hardwell web site analysis

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Hardwell Web site analysis

You can see his logo bold and clear in the top left corner, in his colour scheme of black and white.

The first thing that catches your eye is his face and appearance, you can tell they have used this picture to draw you in and so you know the stars face.

He has a good social interaction scheme where he has his number of both Facebook and twitter followers and also links them to the webpages for the viewers to click and view whenthey want.

Very good idea that I like is here at the bottom, where he has a playlist right there on his home screen for all to click and play to listen to his music. This will attract more fans that maybe haven't heard music of his music and will also allow his current fans to listen while surfing his site, which I feel is a very good idea.

When you click this little drop down bar at the top of the screen, which is circled below, it shows all his pages available on his website. He has Biography, Releases, Tour Dates, News, The Wall and On Air. It has been created so it is very user friendly and allows the viewer to navigate around the website with ease.

The first page that I think is a very good idea for the website is the Biography. The page goes through his life in a smooth, flowing pattern with what he has done in his life and how his life has changed and developed into what he is today. Starting off to when he was only a child to some of the tours that he was apart of last year. Filled with pictures, dates and the information that goes with that part of his life. This lets the viewers and his fans know more about his life and know the man that they love and listen too.

This page is the new releases of an singles that he has been apart of and produced recently. This is very clear and I feel that this is a great idea that the fans can come on to the website and listen to the music that he has created. This can also bring on more fans, that click on and listen to Hardwells music.

This page is so the public can see what is coming up for Hardwell in the next few months. Giving locations and dates in an clever animation, showing the world, and the places he's Performing all around the world. It also shows how professional and well known Hardwell is getting as he is in multiple venues across the world.

The news page is very informal and just allows the public to know more about what Is going on with Hardwell. With album news and tours coming up, it even has about more personal stories of what Hardwell gets up and just lets his fans what he's doing and how things are going.

I’m a big fan of this page because it links in very well with the times and uses modern social internet to his advantage and lets his fans know what he's doing and lets him personally speak to them. This is a laid back way to just communicate with the fans and update them with his music and a bit more personal stories to keep people entertained and interested.

This is something that isn't very seen around on other artists websites and I think it allows the fans to listen to even more of Hardwell. This is very god for people who are just there because they enjoy house music and want to listen to multiple of artists.

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