guided meditation

Post on 19-Oct-2014



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The Different Types of Guided Meditation

A guided meditation is a meditation that is either done

with an instructor, or with instructional information.

A guided meditation will teach you how to meditate

in groups or alone.

There are many different forms to help guide you

through a meditation, and you will need to find the kind that

works the best for you.

Before you get started you have to decide what kind of mediation you want to do.

Your meditation may center around religion, self

advancement, or simply as a way for you to reduce stress.

Meditation comes in many forms, and all of them have been found to be effective.

Study up on the different types of meditation to find

the kind that is best for you.

Group or Individual Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is split into two different parts,

group and individual.

A group meditation is led by an instructor, which is the one who guides you.

In individual meditation you can use any number of

materials to guide you.

The types you choose depend on your schedule

and preference.

If you are not able to make scheduled meditation sessions every day, group mediation is

not for you.

You must also decide whether you feel comfortable

meditating with a group.

Group Guided Meditation

If you are studying in a group you will have your own personal instructor.

The benefit to this is that you will have someone whom you

can ask all of your own questions, and someone who can teach different methods.

You may be participating in a group, or form your very


Individual Guided Meditation

When it comes to individual guided meditation, there are many different things you can

do to find instruction.

Sometimes it will be difficult to find information about the

most obscure forms of meditation, but there is a lot

to find on most types.

If you want to a guide to individual meditation you can

find it in several different places.

• The internet

• In books

• On audio recordings

• DVDs

• Friends

These will all help teach you different methods and

techniques on how to perform private mediation.

It’s best if you search several different resources to gain the

most knowledge about the type of mediation you want to


The information you find will be able to tell you correct

postures, relaxing techniques, and tips to getting everything

you can from your meditation.

Guided meditation is best for beginners and people studying

more difficult forms of mediation, although it can be

used by anyone.

If you have an instructor you will be able to learn all about

the different types of meditation and how to use


You may want to learn more about group guided

meditations before you enroll in a class to make sure it is

something that will work for you.

Resource Box: A group guided meditation is when a bunch of

people get together to perform their meditation and

learn from their instructor.

You can find these classes held in studios in many cities, so taking a quick look through your yellow pages should find

you a few local classes.

The Different Types of Guided Meditation

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