happy part 1 of 2

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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HIV Awareness Programme for Peers & Youth (HAPPY) is an award winning, youth-led project that spreads HIV awareness including knowledge on teenage pregnancy & sexually transmitted infections throughout the 4 districts in Brunei Darussalam. HAPPY is a 2 ½ hour programme that combines audio & visuals and interactive activities to pass the message to young people. It includes messages that has adapted to the local background of Brunei Darussalam. HISTORY It started back in 2005, where a group of volunteers in the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council came up with the idea to give HIV Awareness talk to schools by young people themselves. It was called “HIV/AIDS Basic” back then and it was organized by the youth club of the Council, Penyinar Club It was not until 2008, where 5 members of the club pushed the programme to compete in the B-@ktif 2008 Competition (a project proposal and implementation competition). Under the name Sentient, it has won the Silver Medal together with another team. The members of Sentient have their own commitments now and the team is disbanded but the programme is still run by Penyinar Club. Up until April 2011, HAPPY has been conducted 55 times & has almost reached 3,000 young people. RECOGNITION - Commonwealth Youth Silver Award 2005/2006 - Commonwealth Youth Silver Award 2007/2008 - ASEAN Youth Award 2009 - A special recognition from Ministry of Health during World AIDS Day 2010 - B-@ktif Silver Medal 2008 - 6th Ten Accomplished Youth Organisationa (TAYO) ASEAN Award 2011 Email: penyinarbdac@gmail.com Facebook: Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council Twitter & Instagram: BDAIDSCouncil


  • 1. H.A.P.P.Y (HIV Awareness Programme for Peers & Youth) Updated: 19 December 2014

2. #BDAIDSCouncil 3. World AIDS Day Getting to 4. YOUTH AGED 15-24 (*STAND UP!!!) YOUTH AGED 20 -29 (*STAND UP!!!) 5. 40% of new infections. (World, 2009) 30% of new infections. (Brunei, 2010) #BDAIDSCouncil 6. 57 teens (2010) affected with STI 5 of them were below 15 years of age. Meanwhile in Brunei, #BDAIDSCouncil 7. 2329teenage girls registered (04 - 09) i.e. 388 a year!) Meanwhile in Brunei 8. 643 children (2001- 2012) were born out of wedlock. Meanwhile in Brunei, Source: HAB. Rashidah (Brunei Times, 2013) 643 children born out of wedlock. Available: http://www.bt.com.bn/news-national/2013/10/24/643-children-born-out- wedlock-last-12-years Last accessed: 27 Oct 2013 #BDAIDSCouncil 9. Quiz How much do you know? 10. STD stands for A) Scare Teens to Death B) Some Tough Dude C) Sexually Transmitted Disease D) Soft, Tender & Delicious 11. True or False? HIV = AIDS #BDAIDSCouncil 12. True or False? Only DRUG USERS & GAYS need to worry about getting infected. #BDAIDSCouncil 13. True or False: If I were infected, I would know because I will feel sick. 14. True or False? If youre pregnant & HIV+, there are ways for the baby not to get HIV. #BDAIDSCouncil 15. True or False? No problem! Theres cure! 16. True or False? You or anyone can spread AIDS. 17. True or False? If you have HIV, thats it! #BDAIDSCouncil 18. Dari Annas ia berkata, Bersabda Rasulullah (SAW) : Sesungguhnya diantara tanda-tanda dekatnya hari kiamat adalah hilangnya kemanfaatan alam & makin ketara kebodohan & banyaknya peminum arak & meluasnya perzinaan dengan terang-terangan". (Riwayat Al-Imam Al-Bukhari) 19. & janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji & satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan). (And approach not adultery; verily it is ever an abomination and vile as a pathway.) - Ayat 32, Surah Al-Israa 20. #BDAIDSCouncil 21. How does HIV spread?! Discuss this with your friends #BDAIDSCouncil 22. BODY FLUIDS~ 23. Exposure to the above, via: Genitally intravenously orally 24. CANNOT be transmitted through: HIV 25. CANNOT Sharing food/drinks Studying/schooling together You get HIV by 26. CANNOT You get HIV by Kissing Hugging Playing together 27. CANNOT You get HIV by Using public facilities Sharing of home equipments 28. Spread the love, not #HIV, #stigma or #hate #BDAIDSCouncil 29. 105 local cases (2014) 12 new cases [5 men in same-sex relationship] (2014) Unsafe sexual practices incl. heterosexual 2/3 new infections in men in same-sex relationships (2011-2012) 30. 1 case of mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) (2011) 9 other children born to 5 HIV+ mothers, in the past 7 yrs. (2013) 31. Homosexual & lesbian Allah tidak akan memandang kepada lelaki yang mendatangi lelaki atau perempuan melalui duburnya - Sabda Rasulullah SAW, riwayat Al-Imam Al-Tirmizi dari Ibnu Abbas R.A Pergeselan kelamin antara wanita dengan wanita adalah suatu perzinaan - Sabda Rasulullah SAW, riwayat Al-Tabarani dari Wathilah Source: Pusat Dakwah Islamiah 1999 Pengajaran Israk & Mikraj (1): Kesan dan Akibat Perbuatan Zina,, Kementerian Hal Ehwal Ugama, Negara Brunei Darussalam 32. "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang [biasa] nampak daripadanya... -Ayat 31, Surah An-Nur Pornography / Aurat "Sifat malu itu hanya akan mendatangkan kebaikan Sabda Rasulullah SAW, riwayat oleh Imam Al-Bukhari didengar oleh Imran bin Husain Malu biar bertempat 33. Kawalan Diri 34. #BDAIDSCouncil 35. Abstinence (resist/delay) Be Faithful (Tidak curang) 36 #BDAIDSCouncil 36. What about these people? 1.A (-ve) fireman married to (+ve) nurse 2.Teacher married to (+ve) ex-drug user 3.An HIV+ person wants to marry 37 37. 38 #BDAIDSCouncil 38. Girlfriend/boyfriend?! Tunang? #BDAIDSCouncil 39. Dari 'Abdullah r.a., katanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda: "Hai, para pemuda! Siapa-siapa di antara kamu yang telah sanggup memikul tanggung jawab berumah tangga, maka kahwinlah! Kerana perkahwinan itu dapat menundukkan mata dan kemaluan (dari dosa). Siapa yang belum sanggup, hendaklah dia puasa, kerana puasa itu dapat menundukkan nafsu berahi. Hadis Sahih Muslim 40 40. #BDAIDSCouncil

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