guarantees matter infographic

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Dow Jones Industrial Average (9/1/12 – 9/1/13)



“Though the Dow increased nearly 2,000 points from September 2012 to the same period in 2013, investors’ willingness to take on more risk exposure remains virtually unchanged.”

In retirement, guarantees matter. Here’s why.

40% of Baby Boomers plan to work “until they drop”

American workers who expect to continue working once they’re “retired”

35% of current retirees are interested in converting a portion of their assets into a pension-like stream of income

Employees who say they would be willing to give up 5% or more of their salary if it meant having reliable income to help them live comfortably during their later years

Because people live a long time.

One member of a 65-year-old couple has a 50% chance of living to age 95. Adding guarantees to your overall retirement plan will help make sure your money lasts as long as you do.

Age 90

Age 95

Age 99

Odds of reaching age… (at least one member of 65-year-old couple)




Because they make you happier.

Retirees get more satisfaction from each

dollar of Social Security and pension income than

they do from other sources of income.

Source: “What Makes a Successful Retirement?” Research Magazine. Feb 2014

Because most employers don’t offer them anymore.

Source:, “The "Fiscal Cliff" and the Coming Retirement Crisis of the Middle Class”, Jan 2013

Only 10% of private companies in the US provide guaranteed lifelong pensions for their employees. 49%

of all American workers are not covered by an employment-based pension AT ALL.

Because retirees need them. Because retirees want them.

Source:, “15 Reasons the U.S. Retirement Crisis Is Even Worse Than You Think”, Nov 2012

Source: Workplace Benefits Report, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2012

Source: “Do you want to scare a Baby Boomer?”, Jan 2013

Source: Ipsos/New York Life survey of retirees, March 2014

Because nobody wants to worry. 52%

Investors willing to accept lower investment returns in order to preserve their savings

52% Investors worried about another market meltdown eroding their savings

Source: Market Strategies International: Cogent™ Wealth Reports, Investor Brandscape ™, 2013 Past stock market performance does not guarantee future results. All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuer.

Source:, “Boomers Report No Savings At All”, Feb 2011

Source: 2012 IAR Mortality Table

70% 82%

14856 - 1604665 (Exp. 12/31/15)

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