hamilton mountain bike club magazine

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Mountain Biking Newsletter


2011 ISSUE 1

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SUBS: They’re due now, see inside for early bird prize draw

2011 Committee


What’s Happening

Track Update


calendar What’s coming up

Presidents Report

Due Now

Presidents Report Hello members


As the incoming President I would like to offer a big thank you to

those committee members that have decided to step aside this

year. Anyone that has served on a committee is well aware of

the time it can take to get some projects up and running and

that often we have to make compromises to allow us to serve

the club, while at the same time allow for family and work – plus

we have to get out riding at some stage too. Once again, I

would like to thank you all and acknowledge your contributions

to our club.

I now welcome the new committee. This year we have a

wonderful blend of those who have stayed on from the past

committee and those that have stepped up and put their

names forward to help our club grow and prosper. We have

already had our first meeting and I sense that we have a group

that is able to look at the balance between the different types

of riders we have in the club and come to a happy

medium. The ideas that came out in that first meeting are quite

evident here with this resurrection of a printed newsletter and

several other ideas that were tabled. Welcome guys and gals, I

look forward to the end of our year when I can look back and

see how we have tackled the various challenges that await us.

Shortly we will have the new committee up on the website so

you will all know who has stepped up this year. I think I can

speak for all on the committee that we welcome any of the

members coming up to us and offering advice or

suggestions. After all, this is YOUR club and we are just those

entrusted with running it in a manner that is acceptable to our



Subs are now due. At the AGM it was put forward that our subs

were perhaps a little on the low side and for us to continue

running the website, run with Peter Doves suggestion for bringing

the newsletter back and a few other reasons they were adjusted

slightly. The new subs were suggested and voted on by all that

attended the AGM.

Seniors (18 and over) - $35.00

Juniors (17 and under) - $25.00

Family Membership - $60.00

The family membership is exceptional value at the equivalent of

1 Senior and 1 Junior membership. This family membership

consists of 2 adult and as many children 17 and under that are

living at the same address.

Summer Series:

The dates have been set and should appear somewhere in this

newsletter and will once again be supported by Scott and the

great team at Cycology Avanti Plus. Over the next few months

we will review last years series and do any fine tuning that we

feel necessary to make things work in a smooth and efficient

manner. As mentioned earlier – you input is always welcomed.

Native Tree planting:

This is down for Sunday the 14th of August at 10am.

It would be great to see as many of you as can make it, as

besides being a part of our agreement to use this council land it

is also contributing towards making our track a much more

pleasant place to ride. I know from past plantings that some of

the children that have attended do point out to their friends that

they did plant that particular tree.

Thank you for your time and as I sign off for this blurb I would like

to put the thought into everyone’s mind that in a recent survey

carried out down at the track we found that only about 3 or 4 of

the 60 something riders talked to were members of our club. I

would like to encourage you all to take the time to talk to

anyone you know that rides down there, but is not a club

member and suggest that they join the club. With increased

membership we are able to do a lot more to turn our track into

an all weather one that can be enjoyed throughout the whole

year and at the same time reduce maintenance. Also, when it

comes to plantings and track dig days – many hands makes light

work. Russ


14th - Native Tree planting day.- 10am start. - bring a


21st - Torpedo7 Winter Family Fun Series.

1.30pm - Pukete Farm Park.

27th - Club Ride - Rotorua, 10.30 ride start from the

Redwoods carpark. Family orientated and will

split into groups so advanced riders get to ride

appropriate trails.

Contact Russell for further info. ( 021 230 5496 )


10th - Day Night Thriller - Taupo. www.daynightthriller.co.nz

18th - Torpedo7 Winter Family Fun Series.

1.30pm - Pukete Farm Park.

24th - Club Ride - Taupo, Craters of the Moon

10.30 ride start from the Helicopter.

Contact Russell for further info ( 021 230 5496 )

Keep an eye out for an update to the start of the Summer series...

... start training now. ( sshhh... Rumour has it that 26th October is the pre-race series start/shakedown )

Roll on Summer


SUBS: 2011/12 subs are now due - early bird prize draw

Senior Individual ( 18yrs & Over ) $ 30.00 Junior Membership ( 17yrs & under ) $ 25.00 Family Membership $ 60.00

A BIG thanks to all those who came to

the track a few weeks ago to brave

the elements and help pull back the

ever growing weeds that choke our

young native trees

There will be more working bees coming up soon to get the track ready for the Summer Racing Series. If you can find the time to come and attend then your help would be greatly appreciated. Please bring with you anything that you think may be of help. Shovel, spade, rake, wheelbarrow, tree trimmers, weed eater, gardening gloves, a bunch of extra friends, etc. Many hands make light work! Please remember without your help we wont be able to showcase such an amazing track in the heart of the city to be used by all.

Further information email info@hamiltonmtb.org.nz

Thanks in advance. HMTBC Committee

What’s Planned &

What’s Coming Up ?

- Track Maintenance

- Weed Pull / Clear

- Track Extension

- Trail Sign Posting

- Planting

- Lots more ...

Have we got your email details correct ? Please email to info@hamiltonmtb.org.nz

Scenes @ a previous planting day

print out a membership form at www.hamiltonmtb.org.nz

Pay Your Subs in

full before October 1st 2011, and

go in the draw to win one

of x prize

packages that includ

e - a club riding shirt,

Torpedo7 bundle of go

odies, and lots more...



After a few rather wet weeks the

Pukete Farm Park is in rather sad condition. The

main sandpit area is reasonable considering the

sheer volume of rain we have experienced, but

be prepared to get a little wet and muddy.

For the grassed park area we really do not

recommend riding at all as while there are some

areas in reasonable condition the majority of the

track is extremely cut up and slippery. Our

preference is for riders to stick to the sandpit until

things dry out some as there is already a

considerable volume of remedial work needed in

several areas to make the track rideable before

the summer - keep an eye out for upcoming

emails informing when the next working bee is

coming up - many hands make light work ... and

an enjoyable track to ride right here in the City.

Facebook - the Hamilton Mountain Bike has an

interwebby presence... Check out what’s topical and see

photos, Follow us on .... www.facebook.com/


Or alternatively go online also @ www.hamiltonmtb.org.nz


2011 COMMITTEE Follow us @


Track Update

President Russell Stark

Secretary Angela McDonald

Treasurer Brenda Dove

Club Captain Scott Sander

Comms/Web Rob Bull

Sponsorship/Mrkt Greg Gibb

Membership Officer Paul Bidlake

Track Liaison Andrew Weal

Shane Daniels

Rob Bull

Council Liaison Melanie Parsons

General Committee Grant Shackleton

Chris Smith

Greg Fisher

A typical turnout on a Wednesday race night


I f yo u w o u l d l i ke t o a s s i s t i n s p o n s o r in g

a n e d i t i o n o f t h i s n e w s le t t e r , p le a s e f e e l

f r e e t o c o n t a c t info@hamiltonmtb.org.nz

Hamilton MountainBike Club Inc

P.O. Box 1113

Hamilton 3240

Thanks in part to GEON for

supporting us and helping

us to bring you this


Tree Planting Days The club has an arrangement with the council that we plant trees in the park every winter in lieu of license fees. License

fees would otherwise come to thousands of dollars which would mean a considerable hike in our annual subscriptions.

The council even provides the trees free of charge. So whenever you hear of a tree-planting working bee, it is the

responsibility of everyone who appreciates the park to get down there and help us . When our kids grow up, the park

will have changed from the weed-patch it tends to be today into a beautiful native forest alive with the

singing of native birds. The process is under way already - lets keep it going strong. We need to plant

hundreds of trees - its not just one or two, so many spade-toting helpers are always needed for this big


( a reminder, the tree-planting is on August 14th )


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