gunderson high school - 2010 jefferson awards students in action presentation

Post on 03-Dec-2014






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Students In Action is a national youth volunteer leadership, recognition and reward program, designed to pass the tradition of service on to the next generation. Co-developed by Jefferson Awards for Public Service and Deloitte, it is now in over 250 High Schools. Each spring, Student Leaders from the participating schools compete in regional competitions. They are asked to report on the implementation of the program, and the impact they've had, both in their schools and within their communities.


Gunderson High School

Students In Action


The purpose of the Students In Action group is to inspire and engage Gunderson High School students in a variety of community service projects and volunteer activities. We really want students to understand the needs of the community but also enjoy the kind of volunteering they do and how it makes a difference in people’s lives both locally and globally.

Jefferson Awards Committee

Students in Action Elected Officers

President- Silvino Jimenez

Vice-President -Katrine Heuer

Secretary - Bezait Ali

Data Analysist - Rachel Kassa

Events Chair - Tibein Tedemet

Other contributors - Lorita Boghospor, Thayne Dye, Joel Ruiz

30-40 Regular SIA attendees to weekly Monday lunch time meetings


Global ProjectSIA’s global project began with putting together 30 school totes for children at the first World Center of Compassion for Children School opening in Basilcata Italy, headed by Betty Williams, a Nobel Peace Laureate and World Peace activist. Over 40 students participated in the assembly of the totes during lunch hours.

The school totes were delivered in September to the Dalai Lama Peace Conference in Vancouver, Canada, where Betty Williams accepted the 30 school totes and was awarded a Jefferson Awards Pin for her efforts in World Peace and Children’s Rights.

Nobel Peace Laureate, Betty Williams receives a Jefferson Awards Pin from Gunderson High School students at the Peace Summit.

Betty William founder and CEO of World Centers of Compassion for Children with SIA advisor from

Gunderson High.

School Totes for WCCCI

Contents were:

Personally Signed by SIA Students

Handheld Calculator




Math/Letter Flash Cards

Fun Animal Stickers

Local ProjectsBlanket Drive

Collected 6 full bags of blankets and towels for the local San Jose Humane Society during the cold winter months for the puppies and kittens, and older animals.

All classes and grade levels participated.

Had classroom presentations to get students to care. We made a movie on Facebook.

Movie posted on FacebookGundersonRocks!

Local ProjectsToys for Tots

Collected toys during the holiday season to be delivered to the San Jose Family Shelter.

Classroom presentations were made and all grade levels participated.

Movie posted on FacebookGundersonRocks!

Other Local and School Projects

Hearts for Haiti (April) fundraising.

T-Shirt Day (May) Non-Profit awareness.

Community Service day at the Gunderson Library. 25 students showed up for five days! Awesome job!

Press Coverage Local and International

International press release from WCCCI Students In Action and Gunderson High.

Local TV station channel 5, coverage for BayArea for Silvino Jimenez for Jefferson Awards.


The Penny Drive was a combination of students in SIA, Leadership, LinkCrew and others They raised;

$2222.22 !

These funds went to Gunderson families with financial needs.


In March the Students in Action will be visiting the Oakland Military Institute, with Major Wells, to help them set up a FACEBOOK page similar to our own GundersonRocks!

They will be training our students in CPR.


Marcine Guerrero of Del Mar High School will be implementing a Jefferson Awards, Student In Action program in the Fall of 2010 with our help!

Welcome to Students In Action Del Mar!

Jefferson Award WinnersThis year we have already recognized 12 students who received the Jefferson Award! Now we recognize all grade levels and will be awarding 5 more this year!

Congratulations to you all!


We created a very cool Facebook fan page, which has over 350 fans as of February ! Wow. We post all kinds of community service info, and other information for our Gunderson students.

GundersonRocks Data

We had a contest for the GundersonRocks!


You can see how we grew from 0 to 340!

We get comments and input and we can put

out there the messages to the students on cool

volunteer opportunities!


Participation and GrowthFreshman Increase 450%

Sophomore Increase 100%Junior Increase 72%Senior 79%


From: Nov.09 Feb10Freshman 4 to 22Sophomore 36 to 72Junior 46 to 80Senior 84 to 150

Innovation for the Future

Created Facebook Fan page for communication which we will expand next year.

Reached out globally with WCCCI school tote project. Will find another global project next year.

Had weekly SIA meetings and kept students engaged and informed. Next year may concentrate on Ambassador program.

Recruited and collaborated with other high schools. Will bring Del Mar on line next year.

Plans to expand Ambassador program in grade level classrooms

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