hanifaru island access permit application formbroffice.gov.mv/en/files/hanifaru_island_access... ·...

Post on 28-May-2020






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Environmental Protection AgencyMale’, Republic of Maldives


HANIFARU ISLAND ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION FORMComplete the application form clearly using “BLOCK LETTERS” and “BLUE/BLACK INK” only. Tick appropriately where required.

Permanent Address:

ID No/Passport No:

Registration No (NGO / Organization only):

Applicant Information01.Full Name:Individuals

Atoll: Island:

Resort / Dive School / Liveabord / NGO / Others Name:



Contact No: Email:

Atoll: Island:

[ ]

Research Information02.

From To


Number of people:

Duration on island:

Purpose of research:Research Date:

Permanent Address: Atoll: Island:

Contact No: Email:

Person Responsible03.

ID No/Passport No:Full Name:

2012 -23

Full Name: Date:Signature:

Applicant’s Declaration04.

Web: www.epa.gov.mv , Email: secretariat@epa.gov.mv , Tel: +960 333 5949 , Fax: +960 333 5953

Form Number:

Received by (Full Name):

Received Date/Time :


I hereby declare that the information given in this form is true, to best of my knowledge. I have read and thoroughly understood the “Hanifaru Protection and Preservation Regulation” (Reg no: 23-R/2013) and guideline to accessHanifaru Island (website). I am aware of the penalties for offences, with respect to the regulation and take full responsibility for any breech by our team members.

02. Copy of Identification Card/Passport (Person Responsible):

01. Copy of Identification Card/Passport (Applicant):

03. Hanifaru Access Permit Receipt:

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

Documentary Evidence (Please check if you have attached the following documents, if not it will be rejected)05. މިފޯމާއެކު ހިމަނަންޖެހޭތަކެތި

ހަނިފަރު ރަށަށް އެރުމަށް އެދި ހުށަހަޅާ ފަރާތުގެ އައިޑީކާޑު/ޕާސްޕޯޓް ކޮޕީ

ހަނިފަރު ރަށަށް އަރާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ޒިންމާވާ ފަރާތުގެ އައިޑީކާޑު/ޕާސްޕޯޓ ކޮޕީ

ހަނިފަރު އެކްސެސް ޕާމިޓް ގަނެފައިވާ ކަމުގެ ރަޝީދު




04. Copy of Registration Certificate (NGO/Organization):

05. Copy of Endorsement Letter (Resort / Dive School / Liveaboard)

[ ]

[ ]

ޑައިވްސްކޫލް/ ލިވްއަބޯޑު/ ރިޒޯޓަކުން އެންޑޯސްމަންޓްސިޓީ

)ޖަމްއިއްޔާ ރަޖިސްޓްރޭޝަން ސެޓްފިކެޓްގެ ކޮޕީ (ހަމަ އެކަނި ޖަމްއިއްޔާ/ ޖަމާއަތްތަކަށް .04


01.The completed form must be submitted to EPA or Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve office, in-between 9:00am to 12:00 and 13:00 - 14:30, on government working days.

Submission06. ފޯމްހުށަހެޅުން

02.The form must be submitted via mail or fax, two weeks prior to the date of commencement of the Research.

03. Permit will not be issued for incomplete forms as well as forms with false information.

04. Each individual entering Hanifaru Marine Protected Area must have Hanifaru Access Permit.



ފޯމްގައިވާ މަޢުލޫމާތު ފުރިހަމަ ކުރުއްވުމަށްފަހު ސަރުކާރު ބަންދުނޫން ދުވަހުގެ 09:00 އާއި 12:00 އަދި 13:00 އާއި 14:30 އާއި ދެމެދު އީ.ޕީ.އޭ ނުވަތަ ބ. އަތޮޅު ޔުނެސްކޯ ބަޔޯސްފިއަރ ރިޒާވް

އޮފީހަށް ހުށަހަޅަންވާނެއެވެ

ޒަރީއާއިން ހުށަހަޅަންވާނެއެވެ

މިފޯމް ރިސާޗްކުރުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ ތާރީޚްގެ 2 ހަފްތާކުރިން ހުއްދަ ހޯދުމަށްޓަކައި އީ.ޕީ.އޭއަށް ނުވަތަ ބ. އަތޮޅު ޔުނެސްކޯ ބަޔޯސްފިއަރ ރިޒާވް އޮފީހަށް އެޑްރެސްކޮށް ސިޓީ، ފެކްސް ނުވަތަ އީމެއިލްގެ

މަޢުލޫމާތު ފުރިހަމަނުވާ އަދި ސައްހަނޫން މަޢުލޫމާތު ހުށަހަޅާ ފަރާތްތަކުގެ ފޯމުތަކަށް ހުއްދައެއް ދުލެއްނުކުރެވޭނެއެވ03ެ.

ހަނިފަރުރަށަށް ޒިޔާރަތްކުރާ ކޮންމެ މީހަކަށް ހަނިފަރު ސަރަހައްދަށް ވަނުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ހަނިފަރު އެކްސެސް ޕާމިޓް އޮންނަންވާނެއެވެ .04




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Environmental Protection AgencyGreen Building (3rd Floor)Handhuvanree Hingun, 20392Male’ , Republic of Maldives


+960 333 5949 +960 333 5953


އެންވަޔަރަމަންޓަލް ޕްރޮޓެކްޝަން އެޖެންސީ

ގްރީން ބިލްޑިންގ (ތިންވަނަ ފަންގިފިލާ

ހަނދުވަރީ ހިނގުން ، 20392

މާލެ، ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެ


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