hat butte cattleguards categorical exclusion - blm.gov · dol categorical exclusion reference (516...

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CX Number : DOI-BLM-OR-B050-20 12-003 1-CX Date: March 26, 20 12 File Code (ProjecU erial Number) : Preparer : Rachel Beaubien, Rangeland Management Specialist Applicant: Grazing permittee Title of Proposed Action: Hat Butte Cattleguards

D~scription of Proposed Action and Project Design Elements: Install four cattleguards in existing fencelines where gates presently extst. These gates are often being left open which has created a need to install the cattleguards. This project will decrease problems with livestock entering the highway right-of-way or entering the wrong pasture at periods when livestock are no t authorized.

Legal Description (ouorh Loc:orion \lop):

Hat Butte Gap Cattleguard # I : T.23S., R.25E., Section 32 NW~NW~ (Hat Butte Allotment #7007) Hat Butte Gap Cattleguard #2: T.23S., R.25E., Section 30 NE~SE ~ (Hat Butte Allotment #7007) J!at Butte Lower Cattleguard: T .23S., R.24E., Section 29 SE~SE~ (Hat Butte Allotment #7007) Jlat Butte Upper Cattleguard: T.23S., R.24E., Section 19 NW~SE~ (Hat Butte Allotment #7007)

B. Conformance with Land Use Plan (LUP) (na me): Three Rivers Resource Management Plan Da te Approved/Amended : September, 1992

The proposed action is in conformance with the applicable LUP, even though it is not specifically provided for, because it is clearly consistent with the following LUP decision(s): GM 1.3 page 2-36. "Utilize rangeland improvements, as needed, to support achievement of multiple-use management of objectives for each allotment as shown in Appendix 9 and Map RM-3. Range improvements will be constrained by the Standard Procedures and Design Elements shown in Appendix 2."

BLl\1 Categorical Exclusion Reference (516 DM, Chapter 11): 11.9G92) "Installation ofroutine . .. cattleguards on/or adjacent to roads and trai ls identified in any land use plan .. . "

DOl Categorical Exclusion Reference (516 OM 2, Appendix 1):

creening for Exceptions: The following extraordinary circumstances (5 16 DM 2, Appendix 2) may apply to individual actions within the categorical exceptjons. The indicated specialist recommends the proposed action does not:

Specialist (Print Name a Si nature and Date: Rationale: No significa

2.2 Have signi ficant impacts on such natural resources and unique geographic characteristics as historic or cultural resources; park, recreation or refuge lands; wilderness areas; wi ld or scenic rivers; national natural landmarks; sole or principal d rinking water aquifers; prime farmlands; wetlands (Executive Order 11990); nood plains (Executive Order 11988); national monument~;

mi rato birds; and other ecolo icall si nificant or critical areas. Migratory Birds Specialist (Print Name Si nature and Date: 2.. ­Rationale: Project I ation are small (<0. 1 acres each) and ould occur in previously disturbed areas (road/fence intersections), including two along Highway 20. Migratory birds may avoid or nush from the immediate area of activity, but this disturbance would be tem ora enerall less than a da for each cattle uard .

OR020-1791-0 l (Revised January 20 l 0)


ationale: No impacts to RNA's or ACEC's will occur as a result of this project.

Water Resources Flood Plains Specialist (Print Name and "ti&J: Lis Si nature and Date:

~ati?nale: ~isturbance would be sma and confined to small, previously disturbed areas (road/fence intersections). No new tgmficant tmpacts would occur as a result of this project.

Soils Biolo ical Soil Crust Specialist (Print Name and Si nature and Date: Rationale: No signitica

Recreation/ Visual Re Specialist (Print Nam Si nature and Date: ....-T......._........,.

Rationale: No signi tc t impacts to Recreation or Visual Resources. The installa tion of cattleguards, instead of relying on a gate; will benefit Recreatt nand Visual Resources.

Wilderness/Wild and Scenic River Resources Specialist (Print Name and Title):Eric Haakenson, Wilderness Specialist Si nature and Date: :S- 2-o 1

Rationale: TheproposedprOJeCtisnotinawildernessarea, WSArWSR4tr ~s: c.vrlL... """I ci~.,.,..~~J Cl.4rAc-+"1'.. ,\t c..~ .

Have highly controversial environmental effects or involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available P ction 102 2 E

Rationale: There are no known highly controversial env· available resources.

2.4 Have hi ue or unknown environmental risks. Specialist (Print m Si nature and Date: Rationale: There are no known highly uncertain and pole lly significant environmental effects or unique or unknown environmental risks. Installation ofcattleguards is a co n practice in rangeland management to control movement of livestock.

2.5 Establish a precedent for future action or represent a decision in principle about future actions with potentially significant environmental e ec Specialist (Print Name nd Title): , Planning and Environmental Coordinator Si nature and Date· - ~-Rationale: No precedent for future actions or decision in pri 1 Je about future act ions with potentially significant environmental effects would occur as installation ofcattleguards is a comm practice in rangeland management.

2.6 Have a direct relationship to other actions with individually insignificant but cumulatively significant environmental

Rationale: There are no known direct relationships to other a environmental effects.

2.7 Have significant impacts on properties listed, or eligible for listing, on the National Register of Historic Places as determined b either the bureau or office. Specialist (Print Name Title):Scott Thomas, District Archeologist Si nature and Date:

OR020- 179 1-0 l (Revised January 20 I 0)

Si nature and Date: Rationale: There ar red species or designated Critical Habitat at or near the project sites.

Rationale: There are no listed threatened or endangered aquatic species or Critical Habitat at or near the project sites. Endan ered or Threatened S eci s-F I a Specialist (Print Name and Titl atural Resource Specialist-Botany Si nature and Date: ·IV Rationale: No T &E species o

2.9 Violate a

Specialist (Print N Si nature and Date:

Specialist (Print Si nature and Dat . Rationale: Implementation would not result in a dispr p ·onately adverse effect on mmority or economically disadvantaged populations as such populations do not occur in or ne

2.12 Contribute to the introduction, continued existence, or spread of noxious weeds or nonnative invasive species known to occur in the area or actions that may promote the introduction, growth, or expansion of the range of such species (Federal Noxious Weed Control Act and Executive Order 13112 .

Treatments are on-going. The weeds are

Additional review (As determined by the Authorized Officer):

Specialist (Print Name and Title): Rachel Beaubien, Rangeland Management Specialist

Signa~...._-__""""' "' Date: iJ (f) ( ,W12. RMP conformance and CX review confirmation:

Sign•Me~~ Date: ..L.\-'d::r \ ~

OR020-1791-0 1 (Revised January 2010)

Management Determination: Based upon review of this proposal, I have determined the Proposed Action is in conformance with the LUP, qualifies as a categorical excl~does not requ~rther NE~analysis.

Aut · 1cer (Print Name an ·~t(\C...~ f<0-( f- H 5 {< v~

Date: s-=- \~ \L Note: A separate decision document may be prepared for the action covered by this Categorical Exclusion following program-specific guidance.

OR020-1 791-0 1 (Revised January 2010)

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