growth - dispatches from the frontline

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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GrowthDispatches From The Frontline

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Robbie Jack. I’m a web developer and digital marketer. I've held growth

roles at multiple early-stage venture-backed technology startups. I currently run

growth at Boosted, maker of Boosted boards, and previously led digital marketing at

FullContact. I'm also the co-founder of a brand new startup called Fitbot and a

curator for the Silicon Valley Startup Digest.

What is a startup?

"A startup is a company designed to grow fast. Being newly founded does not in itself make a company a startup. Nor is it necessary for a startup to work on technology, or take venture funding, or have some sort of "exit." The only essential thing is growth. Everything else we

associate with startups follows from growth."

- Paul Graham, Founder of Y Combinator

What does growth look like?

Growth Hacking vs. Growth Marketing

When are you ready for growth?

What does product/market fit look like?

● Customers are buying as fast as you can build

● You’re understaffed

● Word-of-mouth is on fire

● Random emails/feedback thanking you

● Inbound press and general buzz

● High volume of inbound requests for promotion, partnership, influencers

Customer Reviews

User Generated Content


Viral Videos

Where do you start?

Recognize this guy?

People, Product, and Process

Growth Team

● Growth master

● Technical marketer

● Copywriter

● Creative

● Developer

● Analyst

● Channel specialists

Growth Process

● Planning

○ Ideate

● Testing

○ Execute

● Cadence

○ High-tempo testing

● Log everything

○ Maintain a testing backlog with past results

Growth FrameworkThe AARRR User Funnel

AcquisitionGet users to your site or app.

Customer Acquisition Channels● SEO


● Retargeting

● Programmatic Display

● Organic + Paid Social

● Influencer Marketing

● Content Marketing

● Video / YouTube

● Mobile

● Email / Marketing Automation

ActivationCreate a happy first experience for users, get them to the "aha moment".

The Magic Moment

RetentionUsers come back, visit multiple times.

RevenueUsers conduct some type of monetization behavior, ie. they buy something.

ReferralUsers like the product enough to refer others, talk about it, WOM.


Test across all AARRR layers.


One Metric To Rule Them All

What is your “North Star” metric?


● KPIs





● Bounce Rate

● K-factor

Conversion Metrics

Data-Driven Performance Marketing

It's all about finding success through testing and data analysis, then scaling as soon as

possible once you find it.

Q & A

Thanks everyone!

Follow me on Twitter at @devevangelist

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