h571 – week 2 value-expectancy theories any questions from last week? value-expectancy theories...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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H571 – Week 2Value-Expectancy Theories

• Any questions from last week?

• Value-Expectancy Theories

• Theory of Reasoned Action – Lindsay Miller

• Richardson et al. test of TRA – Stefanie

• Theory of Planned Behavior – Steven Brantley

• Plotnikoff test of TPB – Evan Hilberg

• Break

• Normative Beliefs – Jessica Seifert

• Behavioral Intentions – Justin Roudabush

• Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model – Jill

• French et al – importance of affective beliefs

• Group discussion activity

Value-Expectancy Theoriesor

Expectancy-Value Theories

• Assume that people will engage in or change a behavior if they anticipate the personal “benefits” derived from the outcome will outweigh any “costs” incurred through enacting the behavior– Costs and benefits may be social, emotional,

physical or financial


• Expectations of a behavior• Expected consequences or outcomes of a

behavior• They are beliefs, i.e., they are cognitive • They can have a confidence/efficacy

aspect• They are Probabilistic

– e.g., 1-100 or 1-10 or 1-7 scales


• Expected value (or evaluation) of those consequences – costs or benefits

• Instrumental or affective• E.g, how useful, important or enjoyable• Negative or positive values

– bi-directional scales– e.g., -3 to +3 scale

Valuing Costs and Benefits

• Because costs and benefits are not always clear, perceptions may be an important aspect of the “mental math” that accounts for behavior

• Value-expectancy theories must also account for perceptions of immediate vs. delayed benefits

• E.g. Social benefits of losing weight to increase sex appeal may materialize soon compared to physical benefit of delayed heart disease

French et al., Importance of Affective Beliefs

• Fishbein and Ajzen did not understand or communicate very well the affective nature of evaluations, motivation to comply, and power/will

• Two components of Attitudes/SNB/BC– Affective component

• refers to emotions and drives engendered by the prospect of performing a behavior

– Instrumental component• refers to more cognitive consideration of the extent to

which performing a behavior would be advantageous

Human Behavior• Not always driven, primarily, by rationality or

cognitive forces• Decisions often made with our “hearts” -

according to ancient wisdom literatures• Driven by

– Emotions– Desires– Habits– Likes/Dislikes– Biological imperatives– Memories buried in the subconscious mind

Dual Process Theories – Beyond Rationality

• Renewed appreciation for dual process theories:– Affective and Cognitive Elements– These elements interact continually– Theories vary on how much emphasis is put into each


• Recently applied to the study of how people manage risk information

• Scholars have been calling for the addition of affect, emotions, or feelings to current theoretical models of human behavior.

An Alternative

• Include affect-type variables within existing behavioral models.

• Adopt other, dual process theories.

• Other examples of available options:– Cognitive Experiential Self-Theory (CEST)

• Developed by Epstein (1994) adds AFFECT to a set of cognitive factors.

– Model of Interpersonal Behavior (MIP)• Developed by Triandis (1980) adds HABITS, or

habitual behavior, to reasoning constructs


1. Expectancy-value theories are generally better for explaining behavior - and not very explicit about how to change behavior, except for providing information.

2. Knowledge is important in each theory, but different knowledge is emphasized in each.

3. Some attitudes may be more amenable or more resistant to change. Only TRA/TPB emphasize the relative importance of certain cognitive variables.

4. The term motivation is used in TRA and IMB to reflect intentions, and not in ways that are consistent with the way it is defined more generally

All predictors are motivational

Activity: Small-Group Discussion Topics1. How important is information in influencing/changing behavior?

2. Are normative beliefs and behavioral beliefs (that determine attitudes) really different? How?

3. Similarities and differences between cognitive and affective predictors of behavior

4. Factors that affect the relationship between intentions and behavior

6. Are people logical/rational or illogical/irrational in decision-making?

7. Can affect/emotions be included in a “rational-choice” process? How?

8. Conditions/contexts in which feelings or emotions (rather than cognitions) drive behavioral choices? And vice versa?

9. Health promotion strategies suggested by value-expectancy theories

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