hail weston pre-school activity group hand book 2015-2016

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Hail Weston Pre-School Activity Group

Hand Book 2015-2016

The Village Hall

High Street

Hail Weston


PE19 5JS


Hail Weston Pre-School Activity Group The Pre-School is based at:

The Village Hall

High Street

Hail Weston


PE19 5JS

Telephone: 01480 214574 or 07985 393406

Website: www.hwpag.co.uk

Email: hailwestonpre-school@gmail.com

Pre-School Staff Manager: Sam Hitchen

Deputy manager: Nathalie Dodds

SENCo: Nathalie Dodds

ENCo: Nathalie Dodds

Designated Person for Child Protection: Nathalie Dodds

Level 2 Key worker: Amie Blocksidge

Level 2 Key worker: Joanne King

Trainee Level 2 Key worker: Claire Tate

Trainee Level 3 Key worker: Michelle Latchford

Trainee Level 3 Key worker: Courtney Mayes

Pre-School Committee Officers Chair of Committee: Nicola Presland

Vice Chair of Committee: Claire Holdaway

Secretary: Angie Blofield

Treasurer: Kerry Brett

Overview of Hail Weston Pre-School Activity Group

We are a village-based pre-school only a mile outside St Neots, which

enjoys a peaceful location near to Hail Weston’s beautiful St Nicholas’


We take children from the age of 2 to 4 years old and one of the key

features of the Pre-School is its relatively small size with a maximum of 30

children for each session. This creates a friendly and intimate family

atmosphere enabling children to settle in well, quickly getting to know the

staff and other pre-schoolers.

The Pre-School is managed and supported by a voluntary committee

elected annually from the parents of attending children. This ensures

those closest to the Pre-School experience are those setting the priorities.

On a day-to-day basis the Pre-School is run by our incredibly dedicated

and experienced pre-school leader and staff.

The Pre-School is committed to creating the best possible start for our

children with a safe, secure, happy and stimulating environment. We have

a high ratio of staff to children which makes it possible to offer a great

deal of individual care and attention.

In particular, each child has the support of a personal key worker who acts

as the main link between yourselves and the Pre-School as well as

tailoring the curriculum to your individual child’s needs.

We know that your pre-school choice is incredibly important so we

welcome all prospective parents and their children to visit Hail Weston,

meet the staff and see a session in progress. Please feel free to contact us

and arrange a visit – we look forward to welcoming you.

The Pre-School also run a very popular holiday for 2 – 5 year olds in the

Half Terms, Summer and Easter Holidays.

Term Dates

We follow Cambridgeshire Education Authority dates in line with Crosshall

Infant School, Little Paxton Primary School, Priory Park Infant School and

Great Staughton Primary School.

We also run a holiday club in Easter, Summer, May and October holidays

which is open for al children aged 2-5.


We are self-financing and are registered for the Nursery Education

Funding Scheme (NEFS) for 3-4 year olds. Parents of children who qualify

will be given a form to fill in by the Pre-School leader.

We are also registered with the Children’s Centre scheme for 2 year old

funding (criteria for this can be obtained from our website


For those not eligible for the NEFS, fees are payable in full each half term

and are non-refundable. Invoices are issued monthly by BACS via our

babydays system and prompt payment is expected by BACS.

A £23.50 fee is charged when you register your child at the pre-school

This includes a free uniform which consists of a t-shirt, sweatshirt or

cardigan and a bookbag.

If you withdraw your child from the Pre-School for any reason, we shall

require half a term’s prior notice and fees are payable for this period.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Hail Weston Pre-School uses the practice guidance EYFS to plan and provide a

range of play activities which help children to make progress in each of the areas

of learning and development. The EYFS Framework sets the Standards for

Learning, Development and Care for children from birth to five and is delivered

through play and positive experiences within the Pre-School. The areas of

learning are:

Prime areas of learning:

• Personal social and emotional development

•Communication and language

•Physical development

Specific areas of learning:

• Literacy


•Understanding the world

•Expressive art and design

These areas are promoted throughout the Pre-School both indoors and

outdoors. Early Learning Goals are the targets your child is expected to reach ,

on an on-going basis, the staff observe the abilities and development of each

individual child. They then plan the next steps to achieving these goals

depending upon your child’s needs. Any areas that require additional support

are delivered during our small group sessions. Which are focused activities that

help the children to concentrate on a particular area of learning while their

efforts are valued and supported, not only by their key worker, but also by the

other children.

At Hail Weston Pre-School we use a ‘free flow’ system, where children are able

to move freely to any activity of their choice, indoors and outdoors. They are

encouraged to choose and play independently. This builds confidence and self-

esteem and enables children to try out new ideas and learning experiences

within a safe environment. Throughout all activities children are taught to be

kind and considerate to others. We also ensure that children are allowed to

express themselves in their own way and develop their own character.


The EYFS was revised in September 2012 so at the end of every term

parents/carers will receive an Individual Tracking Assessment (ITA). This

document identifies the stages your child is at with their learning and


Each child between the age of two and three years will receive an addition

report and children over three who are in their pre-school year will

receive a transition report at the end of the year which will be forwarded

to their reception class teacher of their new school. Formal parent

consultations are also offered at the end of each term if required. We also

welcome informal on-going discussions with parents who have any

queries about their child’s progress.

On an on-going basis, children’s learning is observed and evaluated. All

staff assess and record the learning of every child individually, and every

child has their own key worker who will plan activities to support

individual progress through the Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) of

development. Parents may view their own child’s file on request.


The Pre-School was last assessed by OFSTED in January 2010 and received

a very good report which is available at the Pre-School and can be read in

full on the OFSTED website (www.ofsted.gov.uk). In particular, the

inspector felt that at Hail Weston Pre-School the effectiveness of the early

years provision, leadership & management and the outcomes for children

in the Early Years Foundation Stage were strong. Some of their comments


The friendly and inclusive nature of the Pre-School ensures that all

children receive a warm welcome and settle well with the support of

trusted, enthusiastic and caring adults.

Pre-School staff have developed good systems and skills for observing and

assessing children’s progress towards the early learning goals and

planning for their future learning.

The provision of a stimulating range of activities, toys and resources,

ensures that children make good progress in their learning overall.

Good partnership working with parents and carers ensures that staff know

the children well and are able to effectively respect and meet their

individual needs.

The setting is led by to joint managers who, together with a committed

staff team and committee, constantly strive to develop the provision in

consultation with parents and children. There are clear aims to

continuously improve and further develop the practice of the setting.

•Children display a strong sense of belonging.

•Numeracy is successfully filtered through into everyday activities.

•Children have opportunities to develop their creative and imaginative


•Children’s welfare is supported well.

8 www.hwpag.co.uk

Our Mission, Plan and Core Values

Our Mission Statement The main purpose of the Pre-School is to: • Help children succeed • Create a child friendly environment which meets the needs of the modern

family • Build a learning environment that allows children to reach their maximum


Strategic Plan Hail Weston Pre-School Activity Group is currently undergoing a strategic plan which includes: • Ensuring the Pre-School meets the needs of the local modern families • Improving the Ofsted rating from Good to Outstanding at the next review

Core Values To deliver our mission and plan we have our pre-school core values which will run through the heart of the Pre-School, in all we do, all we teach, and how we deliver our sessions. We will always refer to our core values to ensure we can deliver our mission. The core values of the Pre-School are represented by our 4 colours and our 4 pre-school friends:

• Emma Excellence • Richard Respect • Ahmed Ambition • Tammy Teamwork

9 www.hwpag.co.uk


The Pre-School is based in Hail Weston Village Hall. The facilities include a

large room, which is informally divided into different areas that the

children are free to access throughout the morning.

Within the indoor setting there are a large range of different activities

available on a daily basis.

This gives the children opportunities to experience and play with a variety

of tools and toys including:

• Play dough and malleable materials

•Mathematical puzzles

•Colour and drawing table

•Arts and crafts


•Cars, train tracks and small world activities

•Construction toys

•Educational computer games and Innotabs

•Sand pits

•Wet play areas

•Life experiences

•Book corner

Outside there is a secure outdoor play area which is used every day, to

give the children fresh air and exercise.

The outside toys include all the experiences of the indoor environment


•Sit and ride toys

•Kites and streamers

•Balancing resources

•Bubbles and many more experiences

There is also a small secure front garden which is used for growing

activities including planting seeds and bulbs as well as growing and

harvesting vegetables. Our voluntary parent helpers and committee run a

gardening club that the children take part in regularly.

Little Clickers This year the pre-school have invested in some top of the range touch-screen

convertible lap tops. Given the current climate of gadgets and gizmos, pads

and smart TV's the pre-school believe that it is important for the children to

start to experience these items and all they can do.

The pre-school have reviewed various models of machines from iPad and

smart tablets to computers to laptops and decided that actually a touch screen

small lap top gives the children the best of both worlds. It introduces them to

a touch screen machine which is used like an iPad, but also allows them to

start to understand the basics of a laptop/computer with the keyboard and


The lap tops are installed with educational programs, which will serve as aid

for learning and will for with the curriculum.

Computer time in school is thought to be beneficial because it:

Introduces educational skills

•Teaches spatial and logical skills

•Prepares children for future computer use

•Increases self-esteem and self-confidence

•Boosts problem-solving skills

•Stimulates language comprehension

•Improves long-term memory and manual dexterity

•Develop cooperative problem-solving skills

The computers will simply form another part of the teaching material which

the children have to use during the day.

To maximise the benefits of the machines we have ensured that:

•We have purchased software that will support open-ended, discovery-

oriented learning

•The machine and furniture is set up for safe use

•The children's computer activities will be supervised

•The machine is locked down for child use

•We will ensure a balance between computer time with social interaction and

physical exercise

•There are 3 machines which will accommodate a maximum of 6 children at a

time, this will encourage team work and sharing

•Screen time is restricted per session for each child

The pre-school has set up a small curriculum for our “Little Clickers“, which

will help them to understand the basics of computers.


All the children at Hail Weston Pre-School have the chance to join in with

gardening club activities which are run on a weekly basis by Dawn Isaac -

a local garden designer and author as well as the horticultural consultant

to the BBC’s cBeebies programme Mr Bloom's Nursery.

There is a small plot at the front of pre-school which the children help

sow and plant each year. Don't let size fool you though - we have

managed to grow as many as 30 different varieties of fruit and

vegetables in this one area alone!

We also run activities in the main hall and playground throughout the

year such as flower arranging, bulb planting and even role playing as

market stall traders using produce from the garden. Plus there is also the

excitement of the great potato treasure hunt every harvest time which

sees all the children scrabble to find and count the tubers we have grown

in our potato pots that year!

The days we run gardening club are different each week so that children

who only attend one or two days at pre-school are still able to take part.

We also try and give the children 'take homes' from their activities

wherever possible. In the summer and autumn this may well be some of

the fruit and vegetables they have picked themselves - a great way to

encourage the children to try new things - or perhaps the seeds they

have collected in their homemade packets.

And all the children, however young, soon pick up the basics - the

importance of the sun and water, the role of the roots, how to 'wake up'

seeds and much more. They also learn the basic golden rule: to always

wash their hands after gardening.

Most importantly of all though the children have great fun gardening and

love nothing more than seeing their carefully sown and nurtured plants,

grow, blossom and fruit.

Preparing to Start Pre-School

There are a number of different opportunities for parents and their

children to find out more about our pre-school.

Taster Visits

Throughout the year, any parent interested in the Pre-School is

welcome to call and book a time to visit a session. As well as giving

parents the chance to meet the Pre-School leader and staff, this also

gives your child an opportunity to see the Pre-School and join in with

some of the activities.

Pre-School Session Experience

Once registered all new children starting the pre-school will be invited

to come in for a free trial session for one to two hours. This will be

arranged with the pre-school manager.

Settling in

Your child may find their first visit to Pre-School rather overwhelming,

so we encourage parents or carers who wish to stay until their child is

happy to be left, to do so. A child who is unhappy will not be able to

play or learn properly so staff and carers need to work together to help

the child feel secure and confident.

As with everything, some children will take longer to settle than others

and this should not worry parents or carers unduly.

Our PM 2 hour session may be ideal solution for parents to use to help

settle there children into the pre-school.

Typical School Day

Drop Off & Collection from Pre-School

On arrival at the setting, we ask parents and children to wait in the

playground and to bring their child in and allow them to hang up their

own coat. They should then find their own name and put it on our self-

registration board, choose a reading book and put into their book bag

which is then placed in their drawer. The parent or carer should then say

goodbye to their child and leave to avoid congestion and further noise as

some children get very anxious at this time.

At the end of the session, you are asked to wait outside and the children

will be sent out one by one to their parent/carer or authorised collector.

If someone else is to collect your child, parents must fill in details and sign

the collection book as well as notifying a member of staff. Staff will not

release the child unless notified in writing or by telephone using the

password system.

Structure of a Typical Session

8:15 Doors open for Breakfast club

09.15 Doors open, coats off, change books, self registration

09:30 Free play inside and outside

10.00 Rolling snack opens

Free play inside and outside

Focus & adult led activities

(Letter sacks, Talking Boxes, Musical instruments)

11.40 Music plays for tidy up time

11.55 Circle time

(Singing and Show and Tell)

12.10 Coats and bags

12.15 Children exit safely

12:15 Doors Open for PM mini Session

12.15–13.15 Lunch club

13.15-14.15 Activity Hour

Breakfast Club

Hail Weston Pre-School offers a very popular breakfast club on a daily

basis. This is not only a great opportunity for parents who require to be

in work earlier than our standard am session allows for.

Children wishing to attend will have breakfast in the session provided by

the pre-school.

After the food is eaten, the children are free to play with toys that are

available or just rest quietly.

So that we can make sure we have the correct number of staff for

breakfast club, booking in advance is required.

Fees will be invoiced at the start of the half term if booked as part of

contracted hours.

Lunch Club

Hail Weston Pre-School offers a very popular lunch club on a daily basis.

This is not only a great opportunity to prepare children for school but can

also help them in many other ways – such as becoming more positive

about new foods and growing in confidence.

Children wishing to attend bring a packed lunch labelled with their name

which is stored until the appropriate time.

After the Pre-School session finishes the children wash their hands and

sit down with their lunches. There are simple principles to follow e.g.

children are encouraged to eat their savouries and fruit before their

lunchbox treats. After the food is eaten, the children are free to play

with toys that are available or just rest quietly. Parents/carers must then

pick them up by 13.15 prompt.

So that we can make sure we have the correct number of staff for lunch

club, we ask you to book the sessions in advance. If you book the

sessions as part of your contracted hours they are at a reduced rate.

Fees for lunch club will be invoiced at the start of the half term if booked

as part of contracted hours.

Activity Club

Hail Weston Pre-School offers a popular activity Club every day.

Children wishing to attend activity hour must bring a packed lunch

labelled with their name which is stored until the appropriate time.

After lunch the children will enjoy a variety of different activities.

Parents/carers must then pick them up by 14:15 prompt.

So that we can make sure we have the correct number of staff for lunch

club, we ask you to book the sessions in advance. If you book the sessions

as part of your contracted hours they are at a reduced rate.

Fees for Activity club will be invoiced at the start of the half term if

booked as part of contracted hours.


All children starting the pre-school will get a free uniform as part of the

registration fee. The uniform will be a t-shirt, sweat shirt or cardigan and

book bag.

We ask that you do not send your children in their best clothes as we

encourage messy play. We provide aprons but accidents inevitably do


We encourage your child to be as independent as possible. Please send

your child in clothes that are easy to remove to help them cope with toilet

trips and for PE. Please clearly label any clothes which your child is likely

to remove e.g. hat, coat and gloves.

An optional uniform is available consisting of navy tee-shirt and navy


Children in their final year of pre-school, are asked to bring in a PE kit

consisting of shorts and tee-shirt which should both be labelled in a

named PE bag.

In the summer term, children are asked to bring in sun-hats and to avoid

wearing open-toed sandals for safety reasons. Sun cream must be

administered prior to your child arriving at pre-school.

Pre-School Refreshments

Educating our children about healthy eating is a key aim of the Pre-School

and we are an accredited organisation for healthy eating with an excellent

status from the local food council. Snack time consists of a selection of

fruit. One item of fruit each week per child is the suggested contribution

but many generously provide more than this.

The fruit is supplemented by additional healthy snacks such as pitta

breads, breadsticks and yogurts. NB: We ask parents not to send children

with nuts, celery or kiwi fruit as these can cause severe allergic reactions.

Please see the parent information board for this year’s exclusions.

The snack is accompanied by drinks of milk or water which the children

are encouraged to pour for themselves. In addition, we ensure water is

available for children to help themselves to throughout the session.

Your Key Worker Link

Your child’s key worker is dedicated to maintaining the home link and

working with you as parents to give support to your child, helping them

reach their own unique and full potential. Parents may view their own

child’s file on request. Reports are sent home at the end of each term at

which time we offer parent consultations if required.

Of course, if you have any concerns or queries you are invited to discuss

them on an informal and on-going basis, preferably at the end of a session

when staff can give more time. However, if there is anything that might

affect the child during the session please do discuss this at the beginning

of the session. Even letting us know of a late or unsettled night is valuable

information for us to have.

We would also appreciate being informed of any serious illness, death,

divorce or hospital stay of a family member (in confidence) as your child

may need extra support in varying ways.

Parental Involvement

We feel that the high level of parental involvement in Hail Weston Pre-

School is one of its key features. Our annual AGM takes place in the

autumn term and is a great opportunity for new parents to meet each

other, the staff and the committee. This is also an opportunity to find out

more about the Pre-School as well as how you can become more involved.

Parental Involvement

We feel that the high level of parental involvement in Hail Weston Pre-

School is one of its key features. Our annual AGM takes place in the

autumn term and is a great opportunity for new parents to meet each

other, the staff and the committee. This is also an opportunity to find out

more about the Pre-School as well as how you can become more involved.

Parent Rota Helpers

On a day-to-day basis, we ask as many parents as possible to take turns as

rota helpers. In this role, parents help out in session by undertaking some

of the setting up of the hall, joining in with activities, preparing the

morning snacks and helping to clear up. This is a wonderful opportunity to

observe a pre-school session in practice as well as freeing up the staff to

devote all their time to the children. Grandparents, guardians and carers

are also most welcome to volunteer.

Parent Communication

Communication between parents and the Pre-School is also a vital

element of our ethos. We send out regular newsletters each term and use

a bulletin board outside the Pre-School for day-to-day communications.

We also send a weekly parent note by email with details of what we will

be focusing on for the next week. We encourage parents to use this

information to aid discussions about pre-school activities at home and

maybe prepare something to bring in for ‘Show and Tell’ or to put on our

discovery table each week. In addition it includes information on any

special outside visitors we have coming and any nature walks and external

visits which are planned.

In addition to our weekly email bulletin, the school also has an active

Facebook page, which allows parents to see the kind of activities the

children undertake during the typical school day.


We are run by an elected committee of parents and carers, which means

everyone using Pre-School has a share in it and all decisions are made

jointly. The elections take place at our Annual General Meeting which is

held each year and is open to all parents and carers of the children who

attend the Pre-School. It is our forum for looking back over the previous

year and shaping the coming year's plan.

The committee has overall responsibility for the group and so is

responsible for our Policies and Procedures and is the employer of our

paid staff. It is also involved in organising fund raising events.

The committee is responsible for:

•Managing the Pre-School's finances;

•Employing and managing the staff;

•Making sure the Pre-School has, and works to, policies that help it to

provide a high quality service;

•Making sure the Pre-School works in partnership with the children's


If you want to get more involved, just ask. We will be delighted to hear

from you.

Parent Committee Helpers

Many parents and carers help out on an ad hoc basis throughout the year,

supporting the fundraising activities and events as well as providing

practical support for the running of the Pre-School such as laundering,

dough-making, washing toys or even giving talks to the children.

Transfer To Infant Schools

Attendance of a particular pre-school has no influence on acceptance to

any particular infant school. However, we are aware that it is important to

make the transition between the two environments as smooth as possible

for children and parents alike.

As such we have developed strong links with all the key schools servicing

our area and are in regular contact with

•Crosshall Infant School

•Priory Park Infant School

•Great Staughton Primary School

•Little Paxton Infant School

•Bushmead School

•Middlefield School

•Kimbolton School

Reception year teachers, from all schools to which our children will be

moving on, are invited into the Pre-School to meet their future pupils and

talk a little about their school. We also ensure each child’s learning and

developmental reports are passed on to their new school.

In addition we are available to answer any queries the children’s new

teachers have about their progress to date as well as letting them know

pertinent information such as existing friendships which may be

accommodated in pupil’s allocation to classes.

Policies and Procedures

The school has a full suite of policies and procedures which are reviewed

and approved by the committee and staff annually.

Below is a summary of information which we find important for parents.

Health and Safety

Being a health promoting setting the Pre-School tries to encourage an all-

round healthy lifestyle which includes healthy eating, healthy exercise and

a high standard of hygiene in its day-to-day activities. A health and safety

check of the premises and equipment is carried out each morning before

pre-school begins.


An Accident Record Book is kept for staff and parents to fill in accordingly

when as accident has occurred whilst attending the Pre-School. A parent

will need to sign for this to adhere to current legislation.

Any bruise, cut or injury will also be noted in the book if found on the

child when entering the setting.

First Aid

The children in the Pre-School are ultimately the responsibility of the Pre-

School staff, who are caring for them instead of parents, that is, in ‘loco


When necessary, simple first aid is applied in pre-school. All accidents are

recorded in the appropriate accident sheet and are signed by a member of

staff and countersigned by the parents.


No smoking is allowed inside or outside our premises and we respectfully

ask that everyone complies with this policy.


Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infection. Care

must be taken when children are grouped together to prevent the spread of

infection, especially diarrhoea and vomiting. No child with diarrhoea and any

other infectious disease can be accepted. 48 hours must have elapsed since the

cessation of the diarrhoea or vomiting before the child can be readmitted.

We ask you to inform us if our child has any infections, particularly German

Measles (Rubella) because of the risk to pregnant woman. The Pre-School will

alert the other parents as well as making careful observations of any child who

seems unwell. Please notify staff if your child has head lice or worms as they can

be dealt with if we work together.


We ask that you do not request any of the staff or committee as friends on

Facebook. The Pre-School Facebook policy for staff forbids this so please

understand when the staff refuse any friend requests.

Mobile phones

We ask that mobile phones are not used around the children and no

photographs are taken with phones.

Children of Rota Parents

Please be aware that if rota parents bring in their other children, they will be

their responsibility and are not covered under the Pre-School’s insurance if we

already have 28 children in session.


Once parents have left the premises, the outside gates are closed and made

secure with a combination lock and the internal French doors are bolted from

within. The gates are only reopened when children have finished their outside

play and are safely indoors with the French doors bolted.

Behavioral Policy

Discriminating behaviour/remarks are unacceptable in the Pre-School.

We aim to help children to develop self-discipline and respect others.

If a child acts inappropriately we give them one-to-one adult support

to help them to see why their action was inappropriate and ask them

not to do it.

Praise will be given at every opportunity for behaviour such as good

manners, succeeding, being kind, sharing and attempting new things.

The more positive we are the better the children will feel about

themselves. We always communicate to the child that it is the

inappropriate behaviour that is not acceptable and not the child itself.

The staff are happy to discuss your child’s needs and will inform you if

there are any causes for concern or when they feel the child is to be

particularly praised.

Child Protection

At pre-school it is our intention to create an environment in which

children are safe from abuse. Any suspicion will be dealt with

appropriately and advice sought where appropriate.

Special Needs

Children of all needs and mixed abilities will be accepted at the Pre-

School. Consultation may be made with parents, specialists, the Office of

Children and Young People’s Services (OCYPS) and other advisers to be

sure the setting is the right one for them.

The Pre-School will make contact with OCYPS with regard to gaining one-

to-one help for a special needs child. Each case will be considered on its

merit and if it is financially viable an extra member of staff will be

employed to take care of a specific child.

Nathalie Dodds is our designated member of staff who acts as the Special

Needs Co-ordinator.

Equal Opportunities

At Hail Weston Pre-School we will accept children regardless of race,

culture, religion, sex or disability. We try to encourage the children to

value each other’s individuality. We appreciate each child has their own

level of achievement and praise is given accordingly.


If at any time you feel anxious about any aspect of the Pre-School then do

speak to the Pre-School leader. Should you find the outcome

unsatisfactory, you may put the concern or complaint in writing to the

Chairperson and request a meeting with the Pre-School leader and the


Should your complaint still remain unresolved you can contact Ofsted by

phone (0300 123 1231), email (enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk) or mail (Ofsted,

The National Business Unit Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street,

Manchester, M1 2WD.

top related