hanover school district #28 the buzzschool...page 7 january 2020 hanover school district page 7...

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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Home of the Hornets!

Hanover School District #28

Prairie Heights Elementary

Junior/Senior High School

17050 S. Peyton Hwy.

Colorado Springs, CO 80928

District Office


Superintendent x402

Principal PHE x400

Principal JSHS x212

A.P./Dean JSHS x203

Admin Assist. JSHS x112

Counselor JSHS x114

Business/HR x412

District Website

click HERE

Hanover School District #28

The Buzz

Spotlight News

Thank you for reading our monthly district newsletter!

Please share with your friends and neighbors how they

can find a copy on the district website:


The months of January and February are focused for

our two schools. Teachers and staff are working

diligently with students to continue their journey

across their grade level and content area curricula. The

curricula that is taught to all of our students is aligned

to the Colorado Academic Standards. We started last

year and continue through next year tightening the

alignment of our curricula with the state.

January 2020


Page 2 Page 2 January 2020 Hanover School District

Sponsorship space in this

newsletter is extremely


Reach parents in your local

community & a significant

portion of your investment

goes back to the school! Want

to sponsor this school?

Please contact Rob Mangelson

at Rob@tscacolorado.com or

(720) 878-4107.

‘Spotlight News, continued...

Currently, all teachers from preschool through twelfth grade are engaged in a large overhaul of our literacy

curriculum. Teachers started working over the summer, and now on many Mondays writing very strong curricula for

our students across all grades. At the same time these teachers are receiving training on current research-based

practices in teaching literacy. Finally, every month an outside literacy expert comes into the schools to observe our

teachers, model instruction, and give individual feedback. The outcome will be an even more rigorous and guaranteed

curriculum for every student. The way we have been able to make this happen is through a $120,000 grant I was able

to secure through the Colorado Department of Education.

Supporting our continuous improvement philosophy we are engaged in an amazing project, Student-Centered

Accountability Program. Hanover has joined fourteen other rural school districts in Colorado in this project.

Throughout the school year we do extensive site visits at each other’s district. When we go to do our site visit at

another district I like to bring along one teacher from each school plus the administrative team. Not only do we

provide the host district with feedback, but we also see ideas to improve our system.

On January 16th we had our turn to host the other school districts. The visit included surveying of students, staff and

parents; review of our multiple student assessment data; interviewing students, staff, parents and administration; and,

observing all classrooms in the district. We are currently compiling all of this feedback and will share on the district

website, at the February Board meeting, and in the February newsletter.

Thank you for entrusting our staff in caring for, educating and preparing your child for the future!

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Grant Schmidt


Page 3 Page 3 January 2020 Hanover School District

Drama Class

We had three students in high school drama this semester, Hitcel Hernandez, Merrick Vigil, and Aidan Ford. They

put on a wonderful comical play called Guess. It’s about a troubled man who’s afraid of certain words. So he goes to

the Psychiatrist to get help. They end up changing roles, the doctor becomes the patient and the patient becomes the

doctor. The students did a great job and made the play truly hilarious.

Middle school Drama

Class did a play

called Promedy, it was a

comical glimpse of the

ever changing hearts and

minds of teenagers!

The drama of planning a

Prom can come with

heartache, funny disasters

and a great ending!

Page 4 Page 4 January 2020 Hanover School District

Band and Choir and PBLs

The Band and Choir class were amazing!

The choir did a little skit while they sang 12 Days of Christmas.

Problem Based Learning project presentations for Middle School

The middle schoolers worked hard on their projects this semester! They worked hard and presented well!

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Jingle All the Way to 2020!

Preschool had an amazing December, full of learning! We finished our Learning Unit on Buildings and transitioned into this

next unit; Simple Machines. The students are very excited to explore with simple machines in the classroom and outdoor

learning areas! We are currently asking for some donations to help build our supply of simple machines and if you could help

donate even one item, we would be very grateful!

Here are some items we need:

Chopsticks (24 sets) Nutcracker Paper Towel Tubes Garlic Press Lemon Press

Cardboard Gutter pieces Tweezers Pliers Pulleys


Page 6 Page 6 January 2020 Hanover School District

Principal/ Assistant Principal

Our focus this school year has included making sure every student knows and feels

their are loved. It is our belief that when students feel connected to our school,

loved by our staff, and know that every adult cares for them they can excel. Every

day for our students starts with their passing a board in the front hallway which

reads, “You are Loved”. After every morning announcement assembly each day

they are reminded by being told their are loved. When we received our feedback

from a recent site visit from reviewers outside of our district the thing they noted

most prominently is our nurturing environment, students reporting they are loved,

and parents reporting they feel the caring environment at our school. We will

continue to maintain and grow our environment of love!

MobyMax Recognition

Every week students in kindergarten to

fifth grade have math extension as a

specials. During this time students get onto

an iPad for 30-minutes and work on a

program called, MobyMax Math. The

program identifies what each student needs

to work on to fill in the gaps in their

learning of math. Students engage in

practice problems as well as games to

better understand the math concepts. As

students work on the program they are striving to move up levels. When students move up a level during the month

they receive a certificate, and a copy is posted in the gym on the wall for all to recognize the accomplishment. The

award winners recognized at the January SWARM assembly are pictured.

Lexia Reading Recognition

Every week students in kindergarten to

fifth grade have reading extension as a

specials. During this time students get onto

an iPad for 30-minutes and work on a

program called, Lexia CORE5. The

program identifies what each student needs

to work on to fill in the gaps in their

learning of reading. Students engage in

practice problems as well as games to

better understand the reading concepts. As

students work on the program they are

striving to move up levels. When students

move up a level during the month they receive a certificate, and a copy is posted in the gym on the wall for all to

recognize the accomplishment. The award winners recognized at the January SWARM assembly are pictured.

Page 7 Page 7 January 2020 Hanover School District

Message from the Principal

The new year is off to a fast and furious start. I’ll begin with

our S-CAP (Student Centered Accountability Program) visit

approaching (January 16, 2020) preparation work. In a

nutshell, this program will have many schools

(Superintendents, Administrators, and Teachers) visiting the

Hanover School District and providing feedback to us

(through a very rigorous process) about our classrooms,

cultures, leadership and vision, and professional Learning.

It's quite comprehensive! This information will then be

utilized to help channel what we need to improve upon and

in what categories.

As many of you may know, or maybe not, due to some unforeseen circumstances with our

Student Council sponsors here of late, Mr. Williams (our A.P/Athletic Director/Dean) and I

have taken over the roles of being their sponsor. It’s been fun to get back in the mainstream of

student inter-activities - way cool. At any rate, our Student Council, in an effort to change

some of our culture where student inclusion is lacking (addressing the Whole Child Concept),

decided to make our seasonal sports assemblies a “showcase” and not just sports gathering. As

a result, this Friday, we will be holding our first Winter Showcase (all activities, clubs, and

athletics) where all they aforementioned will be on display in front of the entire school (too

lengthy to explain logistically) for celebration. We anxiously await the response?!

Lastly, Dr. Schmidt sent me a note from the State on Demographic Data and............Hanover

Junior/Senior High School tied for 1st place (147 rural school districts in Colorado) in the

state for graduation rates @ 100% with the class of 2019!!!! First place in the entire state!

Pretty cool stuff!!! Nobody to thank more than our faculty and staff for all their dedication and

commitment to our kiddos!

Page 8 Page 8 January 2020 Hanover School District


and 7th

Graders Attend UCCS

On January 10th the 8th and 7th grade students attended

8th Grade’s third UCCS date and 7th Grade’s first date.

It was very exciting to see so many of our middle

schoolers on a college campus! Today they watched a

documentary called “He Named Me Malala” about a

young Pakistani girl who became famous by speaking

out about the lack of education for girls in Pakistan.

Along with the documentary, they completed activities

to help them gain a deeper understanding of what Malala

was speaking against. The day focused on several

themes, such as education, religion, courage, heroism,

humanity and forgiveness. Malala is a deeply inspiring

person and we feel the students came out of today with a

deeper sense of gratitude for their lives and the

privileges they have in the world they live in. They were

able to learn that just because they are able to get an

education does not mean everyone has the same as them.

One activity helped students learn more about the history of education in the United States, some of the things they

learned about were different dates of when minorities receive advanced degrees for the first time, such as the first

woman to earn a Bachelor’s Degree and the first African American to receive a medical degree. Both were huge

steps in paving the way for education without prejudice in the United States. They also learned of important

educational laws that have been passed to make education accessible to all children in the country. This helped

students learn what has happened in this country to make it possible for them all to sit in a college lecture hall in


Students were then challenged to be Young Influencers

in our world. They needed to determine what they think

the best social media platform is and then create a fake

post that shares a message that will impact the world in a

positive way. Students were encouraged to share their

posts on the internet using the #younginfluencers.

The Pre-Collegiate team at UCCS hopes that this day

will inspire students to think about how they can impact

the world as Malala did at their age. What they do

matters and they can have a positive impact on their

friends, school, city and the rest of the world. As a

middle school staff we will try to continue this lesson

and try to help the students see that their voice matters,

just like Malala.

Page 9 Page 9 January 2020 Hanover School District

By Jennifer Moody

Wow! What a month December was! From finishing

classes to taking finals; everything went so fast! Hivy

League tried to do it’s part in keeping things upbeat and

in the Christmas Spirit by sponsoring Hanover’s first

Ugly Christmas Sweater competition! We had first place

and runner up. Winners received an Ugly Christmas

Sweater ornament and card (see below). Participation

was slow, but hopefully this will be a tradition in the

making! Then, Hivy League sponsored a Middle School

locker decorating contest. It was amazing to see the

students so happy and involved! At one point a group

broke out into a rendition of Rudolph the Rednosed

Reindeer! What a joy these students are!

As always, there is more excitement to come! Project

Based Learning is working on a business unit this nine

weeks. PBL’s focus is not on making money but rather

on developing the characteristics vital to entrepreneurs

and success. We will be focusing on characteristics such

as self-confidence, tenacity, and resourcefulness.

Students will also learn about economics and business

management. For the 3rd quarter projects, students will

be divided into groups with each group getting a

different style egg cracker. They will use the scientific

method in testing and observing their product and then

decide how to keep and promote, improve, or completely

re-work their product. Students will give presentations of

the products and other students, faculty, and school

board members will be able to “purchase a product” by

giving each group a poker chip to represent a purchase.

Which group will have the most success?

We are doing exciting things in Hanover!

Welcome Back!

Page 10 Page 10 January 2020 Hanover School District

Sponsorship space in this

newsletter is extremely

affordable! Reach parents in

your local community & a

significant portion of your

investment goes back to the

school! Want to sponsor this


Please contact

Rob Mangelson at

Rob@tscacolorado.com or

(720) 878-4107.

Welcome to PBL 3rd


By Jennifer Moody

As always, there is more excitement to come! Project Based Learning is working on a business

unit this nine weeks. PBL’s focus is not on making money but rather on developing the

characteristics vital to entrepreneurs and success. We will be focusing on characteristics such

as self-confidence, tenacity, and resourcefulness. Students will also learn about economics and

business management. For the 3rd quarter projects, students will be divided into groups with

each group getting a different style egg cracker. They will use the scientific method in testing

and observing their product and then decide how to keep and promote, improve, or completely

re-work their product. Students will give presentations of the products and other students,

faculty, and school board members will be able to “purchase a product” by giving each group

a poker chip to represent a purchase.

Which group will have the most success?

Page 11 Page 11 January 2020 Hanover School District


STEAM students have been designing pieces in preparation for metal casting. They

will be using the ancient technique of lost wax casting. In lost wax casting an original

design is made in wax, the wax is surrounded with a heat-resistant material, then the

wax is burnt off leaving a mold that can be filled with molten metal. The students have

been making pieces in wax using sculpting, carving and hand-building techniques.

STEAM students are also using a modern variation of the lost wax technique. They

have used Computer Aided Design (CAD) to design pieces that they have printed in

PLA using a 3D printer. The PLA will be used rather than wax in the casting process.

Rhuel, Chris, and Seth are using CAD to design their pieces.

Several students in the Hanover HS Engineering Science

class are donating their personal time to assemble two new

pieces of equipment to be used in Engineering Science and

STEAM classes: A table saw and a milling machine.

The first new tool is a SawStop table saw with a safety

feature that prevents serious injury: When skin contact is

made between the saw blade and skin, a small electrical

signal change is detected, and the blade near-instantly stops.

In addition to safety features, this essential shop tool has a

fence system that allows for precision cuts that will add speed

and accuracy to student fabrication activities.

The second piece of equipment is the StepCraft CNC

(computer numerical controlled) milling machine. This tool

will allow students to transform their CAD (computer aided

design) ideas into solid parts for a variety of applications in

engineering and STEAM by cutting solid materials such as

wood, plastic and aluminum into 2-D, 2 1/2-D and 3D

objects. Additionally, this CNC has add-on options for foam

cutting, LASER engraving and advanced "4th-axis" cutting

(for complex 3D geometries).

This sophisticated precision milling machine is an

inexpensive variant of commercial CNC machines used in

modern part fabrication and manufacturing across a broad

array of disciplines including automotive, aerospace,

industrial tooling, electronics, medical devices, transportation

and more. Skills developed by Hanover students to master

this 'idea-to-computer-to-machine fabrication-to-final device'

technology are critical for employment in R&D and

manufacturing from operators and technicians to design and

manufacturing engineers.

Both the SawStop table saw and the StepCraft CNC add

complementary capabilities to the 3D printer already in the

STEAM Lab. All these tools, in combination with

computers, electronics programming software and hardware,

CAD software, and imagination allow students to design and

fabricate sophisticated machines, systems and combination


Hanover HS Engineering Science Students

volunteering time to assemble new equipment

Sergio Moreno Rios is assembling part of the computer-controlled

gantry sub-assembly for the StepCraft CNC milling machine.

Page 12 Page 12 January 2020 Hanover School District

Athletics News

Welcome back from Winter Break. I hope all had a restful time with family and friends and are

ready for the second half of the school year.

It is hard to believe, we are almost done with Middle School Basketball. Both the Boys and Girls

Teams have one game remaining before the Black Forest League (BFL) Tournament which begins

on January 21st with the pigtail games for the tournament. For the teams in the league that have to

play in these pigtail games, they will be played at the school that has the higher seed. With one game

remaining, the Girls are currently 5 - 3 and the Boys are 3 - 5 with the final game coming against

Calhan on Tuesday January 14th. This game will be a tough test for our programs but our student

athletes continue to work and play hard as they prepare for the end of the season. As we head into

the final game of the regular season, our Girls Team is in the upper half of the league in the seedings

for the tournament. After the pigtail games have been completed, the remainder of the tournament

will be played on January 24th and 25th at Miami-Yoder. Best of luck to both of our teams as they finish out the season.

Our Spirit Team continues to improve and impress. They are energetic, enthusiastic, and dynamic. They are currently working

on some stunting which means they will be doing more than sideline cheers. This is and has been exciting to watch their

development from the fall season up until now. Coach Bannister has done a fantastic job with them and she continues to push

them to excel.

Wrestling will begin practice on January 28th. Noah Belcher, former Hanover student and wrestler, has been recommended to

be the coach for the upcoming season. This is a great opportunity because he will be able to work closely with the Varsity

Coach, Thomas Belcher, in building up and reestablishing the Wrestling Program here at Hanover JSHS. The annual M.S.

Hanover Invite will be on Feb. 17th and will begin at 5:00 P.M.

Our High School Basketball Programs continue to work and develop as we progress through the season. It is enjoyable to

watch their growth as I spend time in the gym observing and assisting when asked for help. The Boys Basketball Team picked

up their first win of the season as they knocked off Miami-Yoder on Dec. 17th, right before Winter Break. This was the first

time in five years that Hanover had beaten Miami-Yoder. The boys are excited as they head into the second half of the season

and hope to expand off of this recent win. They dropped their first game out of Winter Break to Manzanola but their heads are

still in a good place with a lot of season remaining. The Girls Team is still sitting on one win but their attitudes and effort are

and have been exceptional. They work hard every day in practice and they continue to improve in their skills as well as their

understanding of the game. Their first game coming out of Winter Break is against Deer Trail on Saturday January 11th at


Our Spirit Team continues to show a lot of growth and improvement and they continue to draw the attention of both our fans

and opposing fans. It has been exciting to watch their development over the season. They are doing floor cheers and stunting

and it is impressive to watch. The team ran a clinic for the M.S. Spirit Team right after Winter Break and a lot growth came

out of that experience for both groups. It provided a lot of insight and perspective to both groups about their jobs and

responsibilities when it comes to participating on the Spirit Squad.

Wrestling just completed its first Hanover Invitational on January 4th. If my information is correct, this is possibly the first

invitational held in the current building. For the first year, we had six teams participate and our goal is to expand it to 10 - 12

teams for the 2020 - 2021 school year. All of our wrestlers competed hard and continue to grow and improve. They are

preparing for the BFL Tournament on February 5th at Dolores Huerta H.S. and then Regionals on February 14th and 15th at

Sierra Grande H.S. All of this preparation will be in practice, at dual meets, and other invitationals between now and the

February events.

As always, WE'RE HANOVER!!!

Page 13 Page 13 January 2020 Hanover School District

Diversity Awareness Club

This month, Diversity Club will be focusing on

bully proofing and planning our upcoming Around

the World Bake Sale. Look in the February news

letter for more details.

Counselors Corner

This year we have been working on revamping our Grade Level 13 Readiness program. We have infused many different career

pathway options through PPCC and an online learning platform to help students reach their goals sooner. Upon completion of

many of these options, certification and/or college credit are available. It is a great way for students to jump start their future!

Feel free to reach out to Ms. Nina for more information.

NHS Invites New Members

NHS will be sending home applications to new

members invited to join. We are excited to be

expanding our club and bringing new opportunities

for community service and leadership.

Page 14 Page 14 January 2020 Hanover School District

Well done!

Junior/Senior High School Golden Apple Recipient

Golden Apple recipients is:

Shawna Ricks - Administrative Assistant

Hanover Junior/Senior High School has many important and necessary people

in our building that make student learning experiences exceptional. However,

none exemplify dedication, commitment, care, compassion, professionalism,

and general heart-felt concern for our front office, faculty, community,

administrative team, and students more than Ms. Ricks. Her daily exhibits of

being flexible to meet the demands of her job, her ability to re-prioritize tasks

depending on the need at the moment, and her attention to detail are simply

outstanding. Our building would be lost without her! Thank you for all you do

for kids Ms. RIcks!

Sponsorship space in this

newsletter is extremely


Reach parents in your local

community & a significant

portion of your investment

goes back to the school! Want

to sponsor this school?

Please contact Rob Mangelson

at Rob@tscacolorado.com or

(720) 878-4107.

Prairie Heights Elementary School Golden Apple Recipient

Golden Apple recipients is:

Chef CJ

This person loves all of our students. They are always happy to see our students

and greets them with a big smile. This person demonstrated joy every day. We

are so lucky to have such a SWARMy person like this person. The Golden Apple

Winner is Chef CJ !!

Page 15 Page 15 January 2020 Hanover School District

PHE Hornets of the Month

Hornets of the Month for Music Class

Anderson Heidelberg (4),

Jonathan Quiroz Reyes (5),

Brian Engel (3),

Kyla Ackerson (1),

Rose Bishop (K),

not pictured Savanna Bosinski (2)

Jonathan Quiroz-Reyes,

Kelly Ward,

William Lynch,

Blaze Anderson

Page 16 Page 16 January 2020 Hanover School District

Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by the school or district.

Junior/Senior High School Students of the Month: December

Each month, the High School and Middle School award a Student of the Month based on how each student

accelerated in the following Criteria: Safe Warm Accountable Respectable Motivated (SWARM). Faculty and staff

nominate students and then our Leadership Council makes decisions from these nominations. Very exciting!

Hornet Pride

High School Boy: Christopher Peach (12) High School Female: Teagan Boughton (11)

Middle School Boy: Harold Infante Santiago (7) Middle School Female: Ra’Blessed Acherson (6)

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