gslp power point

Post on 19-May-2015






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Megan Chandler’sGlobal Service Learning Project

Research Process

• In high-income countries more than two-thirds of all people live beyond the age of 70 and predominantly die of chronic diseases.

• In low-income countries less than a quarter of all people reach the age of 70, and over a third of all deaths are among children under 14. People predominantly die of infectious diseases .

• Mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) accounts for at least 90 percent of all HIV infections in children worldwide.

• Without treatment, around 15-30% of babies born to HIV positive women will become infected with HIV during pregnancy and delivery. A further 5-20% will become infected through breastfeeding.

• An estimated 420,000 children were newly infected in 2007, over 90 per cent of them in sub-Saharan Africa. Without treatment, an estimated half of these infected children will die before their second birthday

The Viramune Donation Programe

• VIRAMUNE® is the brand name for nevirapine, an antiretroviral drug Boehringer Ingelheim has developed to help fight HIV/AIDS.

• VIRAMUNE® consists of one single dose (200 mg tablet) to the mother during labor and one single oral dose to the infant with 72 hours after birth.

• To receive drugs through this program, birthing clinics must first apply. Applicants must also provide voluntary counseling and testing to pregnant women, and be able to identify those who are HIV positive.

• Boehringer Ingelheim offers VIRAMUNE® free-of-charge and covers all shipping up until the point of entry in all eligible countries.

Project Planning / Gathering Materials

• I knew that my project would have an artistic element and I wanted to do something hands-on.

• I decided to make cards for Mother’s Day. The style would be simple and versatile enough to be used for other occasions also.

• I considered how to make the cards and decided to emboss the designs.

• I researched embossing methods on YouTube and

• The tools I would need were stencils, embossing styluses, cardstock, adhesive, blank cards, and envelopes.

• I purchased my tools on various craft websites and bid for stencils on eBay.

Card Construction

• Once I had acquired all of my materials, I had enough supplies to construct 144 cards.

• Each card took between four and ten minutes to make.

• I enjoyed making the cards although my hand often cramped up, and if the paper shifted even a cm it could ruin the design I was working on.

Selling Cards

• I priced the cards at $2, $2.50, and $3 a piece. The price depended on the amount of time each card took to assemble.

• I sold my cards in front of the Maine Coast Bookshop on Saturday, May 2nd and Friday, May 8th.

• I also sold them at Granite Hall Store, Lincoln Academy, and Second Congregational Church.

Spending SpreadsheetDate Item Income Expenditures $ Type

3.15.2009 3 Embossing Stylus 7.34 PayPal

3.24.2009 Stencil (Class Brass) 12 PayPal

4.8.2009 Stencil (Brass Set of 4) 9.79 PayPal

4.13.2009 Pastel 12x12 Cardstock 17.3 Credit

4.13.2009144 Cards and Envelopes 50 Credit

4.29.2009 Adhesive Glue 3 Cash

5.2.2009 Sales 60

5.9.2009 Sales 79.5

5.10.2009 Sales 109.5

5.17.2009 Sales 15

Profit 164.57

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