haute - what if metropolis

Post on 19-Jul-2016






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From the outskirts Haute appears to rise into the heavens, with various tall obscene structures

penetrating the clouds for as far as the eye can see. The structures have unusual forms that are

unique and recognizable from a distance. The locals will tell you that the city is split into two,

the lower tier below the clouds and the higher tier above the clouds; some people believe that

the higher tier above the clouds has gods occupy the structures; others say that the utopia in

the sky is filled with the wealthy, who mock the land dwellers in the lower tier. One thing is

certain, most if not all of the ‘land dwellers’ dream of one day reaching the higher tier of the

city, living above the clouds, seeing Haute for all it has to offer.

As you make your way through the lower tier of the city, it soon becomes apparent that no

two structures are exactly the same. Hand crafted with some of the finest and in some cases

the strangest materials, the architecture is playful, inviting but at the same time its unorthodox

nature is rebellious, Haute is a city that doesn’t follow the rules, it challenges them. In the

center of Haute two giant conical structures rise from the ground, just touching the clouds. It

is said that these structure are the heart of the city, the governing body that rules over Haute

conducts its business there and most of the cities businesses are situated around the

proximity. These structures have indented rings that almost look like stripes; they act as

windows, allowing light through into the building.

Wandering around the heart of the city you can see retailers selling some of the finest clothes

money can buy, much like the city they are unique, hand crafted and rebellious. You can

smell the aroma of the fine foods that Haute has to offer, the city connects with your senses

as you explore along the rebellious roads. Strategically place subway entrances are scattered

amongst the shops, with huge signs above them which make them impossible to miss. One

mustn’t be alarmed by the sheer volume of businesses that surround the cities heart, although

at times it may be overwhelming. This is where the city is extremely busy; the pavements are

filled with people dashing in and out of shops, the subway entrances explode with people

bundling their way onto the already busy street. The traffic is almost at a standstill and people

dart in between the cars, crossing the road without warning, some are rushing to work as most

of the jobs are situated in the heart of the city. Looking up you can see the clouds engulfing

the surrounding buildings; the scale of the city really becomes visible, it truly is a city that

rises into the heavens.

Just a little walk from the cities heart is one of its main attractions, the obsidian theatre. The

volcanic glass structure stands tall, it has gold weaving around it as a decoration and what

appear to be feathers like forms extruding from the roof. The theatre hosts a range of

productions, showcasing the best acts that Haute has to offer, performing on that stage is seen

as prestigious. From the outside it looks magnificent and as you venture in you are greeted by

the hospitality of the stewards who will help you to your seat. The inside looks vaster than

appears possible, with an abundance of seats on various levels, as you look up you can notice

an obsidian chandelier emitting a warm golden glow, it lights up the vast space with the

addition of a few wall lights. The stage stretches wide, concealed by a black and gold curtain,

waiting for the sun to fall so the performances can begin.

As you leave the heart of city the noise levels drop, the waves of people slowly fizzle out, the

ground becomes visible again and you’re no longer fighting for breathing space. The homes

of all of the citizens are situated here; these don’t tower as high as the structures in the heart

of the city; however that’s not to say that they aren’t significantly tall, as these tower blocks

are higher than any seen before. They appear in a variety of shapes and sizes, with unique

structural patterns, every building is different even if it is only the slightest difference. Some

of the tower blocks have striped patterns stretching across there surface, some are quite plain

yet have a certain charm makes them easy on the eye. Long gone are days of cuboid

structures plaguing the world, Haute’s rebellious nature created some of the most beautiful

and unique architecture, although for some it may be a bit too unorthodox.

When you travel further from the heart of the city you start to reach the public parks, filled

with some of the most interesting vegetation known to man. Trees with blue and white

stripes, flourishing with blue leaves, flowers that have ruffled petals, some that are a mound

of multi coloured petals. Nature here is much like the city, rebelling against the common

laws, leaving a lasting impression on every outsider who views them. The playful nature of

the city appears to have run its course with the citizens; they barely notice the treasure that

surrounds them, for the city is like a diamond. They however imagine what their lives could

be like if they lived in the clouds, the unknown space that is the higher tier, the more you ask

about the other half of the city, the less you find. Some people believe that it’s just a myth

created by the governing body to form structure in a chaotic place; some believe that it is

heaven itself and that when you pass you will live your life in the higher tier, looking down

upon the city.

Religion is suppressed by the governing body; they claim it’s to stop extremists, because of

this the only church available is hidden, miles and miles from the heart of the city past the

public parks. It is small in size and strange in shape, almost resembling an hourglass figure; it

is plainly decorated with metal encasing it. Here is where the citizens can pray in peace,

hoping to secure their places in the higher tier, above the clouds.

The furthest point of the city has the industrial sites situated there, this is where the power for

the city is generated and transported via giant cables underground. There is a power plant,

huge in size, with jagged spikes shooting out of its structure, almost resembling a hedgehog,

its black in colour with a texture that almost looks like granite. This is the main source of

power, smaller plants surround it creating significantly less power. The power is stored

amongst the winding streets of the city in generators that are positioned underneath the heart

of the city, in case of a catastrophic event that may damage or destroy the power plants.

Haute truly is an escape from reality, during the day the city offers a wide range of gifts for

the visitor that is willing to explore, as night descends upon the city the golden glow of the

lights gives you a completely different entrancing experience. It’s a city that can’t be pinned

down by the rules of the world, it exists purely to amaze and push the boundaries of what can

be expected in reality.

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