growth of a new nation ss8h5 the student will explain significant factors that affected the...

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Growth of a New Nation

SS8H5 The Student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the US

between 1789 and 1840. (a, b, c, d )

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Map of the United States : exhibiting the post-roads, the situations, connections & distances of the post-offices, stage roads, counties & principal rivers / by Abraham Bradley Jun'r

CREATED/PUBLISHED[5th ed.]Philadelphia : Made and sold by Caldcleugh and Thomas, [1804]

The U. S. ExpandsAs a new country we begin to establish ourselves in the world.

Following the American Revolution, the United States began to expand. There was a thirst for land and for the independence it brought to its owners. Farming was the country’s main occupation and source of income.

Louisiana Purchase of 1803

Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase from France that doubled the size of the United States for just $15,000,000. Question

• True or False.

Thomas Jefferson had the power, under the US Constitution, to negotiate the Louisiana


• Even though he knew that there was no executive authority in the Constitution to purchase the territory, he feared Spain and France had the power to block American trade access to the port of New Orleans.• Then, in 1804 he sent an expedition

(Corps of Discovery) into this unknown territory to find a “Northwest Passage”.

Corps of Discovery 1804-1806• Lewis and Clark explored the newly acquired

land for a water route through the continent. https://www. Question

• What were the results of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Age of Expansion and Economic Growth

• Even though the Revolution left the U.S. in financial ruin and few people had any money to pay taxes, there were many new inventions that soon brought prosperity.– mechanized farming tools, steamboats, and

railroad engines– advances in industry, business, and commerce Question

• Which invention was said to have been the catalyst for the Industrial Revolution?

Steam engines power many new inventions

Canal boat being towed by a mule.

Early steamboat

Advances in transportation created business opportunities and the movement of goods andpeople was made easier and consequently caused economic growth.

Economic impact of new inventions

• Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin

Date Created/Published: 1869 Dec. 18.

•Increased the speed at which the seeds could be removed from the cotton.•Cotton now becomes a profitable cash crop.•Increased the demand for labor to tend the new fields of cotton that were now being planted. Question

• How do you think Eli Whitney’s invention impacted slavery in the south?

Time saving and labor saving= economic gains

Cyrus McCormick’s Grain Reaper

Innovations in Reaping and Threshing change agriculture and food stores

Threshing is removing the grains from the stalk.

Reaping is the cutting down of the wheat.

Land Fever in Georgia

Land policies

• Georgia tries to attract new settlers• Georgia uses different systems to give land away– Headright system was the first method used and gave

the land to the white male “head’ of the family which had the “right” to receive up to 1,000 acres (lands east of the Oconee River)

– Land lotteries began around 1803 when any white male at least 21 years of age could buy a chance to spin the lottery wheel for a designated land lot (lands west of the Oconee River)

Yazoo Land Fraud of 1795

• One of the worst political scandals in GA history

• When GA borders still went west to the Mississippi River

• Native tribes such as the Creek and Cherokee still lived there

Yazoo River located in the present day state of Mississippi

• Land speculators tried to make profits from the sale of this land

• First needed to own it in order to sell it for profit

• Bribed the governor and legislators to pass the Yazoo Act which sold this land (35 million acres) to four main speculation companies for merely $.02 an acre

(See map on slide 14)

Yazoo Fraud discovered• New settlers bought this land• Citizens of Georgia discover the bribery (fraud) and replace

all the legislators the following year in the next election• Newly elected General Assembly repeals the Act which

now causes confusion on ownership of the land• Laws suits are filed by those who bought the land and did

not want to give up their claims• This went all the way to the Supreme Court which settled

by paying off all the claims• Georgia’s new border now becomes the Chattahoochee

River, Georgia ceded the disputed land to the federal government in exchange for $1,250,000 Question

• How did the Yazoo land fraud impact the Native Americans living in the area?

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