffery-washington

Senate Majority Fund 1420 W. Canal Court, Suite 10 Littleton, CO 80120 Katherine_Kennedy@hotmail.com

Colorado Leadership Fund PO Box 238 Denver, CO 80021 www.coloradoleadershipfund.com The Peoples House Colorado PO Box 181712 Denver, CO 80218 www.thepeopleshousecolorado.com

It’s “Crunch Time”, Folks. Only 16 days to ballot-drop and that only

provides us with 2 more weekends! Be sure you are registered to vote.

Estimates are that 50% of votes will be cast by Oct. 24th. Be sure your

college-aged kids are properly registered for first time.


Pay attention to the monthly donation deadlines: although they are

intellectually stupid, some donors donate more to “winners” as defined by

campaign funds. Be part of the solution: Participate in a phone bank or

walk your precinct. Every Republican must vote. Do not be afraid to talk

to Unaffiliated Voters (UAF). Some will vote, others won’t. If they have a

brain and are persuadable (sp?) we might add votes to the Conservative

block. Please, please: VOTE. Please, please: DO NOT SPLIT THE

PARTY VOTE. Make no mistake: This is your investment in Colorado’s

future! Thank you.


Elections & Voting

This is the Sec. of State’s website for the official elections calendar. Link: http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/

Tuesday, Oct. 14th – Mail in Ballots to be mailed to voters Monday, Oct. 20th – Early Voting begins Monday, Oct. 27th – Deadline for application for voter registration for mail in ballot. Tuesday, Nov. 4th – ELECTION DAY. Wednesday, Nov. 12th – Deadline for Clerk & Recorder receipt of overseas military ballots

Out in the Bush ***************************

Hickenlooper Report

Hicken-weasel: Why Colorado's gutless gov is in trouble http://washingtonexaminer.com/hicken-weasel-why-colorados-gutless-gov-is-in-trouble/article/2553877

Udall Report

Sen. Udall fires back at campaign ad calling him a 'very nice guy' http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/25/sen-udall-fires-back-at-campaign-ad-calling-him-very-nice-guy/


COFFMAN WINS AGAIN: Romanoff Reeks Of Desperation http://coloradopeakpolitics.com/2014/09/23/coffman-wins-romanoff-reeks-desperation/

Events: ***************

Beauprez w/ Romney Campaign Event When: Mon, September 29, @ 4:00pm – 5:30pm Where: Heritage High School, 1401 W. Geddes Ave, Littleton, CO (map) Description Details at: dcgop.org


Attorney General Debate Tuesday, September 30th, 7:30am GOP Attorney General Candidate Cynthia Coffman will be debating her Democrat opponent South Metro Denver Chamber at the Streets of Southglenn (2154 E Commons Ave #342, Centennial, CO 80122). No RSVP necessary.

Meet the GOP Candidates When: Thurs, October 2, @ 7pm – 9pm Where: Roxborough Community Center,

6237 Roxborough Drive, Roxborough, CO 80125 (map)

Boots on the Ground4 BEAUPREZ GRASS ROOTS UNITING FOR COLORADO Saturday, October 4, 2014 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Home of Evelyn Zur 5915 N. Ponderosa Way, Parker, CO 80134

Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club 1st Wednesday of Month @ 6:45am to 8:30am The View House Eatery, Bar & Rooftop (old Trail Dust Steakhouse) 7101 S. Clinton Street Centennial, CO 80112 Bob Doyle, Executive Director

Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance They are requesting help from Coloradans with stories about problematic Marijuana use which might be used for documentary purposes. Chair, Colorado SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) Coalition

P-720-508-4290; C-303-506-9463; F- 720-508-4292


Colorado Tea Party Patriots Tuesday, Oct. 7th @ 6:30 pm ~ 8:30 pm So. Metro Fire Rescue Authority Speaker: Dr. Stephen Steinlight, Senior Policy Analyst Center for Immigration Studies - Denver

Leadership Program of the Rockies Meet the 2014-15 Class Governor’s Residence – Boettcher Mansion Thursday, Oct. 9th @ 5:30 pm ~ 7:00 pm RSVP Required: www.leadershipprogram.org or Phone 303-488-0018


Coffee 4 Conservatives

Speaker: Pamela Romney Openshaw

“Promises of the Constitution” Sunday Oct. 19th @ 6:30 pm Franktown Firehouse

Revive1787 has booked the 3 co-authors of the book “13 hours in Benghazi”. Moderator: Chad Williams, Navy Seal

(Ret.) Don’t miss it! When: Sunday, Oct. 26th @ 4:00 pm Where: Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center (Double check times before the date)



The Benghazi hearings are starting THIS week!

And by Monday night we must: (1) finalize our plan (2) raise the needed funds

to launch our campaign and (3) give Trey Gowdy the support he needs to hold

Hillary accountable when the hearings begin.


Appendix i: Scandal Sheet

1. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (2008) 2. AIG Bailout 3. GM/Chrysler Bailout 4. New Black Panthers acquittal 5. Eric Holder 6. Hillary Clinton 7. Valerie Jarrett 8. Absence of Senate Budget x 4 years (4-15-09) 9. ObamaCare (2009) 10. $2 Billion paid to International Climate Change Group 11. $2 Billion Foreign Aid to Pakistan 12. 36 Presidential Czars (shadow government (2009) 13. Management of BP Oil Spill (2010)


14. Solyndra & Green Energy Agenda (2009) 15. ACORN (2009) 16. Birth Certificate (2009 17. Oath of Office (2009) 18. Perjury (2009) 19. Social Security Numbers (2009) 20. Stimulus Bill (2009) 21. Cap & Trade, Carbon Credits 22. What ever happened w/ the U.S.S. Cole? (2000) 23. Ft. Hood massacre – “workplace violence” (2009) 24. Fast & Furious (2009) 25. Sequester (2011) 26. Keystone Pipeline 27. Benghazi (2012) 28. IRS abuse (2013) 29. DOJ wiretaps (2013) 30. Unconstitutional Recess Appointees (2012) 31. Immigration – “Prosecutorial Discretion” 32. Immigration – release of 2000 alien criminal inmates (2013) 33. National Security Agency - NSA spying (2012) 34. Charlie Rangel tax evasion (2010) 35. Maxine Waters tax evasion (2010) 36. EPA and FOIA abuses (2011) 37. Syria & WMD (2013) 38. United Nations Small Arms Treaty (2013) 39. Government Shutdown (2013) 40. www.HealthCare.gov opening (2013) 41. Executive Order 13652: Usurpation of legislative control over Climate Control 42. ObamaCare – (not itemized). Mulitiple unilateral, illegal changes to the law without

congressional consent. (2013-14) 43. Federal bailout of Insurance Industry providing ObamaCare plans. 44. Was Obama involved in the change of filibuster rules in the Senate? 45. Obama lied about his Uncle Omar 46. Obama jiggered the 2010 Census data to make employment rates better than reality. 47. Obama unilaterally eases penalties on employers hiring illegals. 48. Obama knowingly & willfully fails to enforce Immigration Law & Border Security. 49. DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (2014) 50. Veterans Administration scandal – med records falsification (2014) 51. President Directive authorizing military assets against U.S. citizens during civilian unrest

(2014) 52. Presidential Directive for expansion of largest marine sanctuary in international waters

(2014) 53. Repeat Federal Loan Guarantees to FISKERS Auto – later sold to China (2014) 54. 5 for 1 Taliban trade for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl w/o Congressional notification (2014) 55. Financial aid to the Palestinians and Hamas – enemies of Israel (2014) 56. Pivotal in Multi-national bombing of ISIS in Iraq & Syria w/ or w/o “Boots on the Ground”

without consent of Congress. ** Author’s Note: Red entry marks possible Constitutional Violation


Appendix ii:

We now have readers in

1 Alabama 2 Arizona 3 Arkansas 4 California 5 Colorado 6 Florida 7 Idaho 8 Illinois 9 Iowa 10 Louisiana 11 Maryland 12 Massachusetts 13 Minnesota

14 Missouri 15 Montana 16 N. Dakota 17 New Hampshire 18 Oregon 19 Pennsylvania 20 Texas 21 Virginia 22 Washington 23 Washington, D.C. 24 Wisconsin 25 Wyoming

Appendix iii:

References: On-line References on request.

Contacting Congress (Factsheet)

W2.eff.org/congress/ U.S. Capitol Switchboard [202] 224-3121 U.S. Legislative Information Beta.Congress.gov

http://www.house.gov/ http://www.senate.gov/


Colorado Delegation: CD 1 Diana DeGette (202) 225-4431 CD 2 Jared Polis (202) 225-2161 CD 3 Scott Tipton (202) 225-4761 CD 4 Cory Gardner (202) 225-4676 CD 5 Doug Lamborn (202) 225-4422 CD 6 Mike Coffman (202) 225-7882 CD 7 Ed Perlmutter (202) 225-2645 Michael Bennet (202) 224-5852 Mark Udall (202) 224-5941 Local Meetings: Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Club – 1st Wednesday monthly Arapahoe County Joint Tea Party – 2nd Tuesday monthly

American Conservatives of Color - 2nd Saturday of the month, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Liberty Libations – 3rd Monday of the month, 6:00 pm Lincoln Club of Colorado – 3rd Wednesday monthly

Douglas County Republican Women – 3rd Wednesday monthly

Colorado Republican Business Coalition – 3rd Friday monthly

Coffee4Conservatives – 3rd Sunday monthly

South East Aurora Republicans – 4th Monday monthly

Douglas County Young Republicans Denver Metro Young Republicans (DMYR)


TIMBERS CONSERVATIVES on October 5th has been cancelled due to Family Funeral Services. Reminder:

Please share this newsletter with your conservative friends. This is not on a website and can only be obtained via my email address.

I love this country and

I’m Proud to be an American!

David E. Adams, M.D., M.S. Precinct 342, District 28 2014 Alternate GOP Delegate Parker, CO [719] 685-6044 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are strictly my own and may not precisely reflect those of the G.O.P. Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, simply RSVP to this email address.

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