harness options - environmental equipment and supply creek catalog_2011-12_.pdfharness options fcp...

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harness options

FCP offers many harness options including: webbing color. padding. D-ring placements. and buckle closures. Plus. we can customize your harness to suit any specific needs. Please inquire for further details concerning customizing & custom orders. Stainless Steel adjusters. buckles & rings are also available upon request.

Option A- Shoulder pads (two pieces) ·superNtr tecl1notogy Incorporate• a moisture management system with an anti-microbial coating Option B - Hip 0-rings for positioning Option C - Quick connect bayonet buck/a chest strap (chest s1rap onty) Option D - Shoulder D-rings Option F - Leg pads (two pieces) 'Supc(N•t' tcchr1ology h1oor-porotcs a moisture management system with {Ill antl·nl iorobiat coating

Option H - Fmnt chest D-ring for positioning Option p - Removable, washable. retrofit back & shoulder pad (one piece) ·superNif tecl1nology Incorporates a moisture

management system with an anti-micrObial coating

Option 9 - Additional back D-ring with extensron strap built into harness

Buckle Options: (j,) Friction Buckle. ® M ating Buckle, @ Grommet/Tongue Buckle, <i> super-quick Bayonet Buck/a


l.ow« bade. tttlp proVIdet ~fon &

secuNty ega IT'It rear Wtllkl'"f 1(11~:,1"

Cu~om trllui¢et'"fm. c;:a,, put YOUR OOI'np;lny name on tne nameu'


'FZ-Shrh• bod 0 flnA pQvld~~ tto.!•1y aare connecuon while k.eep•ng Y.'Otk~

\'ertleal '" me •vent ot a fall

Actt:M•orhl.l rear &uap prov1dM .,.u. comfort & weurtty


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a1e aw•lallle

'Ve~u.s.t 6 comfort wa1.s.1 p.xl J)fO'viO" imMt aa1uJ.vn.nt up & Gown and at anglott

lot perfect fit



;. -

\ .~ harness opt1ons 3

harness accessories

Numerous accessories are available for FCP's harnesses. If you don1 see exactly what you need, please inquire. Stainless Steel adjusteo'S, buckles, and rings are also available. t + • OUJcl< Ship Item

•• 1418 - 18" x 1 314" 0-ring extension atnop with D-ring on one end & locking onap on other end, as shown.

1418-LOOP - 18" x 1 314" D-ring extansion with choke loop. o400R - Lanyard retainer. 1" web loop with 2" 0 -ring

400SB 400BC

sewn to hameaa. 9& &hown - Sliding buckle covernnsulator, 9& shown • Flame resistant buckle covers tor chest & leg.

as shown. (h,.,.ss -lnd~

800PS • RemcMIIlle sadCICl (page gJ fer Clort'bt. J)OSitiOIWlg and



suspension appkatio IS. as on lhe 850A8T ,_ I OJ.

"'"'be ueed In~""" 9 u body'--&. -Replacement tool beh for 800 S<tnea harness - Removablefdeanable Class II ANSt t.V!Sibololy vest sold seporoee~y as an oooe5GO'Y. or 3dcled" a hames.s as an cpion I<»'<»~ 660\112) Ulra-oool me<sh lleSt has zipper front, Inside left cheat 2-ller 4-dM&ion pencil pocket. & lower 10Side ng11t petch pocket. Secues to harness With 4 velcro auachmcnt points.

- Tracker Series 10 chip built Into harness webbing. Tho RFIO Tracker chip, along with the POA-SCAN Pocket PC & Se9nner, enables you to keep digital recorda lor onventory, •nspectlons, OSHA records, and other pertinent information! Stop Into tho technology agel (Mrxo Trachor hliO "'' pu(ICs s & I B)

ID-RETRO - Tracker Series ID chip buln Into a reb"'-fit pack that can be attached to all of your equipment, as shOYtln, Other method a of retrofitting are available, plea.se inquire, (Mote 'TillckerMoor>PB(ICs5& 16)

PDA..ac.AN · Pocket f"C with potcntod Tmeker Scric3 Soenn.cr & soltwore. (Mota TI'OCI<ct 11110 "'' poqcs 6 & tfJJ

•2&4 ~ , . r ,·, _ .,., ·~~/ & I f •

Offering a full ~ne o1 'Tracker Series' Products.lroclud•ng Harnesses. Lanyatds, & COle< related safety equopmcnt.

( ](

<IOOR lanyard Retainer


~ ~

<10058 4008C Sllding Buckle Cover FR Bucl 1e Cov«rs

VIZ <Bnokl



To help alleviate SUSPENSION TRAUMA!

Another tool in combating Suspension Trauma! Also check out the U-RES-0, Self-Rescue Ladder/Lanyard(- 23).

u-sTEP - The U-STEP comes complete with two compact, lightweight 'packs' that ttasily attached to the sides (left & right) of 8 full body hamess. In the event of a fall, a worker can pull the webbing from the 'packs', connocttho locking clasps creating lin adjustable loop that the suspended worker can step on to allttvlattt hamess p ressure, end reduce the risk of suspension trauma. Must ba used in conjunction with a full body llamess and a complete fall prevenflon/roscue program. Fits most hamess sizes, styles. and brands.

500 series "lightweig ht" harnesses I rnalnt"enunc• & light dutY

Standard features include: - adjustable shoulder, chest, waist. and leg straps - inlegral 1 314" waisl belt -sliding back D-ring (keeps fallen worker vertical in suspension) - light weight, high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories, & color choices available • • = Quick Ship Item

530 - Full body harness with mating bllckle leg straps. • • 550 - Full body harness with gmmme/Aongue buckle leg

straps. as shown. 5508 - 550 wi/11 l1ip positioning D-1ings. 570 - Full body harness with super-quick bayonet

buckles on tile c/1est and legs.

F1 '

' ' .

~~ 6 50

C•. · . I ~- . .• .. ~


6 full body harnesses

600 series harnes ses CJ 1' •, •l .rll- , u O u r r(..f · ·COI'Jt .. ,I

Standard features include: - adjustable shoulder. chest, and leg straps - sub-pelvic strap for additional comfort and security - sliding back D-ring (keeps falle11 WOtker vertical in suspension) - light weight. high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories, & color choices available

630 - Full body harness with mating buckle lag straps. 6308 - 630 with hip positioning 0-rings. eeo - Full body harness with grommet/tongue buckle

leg straps, as shown. 6e<lB - 650 with hip positioning 0-rings.

Sizing chart for full body harnesses, EXCEPT the 600 Lightweight Series. (All FCP IJomesses sre roted to 400 lbs.)

600 series ''lightvveight" harnesses q r co""' .:.11-a.ound, IJql •t -wc-lql11 4'.£• r ,._.,...._ 1

Standard features include: - 3 point adjustment (chest ane1 1eg sltapsJ - sliding back D-ring (keeps fallen wor1<er venical in suspension) - light weight. high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories. & color choices available Two universal sizes ONLY (S·M and M-XL) + + • Qulcl< Ship Item

•• 631 - Light weight full body harness with mating buckles. as shown.

++ 6318 - 631 with hlp positioning D-rings, as shown. 6310 • 631 with shoulder 0 -rings.

• • 651 - Light weight full body harness with grommet/tongue buckle leg strops. as shown.

6518 - 651 with hip positioning 0-rings. 651 D - 651 with shoulder 0-rings. 671 - Light weight full body harness (yellow) with super·

quick bayonet cl1est and leg buckles.

631 6318

671 PR - Light weight full body harness (red) with super-quick bayonet chest and lag buckl&s, and a one piece comfort back & shoulder pad. as shown.

661 6518



7 00 s eries harnesses highly versatllo serl•s I

Standard features include: - use in maintenance, light construction, industrial

applications, & confined space entry - adjustable shoulder, chest, waist, and leg straps - sliding back D-ring (keeps /allen wor1<er vertical in suspension) - light weight, high strength synthetic webbing - most options. accessories, & color choices available

730 · Full body hamess with mating buckle leg straps. 750 - Full body harness with grommet/tongue

buckle leg strops. 7508 - 750 with hip position ing D-rings. 7500 - 750 with shoulder D-rlngs, as shown. 770 - Full body 11arn9SS with sup9r-quick bayon9t

buckles on the chest and legs. 750TS • 750 with front D-ring on bell for vertical

climbing systems.


(All FCP hornesses ore raled to 400 lbs.)

full body harnesses 7

BOO series harnesses lndu ut •• t a. constr-u~lon serle$ 1

Standard features Include: - use In Industrial and construction environments - adjustable shoulder, chest, waist, and leg straps - sliding back D-ring (keeps fallen wol'ke< ver1icalin suspension) - removable tool belt, shoulder pads, & 6" body/back pad - light weight, high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories, & color choices available + + • Ouk:J< Ship ltfHTI

830 - Full body harness with mating buckle leg straps, 6" bock pad, removable tool belt.

83QAB. - 830 with shoulder pads and hip positioning CH!ngs. MO - Full body harness with grommeiAongua buckle leg

straps, 6" back pad, & removable tool belt 850A - 850 with shoulder pads. MOB - 850 wilh hlp posilioning 0-rings.

• • 850AB- 850 with shoulder pads and hlp positioning D-dngs, as sltown.

870 - Full body harness with super-quick bayonet ch&st and leg buckles, 6" back p ad, t-emovab/9 tool ba ll.

670AB • 870 wil/1 s/1oufder pads and hip positioning 0-rings. 870BP- 070 with om• piece co mfort back & shoulder pad

and hip positioning 0-rings, as shown. 872 - Female full body harnass designed to be form fitting

spoclflcolly for women. Super-quick bayonet buckles on chest. waist, & legs, 4" comfort beck pad, leg pads, and acljustable shoc.lder ~ as shawl.

ana . 872 with hip positioning 0-rings. 872AB • 872 with shoulder pads and hip positioning 0-rings.

SIZING CHART FOR FULL BO DY HARNESSES (All FCP llume~~fl:i ure1uted lo 400 IIJ:J.)

8 full Uu<..Jy lhuncsses

8SOAB <Back)


800 Ser1es with Sub-pelvic Strap: 833 - Full body hemess with mating buckle leg straps,

6" back pad, sub-pelvic strap, removable tool bell. 853 - Full body hamess wtth grommet/longue buckle

leg straps, 6" back pad, removable tool bell, sub-pelvic Slf8p.

853A - 853 with shoulder pads. 8538 - 853 with hip positioning O.rings.

863AB- 853 with shoulder pads and htp positiomng O.rings, as shown.

800 Series Option: 800PS- Removable saddle for comfort. positioning and

suspension app/ICDtions, as on the 850ABT (page 10). Must be used in oonjunctioo wi/11 a full body hamess.

800 series h a rnesses1 I (,we_., c. lh r ,t .,. •r • .., •r u ••.

Standard features include: - all the necessities a tower climber would want or need -adjustable shoulder, chest. waist. and leg straps - sliding back D-ring (keeps fallen worker vertical In suspen~n) - removable tool belt. shoulder pads, & 6" body/back pad - light weight. high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories. & color choices available • • • Quick Sl"sJ hom

850ABT - 850 (/)(){J(I8) with shoulder pads, one acoessoty nng, two accessory snaps, hip posit•oning D-rlngs, and two D-rlngs on a removable {X)$JtJOning saddle for oomfort, positioning and suspension applications.

850ABTH - 8SOABT wtth front chest D-ring • • 8508-TS - 850 (pogo 8) with 6" back pad, hip positioning

0-nngs. and front center D-ring on waist belt for vertical climbing systems, as shoi'Vn.

Hamess is a quick Ship Item in sizes· M & L 887PBT - Full body l1amcss with grommefl!ongue bucklo

leg straps, one piece comfort backlsiJoulder pad, 6" Bock Pad, removable tool belt, two accessory rings, fixed rigid positioning saddle. adjustable front center chest D-ring, and hlp po$1(J011ing nngs. as shown.

897ABT -Full body hamess with grommefl!nngue budde leg slrBps. 6" Back Pad, one accessory nng, two accessory snaps, removable tool bell, f81710118ble posibcntng saddle, adjt/.Siable front center chest D-ring, shoulder pads, and hip pcsltionmg rings, as shown.

801 OOABT - FCP's Derrick harness is designed for the oil lndi.Jstry andkJr the WOiker who operates on the monkey board. Hamess can be IM)t11 will! or without the removable derrick~ (attaches with mating buckles), and features a 6" comfOtt waist belt with back D-ring and hip 0-rlngs for pcsilloning, seat sling with D-rings for positioning and to help reduce fatigue. shot.llder pads for edded oomfOit, and tOtJgue buckle leg stmp.~ for easy ctonning, as shown.

SIZING CHART FOR FULL BODY HARNESSES (All FCP ~1mcs.ses .:tre rote<J to 400 tos J

1 0 full body h.:>rnesses




900 series harnesses1 '- 1 0!..5-ove• se-t te!o.S

Standard features include: - front crossover style for use in a multitude of applications - adjustable shoulder and leg straps - chest D-ring for positioning, suspension. and rescue - light weight. high strength synthetic webbing - most options, accessories. & color choices available

930 - Full body hamass with back D-ring, chast 0-nng. adjustable shoulder straps, and mating buckle leg straps, as s/10wn.

9306 - 930 with hlp positioning D-rings. 9150 - Full body h8mess with back D-ring, chesJ 0-titl(J,

adjustable shoulder straps, and grommet/tongue buckle leg strops.

9506 - 950 with h ip positioning 0-rings.

631 U (Bade)

1 ::> full h n rly h;::,rn~sses

specialty senes harnesses1 ·r:>e<'falty serle'

In many situations, a specialty hamess may be necessary for assured safety. These harnesses have a slodong D-ring in the center of the back (keeps III<Ofl<e< \'l!ltical in suspension), and so much morel Keep in mind lhat we can customize our designs to suit the specific needs of your job.

562 - Miner's Harness with lamp and battery straps, dual lanyard rings on each shoulder. radio loops. and 152" of reflective motorial for higlt visibility, as shown. Sizes: S, M,L.XL.

631W - 631 (pege 7) with bull/ In lifo jacket. as shown. Ufe jacket comes in universal siz9: S-XXL

I>oN'T F'oR.Gct FCP"' a Custom ManoracllKor

wt'Mch rt•ftans that ~'0 can customize our Pt"OdUQa k> 'PIt

sp<>aal•><-d """"• ""d domond& We havft al$o be,., known 10 I

" 'stom maktl All NEw IJ'Oducl$


welding series harnesses & lanyards1 welding sedes

Look no further than FrenchCreek for the best in Welding Harnesses and Lanyards! The following products are standard items in the welding line. but since FCP is a Custom Manufacturer. we can make ANY style harness or lanyard out of heat & flame resistant Kevlar® webbing! (Kevlar® wet>b•ng Is av.)ilable .n 8ll.lCIC; only) Standard harness si:zing applies.

Welding Ham-: 530-HOT - 530 (page 6! with heat & flame resistant Kevlar® webbing.

5308-H()T - 530-HO T with hip positioning 0-rings. 631-HOT - 631 ~ 7) lMih he<Jt & tJame resistant Kevlat® webbing, as shown.

6318-HOT - 631-HOT wl hip positioning 0-rings.

Welding Hamess Acoessortes: -400SC-FR - Retrofit flame resistant shoulder & chest strop covers, as

shown. Will fit most harnesses end are wide enough to cover shoulder pads. {harness not included)

Welding Lanyards: 480AK - 4BOA (page 20) with heat resistant Kevlar® St10ck Absorber. 490AK - 490A (page 17) with heat resistant Kevlaf'® webbing.

63tKUT 831 Kt rr (Snc-Jo. 1


(h,uness not 111dudod)

utility series harnesses & lanyards1 ' at lilt y in' tu ... r.-y "-Pri( . ._,

FCP offers some great Harnesses and Lanyards for use in the Utility Industry I The following products are standard items in the Utility line, but since FCP is a Custom Manufacturer, we can make ANY style harness or lanyard suit your needs! Standard harness sizing applies.

UUI!ty Harnesses: 630UT - Utility Harness with no metal above the waist, buckle

insulators, and sliding back web loop, as shown. 631 KUT - Arc Flash Harness made of heat and flame resistant

Kevlat® webbing, featuring a die electric sliding back D-ring (black), along with flame resistant buckle covers, as shown. (Kevlar® webbing is available in Black only)

Utility Lanyards: 347A5-135A- 6'dualleg (100% fi&.<)ff}, elastic shock absorbing IM9b

lanyard wlpack, IM9b loop on shock pack end to choke to attachment point on harness. #135A aluminum snaps (2112"opening) other ends, as shown.

355AZ • 355A Lanyard (page 17) with a Z SERIES' compatible snap hook (page 26). as shown.


full body harne?sses,lanyards 1 ~

4000 series tree saddles arborbc .3o•rf•a

The 4000 Series otrcrs only !he best in Tree Saddles. These saddles are for arborists only! FCP does not approve 1i"oo Saddles to be used es Standard Fall Protection.

<4000- Tree Saddle witfl s·· body pad and ttip 0 -rings. padded lower positioning strap will! D-rings, removable tool boll, no leg straps, as shown.

-4050 - 4000 will1 grommet/tongue buckle leg straps, as sl1own.

-40e1 - Troe Saddle with 5" body pad. padded lower poSI/ionmg strap wtlh 0-rings. removable tool belt, and grommet/longue buckle leg straps.

4052 - Troe Saddle with 5• body pad, padded lower positioning strap with 0-rings. non-romovablo tool belt, and grommet/longue buckle leg straps

-4055 - Tree Saddle will1 5" body pad, hip 0-rings, romovabto tool bolt, floating front D-ring, and grommet/tongue buckle leg straps, as shown.

SIZING CHART FOR SADDLES & WORK SEATS (All rOf' lf(JUI0-060.$. ~lOti. t:md 3<J-Ol3 OT"e r'DlOd 10 400 /0-:J)

1 4 I tr c:c s.-.ddlc:s



4050 (Bid<)


4000 series work seats wo.-k se•t se•·leno

Other oplions are also available, such as the SOOPS, 650AB, 850ABT, 850ABTH, 897ABT full body hamcsses on pages 8. 9, 10 & 11, •• • Quick Sl>lp /torn

•• 41111 - Deluxe work seal, 21"x16", buill-in lremess will! spreader bar and yoke, as s11own.

4153 - Doluxo work seat, 21 ''1<16" (aoos /lOt incluao hsrnsss), must be used in conjunction wit/! a full body hamoss. as shown .

.. 4164- Work seat, 12"><24", built-in harness with spreaekJr bar and yoke, as st1own.

47S4· Work Seat 12"x24". built-in homcss with tongue buckle leg straps and removable waist belt.

SIZING C HART FOR SAOOLES & WORK SEATS (/HI FCP nttmosscs. saddles. (ul(l seots aro rotoct ro 400 II>$)

wor l< scat:s 1 5

harness combo's & kits

FCP offers a wide variety of harness/lanyard combinations and ready-to-go job specific kits. We can combine any harness and lanyard (kJCIUdlng extended free toll

I::.>Y'JidS) with a bag or pouch that will suit your specific needs. Please inquire for further details or to create your own custom kil. ++ • Quick Slllp ttom

On~plece Harness/Lanyard Combos: FCP Harness/Lanyard Combos feature lanyards tl>at are stitched directly to the harness. eliminating the need for connecting hardware! With too many possibilities to list, please contact us for specific recommendations, or for numerous options available.

Compliance Kit: •• 631-KIT - FCP's ready-to-go compliance kit featuring

a 631 full body harness (pogo 7) sizes M -XL. 490A lanyarrl (page 77) , 208Z bag (pag& 44), as shown.

-.;::- ... .

lanyard o ptions & accessories FrenchCreek offers many available options when ordering lanyards: from custom lengths to a wide variety of snap hooks. We a lso o ffer the following options/accessories to keep you safe, give you peace of mind. and facilitate all of your on-the-job duties!

Choke-loop - Two options ate available for shock absomlng lanyards to Choke to a harness back D-ring. Please inquire for more infCNmation or specific pad #'S.

EXT (Add1t10nul O.nllQ rot SRL Connection)

H Rf:TR<) (U~• d .nllne w1th your current lanyard')

IO.RETRO (UH rl to 'track' your current equipment')



<I> Pack-style wiUl looped end, as shown. ~Internal s/JOCI< absotberwitll looped enc/, as shown.

353 - Shock absorber will! D-ring one end, snap on tlu:J lln:J ot11et end, CIS sfluwn.

DT -Ail 'pack-style' lanyards can be made for extended free-fall by adding D T to the end or tile part #.

EXT -Additional D-ting added to tile lanyard providing a secondaty in-line attac11ment point for an SRL or oltler connecting device, as shown. Add 'EXT' to any lanyard part #.

R - Tile U-RES-Q Ladder Pouc/1 can be placed on many lanyards by adding R to the end of the part # . Please inquire for specific possibilities.

R-RETRO - U-RES-Q POUCII CCNltaining 16' auto-ejecting ladder. Use in .. ftna w#h lanyard and anchor poinl, providing means for self-rescue, or stand on the ladder to ratieve harness tension! #74N locking snap on one end, D-ring on the other and. (Mote info on page 23)

10 - Tracker Series ID chip buill into lanyard webbing, as Shown. The RFID Tracker chip, along with the PDA-SCAN Pocket PC & Scanner, enables you to k86p digitet records for inventory, ingpsclions, OSHA r&CXJrds, am:l other perlimml information/ Step

into the techno/Qgy ega! (Mete T-Wo on f)<>fJ6S 4 & 5) 10-RETRO - Tracker Series 10 chip buill into a retro-fit pack

that can be at/ached to all of your equipment, as shown. Otller methods of retrofitting are available, please inquire. (Mor& 7lllcker Info on pages 4 & 5)

PDA-SCAN - Pocket PC wil/1 patented Tracker Seties Scanner & software, as sllown. (More 7lllcker Into on pages 4 & 5)

1 6 harness c ombo's & l<i t:s, la nya rd opt:ions & accessories

s hock absorbing lanya rds1 W'Pb PO:h.-k-~t ylc-

FrenchCreek shock absorbing web lanyards are extremely versatile. They are constructed of rugged, durable, h igh quality 1" synthetic webbing. The shock absorbing device comes in the form of a pack on one end of the lanyard that attaches to the back D-ring on a full body harness. Please inquire about snap hook combinations that may not be listed or pictured, or for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SERIES" (ANSI Z359. 1-2007) compatible products, simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product # in which you are ordering. •• = Qoiek Ship llem

3S5A - #7 4N locking snap at ona end, loop on //Je shock pack end to choke to harness.

•• 450A - #74N locking snaps at each end, as shown. 457A-135A - #74N locking snap one end, #135A aluminum snap (2 112"

opening) other end. 450AD - #74N locking snaps at each end, and an adjustable D-ring for

452A 452AN 454A 457A

•• 490A

tying back to lanyard. - #74N locking snap one end, #09 snap (1314"openmg) other end. - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314"opening) ot11erend. - #74N locking snap one end. #136 snap (2 1/4" opening) other end. - #74N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" opening) other end. -Heavy duty 1 314" synthetic webbing, #74N locking snaps each

end, as shown. 490AK - Heat & name resistant Kevlar® lanyard wl Kevlat® pack, #7 4N

locking snaps eacl1 end. (Miown on page 13)

s hock a bsorbing lanyards adju!S.Lablc!'> web pack- .,.tyle- I

Adjustable lanyards allow workers to shorten the length of the lanyard to decrease free-fall distances. Standard length is 6', but other lengths are available . To order "Z SERIES" (ANSI ZJ59.-t-2007J compatible products, s imply add a 'Z' to the end of the product# in which you are ordering.

4SOAB- #7 4N locking snaps at each end, as shown. 450AB 452AB- #09 snap (1 314" opening) other end.

462ABN - #69N snap (1314"openw-.g) other end. 454AEI - #7 4N locking snap one end. #136 snap (2 1/4" opening) other end. -457AB- #7 4N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" opening) otller end. -457AB-135A - #74N locking snap one end, #135A aluminum snap (2 112"opening) other end.

s hock a bsorbing la nyards 1 , .. l, , •, t u r••" k - •. t y iP

FrenchCreek elastic shock absorbing lanyards are constructed of 1 3116" high strength synthetic webbing. They stretch to 6' yet contract to 4 112', minimizing snagging and tripping hazards. Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SER/1-:S" compatible products, simply add a ·z· to the end of the product# you are ordering. • • = Quick Ship Item

•• 450A.S- #74N iockmg snaps at aac/J and, as shOwn. 457AS-135A - #74NiocJ<j,>gsJaponeet>d. #135Aaluminums1ep(2112"cpetmg)CXJ>eret>d. 462AS - #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 314" opening) other end. 452ASN - #74N locking snap one and, #69N snap (1 314" opening) other and. 454AS - #74N locking snap one end, #136 snap (2 1/4" openi11g) other end, as sl1own. 457AS - #74N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" opening) other end .

.... more snap hooks, carabiners, & descriptions on page 26 & 27

lr~nyarcis I 1 7

shock absorbing lanyards1 r o r:u• p .. 1c l( •. t y h '

Shock absorbing lanyards made of high-strength 1/2" 3-strand polybtend rope, w ith a shock absorbing pack. Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SERIES" compatible products. simply add a 'Z: to the end of the product# you are ordering .

400A · #7 4N locking snaps at each and, as shown. 400AB · Adjustable lengl/1, #74N locking snaps at each end. ~2A • #74N locking snap ona and, #69 snap (1 3/4" opening) otl!arand. 404A · #74N locking snap one end. #136 snap (2 114" opening) other end.

~--· _;;


shock absorbing lanyards1 w ire rope pack~stY1e

Shock absorbing lanyards made of high-strength vinyl coated wire rope. for applications that require the ruggedness of steel. Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SERJES" compatible products, simply add a ·z· to the end of the product # you are o rdering.

470A • #74N locking snapsateachelld, as shown. 470AK • Heat resistant Kevfat® pack, #7 4N locking snaps at each end. 472A - #74N locking snap one and, #69 snap (1 314" opening) other and. 474A · #74NkXkingsnaponeend, #136snap(2114"opening)othet"elld, asshoiM>.

shock absorbing la n yards1 Lu t')u l .u

Shock absorbing web lanyards manufactured of high strength tubular webbing and a shock absorbing core. A shock absorbing 'pack' is not necessary with these lanyards. Le ngths a re available from 4 ' to 1 0'. To order "Z SERTES" compatible products, simply add a 'Z' to the e nd of the product # you are ordering. •• = QuK:k Ship Item

•• 460A - #74N locking snaps at oach on~ as shown. 462A - #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (I 314" opening) other end.

462AN - #74N locking snap one and, #69N snap (1 314" opening} ot11er end. 464A - #74Niockingsnaponeelld. #136 snap (2114"opening}olherend. as shown. 467A - # 74N locking snap one end, # 135 snap (2 112" opening) other end.

467A-135A - #74N locking snap one end, #135A aluminum snap (2112" opsnlng} other end.

461A-TE - #74N locking snap one end, twisted eye {loop for cl>o~ing to attachment point on hsmess) other end, as S/)own.

462A-TE - tf-69N snap (1 3/4" opening) one end. twisted eye (loop for choking to attacllment pomt on llamess) other and.

464A-TE - #136 snap (2 114"opening) one end, twisted eye (loop for choking to attachment point on hemess) other and.

7 4N 274 69 69N 135



13SA 136 1362

• rnore sn~p hooks~ carabine rs, & d escriptions on page 26 & 27

lA lanyards

s hock a bsorbing lanyards1 P tas.tlc 1 ubuta •

These shock absorbing lanyards are made of s trong 2" wide tubular webbing with bui lt in e lastici ty for safety contraction! This technology allows the lanyard to stretch to 6' , yet contract to 4 1/2', minim izing snagging and tripping hazards. To order "Z SERJ£S" compatible p roducts. simply add a ·z· to the end of the product# you are ordering.

480AS - #7 4N locking snaps at each end, as shown. 462AS - #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 3/4" opemng) ot11er end.

-462ASN - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (13/4" opening) other end. 464AS - #74N locking snap one end, #136 snap (2 114" opoming) o/IJer end. 467AS - #74N locking snap one end. #135 snap (2 11'2"openlng) other end.


s hock a bsorbing lanyards dual log web pack styl <>, 100% tl..-off I

When mobility and safety are equally important, FrenchCreek dual leg 'pack' style web l;myards ;allow you to romain tied off at all times ( 100% tio-off) w hilo in transition to other locations or positions. For example, when both snaps are connected to an anchor point, s imply move one connection to a new anchor, then once it's connected, advance the second snap from the previous anchor to the new one. This will ensure that you are always tied off, 100% of the time! To order "Z SERIES" compatible p roducts, simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product # you are ordering. • • • QuiCk SI>Tp 11om

•• 440A 442A

442AN •• 444A

- #7 4N locking snaps on evel)l end, as shown . - #7 4N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 314" opening) other M<:> ends. - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314"opening) olheri\M:>ends. - # 7 4N locking snap one end, # 136 snap (2 114" opening) o lher

two ends, as s/1own. 44 7 A - #7 4N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" opening) other M<:> ends.

447A-135A -1f.74N locking snap one end. #135A aluminum snap (2 11'2" opening) other two ends.

• • 440AOO - #7 4N locking snaps on eve !)I end, sliding D-rings on each leg for tying back to lanyard, as shown.

490A-DL - 1 314" shock absorbing web lanyard wlpack, #74N locking snaps on evel)l end.

l anyards I 9

s hock absorbing lanyards adjuo<;.t • ..tblt-""' d uaiiPq -vvt-•b p.:.ck styh:-, lOO'+h 'tiP-off I

FrenchCreek dual leg (100% tie-off) 'pack' style adjustable lanyards allow workers to remain tied of while In transition or during repositioning. Allows worker the ability to shorten the length of the lanyard to decrease free-fall distances. Standard length is 6', but other lengths are available . To order "Z SER1ES" compatible products, simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product# you are ordering.

440AB - #74N locking snaps on every end, as shown. 442AB - #74N locking snap one end, 1M9 snap (1 314"opening) other two ends. 442ABN - #7 4N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314" OPtJnlng) Olher two ends. 444AB- #74N locking snap one end, #136 snap {2114" opening) other two ends. 447AS - #74N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" Of)6nin9) other two ends.

s hock absorbing lanyards clualleg • l o:stl c pnck style . 100% tle-off l

FrenchCreek dual leg (100% tie-off) elastic shock absorbing lanyards are constructed of 1 3116" high strength synthetic webbing. They stretch to 6' yet contract to 4 1/2', minimizing snagging and tripping haza.rds. Please inquire for lengths other !han !he standard 6'. To order "Z SERIES" compatible products. simply add a ·z• to the end of !he product# you are ordering. • • = Quick Ship Item

•• 440AS - #7 4N locking snaps at each enel, as shown. 44 7 AS-135A - #7 4N locking snap one end, # 135A aluminum snap (2 112" opening)

ot/Jer two ends. 442AS - #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 314" opening) other two ends.

442ASN - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314" opening) other two ends. " 444AS - #74N locking snap one encJ, #736 snap (2 714"opening) other two ends.

447AS • #74N locking snap one end, #135 snap (2 112" opening) other two snds.

s hock a bsorbing lanyards 1 dual leg •·ope & w ire rope pack style. I Q()C)b tie-off

These dual leg ( 100% tie-off), pack-style shock absorbing lanyards are constructed of either high-strength 3-strand 112" polyblend rope or v inyl coated wire rope. Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SERlliS" compatible products, simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product# you are ordering. Rope: 430A - #7 4N locking snaps on evel)f end, as shown. 432AN - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 3/4" opening) other two ends. 434A. #74N locking snap one end, # 736 soap (2 114" opening) oltler lwo ends.

\/\lire Rope: -480A - #7 4N locking snaps on BV6ry end, as shown. 482AN - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314" opening) other two ends. <I84A - #74N locking snap one end, #136 snap (2 114" opening) other two ends.

"N Z74 69 G9N 135 135A 136 13GZ

* .,ore snap hooks# ccu-abiners~& descrlptJons on page 26 & 27

20 ld n yd r ds

shock absorbing lanyards1

du~J leg t:ubul.;~~~r., 100% r ie-o(-f

Manufactured of high strength tubular webbing. w!th a shock absorbing core. these dual leg lanyards (1 00% tie-off) reduce fall arrest foroes to under 900 lbs. A shock absorbing 'pack' Is not neoessal)l. Lengths are available from 4' to 10'. To order "Z SERII!:S" compatible products, si•nply add a 'Z: to the end of the produci # you are ordering.

420A - #7 4N locking snaps on avery and, as shown. 422A- #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 3/4" opening) oll1er two ends. 422AN - #74N locking snap one end, #69N snap ( 1 3/4" opening) other two ends. 424A- #74N locking snap one end. #136 snap (2 114" opening) other two ends.

shock absorbing lanyards dual leg e lastic cubu lat~ 100% rle-off t

Manufactured of high strength elastic tubular webbing, with a shock absorbing core, these dual leg (100% tie-off} lanyards stretch to 6' yet contract to 4 112', minimizing snagging and tripping hazards. A shock absorbing 'pack' is not necessary with these lanyards. Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. To order "Z SERIES" compatible products. simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product # you are ordering.

420AS - #7 4N locking snaps on avery and, as shown. 424AS-135A- #74N locking STJ<PO<I one end, #135A. aluminum~ (2 11.2" cpeoi!g) olhererld. 422AS- #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 3/4" opening) other two ends. 422ASN • # 7 4N locking snap one end, #69N snap (1 314" opening) other two ends. 424AS- #74N locking snsp Orl8 end, #136 snap (2 114" opening) olhertwoends. 4Z4ASEXT - 424AS lanyard featuring an added O#ng for app/'IC8tkxls that call for 811 addtXJn8l connedion or SRL connedion. while the lanyard remains a/1adled to the back Ofing.

non- s hock a bsorbing lanyards ropt~,wirc ropr:, & web rc:..lr .... inl. l..tnyoJrcl::. l

Non-shock absorbing lanyards are for positioning and restraint systems only! They are specifically used to limit the range of mobility, ensuring that the worker can not access an area where a fall could occur. These lanyards are constructed of high strength 3-strand 112" rope. vinyl coated wire rope, or synthetic webbing. To order ";& SEJUJ::S" compatible products. simply add a 'Z' to the end of the product# you are ordering.

400 . rope lanyard with #74N locking snaps at each end, as sl1own 402 - rope lanyard with #74N locking snap one end, #69 snap (1 3/4" opening) other end. 404 - 10palanyatrl will! #7 4N /peking snap one end, # 136 snap (2 114" opemng) o/J~erend. 450 ·web lanyard with #74N locking snaps at each end, as shown.

4608 - adjuslable length web lanyard with #74N locking snaps at each end. 452 - web lanyard with #74N locking snap one end, 1169 snap (1 3/4" opening) other end. 470 -vinyl coated wire rope lanyatrl with #74N locking snaps at each end, as shown.

7•N Z74 69 69N 135 135A 136 13GZ

* rno1·e snap hooks~ carabiners, & descriptions on page 26 & 27

lanyard~ 7 1

' lanchor' la~ards tie back. 1anyord & a nchor afl In one I

If you need a tie.off strap and a lanyard all in one, then the Lanchor is what you are looking for! All FCP tie-back lanyards have DOUBLE-TUFF webbing with wear indicating color contrasts. If you ever see the second intemal layer, immediately remove the lanyard from service! Please inquire for lengths other than the standard 6'. ++ • Ouk:k Ship 11em

466AW - #74N locking snap one enCl. #63 (51(, 3.6K gate) auto-locking snap other end. as sllOWtl.

466AW.EXT - 456AW LBtJci>Or lanyard featuring an acklcel D-ring for app/k:ations that call for an additional connection or SRL connection, whllo tho lanyard remains attachocl to tho l)aclc D-ring (vlow lanyard options 'EXT" on page 16).

•• 446/I.W -dual leg (100% tlo-off), #74N locking snap one end, #63 (SK, 3 .6K gate) auto-locking snaps other two ends, as sl1own.

color contrasttng double-tuff webbing

rebar assemblies1 ,,.-.•.lll•-.lllrut & ,, .... tr,th1t ·~y·.lt_""'f"T'r_.

These FrenchCreek positioning and restraint lanyards are used 1n Slluabons to llm1t free fall d1stances to 2' or less. They qu1okly connect derectly to rebar and other construction forms &nd structures Choose between chain or webb1ng. non-sw1vel and SWivel To order "Z SERIES" compabble products. 111mply add a ·z· to the end of the product # in which you are ordenng • • • Quick Ship If em

"NOTE: Wo can customize any assembly to your noods & specific applications. Please inquire.

322-W - Web postltomng assembly. #69 (1 314" openmg) sneo, no swivel, end two #7 4N locking snaps.

322-WS - Web posiltonmg assembly. #69 (1 314" opening) sntJp, swivel, and two #7 4N locking snaps.

324-C • Cl181fl pos1/t0<11ng assembly. 121mks, #136 (2 114" O(JfltWg) snap, no swivel, and two #74N locJcing snaps. as shown

•• 32+CS - Chain positioning ossombly. 121/nks, #136 (2 114"openi1g) snap, SWMJI, and two #7 4N locktng snaps, as sllown

324-W - Web posttioning assembly. #136 (2 114" opening) snap, no swtvel, and two #74N locl<mg sn11ps, as shown

324-WS - Web positioning assembly. #136 (2 114" opening) snap. SWivel, atld two #74N locking snaps

327-C - Chain positioning assembly; 121inks, #1~ (2 112" open~g) snap, no swtvel, and two #74N /ockmg snaps. as shown.

327-CS - Chain positioning assembly, 121/nks. #135(2112"opening) snap, SWivel, and two #74N lod<tng snaps, as sllown.

327-W · Web positioning assembly. #135 (2 112" opening) snap. no swivel, and two #74N locking snaps.

self retracting lifelines Retractable lifelines provide extreme durability with high mobility ! These units offer an extended range of movement. zero slack to eliminate tripping hazards. and a centrifugal braking system that engages at the slightest of falls! tt • Oui~k Sllip Item

++ 459 · 8' retractable web lanyard. A carabiner Is included with every unit for anchorage attac/llnent, as shown.

RL25A Series: Durable, lightweight, cast aluminum housing featuring a dual internal inertia brak.ing system, external deceleration pack for ease of inspection, #354-2 carabiner for anchoring, and choice of l ifeline material.

•• RL25AG - 25' of galvanized wire rope, as shown. RL25AS · 25' of stainless steel wire rope. RL25AT • 25' of Technora® synthetic rope.

RL30 I RL50 Series: Super-strong cast a luminum housing featuring a dual internal inertia braking system, intern al deceleration braking system, swivel impact indicating snap hook, #354-4 carabiner for anchoring, and choice of lifeline material.

RL30G • 30' of galvanized wire rope, as Shown. RL30SS • 30' of stainless steel wire rope. RL30T · 30' of Tee/mora«> synl/1elic rope.

• • RUiOG - 50' of galvanized wire rope, as shown. RL50SS • 50' of stainless steel wire rope. RL~T - 50' of Technora'ifJ synthetic rope.

RL 100 Series: Super-strong cast aluminum housing featuring a dual internal inertia braking system. internal deceleration braking system, swivel impact indicating snap hook, #354-4 carabiner for anchoring. and choice of lifeline material.

RL1000 -tOO'ofgalvalli~edwiretu#Jff:!., u:ssllown. RL 1 OOSS - 1 00' of stainless steel wire rope. RL 1 OOT - 1 00' of Tech nora® synthetic rope.

SCAf e-ly o./vJO.'IS GOI"'es fir-;N/ Fcp· . ed s self retracting lifelines are engtneer to prov·d ~xt h I e rem~ durabili"' reliabilitY· & t e performan n .,. ce

eceso;ary for any work environment. In the event of

fall, FCP's SRL's are designed to lock up within 24: r~duclng impa<t forces on your bOdY· We also provid • REPAIRS & RECERTIFICATION on our mechanical unr:

Prov1dlng a tremendously long service life. •

Becaus-e your life is on the line!


RL30G r.




self ret:ract"ing life lines ("'>RL "o;.J 2 5

snap hooks & carabiners



• Stet~/ • 7\vln 314" gate

FrenchCreek offer& an extensive supply of top quality one-handed operational, self-closing, auto-locking snap hooks & carabiners. Steel hardware is plated to meet all regulation requirements, & nz S.B.Il..IES" hardware meets the new 2007 ANSI Z359. 1 standards. All products or product categories in this catalog that meet or can meet {lwii•UIO/J'OPC'&"'P toooi<J the ANSI 2359.1-2007 Standard will be tagged with the "Z SEIUES" togo. (More "Z SCI!ICS" Info av> b<i foul1d on poge 27)

• Locking SPreader &nap

.. • Steel. swivel

"'' , • 314"gate

• St&&l, swlvtll • Locking &nap

• 314" galt> • Locking M~P wl

' ~ • "Z SERIES"


• Steel • 2 112• gat& • Locking fl!bRr


63 • St(J(t/ • 3/4"081&

• Twist tock sn~p

• Steel • 2 114" gate • Locking rebar snap • Fits many concrete


354-1 • Steel

• 5K (J!Jt& ctt_e.sclty_ '*i'#IPMF'h1dJJ ,y • "Z SERIES"

• 1/2" gate • 7\vlstlock


74"' • Steel • 314" f/818 + Lockmg snap • AVBIIBble m


• Steel • 3.6K. 314" gate • Locking snaE II id#UWitlfi,Mi4· ·iJ • "Z SERIES"

II • Steel • I 314 • gats • Locking ftlbBr


69N • Steel • 1 314,.. gate • Locking rebar

snsp (port# 74A, pg27)

i:136 • Steel • 3.8K, 2 114" fiOIIJ

62 • Steel • 3.6K, 2" galt> • Twist Lock Scaffold Hook • MHtsANSJ Z3!1~ 1·2001

• "Z SERIES" • Available In Aluminum

(part # 82A, pg 27)

ll~f • Steel • 3.6K, 2" gut11 • 7wtst Lock Sculloid Hook


35-4 2 • Steel • t• g<JIO • Twist lock

corobfnor • Avolloblo in

Aluminwn (pDfl # 354-2A. pg 27)

J~ 'z • Steel • 3 6K. t•gate • 7\vfst lock caraOiner


3~ • Steel • ' .. gate • Twtst lock cortJbmer • AvtJtlllble m SlOmless


354-5 • Steel • 3/4" gate • 7\vlst rock


snap hooks & c aral:>in_ers 1 " lumlnu"'

7 4/\ • Alumioum • 314" gate • Locking snap


175 • Aluminum • 1"gate • Locking snap

354·2A • Alummum • 718"gate • Twist lock


• Aluminum • 2 112" gate

+ Aluminum + 2 ''gate

• Locking rebar snap

• Twist Lock Scaffold Hook

r AV:,-...sr;, ~ "Z .f110t'fll8" J

t,;mHt ANSI Z359 t·2001 Ackla 'Z lOti•* fll~ •

Look lor products tagged w1th th•s rogo They can be ordered

as nz SERIES" compliant.



':z series' p roducts /\No..;. I /-=lr;.,r) 1 :.>00/ c n 1 npll.u 1l f •nuhu 1·. 1

Frenct>Creek offe<s a full line of ANSI 2359.1-2007 compliant products • induding Lanyards, Lifelines, Rope Grabs, Rebar Assemblies, & other safety equipmentl One of the mcjor updates to the 2359.1 Stendard Is the n(!fW gate strength requirements. which requires snap hooks and carabiners meet the following conditions:

• Gate Face must withstand a load of 3,600 lbs. (ine<eased from 220 lbs.) • Side of Gate must withstand a load of 3 ,600 lbs. (ine<eased from 350 lbs.) • Minor Axis of snap hooks or carabiners (except ones with captive eyes) must

withstand a load of 3 ,600 lbs. • Tensile load for snap hooks and carabiners must withstand a load of 5.000 lbs. • All "Z SERIES" hardware shown on page 26. • Simply add a 'Z" to the part number you are ordering! (any product w ith

snap hook possibilities)

hardware, snap hooks & carabiners, •z series· produc:'ts (ANSI L359. 1 - 7007) 77

lifelines FrenchCreek lifelines are constructed or a 518" 3-strand polyblend synthetic rope, designed for excellent wear, strength, and lim1ted stretch. StlJndlJrd lengths lJre lJVIJIIllble In 25' Increments. Custom lengths arc <tvallable upon requesL •• · ~SIHpltom

410 - 518" 3-s/rand polybkmd synthetic lifeline wilfl # 7 4N locking snaps et each end. When orrJering, final prodvct #'s are designated by length: 25' . 50'. 100'. 200', etc For exlJmplo:

•• 410.25 - 410, 25' in length. •• 41o-50 - 410. 50'/n length. •• 410.100 - 410, 100' in length.

410.200 - 410, 200' in length.

411 - 518" 3-strand po/yblend synthetic lifeline with #74N locking snap a t one end, thimble other end. When ordering, final product # 's are designated by length: 25' . so·. 1 oo·. 200', etc. For example:

•• 411·25 - 411, 25'/n length. • • 411-&> - 411, 50'/n length. • • 411-100 - 411, 100' in length.

411-200 - 4 11. 200' in length.

121-1 T - 5'8" 3-s/rand polyblend synthetic lifeline with thimble on one end. When ordering. final prodvct #'s are designated by length: 25'. 50', too; 200; etc. For example:

121- 1T-26 - 121- 17; 25' in length. 121- 1T-200 - 121-17; 200' in length.

121-15 - 5'8" 3-strand polyblend synthetic lifeline with snap on ono end. When ordering, final prodvct # 's are designated by 1engtl1: 25' . so: 100; 200', etc. For example:

121-18-26 - 121- 15, 25' in length. 121-18-200 - 121-15, 200' inlengt/1.

121-2T - 518" 3-strand polyblend synthetic lifeline with thimbles on both ends. When ordering, final product #'s arc designated by length: 25' . so; 100', 200; etc. For example:

121-2T-25 - 121-27; 25' in length. 121-2T-200 - 121-2T. 200' in length.

rop e & rop e accessories Order all of your rope from FCPJ We can supply you with exactly what you need for all on-the-job applications! Don't see exactly what you're looking for, please inquire.

11&.38- 3/8" Kemmantle® rope, as shown. 116-716 - 7116" Kemmtmlle® rope. 116-12 - 112" Kemmanlle® rope. 120 - 1/2" 3-strand polyblend synthetic rope. as shown. 121 - &8" 3-strand polybtand synthetic rope. as shown. 121-N - &8"12-strand polyester rope, as shown. 121-FN - &8" filament nylon rope, as shown. 125-FN - 3/4" filament nylon rope. 122 - 3/8" polypropylene rope, as shown. 123 - 112" polypropylene rope. RL-27T12 - 3/16" 12-strand Tech~rope. as shown. 121 CW - Sib. flexible countetWeight bag to keep life-

line tensioned, to prevent excess slack, and facilitate perl01mance of a trailing rope grab.

121 RP - 20"/0IJg 4 ply 600 denier polyester rope protector with velcro and tie strap ctosvre. For vertiCal or horizontal vse.

•• 1710 - Alvmlnvm rope termination plate for 5'8" rope lifelines without the need for knots, splicing. or crimping. (Ptoto ONLY-docs not como whh ropo)

12 1CW

rop e grabs ,-op•&wlf"4t~

FrenchCreek offers a comprehensive line of durable. user friendly rope grabs & wire rope grabs. (L1folinos con be purcfloSOd soporotoly. and are sflown 011 pope 28.) The grabs are available In two different styles:

Manual Rope grab: Worker manually slides the device to the desired position on the rope and releases it, locking it on the lifeline and providing the worker with fall protection. Great for sloped roofs because they lock in place once positioned.

Trailing Rope grab: Little or no user positioning needed. Trailing grabs move up and down the lifeline with the worker, locking only when a fall occurs.

FrenchCreek strongly recommends that lanyt~rd length not exceed 3' when In use wtlh a rope grab. Th1s &Ids OSHA compliance and helps to reduce lree-lall diStances.

Rope Grabs: •• = QuoCI< Sn.p ltoo>

• • 1201 - Stainless steel trailing rope grab for use on 518" and 3/4" 3-strand synthetic rope. Attachable, de18CIIable anywhere on life/me, as shown

• • 1201N - Stamless steel trailmg rope grab for use on 51tr 3-strend synthevc rope Attachable. detachable anywhere on lifeline. as shown

1202N-3 - 1201N with 3'1anyard, #74N locking snap on end . .. 1202AN-3 - 1201N with 3' shock absOrbing lanyard, #74N

locking snap on end. 1202-3 - 1201 with 3' lanyard. #74N locking snap on end.

1202A-3 - 1201 with 3' shock absorbing lanyard. #74N locking snap on end, as shown.

• • 1281 - Trailing rope grab for tiS& on 518" 3-strend synthetic rope. Comes with "gravity washer" to prevent user from Installing lncon-ectty. Attachable. det8Chable anywhere on lifeline, as shown.

1262-3 - 1261 willl 3'1anyard, #74N locking snap on end. 1262A-3 - 1261 with 3' shock absorbing lanyard, #74N

locking snap on end. .. 1311 -Manual Rope grab, plated steel for use on 518"

3-strand synthetic rope. Attachable & detaciJable anywhere on lifeline, as shown. Must ba used with a shock absorbing lanyard.

13&2A-3 - Manual Rope grab, plated steel for use on 518" and 3-strand synthetic rope. Not ettacl>able, detachable anywhere on lifeline, as sl•own.

W ire Rope Grabs: •• 1401-36 - Stainless steel trailing ce/Jie gra/J for ase with

318" and 5116" wire rope, as shown 1401A-36 - Stainless steel trailing cable gre() for 318" and

5116" wire rope, shock aosorber. end cara/Jiner.


1201 1202A-3

1202AN·3 1201N


roofer's kit: rk d t!!lux<!! sel"le.s k i t I

FCP Roofing Kits come ready to install. A variety of roof anchors and multiple lengths of kits are available to fit many residential and Industrial applications.

RK Deluxe Roofer's Kits Include: MRA-R double-plate roof anchor (page 31), 410 518" lifeline (page 28) with self-locking snaps on each end, 1202AN-3 stainless trailing rope grab with 3' shock absorbing lanyard (page 29), 631 full body harness (page 7), carry bag. and instruction manual, as shown.

RK-25 - 25' working Iangiil kil. RK-50 - 50' worl<ing lengtl1 kit, as sl1own. RK- 100 - 100' worl<lng length kit.

~ .


roofer's kit: rk b sel"l•s kl t l

RKB Kit configurations are based upon the desired roof anchor and length of rope necessary to fit the application. Components shown to the left are included in all RKB Kits. Choice of anchor and corresponding Kit numbers are shown below.

RKB Kits Include: Desired roof anchor (below), 41 1 5/8" lifeline w ith a self­locking snap on one end and an eye thimble on the other end (P8fJe 28). 1352A-3 manual rope grab with 3' shock absorbing lanyard (page 29), 631 full body harness (page 7). storage bucket with lid. and instruction manual, as shown.

~((\~ Want a bag instead of a bucket? :• l'~ '· ) OrdtJr " RKA Kits" instead of RKB! A/1 ol/>or order

RKB-1 720 Kit Six (6) 1720 Anchors Included. (More Info on page 31)

RKB-1720.25 - 25' kit. •• RKB-172o-50 - 50' kit.

Other lengths avsflable upon r&qu&st~

RKB-MRAKtf One (1) MRA-R1 Anchor lrlCiuded. (More Info on page 31)

RKB-MRA-25 - 25' kit. ++ RKB-MRA-«10 - !5Q' kit.

Olllt~t ltmgrtu.; avu1/ub/e upon tltque~t.

30 roofer-'s kit~

~ info remains the same. Please inquire.

• • • Quick Ship Item

RKB-1725 Kit One (1) 1725 Anchor Included. (More info on page 31)

RKB-1725-25 - 25' kit. •• RKB-1725-50- 50' kit.

OtJ)ttf lengths available upon requtMt.

RKB 1715 K1t One (1) 1715Ancl•orlncluded. (More info on page 31)

RKB-1716-26 - 25 ' kit. · • RKB-171G-l!O - ~o· kit.

OIIHJt k!t'9fll$ uvt~1l8ble vpOnteqve::it.

r-oof anchor-s • • = Quick SMp fl(Jm

•• MRA-R1 - Removable/reusable roof anchor t•lnole p/oleJ with screws, as shown.

MRA-R - Removable/reusable roof anchor !dOuble plaiD) with screws, as shown.

•• 1715 - Removable/reusable roof anchor with sing/& D-ring attachment. as shown. Nails are included.

•• 1720 - Disposable roof anchor bracket for use with carabiner. as shown. Nalls are Included.

1725 - Disposable roof anchor with smgle D-ring attachment, as shown. Nails are included.

•• 1730 - Permanent roof anchor with single D-ring attachment, as shown. Nails are included.

.. 1740 - Permanent roof anchor with double D-ring a ttachment. Nails are included.

1760 - Permanent structure, post anclwr wla 360" swivel D-ring connector. ( sl><»v" "'' P"fJC 331

for vunobl• J)ltchud toors

ror standeno seam metal roofs

HQ1 Anchof' thown w/

RLSOC SRL tnsta!Jed (f'CtfChtt,.d $~P.Ilfttt'YI

1702 Auctu)c ahownw/

RLSOG SRL ln.st•IIed t~n.ue~ a~r•HHyJ


Rooftract™ Roo~ Retractable Systems

RMRL500 - Roof mount assembly for variable pitch roofs. Mounts anywhere 011 the roof & can also straddle the peak, rotates 360• for maximum maneuverability and safety. comes with 50' self-retracting lifeline (page 25). Mounting hardware included. Unit is shown.

SRMRL50G - Roof mount assembly for variable pitC/1 standing seam metal roofs. Mounts anywhere on /he roof & can also straddle the peak, rotates 3 60° for maxitnwn maneuverability and safety, comes with 50' self-retracting lifeline t!XJfJ'J 26). All mounting /1ardware included. Unit is vittual/y U1e same as RMRL50G, EXCEPT for different feet made speci(IC811y for standing seams.

1791 - Roof mount assembly for variable pitc/1 steel. metal or wood roofs. Mounts anywhere on 1/Ja roof, rolales 360 • for maximum maneuverability and safety, comes as anchor ONLY. Retraclable lifeline purchased separately, choose from; RL25. RL30, or RL50 Series retracts (page 25). Mounting hardware included.

1792 - Roof mount assembly for variable pitch standing seam melal roofs. /VIo(Jnts anywt1ere on the roof, rotates 360' for maximum mane<Nerability and safety. comes as anchor ONLY in 12'~ 18" or 24"-36" sizes. Retractable lifeline purchased separately. choose from: RL25. RL30. or RL50 Series te/racts /I).W 25!. MounlitJg hat rlwere included.

anchors, anchorage connec'tors "::\ 1

l:ie off sl:rap anchors FCP Toe-orr strap anchors typically choke (J>MMhnl h$fl/f

aMt.no , looi>l around 1-beams or other structures (oKC<t~>t 470.VC6 •8""1 to form a secure attachment point for lanyards or other connecting devices. • • • a.- S/>f> ltcn>

1100 VVeb Sefloe: (t 314" hlflh :~trell{/th nylon webblll{/ unltlssnot-.t)

1122HD - 22" single D-ring tie-off strap made of 1" nylon webbing, as shown.

•• 1124 - 2' single D· ring tie-off strap. 1124K - 2' single D-nng Kevlartie-off strap. as shown

•• 1136 - 3' single D-ring lie-off strap, as s11own. 11381< - 3' single D-ring Kevlar tie-off strap. 1148 - 4' single D-ring tic-off strap. 1160 - 5' single D·ring tie-off strap. 1172 • 6' single D-ring tie-off strap. 1186 - 8' single D-ring l ie-off strap.

1300 Vlleb Series: I, 314- /ll(f/1 SlfCII(J/11 llyk}ll wQ/)hlti(J IIIIICM t>0/()(1)

.. 1324 - 2' double D-ring tie-off strap .

.. 1336 - 3' double D-ring tic-off strap, as shown. •• 1348 • 4' double D-ring tie-off strap. •• 1372 - 6 ' double D-ring tie-off strap.

1386 - 8' double D-ring tie-off Slrap.

1300WP VVeb Sefloe: (1 3/4" high :~tntll{/th nylon wl J" weor PlJ<I)

1324-WP - 2' do<tble D-ring ti&-off strap with 3" wear pad 1 ~WP - 3' double D-ring tie-off strap with 3" weer

pod, os shown. 1348-v.f' - 4'double D-ring tfe.cffstrap with 3"wearpad .

.. 1372-WP - 6' double D-ring tie-off strap with 3" wear pad.

Wire Rope Serlea: 471>-VCI518-4 • 4' vinyl coated wiro rope (SIWJ tie-off

extension strap, # 74N locking snap one end, 3" 00 steel 0-ring for li&-off other end.

1836VC.:510 - 3' vinyl 001:11ec/ wire rope'"''"'· 3" 00 Sletli C-ling one end, 4" OD steel C-ling Olllerend. Designed lo cllol<e one ling throug/1/he OII'ICI'.

1 G3G - 3' vinyl ooated wile rope (»'), 3" OD stool ().nng one end. 4" 00 steel 0-ring other end Designed 10 choke one ring through the 0(/!er

1836G - 3' galvanized wile rope f3l8'?. 3" 00 steel D­ring one end, 4" OD steel D-ring Olller end. Designed 10 choke one ring through the Olller.

·All tie-off straps can be manuracturcd lo any length.

if ~ 410VCb1114

/ 1636VCb1ft


beam l:rolley & beam anchor

106 • FCP's Beam Trolley Is adjustable and slides along lflt9 beam with 1116 WOiker for maximum mobility. Til& flange widt/1 is acftJslable ftom 3"-8" end pmvides a maximum capacity rating of 400 lbs., as sllown.

1700 - Adjustable sliding beam anchor for 3 112" to 12 " wide flange. up to 1 114" thick Can be used on tile top or bollom of /-beam. and will slide along the beam as tile worl<er moves. The unit features double Slainless springs. double action one-handed quick release latches. double­toOIJJed latclles, a centered D-ring for a smoother slide, and an ultimate tensile rating of 5,000 lbs.

anc horage connectors 5>- lt:.•el ~ .... ,. •• .,. 1

FCP's steel anchorage connectors are removable. reusable. and are made to be mounted on solid steel structures and/or steel 1-beams. • • • 0wc1t Sl>lp 11om

•• 115e0 - D-bolt anchor for up to 2 112" working thicl<ness includes a 51'8" bolt assembly. as shown.

" 1701 - Bolt-on Anchor Plate with D-ring. as shown. • • 1705 - 360' rotating & swiveling D-bo/1 anchot; as shown

1760-125-S- Post anchor wl 360' sw1vet D-nng Comes with mounting hardware. Also available In 18" model.

" 1789 - Spring action Girder Anchor offors one-handed operation for a variety of applic8tions FHs 314" · 1114" hole diameter; maximum 1" tl1icl< material, as s/I(JIMI.

1775$3 - 114" stainless steel onc/10r plate, six ply webbing. plated steel D·ring. and 3" bolt, washers & nut for steel epplications.


a n c horage conneaors1 l. ur u . , ._ ... 1t.• •..-•"r n .••,

FCP's disposable concrete anchor straps (1124C & 1124CNOI are designlld to provode temporary anchorage on concrete. The 1 314" wode abrasion resistant webbing and forglld steel D-ring are ratlld at 5.000 lbs. • • = Qvoek Sl>op ooem

112o4C - 2' ~ 8t'tChor stmp wilh D-ring, as show!. 1124CND • 2' G'OOQ'8Ie 8t'tChorstmp wilh o..eb loop, as stoo.wo 1136C • 3' concrete anchor strap with D-ring. 1136CND - 3' concrete anchor strap willl web loop. 1148C • 4' concrete anchor strap with D-ring. 1148CND • 4' concrote anchor strap with web loop.

• • TC1 00 - Concrfllfl artchor that is ptaclld throoglo a /oo/6 in tlw concrete floor, providing workers on o lower level an over-head anchor. Anchor Is as shown.

•• 17'0!5C - 360' rot~;~ting & swiveling D-bo/t~;~ncl!or; as siiOWfl. 17150-12$-C • Post anchor w/360' swivel D-ring. Comes with

rnO<mtmg l!arcJware. Also svsrtsbte In 18" model •• 1no - 314" porteble/reusable concreto hole onc11or,

rated to 5.000 lbs. can be usod for vcrllcot end overhead concrete applications.

1 n5 • Conctato anchor with stain/ass steel plate, six ply webbing, plated steel D-ring, & one ooncreto bolt

1n5B10 - 10p&ekofdiSpOSableconcreteonchorbolts. 1 nl5820 - 20 pock of disposable concrete anchor bolts.

178().24 - 24" ColumnCrete Anchor • reusable two person ancllor point that inst~;~lts through ooncrete ootvmns. IMI6n pouring columns, insert PVC tube tflot will of/ow for lnscrtlcn. use, and removal of anchor.

1780-36 • 36" COlumn Crete Anchor · revsablo two person anchor point t11et installs t11rough corlCiete columns. Wllon powing columns, insert PVC tube that will oHow for Insertion. vse. and removal of anchor.

3~ anchors, a n c horage connectors

1780 ColumnCrete Anenot lnllllllecl through o PVC Wbc.

In • concrete ootumn. u~~~ln~2· · (X J6" r.ngt/ls) .

GIICIInQ~I•x~nQ WOOgo fUf ~~o~•nple ~lsvu 1mdllmng

door jamb a nchor •• • Qwc•s1,1, 11.,.,

•• 1785 - The FCP Door Jamb Anchor Is des1gned to be used es e temporary encl1or t11at mounts in door or window openings from 24" to 43" wide. Applications Include construction. roof tops with door entrances. eleva/or shafts, wall openings, emergency & rescue siluatlons, and moro. Fcoturos one fixed leg and one adjustable leg (with multiplo pin sots & adjustable mounting pad), lite unit can be sized and secured without the use of tools. The FCP Door Jamb Anchor meets or exceeds all OSHA requirements

rail anchor

Plld"'f 1..-tJ ('Wwd~, NI~"'Q<IW-110

1790 - rne rail ancnor Is designed to meet tne needs of those workers that are working on railway line that requires 8 cornplienl means to anchor a personal fall an-est system. The anchor allows tho user to quickly and easily affix the anchor tmit to a roll (55-1 00 lb rail) and t11en ettecll tile pe1·sonel fall arrest system. Tho unit is designed to allow some horizontal movement by sliding along the roil. but 111s not des1gned to pass rail spl1ce plates.

Padded 'illtld 1..-g llrQr ,...,..t~ p<OOtKI)o<'l. tUI~ ,-.;~ p<eoM "'•

_..., ,_ .................. -.~~.- ,.__..,..,..... ... _ ...... _,._ ,._ __ .,....

parapet: wall a nchor • • • OtNCk Ship ltom

•• 1789 - The FCP Parapet Wall Anchor Is designed to provide a &ngle worker wi/11 a potteble, temporary anchorage on parapet walls up to 20" thick. Applications Include window washing, constmctlon. emergency & rescue situations. and more. Features one padded fixed leg and one padded adjustable leg (with multipto pin sots & odjustobto mounting pad), the unit can be sized and S8cm-ed without t11e use of tools.

mult:i-use anchorage connect:ors

FCP's mu~use anchorage deVices can be used in a variety of applications. howeve< some limitations may apply. FCP's consultations expe<1s are avs•lable for lnQU#l88. and can make recommendations concerning the proper anchorage connector for your job. • • • Qv.cir Sl"'> It""'

1824- 24 ·Anchor Strap rated to 400 tbs is deSigned for use on scaffolding. pipe, or angle Iron. Features one-handed operating rebar snap #135 (pogo 26), and connecting D-ring on tile other end, as shown.

••1503 - 5" stainless steel wir-e hook anchor is rated to 400 lbs. and can connect to various approved anchorages including railings. smaller /-beams. ang/6 iron or scaffolding, as sflown.

-4150 - 4' Boom strap anchorattacl1es to boom quickly and easily with friction buckle design. Featuring 1 314" polyester webbmg and coal6d sl6el l!ardwatlil provides a minimum tensile rating o f 5,000 lbs., as shown.

anchot's~ anchor...:~gc...!' c...unr 1~c... tur ~ 3 'J.

horizontal H~eline systems Manufactured of synthetic rope or wire rope, FCP's horizontal lifeline systems allow one or two workers (up to 310 lbs. each) to remain tied off while In horizontal transition between two anchor points. The lifelines can be anchored by anchorage connector straps, 0-bolt anchors. anchor plates, or other compatible anchorage connectors. The line tensioner on the rope system is used for line adjustment and proper tension. Wire rope systems use a turn buckle and combination clamp to achieve proper adjustment and tension. All Horizontailifeline's come in standard lengths of 30' or 60'.

RHL-30 - 30' temporary premium nylon rope HLL with tensioner. tie off straps. and car.ry bucket. RHL-60 - 60'temporaty premium nylon rope HLL wiflllensioner. lie off straps, and a caoy bucket. Lifeline is shown.

RHLD-30 - 30' temporary. low stretch rope HLL with In line shock absorber, tensioner. tie off straps, and car.ry bucket. RHLD-60 - 60' temporary. low stretc/1 rope HLL wi/11 in line sl1ock absorber, tensionet; tie off straps, and caoy bucket.

Lifeline is shown. CHL-30 - 30' temporary wira rope HLL wi/11 in tine sflock absorber. tie off straps, connectors. end cer.ry bucket. CHL-60 - 60' temporary wire rope HLL with In line sflock absorber, tie off straps, connectors, and car.ry bucket.

Lifeline is sflown.

CHl -GO lifAtme

RHL..fSO system !n U'Se

beam safezy posts 1 "BC";" tu •.un tll...l•1rc::t r~ t •riP:,.

The BG Series temporary horizontal lifeline offers ideal protection when an overhead anchorage does not exist Allowing up to two workers to tie off in each span wiU1out the use of a shock absorber in !he lifeline, the BG Series provides continuous fall protection for the length of !he line. The end posts of the system are tied back to themselVes. eliminating the need for additional cables which could create potential tripping hazards. Intermediate posts can be oulfilled with a pass-thru bracket to allow a connector to continuously run the length of !he system.

Posts are 42" tall, offset for ease of use, and can be set up to any cable length with a maximum of 60' between posts. The base of the posts are configured to either clamp onto steel "''' beams, embed into poured concrete leaving exposed studs, embed inserts into poured concrete leaving tapped holes in the concrete, or by mounting to a solid concrete surface by drilling and inserting rods or other anchors. Standard posts fit beams 4" to 13.314" with a flange thickness up to 1-1/4", Standard posts can be outfitted for wider flanges. and a larger base can accommodate extra flange thickness. Please contact FCP for additional recommendations. specific mounting details, or questions concerning anchoring.

"I" Beam Systems: .. = Quick Ship 11om

•• BGE8 BG18-60





- End post assembly, as shown. - 60' sysJ.em w#h two end posts. and cable assembly, as shown. - 120' system wil/1 1/m~e posts, infennediate pass-lhru, and complete cable assembly.

- 180' system with four posts. two intermediate pass­thru's, end complete cable assembly.

- 240 ' system wil/l five posts, three inlennediele pess­lhru's, and complete cable assembly.

- Pass-lhru attachment to be mounted at top of intermediate post.

Conaete Systems:

1 CBGROD - end post assembly w/quick rod ins/Bile/ion info cured eotlCiete. 1CBGROD-60 - 60' system with two posts, and cable assembly.

1CBGROD-120 - 120' system with three posts. intermediate pass-thru. and complete cable assembly.

1CBGROD-180 - 180 ' system wil/1 four posts, two inlennediete pess­/hru's, and complete cable assembly,

1CBGROD-240- 240 ' system with five posts. three intermediate pass­thru's, and complete cable assembly.

FCP'8 Boom &ltCiy POSl$, 8G18 60 tn 066


tovver, ladder, rail climbing systems

FrenchCreek's rigid rail climbing systems provide maxim um climbing safety for workers in a multitude of applications, such as: towers. antennas. chimneys. stacks. scaffolds, support poles, wind generators. signs, water tanks, dams, silos, shipboard, ladders, and virtually any place that climbing must be done! The rail attaches quickly and easily to any ladder, step iron, or climbing surface. The trolley moves freely along the rail until a slip or fall occurs, when the trolley instantly locks. and the fall is immediately arrested. • • • Qvick Ship llem

Raila: 1-1100-AR -Anodized aluminum climbing rail, will l all

mounting hardware Included. 1-1105-SS - 316 stainless steal climbing rail with all

mounting hardware included. 1-1100-CR - Curved anodized aluminum climbing rail, willl

all mounting hardware included. 7 1ZODA·A1

Trolleys: •• 2-1200A-AT- Climbing trolley for straigllt, vertical aluminum

rail, as shown.

I .adder I RIQ•d Rail Chmb.ng Sys1em 1n U1'.8 Wtth 8508-TS Hame-s& (P.•-'fJtt 10)

2-1221A-AT- Aluminum climbing trolley for curved/straight climbing rail.

2-1223-AT -Aluminum trolley for horizontal rails, as shown. •• 2-1224A-AT- Climbing trolley for stainless steel &

aluminum climbing rails.

tower, la dder, rail climbing syst:ems1 op(lc:;tn...tl ec puprTlt"'nt


R~movaPle Exlemlon S-1501

~8 t:o w er .. la cide r, ra il c limbing sy stem s

Removable Extension - Tile removable extension Is tJSed to access a permanent rail system/ladder from the top, when a permanent extension is not possible or desirable. Tile extension is positioned into tile existing penmment rail willl a mac/lined lligll·Sil'ftngtll alignment bar end support channel, as shown. •• = Quick Ship Item

• • 5-1501 - 54" removable aluminum extension rail, as shown. •• 5-15028- 42" removable stainless steel extension rad.

Ladder Rung Clamps · Ladder rung clamps are included with the FCP Rigid Rail Climbing System, however. you have the option to choose the style of ladder rung clamps that will best fit your installation site. Choose from a variety of shapes and sizes, as shown. Hardware to mount to side riser of ladder is also available. Please inquire at time of ordering.

flexi b l e cable cl imbing syst ems

All FCP flexible cable dimbing systems come with a top bracket, bottom bracket with tensioner, rung clamps for up to 1-1/8" diameter rungs, 3/8" galvanized wire rope lifeline permanently terminated at one end and dips on the other end. with standard lenglhs v&l)'ong from 2(J to 300'. and an appropnate amount of cable guides based upon length. Full body harness and cable grab sokl separately. Mounting hardware is avaiabfe for other applications beskles fixed ladders. Please contact FCP for more Information. We will be glad to configure a custom system to meet your speoflc JOb application.

Vertical F lexible Cable Climbing Systems: VL-38 Wilen ordering, final product #'s aro designated by

Iangiil, will! standard lengths ranging in 10' Increments from 20' to 300'. (doss not include wir6 rofl'j (;fllb)

For example: VL-38-20 • VL-38, 20' In tengt/1 VL-38-300 · VL-38. 300' in Iangiil

Flexi b le Cable Climbing System Components: • • • Quick Shrp llem

" 1401-38 • $/atn/ess steel trailing Wire rope grab for 3/8"Wire rope, as shown on page 29.

1401A-38 • Statnless steel trailing Wire rope grab for 318. wire rope, sl1ock absorber, and carabiner:

VL-CG • Cable guide, fits up to 1 1/8"18dder r1.1ng. - 3/8" wire rope assembly for wire rope climbing

systems. permanent eye one end, wire rope clips and tllimble o ther end. Wilen ordering, final product # 's are designated by length. with standard lengths ranging in 10' increments from 20'to 300'.

For example: 038-20 • C38, 20' in length

C38-300 · C38. 300' in length

Vl 38

ladder ga1:e sys1:em • • = Ouick Ship nem

•• 4-1000 • FCP's Ladder Gate is cons/meted of heavy-gauge, mst proof aluminum. The braces and hardware are made of galvanized heavy gauge steel. Installation Is easy (no welding or cutting), just boll the hardware In place, position the ladder gate. and secure for a no malnt&nance. permanent installation that will prevent tile laclder from unauthorized us&. Dimensions: 8' high x 36" wide x 118" tlllck.


KEEP II s AFE! Prevent YOur ladders from unauthoti;,ed use 'Mih tho FCP lad<!e; Gatel Easy

IOSialtatlao alld lei() maontenanC() lllakes the

Ladcler Gate Your # 1 Chol~l

c able climbing s y s t e m s, l.:>ddcr gate I 3 9


FrenchCreek manufactures top quality rescue equipment. complete rescue systems, and accessories to aid in rescue or recovery. all of which meet or exceed the OSHA requirements for confined space rescue I VVe can also manufacture Custom Products for specific job applications. Please inquire for more information concerning customized products.

c onfined s pace accessories • • = Qmck $1l1p Jtcm

•• 45 - Split pulley. stainless sheave, aluminum sides. •• 354-2 - Twisllock carabiner, 1" gate 11>"1'1" 26).

• • 354-5 - Twlsllock carabiner. 314" gate (piJge 26). •• 204 - 16"x12"x10"1lard bottom wiocll bag with

handle aod velcro closure. 206 - 32" dia. x 66". 7' tripOd carrying bag (page «J. 207 - Wrisllets r,.ir).

207Y - Wristlets (ptJir) with yoke. 207YL - Wtisllets (pair) with yoke aod 25' taglioe. 702Y - Web yoke assembly with S(Jreader bar.

45 3 54 2

4 0 r-escue, r-ecovery, confined space syst:ems


confined space syst:erns • • e Q uiCk Sh1(J Item

R50 Series, 3-wrty Unit The R50 Series Unit is a self-retracting lifeline, capable of raising and lowering. for rescue or retrieval. If a worker slips or falls. the unit locks up. arresting the fall. The system can then be activated into winch mode, raising or lowering the worker to safety. The R50 also has a friction brake that prevents the crank handle from free-wheeling while under a load. The unit is manufactured of a rugged. lightweight cast aluminum housing, and includes a mounting bracket for FCP's Tripod or Davit Systems. a #45 split pulley, and carabiner for attaching the lifeline to an anchor such as a tripod. Order the R50 unit by choosing the preferred type of line:

• • R50G - 50' galvanized wire rope, as s1Jowt1. R50SS - 50' stainless steel wire rope. RSaT - 50' TeclltlOITJ'i!> synt11etic rope.

MWSeries: The MW Series winches offer raosong and lowering capabilities with a friction brake that prevents the unit from free-wheeling when under a load. Manufactured of a rugged steel frame and drum. the unit includes a #45 pulley. and a carabiner for attaching the line to an anchor such as a tripod. Order the MW unit by choosing the preferred length and type of line:

• • MW60G - 50' galvanized wiro rope , as sho4tvrl. MW50SS - 50' stainless st881 wire rope. MW50T- 50' Techi'IOf<J® synthetic rope. MW1 DOG - 100 galvanized wire rope. MW100SS - 1()(1 stainless steel wire rope. MW100T- 100' Teclltl01'8®syntfletic mpe.

TP7 Series Tripods: FC P confined space tripods are designed to withstand 5000 lbs of vertical load, yet are lightweight and portable, offering single person setup that Is quick and easy. TP Series tripods feature adjustable/locking a luminum legs. safety chain. non-slip rubber safety shoes. and two attachment points on the steel head.

• • TP7 - 7' alun~ilum tripod, 2 attac11ment points oollefJCI. • • TP9- 9' aluminum tripod, 2 attacllmeot points on head.

Tripod Systems: (use 9 fn pl.,.., ol 7 to wcler ll•e 9' tripod)

.. 5500-7 - TP7 tripod , R50G rescue unit. $50$$-7 - TP7 tripod, R50$$ rescue unit.

H RISOG-TP7- TP7 tripod, R50G rescue unit, 204 bag. R50S$-TP7 - TP7 tripod, R50S$ rescue unit, 204 bag .

.. SI50G-M7 - TP7 tripod, R50G rescue unit. MW50G worl< wincfl, as s/1own.

$50$$-M7 - TP7 tripod, R50$$ rescue unit, MW50G work wincfl.




. ----- ...... ~ - - -

.. -·

... ·· ~·-

rescu e , recovery~ confine d space s y s 'te n,s 41

quad pod & davit systems With the capabilities of an interchangeable arm, the Quad Pod base elnd Davit bases can be shared between one fall arresVraising/lowering arm

Quad Pod System: FCP's rugged and versatile Quad Pod System can be used as an alternative to a Tripod System. The free standing portable base has adjustable feet and folds for easy carryong The arm pivots 360• and includes a so· fall arresVrescue retractable unit. and a 50' winch unit with raise and lower capabilities.

FCPQ200 - Ccmplete Quad Pod System, as shown. FCPBOOM -Boom O N LY (CJOOs not Include a mountu>o /XIsol FCPBASE-FOURLEG -Quad Pod 4-/eg base ONLY

(doe& notlf'ICh.Jde Davit arm).

Davit System: The FCP Davot System bases can be permanently mounted where conventional Tripods or Quad Pod Systems are impractical to use. The arm pivots 360" and includes a 50' fall arresVrescue retractable unit. and a 50' winch unit with raise and lower capabilit ies. One interchangeable Davit arm can be used on several permanent bases at different locations.

FCPD300 - Ccmplete Davit System, as shown. FCPBOOM - Boom ONLY (does not Include e mounting I>IIH).

FCPD300BASE - Davit Base ONLY (doeo not mclu®

Oov.t Arm or R,scr POle). Many bases can be purchaS<KI & mounted. The Riser Pole & Davit Ann can be interchanged.

FCPRISER - Riser Pole for Davit Base.

42 ,...,.....,< lJC!-", u--c. over-y, confined space ~y~tems

FCP0300 C<>rnpael• Oav•t Sy•lem

rcro2oo CompWt• Ou.S r"od Sy.:t•m

controlled descent: devices • • = Quick Ship /tom

•• 1990 - Manually operated controlled descent device and a 354-2 carabiner. commonly used for.

Suspended Work Positioning: • window washing, exterior building maintenance, tower erection, bridge cons/ruction. etc ..

Emergency Self-evacuation: • escet{)fng fr01n eQuipment (cranes. buckets, towers. etc ... )

Rescue I Recovery Situations

The devioe can be used with a fi.JII body harness or work seat, along with an appropriate fall arrest system. Used on a single 7/16" (11 mm) piece of approved rope (at any leng111), 1he operator can install the device at any point along the rope. As the lever on the device is moved, friction on the rope decreases and the device will descend. As a protective measure, when the control lever is unintentionally fully pressed or fully released, as in a panic situation. 1he friction increases and the descent is stopped.

The controlled descent device can also be inverted and attached to the anchor, to be operated by rescue personnel, to lower another individua l. The system comes in standard length increments of 50'.

Controlled Des cent Kits - Standard Kits Include: desired length of rope with thimble eye on one and, two tf354-2 carabiners, 1990 controlled descent device, and drawstring canybag.

199-50 - 50' Kit. 199-100- 100' Kit. 199-200 - 200' Kit.


s yst:em 99 ~<'·lf-,.-:tblnq / ..-;.c-l r - tovvt.-.linq -syr.tc-,.,.,. 1

998 - FCP's SYSTEM 99 is a versatile lifting and lowering system that can be used for Utility/Work Systems or for Rescue & Recovery. The SYSTEM 99 is a lightweight. compact universal system that can be set up in a few seconds and perfonns a vatiety of functions. With a mecflanical advantage of 3 :1. it can easily be operated by one person. Should an emergency situation occur, a top-side observer or worker can utilize the system to rescue an incapacitated worker. The liglltweigllt design is extremely beneficial, with a 200 ft. long system weiglling in at only 52 lbs! The system comes complete with two carabiners, one for connection to the anchorage. one for connection to /he user. plus an ascender handle with lanyard. When ordering, final product #'s are designated by length. For example:

998-50 - System 99 in 50' length. 998-100 - System 99 in 100' length. 998-200 - System 99 in 200'1engtll.

flexible access ladders FCP Flexible Access Ladders are conslructed of high strength webbing and 1 114" dlamotor round fiberglass rvngs that aro 12" wide. Each ladder comas complete with two 11354-2 cara/J iners (p8fl8 2tl). Multiple laddtJrS can be joined toget11er using carobinors, or you can order a longer length, or a custom length.

\11/L-10 - 10' flexible wob ladder. two 11354-2 carabiners. \11/L-20 - 20' flexibltJ wtJb laddtJt, two 11354-2 cerabitters,

as shown. \11/L-30 - 30' flexible web ladder. two 11354-2 carabiners. \11/L-40 - 40' flextble web leddtJr. two 11354-2 carabmers \11/L-50 - 50' flexible web ladder, two 11354-2 carabiners. 354-2 - Twisllock cerabintJr 1" (18/8. Connect fedders,

or use to connect to anchorage (pago 26).


T au 1 pi• t•ddet •hoWl hCIYf nil web l•ddort oan b lfl I wolh C 51! •h!tlt! f:'t

carry bags & pouc hes

FCP offers a wide range of carry and tool bags. from small ulility bags for carrying safety glasses or respirators, to larger bags to help transport fall arrest or confined space equrpmenl If you need a longer bag. shorter bag. personalized silk screening, or any sort of custom bag, please inquire. We may be able to manufacture exactly what you need! • • = a.- SI"P Item

203 - 17"x8.5"x8.5" carry bag with handle end zipper clOSure, as shown.

" 204 - 16"x12"x10" hard bel/om cony bag with handle and velcro closura. as shown.

•• 206 - 32" dia. x 66". 7' tripod carrying bag, as shown. 206-9 - 9' tripod carrying beg. 208 - 8.5" dia. x 12" h , drawstring be(J, as shown

208-1 - 11" dia. x 14" h. drawstring bag. •• 208Z - 19"x9"x9" carry bag with handle end zipper

c/osura. as shown. 211 - 5"x3"x9"1anyard pouch, as shown. 220 - 8"x4"x10" nut end boll beg with tool biJ/1

loops and velcro closuro.

-. ,. 44 flexible l actcters. carry bags & p o u c h es . . ·, :~

. l •

Introducing the


This lightweight series of fireman's belts Integrates 1 3/4" webbing rated at 10.000 lbs. a 4" Coolmax-lined comfort back pad with 3M Scotchlite highly reflective material, patented drop-down tool 0-rings with snap closures to keep D 's out of the way when not in use, forged front bailout ring with snap closure, choice of quick release front snap or tongue & grommet front buckle, & two rear carabiner slots for additional gear attachment. Exceeds N FPA standards for escape belts. •These belts ere fnr Firefighlers ONLY, and are NOT rnlended for general12ed fall protec~onl

-1·1 _ l·l.

• QN4105F'B - F'lreman's Escape Bell MjUStable qutCI<.4 Cfip Wi:HStbOit, 2'" 10fQCd front bat!Out o.nng, two 2 .. drop-<fown tool 0-rhlQS Of'l the hips, an 0-nngs secure w•th soap closures when not m use.

- _:1 l- ..::.1·1

• QN4107FB- Foreman·s Escape Bell Adjustable quick-clip walstbelt. 2'" forged front bailout 0-rlng, two 3'' drop..cfown tool 0 -rinos on the hips. all ().rings seet1re with snap closures when not in use.

• Ql4107FB-18- F01eman's ladder Belt Adjustable quick-clip walslbelt. 1 3/4 .. front bailout D-ring, 1&" tie-off lanyard with 1 7/1!/' carabiner,

two 3" drop..c:town tool ().rings on tile hips, I he O~rings and lanyard secure with snap closures when not in use.


• Ol4109FB-18- Fi rernan·s Ladder Belt Adjustable quick·clip waistbelt, 1 314" front bailout O·ring, 18• tie-off lanyard with 1 7/8 .. carab1ner. one 3" drop-down

tool 0 -ring & one 2" drop-down tool o .ring on the hips, tile 0-nngs an(.f •any(Hd secure w•th snt:~p ck>sures wllen not In use.

• Gl4107FB-18 - Foreman's ladder Bell Adjustable tongue & grommet waistbelt. 1 314 .. front bailout D-ring. 18 .. 1ie-off tanya(d wiU1 1 7/8 .. carabiner.

two a• drop-down (Ool 0 -rings on the hips, I he D-ring& and lanyard seGUre with &nap closures when not in use.

• CL4109FB-16- Frreonan·• Ladder Bell Adjustable tongue & grommet walstbett. 1 3/4" front bailout [).ring, 16" tie-off lanyard with 1 7/8" carabiner, one 3"

orop.<fown tool 0-ring & O•le 2" ctrop.Oown tool Q.ring on the tups. 111e 0-nngs and lanyard secure with snt:~p Closures wl,en not ln vse.

Please order according to your actual wstst size. PacMule sizing is based upon waist size. then bells are made larger to fi1 over turn oul gear.

'P<>c.;Mul"'' fir.,fiqhler bel l» 4~

fa ll prot:ectlon / sa'fet:yt:ralnlng programs

FCP's new training programs are designed to provide awareness, while assisting your company in creating and maintaining a safe and productive work environment. Fall Protection and Confined Space I Rescue trailing is a necessary and imperative component to a well rounded safely program. Having llie proper safety equipment is the first step to safety. The next step is to learn how to property utilize and care tor the safely equipment you have wisely Invested In, but don't stop tlierel It is also necessary for your workers to be trained in recognizing safety hazards, evaluating those hazards, and taking all necessary measures to rectify or protect themselves In the existing worl< environment.

FCP's field experienced, professional trainers will come to you. We are willing to worl< with you on-site. or at a location of your convenience. to ensure the best possible training for your company.

A few of the training courses provided include: • OSHA Course Training • Fall Protection Training

• Confined Space Training -• Rescue/Recovery Training • Ladder & Scaffolding Training • Tower Climber Training 2 • Competent Person Training 0 11 • Equipment Inspection Training • Train the Trainer • Plus so much more! If your needs arenl llsted above, please inquire.

g uide t:o fa ll prot:ect:ion v ideos­Professional's Guide to Fall Protection is intended to assist with the, development and Implementation of a successful fall prevention program. By outlining the key ingrediants of a fall p(otection P:lan, the guide comprehensively reviews standards, regulations. selection of equipment, and the importance of a proper fall protection plan.

• FPG-1 DVD - DVD "Professional's Guide to Fall Protection" • FPG-1VHS - VHS "Professional's Guide to Fall Protection"

Ev d I -~·£··~-~ ~-caD!ed Fre nchCreek .. > ea-vvon• er·vv'ly .. v~·~~- -

OSHA - Occupat:ional Safet:y & Healt:h Act:

• 1910.269 Electric power generation, transn'lission. and distribution (g) (2) Fall protect1on (I) Personal fall arrest equtpment shall meet the requirements of subpart M of part 1926.

• Subpart M of Part 1926- Fa ll Protection 1926.500 Scope, application. and definitions applicable to thi s subpart (subpart M) 1926.501 Duty to have Fall Protection 1926.602 Fall Protection System Criteria & Practices 1926.503 Tra1ning Requirements

• Appendix to Subpart M App A Determine Roof Widths App B Guardre11 Systems App C Personal Fall Arrest Systems A pp 0 Positioning Device Systems App E Sample Fall Protection Plans

• 1926·500 Scope & Application (A ) (1) This subpart sets forth requirements and criteria for fall protection in construction workplaces. It does not apply to employees making an Inspection or assessment of the workplace pl'iOr to work starting or after construction has been completed.

• 1926-501 Duty to have Fall Protection This section sets forth requirements for the employer to provide fall protection for the employee. Employees working 6' or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of a fall arrest system. safety nets. or a personal fall arrest system.

(2) Sets forth those workplaces. conditions. operations. and circumstances for which fall protection shall be provided except as follows: (1) employees working on scaffolds that are covered under subpart L (11) employees working on cranes that are covered under subpart N (111) employees performing steel erection work that ere covered under subpart R (1V ) employees working on equipment in tunneling operations that are covered under subpart S (V ) employees working in etectrlcaltransltlon and distribution as covered under subpart v (V1) employees workjng on ladders and stairways which are covered under subpart X

• 1926-502 Fall Protection Systems Criteria & Practices Sets forth the requirements for installation. construction. and proper use of fall protection as outlined In Subpart M

(2) Employers shall provide and install all fall protection systems required by this subpart for U1c employee, with all other pertinent requirements met prior to the work beginning that necessitates the fall protection. (20) The employer sha11 provide for prompt rescue of t'!mployees in the event of a fall or shall assure that the employf!es can reseL•~ themselv~s.

• 1926-502 Fall Protection System s Criteria & Practices (A ) (1) The employer shall provide training for each employee exposed to a fall hazard (A) (2) The employer shall assure that each employee has been trained by a competent person. (B) (1) T he employer shell verify train ing by mainta1ning a written certi fication record of training for each employee.

For more Information on these and other OSHA Standards. please visit www.osha .g ov

A NSI - American Nat:ional St:andards lnst:it:ut:e

• Z359.1 ANSI Safety Re<~ulrements for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Subsystems, and Components 1. Scope. Purpose, Application, Exceptions

1.1 Scope- This standard establishes tequirements for tl'le pe•formance. deS1911, ma•·king. qualiftcat•o,-.s,lnstrucho,-.s, tra•n•ng, inspection, use, maintenance, and removal from service of connectors, full body harnesses, lanyards, energy absorbers, anchOrage connectors, fall arresters, vertical lifelines. and self retracting lanyards comprising personal fall arrest systems for users within the capacity range of 130 to 310 pounds. 1.2 Purpose & Application

1.2.1 T his standard addresses only personal fall arrest systems incorporating full body harnesses. 1.2.2 This standard addresses equipment for personal protection against falls from heights and applies to the manufacturers, distributofs. purchasers. and usefs of such equipment. 1.2.3 Body belts, window cleaner belts, chest waist harnesses and chest harnesses when used for body support or work positioning are not addressed by this standard. 1.2.4 Before any equipment shall bear the mark Z359.1 all requirements of this standard must be met.

1.3 Exceptions 1.3.1 The requirements of this standard do not address the Construction Industry (SIC Division C). Window Cleaning Belts, & Sports·related Activities.

• A10.14 ANSI Safety Requirements for Construction and Demomion Operations 1. Scope & Purpose

1.1 Scope • This standard establishes performance criteria for the manufacturer and use of body belts, harnesses, lanyards, lifelines, rope grabs. and shock absorbers for construction and demolition. It does not Include lineman body belts and pole straps, window washers belts. or safety ladder belts. 1.2 Purpose -This standard details fall arresvrestraint systems. equipment and methods that shall be used when an employee is exposed to a fall hazard.

For more information on these and other ANSI Standards. please visij: www.a nsi.org

.... . ,;_ ~~ . ' :..,. '[.•}:.~:.-- applic able indu~try standc;~rd~ 4/

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