guidelines for enrollment procedures...2018/11/01  · 2 Ⅰ.enrollment procedures the enrollment...

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Guidelines for Enrollment Procedures

Japanese Language Program

April 2019 Admission



Ⅰ.Enrollment Procedures

◆The Enrollment Procedures should be completed during the designated period.

Any documents or payments submitted after this period will not be accepted under any circumstances.

①Tuition Fee Payment ②Admission Documents Submission

To Do Closing Date To Do Closing Date

Tuition Fee Payment December 7th (Friday), 2018

Admission Documents


December 7th (Friday), 2018(Must arrive by above date.)

Registration of

Guarantor Information(Through CJL HomePage)

December 7th (Friday), 201823:59(Japanese StandardTime)


◇For payments within JapanPlease make the payment through a bank with the payment slip usedby the bank.

◇For payments from overseasPlease refer to P.4 for details, and make the payment by the designateddeadline.


◇Submit the necessary documents by the postal mail.

※For those sending domestically, please use Registered

Express Mail (書留速達便). For those sending

internationally, please use an express mail service such

as, EMS, FEDEX, or similar service.

※We will apply for COE from the documents we receive

first, so we recommend you to submit the documents as

soon as you can.

Please be aware that the COE delivery timing will vary

according to the conditions in COE issuing schedule at

the Immigration Bureau. There is a possibility that we

cannot send out COE around February 15th.

Completion of Enrollment Procedures

By completing procedures ① and ②,your enrollment will be officially acknowledged.

Delivery of application forms for

“Extension of Period of

Stay”/”Change of Visa Status of

Residence” and “Certificate of


【Applicants who do not need a

Certificate of Eligibility(COE)】

“Application Forms for “Extension of Period of Stay”/”Change of Visa Status of Residence”and “Certificate of Admission” will be delivered to those students who have completed theabove enrollment procedures. These documents cannot be issued in person at the CJL office.You will need to submit the “Extension of Period of Stay” or the ”Change of Visa Status ofResidence” forms by yourself.

●These documents will be sent out around February 15th. ※We will post the “Notice ofDispatch” on the CJL homepage ( once we send out thedocuments.

Delivery of “Certificate of Eligibility”

and “Certificate of Admission”

【Applicants who need a Certificate

of Eligibility(COE)】

The “Certificate of Eligibility” form which is necessary for visa applications and the“Certificate of Admission” will be delivered to those students who have completed the aboveenrollment procedures. Please apply for you visa by yourself at the Embassy or nearestConsulate General within your home country.

●These documents will be sent out around February 15th. ※We will post the “Notice ofDispatch” on the CJL homepage ( once we send out thedocuments.



Attendance the Orientation is required prior to the start of the new semester.The orientation dates will be announced when the “Certificate of Admission” is delivery.

●Orientation:Scheduled for March 19th(Tuesday), 2019.

※The details will be announced on the CJL homepage. (Mid-December)


① Regarding Tuition Fee PaymentPayment by ATM, Internet Banking, or Check is not accepted.Payment within Japan:

Please fill out a payment slip (振込依頼書)and transfer the tuition fee through a bank near you.

【You may be requested by the bank to pay a handling charge.】

① Most banks in Japan close at 15:00 on weekdays and do not operate on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays

② When the payment is made by proxy, please provide the applicant’s name in the name section on the paymentslip.

③ If the total amount exceeds ¥100,000, you will be requested to present a valid identification document at thebank.

④ Submit a copy of the transfer receipt (振込領収書) to the CJL office by the admission documentssubmission deadline.

For details, please refer to the “Sample” on the website

【The fee must paid by December 7th, 2018】

1 Year Program : ¥489,200*The information for the payment of the second semester tuition will be given after enrollment.

Half-year Program : ¥505,200

*Please enter 「11194+「Your Application No.(5 digit)」as the “payer code” or the “payer name”

and send the money to the following account.

Beneficiary's Information:

Bank Name :MUFG Bank, Ltd. (三菱 UFJ 銀行)

Branch : Edogawabashi Branch(江戸川橋支店)

Branch Address :1-48-13, Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku, (〒112-0014 東京都文京区関口 1-48-13)

Tokyo 112-0014 Japan

Account number : A/C No. 0026282(普通預金 0026282)

Name of Payee : Waseda University(学校法人 早稲田大学)

Furigana : ガク)ワセダダイガク


Payment from overseas:Please follow the instructions below and complete the payment procedures by the deadline.

Also, please submit a copy of your “Application for Remittance Form” or the “Result of Payment” page from thepayment website to the CJL office, by the admission documents submission deadline.

【The fee must paid by December 7th, 2018】

1 Year Program : ¥489,200*The information for the payment of the second semester tuition will be given after enrollment.

Half -year Program : ¥505,200

(1) Overseas Remittance

Directions for Making the Bank Transfer:

The method of transfer should be “Telegraphic Transfer”

Method of Payment : Advice Payment

The commission fee for transfers charged at the Japanese bank is the responsibility of the payer.

Amount to be remitted : The amount on the payment slip+ handling fee from MUFG Bank

(2,500yen) + any handling fees charged by the local bank in your country

Purpose of Remittance : Tuition

Message to the beneficiary: Must include Applicant's name and Application No.

Beneficiary's Information:

Bank Name :MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Branch : Edogawabashi Branch

Branch Address : 1-48-13, Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku,

Tokyo 112-0014 Japan

Account number : A/C No. 0026282YXF

Name of Payee : Waseda University

Payee Address :1-7-14 Nishi-Waseda Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 1698050, Japan


Transfer Amount

Tuition Fee

Handling Fee from MUFG Bank


Handling Fee from Your Bank



(2) Payment by Credit Card (only for VISA card or Master card)

・ To make a payment by credit card (only VISA or Master card is accepted), please access the online

payment website ( and complete the required procedures.

・ A handling fee is required for the credit card payment method. For one-year: ¥11,420 / For half-year:


・ Only VISA and MasterCard can be used.

・ After completing the transaction, scan the “Result” page and submit it. For details related to this payment

method, please refer to P.6 “Tuition and Fee Payment by Credit Card”.

・ Be sure to make your payment within the payment period. Payment can be made 24 hours a day, seven

days a week , including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. However, on the last day of the payment

period, please complete the transaction by 23:00 Japan Standard Time.

・ Payment can be made with a credit card held in the name of a person other than the applicant. However,

in such a case please be sure that the applicant’s name and information is still entered in the “basic

information” section.

Please select the payment information as follows;


① In principle, the tuition fee is not refundable. However, Waseda University may refund the first semester tuition fee toapplicants who decline enrollment due to unavoidable circumstances. Please refer to P. 9 for the procedures for thedeclining enrollment.

② The enrollment procedures will be completed as soon as you send all necessary documents and make yourpayment. Please complete all enrollment procedures by the deadline.

③ Please note that an extra handling fee (¥2,500) may be required by the bank when you remit payment from overseas. Ifdue to this there is a discrepancy in the amount received, you will need to cover the difference after the semester begins.In the case of a surplus payment, we will refund the excess amount.

④ Please keep the original copies of documents of “Application for Remittance Form” or “Receipt of Bank Transfer ofTuition and Fees” until after you arrive at the university. You may be requested to submit the original copies of thedocuments to confirm your payment.

Choose 「Entrance Fee Application」

・ School Selection :「Waseda University Tuition and Fee ( Other PG / e-school )」

・ First Selection :「Center for Japanese Language」

・ Second Selection :「JLP April 2019 Admission」

・ Third Selection :「Japanese Language Program(Half-year)」or「Japanese Language Program(One-year)」

・ Fourth Selection :「Tuition and Fee JPY 489,200」or「Tuition and Fee JPY 505,200」

・ Application Number:Please enter your application number in the “Application Number” field.



②Admission DocumentsFor the documents with “*” below, please use the forms provided by Waseda University.

All applicants must submit the documents with “○”.

Refer to the “*Envelope label for Submission” and submit the following admission documents by postal mail.

Admission Documents Applicants who donot need a COE

Applicants whoneed a COE

1 *“Written Oath and Guarantee” “Consent for the Treatment

of Personal Data”○ ○


A photo-copy of the Receipt of Bank Transfer,

A photo-copy of the Application for Remittance Form, or a

photo-copy of “Result” page of the payment by credit card

○ ○


A photo-copy of Resident Card or Certificate of Residence※Only for those applicants who applied domestically and still possess a

valid status of residence.○ ×

4 *

Applications for Certificate of Eligibility

※Either your nationality must be non-Japanese and you currently reside

overseas or you possess a valid visa but need to reapply for a new visa for the

purpose of attending this program.

※If you are currently enrolled in JLP and will apply for extension of period

of stay, you do not need to submit this document.

× ○

52 Color Photographs (4cm high x 3cm wide)※ Please write your name and Application Number on the back ofphotographs in permanent marker

○ ○

Ⅱ.Filling in the Admission Documents1. The applicant should fill in the documents with a pen or a ball-point pen (black ink).

Do not use an erasable pen, pencil or ink that is other than black to fill out the forms.2. Refer to the details below and print each section carefully.3. To make corrections, cross out the word with double lines and provide either a seal or a signature and write the

correct word in the blank space. Do not use the white out to make corrections.

1)”Written Oath and Guarantee” “Consent for the Treatment of Personal Data”Go to the website listed in the previous E-mail, print and fill out the prescribed form provided by Waseda University(One-sided Printing). The form must be filled out directly by the applicant and the guarantor with full names andsignatures at the times of submission. You must submit the original copy of the document.※ If using a personal seal, the applicant’s seal and the guarantor’s seal must be different.※We can NOT accept copies of either the applicant’s or the and the guarantor’s signature.※Please refer to the “Rules of Compliance” and “Waseda University Personal Data Treatment Policy”.

2)A photo-copy of the bank transfer receipt, a photo-copy of the “Application for RemittanceForm”, or A photo-copy of “Result” page of the payment by credit cardPlease submit a photo-copy of the bank transfer receipt with the bank’s stamp properly provided, a photo-copy of the“Application for Remittance Form”, or the “Result” page of the payment by credit card or receipt of bank transfer

3)A photo-copy of Residence Card or Certificate of ResidenceWhen submitting your certificate of residence, please include the following information.“Surname and First Name”, “Sex”, “Birth Date”, “Householder’s Name”, “Relationship”, “Address”, “Nationality”,“VISA Status”, “VISA Period”, “VISA Expiration Date”, and “Residence Card Number”When requesting a Certificate of Residence at your local government office, you may need to specially request toinclude the above information.


4)Applications for Certificate of EligibilityIn order to enter Japan as a student, you will need to have a “College Student VISA” before you come to Japan. Toobtain a “College Student VISA”, please submit your passport and a “Certificate of Eligibility” to an overseas agencyof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japanese Embassy or Consulate) in your country prior to your arrival in Japan.The Center for Japanese Language will apply for a “Certificate of Eligibility” to the immigration bureau on behalf ofthe applicants who need to obtain a new VISA for this program. If you wish for CJL to apply a “Certificate of Eligibility”on your behalf, please submit the following documents.*Please refer to the sample description for how to prepare “Certificate of Eligibility” documents.*Even if you already have a visa, please refer to the “The Application for Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by Proxy”.To apply for an “Extension of Period of Stay” or a “Change of Visa Status of Residence”,please consult the immigration Bureau by yourself as soon as you pass the screening and receive their instructions.

Required Documents Notes

① Applications for “Certificate of Eligibility” Prescribed Form,5 pieces(One-sided Printing)

② A Photo-copy of your passportCopies of the page with your picture, passport number, all the pages witha record of entry to and departure from Japan

③ Written Oath for Defraying Expenses

Prescribed Form (English Version or Japanese Version)-(One-sidedPrinting)※If you plan to pay expenses by yourself and submit YOUR BankBalance Certificate, you do NOT need to submit the “Written Oath forDefraying Expenses.”

Bank Balance Certificate (Original) issued by Bank

※If a document is written in a language other than

Japanese or English, a translation should be

attached. The translation can be done by an

applicant and does not have to be done through an

Embassy or by Notary Office.

※The amount listed must be more than

960,000JPY/year or 480,000JPY/semester.

※You do not need to freeze your bank account.

If you are self-financing→Bank Balance Certificate under the applicant’s name ※If your bank does not issue a balance certificate, please submit one of

the following documents.・A document with which we can confirm the name of the account

holder, the name of the bank, the bank account balance, and the date(the document can also be a hard copy of a web page.)

・Certificates of Scholarships you will receive showing the amount andduration of scholarship.

If your relatives or someone besides yourself is covering your expenses→Bank Balance Certificate under the defrayer’s name ※If the defrayer’s bank does not issue a balance certificate,

please submit the document below.・A document with which we can confirm the name of the account

holder, the name of the bank, the bank account balance, and the date.(The document can also be a hard copy of a web page.)

※Note that if an addition Application by Proxy or VISA application is submitted through another institution,

your “Certificate of Eligibility” might not be issued. Additional documents may be required by the immigration Bureau.

5)Color Photographs

2 color photos, 4cm x 3cm in width (with no frame, full head and shoulders, taken against a plain background, with

applicant looking straight ahead with your head uncovered) taken in the last 3 months. Do not submit a picture that

might cause difficulty in identifying yourself, such as with a different hairstyle and glasses etc. Color photocopies of

the photographs cannot be accepted. Photos taken at a photo shop are high recommended. If you wish to print out the

photos yourself, please use a gloss or matte photo paper. Please write your name and Application Number on the back

of photographs in permanent marker.

Ⅲ.Guarantor and Current Status RegistrationPlease access to the Center for Japanese Language Home Page and register your guarantor and current status information.


《Important》※Guarantor is necessary for all applicants regardless of age.

※Guarantor does not necessarily have to be Japanese. ※Please register the same guarantor that

※Guarantor does not necessarily have to be a resident of Japan. you included in the admission documents.


Ⅳ.2019 Academic Year Tuition Fee


DurationOne Year Half-Year



At the time ofentrance

(First Semester)

Second Semester

* Information relatedto the payment for

second semester willbe given after thebeginning of the


At the time ofentrance

(First Semester)

Second Semester


Fee¥489,200 ¥489,200 ¥505,200 -----

Total ¥978,400 ¥505,200

Ⅴ.Declining Enrollment and Tuition Fee (First Semester)Refund

In principle, tuition will not be refunded after the enrollment procedures are completed. However, Waseda University mayrefund the first semester tuition fee to applicants who decline enrollment due to unavoidable circumstances.

Procedure for Declining Enrollment

① Send an E-mail to CJL including the information in

the right box.

Things to include: 1.Name of Applicant

2.Application Number

3.Date of Birth

Title:[Declining Enrollment]+ Name of Applicant

② Receive an E-mail from CJL with documents related to declining enrollment.

③Send the documents and COE (if applicable) to CJL

by express postal mail service.

No later than March 29th (Friday), 2019Submission by E-mail is not accepted.※The documents must be sent by a registered mail service

such as EMS or regular registered mail.

③ Procedures Completed The tuition fee will be refunded.*Note that the refund will take about 2 months.*Any bank handling fees incurred will be the applicant’s


◆Any application for declining enrollment received after the deadline will not be accepted.◆Once submitted, cancellation of the request to decline enrollment will not be accepted for any reason.


Ⅵ.Inquiries to The Center for Japanese Language

Center for Japanese Language, Waseda UniversityADDRESS: Waseda Global Gate, 1-7-14 1F, Nishi-Waseda Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, JAPANTEL: +81-3-3208-0477FAX: +81-3-3203-6405E-mail:


For any inquiries, please send an E-mail to the above E-mail address.(State the E-mail title as [inquiry] + Applicant Number + Applicant name)

CJL will not answer any E-mails regarding receipt of the enrollment procedure documents.If a document has not been submitted, CJL may send you an inquiry. Please use a registered mail service such as,FEDEX to track all submissions.

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