haitian times 8/11/2010

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Haitian Times 8/11/2010


BRIDGING THE GAPHAITIAN TIMESwww.haitiantimes.com vol. 12 no. 33/august 11-17, 2010 $1.00


BRIDGING THE GAPHAITIAN TIMESwww.haitiantimes.com vol. 12 no. 33/august 11-17, 2010 $1.00


Fanfare, Intrigue at Sign ups for Haiti


page 3

Last-minute political intrigue matched the ruckus outside Hai-ti's election headquarters Satur-day as candidate registration for the post-earthquake presidential race rollicked to a close.

page 3

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Former President George W. Bush ambled into a steamy, fra-grant mango warehouse in Haiti Aug. 10 and surveyed several long tables neatly packed with the luscious fruit.

Bush Visits Haiti

When Jean Claude Duva-lier and his fashionable wife, Michelle, were whisked away into a comfortable French exile in February 1986, their depar-ture brought about a democratic experiment that many believe two decades later would have brought Haiti into a land of pros-perity.

Stick To What You Know Best, Wyclef


page 5

Q&A with Beverly Bell, an associate fel-low at the Institute for Policy Studies who heads the group Other Worlds.

Port-au-Prince—Beverly Bell has worked in Haiti for the last thirty years and has gained a reputation for her stinging critiques of both the Haitian government and many of the international organizations that work on the ground in Haiti.

Bell is the founder or co-founder of sev-eral organizations in Haiti working for eco-nomic justice and human rights, and has worked for presidents Aristide and Préval. Currently, she’s an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and heads the group Other Worlds.

Bell answered questions via phone from her home in Louisiana last week.

Let’s start with the homeless problem here in Haiti right now, the refugee prob-lem. Do you know how they’re counting people?

The UN says 1.9 [million]. No one has any idea, in fact. No one knows how many refugee camps there are. No one even

knows how many Haitians refugees there are. There’s never been a census [in the camps]. You know, it’s all guesswork.

The government of Haiti says 1.5 [million in the camps].

What’s the status of the plan for tem-porary housing right now as far as you can tell?

There is a housing cluster [made up of NGOs working in Haiti]. There are suppos-edly about 5,000 transitional shelters now [completed].

It’s all too little, too late. As you know, people continue living in these horrible and absurd lodgings that make them prey to theft and rapists; where the conditions are terrible; where bathing, sanitation elimination, food and drinking water are moment-to-moment challenges; where people suffer extraordi-nary instability in their daily lives.

It’s been seven months. It’s time that this is resolved, and the fact that there is no plan for resettling these people is an indicator of the total apathy and really disdain of the elite for the majority of those who are oppressed.

Who’s responsibility do you think this is, ultimately? Should it be a partner-ship between the Haitian government and NGOs?

It’s the Haitian government’s responsibil-ity. These are their citizenry. There’s no jurisdictional question about that.

Obviously everyone knows that they are poor and disorganized, and one would think that they would enter into good partnerships with NGOs and with the United Nations or

Haiti's Homeless Situation is Criminal, Said Bell

File PhotoRefugees in the camp trying to make a leaving by selling goods

By Eleanor A. MillerSpecial to The Haitian Times

see BELL on page 12


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SPORTSLONDON – With less than two years

to go until the opening of the London Olympics, the venues are nearing comple-tion, the project remains on budget and the city is gearing up to welcome the world in 2012.

Beyond the tangible progress, however, lies a lingering concern: Will London be safe from a terrorist attack?

London has been a recent target of international terrorism: The day after the capital was awarded the Olympics, four homegrown suicide bombers attacked the city’s subway and bus network, killing 52 commuters and themselves in July 2005.

Investigators believe the group were likely guided by al-Qaida operatives.

The head of Britain’s transport police at that time of the 2005 attacks was Sir Ian Johnston, and he’s director of security for the London Olympic organizing com-mittee.

Johnston says the official threat level during the games will be set at “severe” — just one notch below the most extreme level of “critical.”

“You can’t run at critical for very long,” Johnston said during a three-day world press briefing on Olympic preparations this week. “We can escalate to critical, but when you’re running at severe, that’s already a pretty high level of threat.”

London’s threat level was last classified as “critical” in July 2007, and has been set as “severe” — meaning a terrorist attack is highly likely — since January.

Johnston said organizers will operate a “100-percent search regime,” meaning all spectators, officials and media will be checked and their bags scanned or searched upon entry at Olympic venues. People will be prohibited from taking liq-

uids, even bottled water, into the sites.“I think people will understand that it is

for their safety,” Johnston said, referring to a measure that is a throwback to the tight global airline restrictions imposed after the foiled 2006 plot to blow up trans-Atlantic planes with liquid explosives.

The tight spectator security in London marks a shift from last February’s Winter Olympics in Vancouver, where checks

were limited and often random. Johnston said the threat level in Vancouver was extremely low.

Johnston — who has had a 44-year career in policing, including eight years as chief constable of British Transport Police — said London will avoid being heavy-handed and seek to run “effective and discreet” security.

Security has been a top concern at the

Olympics since the slaying of 11 Israeli athletes and coaches at the 1972 Munich Games. Olympic planners have ramped up security following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.

Britain is viewed as a high security threat, and the Olympics offer a platform for any terrorist group looking for maxi-mum impact and publicity.

We need to demand that the government respect

international law. We can denounce this

commission and the takeover of a nation.

The U.S. ambassador to Haiti and distinguished visitors toured the multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima off the coast of Port-de-Paix, Haiti, July 30.

US Ambassador to Haiti, other

Distinguished Visitors Step Foot on

USS Iwo Jima

page 9

Security Concerns for London 2012 Olympics

see OLYMPICS on page 23

The London 2012 Olympic Stadium marks the start of a new approach to design and engi-neering of stadia. This is an artist's impression of the Stadium at night.

August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times2


Tandis que les différents secteurs de la vie nationale sont préoccupés par le pro-cessus électoral, des centaines de milliers de sans abris sont régulièrement confron-tés à la violence des intempéries. Plusieurs milliers de déplacés ont été au cours du week end écoulé, victimes des rafales de vents des fortes averses dans la région métropolitaine. Tentes et bâches ont été emportées par des orages dans plusieurs camp d'hébergement à Port-au-Prince et Pétion ville notamment. Exaspérés plu-sieurs centaines de personnes regroupés dans les camps de Place St Pierre, Boyer, St Thérèse, notamment ont dénoncé leur condition d'existence. Nous ne voulons plus de bâches et de tentes, nous voulons des maisons scandaient les manifestants qui ont défilé dans plusieurs artères de Pétion ville dimanche dernier. Un des organisateurs de la manifestation a fait valoir que les tentes et bâches en raison de la chaleur sont à l'origine de plusieurs cas de maladie de la peau.De nombreux sans abris se disent prêts à s'inscrire dans un programme d'achat de logement moyen-nant l'accès à l'emploi. Les déplacés sont obligés de fuir les tentes et bâches durant la journée.Une nouvelle manifestation est prévue le 12 août expliquent les leaders du mouvement qui font état de leur raz le bol. Toutefois les protestataires refusent que leurs revendications soient récupérées par des politiciens en campagne. Les résidents de tous les camps de Pétion ville avaient pris part à cette manifestation qui ne visait pas à condamner le gouvernement.

****L'ancien président américain George

W. Bush etait ce mardi en Haïti. Il a effectue une visite d'évaluation de l'état d'avancement du processus de reconstruc-tion du pays. ”Le voyage du président Bush doit attirer l'attention sur les besoins que continue d'avoir Haïti et il entend inciter les Américains à donner ce qu'ils peuvent pour aider leurs voisins dans le besoin», Peut –on lire dans un commu-niqué rendu public par l'entourage du

l'ancien président américain. M. Bush, doit rencontrer certaines personnalités impli-quées dans le processus de reconstruc-tion du pays. Rappelons qu'a la demande du président Obama, l'ancien chef d'État américain avait effectué une première vis-ite en Haïti en mars dernier. Il accompagné de son collègue, Bill Clinton qui effectuait à l'époque sa troisième visite en Haïti. L'objectif était de créer le Fond Clinton Bush pour Haïti, une institution qui devrait récolter de l'argent afin de venir en aide aux victimes du séisme du 12 janvier.

****Nullement effrayées par les frais

d'inscription, 34 personnalités ont pu rem-plir les formalités exigées par la direction des opérations électorales du CEP. 4 d'entre eux se sont présentés en tant qu'indépendant ce qui peut compliquer la tache de ces prétendants. Preuve de l'engouement de la fascination de certains compatriotes pour la présidence de la république un dernier candidat arrivé 3 minutes après minuit n'a pas été autorisé à s'inscrire. Certains candidats déclarés n'ont pu con-crétiser leurs rêves faute de ressources financières. Des requêtes auprès de cer-tains amis et proches se sont soldées par échec pour ces individus qui voient fuir leur illusion de gouverner le pays.Ceux qui ont pu obtenir les fonds nécessaires ont bénéficié des vivats et rythmes des bandes de rara rassemblés devant la direction des opérations électorales du CEP. Chaque candidat à la présidence a fait un verse-ment de 500 000 gourdes (12 000 dollars US) au Trésor public. Près d'un demi mil-lion de dollars ont été encaissés à la fin des 10 jours d'inscription. Une bonne recette dans un pays pauvre. La dernière journée a été de loin la plus intéressante avec son ambiance de carnaval et les 237 500 dollars américains encaissés. L'opération constitue un succès pour les autorités élec-torales puisque les frais d'inscription ne seront pas remboursés en cas de rejet de la candidature. Une quinzaine de candidats inconnus de la Presse et du grand public figurent parmi les prétendants à la magis-trature suprême. La société civile est très bien représentée dans ce processus élector-al. Des ex-consuls, médecins, ingénieurs, pasteurs, artistes musiciens, membres du corps diplomatique, membres du gouver-

nement, directeur généraux, des élus etc sont présents. Pour la première fois depuis 1987 aucun ancien chef d'Etat n'est en course. Prosper Avril (Creddo) et Leslie Mani-gat (RDNP) ont décidé de faire l'impasse sur ces joutes.

****L'analyste poli-

tique , Edwige Lalanne, persiste à réclamer un

remaniement au sein du Conseil Electoral pour parvenir à des élections crédibles et démocratiques dans le pays. Intervenant,sur la station lcale Radio Metropole, Monsieur Lalane, n'a pas non plus caché son désap-pointement face au nombre de candidats à la présidence inscrits en vue des joutes du 28 novembre. Le professeur Lalane qui s'est allié à une frange de l'opposition au gouvernement Préval, estime que les candidats enregistrés devraient contest-er la décision de l'organisme électoral qui a autorisé les anciens comptables de deniers public à s'inscrire sans certificat de décharge. Par ailleurs le spécialiste en Relations Internationales accuse les membres de la communauté internationale de contribuer à la crise électorale actuelle en cautionnant certains actes commis par le CEP. Selon lui, les ambassades de la plupart des grands pays dits amis d'Haïti agissent au détriment de la nation haïti-enne. Rappelons que l'ancien directeur du ministère des affaires étrangères avait demandé aux partis politique membres de l'opposition de ne présenter qu'un seul candidat à la présidentielle de 2010.

****Déjà fortement en progression jeudi, le

processus d’inscription des candidats aux prochaines présidentielles s’est nettement accéléré vendredi avec le dépôt des pièces de sept nouveaux aspirants, dont plusieurs personnalités de premier plan, ce qui porte à quinze le total des compétiteurs en lice à la veille de la fin samedi des opérations d’enregistrement. Ont notamment défilé à la direction des opérations électorales, l’ancien Premier ministre Lavalas, Yvon Neptune, représentant de ”Ayisyen pou Ayiti” (Les haïtiens pour Haïti), l’actuel ministre des affaires sociales, Yves Cris-talin, de ”òganizasyon Lavni” (Organisa-tion Avenir), l’ancienne Sénatrice Myr-lande Hyppolite Manigat, candidate du Rassemblement des démocrates nation-aux progressistes (RDNP), le notaire Jean Henry Céant, qui se présente sous la ban-nière de ”Renmen Ayiti” (Aimer Haïti) et la pasteur Chavannes Jeune de ”Alyans kretyèn e sitwayèn pou rekonstriksyon Ayiti” (ACCRHA). Certains des aspirants, Yves Cristalin en tête, n’ont pas lésiné sur

les moyens pour mobiliser leurs troupes. Ses sympathisants portaient, en effet, des t-shirts avec l’écriteau ”Cris kapab” (allu-sion aux croyances religieuses de la popu-lation et au nom du candidat) pendant que le chanteur Ti Pay, totalement dévoué à la cause de son leader, s’évertuait à créer l’animation sur un char musical.

****Une femme accouche de deux siamois

dans la Grand’AnseRoselaine Clermont et son conjoint ont

désormais 16 enfants sur les brasUne femme de 47 ans, Roselaine Cler-

mont, déjà mère de 14 enfants, a donné naissance à deux siamois dimanche dans la localité de Léon, près de Jéré-mie (Grand’Anse, sud-ouest), a constaté le correspondant régional de Radio Kis-keya. Apparemment en bonne santé, les nouveaux-nés sont reliés par les fesses et pourraient être difficilement séparés, selon un premier avis médical. Ce rare événe-ment une fois connu, Mme Clermont a été transférée à l’hôpital Saint-Antoine de Jérémie en compagnie des bébés après un accouchement plutôt difficile réalisé par une matrone. ”Elle ne savait quoi faire des nouveaux-nés et j’ai demandé de les con-fier à des médecins”, a déclaré la quadra-génaire qui confie avoir éprouvé de fortes douleurs durant sa grossesse. oselaine Clermont et son mari Marcel Lizaire n’ont pas encore dit ce qu’ils comptaient faire des deux siamois qui viennent porter à 16 les créatures engendrées par le couple con-fronté aux sollicitations multiples d’une progéniture de plus en plus nombreuse.

****Le Premier ministre haïtien, Jean-Max

Bellerive, est arrivé vendredi à Bogota où il doit assister samedi à la cérémonie d’investiture du nouveau Président colom-bien, Juan Manuel Santos, en compag-nie d’une quinzaine de chefs d’Etat lati-noaméricains. Selon l’agence espagnole EFE, initialement le Président René Préval était attendu dans la capitale colombienne. Cependant, à l’arrivée sur la base aérienne de Catam du vol en provenance de Port-au-Prince, les autorités ont constaté que son Premier ministre l’avait remplacé. Remer-ciant infiniment la Colombie pour l’aide fournie à Haïti après le séisme dévastateur du 12 janvier, Jean-Max Bellerive a aussi rappelé que le successeur d’Alvaro Uribe avait visité le pays la semaine dernière dans le cadre d’une longue tournée régio-nale. Juan Manuel Santos s’était engagé à renforcer la coopération avec Haïti surtout en matière de sécurité publique et de lutte contre le narcotrafic. Leonel Fernàndez de la République Dominicaine a été le pre-mier dirigeant étranger à arriver à Bogota placée sous haute surveillance avec le déploiement de quelque 400.000 membres des forces de sécurité chargés d’assurer le bon déroulement de la cérémonie dans un pays confronté à une guérilla vieille de plus de quarante ans.

E N F R A N ç A I S

August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 3

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Last-minute political intrigue matched the ruckus outside Hai-ti's election headquarters Satur-day as candidate registration for the post-earthquake presidential race rollicked to a close.

The biggest shake-up came inside President Rene Preval's Unity party, which revealed it is not backing former Prime Minis-ter Jacques-Edouard Alexis after all. Instead it threw its support behind Jude Celestin, head of the government's primary construc-tion firm.

Alexis showed up at the quake-damaged election headquarters anyway and registered with a dif-ferent party — the Mobilization for Haitian Progress, run by a former presidential hopeful from Miami with family ties to former dictator Jean-Claude ”Baby Doc” Duvalier.

At least 58 parties are regis-tered for the Nov. 28 first-round

vote to choose a successor to Pre-val, who is barred from seeking re-election. Voters will also select legislators and local officials.

The best known presidential candidate is multimillionaire singer Wyclef Jean, who returned to his New Jersey home Friday after registering as the candidate for the Viv Ansanm party.

As Jean and others did all week, presidential hopefuls streamed to the elections office Saturday in gleaming motorcades while supporters danced to music and pressed against police bar-ricades in largely choreographed displays.

After long sessions of watching their candidacy documents signed and witnessed, the candidates emerged to scrums of shoving Haitian reporters to make their case for leading the wounded nation.

”There are many candidates on the ballot, but the people know

there is only one: It's Claire Lydie Parent,” said Claire Lydie Parent, mayor of the Port-au-Prince sub-urb of Petionville.

Among other aspirants who appeared were Yvon Neptune, the last prime minister under ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and Leslie Voltaire, the current government's master planner for reconstruction.

Alexis had no comment about Unity's change of heart. He twice served as prime minister under Preval, most recently until he was ousted in 2008 as senators blamed him for widespread riots over rising food prices.

”I know Haiti's problems very well. I also know the solutions to solve these problems,” Alexis told reporters.

The chairman of Preval's Unity party, Sen. Joseph Lam-bert, would not comment on the

Fanfare, Intrigue at Sign ups for Haiti Election

PORT-AU-PRINCE- Nearly seven months after the devasting earthquake in Haiti, tens of thousands of people are still homeless and hungry, a report said.

Despite $1.8 billion in earthquake aid, an estimated 1.6 million people are still living in tent camps in the middle of the hurricane season, The Boston Globe said Monday.

The earthquake hit Haiti Jan. 12.Just 4 percent of the earthquake debris

has been cleared and there are frequent shortages of clean water and often little food, the report said.

Paul Farmer, founder of Boston-based Partners in Health and a deputy special envoy for the United Nations, recently told a congressional panel that less than 3 percent of Haitian aid had gone directly to

the country's government. In the past, he said, U.S. policies, and

those of others, have sometimes bypassed Haiti's leadership, weakening it and con-tributing in part to the crisis today.

At the U.S. Embassy, a top official said ”there is some validity” to Farmer's conclusions but he said the United States is committed to strengthening Haiti's gov-ernment going forward, the Globe said.

”We want to make sure that everything we do is consistent with the government of Haiti's policies, its needs, its desires,” said Leon S. Waskin, director of the response effort for the U.S. Agency for International Development. ”They actu-ally have to be government of Haiti programs, not donor programs, or else they're not going to work.”

Thousands Still Homeless, Hungry in Haiti

Much of Port-au-Prince was reduced to rubble by the 7.0-strong quake on January 12

Supporters of Haitian-born singer Wyclef Jean, holding up a skull, cheer outside the elec-toral office where Jean submitted the paperwork to run for president of Haiti, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010.

Sen. Joseph Lambert, the chairman of Preval's Unity party.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Former President George W. Bush ambled into a steamy, fra-grant mango warehouse in Haiti Aug. 10 and surveyed several long tables neatly packed with the luscious fruit.

He clapped Ralph Perry, the warehouse owner, on the shoul-der. He shook hands with farm-ers, dressed in button-down shirts and ties for the occasion. Then Bush – who is co-leading a fund

to help Haiti since the Jan. 12 earthquake, along with former President Bill Clinton – talked of rebuilding.

He confidently said that man-goes will help the country ”grow into prosperity” and spoke of a half-million dollar grant to help 25,000 mango farmers.

In Haiti, the mango is a symbol of both the country's potential, and its dysfunction.

Bush Visits Haiti

see ELECTION on page 13

August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times4

American families who hire illegal workers to trim yards, clean toilets and paint walls are helping fuel the under-ground economy that attracts some 11 million undocumented workers to the U.S.

In the Western U.S., it's not hard to find someone who hires illegal immigrants. The real challenge is finding someone who will admit it on tape.

Annette — who agreed to give only her middle name — owns a two-bedroom condo in Phoenix, which she rents out. Her last tenant, a smoker, just moved away, and in order to fix the lingering ciga-rette smell, she needs a paint job.

Annette's painter is not authorized to work in the U.S. In fact, he's not authorized to live here, either. His name is Raphael, and he's cheap. Annette says an American painter quoted her $1,200 for the job. Raphael charges $500.

Annette believes American prices are inflated, so paying Raphael the lower wage is justified.

”If Raphael didn't come, he would work in a maquiladora in Juarez, and he would make $1 an hour or $2 an hour, whereas here he can make $500 in a matter of five hours,” Annette says. ”So I have no prob-lem giving him the keys to this condo, because I know he'll do a good job.”

Annette is breaking federal law. If caught, she could face a $375 fine. She's small potatoes to federal agents. But things are getting more hostile for people like Annette in Arizona. One provision of the state's controversial immigration law that went into effect last month makes it a crime to slow traffic while picking up

day laborers. That's a common practice on some Phoenix street corners.

That's not an issue for Tom Maroun, because he hires men who come directly to his door. He and his wife, Patricia But-ler, pay Spanish-speaking men who roam their neighborhood seeking work about $30 a piece to trim about a half-dozen palm trees that tower above their pool.

”And they will come here and climb up to the very top, and everything will be clean — meticulously — in our yard and the yard next door,” Butler says.

Butler says she likes the indus-triousness of her workers, but she doesn't ask them to prove their citi-zenship. ”It would be profiling if I really asked, 'Hey can I see your papers? Are you undocumented?' ”

Even without asking, the couple believe their landscapers are in the country ille-gally.

”If any of them were here with docu-ments, I'd be shocked, now that I look back on it,” Maroun says.

A couple miles south is Suzie Perry's backyard — which she laments is in dis-array. The yard is messy because Perry no longer hires the undocumented workers that she had paid for 15 years to maintain it.

”We didn't really even think about its legality before. And now, that's sort of in the air. Like, should we be doing this or shouldn't we?” Perry says.

Ultimately, Perry decided she shouldn't — but not because she was worried about breaking the law. She wanted to make a political statement. She says she's will-

ing to let the weeds grow if it means fewer illegal immigrants cross into the United States.

”If you build it, they will come. If there's something available for them to do, then they will fill that position,” Perry says.

And if the labor force dries up — and yards across the country go untrimmed or condos go unpainted — Perry believes the immigration debate in America might move forward.

”The decision makers will be forced to make some sort of a decision,” Perry says.

Meanwhile, Maroun and his wife will continue hiring their landscapers.

So do they believe they're partly responsible for fueling an underground economy?

”If I am, I don't have a problem with that,” Maroun says. ”This isn't about drug smuggling or criminals. This is about everyday people who are trying to better themselves.”

It's also about everyday families giv-ing them work. The question is: When decision makers do tackle comprehensive immigration reform, how will they deal with that reality?

IHe came here first on a student visa. Then, after graduating as a computer engi-neer, he got a temporary work visa, and eventually citizenship.

”I feel like I earned my citizenship,” Shamsee said. ”Because the rule is, if you are on work visa, H1, and you get laid off, you have to find another job or you are illegal, your status is illegal. You're sup-posed to leave the country.”

Fortunately for him his skills were in demand in Silicon Valley, so he could stay. Many other prospective immigrants have to wait patiently in their home countries.

”There has to be a visa number avail-able, and sometimes that actually can take several years,” said Susan Curda of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Curda says to come here legally, most immigrants need either a job offer or an immediate family member already living here, then get in line.

”The countries that have the most people wanting to come to the United States, the wait's going to be longer,” she said.

In Arizona, fears that the state is being overrun by those who won't wait and that the border is out of control don't match reality, says Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano.

”There are more than twice as many border patrol agents at the border than just a few years ago,” Napolitano said. ”There's more tech-nology. There's more infrastructure. There's more air cover. And there's more every day on the way.”

Despite a perception that illegal immi-grants are causing a crime wave, the FBI says violent crime near the border has actually fallen in the past decade . . . in Phoenix down 10 percent . . . in San Diego down 17 percent . . . in El Paso, Texas down 36 percent.

In fact, illegal immigration as a whole is actually declining, although the poor economy may have as much to do with that

as improved border security. The Department of Homeland Security

estimates the number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. dropped from 11.6 million in January 2008 to 10.8 million in January 2009.

”Even if that has been going on and the numbers are all going in the right direction and all the rest, I think there's a realization, particularly in border states, that the under-lying immigration

law needs to be updated, needs to be reformed,” Napolitano said.

Many young undocumented immigrants, like Hermann, have their hopes pinned on the Dream Act, legislation first introduced in 2001 that has stalled in Congress.

It would award residency to many brought here as children younger than16, who have graduated from high school. Hermann sees the Dream Act as his chance to make a life in the country where he stud-

ied, works and pays taxes. ”This is my home,” Hermann said. ”I

do feel like I'm an American. You know, I have great love, great respect for this country. I've always had it.”

But Hermann's wish to live here legally is one shared by millions around the world.

Many immigrants think coming to America is like winning a lottery. And that's exactly how Paras and Davita Upad-hyay from Nepal got here. They were win-ners of the State Departments Diversity Visa Lottery, which awards 55,000 visas a year to people in countries that send few immigrants to America.

”He was all excited,” said Davita. ”It was exciting. We were not expecting that.

”Yeah, we were not expecting that,” Paras said.

More people want to come the United States than to anywhere else, and that is the challenge of immigration reform. Among all those who dream of becoming Ameri-can, how do we choose who to accept? The story was first published by cbsnews.

Immigration and Opening America's ”Golden Door”llegal Aliens in the U.S. Go to School, Work and Pay Taxes While Hoping for Citizenship

Immigration Vigil Planned at Capitol

Immigration reform legislation in Ari-zona is sparking prayer vigils and events by faith based organizations across the country. An event in Charleston on Tues-day is sponsored by the West Virginia Council of Churches.

Father Brian O’Donnell, secretary of the Catholic Conference of West Virgin-ia, said the event will take a closer look at illegal immigration and its impact on the state.

“There will be speakers talking say about this bill to allow an avenue for young people to become legal citizens of the U.S. and also speakers on what is the immigrant situation in WV and speakers on the economic impact of immigrants, legal or illegal,” said O’Donnell.

The immigration vigil will take place Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. on the Capitol steps.

“This is my home,” Hermann said. ”I do feel

like I'm an American.

In Illegal Immigration Debate, To Hire Or Not?

Annette is breaking fed-eral law. If caught, she

could face a $375 fine. She's small potatoes to

federal agents. But things are getting more hostile

for people like Annette in Arizona.

August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 5


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By Garry Pierre-Pierre Haitian Times Staff

When Jean Claude Duvalier and his fashionable wife, Michelle, were whisked away into a comfortable French exile in

February 1986, their departure brought about a

democratic experiment that many believe two decades later would have brought Haiti into a land of prosperity.

But that transition from a despotic soci-ety to a democratic one has not been smooth, to put it mildly. In many ways there are signs that the country has taken significant steps backward while making a few forward steps. While there have been at least three marginal successful presi-dential elections since 1990, the country appears stuck with little progress being made both economically and politically.

Despite the devastation brought about by the earthquake, presidential season is upon us and the presidential elections are scheduled for late November. Late last week at least three dozen candidates filed their petition to be president of Haiti, a job that many say is the toughest challenge in the world. Among the throng is the Gram-my award-winning hip hop artist, Wyclef Jean, Haiti's most famous son.

Jean's candidacy has created quite a stir. Many have all but proclaimed him the next

president, not taking into account the challenges that he faces in having the electoral council accepting his candidacy, and then there is the daunting task of facing his opponents that are well-steeped in Haitian politics. If he man-ages to get that far, Jean must govern and fulfil all of the unrealistic expecta-tions that he has tacitly promised. In an interview on CNN last week as he was announcing his can-didacy, Jean said he would make education, healthcare and job cre-ation his top priorities. Those are the back-bone of any society and in this troubled Caribbean nation, such things have eluded the population.

Jean is counting on the largesse of the international community to make good on promises of nearly $10bn in aid to help rebuild the earthquake ravaged country. Bill Clinton, the former American presi-dent, who is considered political royalty around the world, has voiced deep frustra-tion at his inability to make these nations honour the pledges they made to Haiti at a United Nations conference in March.

It is unclear how Jean, despite his celeb-rity, will manage to get the funding nec-

essary to get his country moving. So far, he has said he is willing to hop on a plane and look at those leaders in the eye and get their commitment. The first place he could start is in his adopted homeland. He needs to go to Washing-ton and get the recalcitrant Republicans to pass bills where the Haiti money is earmarked.

Jean, an incredibly savvy entertainer, clearly lacks the political wherewithal to deal with the complex

situations he is likely to face abroad. His internal challenges are more troublesome because he needs to surround himself with a strong cadre of competent people well-steeped into the ins and outs of gov-ernance. The first step is to recruit Haitians from all over the world and find the money to pay them in an effort to rebuild the lack of professionals in the country. For the last 50 years, the country has experienced a steady brain drain. As soon as a genera-tion of young professionals begins to gain experience, they quickly leave the country for better opportunities in North America.

As a consequence, many believe the country lacks the people in place to man-age whatever money that investors are

willing to put into the country. Most of the current leaders in Haiti are more comfort-able in the NGO spectrum and few know the language and complexities of interna-tional finance and management. These are things that you need because businesses are what develop a country, not aid.

To be sure, Jean's platform as such is quite unremarkable. He has said he was drafted by the youth, and is positioning himself as their official spokesman since people under 25 represent more than 50% of the population. While that is a fairly large number of people, many of them are not of voting age.

The question is, what role should Jean play in Haiti? The answer is clearly for him to continue as a roving ambassador, bringing a certain Hollywood glamour to the hemisphere's poorest nation. He has taken them there before, but now he could bring the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to his birthplace and get them seri-ously on board to convince people that Haiti is a sound place to do business. Per-haps Hollywood can use the country as a location for making movies.

This position lacks the pomp and cir-cumstances that go along with the presi-dency. But it doesn't have the headaches and challenges that Jean has not shown he is able to absorb on a daily basis in a country with no resources and intractable problems.

Stick To What You Know Best, Wyclef JeanWyclef Jean is a savvy entertainer, but he lacks the political nous to give Haiti the leadership it desperately needs and deserves.

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The haiTian Times86 August 11 - 17, 2010

Is Wyclef Jean being manipulated?

The rumor came out of nowhere but was promptly dismissed by political observers because it sounded so

bizarre. Although Wyclef Jean had writ-ten a song “If, I were president”, this was by no means a clear indication of his affinity for politics, let alone presidential aspiration. Then Raymond Joseph, Wyclef Jean’s distant cousin and Haiti’s ambas-sador to Washington for the last 6 years, resigned the post, prompting speculations of a run of his own or playing a role of political mentor to his famous cousin. In an interview with the New York Times on Wednesday August 4th, Jean said “I'm not running for president so much as I'm being drafted” by the youth of Haiti.” ”The decision is made,” he told the Wall Street Journal.

On Thursday August 5th Wyclef Jean, inter-nationally-renowned Haitian singer and polit-ical neophyte, flew to Haiti and formally announced that he was in fact running for president of his country: the most complex political entity in the entire world. When the smoke clears, Jean may regret having embarked in this treacherous adventure which will certainly change his life forever. He is no longer the apolitical and unabashed patriot or the compassionate idealist wishing the best for his impoverished fellow Haitians, but a politician like the others, possess-ing all the negative stereotypes attached with the label. Moreover, he would have to overcome the electorate’s entrenched prejudices against uneducated people, a paradox by any measures that shows the complexity of Haitian politics, and its animosity toward the arrogant and patron-izing Diaspora.

Now the Préval-dominated, fraud-plagued and corrupt CEP (French acro-nym for Provisional Electoral Council) will have to decide on Wyclef’s eligibility, which will be at the forefront of his can-didacy. Will the CEP adhere to the strict interpretation of the Constitution or yield to the interests of the obscure forces by letting Mr. Jean get a pass in the matter of eligibility? Wyclef’s appointment as a roving ambassador by René Préval in 2007 theoretically exempts him from the residency requirement but only covers 3 years. Whatever the outcome, the flaws of the 1987 Constitution in regard to eli-gibility have become apparent with his candidacy. Does an expatriate, who fails to contribute to the treasury by way of paying taxes, qualify to run for the highest office of the land? This is an issue that needs to be addressed, since contributing to the treasury remains the premier obliga-tion of all citizens toward the state.

Without a doubt, the chance of Wyclef getting elected to the Haitian presidency is next to zero; however, his participation

as a candidate lends credibility to the election, which was poised to be boycot-ted by Lavalas and other political sectors. The CEP, which arbitrarily banned Hai-ti’s largest political party from participat-ing in the incoming vote, now finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Assum-ing it rules in Wyclef’s favor; its credibil-ity as the guardian of electoral laws will certainly take a nose dive and negate the notion of its supposed impartiality. On the other hand, a rejection of Wyclef’s candidacy may cause a backlash not only from euphoric Haitian youths dissatisfied with the ruling, but also the international community which is counting on a high voter turnout that puts to rest the notion of Lavalas or Aristide, for that matter, as a potent force in Haitian politics.

Without a doubt, Wyclef loves his country; being a self-made man makes him more qualified than most profes-sional politicians whose claim to the office has more to do with personal ambi-

tions and sublime arro-gance rather than track records. However, he is being manipulated into something beyond his musical talent. This is not the return of the prodigal son. In normal circumstances Wyclef’s

candidacy would be perceived as a joke, but at this juncture it is a lifeline to the international community’s bizarre and, so far, unsuccessful attempt at fostering sta-bility in Haiti. Goaded by obscure forces with an interest in seeing what would be a fraudulent election validated through sizable voter participation, Wyclef is a pawn in a game of deceit. The loser could only be the Haitian people whose future is currently in the hands of entities that have a vested interest in perpetuating the politic of exclusion.

What is Wyclef’s political orientation? His song “ If, I were president” no doubt speaks the mind of a populist, but a fellow celebrity, academy award winner Sean Penn, who is doing a terrific job in Haiti helping the poor, thinks otherwise. ”This is somebody who's going to receive an enormous amount of support from the United States, and I have to say I'm very suspicious of it, simply because he, as an ambassador at large, has been virtu-ally silent. For those of us in Haiti, he has been a non-presence,” said Penn. Indeed, there is good reason to be suspicious of Wyclef’s motives, regardless of the lyr-ics of his songs and philanthropic works, as he is too closely associated with the administrators of the occupation.

At this juncture, we need a leader of stature who not only understands Haiti’s limited room for maneuver in its deal-ing with the occupiers but also willing to stand up to unreasonable demands with-out endangering their commitment to the reconstruction. Few of the current crops of declared presidential candidates fit the cri-teria and Wyclef Jean, a political neophyte with absolutely no understanding of the international power structure, is certainly not among them. We are down and beaten, but not desperate.

Contact Joseph at djougan@yahoo.com




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Under TheRadarBy Max A. Joseph Jr.

Got an Opinion?Give us Your Two Cents!e-mail us at info–ht@haitiantimes.com

The big news of the week is the registra-tion of 34 politicians who wish to partici-pate in the next Haitian presidential cam-paign. Until the College Electoral Perma-nent (CEP) validates these inscriptions on August 17, 2010, we count three women: Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat (RDNP), Claire-Lydie Parent (Konbit Pou refè Ayiti -KPH), Dr. Josette Bijou (Indépendente); two former prime ministers: Yvon Nep-tune (Ayisyen pou Ayiti), Jacques-Edouard Alexis (Mobilisation pour le Progrès d’Haïti – MPH); two popular singers: Michel Martelly (Repons peyizan), Wyclef Jean (Viv ansanm); two government offi-cials: Yves Christallin (LAVNI), Leslie Voltaire (Ansanm nou fò); two PhD’s: Dr Kesler Dalmacy (Indépendant), Dr. Gérard Blot (Platfòm 16 desanm); one industrial-ist: Charles Henri Baker (Regroupman Sit-wayen Pou Espwa – RESPÈ); One pastor: Jean Chavanne Jeune (Alliance Chrétienne citoyenne pour la reconstruction d’Haïti).

There are also Axan Delson Abel-lard, (Konbit Nasyonal pour Devlop-man - KNDA), Me Jean Henry Céant, (Renmen Ayiti), René St-Fort, (Parti Réformiste National - PRN), Wilson Jeudy, Delmas mayor (Fòs 2010), Garau-dy Laguerre (Mouvman Wozo), Olicier Pieriche (Reconstruire Haïti - RH), Jean-Hector Anacacis (Mouvement Démocra-tique de la Jeunesse Haitienne - MODE-JHA), Léon Jeune (Konbit Liberasyon Ekonomik - KLE), Génard Joseph (Parti Solidarité), Jean Bertin (Parti Socialiste Haïti - PSH), Jude Célestin (INITE), Eric Charles (PENH), Mario Eddy Gabriel Rodriguez (Independent), Voight Charles Henri (Mobilisation Democratique pour le relèvement d’Haiti), Lavaris Beaudin (Veye Yo), Raymond Alcide Joseph (Parti Democrate Institutionaliste), Vilaire Cluny Duroseau (MEKSEPA), Paul Arthur Fleu-rival (Vwazinaj), Jacques Phillipe Eugène (PSR), Pierre Armand (Parti Pèp La – PPL), Vilsaint Menelas (Parti Le National).

According to article 135 of the 1987 Constitution all these hopeful candidates must a) be Haitiens d’origine, meaning

that they must be born of parents who were themselves Haitians and they must have never given up their nationality; b) Be 35 years old on election day; c) Are in posses-sion of their Civil and Political Rights and have never been condemn to afflictive and infamous penalty for crime of common law; d) Earn at least one house in Haiti and have an usual residence; e) Have resided five (5) consecutive years in the country before the election date; f) Have been cleared of all charges for the accounting responsibility of public funds.

Now it is the responsibility of the even-tual voters to question each candidate about his/her party’s

philosophy and constituency? How does the candidate sees the socio-economic conditions in Haiti? What does he/she envisioned as being the specific possible solutions? What are the programs being considered, and what are the expected benchmarks? What are the openings, facilities, guaranties, and coordinating mechanisms being considered to encour-age and facilitate private local, Diaspora, and foreign investments? What are the most appropriate location in the country to establish agricultural and/or industrial enterprises? What is being considered for the appropriate training of 50,000 elemen-tary school teachers and 30,000 secondary school educators to provide a first class practical and modern education to mil-lions of Haitian children? Do the hopeful candidates have realized that all levels of productive education: classic, pedagogic, scientific, technique, vocational are nec-essary for the democratic equilibrium of the country and its social and economic development?

Who among them can give specific answers? The Haitian people has the right to know who has the team. the will and the ability to take Haiti from its actual abyss and bring it back to a sustainable level of a progressive, productive and enjoyable country.

The Haitian People Must Require More Specificity from the Presidential Candidates

“For those of us in Haiti, he has been a non-presence,” said


August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 7

Wyclef Jean erupted on the international scene in the 1990’s as the

lead-man of the Fugees, and for many Haitians it was be the first time they ever heard of him. He quickly became a favorite son within the Haitian communities, after carrying the Haitian flag on his back during an MTV music award show. Usually, Haitian flag was only seen on TV if something bad was happening in the country, such as a coup d’etat or a vio-lent manifestation. Wyclef made being Hai-tian in the United States of America as well as anywhere outside of Haiti a cool thing.

From the success of the Fugees to the band’s eventual break-up, Mr. Jean has always found a way to keep himself in the glare of media attention through it all. While members of the Fugees have gone into oblivion, Mr. Jean kept on produc-ing hits after hits, and in the process he founded, Yele, a non-profit organization in order to contribute to his country’s progress.

Through Yele, Wyclef wanted to show the world that a superstar born in a des-titute country could go back and make a difference in the lives of his less fortunate compatriots. Over the years, Yele brought awareness to many issues facing the coun-try, and Wyclef Jean never failed to let the world knows that Haiti needs its help.

Now fast forward to January 12th, 2010, Haiti was struck with a fierce earthquake that claimed the lives of over 200,000 peo-ple, left over 1 million people homeless and displaced within the country, and impacted the lives of the whole country’s population. By the time the earth stop shaking in Haiti, the country we knew then, looked very dif-ferent now. It will take a collective effort to lift up Haiti from the debris left behind by the earthquake and the many decades of inept leadership.

Every five years, Haiti must hold presi-dential elections, and it just so happened that the year the country was hit with its worst natural disaster, also happened to be an election year. If we wanted to talk about bad luck, having to hold elections in these conditions go beyond bad luck. But since the law is the law, elections must be held, and people with presidential aspirations certainly have a right to express their desire to be a candidate; However, Wyclef Jean as a presidential candidate, given the current conditions of the country is something that must not be overdramatized or turned into another real TV show.

Haiti has serious problems that ask for serious leadership and nothing in Wyclef’s past deeds screams out leadership. The man might convince himself to believe, whether he is ready or not, that he is the man for the job—but Haiti, as a country, is going through its worst period ever can ill-afford to take a chance.

Mr. Jean is without a doubt one of the greatest assets for Haiti today. His love for his country is unquestionable. And it is pos-sible that there isn’t another Haitian alive who has done more to promote the image of Haiti on the international stage as Mr. Jean has been doing so successfully for the past 15 years. Again from dressing with the Haitian flag on MTV to singing in Creole during the live telethon of the stars after the quake on US national broadcast, Wyclef has time after time shown great interest and love for the people of Haiti.

I am not writing this article to add to the anti-Wyclef sentiment out there nor to abase the man’s character and passion for his beloved country, on the contrary I am writing because in Wyclef I saw an asset that could be put to greater service for the benefit of Haiti without him having to be involved in the dirty field of politics.

For those who are criticizing Mr. Jean and digging up nasty dirt to paint a differ-ent image of the man, I would like to say no matter what people say, I will always personally admire the singer known as Clef.

At this point in history, as much as I admire the man who has been the interna-

tional face of Haiti, I cannot support his bid to lead a nation that he barely knows. Haiti needs a leader who can unite all the frac-tions within the country and someone who has the know how to create human capital, which Haiti so desperately lacking.

Mr. Jean has failed to show any leader-ship qualities in his management of Yele and his TV station, Telemax. Both of these ventures failed to make any lasting impres-sion on Haitian society, mainly because Mr. Jean is too obsessed about the Mr.Jean brand, and at this moment Haiti does not need anyone who sees themselves before the people who have been in what seems to be an eternal misery.

Yele, as an organization, has organized a few events such as food distribution, street cleaning, and every now and there supporting a school program, but the orga-nization failed to focus on any one area that they could have had a sustainable impact. Wyclef Jean has had an opportunity to showcase some of his vision for the youth of Haiti through his non-profit organization, which benefited from tax exemption, both in Haiti and in the United States, but at the end he failed to show that he had any vision for Haiti.

We need more than a public relations person as president. We need more than someone who is thinking about traveling the globe to beg donors for aid. We need more than someone who thinks because he has an international audience he can ignore the value of the very poor he wants to lead. We need more than someone who is quick to call himself a modern-day L’Ouverture or the Haitian Obama. More importantly, we need a leader who not only identifies with every Haitian, but who is willing to be uncomfortable for the benefit of the people. Wyclef Jean shows very little interest in understanding the plight of everyday Hai-tians by failing and refusing to live full-time in Haiti after the quake.

Although Wyclef Jean is not the only candidate in these elections, he is by far the most well-known individual, and the biggest star, but fame and celebrity are not the equivalent of good and sound leader-

ship. For the love of Haiti, wyclef does not need to be president to be jetting around the world and ask donors for their pledge. As a Haitian citizen, who can afford to taxi a private jet whenever he wants, he should be able to make plenty of trips around the world to ask the donors for their share of the pledge.

On a last note as to why I cannot support Mr.Jean as of today, I would like to point out my strongly held belief of the rule of law. Haiti is a sovereign state with its own set of laws. It is clear that Mr. Jean has very little regard for Haitian laws, and such a person cannot be the change that we seek. Besides the fact that Mr. Jean supported an unlawful uprising by thugs and criminals to overthrow a democratic president in 2004, he has shown no interest in following the 1987 constitution which stipulates the con-ditions for those who are eligible to become president.

Haiti needs change. Haiti needs some-thing new. Haiti must have a leader who can unify and has a clear vision for everyone. In Mr. Jean, I saw a continuation of the same old policies, the same old tradition of mar-ginalizing the many for the benefit of the few. During the CNN exclusive announce-ment of his candidacy, Mr. Jean reiterated his support for Clinton and his exploitative agenda. He failed to articulate why he would be the best leader for Haiti and what he intends to do as far as creating human capital from the bottom up. Haitians have to be on guard to not be used because this election might be one of the most important elections for generations to come.

The country must be entrusted in the hand of someone who has demonstrated leadership ability, and understood the Hai-tian people. Mr. Jean unfortunately does not possess either of these at this moment. The country must move forward. People must take their vote seriously, and be certain that they will vote for someone who will be able to manage the country. I believe that such people still exist within the Haitian society, now the question should be how do we allow those people to participate in the process?

Food Stamps or Teachers?The GOP midterm election strategy is

clear: stubbornly oppose anything and everything that might improve the economy and bank on voters to blame Democrats for these tough times come November.

There is perhaps no clearer sign of the poisonous political environment this stance has created than the battle to pass a $26 billion package to help states and local governments make Medicaid payments and avoid laying off 140,000 teachers. The only way Majority Leader Harry Reid was able to break a Republican filibuster was with offsets largely through—if you can believe it—$12 billion in cuts to food stamps.

That's right. Never mind that many people using food stamps are already living through a depression, not a recession. Never mind that food stamps are one of the most reliable ways to stimulate spending—those receiving the benefit are definitely going to pump that money back into the economy by purchasing goods.

But the food stamp lobby doesn't have

quite the same pull as the Chamber of Com-merce or US corporations—which have seen their profits rise by 36 percent this year and enjoy profit margins as a share of GDP that are near post-war records—or the

states themselves which face $140 billion in budget shortfalls in the upcoming year.

Even worse, Reid initially had to table this proposal because the (all hail the) Congressional Budget Office said the bill would still add $4.9 billion to the deficit when Democratic leadership proposed cut-

ting ”only” $6.7 billion in food stamps. By nearly doubling that food stamp cut the Democrats won the votes of Republican Maine Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to break the filibuster.

The political calculus is stunning: $1 trillion-plus for the banks—no problem. $10 billion for teachers and $16 billion to help the poor get healthcare? Only if it's deficit-neutral. What's next? Maybe they can axe some low-income energy assistance during these hot summer months?

With this kind of downsized politics in the Senate, so many good proposals are left foundering. Take the infrastruc-ture bank proposed by Michael Lind and Sherle Schwenninger of the New America Foundation, and others. Wash-

ington Post columnist Harold Meyerson recently wrote that it would break the cycle of businesses receiving federal help, laying off workers, slashing benefits, and shipping jobs and production overseas—all while hoarding cash.

”A new American infrastructure of roads,

rail and broadband is not only an economic necessity but also the investment with the highest multiplier effect in creating new jobs,” Meyerson writes. ”A US infrastruc-ture investment bank, such as that proposed by Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), could leverage significant private capital to begin America's rebuilding, though the idea has encountered rough sledding in (surprise) the Senate.”

Ethan Pollack, policy analyst at the Eco-nomic Policy Institute, said an infrastruc-ture bank would also ”create a long-term commitment that would give state and local governments, and private companies, more certainty and more options in how they are able to finance projects.”

Pollack points out that not only does the economy desperately need this spending to create jobs, but even the deficit hawks should see the benefits of making these necessary infrastructure investments now, rather than later.

”It's much cheaper to build now than

Ilio'sOdysseyBy Ilio Durandis

Ready or Not: Wyclef Jean Wants to Be President

see TEACHERS on page 9

Pollack points out that not only does the economy need this

spending to create jobs, but defi-cit hawks should see the benefits

of making these infrastructure investments now.

August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times8

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The U.S. ambassador to Haiti and dis-tinguished visitors toured the multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Iwo Jima off the coast of Port-de-Paix, Haiti, July 30.

Distinguished visitors flew from shore to ship via H-60 Sea Hawk helicopter.

The distinguished visitors include Ken-neth Merten, U.S. ambassador to Haiti; Shayne Gilbert, Chief of Joint Opera-tions and Tasking Center; Marine Lt. Col.

Charles S. Royer, the deputy chief of military operations for United Nations stability in Haiti, Uruguay Navy Capt. Gonzalo Cunarro, Chief Maritime Opera-tions MINUSTAH and Lefrancois Pascale, Special Advisor on Humanitarian Affairs to the Deputy of the Special Representa-tive of the Secretary of the UN.

Navy Capt. Michael T. Hopkins, the senior medical officer of the USS Iwo Jima, escorted the group throughout the ship’s medical facility to include the triage, surgery room, ward room, sick call area, dental and optometry department.

Hopkins explained what the ship’s medi-cal compartments consist of, how many

people can be treated within the compart-ment and how the medical team on board is supporting Continuing Promise 2010 in Port-de-Paix, Haiti.

“My corpsman, nurses and doctors work hard at what they do,” said Hopkins. “They put the same amount of care and effort into Haitians as they would to their Marines

and Sailors.”Continuing Promise personnel are cur-

rently visiting Port-de-Paix, Haiti con-ducting engineering missions, medical, dental, and veterinary services to the local community. Haiti is one of eight countries to be visited in the Caribbean, Central and South America.

US Ambassador to Haiti, other Distinguished Visitors Step Foot on USS Iwo Jima

USS Iwo Jima

Continuing Promise personnel are currently

visiting Port-de-Paix, Haiti conducting engineering

missions, medical, dental, and veterinary services to

the local community.

later,” said Pollack. ”Capital and labor costs are down, and interest rates near historic lows have pushed down the cost of financ-ing the construction.”

But in this political climate, where the CBO, Ben Nelson, and the Maine Sister Senators call the shots, it seems the chances for good proposals like these are slim to none. If we're going to have a Senate that isn't a place where good legislation goes to die, seems it's high time to reform the fili-buster. Pollack has been fighting the battle to get states and local governments funds throughout this crisis, and the filibuster is clearly on his mind these days.

”Progressives need to make confronting the institutional restraints we are up against a priority,” he says. ”It would only require fifty-one votes at the beginning of the next

session of Congress to get rid of the sixty-vote supermajority required to pass legisla-tion in the Senate.”

Indeed, the filibuster and other rules of the Senate can be changed at the beginning of a new session through a simple majority vote with the vice president presiding, and there is growing momentum around lower-ing the sixty-vote threshold. Senate Major-ity Whip Dick Durbin has spoken favorably of it, and many freshman senators—led by New Mexico Senator Tom Udall—are aggressively pursuing it. Senator Tom Har-kin recently wrote of his good reform pro-posal in The Nation, and Rules Committee Chairman Chuck Schumer has held a series of hearings on the issue.

Maybe with smart filibuster reform Dem-ocrats will no longer be in the position of choosing between food stamps and teach-ers.

This opinion was first published in The Nation.

Teacherscontinued from page 7

The haiTian Times810 August 11 - 17, 2010

Nan premye pati a, ki te parèt semèn 4-10 out 2010 la, m te prezante Leya Kokoye kòm bon jan egzanp moun ki nan sitiyasyon “devan pòt tounen dèyè kay”. Kote Leya al tonbe nan fon on lakou nan ri Antèman an, se pa plas li. Se sitiyasyon ki fè aksyon. Se paske papa l ki te koutye bòd mè vin mouri ki fè se la l al chwe. Ka sa a Siksto rele li on ka “labou rete kouran”. Gen anpil lòt ka ankò nou pral wè, k ap gen diferan non, men yo tout antre anba prela “devan pòt tounen dè yè kay la”.

Labou rete kouran, se on bèl imaj. Mityak labou, tè ki brase ak dlo nan ale-vini bèt ak kretyen-vivan, anpeche kouran dlo sui wout pou l glise desann. Labou rete kouran dlo fre ki t ap glise de sann pou wouze jaden Leya, pou pèmèt li fleri, bay bon rekòt, pou lavni Leya ta klè, pou moun pa oblije ap pran lapenn pou li lè l ap pase, pou yo pa di “Gade divinite Leya non!”. Lanmò papa Leya kontrarye devlopman Leya. Nou ta gendwa sèvi ak on lòt imaj pou nou dekri sitiyasyon Leya

a: Leya rankontre ak “revè lavi”. “Revè lavi?” Sa sa vle di? Lè nou tande on moun ap pale de revè, se lide boul bòlèt ki vin nan tèt nou, paske se boul bòlèt nou kon-nen ki gen revè. (Boul bòlè pa sèlman gen revè, yo gen wotè tou, yo gen konpayèl, youn mache ak lòt—men sa a se on lòt koze pou on lòt lè.) Lè ou vire on boul bòlèt lanvè, dèyè vin devan osnon devan l al dèyè, ou kontre ak revè boul sa a. Si ou pa si sou tèt ou, si rèv la pa t klè (tankou m ta di ou, on rèv vant plen), ou oblije jwe boul la lanvè-landrèt, kidonk jwe l ak tout revè l. Se vre gen boul ki pa gen revè, boul tankou 22, boul pè. Boul sa yo gen wòl pa yo. Gen on tonton granmoun ki di mwen, si moun Divalye yo te chwazi 22 kòm boul espesyal yo, boul pwen yo, boul malè yo, se paske yo pa t vle pran nan kout boul revè. Ala zafè, papa! Kote yo jodi a? Pa Bondye k fè lavi gen revè! Kote nou ta gad? Menm tonton sa a te di m tou, an 57 li pèdi pou revè, paske li jwe D.F. epi F.D. pran li. Bòlèt politik sa a se on bòlèt ki dechennen toutbon. An mankan pwofesè Dànyèl, ou pran doktè Franswa.

Koze ki klè pou tout moun, menmsi yo ta nan fènwa nèt, “devan pòt tounen dèyè kay”, se tou jou on pawòl divinite moun k ap pale, kit nou t ap pale de Leya, kit nou t ap pale de Aselòm. On moun devan pòt tounen dèyè kay pou li, se on moun ki fin deplimen… tankou on zwazo osnon

on poul. Lè zwazo ak poul deplimen, se wout cho dyè ak wout dife yo pran. Paske yo pa sipoze pa gen plim sou do yo. Men lè on kretyen-vivan fin deplimen, se on pawòl dantan, se on pawòl tan pase. “Gade Aselòm non, mezanmi! Gade eta nèg la! Se di m ap di nou, nou pa t konnen l. Aselòm se te on potorik gason! Gade jan l fin deplimen! Konnye a, y a pran nèg la pou on moun konsa-konsa. Yo gen rezon di lè ou wè on zo nan granchimen, fò ou chonje l te gen vyann sou li. Se on bèl pawòl. Se leson pou n aprann.” Se de koze wi ki marye ansanm la a nan deklarasyon sitwayen an: on koze “deplimen” ak on koze “zo nan granchimen”. Se sitiyasyon ni Leya ni Aselòm.

Gen moun tou ou konn tande yo di ki tankou “mèlan cheche”. Mèlan an se on zwazo. M pa konn si se li ki rete konsa li cheche pou kont li, sou pye, osnon si se touye yo touye l, epi yo mete l cheche, konmkwa pou yo ta pile l fè ti poud wanga avèk li, ti poud cham, jan yo ta ka fè ak wanga-nègès. Antouka, nan tèt pa m, imaj mèlan cheche a ranplase ak imaj krab mazòrèy m te konn wè sou tèt wòch bò lanmè. Pa sa ki enganm k ap kouri toupa-tou yo non. Krab mazòrèy vyann yo sove sou yo, se de sa m ap pale. Se lè ou wè lanm lanmè a ap bat yo, epi yo pa briding kò yo, ou konnen se po yo ki rete la, vyann lan te gentan al bwachat lontan…

Chaje lòt imaj ankò ki mache ak lide “devan pòt tounen dèyè kay la”, men fòk nou fè on ti rale tou kout sou devan pòt ak dèyè kay kòm senbòl.

Devan pòt, se kote ki fèt pou toujou byen pwòp, byen bale, paske se la antre kay la ye, se la yo resevwa moun, se la nòmalman moun pase pou yo antre nan on kay sitou si se etranje, si se pa moun kay yo ye—moun kay ka pase pa lakou pa lafe-nèt, pa jaden: moun ki gen otorite (tankou lapolis, detektif) osnon moun ki bay tèt yo otorite (tankou vòlè ak atoufè) pa respekte afè pòt devan sa a. Si gen on bèlte ki pou fèt, se devan pòt ki vin anvan.

Dèyè kay, kòm senbòl, se lekontrè devan pòt—n a remake yo pa di ‘dèyè pòt’: sa ta vle di on lòt bagay (Sa k konnen sa k ap pase dèyè pòt / lè pòt fèmen?). Sa ki dèyè kay pa la pou je etranje wè—on moun ka al dekouvri sa ki dèyè kay, men se pa entansyon mèt kay la pou l kite sa k dèyè kay la parèt; dèyè kay pa oblije pwòp: se la yo remize tout bagay ki pa gen plas yo devan kay osnon anndan kay; dèyè kay se tankou anba kabann osnon on ti kwen fènwa kote nou ka pouse fatra… retire l anba je moun.

Men “devan pòt tounen dèyè kay” se on gwo koze, on pawòl divinite…

Kontakte Wozvèl Jan-Batis nan roro-


Paj Kreyòl AyisyenDevan Pòt Tounen Dèyè Kay (2)Dèyè

PawòlGen Pawòl

Avèk Wozvèl Jan — Batis

WASHINGTON – The House ethics com-mittee on Monday announced three counts of alleged ethics violations against California Democrat Maxine Waters, including a charge that she requested federal help for a bank where her husband owned stock and had served on its board.

Waters, a 10-term representative from Los Angeles, has denied any wrongdoing and had urged the committee to come forth with details of the charges so that she can defend herself in a trial expected to take place this fall.

That trial would be the second handled by the ethics committee this fall. Another senior Democrat, former Ways and Means Commit-tee Chairman Charles Rangel, faces 13 counts, including failing to dis-close assets and income and delayed payment of federal taxes. With the election just three months away, Republi-cans have pounced on the two cases as indications of Democrats failing to live up to promises to end corruption in Washington.

The Waters case revolves around whether she helped OneUnited Bank obtain federal bailout funds in late 2008. Her husband, Sid-ney Williams, served as a member of OneUnit-ed's board of directors from January 2004 until April 2008, and was a stockholder in the bank.

The report says Waters asked the Treasury Department to meet representatives from the National Bankers Association, a trade group representing minority-owned and women-owned banks. The discussion at that September

2008 meeting centered on OneUnited Bank.Waters, who chairs the Financial Services

subcommittee on housing and community opportunity, contends that the National Bank-ers Association requested the meeting, which was held on behalf of the association, not OneUnited. OneUnited eventually received $12 million in bailout money.

She petitioned to have the charges dis-missed, but the ethics committee rejected that request.

The first count said she violated House rules that members ”shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect credibil-ity on the House.”

It said that her hus-band's financial inter-est in OneUnited had declined from $350,000 at the end of June 2008, to about $175,000 in September, and would have been worthless if OneUnited had not received federal funds.

The second violation pertains to the use of

improper influence that results in a personal benefit. It cites the failure of Waters to instruct her chief of staff to refrain from assisting OneUnited after she realized she should not be involved in the case.

The third count relates to the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not.

Waters said in an earlier statement that ”the record will clearly show that in advocating on behalf of minority banks, neither my office nor I benefited in any way, engaged in improper action or influenced anyone.”

House Ethics Panel Outlines Charges Against Waters

“The record will clearly show that in advocat-

ing on behalf of minority banks, neither my office

nor I benefited in any way, engaged in improper action or influenced


Representative Maxine Waters (D - CA)

August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 11


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0 C







n C



ny o

f N






: A


ll 94755_0v1

A good rule of thumb for air conditioner use is to:

A. open windows and turn off A /C when it’s 70° or cooler outside

B. run your A /C for one hour then close windows to trap the cool air

C. run your A /C and leave windows closed until cold fall weather returns



0 C







n C



ny o

f N






: A



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B. traditional ovens use less than half the power of microwaves

Ceiling fans can help you save energy:

A. in the summer

B. in the winter

C. in both summer and winter

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A. report electric power problems online at conEd.com or by cell phone

B. report power problems by calling 1-800-75-CONED

C. call 1-800-75-CONED if you see steam on New York City streets

D. all of the above

answer: A

answer: Aanswer: D

answer: C

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August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times12 August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 13

1. Yves Christallin (Ministre des affaires sociales et du travail) Parti « Organizasyon Lavni » (LAVNI)

2. Yvon Neptune, Parti « Ayisyen pou Ayiti »

3. Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat, Secrétaire générale du RDNP, Parti « Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Pro-gressistes» (RDNP),

4. Jean Chavannes Jeune (pasteur), Parti « Alliance chrétienne citoyenne pour la reconstruction d’Haïti»

5. Axan Delson Abellard, Parti « Konbit Nasyonal pour Devlopman » (KNDA),

6. Me Jean Henry Céant, Parti « Renmen Ayiti »,

7. René St-Fort, Parti « Parti Réformiste National » (PRN),

8. Wilson Jeudy (maire de Delmas), Regroupement de partis, « Fòs 2010 » (Force 2010)

9. Michel Martelly (chanteur), Parti « Repons peyizan » (Réponse des paysans).

10. Wyclef Jean (chanteur), Parti « Viv ansanm » (Vivre ensemble).

11. L’industriel Charles Henry Jean-Marie Baker, Parti « Respè » (Regwoupman sitwayen pou espwa).

12. Dr. Kesler Dalmacy, Indépendant

13. Garaudy Laguerre, Parti « Mouvman Wozo »

14. Dr. Gérard Blot, Parti « Platfòm 16 Désanm

15. Olicier Pieriche, Parti, « Reconstruire Haïti » (RH)

16. Jean-Hector Anacacis, Mouvement Démocratique de la Jeunesse Haitienne (MODEJHA)

17. Léon Jeune (ancien directeur général de la Police Nationale d’Haïti - PNH) ,Parti Konbit Liberation Ekonomik (KLE)

18. Leslie Voltaire (Envoyé spécial du Gouvernement d’Haïti auprès du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, et représentant de Bill Clinton), Parti,Plateforme Ansanm Nou Fo

19. Génard Joseph, Parti Solidarité

20. Jacques-Edouard Alexis, Mobilisation pour le Progrès d’Haïti, Parti MPH

21. Jean Bertin, Parti Socialiste Haïti, Parti PSH

22. Claire-Lydie Parent (Mairesse de Pétion-Ville), [Parti, Konbit Pou refè Ayiti (KPH)

23. Jude CELESTIN, Parti, NITE,

24. Eric CHARLES, Parti,PENH

25. Mario Eddy Gabriel ROGDRIGUEZ , Independant

26. Voight Charles Henri, Parti, Mobilisation Democra-tique pour le revelement d Haiti

27. Lavaris BEAUDIN, PartiVeye Yo

28. Raymond Alcide JOSEPH, Parti Democrate Institu-tionaliste

29. Vilaire Cluny DUROSEAU, Parti MEKSEPA

30. Paul Arthur FLEURIVAL, Parti Vwazinaj

31. Jacques Phillipe EUGENE Parti, PSR

32. Dr. Josette BIJOU, Independant

33. Pierre ARMAND Parti, Pèp La – PPL

34. Vilsaint MENELAS, Parti Le National

reasons behind the decision to drop sup-port for Alexis.

”This morning we decided we’re not going to send Alexis, we’re going to send Jude Celestin,” Lambert told The Associ-ated Press. ”Alexis has a right to run in any party he wants.”

The support of Preval’s party is expected to be a factor in a contentious presiden-tial race. For one, the eight members of the provisional electoral council who will determine which candidates are qualified for the ballot were all approved for their positions by Preval.

Candidates must meet seven constitu-tional requirements: Be a native of Haiti, be

at least 35 years old, have never renounced their citizenship, have never been sen-tenced for a crime, own property and a ”habitual residence” in Haiti, not currently be handling public funds and have resided in the country for at least five consecutive years before election day.

Celestin, the Unity Party’s candidate, heads the government-run Centre National des Equipments, whose dump trucks and front-loaders hauled away tens of thou-sands of bodies after the Jan. 12 quake and are contracted to cart away millions of cubic feet of rubble. The road-building company can also expect a lot of busi-ness as billions in aid money flows in for reconstruction.

Haiti’s next president is slated to oversee the spending of nearly $10 billion in recon-struction aid promised at a March U.N. donors conference — though less than 10 percent has actually been delivered so far.

Fanfare, Intrigue at Sign ups for Haiti ElectionElectioncontinued from page 3

with other foreign governments or agen-cies that are interested. But they have done nothing except two things: one, to evict people from time to time. And second is to move people from one set of tents…to another set of tents.

You know, they’re putting these people in deserts—in traffic, two hours away from downtown Port-au-Prince, where their community is, where their family is, where jobs are, or work possibilities, school and healthcare.

It’s really criminal neglect, is what it is, of 1.5 to 2 million people.

Do you think the nGOs bear some responsibility for not putting up better structures, not pressuring the haitian government?

They don’t have legal responsibility, but I would say they have moral responsibil-ity. They have an obligation, ethically, to ensure that those who are the most vulner-able are taken care of.

What about the interim haiti Recov-ery Commission? Do you see any hope in that particular body?

No one is taking note of the fact that the governance of a nation has been handed off to a commission. It’s unheard of.

Here you have people who literally pay money to have a seat at a completely unac-countable and undemocratic institution that gives no state of the union address, that reveals no focus, no papers, no plan—there’s no number that you can call. There is no way for the Haitian people to know what is being planned in this critical, criti-cal moment of [reconstruction].

is there anything that an american can do to help? Or is being aware the most important thing right now?

No, there’s a lot that we need to do. We need to demand accountability from our government. We need to demand that the government respect international law. We can denounce this commission and the takeover of a nation. We can advocate for greater transparency and accountability from the World Bank and the other institu-tions, especially the financial institutions that sit on the [Interim Haiti Reconstruc-tion Commission].

I think that we need to demand that the US step up and really act around this refu-gee crisis.

how can people contribute and figure out which organizations are really the

most sustainable? a lot of people want to give money.

I think a lot of people are giving money because it’s not obvious what else one does. Here we are now, moving into the second half of the year since the earth-quake, and I think some policy leverages are becoming clearer. It’s been really hard to know what to do… aside from bringing international attention.

People are still trying to figure out how to be useful besides sending a check. I

think that’s going to be happening. From [the US] it might seem as though it’s been very slow, but in Haiti there’s been a lot of chaos and crisis… I think we’re reaching a different point now, where we can organize more proactively.

Do you think the presidential elec-tion is going to be an opportunity for change?

It should be, but when you look at who’s running [in the election] and the systems

that it’s reinforcing, I don’t see that. And furthermore, what is the role of a presi-dent when the country is run by a foreign protectorate? I mean, I’m delighted that they’re continuing on with the constitu-tion…. But the political process has never served Haiti’s citizens and I doubt that it will now. It comes back to the fact that Haitians need leverage points through which they can pressure their government to be accountable.

Haiti's Homeless Situation is Criminal, says BellBellcontinued from cover

Here we are now, moving into the second half of the year since the earthquake,

and I think some policy leverages are becoming clearer. It’s been really

hard to know what to do… aside from bringing inter-

national attention.

The CandidatesWith the presidential registration race now closed, Haiti has 34 potential candidates, among them Wyclef Jean, the hip-hop

performer, Mr. Jean’s uncle, Raymond Joseph, Haiti’s ambassador to the United States. Haiti’s electoral council is scheduled to issue the official list of candidates Aug. 17 after determining the aspirants’ eligibility. Other candidates include: Mirlande Mani-gat, a former first lady and university administrator; Yvon Neptune and Jacques-Édouard Alexis, both former prime ministers; and Leslie Voltaire, Haiti’s special envoy to the United Nations and an architect active in reconstruction planning.

Here is the candidates list:

The support of Preval’s party is expected to be

a factor in a contentious presidential race.

A boy does his homework in a camp for displaced people in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

File PhotoWhile the people do what they can with what they have, permanent housing is urgently needed now.

Haiti must be rebuilt from the inside and out.

August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times14

My first introduction to an ethnic cookie was the gingerbread boy (or girl) that I saw in the window of my local bakery. When my mom bought me one of those soulful cookies, I consumed it slowly, starting from the feet and ending up with the smil-ing face. Little did I know how beneficial the ginger in that cookie was to my well-being and health.

When I was a youngster, I also loved ginger snaps. They were sweet and left a mild, tingling sensation in my mouth. I remember how my mom would give me ginger snaps when I had an upset stomach. They were so good that I almost wished I had a stomachache more often.

Down home in Virginia, where my mom came from, you could always find a bar-rel of ginger snaps in the general store. I thought they were free, and would eat a few while my mom was shopping. These little, hard cookies were a part of the old and young folks’ diet. The ginger snap had the ability to calm down the diges-tive system and get rid of gas. There were no store-bought antacids in those days, and ginger was relied upon. If a woman experienced nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, a cup of ginger tea would give her some relief. Migraine headaches also responded to this wonderful herb.

Recently, ginger has been found to help people with rheumatoid arthritis calm down their painfully swollen joints. When

experiencing car sickness, sea sickness or other kinds of motion sickness, ginger can be a winner in relieving nausea, vomiting and dizziness. One half-teaspoon of fresh-ly grated ginger in tea, 20 minutes before a car or boat trip, can do wonders.

During the winter and hay fever season, when you are filling up with thick phlegm and you can’t get to sleep due to coughing, a little ginger tea will be helpful.

Ginger can be bought in almost any store. It may look unsightly, but a quar-ter of an inch of fresh ginger root can be brewed to make an ample amount of tea that can be used over a period of time. It is important when brewing to use very thin slices. Ginger tea, when stored in the fridge, does not lose its potency.

It is important, however, not to overuse ginger due to the fact that it is a natural hallucinogen and may cause mental con-fusion. It seems that African and Indian ginger is more potent. If you are under a doctor’s care and taking other medica-tions, be sure to inform your physician that you are using ginger. Like the title of this article suggests, I was not only a gingerbread-loving boy—I am today a ginger- prescribing doctor.

For more health tips and access to an online community of physicians and other healthcare professionals visit: DrDeas.com

CHICAGO – Fido's food may be mak-ing kids sick, a government report warns, detailing the first known salmonella out-break in humans, mostly young children, linked to pet food.

The outbreak sickened 79 people in 21 mostly eastern states, between 2006 and 2008. Almost half of the victims were children aged 2 and younger.

Dry pet foods are an under-recognized source of salmonella infections in humans, and it's likely other illnesses since then were unknowingly caused by tainted pet food, said Casey Barton Behravesh, the report's lead author and a researcher at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At least six unrelated pet food recalls have been issued this year by manufactur-ers because of possible salmonella con-tamination, Food and Drug Administration data show. FDA spokesman Ira Allen said there have been no reported salmonella ill-nesses linked to pet food since the 2006-08 outbreak.

A report about the outbreak was pub-lished online Monday by the medical jour-nal Pediatrics. There have been no known cases of human salmonella linked with wet pet food. The outbreak was blamed on sal-monella bacteria found in several brands of dry dog and cat food produced at a Mars Petcare US plant in Everson, Pa., including Pedigree and Special Kitty.

While young children were most often affected, there's no evidence that they

got sick by eating pet food, Behravesh said. They probably became infected by touching affected animals or dirty pet food dishes, and then putting their hands in their mouths, she said.Symptoms included bloody diarrhea and fever. At least 11 people were hospitalized; none died.

There were no reports of sick animals but investigators found salmonella bacteria in stool samples from pets without symp-toms who ate tainted food.

The company recalled pet food made at the plant and permanently shuttered the plant in 2008 after an investigation failed to identify how the contamination occurred. Mars subsequently improved training and testing practices at its 17 U.S. plants, said company regulatory director Jill Franks.

Heating during pet food manufacturing generally kills salmonella germs. Behravesh said contamination may have occurred dur-ing a later process when food pellets were sprayed with flavor enhancers.

Duane Ekedahl, president of the Pet Food Institute, a manufacturers' trade group, said the public should not be unduly worried about pet food as a source of salmonella.

”Companies are very vigilant and in rare occasions when it occurs, products are pulled off the market,” he said.

The study authors advise pediatricians to ask about contact with pets at doctor visits and when evaluating infectious disease symptoms.

Food Could Be Making Kids Sick, Report Says


PrescriptionBy Dr. Gerald W. Deas

I’m a Gingerbread Boy

The haiTian Times 15 August 11 - 17, 2010 HEALTHWASHINGTON – Medicare is in bet-

ter shape because of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul and will stay afloat a dozen years longer than earlier projected, trustees forecast Thursday. But that depends on cuts in care that the system's top analyst says are highly doubtful.

The annual report by the trustees who oversee Medicare and Social Security, led by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, gives backers of the new health care law evidence of a positive impact on govern-ment entitlement programs, but it also undercuts the findings with a host of caveats.

In what amounted to a dissenting opin-ion, top Medicare actuary Richard Foster warned that the report's financial projec-tions ”do not represent a reasonable expec-tation” for the hospital fund for America's elderly.

Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of health and human services and one of the trust-ees, said they were required to assume current law in making their projections, including a cut in Medicare payments to doctors. She, too, doubted the cuts would ever happen, ”which is why we continue to provide cautionary notes” in the report.

The trustees projected the Medicare Hospital trust fund would be exhausted in 2029, or 12 years later than estimated last year.

The news wasn't as rosy for Social Secu-rity, which will pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes for the first time in decades this year and next year. The Social Security trust funds are expected to be exhausted in 2037, the same date as in

last year's report.More bad news for Social Security

recipients: The trustees project no cost-of-living increase for Social Security recipi-ents next year, the second year in a row with no increase. The adjustments are based on inflation.

The administration delayed the trustees report, which normally comes out in the

spring, in order to recalculate projected spending estimates based on changes in the new health care law.

Geithner said that while the report showed ”very positive developments” from the new health care law, it also under-scored ”that we must continue to make progress addressing the financing chal-lenges” facing both Medicare and Social

Security.”Those reforms require that we achieve

very substantial improvements in effi-ciency and productivity,” he said.

Foster, the Medicare official, said in a statement included in the report that the program's projected savings might not be

The free health care services that flooded into Haiti after the earthquake may be saving lives, but they also may be destroying the country's health-care system.

After the earthquake that struck Haiti in January, interna-tional doctors, nurses and medi-cal equipment streamed into the country, providing much-needed care. The temporary abundance is forcing private hospitals out of business, as their patents leave for free clinics.

”To have a private hospital operating right now, in this situ-ation, it's not possible.” Reynold Savain, a radiologist and director of the CDTI Hospital told PRI's The World. CDTI once was a paragon of advancement in Hai-tian health care. The private hos-pital was had CT scans and other advanced technology, and catered to the wealthier residents who could afford the $25 consulta-tion fee. After the earthquake, the hospital provided free health care to anyone who needed it. Today, it has been forced to shut down.

Savain says he was grateful

to the foreign organizations for providing staff and equipment, but he really needed financial support, too. He said, ”All these people wanted to give was medi-cine, medical supplies, and doc-tors, rotational doctors, and at one point I couldn't take it any more.” At the end of March, deeply in debt to banks, staffers and pharmaceutical supply com-panies, Savain closed down the hospital.

Other private hospitals fear the same fate as CDTI. Michel Théard, a cardiologist and board member at Hopital Canapé Vert, told The World:

We have an average of 8 to 10 patients a day, which is not enough to maintain the hospital open. And the problem is that the NGOs are working giving the free care, so when they will leave, you will find nothing. The medical condition of Haiti will be worse than before.

Few can deny the help that the international NGOs provid-ed after the earthquake. Even before the disaster, Jason Erb of

the International Medical Corps (IMC) estimates that only 45 percent of people had access to health care, including both public and private. Some of the people helped by NGOs may have never

received health care before”I don't see MSF being respon-

sible for destroying the private sector as has been said now,”Hans Van Dillen, Haiti mission chief for Doctors without Borders, told

The World. ”Well, not only MSF, of course, but the fact that there is free health care in Port-au-Prince is much more important.”

In his weekly address to the nation President Obama discusses a new Medicare Trustees report showing Medi-care to be on much stronger footing as a result of the reforms in the Affordable Care Act. In addition, seniors are also already getting help with prescription drug costs when they fall into the infamous ”donut hole.”

Medicare Fund Will Last Extra 12 years – Maybe

Charity May Harm Haiti's Health

see MEDICARE on page 23

see CHARITY on page 23

August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times16


The dance theater at Harlem will be having a free open audition on Saturday August 21, 2010 at their building located at 466w.152 street. NYC. Community (Saturday) and Pre-professional (afterschool) programs for male and Female beginner to advance level dancers must wear Leotards, tights and ballet slippers; or T-shirt, shorts and socks; and must arrive half hour before scheduled audi-tion. Schedule are as is: 10:00 to 11:00 AM for children of 3 to 6 years of age, 11:00 to 12:00 AM for children of 7 to 9 years of age, 12:00 to 1:00 PM for children of 10 to 14 years of age, and 1:00 to 2:30 PM will be for young adults of 15 to 18 years of age. For the Professional train-ing program arrive half hour before you scheduled audi-tion. Ladies please bring Pointe shoes; this audition will be from 1:00 to 2:30 Pm for people of 18 to 23 years of age. Form more information call: 212-690-2800, fax: 212-690-8736 or visit www.dancetheatreofharlem.org

-Helen B. Atkinson Health Center National Immuniza-tion Awareness Even will be held on Wednesday August 11, 2pm-4pm at its location on 81 W. 115th St New York. August is National Immunization Awareness Month and HBA is offering free immunizations and information. Are you and your family up to date on all your shots? Stop by the center and find out! for more information: Call (212) 426-0088 or email info@chnnyc.org

-Community League Health Center at CLOTH's 59th Annual Health & Cultural Festival will offer Free health screenings, safety materials, educational materials. Free food and entertainment on Wednesday August 11, 10AM to 1PM at 159th St btwn. Broadway and Amsterdam. For more Info: Call (212) 781-7979 or email info@chnnyc.org

-Lincoln Center Out of Doors continues its schedule of free performances on the plazas of Lincoln Center through August 15. The 40th annual edition of the festival pres-ents a wide range of music and dance events by dozens of international, U.S. and local artists. For detailed descrip-tions of the performances and a complete schedule contact Marian Shokan at 212-875-5386 or email mskokan@lincolnceter.org.

-Prevention and Community Health Event at Commu-nity League Health Center is hosting an event on thursday August 19 from 11am to 3pm at the Community League Health Center located at 1996 Amsterdam Ave, New York. Free health screenings: HIV counseling & testing, pregnancy testing, blood pressure & diabetes checks. Free mammography (no insurance required, just call to add your name to the list), prevention screening informa-tion, face painting, healthy snacks and giveaways will be offered to the public. For More Info: Call (212) 781-7979 or email info@chnnyc.org.

- Helen B. Atkinson Health Center will be having mam-mogram check up every first monday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m in front of the Center located at 81 W. 115th Street, New York. These Mammograms will only be for women ages 40 and older, with or without insurance who are New York City residents. Mobile mammogram

unit provided by American Italian Cancer Foundation. To make an Appointment call (212) 426-0088.

-The Men's Health Clinic at Helen B. Atkinson Health

Center will offer Primary health care services for men in a male-centered environment every first and fourth saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m at the CHN's Helen B. Atkinson Health Center located at 81 W. 115th Street, New York. To Make an Appointment, call (212) 426-0088.

BROOKLYNThe Caribbean House Health Center will host the

National Health Center Week from Tuesday August 10 to Friday August 13 from 11am to 4pm. Free health screenings on HIV counseling & testing, pregnancy test-ing, blood pressure & diabetes checks will all be offered. The event will be at the Caribbean House Health Center located on 1167 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn. For more infor-mation call (718) 778-0198 or email info@chnnyc.org or go to www.chnnyc.org.

-A Back to School Health Fair will be held at the Carib-bean House Health Center on Tuesday August 31 from 10Am to 3PM on 1167 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn. Stop by to schedule an appointment for a back to school check-up! Also, free health screenings: HIV counseling & testing, pregnancy testing, blood pressure & diabetes checks. For more information call (718) 778-0198 or email info@chnnyc.org or go to www.chnnyc.org. closest subway to Caribbean House are the 2 or the 5 train to Winthrop St. (Cross Streets-Between Rutland Rd and Fenimore St).

-The United Community Centers, a Brooklyn, New York non-profit, needs your help in spreading the word to garner the public’s vote to become one of five organiza-tions to receive $20,000 in project sponsorship through the Tom’s of Maine’s “50 States for Good” initiative. Focused on grassroots projects that bring positive, lasting change to communities, the “50 States for Good” program also asks organizations to share what their volunteer needs are to help get important projects started or to broaden their reach. If named a winner, United Community Cen-ters will use the funds to expand their healthy living proj-ect by implementing a new curriculum that will train the twenty-four youth in their paid internship program to cook nutritious meals using fresh, local produce. Following the training, the young people will take the lead in organizing six Community Meals. For information contact Susan Dewhirst at sdewhirst@tomsofmaine.com or call (207) 467-2406.

Goshen Temple of Seven day Adventist Present its Annual Community health EXPO in August 22, 2010 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Woods Place between Church avenue and Erasmus, Brooklyn. Free Dental checks, cholesterol, vision, glucose, weight and blood pressure will be offered. The presentations will include talk about HIV/AIDS, Hypertension, Glucose, Smoking cessation, Cancer( breast, colon, prostate), Hydrotherapy. A session of free clothes will be distributed.

The Haitian American Cultural Development Network (HACDEN) will celebrate the 219th anniversary of the Bois Caiman slave uprising under the theme ‘The Slave Path’on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 5:00 PM at the JOURNAL HAITI LIBERTÉ on 1583 Albany Ave, Brooklyn (Albany Ave & Glenwood Rd). The event will include Poetries from Gordon Blaise, Jean Dumas Gay and Che Souffrant. Music from Michelle Samedy and Linda Lamontagne and the lecturer Reginal Souffrant. The Lecture and discussion will be in Creole. Refreshments will be served. For Information contact (718) 314-8206), or email hacden@yahoo.com.

-NYS HABETAC will be having a special event for Haitian parents and student preparing to meet the chal-lenges after the earthquake on education, immigration, social services, managing stress, loss and other difficulties on Sunday, August 22, 2010 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm at St. Joachim and Anne church located at 218-26 105th street, Queens Village. For more information and to con-firm your attendance please call (718) 951-4668 or email habetac@brooklyn.cuny.edu.

QueensQueens Library, in partnership with the U.S. Citizen-

ship and Immigration Services, invites the community to a free information session on applying for naturalization and U.S. citizenship. It will be held Thursday, August 26, 2010, 6:00-8:00 pm, at the Queens Library at Flushing, 41-17 Main Street near Kissena Boulevard. Topics will include how to obtain, complete, and file the documents to apply for naturalization; the timeline of events in fil-ing the application; what to expect when you appear for an interview and what to bring; the naturalization testing procedure; the naturalization ceremony. A simulated inter-view will be held so participants have an idea of what to expect. For more information call 718-990-0883.

Queens Health Center's 2nd Annual Block Party will be held on Saturday August 14th from 10am to 3pm at the Queens Health Center 97-04 Sutphin Blvd Jamaica, Queens. The day will include a bouncy house, refresh-ments, a clown, face painting, giveaways, music, NYC Fire Department, info booths of 15 community agencies and FREE health screenings: HIV counseling & testing, pregnancy testing, blood pressure and diabetes checks. For More Info: Call (718) 657-7088 or email info@chnnyc.org

-A $1000 grand prize is being offer to the last Poet standing in a contest sponsored by rainbow fine Arts. Poems of 21 lines or fewer on any subject and any style will be judged by the contest director Dr. Jack Carroll. The contest is free to enter and open to poets of any age. Fifty prizes totaling more the $5,00 will be awarded. Entries must be received by Sept.15, and my be submitted by mail to Free poetry contest, 7308 Heritage Dr., Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 or at www.rainbowpoets.com. those sending entries should include their name and address on the same page as the poem. A winners list will be sent to all entrants. for more information you may contact Dr.Jack Carroll by emailing JC1@mighty.net

The haiTian Times 17 August 11 - 17, 2010 BUSINESS

PORT-AU-PRINCE - After the hip-hop party was over, the cheering supporters back in their tents and the speaker trucks parked for the night, newly minted presi-dential candidate Wyclef Jean sat down to talk business - promoting Haiti's and defending his own.

The potential front-runner in Haiti's Nov. 28 election told The Associated Press that he supports the U.S. and U.N. vision for rebuilding Haiti's economy after its magnitude-7 earthquake - a plan that encourages private investment in fac-tories, agriculture and other areas.

He also hit back at critics of his own personal finances, including allegations over his use of post-quake charity funds and the revelation he personally owes $2.1 million in back taxes to the United States.

”We can provide a way to get (Haitians) out of the mess they're in. And the way that that's going to happen (is) education, job creation and investment for Haiti,” Jean said in the wide-ranging interview Thursday evening.

He spoke in a Port-au-Prince hotel room as aides, his wife and 5-year-old daughter looked on.

The Haitian-born, Brooklyn-raised singer is attempting a difficult and poten-tially dicey transformation: From multi-millionaire international recording artist to leader of one of the world's poorest and most dysfunctional countries - and doing so through a pivotal and difficult election.

Among the best known figures in his native country, Jean - who left as a child - speaks American-accented Creole to

crowds and New York-accented English at home. His estimated annual income of up to $18 million is more than 13,000 times more than the average Haitian sees in a year - assuming that person even has a job.

If he wins the presidency, the ex-Fugee frontman said he would encourage donors to invest heavily in education. He also endorsed the economic vision promoted by former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the U.N. special envoy who is in Haiti this

week. Those plans include creating jobs in the garment export industry, boosting tourism and building the capacity of Hai-tian farmers to reduce the nation's chronic dependence on imports.

”President Clinton is focusing on the garment industry and all that. I think that's great. But also agriculture is involved,” Jean said. ”We can work both components at the same time.”

Among other potential investment tar-gets he mentioned mining, an industry whose ramping up amid the rising price of gold and other minerals has sparked controversy in the neighboring Domini-

can Republic.Jean's leap from entertainer to prospec-

tive head-of-state is also leading to some interesting transitional moments. After previously listing his age as 37, as a can-didate he suddenly jumped to 40 years old. On Thursday he traded his urban hip-hop style for a dark suit, better to hide the rubble dust and handprints as he crowd-surfed to open his rally.

The worldwide attention that his presi-dential bid attracts also means scrutiny and criticism - turning the campaign into what Jean called a ”combat sport.” He responded directly Thursday to a rev-elation published this week on the U.S.-based website The Smoking Gun con-cerning his unpaid U.S. taxes.

”First of all, owing $2.1 million to the IRS shows you how much money Wyclef Jean makes a year,” he said, pledging to publish an accounting of his finances online and to repay the money he owes.

The singer also fumed when aides told him that actor Sean Penn, who has been managing an earthquake-survivor camp in the Haitian capital since the spring, had accused Jean of not spending enough time in Haiti after the quake and misappropri-ating $400,000 of the $9 million his char-ity, Yele Haiti, raised after the disaster.

”I just want Sean Penn to fully under-stand I am a Haitian, born in Haiti and I've been coming to my country ever since (I was) a child,” he said. ”He might just want to pick up the phone and meet, so he fully understands the man.”

Wyclef Jean's Vision For Haiti

WASHINGTON -The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (CBHF) today announced three new grants aimed at rebuilding lives and livelihoods in Haiti.

These awards reflect the shared vision of founders Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush for helping post-disaster Haiti build back better by rebuilding and growing the economy, creating jobs, and providing education and job training that allows young people to embrace economic opportunity.

The Haiti Hope Project is a five-year endeavor launched by The Coca-Cola Company, the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), TechnoServe, and local part-ners to improve the value chain for mangos, Haiti's second largest agricultural export. The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund's catalytic grant of over $500,000 to TechnoServe will be used to benefit the initial group of up to 5,000 smallholder farmers and estab-lish a business model for transforming the entire mango sector, ultimately benefiting 25,000 mango farming families.

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is pledging $2.9 million to help restart and rebuild the Faculty of Science (or FDS, the School of Science and Engineering) at the Universite d'Etat d'Haiti (UEH). $900,000 will go to

CHF International to be used to build and equip transitional classrooms and labs, allowing the virtually destroyed school to return to educating the nation's scientists and engineers while a longer-term plan for rebuilding is developed. An additional $2 million is a challenge grant that will go toward rebuilding a permanent FDS. When additional funders come forward, the uni-versity's hope for a permanent new facility will become reality.

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund will give nearly $50,000 to the BrandAid Founda-tion to be used to repair artisan workshops and provide warehouse space in Jacmel. This will allow Jacmel artisans to resume production and exports, and help expose Haitian capabilities to a wider market. This project complements a prior grant of $380,000 to Aid to Artisans.

”In each grant we make, we seek to enhance Haiti's human potential,” Clinton Bush Haiti Fund's Vice President of Pro-grams and Investments, Paul Altidor said.

”These funds help support jobs in two key sectors – crafts and agriculture. Plus, support for transitional facilities at UEH will provide future Haitian engineers and scientists with the free, quality education they will need to help Haiti build back better.”

$3.5 Million in New Grants from Clinton/Bush Haiti Fund to Create Jobs

Presidents Clinton and Bush at a recent visit in Haiti viewing the destruction.

see WYCLEF on page 23

“I just want Sean Penn to fully understand I am a Haitian, born in Haiti and I've been coming to my

country ever since (I was) a child.”

The haiTian Times818 August 11 - 17, 2010

Compiled by Ralph Delly

To send in your request, log on to haitinetradio.com


Courtesy of Haitinetradio.com

1. Trankil - Pouki2. Alan Cave - YERESWA3. Kreyol La - vagabon 4 life4. Harmonik - Obsede5. ZIN - Pi Red6. Top Vice - Let' s make love t...7. Tina and Richard Cave - A Tes Cotes8. Teeyah - Je T'aime Je T'aim...9. Princess Lover - Tu kiffes ça10. Magic System - 1er Gaou

DOLA is Looking for a New Singer to Replace Armstrong

Over the past few days, rumors have been rampant that DOLA has broken up. The only problem was no one associated with the band seemed to be willing to confirm those rumors. But late Aug. 9 , there were news that not only is the band broken up, but Jean Max Valcourt plans on searching for a new singer to replace Armstrong Jeune. In an online interview, the band leader said that he’s not interested in popular singer, and that he needs someone new. According to a source close to the DOLA a meeting was supposed to take place last week, but the actual singer was late and Jean Max has decided otherwise. Jeune could not be found for comment.

Fanfan Tibot Wants to Be Ministry of Culture

Tabou Combo ‘Fanfan Ti Bot’ did not wait too long to respond to actor Sean Penn who has criticized Wyclef Jean’s intention to run for president of Haiti. Fanfan Ti Bot has officially announced that he’s look-ing forward to hold a position in the next Haitian government.

“I sincerely hope to be involved in the next Govern-ment of the new Haiti in my capacity as a Cultural Minister or adviser. Haiti has had several cultural ministers since the office was added to the Govern-ment and I must admit that I have never been satisfied with their work. I believe that the two most important Ministerial offices in Haiti are those of culture and tourism. If you take a look at our neighbors they have capitalized on these two fronts. Bachata is known all over the world and the DR is the premiere tourist destination in the Caribbean. As a cultural minister I will bring Haitian music into the international scene, ” Fanfan said.

Compas singer Michel Martely Blamed Wyclef for not Contacting Him

Being under fire from long time friend Praz, Wyclef Jean’s ambitions to become Haiti’s next president has also been criti-cized by another friend, Michel Martely, who is also running for president. In an interview with AllHiphop.com, Martely criticized Wyclef by saying, “I did find it strange that he pon-dered and made this decision without speaking to me about it. Because had Clef told me that he was going to run, I would

have probably thrown my support behind him. Because, like I told you: I don’t need to run.”

Martely continues by saying ”I believe that not having been raised here, not being familiar with any neighborhood – because I don’t think Clef can drive anywhere here on his own – he can’t speak the languages, and I agree that those are handicaps. I can-not say that; I would be speculating, I’d be speculating if I said he couldn’t deliver. But there are things about him that raise concerns for us here in Haiti. He doesn’t know the country; he doesn’t know who the proper political allies are, who he can trust. He doesn’t know our culture, he doesn’t know our way of life, and he doesn’t know what we expect. He doesn’t know our needs. He doesn’t realize that some people may never truly accept him. And right now, we don’t need anyone that’s going to be a further source of conflict between the Haitian people”

Frerot Jean-Baptiste Has Joined Oxygen in NYOxygen’s manager said that the talented singer has joined the group and is replacing

Dieudonné Larose. New York seems finally to be the second best place for the singer after he has exhausted personal moves. Frerot is open and is willing to relocate to Long Island, New York soon in order to start working with the band.

”Joining Oxygen is fun and can lead to many exciting experience in life,” Frerot said.

Top Adlerman Returns with New SongTop Adlerman is making his unprecedented live return

with a new song called “Pwofite” before hitting the studio for a new album in December. He's very confident that the released song and his up-coming album will put him on top of the Haitian charts once again, because he has bounced back from his last album. Adlerman cannot wait to talk about his new album. “These are the songs of my youth,” he explains. “What I wanted to do was to go back to a time when music was good”. One track “Pwofite” has already hit the airwaves in Florida and Haiti.

Hangout is Broken UpAt a time when Haitian music fans thought that the social dynamics of Hangout are

bound to change, they have learned that the band is broken up. “ It’s never fun to see a band breaking down, but sometimes it just has to be done, because they did not listen to me”, Fred Hilaire told Showbiz. There are also rumors that Hangout is plagued with internal fights and that they have refused to hired singer Princess Georgy back, and they simply got to the point where they didn’t want to “Hangout” anymore.

RAM and HARMONIK to Promote Wireless CompanyRAM and HARMONIK have signed a deal

with Digicel. The trend of Digicel signing music stars as spokespeople has continued into the present day, with several other bands that all lending their name to the wireless company. RAM and HARMONIK dealS with Digicel will likely remain the industry standard-bearer, because when a company signs a new artist or band, they presume there is sufficient musical, songwriting, and performance talent, and are ready for the big time. The deal was signed Aug. 5 in Port-au-Prince, and Digicel hopes that both groups will properly campaign for them.

Sarodi Bertin is a Contestant for Haiti in the 2010 Miss Universe

The 50th edition of Miss Uni-verse competition is set to hit Las Vegas on Sunday August 23rd and will be held at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Haiti will be represented by the beautiful Sarodi Bertin, who was the winner in the Haiti Miss Universe 2010. In an interview with Yahoo.fr, Sarodi says “This is the best time to climb the world behind the suffering and poverty; we also have nice things like beauty”. Sarodi currently lives in the Dominican Republic, stands 5’11” and represented Haiti in Miss Intercontinental 2005. Sarodi Bertin beat out 18 other candidates vying for the Miss Haiti 2010 title.

The haiTian Times 19 August 11 - 17, 2010

James Bullock wants the world to know that Haiti is not just a disaster zone. It's not just a poor-stricken nation. It's not just another island in the Caribbean.

It's paradise.”I want people to say, 'I'm taking my

next vacation in Port-au-Prince,'” said Bullock, co-founder of Freedom Road LLC and a playwright and actor.

Bullock and other representatives from the Haitian American Historical Society visited St. Augustine last week and attend-ed the First Friday Art Walk and several local landmarks in order to start plans on expanding awareness of Haitian heritage in the Nation's Oldest City.

The group, led by Raymond Joseph, the Haitian ambassador and founder of the Haitian American Historical Society, stationed in Miami, visited Tolomato Cem-etery on Friday. Gen. George Biassou was once the second-highest paid official in St. Augustine and was a general during the slave revolt of 1791. He is buried in the cemetery.

Joseph said the group's mission is to get a monument placed at the cemetery, describing Biassou and his achievements in the New World, like the one that now stands in Savannah, Ga. That monument honors the men of the group ”Les chas-seurs volontaires de Saint Domingue.”

”They were free men of color from Haiti who helped us win the American Revolu-tion,” said Bullock.

Biassou and other Haitian people who have contributed to the advancement of Haitians worldwide need to be recognized so that a younger generation can flourish within their culture rather than settle for stereotypes and statistics, Bullock said.

”If [young men] have been denied access to their own heritage, maybe this is a contributing factor,” he said. ”[Children] don't have anyone to look up to. I want to hear about some black people who did something.”

Derek Boyd Hankerson, managing part-

ner of Freedom Road LLC, said the group -- which consisted of an author, an art gallery owner and curator, the founder of the society, and Bullock -- want to spread knowledge about the importance of Haitians to American and St. Augustine's culture.

”There are a lot of Haitian heroes people don't know about,” Hankerson said, point-ing out men such as Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable -- the founder of Chicago -- and Biassou.

Alexandra Barbot, an author and illus-trator, is hoping to promote Haitian culture within America with her book, ”Mommy,

Tell Me About Haiti.” The book is meant for children and tells about the island's history with colorful pictures and facts juxtaposed.

Barbot said the book is not just for Haitian children and parents who want to teach their kids about their heritage.

”It's for all kids,” she said.The book is for sale at bookstores and

has become part of some school curricu-lums in South Florida.

And in regards to St. Johns County, the group plans to get Haitian history instilled within classrooms along with a local monument. They hope to speak with

Superintendent of Schools Joseph Joyner about adding this facet of history to school lessons.

Not only will this monument bring more multicultural tourism to St. Augustine, Hankerson said, but it will help to give children of future generations a look at the extensive diversity within St. Augustine.

Bullock said it is now time for action in order to remember the Haitians who helped America.

”We've decided to become part of the solution,” Bullock said.

The story was first published in staugus-tine.com

World to Know Haitian Heritage

Barnes & Noble Expands Textbook Rental Program

NEW YORK – Barnes & Noble's college bookstore unit said Monday it is expanding its textbook rental program.

The program, which began as a pilot in Janu-ary, is offered through campus bookstores man-aged by Barnes & Noble. Users have the option of renting in campus bookstores or online.

The books are offered for at least 50 percent off the purchase of a new textbook and users can return rental textbooks either in stores or by mail after they are due back up to 10 days after the last day of finals.

Barnes & Noble Inc. didn't give a specific total of stores offering the program but said hundreds of schools have signed up.

Meanwhile, Borders said in July it is offering 1.4 million textbooks for sale online, including used textbooks for up to 90 percent off.

The site also has a textbook buyback option. The site was created with Alibris, an online bookseller.

NEW YORK – ”Who will be 1st to suggest American Folk Art Museum sell some Henry Dargers to pay the bills?” Los Angeles Times art critic Christopher Knight asked on Twitter earlier today. ”My guess: some lawyer.” According to the New York Times, the American Folk Art Museum is continu-ing to battle massive financial difficul-ties, unable to pay off its debts, and in negotiations with creditors about restructuring the terms of its financing.

The museum announced six months ago that it would cease making pay-ments on a $32 million loan it obtained to build its current home on West 53rd Street, right next to the Museum of Modern Art. The 30,000-square-foot building, designed by Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects, was expected to attract major attendance numbers when it opened in 2001, though the institution began to see a strain on its finances when that failed to happen and

operating the new building cost more than expected.

The museum’s bronze-clad building currently serves as collateral for the outstanding loans. Its incoming presi-

dent, Stephen Corelli told the Times that ”everybody is operating very con-scientiously and in good faith to find a solution to these challenges.” The

museum has cut its budget in recent years, from $10.3 million in 2009 to $7 million for the 2011 fiscal year. ”They are making strides in terms of their financial health,” New York cultural affairs commissioner Kate D. Levin told the Times.

Despite lackluster attendance, the museum has earned strong critical sup-port for its exhibitions, including a retrospective of the work of Martín Ramírez, which Times art critic Rober-ta Smith termed ”one of the best shows of the season,” in 2007. New York mag-azine art critic and reality-show judge Jerry Saltz also shared his support, writing back in June: ”The American Folk Art Museum is one of my favorite museums in America.” But even Saltz had reservations, admitting, ”I hate the museum because its horrendous building smothers the art and vision contained within.” It also seems to be smothering its financial well-being

Folk Art Museum Faces Shrinking Future as Finances Lag

“Everybody is operating very

conscientiously and in good faith to find a

solution to these challenges.”


August 11 - 17, 2010The haiTian Times20

First Things FirstUpon sitting down at the dinner

table, remove the napkin from your place setting, open it, and place it in your lap. If the napkin is a large nap-kin, fold it in half then place on your lap. If you are at someone’s house or are attending a function where you were invited by someone, you will need to pay attention to your host-ess as she will be your cue to begin eating. Once she has picked up her utensils, it is ok to begin eat-ing. While some restaurants don’t train their servers on these things, it is essential to know it when you go for diner. Once you go to an establishment that knows what they are doing, you will be looked upon most impressively. Your server should be serving your food from your left and your drink from your right. If food is being passed, such as family style dining, please pass everything to the right.

Those ElbowsI am sure you heard it numerous

times, elbows off the table. It’s true. Your elbows should always remain off the table. But that is only the half of it. It is nothing you have not heard before. Posture is the key, so sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor. Only lift them to play footie with your significant other, but please don’t accidently tickle the wrong per-son! I kid, I kid. It is best to resist any temptation of play at the dinner table.

Dinner is Served!This is a part that I always have dif-

ficulties with, because I naturally eat fast. So whenever I am out, I have to make a conscious effort to remember my surroundings and do things right. It is essential you cut your food into bite sized pieces. Some people have the tendency to take a piece of steak or meat and just cut it up all at once and

then start to eat. That is a definite no no. Please cut each morsel right before placing it into your mouth.

Once the food enters your mouth, please chew it slowly, and then swallow, prior to

taking another bite. If you need to leave the table to make a phone call (no phone calls at the table), or to use the rest room, excuse yourself politely and place the napkin that was on your lap on your chair: Not on the table.

The way to indicate to your server that you are done with your meal(without necessarily flagging him/her down, or scrapping your plate down to its bare bone) is to simply place your knife and fork beside each other across the top of your plate with the knife on the outside, edge facing in. You may also cross them in the middle of the plate in an X like fash-ion. Once everyone is done eating as well, place your napkin on the left side of your setting.

In the next article we will divulge into the realm of how to handle certain foods such as breads, soup, spaghetti and others.

Nadege Fleurimond is the owner & business manager of Fleurimond Cater-ing, Inc., www.fgcatering.com, an off-premise catering firm serving the NY/NJ/CT/MA areas. She is also the author of a Taste of Life: A Culinary Memoir, a humorous and heart warming compilation of recipes and funny anecdotes. (http://www.nadegefleurimond.com) For questions and comments you may write her at nadege1981@gmail.com.

Last week we delved into how the table should look in front of you and what utensils to use. Hopefully you have the foundation set, and are ready to move on to our next set of dining rules. Now that you know the differ-ence between your dinner fork and salad fork and which glass belongs to you, what are some of the technicalities to master while sitting at the dinner table?

Cocktail Corner

Table Manners (Part Deux)Comportment at the Table

Blackberry CrushIngredientsServes 14 blackberries1 tablespoon lemon juice1 tablespoon Simple Syrup1 1/4 ounces vodkaSeltzerIceMint sprig

Directions1. In a glass, combine blackberries, lemon juice,

and simple syrup; lightly crush berries to release their juice. Add ice and vodka; top with seltzer. Stir to com-bine. Garnish with a mint sprig.

Strawberry-Ginger CaipiroscaIngredientsServes 210 fresh strawberries, hulled and quartered30 fresh mint leaves1/4 lime, cut into 4 pieces1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger2 tablespoons sugar2 cups cracked ice1/2 cup vodka

Directions1. Place berries, mint, lime, and ginger in a cocktail

shaker. Sprinkle sugar over top; muddle mixture with a long spoon until almost pureed. Add ice and vodka; shake well. Divide between two glasses; serve.

Once you go to an establishment that

knows what they are doing, you will be looked upon most impressively.

The haiTian Times 21 August 11 - 17, 2010 HTCLASSIFIEDS The haiTian Times 21December 2-8, 2009

To place an ad in THE CLASSIFIEDS Section, call (718) 230 — 8700


NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: 2865 CONEY ISLAND AVENUE LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 12/14/05. The latest date of dissolution is 12/31/2045.Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, c/o Stuart Goldstein, 150 Great Neck Rd., Great Neck, New York 11021, which is also the registered agent address. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.

Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY on 6/25/09 for SAINTWELL WEALTH-BUILDING AND INFORMATION CENTER, LLC, 1405 Brooklyn Ave 6G, Brooklyn NY 11210.

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAGNY. NAME : 754 GRAND STREET, LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 09/10/09. The latest date of dissolution is 12/31/2050. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 220 Montauk Street, Valley Stream, New York 11580. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.

NOTICE OF FORMATION of 6715 Bay Pkwy., LLC Art. of Org filed Sec’y of State (SSNY) 11/2/09. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o Domenico and Anna Aulisa, 24 Bayridge Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Purpose: any lawful activities.

Notice of formation of LLC ALWAYS AT SEA PRODUCTIONS, LLC128 St. Marks Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217.

Notice of Formation of Golden 88 Realty LLC, Art. of Org. filed Sec'y of State (SSNY) 10/8/09. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 6820 15th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11219. Purpose: any lawful activities.

JWGF ENTERPRISES LLC, a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) filed with the Sec of State of NY on 10/23/09. NY Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to Richard Gordon, 291 Warren St., Brooklyn, NY 11201. General Purposes

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WE BUY ANYTHING OLD. Costume Jewelry, fountain pens, old watches, world fair and military items. Cigarettelighters; anything gold. Call Mike 718-204-1402.

To place an ad in THE CLASSIFIED section, call (718) 230 — 8700 Ad Deadline: 5pm Friday for following issue. Classified ads may be placed over the phone with a credit card from Monday through Friday, 10am to 5pm. Ads may be faxed to (718) 230 — 7172. Ads must be sent in by Friday, 5pm for insertion in the following Wednesday's paper. Please include credit card details (card number, Name, Experation date, a contact phone number) Ads may be sent in via email to info-ht@haitiantimes.com Ads may be sent in by mail. Send typewritten or clearly printed ad along with a check or credit card information and contact phone number to: Haitian Times, Classified Dept., 495 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn NY 11225 We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. 3 line minimum for all ads.

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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS Index No.: 09-25771 Filed: 7/23/10 BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide home loans Servicing LP, Plaintiff, -against- SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Plaintiff designates Kings County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is situated.Marie Judith Cadot, Francois Leon, if living and if any be dead, any and all persons who are spouses, widows, grantees, mortgagees, lienors, heirs, devisees, distributees or successors in interest of such of the above as many be dead, and their spouses, heirs, devisees, distributees and successors in interest, all of whom and whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, First Select Inc., North American Capital Corp., Clover Commercial Corp., New York City Environmental Control Board, New York City Parking Violations Bureau, New York City Transit Adjudication Bureau, United States of America – Internal Revenue Service, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance,Defendants.

TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of Ney York). In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint.NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHTTHE OBJECT of the above captioned action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure $ 143,252.00 and interest, recorded in the office of the clerk of the County of Kings on April 18, 1995 in Reel 3499, page 143 covering premises known as 1359East93rdstreet, Brooklyn, NY 11236, which was modified pursuant to a Loan Modification Agreement creating a single lien in the amount of $131,147.33.The relief sought in the within action is a final Judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the dept secured by the Mortgage described above.NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME

If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filling the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home.Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property.Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclosure action.YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING ANSWER WITH THE COURT.Date: Bay Shore, New YorkApril 22, 2010 By: Samuel J. Reichel, esq.Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, LLPAttorneys for Plaintiff20 West Main StreetBay Shore, New York 11706(631) 969-3100Our file No.: 01-033725-F00

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: 482 FRANKLIN AVE REALTY LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/26/10. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 571 E. New York Avenue, Office B, Brooklyn, New York 11225. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.

RIDGEWOOD HOLDINGS, LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the Sec of State of NY on 6/2/10. NY Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to The LLC, 312 Suydam St., Brooklyn, NY 11237. General Purposes.


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see CLASSIFIEDS on page 23

& ASSOCIATES, P.C., 51 E. Bethpage Road, Plainview New York 11803 516-741-2585. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered herein on or about October 7, 2009, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder at in room 274 at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York. On August 5, 2010 at 3:00 PM Premises known as 6 BRIGHTON 7TH LANE, Brooklyn, New York 11235 Block: 08667 Lot: 0784. As more particularly described in the judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold subject to all of the terms and conditions contained in said judgment and terms of sale. Approximate amount of judgment $22,619.82 plus interest and costs. INDEX NO. 13447/2005 Lorraine S. Miller, Esq., REFEREE

NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: STATE 51 REALTY LLC.Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 05/18/10. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, Post Offce Box 150217, Brooklyn, New York 11215. Purpose: For any lawful purpose.

Notice of formatlon of LLC.  Name: Raquelle, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with  Secretary of State of New York (SSNY), Kings County, on 1/22/2010.   SSNY has been designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served  and shall mail any such process to:  Raquelle, LLC 30 Bayard  St., #4E, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose.



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The haiTian Times822 August 11 - 17, 2010

N o v . 2 2 - D e c . 2 1

A friend you've known for some time may share their feelings for you and want to be your lover. This could come as a shock. It may help to expect the unexpected. You might also be quite unnerved by the strength of this person's feelings, which could border on obsessive. Try to avoid getting involved in intense emo-tional outbursts. On the plus side, getting away will help recharge your batteries. You need to feel the wind in your hair and embrace freedom.

SagittariusYou may be faced

with a difficult situation on Tues-day, one in which intense emotions come to the surface. Acknowledge what's going on, but leave the pro-cess of finding a solution until the end of the week. You want to expand your horizons, and you're very serious about your intention to get the appropriate qualifications for your needs. Your love life looks bright and sunny and will cheer you up when all else fails. One online meeting holds promise.

J a n . 2 0 - F e b . 1 8

Aquarius M a y 2 1 - J u n e 2 0

GeminiAn opportunity

may come your way that seems too good to miss. But you may have a hard time convinc-ing others and yourself. First you do and then you don't. You may also be under pressure to make a decision, which makes things even worse. If you can bring in an expert who can help you choose the wisest course, this may be the best idea. The one thing you want to avoid at all costs is doing any-thing rash.

M a r c h 2 0 - A p r i l 1 8

AriesYou seem to be all

fired up, especially when you con-sider the potential that one exciting offer might entail. You may have a few lingering doubts about the wisdom of taking this course of action. When it comes down to it, what you really need is good advice. Your love life might be going through a few challenges. A love affair may be tempting you away from a long-term partner. You need to ask yourself if it's really worth it.

You make one choice and then decide to change your mind. Expect a rather interest-ing situation focused on your home and family zone that could rock the boat. You and your partner may not see eye to eye. Your partner could have some very bright and adventurous schemes for you and the family, whereas you prefer to be more cautious and take the safer route. Real progress comes from making changes at the grassroots level.

S e p t . 2 3 - O c t . 2 2


J u n e 2 1 - J u l y 2 2

You can either give your power away or claim it fully once and for all. This is a challenge that you've faced over and over again in past months. You may be offered a project, pro-motion, or new contract associ-ated with your career. When Jupiter squares Pluto on Monday, you may feel this offer is too good to be true. This is why you need to listen to your inner guidance system. Do what you feel is right!

CancerThe powerful focus

on your Eighth House makes this a good time to heal issues that have lain dormant. The presence of Saturn in Libra suggests you'll enjoy greater equilibrium in mind and body if you work on these problems on an ongoing basis. You aren't alone. Everyone is suffering in the same way. Right now you have a golden opportunity to heal at a very deep level. Your life will improve in all ways as a result.

F e b . 2 0 - M a r c h 1 9

Pisces O c t . 2 1 - N o v 2 0

ScorpioTension felt in

recent weeks may still be affect-ing you. Mars will move to square Pluto on Tuesday, which suggests that your temper may reach the boiling point. You've had enough and need to find a resolution. You may be experiencing a crisis of belief, with a loss of confidence in your ability to deal with the current problem. It may help to get expert advice from a mentor who can guide you out of the darkness and into the light.

A p r i l 1 9 - M a y 2 0

TaurusIf you learn to go

with the flow, you'll avoid a lot of problems. You're as keen as ever to make headway with your career. But you don't want to suc-ceed a little - you want to get to the top of the heap. Tuesday may be fraught, as there's the potential for arguments that could lead to falling out with someone for good. Leave the discussion until the end of the week, when it will be more constructive.

D e c . 2 2 - J a n 1 9

CapricornKarmic issues may

intrude upon your daily life more than usual. You'll need to take these in stride and find a way to heal any related problems. The more acquainted you become with the energies within your psyche, the more you'll understand your true purpose in life. When you get to this stage, you'll find it easier to integrate your inner life with your outer circumstances. The result will be better health, more wealth, and overall happiness.

A love affair may pose a threat to an ongoing rela-tionship. Once again you need to tread with care. The person you're involved with could be very manip-ulative. It might be best to drop him or her as soon as possible. Staying with your long-term relationship seems to be the best bet. You may be wondering whether or not to take a financial risk. Make sure that you get all the facts and understand the terms and conditions.

A u g . 2 3 - S e p t . 2 2


J u l y 2 3 - A u g . 2 2

LeoYou could be

offered an excellent opportunity, but it may all turn sour on Tuesday if someone prevents you from get-ting what you want. This is the most difficult day of the week, when Mars squares Pluto, as it suggests intense frustration and the possibility of temper tantrums. Your love life may also be linked to a similar situation in which you need to make changes to your lifestyle in order to make your relationship with your lover more harmonious.

She spoke the truth all the way around. It got me thinking about loneliness. She spoke mainly of women, but it goes both ways. A lot of people are looking for someone to fix their lives or make them feel whole by filling in the holes in their lives. I think this is where loneliness comes in.

Women also have all these lists about what they want in a man. He has to make a certain amount of money, have his own place, have a certain job, look like Denzel, make her laugh, blow her back out, etc. When I hear people (and not just women) talk about their “lists” it always annoys me to a certain degree.

How will you find a rich man if your credit is jacked up and you’re broke? Why would someone want to make you laugh if you’re boring? Why would a fine man (or woman) look twice at you if you can’t even comb your hair? What do you have to offer?

I know I’m not perfect, but I am pretty awesome. I like hanging out with myself. I make myself laugh, I buy myself some nice things, I like my apartment, I like my friends. I can be alone in my thoughts for hours. There are, and always will be, things about myself that I work on improv-ing, but there are no holes in my life.

I think this is why I’m never lonely. I

mean truly lonely. Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I feel it would be nice to have a companion, but it doesn’t bother me because things are great the way they are.

People need to stop trying to find some-one to “complete them” and just do the completing themselves. Like attracts like. People say opposites attract, but I don’t buy it as a rule of thumb. If you’re a bum,

you’re going to attract bums. If you’re cool, you’ll attract cool people. If you’re awesome, you’ll attract everybody.

So, instead of finding a rich companion, fix your credit. If you want a sexy girl or guy, hit the gym. If you want a comedian, start working on your routine. If you want someone awesome, start working on your own awesome.

Until next time, cheers to a better you!


I Love Me

By Onyi nwOsuA Better yOu

One of the biggest turn-offs to me is when a person tells me they are lonely. Lonely people, please don’t stop reading. Just hear me out.

The other day I saw a clip of a woman talking about how many women think there aren’t any good men out there. They think all the good men are taken, gay or in jail. She went on to talk about how the problem doesn’t lay solely with men, but women should take on some responsibility.

August 11 - 17, 2010 The haiTian Times 23

Jean stepped down from his chairman-ship of Yele on Thursday ahead of his run for office. The organization has been accused of pre-quake financial impropri-eties that benefited the singer.

Before campaigning can begin, Jean must be cleared to run by Haiti's eight-member provisional electoral council. Among the requirements he must fulfill are proving he has never renounced his Haitian citizenship by holding another - namely, U.S. - passport; and that he has been a resi-dent of Haiti for the last five years - which by most accounts he has not.

The campaign will argue that Jean's sta-tus as a Haitian ambassador-at-large, a post he was awarded in 2007, exempts him from having not spent more time in the country of later.

If approval comes, Haiti's particular brand of Byzantine and often brutal poli-tics will really begin. Jean's charisma and popularity in Port-au-Prince's vast slums could draw comparisons - some favorable, others not - to the popular but divisive for-mer President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was flown into African exile aboard a U.S. plane during a bloody 2004 rebellion.

On Thursday, Jean took the stage at his rally as supporters sang a traditional pro-Aristide song, replacing the exiled leader's name with Jean's. Asked what prompted that particular tune, Jean replied he hadn't picked it.

The singer ultimately sees himself as an advocate for Haiti's struggling youth. Offi-cially running under the banner of the Viv Ansanm party - whose name means ”live together” - Jean is more heavily promoting his youth movement called ”Fas a Fas,” meaning face-to-face.

”Even if I lose, I win,” he said. ”It gives us an opportunity to be a voice to speak to government about what happens.”

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misc For sale

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WanteD to Buy

WE BUY ANYTHING OLD. Costume Jewelry, fountain pens, old watches, world fair and military items. Cigarette lighters; anything gold. Call Mike 718-204-1402.

Classifiedscontinued from 21

Wyclefcontinued from page 17

realistic.The short-run projections by his office

were similar to those of the trustees, esti-mating that the Medicare trust fund would be exhausted in 2028, one year earlier.

However, by 2050, government actuar-ies see Medicare costs growing to more than 8 percent of the economy, compared with 3.6 percent now. The trustees assume Medicare will consume only 6 percent of the nation's economy in 2050 — a differ-ence that amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars.

The nonpartisan experts said there are two big reasons for their estimate of higher costs:

• The trustees' report assumes that doc-tors will absorb a 30 percent cut in Medi-care payments over the next three years. The cuts are called for under current law but are routinely waived by Congress because too many doctors would stop see-ing Medicare patients.

• Projected savings in the new health care law from cuts to hospitals, nursing home and other institutional providers will prove to be politically unsustainable in the long run.

”For these reasons, the financial projec-tions shown in this report for Medicare do not represent a reasonable expectation for actual program operations in either the

short range ... or the long range,” Foster said.

Some supporters of the health care over-haul said Foster had embraced a glass-half-empty approach.

”I think that he raises an important point, but he's too pessimistic,” said Rob-ert Greenstein, head of the Center on Bud-get and Policy Priorities, which advocates for the poor.

John Rother, executive vice president of AARP, said it may not be known for years whether the law will generate the kind of savings anticipated on the trustees' report.

”The purpose of the law was to slow the growth in health care costs,” Rother said. But, he added, ”the fact is we really won't know until some of the regulations get spelled out.”

The trustees said Social Security's finances have been hurt by the poor econ-omy, but the effects have been partly offset by the health care overhaul. The actuaries assume the law will slow the growth of insurance costs, enabling employers to shift more compensation to wages. That would increase revenue from the payroll taxes that support Social Security.

In the short run, however, the recession is hurting revenues for the retirement and disability program.

For the first time since the 1980s, Social Security will pay out more money in ben-efits this year and next year than it collects in payroll taxes. The program will post

surpluses for a few years after that before returning to permanent deficits in 2015. Unless Congress acts, the Social Security trust funds are expected to be exhausted in 2037. At that point, Social Security will collect enough in payroll taxes money to cover about three-fourths of the benefits owed.

”The fact that the costs for the program will likely exceed tax revenue this year is not a cause for panic, but it does send a strong message that it's time for us to make the tough choices that we know we need to make,” Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue said.

Obama has formed a bipartisan fiscal commission that is working on recommen-dations to improve government finances, including those for Social Security. Its recommendations are due in December.

More than 53 million people receive Social Security. Retirement benefits aver-age $1,100 a month while disabled work-ers get an average of $1,065. Social Secu-rity is financed by a 6.2 percent payroll tax on wages below $106,800. The tax is paid by workers and matched by employers.

The Social Security trust funds have built up a $2.5 trillion surplus over the past 25 years. But the federal government has borrowed that money over the years to spend on other programs. The government must now start borrowing money from public debt markets — adding to annual budget deficits — to repay Social Security.

Medicare continued from page 15


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Some NGOs have already begun to leave the country. The IMC, which had been running the Port-au-Prince's General Hospital, recently pulled out after the hos-

pital's director asked them to leave. Erb told The World that the group's work was important, and it was difficult to leave: ”It's difficult to stop providing that, but it's not something that can go on forever. And it's not something that helps to develop the health care system here in Haiti.”

For that to happen, Haitians may have to

help themselves.PRI's ”The World” is a one-hour, week-

day radio news magazine offering a mix of news, features, interviews, and music from around the globe. ”The World” is a co-production of the BBC World Service, PRI and WGBH Boston.

Charitycontinued from page 15

“If you rank the order of the countries that al-Qaida wants to do things to, it’s the `Great Satan’ (United States) first, and it’s the Brits second,” said Bob Ayers, a Lon-don-based former U.S. intelligence officer. “Here’s this massive event coming up. You know exactly when it’s going to occur ... If you’re a terrorist planner, it doesn’t get any better than this.”

Ayers said stopping a determined suicide bomber would be “impossible,” stress-ing that the key work will be done in the leadup to the games as security offi-cials monitor communications and try to break up any plots in the planning stages.

The task of guarding the Olympics is huge: Protecting 10,500 athletes, 15,000 officials, 25,000 media and hundreds of thousands of visitors and spectators.

About 12,000 police officers will be on duty each day — more than double the 5,000 per day used to guard a Group of 20 summit meeting last year in east London, close to the Olympic site.

The centerpiece complex is the 1-square-mile Olympic Park in the Stratford area, where venues include the 80,000-seat main stadium, aquatics center, velodrome, bas-ketball and handball arenas and the main media center. The outer structures of the venues are mostly complete.

Up to 250,000 spectators a day are expected to flood into the park during the games.

But the Olympics also feature venues around the city, including Lord’s cricket ground (archery), Wimbledon (tennis), Horse Guard’s Parade (beach volleyball) and the O2 Arena (basketball and gymnas-tics). The sailing venue is in Weymouth on England’s south coast, and soccer matches will be played across Britain, including Glasgow, Manchester, Cardiff and Cov-entry. National Olympic teams will also have pre-games training camps around the country.

Security outside the Olympic venues is another major challenge, particularly on the public transport network. Hundreds of thousands of people will be riding subway trains and the Javelin shuttle train running from central London to the Olympic Park.

Johnston said it is impossible to screen every passenger and that police sniffer dogs may be put to use.

The International Olympic Committee has expressed full confidence in Britain’s security plans.

“The one issue no city can guarantee is security,” senior Australian IOC member Kevan Gosper said. “That varies from country to country and city to city. We know London has the best people in place. This a country that has been affected by terrorism and is not new to security issues. They are about as good

Olympicscontinued from cover

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