hcs 430 reflection paper.edited

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Colleen Summers

HCS Capstone


Just like all universities, they try to stand out, stand alone, and try to be unique. But at

Alvernia, I have truly been given a unique experience. Alvernia lives by the motto, “ To Learn,

To Love, To Serve”, and this saying has truly created a university all its own. I think those six

words have molded me into the person that I am today and they have created a successful

contribution to society. Alvernia's core values have instilled values in me. Growing up I would

occasionally volunteer, but it was only ever for college applications. Speaking honestly, when I

found out that Alvernia required their students to complete 40 hours of volunteer work, I was not

the happiest camper. Being here the past four years and developing into the person that I have

become I understand how vital volunteering really is. I think that the volunteer work that I have

done the past four years with Alvernia has helped mold me to who I am now. Learning through

volunteer service has given me an eye-opening experience, knowing that by doing a simple thing

by donating my time for a few hours can make such a difference in someone’s life or some

animal’s life or making a tough situation a little bit better. I often would confuse humility with

being confident but they are actually very different. Relating humility to being a leader, I think it

makes you a very successful leader if you practice humility rather than confidence. I think that

humility offers you a chance for self-improvement and with being humble it allows you to

always have a motivation to change and progress. I think that being humble will allow a leader to

always adapt an organization, will be more receptive to improvements, and will be less

susceptible to letting roadblocks get in the way. I think that the value of peacemaking teaches us

to be kind and loving. I think that this value is very important to make us “good” people for

humanity. I think that this is one of the most important values that this university has infused in

Grammarly, 05/07/15,
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us. The value of contemplation has taught us that we need to learn at a higher level of knowledge

and those we should integrate things that we learn outside of class into what we learn in the

classroom. This belief has taught us how to become better students. I think the value of

collegiality combines all the beliefs into one single concept. I think that collegiality has taught us

to respect other’s opinions and their work, a concern for others and the community, and a sense

of something that we belong to. As I will soon be wearing my Maroon and Gold and walking

across the stage to receive my degree, I know that the 5 core values that Alvernia has be founded

on, they have help create the person who I am today and I am leaving Alvernia a better person

than when I entered four years ago.

Euthanasia is an ethical and controversial topic in the field of healthcare. Euthanasia is

where a life is ended when the person is diagnosed with a terminal illness or an incurable

disease. Advocates of this act state that it extends the person’s right to autonomy. Those opposed

to Euthanasia say that this act devalues the human life. Should the terminally ill patient be able to

extend his or her autonomy enough to self-determine when it is time to die? I think that the type

of education I have received has given the skills to look at a controversial ethical situation and

formulate a well-thought-out opinion with facts from each side of the issue.

Increasing poverty and access to healthcare is becoming a staggering issue in this

country. Poverty used to mean that it was difficult to make ends meet, but now poverty is

affecting someone’s health. It is being known that with individuals who are categorized as being

in poverty that those individuals are at a higher risk for having a chronic illness. These

individuals are not able to afford routine doctor visits, check-ups, medication refills, or healthy

foods such as fruits and vegetables to maintain a healthy diet. As a result more and more people

in poverty are suffering from chronic illnesses such as obesity, high blood pressure, poor oral

hygiene, diabetes, and stroke. Individuals who are living in poverty are not able to afford health

insurance or proper healthcare or the means to properly take care of themselves or their families.

Not only is poverty affecting the individual’s health and the health of their loved ones but it is

affecting the healthcare system. Many are turning to emergency rooms as a way of primary care

rather than the use of emergency urgent care. This is causing over-crowding, under-staffing, and

more taxation on the government. The medical system in turn will then be taxed a greater

amount because the health of people in a lower socio-economic state is much worse. We need to

begin to find solutions for providing preventative healthcare measures which in turn will have an

effect on their overall health which should have a positive impact on how many people living in

poverty will tax the government. Therefore in the long-run, it should be an area in which we can

improve the outward expenses for medical care.

Grammarly, 05/07/15,
Grammarly, 05/07/15,
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