#hashtag #bestpractices #genblue

Post on 09-May-2015






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For decades, the # key sat at the end of the telephone dialpad alone, not sure what its role was in life. Suddenly we were tagging everything…but what does it really mean? Let’s end the hashtag confusion and break those little suckers down. We will explain the why and how of hashtags, plus review best practice for using hashtags across the web. For the videographers in the room, we will cover best practices for tagging your videos on YouTube. More than just creating a funny string of words bound by the # , learn how tags and collected conversations benefit your relationship with search and maximize your impact online.


  • 1.#hashtag #bestpractices #history #usefulness #howto #tagit Coldwell Banker Generation Blue 2013 50 minutes Monday - 11:30am to 12:35pm Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue

2. #hashtag #bestpractices What is that #? Hashtag history But why? 4 reasons YOU should #hashtag Hashtagging across the web Video tagging Real world/real estate Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 3. #hashtag #bestpractices Lets end the hashtag confusion and break those little suckers down. We will explain the why and how of hashtags, plus review best practice for using hashtags across the web. For the videographers in the room, we will cover best practices for tagging your videos on YouTube. More than just creating a funny string of words bound by the #, learn how tags and collected conversations benefit your relationship with search and maximize your impact online. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 4. Dont Be a ____________ Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 5. So What Gives? Hashtags are used to group conversations happening all over the web. So if I am looking for #GenBlue info Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 6. Posts, Photos, Video Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 7. Do I Really Need the # Sign?As of September 25th, 2013, Google added #hashtags to Google Search. When you use the # sign to search on Google, you will now see relevant Google+ results to the right of your regular results with links to search the tag on twitter and Facebook at the bottom. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 8. A Few Social Sites that Officially Support Hashtag Use Facebook Google+ Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Tumblr Twitter YouTube Vine Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 9. Hashtag History Way back in 2007 Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 10. Blame #twitter Hashtags are used to group and categorize conversations together across the web. Proposed in a twitter post in August 2007 by Chris Messina sort of a hey lets try this # sign for grouping. It stuck. By July of 2009, twitter began posting Trending Topics based on hashtag usage. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 11. Cheer #twitter Turns out this whole tagging thing is pretty useful. The hashtags you use on a regular basis can bring your content to the top the top of the heap. Conversely, searching #hashtags can return more relevant results faster. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 12. Have Hashtags Jumped the Shark? There is definitely a trend toward the obnoxious while hashtagging, but I still believe hashtags (and tagging in general) are super useful. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 13. But Why? Connecting the #hashtag with making money in real estate. 4 real estate specific ideas and 4 general best practices. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 14. 1. Niche Building Using the same hashtags over and over in your social posts can be compared to using the same keywords over and over again in your blogging. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 15. 2. Meeting New People Real estate is still about who you know; how many people are in your sphere of influence and who you are staying in contact with on a regular basis. Using #hashtags on your social posts, particularly those niche-establishing ones, can put you in front of a new audience and widen your sphere. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 16. 3. Tag Local If all real estate is local tag local! Most of your business is likely to come from those local to you, so get out there and get involved with the local haps (and then post away)! Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 17. 4. Counted Contributions Hashtags can make your posts count. When you hashtag your posts, you are exposing yourself to a potentially larger audience. A really great tweet with no hashtags will die on the feed in a matter of seconds. Count Facebook out in this fight hashtags here (at least currently) will not increase engagement. A really great tweet with 1 or 2 useful hashtags can live much longer. You can get away with more tags on Instagram and Pinterest without affecting engagement on your posts. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 18. Miscellaneous Best Practices Less is more. Engagement actually drops with your post when you have more than 2 hashtags on twitter1. If you are unsure of a hashtag, but fairly certain you are not the first, throw the tag into Twitter or Google to make sure you are using the appropriate tag. Case does not matter, but can be useful in longer tags or tags with acronyms. Dont overuse hashtags. They should be relevant to your post and add context to your meaning. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 19. Hashtagging Across the Web How to hashtag on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 20. twitter Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 21. Facebook Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 22. LinkedIn Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 23. Pinterest Tropical Bathroom, Hawaii. #Interior #Design #HomeDecor #Bathroom faerlyn.tumblr.com/post/37807917103 Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 24. Instagram Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 25. Video Tagging Best practices for tagging your real estate videos Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 26. Current YT Tagging StrategyYouTube videos should contain 5 to 8 keywords. Try to keep the first 3 tags the same EVERY TIME so you are your own related content. Keep these tags as unique as possible and tag every video you upload with the same 3 tags. You can add other relevant tags later. 1. Your name 2. Your niche 3. A little more about your niche stefanie+hahn, tech+education, how+to+videos Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 27. Related Videos You want most of the related content on the right to also be by you. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 28. Tag with Purpose Your YouTube tags determine where and when you show up Googles Video Search results focus more on tagging than your title and description. Use quotes around multi-word tags on YouTube. Do not keyword stuff your title, description or tag sections. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 29. Real World/Real Estate Will #hashtags change your life? Probably not, but they will keep you more organized and relevant. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 30. #taglines #hyperlocal First, if you have a tagline, hashtag it. Let people find all your wisdom in one quick click. Pick a Community/Subdivision in your area and create a hashtag for them. Chances are good one doesnt exist yet. Start Instagramming a few things in that community on your account. Tag each item with the community tag and your new business tagline. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 31. #marketstats #easyshare Start tweeting some market statistics from your MLS (or great Coldwell Banker tools like the home listing report) using the community hashtag. #doylestown #marketstats Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 32. #community #engagement Leverage those community hashtags. In your traditional marketing tell the residents that there is a new hashtag for the community. Over time theyll use it too. Start retweeting/liking/pinning their tagged posts. Engage others and they will engage you back! Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 33. #database #growth Use the hashtag as a way for you to build your database! Friend/follow/connect with those users while still throwing good content in with the community tag. Use social media and hashtags to grow your audience. Dont sit back and wait for people to find you. Go out and interact have a conversation make a new friend. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 34. #realworld #realestate Finally, leverage that hashtag. When the pool of users is large enough start subtly advertising. Talk about the market; get feedback. Set up a meet-up. Start a garage sale. Become the resource based on owning that tag. Use local hashtags to increase your influence and move beyond social media into the real world. Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 35. Dont Take Yourself too Seriously Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue 36. Thank You! Thank so much for coming to our #hashtag session we hope you learned some good stuff that you can actually use! Have a nice rest of the day. Happy GenBlueing! For the class slides: www.StefanieHahn.net/slides Stefanie Hahn & Chris Beadling | www.StefanieHahn.net/slides | October 2013 | #GenBlue Stefanie Hahn s.hahn@cbhearthside.com Chris Beadling c.beadling@cbhearthside.com

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