hardwork-the way to success

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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A complete presentation of how hard work leads you to your pathway to success. Read and make the conclusions yourself




What Really Success Depends upon? Success Depends upon a lot of things, like-

opportunities, talent, luck, fate, your effort and, help from others. Of These, the only thing in your control is the effort you put in. All the other factors will be completely wasted if you don’t work hard at the right time . Also, you never know when luck and destiny are in your favour. So, It’s better to be hardworking, instead to regret having missed an opportunity.


The only two things behind a successful person are- Hardwork and sincerity. Though, they might appear to live luxurious lives, they do work a lot. For Example, we might think that all you need to become an actor or actress is just to look beautiful. But, that’s not the case! You cannot neglect the efforts they put in to earn that spot. Working for hours in the Gym, practicing their dialogues again and again, and sacrifice things like fast food.


The good thing about working hard is, that for people who are driven towards their goal can enjoy their hard work and consequently, the work does not seem unduly grueling to them. When you begin to work hard towards achieving success, make sure to work smartly too. An intelligent working technique, along with relentless effort will go a long way in helping you achieve the success that you always desired.


Nothing in this world comes easily, least of all, success. Take the example of Abraham Lincoln who worked hard, without ever getting disappointed of his countless failures, from the age of 21 till the age of 52, when he went on to become the President of the US. Again, it took Noah Webster 36 years to compile his Webster's Dictionary. Where would we be today if he had not put in those countless hours of hard work behind his grand contribution to the English language?

Life is full of twists and turns. Everyone has to struggle here in this world to conquer every hindrance in the way to success. For this hard work is obligatory. Without working hard and just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the sentence that my parents used to tell me “To be a better person in life and to get success you have to work hard, the result of hard work is always rewarding, so you have to work hard.”

There is a well known proverb “no pain, no gain” hard work never goes wasted. Although it may be later or sooner success comes to your feet. “One percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration”Edison’s definition of �genius has often been quoted to characterize success as well. Even before Edison, the rigors of success were described by painter Michelangelo thus: “if people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn’t seem wonderful at all.” I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

When people thrive in life, it is because of hard work. Being lucky has nothing to do with success in life. Hard work and success go hand and hand. With that stated, I’m not a big believer in luck being the reason for someone success in life. I’m not saying that I do not believe that luck exist or that luck is only a part of life but hard work is more important. Hard work can make impossibilities possible. Life is full of dissension. Life is battle.

Activity is the law of Nature. A life of idleness is a life of ignominy and discredit. Idle men are intruders on society. We are endowed with brain and limbs, which are meant to be properly exercised. Failure in life is very often due to idleness. Greatness can be achieved by great labour only. What a man earns by the sweat of his brow gives him a greater degree of satisfaction than what he gets by a stroke of fortune. Man wishes to have many things in life. Some of, them may be bestowed upon him by fortune, but to have the others he will have to work and toil; for he cannot have them for mere wish.

Hard work is another name of fate. The key to success is often measured on the basis of amount of effort we take in accomplishing certain tasks.

When we work hard we dedicate our soul. There are two forms of the hard work. One that implies the physical work and another that implies the mental work. Both kinds of work are important to stabilize the work cycle. Thus, working hard to attain something means that we should completely dedicate our mind, brain, physical power, soul and heart for achieving that thing.

There is an immense importance to hard work in a man’s life. Every man directly and indirectly carries out certain kind of work. However, a very few people do exactly what is demanded by success itself. It is not difficult to root the quality of hard work in our mind. However, the difficult task is to remove the laziness from our body.

Hard work is a sign that signifies your honesty and integrity. If you are doing a certain job with full honesty and sincerity then you get recognized as a hard working person.

It also brings pleasure in a man’s life. Consider the situation when you get the prize of a gold medal after successfully passing the university exam with higher grades. Your mind will memorize the moments of hard work that you carried out for achieving this grand success. This pleasure keeps you motivated all the time. You start thinking of the hard work whenever you come across any obstacle. There is no substitute for hard work.

We must speak with ourselves at least once a day. This practice improves the inner confidence and gives power to understand the importance of the efforts. Meditation is another method for growing the qualities of hard work inside our mind. Meditation controls our mind and restricts us from doing a misdeed. We should also start daily exercise so that our physique will become strong and we can easily carry out the hard work that needs the energy. Thus, speaking to ourselves, meditation, and regular exercise are three major factors to carry out any kind of physical and mental hard work.

Now here is another video showing the struggle of a person who wants to become a kick boxer.

Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE was a New Zealand mountaineer, explorer and philanthropist. On 29 May 1953, Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest.He claimed that this was all the fruit of his hard work.

He has written a couple of books on hardwork.

All the people who are considered great in any field sports, academics, sciences, literature etc. all have polished their skills and talents through hard work. Hard work always pays off as we have seen in previous slides . Now let us look at another really hardworking personality , former president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen "A. P. J." Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. A career scientist turned reluctant politician, Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering. Despite being born in a poor family he succeeded in his dream of being the prime minister of India and all of this was because of the hard labour he put in. He was awarded with awards such as Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna for his commendable services to the countrty. He was popularly known as the “Missile Man”.But unfortunately for the country he died on 27 July 2015.



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