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Topic A: Regulating the distribution of land in the poles for territorial

claim between countries


Houston Area Model United Nations 45


My name is Meryem Pecen, and I am a sophomore attending Texas A&M University, majoring in Management with a focus in Entrepreneurship & minor in Psychology. It is an honor for me to serve as your SPECPOL committee Chair for this year. Some organizations I am a part of on campus include The International Business Association, Women in Entrepreneurship (which I serve as a marketing executive), and Freshmen Business Initiative (which I am a peer leader & instructor for the class of BUSN101). I have been involved in Model UN since my Sophomore Year in High School having competed in HAMUN 3 years. This organization has brought out my inner passion to global peace and awareness, and I honestly couldn’t be more excited to come back to my hometown to judge. This year’s topic, Regulating the distribution of land in the poles for territorial claim between countries, is a very controversial issue involving the entire Globe.

I hope to not only achieve a possible solution combating the problem of land in the poles of territorial claims, but also to bring light and understanding to how localized incidents in other nations can have powerful implications throughout the global community. My expectations for you, as a UN delegate role player, are simple:

1) Be engaged & participate as much as possible!2) Don’t be afraid to speak out your opinion, remember we all have a voice and we

need to project them to create change, even if it’s for a role play!3) Fight for your position, but do not be overly critical in a rude & unfriendly

manner. 4) Make your HAMUN conference memorable! It is entirely up to you to make the

most out of your experience. When you form ideas, ask questions, and place a stance, you not only will be surprised with the capabilities you have, but will gain a social experience and bond with the new friends you meet.

TOPIC I: Regulating the distribution of land in the poles for territorial claim between countries

Committee Background:

Houston Area Model United Nations 45


The United Nations was created at the end of World War II as a means of trying to combat the destruction it resulted the global nation with. Countries from all over the world were (and still are) committed to have international peace, security, friendly relations, and advocate for human rights and better living standards for nations around the world. The Special Political and Decolonization Committee is the fourth General Assembly. This committee mainly deals with issues covering five decolonization related agenda items, “the effects of atomic radiation, questions relating to information, a comprehensive review of the question of peacekeeping operations as well as a review of special political missions, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the Report of the Special Committee on Israeli Practices and International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space.”1

Statements of the Problem:This topic is addressing the ongoing problem of who claims the land in the poles.

Countries have been fighting over the territory for almost 100 years. Many countries have been a part of what’s called “Pax Arctica” – relating to international law, treaties, and cooperations over the territory.2 A resolution for this topic would consider how and according to what will territorial claims be distributed amongst the countries fighting for in the poles. How will natural resources be distributed?

History of the Problem:In response to American disputes in the Arctic, Canada passed a 1925 law that was in

effect as a declaration of sovereignty over parts of the North Pole. Canada, rather than putting a flag on an ice shelf, insisted to extend northward. The Soviet Union did the same. Hans Island, which is a small piece of land with very minimal natural resources lies on the Canada – Denmark border, which both have been fighting over it for more than 30 yrs. In 1982, the United Nations signed the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) opening up fir ratification. This treaty clarified how, and to what degree, a country can claim it’s sovereignty over the poles (the U.S was not a part of this treaty).

1 “United Nations, Main Body, Main Organs, General Assembly.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/en/ga/fourth/. https://2009-2017.state.gov/t/avc/trty/193967.htm

2 Timeline. “Who Owns the Arctic? And Who Doesn't?” Medium, Timeline, 28 Nov. 2016, timeline.com/who-owns-the-arctic-2b9513b3b2a3.Houston Area Model United Nations 45


In August 2007 two of Russian submarines descended below to the North Pole ice and planted a flag on the ocean floor. The Russian explorers also collected water and sediment samples for analysis to prove the pole is an extension of Russian land.3

In December 2014, Denmark wanted 900,000 square kilometers beyond the coast of Greenland. What is important in this area are shipping routes, but it is also home to up to 22% of the world’s undiscovered oil & natural gas.4

Antarctic continent is immense, embracing the South pole with complete ice and snow. The high altitude increases the air to extremes, which its downward to sea level across a moving ice sheet produces the world’s strongest winds. Only 2% of the continent is free of ice.5 All these vast inhospitable weather conditions, probably has you wondering why would the world be fighting over it’s territory? Improved technology over the past several 100 years has allowed greater access to research, which opened way to gradual discoveries. By mid-century, permanent stations where being set up and the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in 1957-58 (the first multi-nation research program in Antarctica) paved way.6 During this time was when, territorial positions had been distributed, however never fully agreed, which arises to the problem we have today. The twelve nations active in Antarctica, nine of which made territorial claims or reserved

3 Timeline. “Who Owns the Arctic? And Who Doesn't?” Medium, Timeline, 28 Nov. 2016, timeline.com/who-owns-the-arctic-2b9513b3b2a3.

4 Pierce, Brenda S. “US Geological Survey Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal :Estimates Of Undiscovered Oil And Gas In The Highestnorthern Latitudes[Abstract & Powerpoint Only].” Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, 2010, doi:10.1163/ej.9789004177567.i-594.153.

5 ^6 ^ Houston Area Model United Nations 45


the right to do so, agreed that their political and legal differences should not interfere with the research program. The creation of the Antarctic Treaty immerged right after the IGY.7

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in “Washington on 1 December 1959 by the twelve nations that had been active during the IGY.” The countries involved include: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia (or better known as the USSR, at the time).8 The Treaty applies to the south area of 60 degrees South latitude.9

In its fourteen articles of the Treaty:

7 Krepon, Michael. “U.S. Government Organization for Arms Control Verification and Compliance.” Verification and Compliance, 1988, pp. 282–308., doi:10.1007/978-1-349-10143-6_14.

8 “Focussing an Antarctic Research Program — the Australian Experience.” Changing Trends in Antarctic Research Environment and Assessment, pp. 71–75., doi:10.1007/978-0-585-28849-9_8.

9 “The Antarctic Treaty Explained.” British Antarctic Survey, www.bas.ac.uk/about/antarctica/the-antarctic-treaty/the-antarctic-treaty-explained/.Houston Area Model United Nations 45


stipulates that Antarctica should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes, military activities, such as the establishment of military bases or weapons testing, are specifically prohibited;

guarantees continued freedom to conduct scientific research, as enjoyed during the IGY; promotes international scientific cooperation including the exchange of research plans

and personnel, and requires that results of research be made freely available; sets aside the potential for sovereignty disputes between Treaty parties by providing that

no activities will enhance or diminish previously asserted positions with respect to territorial claims, provides that no new or enlarged claims can be made, and makes rules relating to jurisdiction;

prohibits nuclear explosions and the disposal of radioactive waste; provides for inspection by observers, designated by any party, of ships, stations and

equipment in Antarctica to ensure the observance of, and compliance with, the Treaty; requires parties to give advance notice of their expeditions; provides for the parties to

meet periodically to discuss measures to further the objectives of the Treaty; and puts in place a dispute settlement procedure and a mechanism by which the Treaty can be


One important thing to remember is that the Antarctic Treaty gives access to any member of the United Nations.

Since the first Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM)11, which took place in 1961, the parties that have been involved have met several times to discuss the territorial distribution, which from this the ATCM is better known as the “The Antarctic Treaty System” today.

Current Situation:There are currently seven sovereign states who have territorial claims in Antarctica:

Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom. A number of facilities in the area are located outside the claimed countries, and the ones without claims but still have involvement include: Russia and the United States, in which they have constructed research and scientific countries within the area. Russia and the United States have reserved the right to make claims, and currently there also has been speculation on Brazil making a claim bounded by 53 degrees West and 28 degrees West (overlapping Argentine & British Claims). Peru recently made a reservation of its territory rights under the Principle of Antarctic Deformation.12

Basic Research Help:

10 Pierce, Brenda S. “US Geological Survey Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal :Estimates Of Undiscovered Oil And Gas In The Highestnorthern Latitudes[Abstract & Powerpoint Only].” Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, 2010, doi:10.1163/ej.9789004177567.i-594.153

11 Administrator. “Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings.” Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, www.asoc.org/advocacy/antarctic-governance/antarctic-treaty-meetings/antarctic-treaty-consultative-meetings.

12 “Peaceful Use, Freedom of Scientific Investigation and Cooperation.” Antarctic Treaty, www.ats.aq/index_e.html. Houston Area Model United Nations 45


o Has your Country done anything regarding this issue? What types of regulations did they pass or stances did they take?

o What are the current events in your country and your neighbor countries regarding this issue.

o Know your enemies & allies. o How can a resolution of this issue change the future of your country?

Blocs:Blocs are extremely important in a Model UN conference. Forming blocs, which is a

group of countries coming together particularly those in a similar graphical region that have similar opinions, generally with your country’s allies, will lead your country to the right path of a possible resolution to your topic. Blocs usually vote together. This is where ideas are nutrued and where people collaborate, working papers are formed, leaders arise, and where countries form ideas about who may be the sponsors.

For this topic, it is important to consider where each country stands, which nations agree or disagree with each other.

Here is something I found that I thought may be very helpful to build strong blocs:https://bestdelegate.com/simple-steps-to-building-the-strongest-bloc-in-committee/

Position Paper Tips:Below is a helpful website that fully explain and guides you to write a perfect position

paper. http://www.studygs.net/wrtstr9.htm Here is another site that is just as helpful:https://bestdelegate.com/a-formula-for-the-perfect-position-paper-solution-oriented-


Here is an overview of 15 things every delegate should have in their research binder. This will help you do your research and be well prepared for conference day:


Committee Tips: Best delegate tips:

Probably one of the most asked questions I receive is how is it that you choose “Best Delegate” vs “Honorable mention/Good Delegate?”

I think it’s important to focus on solving the topic/issue rather than focusing on how to be the best presenter. All the topics we choose are real world problems that we wouldn’t want to defeat the purpose of Model UN and our involvement with this committee. Giving value to what you say and why you say it is more important to me than how you say it. Focus on giving value than receiving it, if that makes sense. That being said, here is an overview of certain small things that can make you a better delegate, especially if this is your first time competing, I think this will be very helpful:


Tips on standing out in large committees:Houston Area Model United Nations 45


Since SPECPOL: is a GA, it is definitely more advanced than the other committees, I thought this will also be useful for you guys to help prepare:


Terms to Know Before Conference Day:You guys are probably aware of the professional way UN people talk, and if you aren’t

well informed enough it will be hard to keep up. My advice, be as familiar with these terms as you can, that way during conference day you can put your entire focus on creating a resolution!


How to Create a Good Opening Speech:Opening speeches are what is presented to the committee, usually in front of the room, to

introduce the topic/problem that the committee will be discussing throughout. Some delegates like to read their position paper as their opening speech, which is fine, however there are certain factors that you might want to consider if you wish to present a good first impression.

From my observation of previous conferences, there is one theory I think I have, and that is: the first speaker is usually “best delegate.” This isn’t always true, of course, but it is true that the first speaker, or first few speakers who volunteer for opening speeches, automatically has an good eye under the Dias. That being said, here are some tips to writing a good opening speech:


How to Write a Resolution:Writing a resolution is the entire point of discussing/arguing your topic in committee.

Here are some tips to write a good resolution:https://bestdelegate.com/model-un-made-easy-how-to-write-a-resolution/

Houston Area Model United Nations 45


Work Cited

Administrator. “Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings.” Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, www.asoc.org/advocacy/antarctic-governance/antarctic-treaty-meetings/antarctic-treaty-consultative-meetings.

“The Antarctic Treaty Explained.” British Antarctic Survey, www.bas.ac.uk/about/antarctica/the-antarctic-treaty/the-antarctic-treaty-explained/.

“Focussing an Antarctic Research Program — the Australian Experience.” Changing Trends in Antarctic Research Environment and Assessment, pp. 71–75., doi:10.1007/978-0-585-28849-9_8.

Krepon, Michael. “U.S. Government Organization for Arms Control Verification and Compliance.” Verification and Compliance, 1988, pp. 282–308., doi:10.1007/978-1-349-10143-6_14.

“Model UN Resources.” Best Delegate Model United Nations, bestdelegate.com/resources/.

“Peaceful Use, Freedom of Scientific Investigation and Cooperation.” Antarctic Treaty, www.ats.aq/index_e.html.

Pierce, Brenda S. “US Geological Survey Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal :Estimates Of Undiscovered Oil And Gas In The Highestnorthern Latitudes[Abstract & Powerpoint Only].” Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea, 2010, doi:10.1163/ej.9789004177567.i-594.153.

Ryan. “MUN Research Made Easy: 15 Things Every Delegate Should Have in Their Research Binder.” Best Delegate Model United Nations, 20 Apr. 2019, bestdelegate.com/mun-research-made-easy-15-things-every-delegate-should-have-in-their-research-binder/.

Timeline. “Who Owns the Arctic? And Who Doesn't?” Medium, Timeline, 28 Nov. 2016, timeline.com/who-owns-the-arctic-2b9513b3b2a3.

“United Nations, Main Body, Main Organs, General Assembly.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/en/ga/fourth/.

Houston Area Model United Nations 45

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