group assignmnet (2)

Post on 06-Dec-2015






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Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Organizational Behaviour

Group Assignment-1

Manager’s Interviews

Submitted to: Prepared By:

Prof. Anamika Sinha Ankush Mundhra (151307)

Anshul Sinha (151308)

Anshun Gosalia (151309)

Anu Gupta (151310)

Anuj Das (151311)

Anurag Mehta (151312)

Shubham Chouhan (151352)

Section C


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews


In Modern days Business Organizations have become a colossal part of the society, it deals with the Production & distribution of resources that contribute for better economical and living standards for countries worldwide. The people responsible for this continual success and growth of businesses are Managers.

In order for an organization to thrive, it needs a good managers. Managers help staff to become the best they can be by providing the development opportunities, work to match the right people with the right skills to the right jobs, they work to hire and retain the best staff and to weed out the staff who do not fit into an organization's best interests. Peter Drucker, who invented management said, “The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.”

Thus a Manager plays a key role in the success of any organizations, an Effective Manger even with a mediocre team can lead an organization to success by effective planning and effectively utilizing its resources, while on the other hand an inefficient manager will lead an organization to its downfall even with the best of Employees and Resources.

Thus to know how an effective manager works we have interviewed 7 Managers who are successful in their field. We have intentionally chosen manager from different sectors of Business to see if the qualities of Efficient Manager changes from one business sector to another. The objective behind this interviews was to know the strengths & weakness of Managers, how they deal with the situation in difficult times, how they motivate their employees, How they deal with criticism, and other such questions which cannot be learned in books and requires practical experience.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Nakul Chouhan

Name of the Company; R.D. Automotive Pvt Ltd.

Designation; Director


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A leader is someone who has the power to control and decide the tasks and a manager is the person who decides how that particular task will be executed.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

- Leading by example

- Supportive of good work and critic of bad work

What would be your greatest weakness & Strength?

Greatest strength is building relations with people.

Greatest weakness is impatient nature.

How would you go about praising a team member in public?

Praising his/her work in front of everyone which would motivate him and others also.

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

One to one basis since in that case it is easier to make out how much the other person has understood

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

Initially when I joined my father’s business, I did not have the title of leader but I had started taking care of some areas. Initially I felt it would be difficult to influence people but with good reasoning behind my ideas I was able to get those things done that I wanted.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

I would dry run the process and show them the outcomes that will be achieved from it.

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?

Ans. By proving incentives after salary for achieving targets and verbal praise. For my team I am a rational and also a strict leader.

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

To agree my own mistake.

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

Apart from achieving the targets, maintaining employee’s faith in the organization is also success.

What is a leader’s best asset?

Team members are the best asset a leader has.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?


What are the most difficult decisions to make?

If any employee is constantly performing bad, should I give more time to him or should I ask him to leave.

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

Not involving myself too much in the decision making of team level tasks.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no authority over?

By proposing a idea and highlighting all the facts and figures used to arrive at that idea.

How do you go about resolving conflict?

Firstly, by asking involved parties to talk and solve it themselves. If no solution is reached I try to show them the grounds on which both of them can compromise.

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

By distributing work in smaller jobs and giving responsibility of each job to someone who has expertise in that area.

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

I talk to people and try to understand understand why they are not supporting the decision and then wait for the outcomes of the result.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

Firstly, selecting a leader for the task and then with him selecting the team and allotting them deadlines and clearly stated objectives.

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

If someday I’m not able to meet a deadline, I’ll show the progress upto that time to my seniors and then try to complete it as soon as possible.

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

By conducting training, motivational and spiritual programs.

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?

Changing the way of maintaining inventory was a basic but very essential change that was required.

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

It enables a manager to take authority and direct team members to do a way which is desired by the manager.

How would you go about developing your team?

Getting a mix of skills is a must, but also some common ground is required for them to easily relate with each other.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?


Analysis of the Interview

This interview is of Mr. Nakul Chouhan who is the Director of R.D. Automotive Pvt. Ltd. He is found to have many different qualities.

He believes in motivating his team members publicly and personally, and not just through money but also through verbal communication or praise. Also he criticizes someone when work is not done by him/her as per requirement. He gives importance to results, and also equal importance to process.

He is a confident person and believes in his abilities. He is of dominating nature and handles power properly and within limits. He thinks that internal competition among the team members is good for the members and the organization.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Anil Vankar

Name of the Company; Angel Broking

Designation; Manager

No. of Employees under him/her; 10-12

Work Experience; 12 Years


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

The manager imitates; the leader originates. The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

Infuse trust Take calculated risks Promote new leaders

What would be your greatest weakness& Strength?


Management Adaptability Leadership & Sportsmanship Risk taking abilities


I never feel comfortable until I complete my work in my way completely.How would you go about praising a team member in public?

Tell Them and Tell Others

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

Manager is always efficient in Group

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.6

Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Frankly telling, I don’t remember such situation and may be never faced such situation because your BOSS never lets you take his position.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

The best way to convince people is to be able to understand where they are coming from and address their questions and concerns about the new idea directly. It is also important to stay confident and believe in yourself because if you don't buy it, no one else will either.

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?

Show your employees you value their opinions. What is the most difficult part of being a leader? Implementing the Change

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

Successful leadership is something that happens organically when a leader focuses on the true impact of his or her actions.

What is a leader’s best asset?

Strong Communication

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?’

Verbal Communication

What are the most difficult decisions to make?

Firing an employee

What do you do when your work is criticized?

Today every one criticize to other which is most simple thing in world, so we should not take very seriously

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no authority over?

Talk to them frequently and make them my friend

How do you go about resolving conflict?

Avoid behaviors that add fuel to the fire. Remain calm Let the other person do the talking Genuinely consider the other person’s point of view. If you are wrong, quickly admit it and take responsibility. If the situation turns verbally abusive, put a stop to it

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

Clearly articulate the desired outcome. Begin with the end in mind and specify the desired results.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

I haven’t till yet. Situation will show me the path.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

Apply Common sense

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

Not meeting the deadline that means you are not doing your job properly. There should not be any excuse if you don’t meet your deadline, you just have to work hard in different way smartly.

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

Praise them in public

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?

Discipline, Motivation and Time bound work

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

Without leadership a manager is just “MANAGER” but he won’t stay long.

How would you go about developing your team?

Keep them under intense pressure. Motivate them but don’t help them Pay them more incentives Respect their work

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?

I am an MBA graduate, this is my Job and this is what I am paid for.

Analysis of the Interview

The interview is of Mr. Anil Vankar, who is working as Senior Manager in Angel Broking, which is a stock broking company. From the interview I found that Mr. Vankar is Straightforward and to the point, his anwers where direct. He was very frank, he showed me the structure of how he worked. After interacting to him I came to know that management is not the thing one need to learn it is the thing one need to practice. He told me that he did not work on any principle given in text books, but he analysed what they were saying in context to and accordingly he made his own principles. He then applied them practically if the principle worked he would keep it, if it didn’t work he would change it according to the situation. He believes in motivating every employees. He even motivated me in the short span of interview. His answers were very short but to the point. This was what I saw in Anil Vankar but I would surely confess that I really liked meeting him and that day really changed my mind set. Actually he changed my mind set about seeing the things.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

NAME; CA Ankit Gupta

Name of the Company; Landmark group, Lifestyle international ltd

Designation; Treasury finance manager


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

There is a lot of differences between a leader and a manager like

- A manager direct teams and a leader built the teams and coordination

- A manager takes the credit of the work and A leader takes responsibility

- A manager always reacts to any changes while leader make the changes happen.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

A leader will always be policy compliant and shows the path to success to others. Trust which we need to build across the teams and creates a healthy working environment. Other values are: Integrity, Dedication, Innovation, Competency, flexibility, equality and the most important is respect for each other.

What would be your greatest weakness & Strength?

I am good in adaptability, risk taking abilities, work in different work cultures and managing the people. My weakness are humbleness and forgive people very easily, trust people very quickly and cannot listen the lies.

How would you go about praising a team me?

mber in public?

Ans. Well praising one of a team member always built confidence among other teammates. I always try to be calm and composed and share the good work. Team member who feel appreciated and respected are more motivated than those who think their efforts go unnoticed.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

I can manage the both, groups as well as Individuals in IC roles. Well to be frank, managing the individual is always easy.

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

The title of leader does not come with a degree or a work experience. It comes with support and trust of people which is built while working with them, They look upon you as solution provider, a friend and advisor who can take you out from all problems. I remember some time back when we are working for one the hedge fund , I saw one of my colleague shaking on the seat which make me frightened, I went to him , and ask him about what happened, he has taken a position which becomes adverse because of unexpected market movements and he suffering huge losses. I took some time and explained the way how you can come out in effective manner and that worked and from that day, he used to call me BOSS.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

Convincing people is a difficult task which can only be handled by listening others first, taking in to confidence and having a positive conversation with them, making your stand point of view very clear with all pros and cons.

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?

I think equal respect, involving them in all decision and communicate properly and giving a sense of accomplishment (celebrating their individual & team performance) gives them good motivation.

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

Managing people from different varsity, cultures and meeting their all demands and expectations.

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

Ans. The simplest measure of success for a leader is to look at the success of organisation he drives.

What is a leader’s best asset?

Ans. Drive alone won’t do the job. For me, Strong communication with simplicity is a best asset for leader.

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?

I believe both modes of communication have their own good ways. However, verbal communication leaves a strong imprint on the minds of the teammates

What are the most difficult decisions to make?

Sometimes implementing new policies, change in roles or continuous poor performance of one of the team member which prompt you to take strong actions.

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

Not doing a good appraisal of my team members.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no authority over?

Well conversation and communication is very important to build. You should have the courage to inspire people.

How do you go about resolving conflict?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Listening one point of view, understand the situation, takes control and manages to keep people ego satisfied.

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

I just found another way of doing it. Will delegate only those tasks to them which they are capable of doing. Keep looping the teammates in all decisions and provide directions at the start of the project and wait for expected results at the agreed end-point.

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

I would call for a meeting and asked the employees to let us know about their opinions whether my decisions are valued, however I would also explain to them why the decision needed to be made. Sometimes people are more empathetic once they know the reasons for a certain action. I would also ensure employees that positives are to come from this decision and reinforce that their opinions and ideas are valued, but that this was a decision that needed to be made.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

Ans. Initially I would try to lay down the brief info of project, tasks & risks attached, interface required, any development required in any of the framework and do the planning to achieve the same. Once brief outlay is done, prepare a project tracker with agreed timelines with stakeholders. Allocate the tasks among the team/stakeholders, go for weekly review.

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

Well we always strive to achieve the task within agreed timelines. However sometimes, condition goes beyond our control like some statutory issues, legal hurdle etc. There are times when there is a project going on which involves several people even beyond your department, and which might face the fire of management. To avoid the same, we always worked proactively, keep patience, explain the management our stand where we gone wrong and try to handle the situation and take the responsibility.

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

Well we always maintain and it is our endeavour to keep team abreast with the latest developments, I asked my teammates to go on periodical training as and when they have free time, keep sharing the knowledge and maintain their learning curve at the top. We always do internal discussions on various new issues once in a month

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?

Every employee is a human capital and asset to organisation. To achieve the desired results you need to utilise your manpower in a best possible and efficient manner. It is up to management that in what manner they explored and extract our talent.

I have brought several changes to my current organisation in a short span of time like, starting exploring new and cheaper sources of borrowing like Commercial Paper, Started Investment in Liquid funds as a part of Cash Management etc.

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

Leaderships shows the right direction and way to handle & complete any allocated task. Leadership can make big differences in terms of individual role.

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Well no one is complete and has the desired qualification to do every type of work. It is only time, confidence and experience that built any employee to do any types of work. We have also faced certain tasks which we are having no clues. At those time, I took time, understand the basics and start doing the job.

Analysis of the Interview

This is the interview of Mr. Ankit Gupta, Treasury finance manager at Lifestyle International Ltd. After interviewing him, i found that there is no perfect personality that a leader should have .It all depends on the situation that which quality a leader should showcase.

After talking to him, i discovered that in the present era if one has to make his employee work, one should give equal respect and importance to his subordinates. But when one has to take some strict decisions, one should properly explain the reason of the decision so that the subordinates can understand and relate with the decision.

When we talked about distributing certain task among team, he try to allocate the responsibility according to his ability and will as he consider that a person perform well when he get work of his choice and area.

After the interview we can conclude that a leader and manager are not an individual but a position that a person takes in different situation and in the present circle Integrity, Dedication, Innovation, Competency are the primary qualities that a person should possess to be a successful employee.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Ankit Saxena

Name of the Company; ICICI Bank

Designation; Bank Manager


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A leader leads the team with his own thoughts and convince the group of people whereas the manager

manages the thoughts given by other set of people and convince the group of people to get the things done.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

A leader should be capable of understanding the set of people and having the influencing power to go ahead

and achieve the common goal.

What would be your greatest weakness & strength?

Greatest weakness & Strength of me is my Family.

How would you go about praising a team member in public?

Simply by praising his achievements and his positive attitude towards completion of an activity.

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

On one to one basis.

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

Approx 4 years.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

First trying to understand the team needs and then co-relate the task’s achievement with the team betterment.

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Convincing the team about the outcome and its relative effect on an individual’s growth.

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

Having a common approach of the group.

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

Convincing the team to go ahead for the common goal.

What is a leader’s best asset?

Convincing power with an effective speech.

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?’

Verbal communication

What are the most difficult decisions to make?

When I have to fire some employee.

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

Avoiding the criticism and move on with the team.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no

authority over?

Sitting with them and make them understand about their profit while performing the task.

How do you go about resolving conflict?

Make either party understanding the loss due to this or its adverse effect.

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

Make them more responsible and enhancing their learning.

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

I listened and I analysed other’s opinion.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

I keep a motive in front of my team and direct their thoughts towards achieving the goal.

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

2 months back, when I had some family problems

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

By giving them free will as well as responsibility.

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Though my communication skills brought many clients to organization.

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

Leadership converts ideas and efforts of a team towards the task.

How would you go about developing your team?

I create a self-motivated team and imbibe inter-dependency habits among members to that team can work as

a unit in itself.

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?

Yes, 3 years back when my boss was not working in accordance with the situation demanded. Then in lieu

of him I had to take lead, though it was risky.

Analysis of the Interview

Ankit Saxena has been working in ICICI as a Bank Manager from past 5 years. He is a self- confident person and value driven person who keeps a proper balance between his family and professional life. He motivates his juniors by praising their achievements. Ankit is good in verbal communication and prefers communicating in a one to one basis. He usually avoids criticism and tries to dominate his will over others until he gets a majority rejection. His manner of imbibing skills in a team reflects that he is a good leader. In situations when his boss did not take responsibility, Ankit took the initiative himself and tried to anchor the job.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Rakesh Sharma

Name of the Company; Rajbhog Sweets

Designation; Manager

Work Experience; 31 Years

No. of Employees; 45-50


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A manager always follows a leader and follow through the instruction given to him

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

The most important value as a leader is never show expression either you're disappointed or happy and also to keep balance between employee and employer.

What would be your greatest weakness& Strength?

Greatest strength is my bonding with my employee and the same thing is my greatest weakness.

How would you go about praising a team member in public?

I don’t believe in public praising if a employee does good he will feel good about himself

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

Most effective as a group

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

No such time

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

Mostly this happens in a team I would simply state lets go with my idea if it does not work let's see how you're idea works

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

In this business of sweets there is much more probability of faults but the main thing is to remain calm no matter how much or how big error is there and stay true to your employee

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

The most difficult of being a leader is to be a leader since everybody is depending on you

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

Success is measured by the profit nothing else.

What is a leader’s best asset?

Every assets is the best asset of a leader

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?

Verbal communication is the best as it clears all the barrier between two people

What are the most difficult decisions to make?

The most difficult decision is when the month ends who is the best employee.

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

The most criticism that i receive is that i mostly complete my work just before the deadline but my work is always quality not quantity.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no authority over?

There has never being an incident when my employee haven't reported to me

How do you go about resolving conflict?

As mentioned before verbal conversation between the people having conflict

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

Responsibility are given according to the years of services in the organization

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

No such incidents have occurred.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

Its sees the employee ability and efficiency to do a particular work and then projects task to them.

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

In this business of sweets you always have to meet deadline therefore there has been no occurrence like this before

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

By giving them raise once a year

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?

More product than before more choice to the customers

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?17

Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Leader always guides the manager in the right direction

How would you go about developing your team?

By Enhancing their skills and give them good enough salary

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?


Analysis of the Interview

Mr. Sharma has been workin in Rahbhog Sweets from last 31 years, he has seen the business grow but at the same time he has also seen some very tough time for the business. In the interview we can see how maturely Mr Sharma answers every questions. Mr. Sharma believes in participative management and workers coordinate with him as much as possible.

My Thinking of him for the brief moment I met him is that he is a situational leader because the business that he is involved in faces different type of problem every day and he need to work according to that situation.

Mr. Sharma says he motivates his employees but his motivation is one directional he says to motivate the employee all you need is to increase his/her pay no personal tap on shoulder is required which I believe is somewhat wrong as employee sometimes expect a few good word from their manger or the person in charge

Mr. Sharma have been very efficient and an effective Manager. He believes that to survive in this business you need to act as soon as you get orders and the orders never stops hence we need people who would respond or act as soon as task is handed out to them and also do it within the given time frame.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Brijen Gosalia

Name of the Comapany; Godrej & Boyce Mfg Ltd

Designation; Deputy General Manager


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A Leader is a mentor, coach and a guide. He lives by example where as a manager delegates the work down

the line and achieves the desired result.

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

Living by example, setting the vision and showing the path to achieve the targets.

What would be your greatest weakness & Strength?

I accomplish my tasks in set timelines, plan and see the far off beforehand and understand given scenario

thoroughly and strategize whereas the greatest weakness is short temper and impatience.

How would you go about praising a team member in public?

By rewarding his work and efforts and motivating others to do it in a such manner and also show the path

that was followed to achieve by a team member and also tell others that they can also capable of doing the


Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

I am equally effective in both, it depends on the task that needs to be accomplished.

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

It happened when all my colleagues and seniors were there for years and I took over as a leader in the same

branch where I was at the lowest level and arose to the highest level.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

I have to make him understand why certain things are to be done and what are the pros and cons. Also will

explain him of the future but not of the short term achievement and the benefits that one will also reap while


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

doing so. Also explain them the importance in the team and their how their contribution in a particular way

also helps everybody in the team.

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?

I motivate my team with ideas and by giving them the required infrastructure. I would also give them

examples of past experiences and its short comings. I am a leader who leads by example.

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

Its about handling different team members (with different set of skills and ideas) and bringing all of them

under one umbrella and make them work on a set common platform / process to achieve the desired.

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

I measure my leadership as how many sub-ordinates I have developed who are under me to rise in his career

path as well personal growth while I myself also grow while achieving the required.

What is a leader’s best asset?

A leader’s best asset is living by example and by knowing the capacity of his team to his fullest to the

organisation’s advantage.

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?’


What are the most difficult decisions to make?

The most difficult decision is to change the team player or when he has to be penalised for his not following

the guidelines process or stop an individual’s growth for his not following the company norms or being a

non performer.

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

I don’t look at time when a task is to be accomplished and I am a man of the perfection. I do not work with

hota hai chalta hai attitude.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no

authority over?

I explain people about the benefits that all in the organisation will get and also by explaining the importance

of their contribution. Sometimes suggestions are welcomed from them which at times work to be an out of

box and works extremely well. I also reward people for that going out of my authority level.

How do you go about resolving conflict?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

I explain the people about the right and the wrong which will impact the overall work to be done. I give

importance and respect to everybody’s ideas and at times have to use authority too. The best thing to resolve

a conflict is to discuss on one to one basis and then call parties together to arrive at a resolution.

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

Delegation of work should always be done keeping in mind the special skill set of an employee. Same has to

be broken into parts and then best person to be assigned the corresponding work. Finally the output has to be

in synchronisation of the overall desired results. Each person should be clearly then told of his role that he

has to play in achieving the final results.

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

There is no free lunch in today’s world. One has to be thoroughly professional and expect the same from

subordinates. If a person is not performing as per the assigned responsibility, he has to be explained and

warned before of the same and give him chance to improve. When this sill doesn’t happen, he has to be

informed of the same. One good tactic is also to pass on the message through is best colleague in the office

even though he is communicated of this clearly which will give him the message more effectively. This will

also help to inform other employees and can be easily crossed when he comes for explanation.

How do you organize projects and tasks?

All the project and tasks necessarily has stringent deadlines. They have to be broken into phases and pieces

and have to be assigned to the most eligible person who can complete it well within timelines and as desired.

Then finally the most important part is to synchronise all such tasks and accomplish the desired objective.

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

Once I was to dispatch 5000 appliances in two days and then another 1500 nos were added. I had data

readily available on my hand about my throughput and had informed all stake holders that this would not be

possible even if I add resources required to accomplish it. At the same, I had informed my bosses also about

this and with additional data analysis and even additional effort that would be put and still it will not be

achievable. This was still well appreciated as I had studied, analysed, put additional required resources and

would still not achieve full. When there is man & expertise involved, it increases the stretched output but

cannot exceed beyond a limit.

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

I encourage them by giving work and additional responsibilities of the next level and also give them

required training to do those jobs. This is done gradually and not at a stretch and person develops confidence

and required skill slowly and develops himself. H should also be supervised and should not be made solely

responsible initially when he is starting.

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?21

Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Work without fear of other colleagues and aim at achieving the results with full dedication. He should be

also made available resources and motivation. Courage, taking responsibility and work to achieve anyhow is

I have brought in.

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

A leader guides manager to align his resources and talent more strategically and reminds him of deadlines so

that he can replan also if required. A leader also leads by example and has to work with them and show how

things can be done systematically and results achieved.

How would you go about developing your team?

Training is the best way to develop any team. Also monitoring the implementation is important which

should be monitored.

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?


Analysis of the Interview

This interview is of Mr. Brijen Gosalia who is working as deputy general manager in Godrej & Boyce

Company. We have taken interview and found that they exhibit different qualities in different situations.

Like when it comes to praising or motivating team members, he uses the method of public appraisal and

showing the work to others. Also award special incentives where possible. When it comes to convincing he

might be little strict in nature and also has describes short temper as his weakness thus resulting into little

rough or disciplined behaviour.

When the team is unable to perform of doesn’t understand the work, he tries to explain it and help then by

showing the right way. When asked about people going out of authority, it seems he appreciates if the

outcome is fruitful for the organization and shows trait of risk behaviour at times. He even allows

subordinates to take their stand but in limit so that decision lies with him.

When we talked about distributing certain task among team, he chooses to divide as per the capability of the

person as it would generate more outcome for the team. If certain task is not achievable, it is good tactic to

keep informed superiors about the problem and keep them updated with the best possibility and to see what

can or cannot be done.

Thus this are some of the leadership and organizational behaviour of a manager we see in real time which help us get an overview like different situation requires different views.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Name; Sanjay Gadhia

Name of the Company; TCL China Ltd.

Designation; General Sales Manager

Work Experience; 4 Years


What is the difference between a leader and a manager?

A manager manages the work while leader leads the work .The Leader gives direction

What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

Leader has vision and he his proactive. He takes decisions which gives long term results

What would be your greatest weakness & Strength?

My greatest strength is I am proactive, aggressive and creative and my weakness is short temperament

How would you go about praising a team member in public?

My remarks “He is the back bone for the fantastic results which we obtained and its hard work, perfect planning and implementing of the strategy has delivered surpassing results”

Are you more effective in a group or one on one basis?

More effective in a Group

Describe a time you took a leadership position when you did not have the title of a leader.

I was promoted as Branch Manager in Godrej in year 1992. It was in History of Godrej that Non MBA candidate was promoted as Branch Manager. It was in the same branch where till yesterday I was working as sales executive.

How would you go about convincing among a team who disagrees to you?

It has to be in process First find out what is the reason because of past experience , if yes than what decision was taken that time and what was the results derived or show him the expected results which will come citing the examples of the past decisions which were taken and what was the outcome

How do you motivate your team and what type of leader are you according to them?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Motivating the team following points are to be considered Emotion, Esteem that they will be member of winning team to be proud of. Strategically how we will overcome the competition and Realistic. How to go and achieve the goals in step manner. According to my team I am problem solver, leading from the front and with positive attitude

What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

The most difficult part of being a leader when he has to take Harsh and Firm decision

Against vendors or team members or support staff

How do you measure success for you as a leader?

I would measure success of a leader not by numbers but when each and every team member achieves the objectives and at the same time they r proud as member of successful team. If the attrition level of team member or vendor or customer is Zero that is the most success story of a leader

What is a leader’s best asset?

He walks in front and leads the team and takes the responsibility of failure

Are you more comfortable with verbal or written communication?


What are the most difficult decisions to make?

When one has to take tough decisions like terminating the staff, or stopping the increment

What do you get the most criticism about you on?

I am sometimes too fast at getting things done.

How do you build support for ideas/goals with people who do not report to you and you have no authority over?

During regional meetings I always takes ideas from support time how we can improve our

Productivity or how to reduce the expenses in lean period. They feel motivated and sometimes we get good suggestions form support staff which I could never thought of it

How do you go about resolving conflict?

Break the problems into small parts and give solutions to each and every part of the problem without hurting the egos and esteem of staff and goes out with smiling face from my cabin

How do you delegate responsibilities to your team?

I believe in empowerment and gives them responsibilities with weapons and guidance and how to measure their success on week to week basis. On the basis of this they feel proud of themselves and goes out in field as CEO not at ASM

How did you a handle a time when you had to make an unpopular decision?

Always start the process with past records and suggestions given. Over a period what improvement has come against the expenses occurred and ROI. Last but not the least THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH

How do you organize projects and tasks?


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews

Following steps 1 who will handle the task 2 why he should handle the task 3 What will be the time period of completing the task 4 when mid review will be taken 5 What resources will be required to handle this task 6 Who will be the supporting team member to handle this team 7 what work each and every team member has to do 8 What changes to be done in strategy after mid review

Explain a time when you were not able to meet a deadline? Or you would deal what way if not?

Once during Diwali festival we had to close the consumer scheme and only 2 days were left out of which one day was falling on Sunday and we had not received the required data from trade partners Balance was 30 % We could reduce to 5% by sending all sales person in car and they had to cover all the trade partners and collect the data. Even the trade partners were told to keep their office open

How do you encourage the development of your employees?

Money is not everything in life. Any Good work which I employees does I always give him A Book of management to read on different subjects which becomes their assets and they can go through their leisure time

What is the most significant change that you brought to an organization?

Openness, Proactive and Fast Decision

What is the role that leadership plays to a manager?

Ans. Go along with team members for their targets achievements Give them vision and at the same time guide him where he has committed mistakes by virtually going out with him in market

How would you go about developing your team?

I would develop my team CEO of their territory not as Area Sales Manager

Have you ever taken on a job or risked taking it that you were unqualified for?


.Analysis of the Interview

This interview is of Mr. Sanjay Gadhia who is General Sales Manager at TCL China Ltd, this interview gave me great insight about leadership. Mr Gadhia who is not an MBA, but was still promoted as Branch Manager in Godrej because he had all the qualities which a company would look in a Manager. Mr. Gadhia is Proactive, aggressive and creative. He believes that employees are the backbone of any company, and success of the company depends on the performance of employees. Mr Gadhia measures success of a leader by attrition rate of customers, suppliers & vendors, lower the attrition rate more successful the leader. According to him numbers cannot define how successful a manager his, people involved in the business should decide about the success of a manager.

From the interview I could analyse that Mr. Gadhia has got all the qualities required in a successful manager.


Organizational Behaviour Manager Interviews


After analysing all the 7 interviews we can say that there is no fixed quality that a manager requires to be successful. The only important thing for a manager is to motivate his employees and make sure he gets best out of them. In the interview we can see how some managers where very tough while others where soft in nature, some believed money is the only motivating factor for employees while other believed that providing them good working condition will motivate them. In the interview we can se there was not a single question whose answer was same for all the manager, thus we can say that there are no fixed rules or qualities for a effective manager, it changes from time to time and from one business to another.


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