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Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease &

Enterovirus 71 (EV71) Infection

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   An increase in HFMD and EV71 activity has recently been detected. The number of reports of infections in the first five months of this year is higher than that in the corresponding periods in the past several years. In view of this, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has held inter-departmental meetings with the Education Bureau, the Hospital Authority, the Social Welfare Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to assess the latest situation of HFMD and EV71 infection in Hong Kong and discuss the measures on prevention and control to be adopted by various departments.

Questions for ReflectionQuestions for ReflectionQuestions for ReflectionQuestions for Reflection

• Background Information

• Public’s Perspectives What is the impact of major outbreaks of

infectious diseases on the lifestyle of Hong Kong residents and the understanding of public health and public alertness about hygiene?

• Government’s Perspectives What are the challenges faced by

government departments in maintaining and promoting public health?

(Please click the images at the right hand side for relevant information)

Background Information

• Centre for Health Protection (27 May 2010 ) <Joint departmental effort to tackle Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease and EV71 > http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/20949.html

• Centre for Health Protection (28 May 2010 ) <Public urged to prevent Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease> http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/20965.html

• Centre for Health Protection (31 May 2010 ) <Update on HFMD cases> http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/20983.html

• Centre for Health Protection (2 June 2010 ) <HFMD school closures> http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/21002.html

• Centre for Health Protection (11 June 2010 ) <Two reports of enteroviral meningitis received> http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/21119.html


Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

More Information

• 蘋果日報 (2010 年 5 月 27 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 女傳母 入院一日死亡 腸病毒殺女護士 > http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/art_main.php?iss_id=20100527&sec_id=6996647&art_id=14073146

• 文匯報 (2010 年 6 月 12 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 港院舍爆疫 374 宗 破 10 年紀錄 > http://paper.wenweipo.com/2010/06/12/HK1006120008.htm

• 明報 (2010 年 6 月 10 日 ) [ Chinese Only ]1998 至 2009 年 EV71 腸病毒感染相關數字http://life.mingpao.com/cfm/learn3b.cfm?File=20100610/lnall/gfj2.txt

• 鳳凰網 (2010 年 4 月 27 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <健康新概念 手足口病 可防可治> http://big5.ifeng.com/gate/big5/v.ifeng.com/society/201004/0082a5d0-294d-4def-8b48-b22308e35275.shtml


Background Information

Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

• 無線電視台 (2010 年 5 月 28 日 ) < 晚間新聞 > [ Chinese Only ] http://mytv.tvb.com/news/newsroundup/107909/44#page-1

• 有線電視 (2010 年 5 月 31 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 有指感染手足口病後果嚴重 >http://cablenews.i-cable.com/webapps/news_video/index.php?news_id=333920

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 探射燈:家長對手足口病一知半解 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100608/00176_098.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 探射燈:手足口病勢全港爆發 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100608/00176_096.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 探射燈:女子疑併發腦炎 多 16 校舍中招 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100608/00176_097.html

ReferencesReferences1. What is the impact of major outbreaks of infectious

diseases on the lifestyle of Hong Kong residents and the understanding of public health and public alertness about hygiene?

Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

More Information

• 明報 (2010 年 6 月 10 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <預防腸病毒 由自己做起> http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/2/1/1/1543786/1.html

• 防疫人部落格 (2010 年 4 月 14 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <預防腸病毒,家長怎麼做?> http://www.wretch.cc/blog/prcdc/721122

• 衞生署衞生防護中心 (2010 年 4 月 29 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <預防及控制手足口病和腸病毒 71 型感染在校院傳播> http://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/tnedtl/e/462/390/390/395.html

• 衞生署衞生防護中心 (2010 年 4 月 29 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <學校爆發手足口病和腸病毒 71 型感染的處理>http://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/tnedtl/e/462/390/390/397.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <探射燈:兒童遊戲室腸病毒溫床> http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100531/00176_097.html


Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

1. What is the impact of major outbreaks of infectious diseases on the lifestyle of Hong Kong residents and the understanding of public health and public alertness about hygiene?

2. What are the challenges faced by government departments in maintaining and promoting public health?

• 有線電視 (2010 年 5 月 27 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 本地 EV71 型腸病毒患者增 > http://cablenews.i-cable.com/webapps/news_video/index.php?news_id=333656

• 香港電台 (2010 年 6 月 2 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 左右紅藍綠 > 《腸病毒情況》 http://programme.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/programme.php?d=2010-06-02&name=pentaprismII&p=4101&e=109336&m=episode

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 12 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 腸病毒高峰期將持續多一月 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100612/00176_011.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 5 月 30 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 腸病毒來勢洶洶 防疫症寧緊勿鬆 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100530/00186_001.html

• 文匯報 (2010 年 6 月 5 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 禍源腸病毒 可併發腦膜炎 > http://paper.wenweipo.com/2010/06/05/HK1006050003.htm


Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

More Information

2. What are the challenges faced by government departments in maintaining and promoting public health?

• 明報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <維持公共衛生角色與責任>http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/2/1/1/1543784/1.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 探射燈:家長對手足口病一知半解 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100608/00176_098.html

• 太陽報 (2010 年 5 月 30 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 衞署隱瞞腸病毒學童名單 > http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20100530/00407_010.html?pubdate=20100530

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 7 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] <防疫只唱空城計 私隱竟成擋箭牌> http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100607/00186_001.html

• 東方日報 (2010 年 6 月 8 日 ) [ Chinese Only ] < 腸病毒六月圍城 懶防疫官害民命 > http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20100608/00190_001.html


Background Information Public’s Perspectives Government’s Perspectives

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