guidelines for better power point presentations

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a presentation about simple Guidelines For Better Power Point Presentations


Guidelines for BetterPowerPoint Presentations

By Tarak Brahmi September 2009


• Limit the number of words you put on a slide

• Avoid paragraphs

• Use bullet points

• Use short sentences: 7 or fewer words/line

• Do not use more than 6 bullet points per slide

Avoid this!Consumerism has strong links with the Western world, but is in fact an international phenomenon. People purchasing goods and consuming materials in excess of their basic needs (subjective) is as old as the first civilizations (see Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Ancient Rome, for example). A great turn in consumerism arrived just before the Industrial Revolution. While before the norm had been the scarcity of resources,

•Don't give too much info at once. Use a bulleted list and elaborate on the points in your talk.•If you put a lot of text, the audience will not read it!


• Do not use too many fonts: Usually 1 or 2 fonts are enough

• Use sans serif type (like Arial or Helvetica) and not serif type (like Times). Sans serif fonts look better when projected

• Use large fonts. Small fonts are hard to read• AVOID ALL CAPS! All caps look like you're


Avoid this!

• This font size is too small:Can you read me?

• Keep it readable, not fancy:

Some fancy but unreadable text

• Do not center the text

• It becomes harder to read

Colors• Use contrasting colors White on black

looks good

• Red, green , brown are difficult to see

• Darker backgrounds are better and reduce screen glare

NOTE: For more on color schemes visit this website:

This is low contrast:

Difficult to read

Avoid this!

White backgrounds can be annoying in a dark room

Darker backgrounds work much better

Graphics, sounds & Animations

• Too many graphics can be distracting: 1 to 3 are enough.

• Do not use graphics if they do not add to the message.

• Use sounds and animations sparingly and avoid them whenever possible. They also distract the audience.

Avoid this!

• Unnecessary graphics and animations overshadow the real message. The audience will be distracted.


• Be consistent: use one background for the whole presentation. It looks more professional and less distracting.

• Use simple backgrounds.

Avoid this!

The background is competing with the message and it is probably getting more attention.


• Rehearse your speech. A great-looking presentation is no use if you forget what to say.

• Slides are meant to supplement the presentation. They are not the presentation.

• Don’t read from the slide. Vary your words and show you know your subject.

• Don’t talk to the screen. Keep eye contact with your audience.

Things to remember

• Use words sparingly and avoid paragraphs• Use one point/idea per slide• Use only 1 or 2 fonts• Choose your colors wisely.• Be consistent with your headings and

backgrounds• Use your graphics, sounds, animations for a

purpose• Be prepared!





What is wrong with the next slide?

Think of some ways to improve it.

Inventor (1847 -1922)

Bell's telephone grew out of improvements he made to the telegraph. He had invented the "harmonic telegraph" which could send more than one message at a time over a single telegraph wire. Bell reasoned that it would be possible to pick up and transmit the sound of the human voice using an adaptation of his "harmonic telegraph." In 1875, along with his assistant Thomas A. Watson, Bell constructed instruments that transmitted recognizable voice-like sounds.

Alexander Graham Bell• His life:

Born in 1847

Died in 1922

• His inventions:

The harmonic telegraph

The phone

Suggestion for a better version of the previous slide

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