guide to the foreword, preface, and introduction

Post on 08-May-2015






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Xlibris explains the difference between a foreword, preface, and introduction, and how you use them in your book.


Q.When is this book actually going to



What is a foreword? A preface? An introduction? Do you need all of them?

In this article, Xlibris Book Publishing will clear up the matter for our authors, once and for all!

Foreword/’f w d/ɔː əː

The Foreword (NOT the “forward!”)

a short introduction to a book, typically by a person other than the author.

Whoever writes it will likely be mentioned on the book’s cover; after all, if one of a reader’s favorite authors likes this book, maybe the reader will too.

Preface/ ‘prɛfəs /

The Preface

an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims.

Whereas the foreword was praise from someone other than the author, the preface gives the author a chance to toot her own horn.

Introduction/ ,ɪntrə’dʌkʃ(ə)n/

The Introduction

the action of introducing something.

The preface is where the author talks about themselves, but the introduction is where the book itself takes center stage.

So that does it for the foreword, preface, and introduction. We hope our self-publishing writers have found this interesting and informative! Next time, we’ll flip to the rear of the book and see what lurks there.

For now though, Xlibris Book Publishing hopes you’ve found this interesting, and looks forward to seeing you again!

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